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I'm a gorgeous, active, affectionate guy. I was living outside on my own and was trapped by a lady caring for a colony of feral cats. She recognized right away that I was not feral, so she took me in, took care of me, and called Siamese Rescue. My rescuer named me Petey because I'm such a sweetie.

I was scraggly and thin when that very nice lady found me, but I've gained weight quickly. My coat is looking good now, if I do say so myself, but I'm sure it will look even better with all the good food I'm getting now. And I have this great plume of a tail. I guess it's not a proper tail for a snowshoe, but I like it and so does my foster mom.

My foster mom has been letting me out of my room, so I have met the resident cats and explored the house. I've done very well, but I can't say the same for the older, big male resident cat. HE's got a problem. But the resident young male flame point and I enjoy playing together. I like to be out where the action is and to play with toys. And like many 'shoes, I like water -- sink, toilet, whatever.

I'm very affectionate, and rub all over my foster mom, purring up a storm. I also like to follow her around the house and lay on her when she reads.

I like living indoors with food and lots of love much better than being on my own. Now I just need a forever home.

Sweetie Petey
Name:   Petey
ID#: VA8060
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/13/11
Adopted: 10/22/11
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Ellen


Notes from Home
Petey is a wonderful and georgeous boy. We picked him up and he had a 4 hour ride which he was just an angel and did not complain. Petey was in the swing of things as soon as we got home, he was hungrey. Petey has a great apetite loves to eat and is very good with the litter box too!! Petey is a true kitty cat wants to help with everything and then some also loves attention and does not want to miss any pets given. Petey has given us much love and is just a terrific addition to our household we are so lucky to have found him he is the playmaster just the non stop energy to lighten up any day... We cannot thank you enough for this wonderful group who make lives happier by carring so much for these wonderful fur pals with the mask face... Thank you

Wanted to send some pictures of Petey one with his buddy Simba. The boys really are having lots of fun and they have a great time playing with each other. They are great entertainment and we would not know what to do without them. Thank you all for the wonderful and exciting cats you are saving. Petey says thank you and his favorite bro says thank you.

It has been 3 years now just wanted to send Thank you again to everyone for all the wonderful things you do for these beautiful and amazing kit cats.... Love our Petey he is just a joy and his brother Simba thanks you too!! Petey now has another brother but on the doggie side and Petey thinks he is the cat's meow!! They love to play... Thanks again Petey is just the greatest!!

(Last update: Nov 6th, 2014 1pm)

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Name: Lily

(FKA Peppa)

ID#: VA10290
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/07/14
Adopted: 10/04/14
Congrats: Joseph
Foster: Rinn

Having a blast with my sisters here in this new foster place. We are the "spice girls"! Not your regular Siamese markings here -- we're each one of a kind with all sorts of color to love. I love playing with the feather toy. More about me soon!

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Notes from Home
Lily seems very happy and is a sweet kittie. She and her sister Luna get along well and have the best time playing. They have best personalities and mean a lot to me already.

1 Month Anniversary = Lily and her sister Luna are very lively and lovely kittens. They enjoy their new cat tree and as many Da Bird toys as I can buy them !
Really love them a lot. I'm attaching new pics.

(Last update: Nov 5th, 2014 12am)

I just got here with my sisters the "spice girls," and I'm having fun playing and exploring. I love hanging out on the cat tree and goofing around with Peppa and Cinnamon. I'm still getting over some sniffles, but foster mom says I'll be better soon! More about me and my sibs soon!
Name: Luna

(FKA Nutmeg)

ID#: VA10288
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/07/14
Adopted: 10/04/14
Congrats: Joseph
Foster: Rinn


Notes from Home
Luna is doing great and is enjoying life with her sister. They are affectionate kitties. Luna is not as shy anymore and loves to play a lot.

1 Month Anniversary = Luna and her sister Lily are very lively and lovely kittens. They enjoy their new cat tree and as many Da Bird toys as I can buy them !
Really love them a lot.

(Last update: Nov 5th, 2014 12am)

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Name:   Bianca
ID#: VA10226
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 08/09/14
Adopted: 10/05/14
Congrats: Gidget
Foster: Sandra

I came into rescue with my sister, Bridget.. We are both purring loudly and are happy to be safe. I'm a little less bold than my sister, but will follow you around, especially when you are using the bathroom sink. I like to see what you're doing there! I'm the more gentle, quiet one, who would love to be your companion, or a friend to a laid back male cat. I am always the first one to run out of the door of the foster room, then run back! I'm adventurous and curious, and am also very affectionate.

I have immaculate toilet habits, and use the cat tree scratching post, or the flat cardboard one.
I'm very curious and will walk up to investigate anything that interests me. I'm o.k. with the family dog, who is calm and does not chase me.

I love to be held and petted! SEE MY VIDEOS!

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Notes from Home
Bianca is a very happy kitten and loves to play. She is not a lap cat at all. I had hoped she would be a good companion to our 2 yr old male but she plays mostly with our 7 yr old female. I had also hoped she would be a lover to me but she has decided that she is my husbands cat and tolerates me, except when I get up to leave the room she runs in front of me talking telling me I want to play NOW!!! She loves the feather wand and we have had to replace all the feathers already. She loves the cubes and when I throw the feathers on top of the cubes she will pounce right in the middle of them even if another cat is inside. She makes me laugh alot at her antics. She loves the cat tree, so we bought a taller one and she likes the barrel and the top. She is just starting to venture onto the bed with us and our other 3 cats but wants to lay on my hubby's legs and when she sleeps she stretches out almost 2 feet long.She has a good appetite and has great litter box habits. She is cleaning herself all the time. She is beautiful and a fun addition to our family. I guess my hubby needed her more than I did. He had a lynx for 17 yrs and he took it hard when we lost him. I knew when I adopted Bianca that it was a big possibility he and she would bond. Cats unlike most dogs choose who they want to bond with. Maybe next I'll let my hubby pick our next new kitten. But hopefully not for a long time. I love all 4 of our babies and wouldn't trade them for the world.She also loves her scratching board.
(Last update: Nov 4th, 2014 4pm)

Oh, how I long for my forever home. I am growing up so quickly and turning into a sweet and gentle boy. Don't get me wrong, though, I still love to PLAY! I really will need a playmate, preferably a female one, but I could handle a laid back male companion as well. I have found out that I love kids and I wouldn't mind sharing my space with one of them, especially if they will play with me. I also don't mind the dog that comes to visit here at foster meowmys. He is small but he lets me rub on him and jomp on him and, well, you know, play with him. If you think you would like to bring me home and cuddle with me, and play with me of course, please ask about me!

Purrs and headbutts,
Name:   Peter
ID#: VA4416
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/26/06
Adopted: 11/04/06
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Jez


Notes from Home
Wow! 8 years already! Yes, how time flies and Peter (now known as Noodle) is doing great.

Noodle is an awesome little guy and I love him to pieces. He's such a snuggle bunny and he just loves everyone. Always wants to be with you, can never be held too much and loves to have conversations with everyone. He's a smart little boy and know several tricks. He will sit, give you his paw and give you kisses when you ask. Noodle will also give you hugs when you ask, if the motivation is right (food). He's extremely outgoing and thinks he's the Mayor at the vet. He wants to meet everyone and all the other animals. What a precious little boy he is.

He's a good car traveler (as long as he's not in his carrier) and goes with me when I drive on longer trips. He readily finds his spot on the arm rest between the two front seats and will camp there most of the ride.

He's an indoor cat unless he is on a harness or in a fenced space with supervision and enjoys that quite a bit. He especially enjoyed seeing the big wet hole in the back yard this year with those big floaty things that MOVE!

He does suffer a little from a chronic upper respiratory condition that gets treated with Cerenia and it helps some. Other than that, he's perfectly healthy and a silly, mischievous loving little boy. Pretty much a kid in a cat suit.

(Last update: Nov 4th, 2014 3pm)

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Name: Figaro

(FKA Maya)

ID#: VA10141
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 07/12/14
Adopted: 08/09/14
Congrats: Sheri
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
A gentle soul, come visit and sit on the floor and I'll come right over looking to be your friend. While I don't kiss on the first date I do believe in good conversation, lots of pets, and great food. I'm okay with other cats but if they're overwhelming, no thanks, a quieter home suits me just fine. I'm more interactive than many of the females but not so overly needy that I'm a pest! And if you had a cute, easy going, fun young male, I might do very well with him, as I like that guy Mystic that's here!

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Notes from Home
Maya has now been renamed Sparkle because of her outgoing personality. There were no NHJ (new home jitters). None! Sparkle settled right in, explored the new digs, ate a meal, was pleased there were no other cats, only loving humans, and decided yep: I like it here. I think I will stay.

Sparkle will live with our elderly mother, and my husband Andy's sister Caroline and husband Bill are bonding with her too as they will take her in should that day become necessary. They came over to visit her yesterday afternoon, and fell in love! Bill took out some of the many toys Siri sent with Sparkle and she was happy to play with him. While mom, Caroline, and I sat on the couch talking, Sparkle jumped right up and nestled among the girls to take a nap. This confirms what I have always suspected about cats. They are wise souls and understand things. Sparkle quickly figured out she is safe and among the humans that are meant to be hers.

Best of all, Sparkle slept with Mom last night - just what the doctor ordered for loneliness!

Caroline and Bill were back to visit again today, and Sparkle nestled on the couch between the girls again. Bill took out the toys again, and Sparkle enjoyed the play session.

Once again I realize that these gentle souls actually give us at least as much as we give them.

Mom changed her mind about Maya/Sparkle's name. She is now Figaro after the pet cat of Mister Geppetto and Pinocchio. Works great for opera lovers, too!

Sept. 2, 2014 update: Maya is now Maya again. Mom decided she really is a "Maya" personality. The photo was taken by granddaughter Jenn who is visiting this evening.

Mom is very happy with her new kitty! Maya sits on the couch with her almost all day long, and follows her when she goes somewhere in the house.

Oct. 19, 2014: Mom and Maya are completed bonded. They spend the day and night together on the couch in the family room/kitchen area. Maya is always either on Mom's pillow near her cheek or on the little quilt that came home with her from the center (and that is on the end of the couch at all times). They are never apart except for the occasional doctor appointment that Mom goes to. When that happens, Maya is sitting by the door on the bottom step of the staircase that goes to the second story of the house waiting for her return. I think Maya has blossomed in a very quiet household that has no other pets. My husband brings the dog over every Saturday, but Maya has no use for him. As long as he keeps his distance, she is willing to let him sit in the family room. If he gets too close to HER couch, she hisses. So not a big dog lover, but I think she could peacefully co-exist.

Maya continues to get to know Bill and Caroline (DH's sister and BIL) who come over almost every day. We have a good backup plan in place given that MIL is 93 and getting smaller every day. We're hoping for lots of time with Maya and MIL together, though. They truly love each other.

Nov. 4, 2014 A new picture from my visit to Sybil and Maya last Friday. You can see how much they love each other!

(Last update: Nov 4th, 2014 2pm)

Curious about my name? Of course you are! Look up the lyrics for a Johnny Cash song by the same name. The people that found me in a feral colony must have thought that like the boy in the song, I needed a sissy name so that I would learn to grow up tough. But us flames aren't tough, we're sweet! But here I am - a boy named Sue. I'm a real sweetheart, and foster mom will tell you more about me as she gets to know me.
Name: Floyd

(FKA A Boy Named Sue)

ID#: VA10333
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 09/20/14
Adopted: 10/04/14
Congrats: Shawnessa
Foster: Jackie


Notes from Home
We named a boy named sue, Floyd after Pink Floyd. He likes to be picked up, and held everywhere. He's a baby and we adore him!
(Last update: Nov 4th, 2014 7am)

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Name: Kongzi

(FKA KaChang)

ID#: VA6620
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/17/09
Adopted: 10/30/09
Congrats: Alysoun
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I'm just so overwhelmed by all of this. I was living the good life out in the yard with a plate of ants and meow mix...and then all of a sudden I'm sleeping in a millie bed with catnip and, gasp, WET food. I'm happiest when I can sleep under the bed and be left alone - but sometimes I cry at night and I'm not sure why. Foster mom can pet and pet and pet me when I'm under the bed, but I'm not too sure about letting her get me out in the open yet. There's another kitty here playing with all my toys and I'm thinking I'll have to be brave unless I want her placing dibs on everything. Maybe tonight I'll venture out...

UPDATE: Life is good on TOP of the bed...that's where I get to eat Feline Greenies out of fostermom's hand!

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Notes from Home
Kongzi is now enjoying the country life (still indoors, of course!) in Middleburg VA. Here are a couple photos from this year. He will have his annual physical this Wednesday Nov. 5, 2014.
(Last update: Nov 3rd, 2014 6pm)

I was turned into shelter into a very rural area of VA. The ladies there contacted Siamese Cat Rescue to come see me and they came quick to see me and I was out of there in 3 days! I arrived at meowmy's house on Tuesday evening (7/22) and she quickly saw I was full of fleas, so I got a good bath and she got all those fleas off me. I feel so good now!

Meowmy said I'm a cutie, and I should be ready for a forever home in about 3 weeks, so if you'd like a kitty like me, just ask and maybe I can spend my life with you.


Name:   Jacinda
ID#: VA10170
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 07/22/14
Adopted: 09/27/14
Congrats: Cynthia
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Jacinda is now Nala and she is so fun. Loves Bobby my 14 year old male. Nala has now a new brother so the two are so funny. I have all hardwood floors and when they run and play they slide around the corner. What fun for them.
(Last update: Nov 2nd, 2014 10am)

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Name:   Sage
ID#: VA7275
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 09/11/10
Adopted: 10/02/10
Congrats: Sharon
Foster: Rinn

Sweet and sensitive and snuggly is what I am. I'm a playful lynx point girl who is growing into her lynx point reputation of being a love bug. I have loads of fun with my sisters Sasha and Sofie. I need to go home where there is a buddy to play with me. And know that I will have loads of fun playing with you, too!

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Notes from Home
.Sage continues to steal our hearts! Dr. Terri and Paula absolutely love her... She has established a morning routine where she jumps into my arms after my shower and lays her head on my shoulder and I rub her head eliciting loud, contented purrs... She remains healthy and LOVES Binx!
(Last update: Nov 1st, 2014 1pm)

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366 Meander Run Rd, Locust Dale, VA 22948
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