Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 14th, 2025 1:59:30pm |
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Hi - I'm Chase. Mama Katie gave me my name because I love to "chase" my brother, Hunter. But, last night she learned that I have another reason to be called, "chase". Guess what? I'm quicker than greased lightening and figured out how to get through the foster room door so fast that Mama Katie couldn't catch me. SO, she had to "CHASE" me through the house until I let her catch me. I did it " times before she figured out how to get out the door without a game of "chase". I also love to "chase" balls and tyos. .
My brother and I are very bonded and need to go to our forever home. PLEASE - only inquire if you are in our transport area. Hunter doesn't like to ride in a carrier very much and broke off a tooth trying to chew his way out of the carrier on our short trip to Hotel delShue.
Big purrs and headbutts from Chase
Name: Chase
ID#: VA9980
Location: Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 04/25/14
Adopted: 06/08/14
Congrats: Joanne
Foster: Katie
Notes from Home
Wow, I can’t believe it’s been 6 months already! These 2 are just wonderful and have fit in perfectly to this crazy house. Chase is getting fluffier (meaning fatter) and Chester is still running around like a cat on speed. They both interact with Mort and Kobi and Chester even tries to play with Zeke the dog, who just looks at him like he’s from another planet. They do settle down for naps by the fire every so often - and try to stuff themselves into a bed built for one - attaching a picture. Thanks so much to both of you!!
(Last update: Dec 8th, 2014 10am)
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Name: Lily
(FKA Giselle)
ID#: VA10374
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 10/04/14
Adopted: 10/24/14
Congrats: Pam
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Giselle [VA10374] |
Very shy girl that will take some work. She'll never be a meet 'n' greet cat, but I think she'll bond with her person. |
Foster Notes
I'm Giselle, and I'm still not too sure of people and all the new things around me. You see I was trapped from a feral colony but the person who trapped me didn't think I was truly feral, just shy and under socialized. Meowmy is working on helping me get brave, but it is a slow process.
Thank goodness that I have Eliza with me for now to help me, too. We may not have to go together, but meowmy said she's not sure about that right now. She said she needs a little more time to see how I progress, so be patient out there.
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Notes from Home
Lily here - I am adjusting to my new home, that woman will not leave me alone - always coming in to pet me and scratch my chin - Oh, but I think I LOVE this.
I began to get comfortable then some woman came by and made all kinds of noice - cleaning the house is what mom told me. Then I got a tour of the whole house - i don't think i liked this too much. i'll show mom, i wont let her pet me outside of my safe place. Ok, one day of stubborness is enough, i miss the head rubs and chin scratches. Hey look, what is that shoe string and red light moving all over the place? This is FUN and makes me tired. Boy, mom sure does have some patients trying to get me to play with her, I'll keep teasing her for a few more days.
So, I finally got tricked into going down the hall way to eat my food. You know, that red light sure does move around a lot, but good thing - there is a lot of stuff i might be able to get into in this part of the house; plus lots of room for me to run really fast in circles. Oh, look there; another cat that looks exactly like me, funny that she is in the box with wood.
I think I am going to like it here - more later after I explore some more and tease mom; she is good though, i had to come to her for my head rub and chin scratches.
So I am really getting comfortable in this big place, there is a long hallway i can run down for exercise. my soccer ball rolls all over the place in here, i get tired of chasing it. Good thing mom has a big soft bed for me to lay in.
Speaking of big soft bed, i just love to pounce around on the comforters and mess up the bed after mom has made it look all nice and pretty. At night, it is great to cuddle up with mom and get head & tummy rubs just before going to sleep. This place is great.
I am finally exploring the rest of the house and hanging our with mom & dad in the evenings. If you get up though or make a sudden noice or movement I am still a little jumpy and will run down the hall to my safe place under the bed. I'll come back out in a little while, or if you call me a few times.
mom rearranged things in the living room, there is this new object in there i get to check out while they are gone - it is a little high for me to get to, but i'll try. (she doens't know it will have nice shiny things hanging down from it soon - good thing she is still small and i have it up on a box - don't need broken ornaments yet)
She is coming along pretty good, she is beginning to come into the living room when we call for her. She is still hiding under the bed when we come in or make sudden movements or loud nices. She is playing with her toys (and my socks, slippers, the bed spread, the throw blanket) I can't seem to get her on a eating schedule, she gets scared and runs off and then doesn't eat - until later when it is quiet. I've had to throw away some soft food a few times, from sitting out for too long. I've taken food to her a few times, worried she is starving back there under the bed.
She appears to be getting longer/bigger, or we are imagining it; so she must be getting enough food.
She isn't big on being picked up and held (yet) or sitting on your lap - although last night she did jump up into the chair with me (had the blanket over me), but only for a second. I'll give her a couple more weeks, she'll be up there for head sratching.
I'll try to get some christmas pictures (once the tree is up and decorated - this ought to be interesting)
Merry Christmas
(Last update: Dec 8th, 2014 7am)
I'm a little sad right now but am coming around pretty quickly in the last 24 hours. I have given foster Meowmy some purrs, a knee massage and some kitty eye kisses.
I'm super sweet and think I would really like my own person to bond with, cuddle and sit on their lap in a quiet home.
Name: Juno
ID#: VA9816
Location: Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 01/18/14
Adopted: 05/24/14
Congrats: Sara
Foster: Jo
Foster Notes for Juno [VA9816] |
What a doll baby this girl is. Anyone would be silly not to adopt her. She is now relaxed and just a great joy around the house. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Notes from Home
We have had Juno for six months now. She is an absolutely adorable girl. She is beautiful,sweet, smart, loving, funny, and very talkative! Can you tell I am crazy about her! She has adjusted so well, and we feel very fortunate to have gotten her. I can't imagine why anyone ever gave her up for adoption, but it was their loss and our gain.
(Last update: Dec 6th, 2014 9pm)
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Name: Lizzy
(FKA Artemis)
ID#: VA5994
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/09/08
Adopted: 12/06/08
Congrats: Carole
Foster: Jane
Foster Notes for Artemis [VA5994] |
Sweet as pie |
Foster Notes
Nothing but sweetness and loving here. Foster mom says she is just goint to enjoy my brother and I, She doesn't think we will be here long. What do you think?
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Notes from Home
Lizzie and Lucci are wonderful animals, they have all the wonderful Siamese traits, they are fun, always into things, and very loving. I am never without a buddy by my side Lucci is larger than Lizzie, and will give a kiss any time you want one, he will sit close to us at night and every so often will sit in my lap. Lizzie is a morning Cat she wants to read the paper with me and will sit in my lap only in the morning. She will fetch a ball and has a baby (toy mouse) that she will carry in her mouth and talk to the whole time. Lucci is the trouble maker he is into everything, if I hear a crash I know Lucci is running away, then he will come back and want to kiss me, They love going out on the Lani and talk to the birds. They chase each other, and sometimes will curl up together, unlike Siamese they both have a squeeky voice, I don't know if it will change but its cute. I have never had two cats like them, they are truly my joy! Thanks for giving us both ( Lizzie & Lucci and I) a chance for a great life together.
(Last update: Dec 6th, 2014 1pm)
Just as sweet as my sister. I am friendly and social. More to come about me.
Name: Lucci
(FKA Ares)
ID#: VA5995
Location: Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/09/08
Adopted: 12/06/08
Congrats: Carole
Foster: Jane
Notes from Home
Lizzie and Lucci are wonderful animals, they have all the wonderful Siamese traits, they are fun, always into things, and very loving. I am never without a buddy by my side Lucci is larger than Lizzie, and will give a kiss any time you want one, he will sit close to us at night and every so often will sit in my lap. Lizzie is a morning Cat she wants to read the paper with me and will sit in my lap only in the morning. She will fetch a ball and has a baby (toy mouse) that she will carry in her mouth and talk to the whole time. Lucci is the trouble maker he is into everything, if I hear a crash I know Lucci is running away, then he will come back and want to kiss me, They love going out on the Lani and talk to the birds. They chase each other, and sometimes will curl up together, unlike Siamese they both have a squeeky voice, I don't know if it will change but its cute. I have never had two cats like them, they are truly my joy! Thanks for giving us both ( Lizzie & Lucci and I) a chance for a great life together.
(Last update: Dec 6th, 2014 1pm)
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Name: Shadow
ID#: VA3834
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 11/09/05
Adopted: 12/04/05
Congrats: Denise
Foster: Eva
Wow! From country boy to city guy. Not too long ago brother Peanut and I were just a couple of barn cats. Now look at me...a nice warm home to stay in, plenty of toys, and other kitties to play with, too. I've probably got the biggest purrbox of all of us here. I love attention and affection, but sometimes I let my rambunctious nature take over and I play with anything that can possibly be made into a toy. And fur so soft it feels better than velvet. Ask about me today - you don't know what you are missing.
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Notes from Home
Shadow's name was changed to Sambucca, Bucca for short. He is a very loveable cat who enjoys his snuggle time with mom every evening. He currently lives with one other cat, a female names Peanut. They enjoy both playing and napping together.
(Last update: Dec 4th, 2014 10am)
Name: Fusduqi ("QiQi")
(FKA Chan)
ID#: VA9613
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/19/13
Adopted: 11/23/13
Congrats: Randa
Foster: Jeanne
Hi, My name is Chan. I'm a bit shy when I first meet someone new, but I love to be petted and become your best friend quickly. I know how to use my liter box, like kids, and think the other cats here are ok as long as they don't hiss at me. I'll let you know more on that, once my ISO time is up and I can get out of this playpen and actually meet them.
You can ask about me and meowmy will update you on my progress.
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Notes from Home
HIs name is now Fusduq and he is called Fuzz for short. He is a wonderful boy, and such a joy to be around. We are very happy!
(Last update: Dec 1st, 2014 9am)
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