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Cute young SQUEAKY boy ready for your inquiry soon!
Name: Willie

(FKA Lincoln)

ID#: VA10409
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 10/18/14
Adopted: 11/29/14
Congrats: Jill
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
12/29/14 It's been quite a month of adjustments. Willie continues to pretend to be the alpha cat and to dominate Chico, and Chico is adorable when he boxes Willie in the head: bop, bop! Sela continues to growl at both of the boys and hides most of the time on a dining room chair. Willie's favorite long nap time is in the evening when I'm watching TV. He lays on the couch, and for the last three nights, he ends up on his back with his paws in the air. So cute! How could such an angelic being be so rough on his brother? Answer: he's a cat! Willie's the only cat I've had that enjoys belly rubs.
(Last update: Dec 29th, 2014 9am)

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Name:   Buckley
ID#: VA8935
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 11/17/12
Adopted: 12/27/12
Congrats: Anne
Foster: Siri

I'm the PURRFECT all around 17 pound companion! I love them all, cats, kids, people of all sorts. Just call me Mr. Ambassador! I had to come back into the program when my Meowm went into nursing care, but I've had lots of love and have lots of information about who I am, and it's ALL good stuff!

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Notes from Home
Buckley made the move to Houston TX. He has done quite well. Our beloved Jack Russell Terrier died shortly before our move. Since being in Houston I've fostered Jack Russell puppies. Buckley really wishes I'd get a different volunteer job.

Buckley has made it to his first year anniversary. He's the ultimate lap cat and is extremely social with family and guests, thus earning the nicknames "puppy cat" and "kitty dog". We will be moving to Houston TX this coming Summer. Buckley's going to love the huge screened in porch! Any ideas on moving a 17 pound cat who may be too big to fit under the airplane seat?

Thanks for all the help with our little friend.

(Last update: Dec 28th, 2014 9pm)

Update - I am as wild and crazy as my sister Dahlia! I have non stop energy and I know no fear! But isn't that how a kitten is supposed to be?
Name:   Camellia
ID#: VA8610
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 06/17/12
Adopted: 07/14/12
Congrats: Wendy
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Camelia has been with us for 6 months now and she is a real pistol! She has grown so much and her lynx points have darkened and filled in significantly. She still has her gorgeous blue eyes which she likes to blink at me when she has been in to some mischief. She runs through the house, chases her brother and her favorite trick is to turn the hot water on in the shower-we have to work on stopping this one! Camelia has also reached the point where she likes to curl up on your lap or next you, purr VERY loudly and take a nap. We are so delighted with our KITTEN! (what we feel she yells in her head when she runs into a room) and are so happy that we all found each other.

December 2014
Camelia sits next to me purring as I write this long overdue update. She is an amazing cat who is full of energy and lots of spunk. She has a mind of her own and believes everything should be her way or no way, but this just adds to what makes her special. She is full of love and will curl up on my lap or run to the bed and flip over to get attention She brings great joy to our lives and we are glad she is part of our family.

(Last update: Dec 28th, 2014 10am)

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Name: Samantha Elizabeth

(FKA Samantha Elizabeth)

ID#: VA4598
Location:  DC
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/17/06
Adopted: 09/11/07
Deceased: 05/15/09
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: N/A

Foster Notes

Look into my deep blue eyes.... Aren't they beautiful? Feel my soft fur. Well, you can't actually feel it, but work with me here. Use your imagination....Good, good....

Are you home a lot? Like to read, knit, watch TV or listen to music?Do you have an empty lap? Imagine me in your lap. I'm light as a feather and I curl up like a baby squirel.

Now you're getting it!

I'm an "unclaimed treasure," as foster meom calls us geezers. I do have some medical issues, but imagine me curled up on your arm at night. I'd even let you share my pillow!

If you're tired of sleeping alone, contact my servant (I mean foster meom) and she'll tell you more about me!)


Samantha Elizabeth

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Notes from Home
(Last update: Dec 25th, 2014 6pm)

Do you have room in your heart to open it to a geezer with an uncertain future ? Do you believe it's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all ? My foster meom does, and I overheard that I may be able to stay here for whatever time I have left and be loved the same as if I were a spry young guy. Even decrepit old geezers need homes, you know. Here I have a big, sunny room by myself, a big, heated bed, and plenty of grub. The only thing is foster meom keeps giving me pills and other stuff, but it does make me feel better, so I'm patient and give her kisses all the time.

I was found as an emaciated stray with teeth so bad that it was painful for me to eat and a very bad limp. I've since had a dental and am eating, eating, and eating like there's no tomorrow; but I also have a heart condition that causes my heart to beat too fast and to skip. A visit to a cardiologist confirmed that I have "moderate" heart disease, so no more dentals for me, no high-volume fluids, and no anesthesia. I also have very early kidney disease; but, good news, I have arthritis rather than a declaw regrowth, as we first thought, so foster Meom can add Cosequin to my wet food for that, and benazepril for my heart and kidneys. I'm already walking on my toes again rather than on my haunches.

I'm a very affectionate and loving cat and love to give wet kitty kisses on your cheek to show you how grateful I am for a warm bed, lots of good food, and someone to love me. Stay tuned for good news soon!


Mr. Beasley

Name:   Mr. Beasley
ID#: VA3941
Location:  DC
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/07/06
Adopted: 04/22/06
Deceased: 09/21/06
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: N/A



Notes from Home
(Last update: Dec 25th, 2014 6pm)

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Name: Abayomi

(FKA Gulliver)

ID#: VA10271
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 08/28/14
Adopted: 09/27/14
Congrats: Olga Myra
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

My name is Gulliver "cause I'm a traveler! I was traveling along the road in VA when I was found, then I traveled to the Center, and then a few days later I traveled again to my foster mom in MD. I am worn out from all that traveling and would love to find my forever home so I never have to travel again!

LMK if you can help me out with that!

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Notes from Home
Seasons Greetings. ..

From Abayomi (fka Gulliver), I am growing nicely in my teen years. My meomy says I'm such a good lil boy.All I want to do is play all day until my meomy catches me off guard picks me up and smothers me with loads of hugs and kissies Thankful to all those involved who commit their time to helping us assure that we have safe , forever homes. MERRY Christmas

(Last update: Dec 25th, 2014 5pm)

Greeting from Hotel delShue. "I once was lost, but now am found." That's my story. I was a stray who found my way into a rescue that found Siamese Rescue for me. I am a young flame and my point coloring is just starting to darken. I have stunning crystal clear eyes and a happy smile. I've experienced so many changes lately, that I get scared a little bit each time I have to move somewhere else, but after two days, I really am a New Man. Loving, sweet, knead and purr as soon as I see you, sleep under your chin and can't purr loud enough.

If you want a New Man in your life to love and cuddle with, you'd better click on the ask about me button really soon. Remember, I could be Newman - your New Man. .
Name:   Newman
ID#: VA10072
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 06/09/14
Adopted: 06/20/14
Congrats: Christina
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Newman has been a treat to have in our home. He is so much fun and such a loving kitty. He is completely integrated with our Mellow. They are the best of friends. They play hard and sleep harder! He has started fetching for us. Which is so much fun cause Mellow is (was) a fetcher also. He is so much more adventurous than Mellow is and ever was! But, we wouldn't want him any other way.

We are all well here at the Walker household. Complete with Newman as our newest member.

Thank you!

Christina Walker

(Last update: Dec 24th, 2014 11pm)

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Name: Willie

(FKA Mario)

ID#: VA8921
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/15/12
Adopted: 12/22/12
Congrats: John (todd)
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

I'm a happy, playful little fella looking for my forever home. My adoption fell through and I'm now available again. I love to wrestle and play with the other cats here, have good litter box habits and a good appetite. I'm all vetted and ready to go, so ask about me if you're looking for a cute, playful little fella like me!


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Notes from Home

Willy and Gogo are still best friends. Willy has become known around the apartment as the friendly one—he's always ready to greet anyone who comes in with headbutts and kisses. Thanks Siamese Rescue for

6 Month Update:

Willy Wonka has been a great kitty! While he was at first nervous about people, he's getting more and more demanding for attention— like any good Meezer. He loves his sister, Godiva (Gogo), and he has really been a good brother to her. I've even seen him carry her favorite toys to her! He tends to follow her or me around my apartment, and if there's something that interests her, he thinks it must be good for him too. He is very strongly attached to her and she to him; they get very upset if they are separated. For instance, when I get back with them from a car trip, the one who is brought inside first waits by the door until the other comes in.

I feel really fortunate to have been able to adopt Willy, because he is such a loving and active cat.

(Last update: Dec 22nd, 2014 11pm)

I was adopted 8 years ago as a little kitten, and returned due to the poor health of my human parents - they are very sad at giving me up but know they have to do what is best for me. I'm a beautiful cat, both inside and out. I have lived with other cats, have been around dogs, and even little kids. I'm beautiful and friendly and love people. I sit on laps and sleep in bed with you. What more could you ask for?? I do need a low-stress home though, so if you have no kitties, or even some nice ones, then you might want to ask about me. Foster mom says I have the biggest, loudest purr she has ever heard!

Check out my photo gallery for my baby pictures, and my movie!
Name:   Chanel
ID#: VA9539
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 09/15/13
Adopted: 10/25/13
Congrats: Lorraine
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Today is Chanel's two-week anniversary in our home. She gets along well with my other two cats and even allows one of them to groom her. I frequently work from home in my basement office, and Chanel likes to pay me visits in the afternoons. She got lots of screen time this week when she demanded to be held during a videoconference. What a little ham! She is doing great, and we absolutely love her.

Chanel spent a day at the veterinary clinic the Saturday after Thanksgiving because she had a bad case of constipation. She got sorted out after two enemas and now gets Miralax added to her food daily.

No sooner did we get Chanel sorted out at the vet than Grayson, my two-year-old kitty ended up going there as well. Grayson was very sick and ended up staying in the hospital for two days. Chanel was positively distraught without her best buddy and playmate. It turns out that Grayson had inflammatory bowel and pancreatitis. Although he wasn't feeling all that great when he did come home, being with Chanel again was the best possible medicine for him. Chanel has become very cat-focused rather than people-focused, and we have a ball watching them chase each other, have mock battles and ambushes, and sleep together.

I positively LOVE men, even men and boys I have never met before. I fling myself at them, demand lots of pets and kisses, purr at my loudest volume, and beg to have my belly rubbed. Mommy and other women are OK, but I have no time for them if there is a man anywhere in the vicinity. Mommy says I'm such a whore. I'm not quite sure what that is but figure I might as well wear the banner and wear it proudly.

The other cats in my family, Grayson and Ashley, and I are getting ready for Christmas. We love to lay underneath the Christmas tree and bat the ornaments. We only broke one so far, but I'm sure we can do better than that. I think Mommy got us lots of new toys. She can't fool me that there is catnip in some of those packages she has under the tree. Grayson and I both love toys with feathers, so I sure hope there are lots of those. Otherwise, I may have to show that little brat who's boss around here with first dibs on the toys.

I still will not use a litter box, but Mommy has gotten me pee pads that I use faithfully. We're both a lot happier now that we have compromised on this issue.

Merry Christmas and best wishes for the new year!

(Last update: Dec 22nd, 2014 8pm)

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Name:   Tommy
ID#: VA2166
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 07/02/03
Adopted: 07/26/03
Deceased: 12/01/14
Congrats: Alan
Foster: Jane

I have let foster mom and dad find out what a love bug I am. I purr and headbutt and sit in their lap. After this weekend they will know how I am with other pets but I know I am very happy with others. I had a feline friend and a woofer friend in my previous home. I have very unusual coloring and have just a very little bit of white. I look like dark chocolate drizzled with vanilla icing on my forehead and feet. I am a wonderful companion and would like to be yours. Want to find out more about me? Just ask! Congrats Dee in FL!

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Notes from Home
Update :
We lost Mr. Snickers (Tommy) on Nov.29th. of this year-- 2014 due to a cancerous tumor. We had him for 12 wonderful years and he was a wonderful cat !
We had him cremated and have his ashes in a lovely wooden box along with his footprint and a piece of his fur. We'll never forget our Mr. Snickers.

(Last update: Dec 22nd, 2014 10am)

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