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My foster meowm named me Penelope, as I'm an avid investigator like the Penelope on T.V. There's not one spot I leave without investigation.

My foster meowm says I need to put on some weight, but after I accomplish the weight goal she has for me, she says I'll make a wonderful companion for my family. I love to sing, love to play & just plain love this new life I'm about to embark upon. I came from a home with many other cats & Siamese Rescue came to my rescue & now I have a bright future with a home with one or two other cats.

I need to go & investigate yet another spot I missed, so I hope to see your inquiry shortly!

Penelope (Penny)
Name:   Penelope
ID#: VA10264
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 08/23/14
Adopted: 09/21/14
Congrats: Heather
Foster: Debi

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
finally here to add pictures!

Sorry it has taken us so long to get back and post photos and make comments. We absolutely love and adore Penny, she is fitting in well and getting along really well with Bella and especially Muhammed.

Penny: Mo and I play all the time and I chase him around the house. I like to follow him around and do everything he does, he is such a good big brother. I also love love love to eat and the food here is great! I have put on some pounds, growing like a weed. I may even end up larger then the other two when I am full grown.

Penny is such a great kitten and was easily accepted into the pride. She has gotten many more teeth and now snuggles and purrs at the drop of a hat. Her favorite snuggle time is early in the morning when it is time to wake up. Nothing like a purring alarm to make you not want to get up and go to work. Any other time she can be found exploring and looking for new items to entertain herself with.
We are so thankful for this little soul, we even call her 'Penny's from heaven' and 'lucky Penny'.

(Last update: Nov 15th, 2014 8pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Stella

(FKA Miranda)

ID#: VA10332
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 09/20/14
Adopted: 10/11/14
Congrats: Janet
Foster: Heida

Sweet, a little shy, gentle little girl looking for a quiet home with another cat to be best friends with.

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Notes from Home
10/15/14 Stella nee Miranda is settling into her room. Our shy little girl comes to greet me after only 3 days and is eager to be pet and held. She is eating both wet and dry food like a champ and using her litterbox like a good girl. Her big brother Quincy can't wait to meet her and the feeling is mutual. They play Paws under the door and seem happy to jnow the other is there. I can't thank everyone enough for helping me find a wonderful friend for Quincy. From my interviewer, Loralee to the foster Heida to all the terrific transporters, this has been an amazing journey! Siamese Rescue is the best! Looking forward to sharing more updates.

Stella is now up to 5.4 lbs. She is becoming less timid and more loving as each day passes. Our slow integration has paid off. Stella loves playing with her big brother, Quincy!

(Last update: Nov 15th, 2014 1pm)

You need a lap warmer? Need a companion? A friend? I'm all of that and SO MUCH MORE!

I am long and lean like a wedgie, but have more of an apple shaped head. Just goes to show you, I'm unique! I adore people and will follow you everywhere. I like other cats and don't mind dogs either. Mom says I'm PURRFECT.
Can we talk?

Name: Schnickelfritz

(FKA Hudson)

ID#: VA5828
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 08/02/08
Adopted: 09/07/08
Congrats: Sarah
Foster: Linda

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Schnickelfritz is still doing great after 2 years. We had our vet check up and he is doing well. He has lost a little weight but the vet said he could stand to lose a little more. Not that he was ever fat but we are trying to keep him trim and healthy! He and his brother get along well about 98% of the time. Sometimes they get a little too rowdy playing and someone starts hissing and they get separated for a while. Not ten minutes later you find them curled up in a kitty ball. Schnickel is a great cat and we couldn't adore him more!

12/5/11: Schnickel is still doing great! We've had our yearly vet check up and he had gained a little weight so we're cutting back a bit. (He was overeating on days that his picky brother didn't like breakfast but that has been resolved!) We are so fortunate to have this kitty in our lives. He gets more and more affectionate as the years continue and we just adore him!

9/11/12: Schnickelfritz is great. We just had our yearly vet check and everything looks good. He has lost some weight but still could lose a tiny bit more. We'd like to cut him off the dry food entirely but he can be SO demanding. We're working on it. Down to just a few nibbles a day.

He picks on his brother occasionally so we try to combat that by playing with him to wear him out when he gets up to it. He is a great cat though. We love him very much and can't believe its been 4 years!

11/12/14: Schnickelfritz is still doing great. He sees the vet a bit more often than he would like because he has a little anal gland issue and scoots quite a bit. We've had to start taking him basically every two months. We moved to a new house so he has twice as much space to run around in and is loving it!

(Last update: Nov 12th, 2014 11am)

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Name:   Ms Minouse
ID#: VA8779
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 09/07/12
Adopted: 10/14/12
Deceased: 11/10/14
Congrats: Adrienne
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

If you look into my eyes and you'll see all I want is a comfortable forever home for as long as I have left. You see, no one had me spayed until now and because I'm 10, it caused me to get breast tumors which turned out to be cancer. They've been removed and the doc said he got clean margins (which is a good thing), but there is no guarantee that the cancer won't come back somewhere else. It could be two years or more before that happened, but no one knows for sure.

I am a very loving girl, and get along with all the other cats here. I love to be petted, and will even roll over for a belly rub. I have excellent litterbox habits and a good appetitie.

I'm not much trouble, so if you have a big heart and would love me until my time is up and then help me to the rainbow bridge when I'm ready, maybe I can come and live out my days with you. Ask about me if you think you could do that.

Ms. Minouse

Note: This is considered a hospice adoption, with the fee waived.

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Notes from Home
Missy is a wonderful girl. Loving with everyone and no one is a stranger. She loves peacock feathers the most of all the toys and drags it down the hallway with the feather between legs. She is a joy to have around.

March 17, 2013
The name Missy never stuck. She goes by Minouse and much of the time "Moose". She has put on extra pounds and has become a chunky monkey.
Our 14 year old boy, TC, has found a true friend. He and Minouse spend much of the time together with my husband on the recliner or in a Millie bed and are often busy grooming each other.

She will get a toy and walk around the house telling us about her catch until we talk to her about it.

May 13, 2013

Ms Minouse was back in for surgery for the cancer that returned in two mammary glands. Her bloodwork and chest x-ray were clear so we opted for the surgery hoping to get more time. She is a real trooper. Hated to be kept locked up in the bedroom while she recuperated, forget trying to keep her from jumping. The surgery certainly didn't change her appetite. She still loves eating and likes to finish before Roxi and T.C. so that she can help them clean their bowls.
She does like to let Roxi know that she is the queen of the house. She will chase Roxi and we have some hissing that goes on, but no fights.
The weather has improved so we have the sunroom open and all three cats spend most of the day out there. Minouse is usually curled up with T.C. She has been such a blessing for him.

October 20, 2013
Ms. Minouse continues to do well. No signs of cancer and we are thankful. She is still a character, always interrupts Roxi when Roxi is getting the attention. She and TC are still great buddies, I enjoy their playful "fights" and the grooming that they do for each other afterward

November 11, 2014
The cancer came back in the spring and she had surgery again and did great. She was a real trooper. Then the cancer spread and we couldn't do surgery to get rid of it. She crossed the rainbow bridge yesterday. We are heart broken to lose such a special cat. Her best friend TC is waiting for her to come home.

(Last update: Nov 11th, 2014 9pm)

Oh wow everyone is missing out on me! I am a pretty girl and so easy about so many things. I eat what you give me and I use the litter box like a pro. I like to have a little playful frisky time everyday where you'd never guess I was a day over two.

I'm looking for a home where I can be your one and only cat and you'll listen to what I have to say and we'll get on famously. So go ahead and ask about me.
Name:   Lyla
ID#: VA10293
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/09/14
Adopted: 11/08/14
Congrats: Sue
Foster: Lisa

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Lyla is a joy to be around! She is sweet, beautiful and healthy. She has been with us since Saturday, and my only regret is having to leave her when we go to work. I can't wait for the weekend to be able to spend more time with her! She is the first cat I've ever had that actually comes when I call her. She is just as Lisa, her foster Mom described and we are so in love with her!

Thank you to all who made this possible, and especially to Lisa for taking good care of her before us. We are very impressed with the smooth efficient way that the adoption progressed. The response time for every step was phenominal!

Now I will try to upload some photos of Lyla to share with you...

(Last update: Nov 11th, 2014 6pm)

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Name:   Rafe
ID#: VA10088
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/17/14
Adopted: 10/11/14
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Hello people!

I'm not running for office----just hoping to land a home and I don't care what political party you are affiliated with as long as I'm your one and only candidate we will do purrfectly fine. I do love to give hugs----I will wrap my paws around you gently for one.

Affectionate, loving, and sweet...just a hunk of purrfection here. I was out on the streets for a stint so I have no desire for that life. No way, now how. Playful, fun, and easy to love. I never miss my litterbox and I'm never late for dinner. I'm a real gentlecat.

I seem to be healthy although I do have a little virus I carry in my blood and the only way that I can give it to other cats is by deep biting or breeding (which I'm not physically able to do since that little surgery I had). I can live a long, loving life. We really never ever have any guarantees. I choose to live in the moment and to the best of my ability. Now where the heck are my favorite toys? Later!


PS Guess what? I HAVE WINGS....so I can get anyplace on the east coast as long as the catplane goes there. I am so excited at my pawsibilities!!

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Notes from Home
Rafe is one funny cat! He will entertain himself with cardboard boxes, his fabric cube or the crinkle tunnel. No issues - he eats great and never misses the litter box. We are working on him not jumping up on the kitchen counters!
(Last update: Nov 11th, 2014 3pm)

Outgoing, I am a boy all about having fun, snuggling, and enjoying life to its fullest! Stay tuned for more!
Name: Blue

(FKA Simba)

ID#: VA10392
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 10/11/14
Adopted: 10/25/14
Congrats: Judy
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
We adopted Blue two weeks ago and we haven't been happier. He's the perfect cat anyone can dream of. He sleeps in our beds, sits on our laps, listens to us: he now learnt not to jump on the table when eating and not to sit on the chairs when we sit next to us on the chairs when we eat. He learns and understands fast.
He loves to drink water from the bath tub and chirps all day. He constantly interacts with us and lives to rub his body against our legs. His favorite thing is to sleep on our necks :-)
He purrs all day long :-)
He loves standing near the windows and chirps to the birds, chipmunks and squirrels. He has discovered a new world of "there's an outside world" but he hasn't experienced this yet and we don't want him to experience this. When we come home he waits near the door and tries to sneak out. We just added his pet link chip to his collar as if one day he's faster than us we would like to detect him ASAP.
We changed his name to Blue as his blue eyes are so beautiful together with his grey fur.
He's just adorable!!! Me, my husband and our three kids LOVE him!!!!

(Last update: Nov 9th, 2014 10pm)

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Name: Daisy

(FKA Jane)

ID#: VA5972
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/25/08
Adopted: 11/08/08
Congrats: Daniel
Foster: Siri

My brother Calvin and I are a pair, always have been, always will be. We look out for each other, bathe each other, adore each other. Found on the side of the road amidst snowdrifts years ago in Wisconsin, we've lived a loving well cared for life - but now have a human 'bean' in the house very allergic to us. We're fine with dogs, kids and people, well adjusted, healthy and kissy faced. So if you're looking for a ready made family, consider us!

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Notes from Home
Daisy and Dusty are doing great
They both received a clean bill of health from the Vet .
They both are getting older and slowing down, but still very happy

Daniel and Christine Telesco

(Last update: Nov 8th, 2014 5pm)

OK, OK, so I've proven I can live with other cats and do just fine. I've learned to put up with the three others here as long as they let me do my thing, because I really want to be Queen of the House. How can you guys resist me? I don't want to be a buddy for another cat (see Queen or the House clause in my contract). All I ask is your undying love for my toasted marshmallow, fluffy self! Well, and delicious meals, and lots of affection, and oh, did I say Queen of the House? Look into these baby blue eyes and say Yes!
Name: Abby

(FKA Shellie)

ID#: VA9853
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 02/08/14
Adopted: 05/05/14
Congrats: Nann
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Dear Rinn, Karen and Group:

How are things down your way? I hope your meezers are all doing well and yourselves too.
Updating you on Abby.....she is a dream....you couldn't have done any better in choosing her for me!! We have finally gotten thru the "difficult" stages, and she is a treasure to me. She has done
well with me in everything. She sleeps with me, she doesn't go 2 inches away from me on most times. Her only problem is scratching, and that's to be expected. I still have not conquered me cutting her nails, or taking a bath yet. She's just so happy all the time I don't really worry about the little things anymore. She plays either with me and "Paper Balls" I make from left over mail I take from the computer, or she plays with her toys. But, she seems happiest when she and I are throwing paper balls around. She eats very well.....she has a particular dry food by Iams she likes, and she likes her canned foods, I use as "treats" when she seems tired of dry food. But, she is very healthy and making up for lost time of the past. She wants to be loved on all the time. She wants me to hold her, or play with her, but, whatever, she seems to be making up for something she never had before me. She has gotten over the "batting" stage that she went thru earlier. Now, she wants my hands on her and rubbing her and loving her. She actually will rub up against me if I'm not paying attention to her, just to make sure I love on her and make her happy.

Abby and I are one happy family. My Coco passed away in July, and he he buried outside my door in the garden. He and Abby got along fine, and when he was gone, she missed him as much as I did. I loved him for over 22 years, and I hope I can have Abby that long too. Well, I won't make it, but, I hope she does.

Well, that's our update for all of you. Just to let you know, Abby and I are very happy together. She is wonderful for me now, and even waits at the door if I leave, she's there waiting for me when I walk in the door. She's my little angel, and I'm extremely happy with her.

Take care all, hope you have your update on Abby and I. Talk with you soon. All our love, Abby and Nann....I haven't figured out how to do pictures on my computer yet, so, maybe next update!!

(Last update: Nov 8th, 2014 2am)

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Name:   Jasper
ID#: VA10322
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 3mon
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 09/17/14
Adopted: 10/26/14
Deceased: 10/30/14
Congrats: Peter
Foster: Belinda

infoKitten Policies apply
Just arrived. More information soon.

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Notes from Home
Deceased 10/30/14 from FIP
(Last update: Nov 7th, 2014 6pm)

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