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Looking for a petite young lady with classic good looks? Then check me out. Brother Toby and I come as a pair, so please ask about him, too, if you inquire about me. I know - he's not the stunner that I am, but we go together. He's the lover, I'm the classic diva.

Name:   Maisy
ID#: VA6609
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/13/09
Adopted: 11/14/09
Deceased: 11/01/14
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: Eva

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Maisy was very shy, scared, and quiet at first. She hid behind the master bathroom toilet as all spaces were covered so she could not get under any furniture. Late on the first night she came to the door and played with a toy string, but would not come near us. We heard them playing in the night so we knew she was ok. Sunday Maisy hissed at us. Monday I caught her napping on the back of couch, but she ran from me if I got near. By wednesday she obvious was really missing affection because she jumped up and layed on my lap all night. We didn't think she even meowed. We did not hear anything from her for over a week. SHe has a cute little honk, not all the typical deep siamese cry, but we love it anyway.
Maisy loves to lay on my lap or lay in front of the fireplace. She purrs much more than Toby does.
We kept both of their names, but we gave them nick names. We call Maisy "MaeMae" and Toby "TobTob".

Year 4 , maisy was diagnosed with chronic kidney disease a year ago. We have a wonderful new vet that comes right to the house since she needs to be seen more often. We have had some other health scares since the diagnosis...pancreatitis in January, chronic sinus infection most likely caused by a tumor, and most recently bloody urine due to cystitis. We take it day by day enjoying every moment we have with her since she may not be with us much longer.
Maisy is a snuggler, she sleeps under the covers curled up next to mom. She shows us when she is not getting the attention when she wants by chewing on her tail and getting it soaking wet, does not make for a nice tail to pet. She also pulls chunks of hair off her back when she is unhappy....especially after receiving fluids. She is such a good girl and takes her pills with little effort.
Maisy still loves to play with pompoms and sparkle balls. She still plays like a kitten from time to time. She loves belly rubs and purrs and talks to us all the time. She is the light and love of our lives and we are deeply sadden that she has fallen ill so early in life. We take care of her needs to best of our ability and try to make her comfortable and happy with time we have left.

November 2014
We are severely heart broken to update that Maisy peacefully crossed the rainbow bridge on November 10, 2014, just shy of her 5 year Anniversary. She fought a brave 2 years with her kidney disease and chronic sinus issues. We tried our best to keep her comfortable and it all just became too much for her and we had to make the hardest decision a pet owner has to make.
She was such a sweet, loving snuggle bug even up until the end. We miss her dearly and will carry her in our hearts forever.

(Last update: Nov 22nd, 2014 12am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Anya
ID#: VA2987
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 10/26/04
Adopted: 11/20/04
Congrats: Maryann
Foster: ShirleyBo

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Hi guys! I am pretty overwhelmed by all the changes and can get scared easily by loud noises. but I do like to sit on foster mom's lap and I purr the moment she picks me up! I do like to play with Zubi and we would make a great pair he is a great friend So why not take the two of us! We are small.

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Notes from Home
Shirley and all,
Anya (no name change) is a happy, wonderful, healthy and sweet kitty. She loves
attention from Mom & Dad on her terms, sits in Dad's lap every night but still
hides when company arrives. However just opened up last week to her sitter to
accept some petting from her while Mom & Dad were away. She had her annual
physical and necessary vaccines last month. She enjoys spending time with her
buddies... Gracie, aa 11 year old mix russian blue/siamese rescued from a local
shelter after a long 6 month wait for a home 6 years ago and Quinn... a special
calico found wandering in the parking lot at Dad's work 3 years ago as a 5 oz
scared kitten. Anya loves the sun room (see pic) where the bright light shows
her big blue eyes and in front of the fireplace with Quinn.

Shirley... I think you may recall how shy Anya was when we adopted her. I
questioned our ability the first week she was here to break through and gain her
trust. She has become a real friendly little lady who loves our laps. She is
very very talkative and chirps a lot. So sweet.
Maryann & Bill Sheeley

(Last update: Nov 20th, 2014 10pm)

UPDATE!!!!! Oh no, oh no please don't send me away.. Meowmy figured out my secret, that I am just about blind. I can see shadows so I get around pretty good. But I have been so afraid that if Meowmy knew I was blind, I'd get sent back to that noisey place. Oh BOY! Meowmy said that it's OK, she still loves me and someone else will love me too and give me a forever home. Will YOU give me a forever home? Well, here I am! Thank goodness I'm out of that noisey place. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrr, The shelter beans said something about a big E and they just had to call Siamese rescue so they wouldn't have to do the big E thing. Purrrrrrrrrr, I still don't know what the big E thing is but this foster place sure is nice! All I want is lovin's lovin's and more lovin's. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrr, All these silly beans thought I was an old man as I had some teeth problems in the past and don't have many teeth left but I am a young guy just looking for some lovin'! Purrrrrrrrrrrr, please just one little tickle, purrrrrrrrrr, oh oh I love you too! Purrrrrrrrrrr, all I need is just some of that good canned stuff and a few crunchies to hold me over till next feeding time and ohhhhh lots and lots of tickles! Purrrrrrrrrrrrr, Oh that feels so good, look here , here's my tummy , would you tickle that too?!?!? Purrrrrrrrrrrr, Oh that is so nice, can I lay right down beside you and purr you to sleep? Purrrrrrrrrrrrr, I am the sweetest guy and would love to lite up your life if you'll let me! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr Foster: Deb Congrats Patty in PA!
Name:   Albert
ID#: VA1751
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/02/02
Adopted: 11/09/02
Deceased: 11/09/03
Congrats: Patty
Foster: Deborah


Notes from Home
We had a wonderful life with Albert. The kids called him Kanga2. He went to the rainbow bridge a much loved Geezer Meezer. He touched our lives in a significant way...My children were young when we adopted him and they learned from him that being blind would not make you a bad pet or a bad friend. Now as adults they still have a special place in their worlds for visualy impaired cats and dogs because of Albert. They advocate for the adoption of visually impaired cats and dogs where ever they live becasue of the life the knew growing up with Albert.
(Last update: Nov 20th, 2014 4pm)

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Name: Bailey

(FKA Leland (Lela))

ID#: VA7998
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/23/11
Adopted: 11/19/11
Congrats: Yoon
Foster: Julie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Dear Adopter:

Isn't the diamond on my forehead stunning? That white sure sets off my crystal blue eyes. I know I am not a perfect sealy girl. I am not even a perfect snowshoe gal. That isn't my mascara running. I have not been crying. I am a happy, sunshine kind of girl.

I love to snuggle and play, play, play. I am a little shy when new people come over, but once I know they are safe I can be their best friend. I even got a little brave on Halloween. Foster mom was sitting on the porch and I came to the storm door to watch all those funny creatures come up and say Trick-or-Treat.

I am ready to go home whenever you say the word!

Love, Lela.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Bailey Bug is the sweetest baby girl ever. She follows her mommy and daddy everywhere and loves to cuddle. She truly is a kind and loving soul. We are very fortunate to have found out little sweetheart.
(Last update: Nov 20th, 2014 11am)

Yes I am a kitten
A kitten in need of a home
Could that home be yours?

Check back soon for better pictures and videos.
Name: Haiku

(FKA Haiku)

ID#: VA10253
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 08/20/14
Adopted: 10/12/14
Congrats: Garry
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Haiku is doing well. He's had all of his vet visits completed and has no issues. He's up to about 4.5 pounds now.
Attached a new picture of him.

(Last update: Nov 18th, 2014 1pm)

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Name: Coco

(FKA Sally )

ID#: VA9654
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/03/13
Adopted: 04/16/14
Congrats: Alice
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Well I've now got the hang of this place and while I still stick my tongue out now and then, life is not so bad. But it would be ever so much better if I could go home and have a person of my own. I don't hate the other cats, but I'm scared of them, so while I'd like to be the only, if you had a very elderly one that wouldn't follow me around, that would be fine too. I just need a chance to blossom!

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Notes from Home
At our 6 month anniversary together (10-16-14) Coco is doing well. She is healthy with a sleek fur coat that she grooms nicely. I think she will always be timid and easily frightened ... not knowing what her life was like at first, one can only give her love and care. She does sit next to me on the couch and sleeps with me on top of the bed (no snuggling).Her appetite is good (but she doesn't like everything) and her litter box habits are excellent. She loves to play with her feather wand and peacock feathers and little mousies. She runs through the house so fast at times we nearly knock each other down (but this is a joyful thing). Under the bed is still her go-to place when any one comes in to visit or she is frightened.
(Last update: Nov 18th, 2014 11am)

Young, healty, and just too cute for words! If you want a Panda bear of a cat, he'll be the one for you.
Name: Vincent

(FKA Panda)

ID#: VA8974
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/13/12
Adopted: 01/05/13
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hi!! This is Vincent (f.k.a. Panda). I have been home for a week and I'm settling in great. I have wonderful toys, a heated bed, a new scratching post and an amazing older brother. My older brother's name is Hitch and he's about two years old and he's a Siamese cat just like me. I think he wants to call me "Mini Me", but he is a Blue Point and I am a Seal. I do have a older sister named Chloe and she is a little grouchy. She's getting used to me but a little leery. I hope in about a week we will become really good friends. I will keep you posted. Gotta go, my brother wants to play.

Lots of purrs and ankle-rubs to everyone!!

~ Vincent



Hi, Vincent here. I just wanted to check in with everybody and tell everybody how much I love my new forever home. And it's pretty amazing my big sis , Chloe, has learned to love me and she will even occasionally snuggle with me too. Oops, gotta go...playtime. My big bro, Hitch, just ran by.

Lots of purrs and ankle-rubs to everyone!!

~ Vincent



Hi Everyone!

Wow....it is hard to believe that it has been a little over six months, since my mom and dad have brought me home. And, boy have I settled into a routine. I love to get mom up early for treats and breakfast. And I love running across dad while he is sleeping. Hee...Hee.... And big sis, Chloe, has really learned to love me. Mom now refers to me and my big brother, Hitch, as her "Two Boys", because we are always getting into something or we are always chillaxing together. Oh no, gotta go....it is play time.

Lots of purrs and ankle-rubs to everyone!!

~ Vincent



Hi everyone! It is Vincent, here. I hope everybody had an amazing holiday. It was my first year to play with a Christmas tree and boy there are so many shiny things on it. Mom and Dad had a hard time controlling me. But I learned I could sleep under it, not in it.

Wow, it is so hard to believe that it has been one year in my
fur-ever home. When I look back this was such a scary and exciting day for me. I went for a car ride and then these really nice people picked me up (Mom and Dad) and then I had this cozy area made up for me and then I met my awesome brother and sister. I have grown really big and strong in a year and mom says I am the biggest kitty here. And she tells me how beautiful I am all the time.

Well, gotta go....just woke Mom up....it is breakfast time.

Lots of purrs and ankle-rubs to everyone!!

~ Vincent



Hello Everyone! It is so hard to believe that Thanksgiving is next week and that is has been almost 2 years since I have found my "furever" home. In the true spirit of this upcoming season, I would like to wish everyone peace and joy. Oops...gotta go...big brother just ran by.

Lots of purrs and ankle-rubs to everyone!!

~ Vincent



(Last update: Nov 17th, 2014 9pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Emmy
ID#: VA9323
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/15/13
Adopted: 11/16/13
Congrats: Alison
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
SUCH a sweet cat. Gentle soul personality, looking at you with my endearing eyes. Just need a chance. You won't be sorry, really. I'm great with my habits, I'm easy going, I'm not all moody like some of those diva gals, and I love just about everyone. What's not to like?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Emmy is the nicest, sweetest cat ever. She is so friendly, enjoys her food, drinks enough water, has perfect litterbox habits, gets along with the other cats (although this is not always reciprocated by the other cats), and purrs constantly. I was told that she drools when she is happy. So from my wet arm, she is as happy with me as I am with her. I'm truly delighted with her and so grateful to everyone who helped Emmy to feel happy again and ready for a new, forever home.

A complete joy!!
I was just thinking I've had Emmy nka Natasha for a year. She got her 6 month checkup on Saturday, and needs a tooth extracted. That's scheduled very soon. Other clients and Dr. Rosen's staff commented on how friendly and pretty she is.
She is a happy, interactive cat, fascinated with the world around her. The way her face is formed, she seems to be smiling all the time. I love the silent meow for food, but am careful to keep her at a healthy weight. I'm really glad you and Siri brought me, Natasha, and Fitzpatrick together!

(Last update: Nov 17th, 2014 3pm)

I'm a lovely young meezer who is looking for a quiet home with loving hands to care for me as I learn to trust again. I will need time and lots of TLC but oh will I be worth it !

Do you have the perfect spot in your home this sweet sealy girl and her Millie bed?!

Purrs and headbutts~ Missy Meezer

Name:   Missy Meezer
ID#: VA5922
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/21/08
Adopted: 11/16/08
Congrats: Mike
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Missy is doing fine. She had a problem a couple of months ago with kidney stones and needed surgery. She's fine now and on a special diet. After 5 years she's finally sitting on my lap and goes to my husband once in a while. She'll follow him every morning because he feeds her. She truly is a beautiful siamese and an extremely clean cat. Love her!

Missy is chubby and a beautiful face. She is extremely quiet and follows me around like a puppy. She just about owns the house and goes wherever she wants. She seems to be a very happy cat.

(Last update: Nov 16th, 2014 9pm)

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Name: DASH

(FKA Parker)

ID#: VA7340
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/09/10
Adopted: 11/16/10
Congrats: Emily
Foster: Michael

Hi there! Just arrived with my two sisters, we're all settling in, feelin' good and doing well so far! I have the CUTEST "goatee"! Click on ask about me and foster dad will give you all the deets!


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Just a quick update to let you know that, at his 4 year anniversary, Dash is doing really well. He is healthy and happy. As you can see from the pictures, he gets along well with our dog, Daisy, and enjoys being around us all the time. He's not a lap guy, which my kids would love, but he does like to be nearby and hangs out with us a lot. He loves to be petted and is very friendly - just not a cuddler.

Our only challenge with Dash is that he is a "dining room pooper". He will only use the litter box for that purpose the very first time fresh litter is in the box. After that I guess he feels it has been "tainted" so no matter how often I clean it, he will not poop in there anymore. Thankfully he will alway urinate in the box. While I'd love for him to do everything in the box, it's not a deal breaker, just annoying. Any suggestions on this would be great, but at least we're dealing with it and it's not a new habit. I just think he's a dandy boy who is super particular!!

He occasionally gets over-excited and will bite/scratch when you're petting on him but it's much better than when he was a kitten. Most of the time he is a perfect gentleman.

We are really happy to have him and he's a special part of our family :)


(Last update: Nov 16th, 2014 2pm)

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