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Hi There!

I am looking for a home where I can be the one and only. After all, if you have me, that is all you need!

I will love on you, cuddle with you, and follow you wherever you go around the house. I like to play with those small toys that I can bat around.

I do love the kibble but who doesn't??

Are you the one for me?

Name:   Georgina
ID#: VA10109
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 06/27/14
Adopted: 11/13/14
Congrats: William
Foster: Joy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Well, yesterday was one month with Georgina at our home. She has done very well, here with us so far. I attempted to take her to the Vet six days after she arrived at our house. Well,, she was having no part of that and had a little bit of an attitude with us for a few days. We've learned that when she's really upset with us, she'll put her bum towards us, as she's laying down. I would try to talk to her, while she's under the bed and she'd look me in the eye and then put her bum in my face. Guess she was telling me huh?

Now, however, she seems to have forgiven us completely. She spends very little time under the bed anymore, and her favorite pass time is watching the birds and squirrels thru the patio door windows in our family room. She sleeps between my legs at night and will try to do that to my hubby, but she gets frustrated with him. (He moves around way to much).

Georgina met our daughter when she came home for Thanksgiving and they seem to get along just fine. Georgina is a bit upset that I've put her on a diet. I've changed her food from dry to wet. She is currently having 1 can of wet cat food (5.5 oz) daily and maybe 2 tablespoons of the dry. She's so funny with her running down the hallway towards her feeding area. The minute she thinks any of us is headed that way she bolts in that direction. She's always asking for something to eat, never seen a cat so focused on food.

We also have learned that she loves to chase lasers. My hubby spends time with her every evening playing with her. She knows the sound of the "click" on the laser gun and she runs to the person who has it. She'll spin in circles until she gets dizzy, if we'd let her. It's so cute to watch her have fun, I truly believe that she's not had this much fun in a long time.

Our first month together is down and I hope and pray the next we see Georgina open up even more here. I can't say thank you enough to The Siamese Cat Rescue Volunteers who helped take care of Georgina. Those who helped match us together, you right on target, she's my buddy and I love her dearly.

I'll update on what Georgina thinks of Christmas trees, as ours will go up this week. Guess that's all for now, updates will be forthcoming soon.

(Last update: Dec 14th, 2014 12am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Dusty
ID#: VA9676
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 11/10/13
Adopted: 12/07/13
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Heida

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Things I have learned since arriving in rescue :
Humans love it when I snuggle them and purr.
Other cats will play with me and snuggle me.
I know how to respect other cats when they don't want to play.
The dog is an idiot .

I am very smart and a fast learner !

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It is Dusty's first anniversary with us. Can't believe it has been a year. He continues to be a delight. He is curious about everything and is very helpful. He has had a wonderful time with Christmas boxes and wrapping paper as he has "helped" us get ready for the holidays. We took him to the vet recently for his checkup. He is in great shape, perfect blood work results, along with weight and fur (he has soft bunny fur). As we expected he charmed everyone at the vets, as he did last time, when we first got him. His favorite toys are little rubber balls that he chases all over the house and brings them to us to throw for him, then he brings them back, we throw them again and this goes on and on until he wears himself out. He is my constant companion (sits by me when I'm reading or on the computer). We bought him a shelf like bed that sits up high. He loves it, he can look down on us, and see out the window to bird and squirrel watch.
He is very smart, he can open all the closet doors and has discovered how to get into the cabinet where his dry food is kept. We have "child proofed" it so he can't get at the food and spread it all over the floor like he did one night. He doesn't bite anymore except if he gets really excited and even then it isn't a hard bite, but we don't encourage even that. We love him dearly and suspect he loves us too. He sleeps on the bed with us along with his big brother Dak. We get head bumps in the morning as a wake up call (he can be relentless especially if he's hungry) All and all we are happy we adopted him and can't imagine life without him. Thank you!

(Last update: Dec 13th, 2014 6pm)

Oh, I'm so serious in this photo. I guess you'd be serious too if you didn't know where your real home was, huh? Well, things are lookin' up a little it seems. I just got to this place that seems pretty nice with soft, warm fleecey things to snuggle in. And foster mom doesn't seem too bad either. I'm good with other kitties... sweet and a little shy at least for now. I have some new pictures and a video! I'm still getting over my eye infection, so pardon my winkiness on them.
Name:   Camilla
ID#: VA7381
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/31/10
Adopted: 12/12/10
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Rinn


Notes from Home

Camilla is doing very well. She used to be very timid, even when we pet her, she seemed to "endure" it, and rarely purred. Well all that has changed now! She loves being pet, and purrs like a little machine! She is so soft and cuddly. She walks up to Rita, and puts her head towards Rita so Rita can clean her, which Rita loves. Rita, Camilla, and Andy (all adoptees from Siamese Rescue) are great friends, loving kitties, and very happy cats. Knock on wood, Camilla doesn't seem to suffer from UTIs or eye infections anymore. Her biggest problem might be that she just loves to eat and might have the tendency to get fat. We don't leave food out though and are doing our best to estimate the amount that is perfect for her. She is still slightly chubby in the belly though.

We have a fourth Siamese cat, who we took in because she was about to be put out in the street. She is 12 years old, and was never fixed! So she howled at night and urinated everywhere. She was also aggressive to our other three sweeties. So we got her fixed and she is still mostly separated from the other babies. We let her out of my room here and there, on supervised expeditions. She seems to have settled down a lot, and no one tries to fight. We'll keep slowly introducing her so that everyone can be happy together. We certainly don't want to stress out Rita Andy and Camilla. So we are taking it slow.

Thank you again for all that you do! We really love our kitties and are so happy that we are able to give them a loving, safe home.



(th below post was from a long time ago, but wasn't sure if I should delete.)

Hello! We LOVE Camilla! She is such a sweet, cuddly kitty, and also a crazy playful kitty. At the vet she climbed up the inside of the a wall mural, and the vet said she had never seen a cat do that before! She sometimes acts like she's going to climb my leg, but thankfullly she has not gone through with that. She loves her big brother Andy and big sister Rita. Andy was so sweet as he welcomed her. He would approach her, Camilla would hiss, and he would turn away with his tail in the air and chirp several times. After that happening about 10 times in a row, Camilla knew he was friendly. Rita kept her distance, but Camilla still growled and hissed at her for a couple weeks. She sure does have a menacing growl! But now they seem to have gotten over their differences, and Camilla and Rita have been seen sleeping together on the dining room chair! Camilla loves to cuddle and sleep with me at night. She unfortunately is taking antibiotics right now for a UTI. She is so sweet - instead of peeing on the rug or somewhere hard to clean, she peed in the bathtub. I'm sure that once the UTI clears she will stop that. Very very sweet kitty. We are all so thrilled with her! Totally in love! Thank you everyone!

(Last update: Dec 12th, 2014 6pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Oliver

(FKA Baltimore)

ID#: VA7540
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/04/11
Adopted: 04/16/11
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes

I have a confession....in my last photo, my foster Mom MADE me wear that hat since I had lost all the hair off of my head! I thought it was a dumb idea too, but here is my new picture and if I don't say so, I think I look pretty darn good and I am ready for my furrever home......I love laps and I am ready to, so get clicking on the "ask about me paw" and lets see if we are a match.


Baltimore =^..^=

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Notes from Home
We were looking at the Festival of Lights photos, then looked at the photos of our Ollie when he was first taken to the shelter. Thought everyone that was involved in his rescue would like to see what he looks like now. Sooooooooo handsome! We are looking foward to some new Christmas photos with Oliver this year!
(Last update: Dec 12th, 2014 11am)

Well here I am. A sad product of a broken family. All of a sudden I don't have the only people I trusted and I'm a little confused. I want to get close to you, but I'm afraid at the same time. I want to play with you and have you nearby, and maybe even scratch me on my chin a little bit - just no hugs...yet. Foster mom promises me that things are going to get better and that no one will ever have to give me up again no matter what. I want so badly to believe...and I really want to get just a little bit closer to you.

Update: Lots of progress here - Honky can't pass up a good plate of food and we're always able to get a little snuggle session in at mealtimes. Loves to play and skitter around the house. Honky can be bossy with other cats, so only likewise females companions would be a good fit. AND since Honky likes to play 'hard to get', we're offering an Adoption Scholarship to help him find his PURRFECT home!
Name: Phoenix

(FKA Honky Tonk)

ID#: VA10166
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 07/21/14
Adopted: 10/11/14
Congrats: Marytheresa
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Phoenix is really feeling at home. He is a lover for sure. Who knew there was a lap cat in there?! Still has to get used to his new Great Dane but progress daily and she can hardly wait.
(Last update: Dec 11th, 2014 7pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Ladybird

(FKA Jilly)

ID#: VA10257
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/22/14
Adopted: 10/10/14
Congrats: Laure
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Well I am still talking but foster mom does not seem to be listening. I want to go where ever I want and eat anything I want and do whatever I think I want to do. Foster mom does not agree with me on that and keeps me cooped up in this foster room. At least it got entertaining now that new foster kittens have come to keep my company. As long as they understand that I am the boss.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hi everyone! Jilly--who we have now decided to call Ladybird--has been in her new home now for approximately 24 hours. She has eaten and had water, but I have not observed her using her litterbox. She has been so, so sweet, and acting as if she has been with us for forever! She slept in our room last night and was an extremely sweet cuddle bug. She and Grettir can't wait to meet each other--they are glued to opposite sides of the door all day.

I took Ladybird to our Vet today for a preliminary checkup. Our veternarian at Abri told me that she doesn't think Ladybird has an URI, but instead potentially lungworms or even the beginning signs of asthma. She advised us to continue giving her the claravox, but she has also prescribed a small about of panacur for worms (a fecal worm check showed the presence of worms) to be given once a day for ten days. If she is continuing to cough after her treatment, we'll take her back for another exam. Needless to say, Jilly/Ladybird does not like taking her medicine, but she's being as good a sport as any kitten.

Overall, she seems to be doing very well in her new home. She fits right in, and we love her SO much.

Thanks again for everything :) I'll post pictures soon!


Update: 12/11/2014
Ladybird has now been a part of our home for a little over two months. We could not be happier with our little girl--she and Grettir are best friends, and she is so affectionate towards her mom and dad. Talkative, curious, and attention-loving, she's definitely a Siamese. She still loves sleeping under the covers with us at night, and sitting at my desk while I work on papers (still trying to teach her proper comma usage). She, and of course Grettir as well, have made our lives so much brighter.

(Last update: Dec 11th, 2014 6pm)


I'm named after a popular European orange-flavored cookie. I, too, am sweet & orange.

I am a cross-eyed orange beauty. I am a bundle of love with a very loud purr. And I love to eat -- my foster mom has put me on a reduced calorie diet. I'm gradually meeting the resident cats. My favorite thing to do is sleep with my foster mom on her extra pillow. I do get overstimulated sometimes. My foster mom is still trying to read my body language -- she's not very bright.

Please check me out. I would love to have a forever home soon.

Name:   Jaffa
ID#: VA9722
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 12/03/13
Adopted: 03/13/14
Congrats: Rhonda
Foster: Ellen


Notes from Home
10/8/14 - Greetings fellow Meezers! Jaffa (the orange cookie) here.

It's been 7 months since my forever mom took me home. I would just like to say... Score! What a great match! I think I'll keep her! How can you not like this crazy lady that immediately came in and scooped me up in her arms. She's fearless.

I tried to push her buttons by sratching at the doors the first couple of weeks but she wised up and realized I didn't want to be seperated from everyone else. I was a little hissy at my foster's but I soon dropped the act after arriving at my forever home. Mom told me it wasn't nice and I realized I was safe. I had never been held when I was on the street. It's actually pretty nice. It's so nice that I now lay on my back in my mom's arms for hours at a time. She tires out long before I do. I've posted a "selfie" of me in this position. Yes... I'm actually holding the camera.

I've also posted a picture with one of my new buddies. He looks a little funny with his long hair and flat face. I bond really well with others. I don't really play and I still don't like catnip. What's all the fuss? I'm not sure what I'm suppose to do with all these little bags my mom keeps making. ??? I'm definitely a lap cat. I'm also quiet. I don't talk alot because I'm usually purring.

Thank you Siamese Rescue Center for helping me find my forever home! Don't worry about me cause all is well.

12/9/14 🎅 Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays from Jaffa. We've attached my first Christmas photo!🎄

(Last update: Dec 10th, 2014 11pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Flame

(FKA Ammie)

ID#: VA10427
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Flame
Date In: 10/27/14
Adopted: 11/08/14
Congrats: Tracey
Foster: Julie

I am one ball of fire! Affectionate, playful, demanding. My name means beloved. Yep! I will be that as well.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Flame is doing fine, no issues at all. It feels like he adjusted to us very well and loves to hang out and play with our older cat.
(Last update: Dec 9th, 2014 6pm)

LOOK AT ME!!!! I know, I am being silly:)

I finished taking care of my 6 babies and am starting to get my girlish figure back! I love people, I love toys, and I love to play with my new cat friend Woodley.

What I would really love, though, is a home of my very own where my new mom and dad will keep me inside and safe.

Do you have room in your home and heart for a girl like me???
Name:   Ziva
ID#: VA7983
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/16/11
Adopted: 09/24/11
Congrats: Bonnie
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
December 9, 2014 Today is my birthday and I am a big girl now.

I have always ruled this roost, well for 3 years anyhow. I reminded mom extra early today was a special day. I wanted to see if there were any special treats for her birthday girl.

First we cuddled under the warm quilt, without my bro-fur Chai interrupting, then I had treats on mom’s robe, on the bed! Chai always gets there first, not today. Breakfast was the best treat of all, I had real kitty food, not the skinny cat stuff. Mom didn’t even add the extra water. Everything we eat is like soup. Not today! It’s my birthday. Mom said girls don’t have to diet on their birthday.

Then mom let me come into the foster room to tell Cassie it was my birthday. Cassie couldn’t see me and I think she doesn’t want to listen to me. That’s ok, I played with some of her toys while I was there.

My litter boxes were all changed and fresh to start my new year. Chai let me have the top shelf on the cat tree. I was able to watch the snow falling onto the roof window, I could almost touch it. Then he showed me how he can reach the window. He is much taller than me.

Mom said there is more real food for dinner tonight and maybe some more surprises. I can hardly wait to see if there are any new toys for me.

I have been mom’s “Girl Cat” and “Black Stocking Lady” for 3 years now. I am very glad foster mom Christine decided the family at the end of the long drive was the best place for me to live. It seems like there is always something interesting happening around here. Sometimes it involves good fun and sometimes it is a learning ‘perience (no so fun).

Since I am so healthy and happy, I think I will live to be the oldest cat ever. As long as I can spend all those years on this farm, with mom and dad and all my critter friends.

I am happy, healthy and very much loved.
I am. . .
a big girl now.

9-24-2013 – My second anniversary with Mum and Paw.

I have been thinking about this anniversary for a while now. Thinking about how much my life has changed, but how much the best parts have remained the same.

I am in excellent health, been dieting a little, but in better shape than before the kittens. Life is very satisfying, though I am still teaching cats how to behave better.

During the first stage of my life I was teaching my own kittens, but Auntie Christine saved me from many more litters of kittens. She and Woodley and Juliet loved me back to good health and set me onto a new course in life.

I came up north to where we have lots of snow and not so many bad rain storms and floods. My fur is beautiful dark sable, and silky as can be. The chickens make sure I have at least a couple of eggs every week to keep me healthy and shining.

After a short run as an only child, I have started teaching mum how to foster kitties who have the same unknown, shadowy background as I did. Some of those girls were a real challenge, but we help them feel better and get smoothed out and send them packing - ahh, find them good homes.

Since we keep being assigned girl cats, mum decided I needed a little buddy to stay with me, even when the foster cats went home. No one asked me about a little brother, but the little urchin isn’t too bad. He needed a lot of teaching, but I have him pretty well shaped up, now if he can just leave me alone. Really, it’s nice to have someone to help with the teaching work.

All things considered, I am happy and healthy. I have a loving home life and every toy any cat could want. Things are good at this kitty cat kindergarten of the northeast.

I send love and fond regard to everyone at Siamese Cat Rescue Center for understanding how different we Siamese are, and who have the know-how to fix us up and find us loving homes. Thank you from the bottom of my furry little heart.

Feline Finishing School Instructor at
Farley’s Farm in Massachusetts
25 June 2012
I've been telling meowmy she needs to get me some time on the 'puter. She's been so busy trying to find a home for my foster sister. Yup, we became part of the project to give back to those who helped me. I have been a foster sister since the end of January.
Oh, boy did it ever take a long time to get that big girl to chill out and be friends. Mud Puddle just wanted to take over my meowmy, and I'm still way smaller and not as pushy. I don't know how meowmy could let that big girl sit on her like that, Jasmine would have squished me! But she was a scaredy cat, she wouldn't climb to the top of the cat tree. So mom and I agreed, I would go the the top of tree and mom would give me treats and lots of attention. I liked to go poking around in Jassy's room and pull stuff out of her toy box. It's a good thing I hid some stuff, 'cause the toy box went home to her new home. Truth be told, we all miss her. I keep looking over my shoulder to see if she is going to jump out at me, or try to get my supper.
And now mom wants to love on me all the time, and I need time to go watch chipmunks. We'll have to work out a compromise. Maybe next time I can have a cute little blue foster brother. Now he could be a keeper, and Paw will let me have anything I want :)
Well, that's enough for this time, I'll be getting another reminder real soon.
Ziva, a good little foster sister

29 November
The turkey may have been the centerpiece, but I was the Guest of Honor. Just added a couple of pixs of Thanksgiving dinner. We all sent a blessing to SCRC for finding me a home that treats me like the "purrson" I should be.

with my family and friends

PS I am not as "fluffy" as the nap picture might indicate; pictures always add a few extra pounds.

16 November
It's hard to believe I've only been here 7 weeks. It seems like I've lived here all my life. I've seen a snow storm and lived in a house with no electricity, we were just roughing it. Mom said she would stay with me at home if the stupid shelter couldn't see fit to let me go with them. So we camped at home. It was fun for a while, and I sure did learn how to snuggle.
I am helping with the chores, every morning Dad and I feed the chickens outside my door. Then I watch for any problems between chickens and squirrels. My perch is set up just right so I can do my laundry and keep an eye on those chickens.
I am still testing my limits, but now there is a squirt gun, so I'll have to calm down a little. But this girl is still having a lot of fun.
I am happy, I am healthy, I am getting heavy! But I am here to stay.
My love to Woodley and Juliet. I may ask for a buddy for Christmas.

I am Ziva, and I own a family


1 October 2011.
One week ago Mommy Christine was putting me into a new carrier and packing my bags. She promised I was going to my forever home. I was scared, each time I had been put into a carrier things changed, and not always for the best.

I will never know why my kittens and I were sent to the animal pound. Our luck changed when the people at the animal rescue knew people at Siamese Cat Rescue Center. After the lady from SCRC interviewed us, our luck changed forever. My foster mom, Christine, helped me take care of my six kittens. She helped me feed them and teach them important life lessons; then we found them people families to take over.

Now I had some time to myself. I met Christine’s cats and learned to play with Woodley. But I wanted my own people. Christine took lots of pictures and wrote little stories to post on line. I didn't know what it was all about, but I was learning to trust her.

After six weeks with Christine, we got an email; a family needed a kitty like me! From that point on things started happening. Appointments with the vet, (oops a flood, change the date) paperwork to be completed, references checked. Oh boy, I don't know who was more anxious, me because the vet trip hurt for a while, or my new mommy because she had to wait.

Finally, the going home day arrived. First I was the only cat in the car, and then I met another, and another; four kitties in the car, going to new homes. I thought this trip wasn't ever going to end. We moved from one car to another, it was a long relay in the Meezer Express. Twelve hours after Mommy Christine kissed me goodbye and wished me well, I was carefully tucked into a car with no other kitties.

It took almost an hour to get to home, MY home. During the ride the new people were talking and excited and planning, all about ME. Finally the riding stopped, and I was carried into MY room.

I didn't hesitate, I wanted out of that carrier. I stretched for the first time in hours, I forgot to be scared, and Mommy smiled and laughed. It was pretty late and people bedtime. Mommy shared my room the first couple of nights; who needed to be scared! I didn't sleep with mommy, but I stayed on the chair beside the bed and kept touching her all night. This was really real.

Sunday morning, mommy is still here, my toys and things are still here and there is a zoo outside my window! I am liking this place already.

Now back to that zoo. I can sit on the desk and look out the window at the bird feeder, the yard and bunnies, chickens, goats and llamas running around. Mommy says they are all MY family. Pretty soon a whole bunch of children came to visit and play and play and play; that’s right they're part of MY family, grand kids. By Sunday night I was so tired, I fell asleep all stretched out on the couch, I had nothing to be scared about.

Monday and Tuesday, mommy took off adoption days. I got serious about earning my keep. I am now the Protector. There were men working outside the house and I growled at them all. I watched from windows all over the house and protected the perimeter. But when one of the men came in to do some work, I stopped growling and let him pet me. I'm learning to make friends, but I'm still being cautious and protecting MY people.

I also learned I need to mind my manners, somewhere I had learned how to behave like a lady. There were a lot of “NO Zivas”, but only once for each thing I tried – I am a quick learner! I should not plan to perch near the ceiling on top of furniture, it is not ok to scratch the chairs, I should not open the bag of kitty food, but I can rug surf.

Rug surfing and stair runs are my favorite playtimes. If you run across the floor and jump onto the little rugs, they slide until we crash into the walls. On a good day, I can crash all the rugs! I have three sets of stairs. If you take a yarn ball to the top of the stairs, you can make it bounce all the way down. Then you pick up the ball and run as fast as you can, back up to the top, and do it again. Mommy Christine sent a zillion toys in my bag and there were at least that many here. I will never run out of toys.

The only problem I've had this week is leaving an embarrassing bathroom odor. Mommy says we'll figure it out, we now know a few things it isn't.

I have met a lot of people this week and everybody says I'm beautiful, a perfect kitty, a strong kitty and a little lover. Who could have guessed two months ago how much my life would change. SCRC didn't have to guess, they knew I was worth saving.

Yes, it has been quite a week. The long ride was scary and boring, but the Meezer Express people were all kind and everyone kept saying I was going home. They were right, this is MY home and MY family and I'm not leaving. EVER

Got to go now, the chickens are due at the kitchen door, and I haven’ checked the perimeter in a while.

Love to all who helped this happen.

I am,

And I own a family

(Last update: Dec 9th, 2014 1pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Folly
ID#: VA7966
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/08/11
Adopted: 12/03/11
Congrats: Gray
Foster: Julie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I am small but mighty! And my purr is HUMONGOUS! I love to be snuggled and will keep the biscuits coming.

Unfortunately, I am not quite ready to go home yet. I am a tad embarrassed to admit that I only have one part that descended. I had this little tiny crash when that one was removed and so the vet wants to wait a while before finding the other part. Then they are going to treat me extra special, whatever that means.

How many cats do you know that have received mouth to snout resuscitation?

I'm special!

P.S. My foster mom says I am a Velcro boy and you have to like ball track toys.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Wanted to let everyone know Folly and Ruby are best friends and pretty much play nonstop. He is a great cuddler and even licks my toes! He loves water so much. He is in my sink every morning and also gets in the shower. He has learned that since he doesnt like getting wet, that he can sit in between the liner and the shower curtain. He does this every day. I have not had any problems at all. We love him so much.

Folly and Ruby are still doing great! Folly has lots of energy. We sit around at watch the cats "Party" in the evenings. They are pure entertainment playing chase! I do have pictures this time I can attach.

2 Year Update
Folly is spoiled as ever. He is still my sweet sweet boy. He loves to give kisses all the time. He loves to cat nap on his special bed I set up just for him in the bathroom with his own private cup of water. Yes he's spoiled. No health problems since we got his pee issue resolved last year with diet. He sleeps with the dogs and I every night. His favorite thing is to swat the dogs on the butt as they walk by. It's pretty funny. I love Folly and so glad to have him in my life!

Year 3 Update
Folly and I are very close. He meows to me a lot with chatter. His favorite sleeping spot is on top of the fridge in a basket. He is a very sweet funny kitty. He and Ruby don't play as much as they did when they were kittens, but they still chase each other around. He loves to be inside things and sleep on the bed. My dogs lick him in the face and he licks them back. He has always been a licker.

(Last update: Dec 8th, 2014 2pm)

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