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My foster mom just took a lot of new pictures. Check them out. She's trying to help everyone see the wonderful cat that she sees.

I am super friendly and love to purr and give head butts. My foster mom says I get a 9.5 out of 10 on the friendly scale. I also like to eat and play. I'm a very laidback lover with stunning bright blue eyes that look incredible with my flame coloring.

I was a stray and rather thin. Now I'm making up for lost time and am up to 9 pounds -- a healthy weight for me. (Because I was not neutered until I was an adult, I developed a wide face and am a bigger male -- but NO litter box issues.) And I love having a warm, safe place. Even better, I get lots of attention and have someone to lavish with affection.

I spend the day with the resident cats now. We get along just fine, but I'm more interested in my foster mom than the other cats. I met my foster mom's sister. Even though she was a stranger, I lavished her with affection. I am people-oriented.

As much as I like my foster mom and foster home, I'd like a forever home and forever family even more. Please ask about me.

Name:   Sinatra
ID#: VA7520
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 01/21/11
Adopted: 03/12/11
Congrats: Megan
Foster: Ellen


Notes from Home
1/29/15: Sinatra is (sort of) famous! I am on the production team of The Windy City Burlesque Festival, and this year we are selling "Cats explain burlesque" calendars to fundraise for the festival. Sinatra is the glitter kitty! You can see all the images on Buzzfeed here: http://www.buzzfeed.com/ashleyv4c2a927e0/cats-explain-burlesque-1ahc0

3/10/14: Very nearly our three-year Cativersary! He's still a joy to share my life with (except at 6 am when he's jumping on my head repeatedly until I get up to feed him). It doesn't feel like 3 years, that's for sure.

3/12/13: Happy two-year Cativersary! Woke up to kitty snuggles this morning (but I wake up to them pretty much every morning. If it's not snuggles, it's stepping on my organs repeatedly, trying to subtly wake me for breakfast.)

3/12/12: Happy one year Cativersary! Guess who gets treats and a new catnip mouse today?

10/16/11: "Grandma" bought kitty a new scratch post. Now when I come home and he excitedly tries to shred my bedposts, I get to say "no, you know where you're supposed to do that", and he looks at me, and scratches the scratchpost instead. Smart little bugger.

9/28/11: It has apparently been six months already, and I have no idea where the time has gone. Sinatra is still stalwartly claiming that he's not a lap-cat, despite the fact that he will lean on me, or sprawl over my ankles given the slightest opportunity. He has picked up the unfortunate habit of scratching the bejeezus out of my bedposts, but we're working on that.

6/10 I have had my wonderful kitty for almost three months now, and he has finally settled in completely. As friendly as he was in the beginning, he is now even more so, and less skittish around strangers now that he knows they aren't taking him anywhere. He sleeps on my knees every night and wakes me up at the crack of insanity to be fed, often by stealing my glasses or batting at something expensive (how do they KNOW?) We've had some issues with recurring UTI's, but that seems to have cleared up, at least for now.
He is a chatty, wonderful kitty, and holds conversations with me when I come home from work. More soon...

3/28: Sinatra has been home with me for a little over two weeks now. He's been a sweetheart, and very well behaved the whole time. He has figured out how to open my closet door, and will just open it because he feels like it. He is very insistent when it comes to food, and I do have to lock him out of the kitchen when I'm cooking, to avoid him trying to headbutt sharp objects/eat my food/investigate hot pans. Otherwise, he's been a very good boy.

3/12: Brought Sinatra home today. He has staked out the top of my microwave, and doesn't want to give up such prime real-estate. He is, however, extremely friendly, and has let me sit and pet him all afternoon, purring like there's a little V-8 under his hood.

(Last update: Jan 30th, 2015 12am)

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Name: Sonny Boy

(FKA Kasey)

ID#: VA3411
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/28/05
Adopted: 12/18/05
Deceased: 11/26/09
Congrats: Rosemary
Foster: Jane

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Well I am taking matters into my own hands and my typing may not be good but my message is. This is the way this is done. You look at me and see how handsome I am.
Then you ask foster mom so she can tell you what a wonderful cat I am. Then you talk to her on the phone and I will talk to you too sometimes. Then I go on pending and I come live with you. Now isn't that a great idea? If you think so too then follow the instructions above and make me a happy cat. Kasey

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Notes from Home
Chris is doing great! He is taking his meds like a champ. We are so lucky to have him!!
(Last update: Jan 28th, 2015 3pm)

Young, fun, sweet and loving - how about it anyone?
Name: Mercutio

(FKA Arienti)

ID#: VA10331
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/20/14
Adopted: 10/11/14
Congrats: Lucie
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Mercutio and I are spending the snow day together working on the computer!

He is a wonderful home companion! Every evening when I get home from work he greets me by jumping onto my shoulders for a ride around the house. The first time was a little surprising, but now we both know the routine! He loves playing with his feather toy, running in and out of this kitty tent, chasing the laser pointer, and sleeping in front of the window. On chilly days, he has a nice spot set up in front of the radiator. And he LOVES boxes. He has a box in every room that he can sit in (depending on where I am). He loves cuddling with guests on the couch, though they get the occasional nip. We are still working on that, but sometimes it's the just only way to remind me that it's food time, or play time! He has his own spot on the bed and likes to wake me up in the morning with licks!

A month after I adopted him he started having very mild asthma attacks. After a few vet visits, we came to the conclusion that it is most likely seasonal allergies, or my perfume!, that sets him off. The climate is quite different from the streets of Baltimore! He hasn't had one this winter, so we'll play it by ear when spring comes. I happen to have very serious allergies to many environmental triggers, and it just so happens that we were having attacks at the same time! Like mother like kitty, eh?

He met my neighbor's dog last week and they hit it off great. Such an easy going little guy!

He's a sweet boy and is thankful every day for Siamese Rescue! Maybe someday they might bring him another friend....

(Last update: Jan 27th, 2015 5pm)

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Name: Olivia

(FKA Kimchi)

ID#: VA8905
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 11/07/12
Adopted: 01/27/13
Congrats: Wayne
Foster: Jo

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Sweet, lively, little girl .... with a loud voice!

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Notes from Home
March 18, 2013. Kimchi is now called Olivia (she was briefly called Iris, but Olivia from Twelfth Night suits her so much better). She has made herself at home in our house, with us, with our pug Brutus, and our newest Siamese, Toby. She exhibited intense curiosity re: Toby from day 1, but within the last two weeks they've begun to play with each other and chase each other, a game only ruined when Brutus joins in. That said, while she's no great fan of the pug yet, she certainly stands her ground when he's around. Olivia is thus far a very odd mix of intensely social and intensely reserved. She always wants to be where we are, often quite close or even lying on our legs, to the point of following us from room to room, but once we and she are settled, she would prefer to be left alone. She is one very self-possessed little kitty!
(Last update: Jan 27th, 2015 10am)

Hi there!

Ready, ready, ready to go home!

I had my major inspection yesterday and I'm good to go. Can you believe it? I can...I have several years left so don't count me out. A great companion, cuddlebug, and I love other (laidback) kitties.

Lets face it--while rough and tumbling isn't my style anymore...I am a sweet, sedate lady.

So--how about bringing some sunshine home? Ask about me soon.

More to come,

Cleo 1331
Name: Miss Martha

(FKA Cleo 1331)

ID#: VA8214
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 11/26/11
Adopted: 01/26/12
Deceased: 01/26/15
Congrats: Jim
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Miss Martha (also known as Puss or Miss Puss) is adjusting well to her new home. We've had her now for almost a month. Although initially identified as "not much of a talker" she is becoming more vocal as her confidence increases. Turns out she is an office cat and loves to lounge about on our laps whenever we are working on the computer. She also spends evenings on the couch with us and just last night we gave her free run of the house and she spent most of the night in bed with us too. She is a very sweet cat and seems to be bonding with both of us equally.

3/9/12: Forget feathers or toy mice, her favorite toy is a shoestring! Puss loves to catch the string and has a great grip with her front toes. She will chase or bat at the string, catch it, and then bite on the end, then stare at us until we make the string move for her again.

8/13/12: Puss is slowing expanding her range/territory and now regularly uses the two rooms nearest her bedroom. She likes watching the butterflies outside her bedroom window and lounging in my office chair. Puss usually comes out beyond her three rooms at least once each evening to explore the rest of the house or come sit with us on the couch for a while. Her face has darkened considerably from the fever coat she had when we adopted her--so she looks younger than she did at first. She is a very happy cat--a little bit snotty to our dogs and hesitant at first meeting new people but otherwise a very sweet and affectionate cat.

1/26/15: Puss had a pancreatitis attack in 2013 from which we were able to nurse her back to health and she rebounded to her normal quality of life. She was not as lucky with her second attack which began on 10/4/14. We were unable to halt her systems from shutting down and once her kidneys shut down we made the difficult decision to put her to sleep on 10/7/14 rather than allow her to continue to struggle for her last few hours. In her last year she had become quite comfortable with the rest of our house. Every morning she would sit next in the chair next to my husband and "help" him with paperwork. During her last six months she often would fall asleep on my chest or next to me in bed--even if there was a dog there too!

(Last update: Jan 26th, 2015 2pm)

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Name: Winston

(FKA Thunder)

ID#: VA10508
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/14/14
Adopted: 12/26/14
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Initially reserved, I'm quick to warm up once I get to know you and my surroundings. I came from a quiet home as the only cat so would like to go back into a quieter situation, but other cats seem to be okay, provided no one bullies me or picks on me (in other words I think I could learn to have a cat friend).

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Notes from Home
Winston is doing well. He's relaxed and having fun playing with all his cat toys. No worries at all.
(Last update: Jan 26th, 2015 1pm)

Are you looking for a handsome boy like me with fur like velvet? I like laps and girl kitties are ok or I could satisfy all your needs and be your one and only.
Name: Mei Qiu

(FKA Mackie)

ID#: VA9752
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/18/13
Adopted: 01/26/14
Congrats: Wenji
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
It's been six months since we had Mei Qiu with us. He's our first cat so we were unsure at the beginning but he turned out to be great! We even got him a girlfriend and they really like each other. Mei Qiu is definitely a happy cat now!

Today is Mei Qiu's first year anniversary with us. He's now a very mellow kitty and his front chest has actually become lighter in color!

(Last update: Jan 26th, 2015 11am)

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Name:   Lina
ID#: VA6532
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/09/09
Adopted: 09/15/09
Deceased: 12/01/14
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Gina

I sure do like it here. Here I get to spend time with my new foster Mom and she gives my brother, Lucas, and me attention when we want it. The other place that I lived there were so many of us that there was just not enough time to get the human attention that I so love. My brother and I love it each other so much that we must go to our future new home together. I would be very unhappy without my Lucas. I can say that I have a great disposition and so does Lucas. As much as we love each other, we will love you more. So if you are interested in adding two beautiful and loving kitties to your family, then ask about me. You will be so glad that you did.

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Notes from Home
I'm so sorry to let everyone know that I lost my sweet Lina the week before Christmas. I just picked up her ashes this past week. It's a plain, cream-colored urn that just doesn't fit the her unusual beauty. I always described her as a Blue Snowshoe. I never adorn my cats with collars or clothes, but I think I'll string a blue necklace for the neck of that plain urn.
I have never had a cat become so gravely ill in such a short time at such a young age. Danny, one of my almost 15 year-old Grey Tabby Bubba cats, had an infected tooth . Routine urinalysis showed he was not concentrating his urine. He was put on a low protein prescriptive diet. With no way to keep Danny out of everyone else's dry food, everyone got the Renal LP. I realized that Lina really didn't care for it. I made a couple of trips to Petsmart to find other foods that the other 3 would like and wouldn't be so bad for Danny if he raided the forbidden bowls. I was getting her to eat, but after a week I took her to the vet. Labs showed liver failure, pancreatitis and an anemia. In 10 days, she was so ill that I couldn't save her. It is devastating. I still cry when I see a picture of her. She was such a sweet beauty, so her urn will get necklace.

(Last update: Jan 25th, 2015 5pm)

Hi everyone! Nona here. I am the product of a BYB (back yard breeder) and she decided to "downsize" so she brought me to the local shelter. I am super friendly and in good condition so I have been well cared for despite the circumstances. I haven't met any of the cats here yet but I was in a cage at the shelter with one of my sisters so I'll probably be OK with other cats too but Foster Mom will find out for sure. As friendly as I am, Foster Mom says I would be enough cat to be an only cat for someone.

Why don't you get on my list so Foster Mom can tell you more about me as she gets to know me?

Happy New Year!
Name: Lucy

(FKA Nona)

ID#: VA7476
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 12/20/10
Adopted: 01/22/11
Congrats: James T
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
It's hard to believe that it's been four years since we met the couriers on a snowy cold day to receive our 2nd rescue kitty, Lucy. She has been a delight & the perfect companion to Robbie. They get along really well. She is more independent than Robbie, but LOVES to be petted & will let you know if you stop petting before she's ready. We are so happy to have both of them. so glad we found out about the Rescue.
(Last update: Jan 24th, 2015 11am)

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Name:   Sinbad
ID#: VA6490
Location:  Delaware
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 07/23/09
Adopted: 01/24/10
Deceased: 12/04/15
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes

I must go home with my mom, Cybele. I'm very affectionate and have been purring and nuzzling my new foster mom, even after all the changes in my life. I would love to find a home not too far away from DE.

My eye isn't the prettiest but I can see just fine with the other one. I am a very handsome, cuddly fellow who purrs and can sing you to sleep at night. Can you provide me with the love my own mom gave me since I was born?

I love other cats and doggies so can live peacefully with critters you may already have. But remember I come with my mom because we sooooo love each other.

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Notes from Home
Sinbad continues to be a sweet and vocal kitty. He has maintained level renal values in the past year. He is usually cuddled up with his best buddy, Rider, or his mom, Cybele in a millie bed. Prime sunshine real estate on sunny mornings is his favorite place to take a nap.

Still loving any food I can get. Mom makes me eat that darn special food but I prefer anything else. I love, love, love snuggling with Rider or Dad. He gives me lots of pets but won't let me sleep with him at night because I make him pet me all night long. It's been just a year since we moved here and I'm glad I got such a good home.

I am the ultimate lover and eater. I quickly learned that I could open the canister with our special food in it. Finally mom caught on and took care to secure it so Cybele and I couldn't munch at will. I love my mealtimes and am sure to finish everything. I hate being separated from Cybele and nuzzle her over and over when mom brings her for her meal. We both love to spend our days on the down comforters on Mom and Dad's heated waterbed. Such a hard life we have! I love all the other kitties here and always can be found close to one or more, especially Rider. We are the same age and the best buddies! Thanks to foster mom and dad for keeping me and my mom. We love you.

It's been another year and I did well on my darn vet visit. Only thing is that I now have some stuff in my mouth that meant I had to take medicine for a lot of days. But I'm still a lover-boy and spend time sleeping humans' bed, with mom Cybele and brudder, Rider, nearby. See you all next year.

Sinbad had another year to be loving and curled up with Cybele and Rider or even us. His bloodwork and exam were good but he did have to have another dental. The vet also prescribed a strong antibiotic so his injured eye now looks almost normal. What a wonderful official geezer Sinbad is! Purrs, everyone.

Sinbad continues to be a high visibility kitty here, letting us know that dinner is late or he wants attention. She loves to be cuddled up with his mom, Cybele, or Rider if he's not on a lap. Health concerns are minimal and he loves his raw diet. He's even lost the dry food pudginess and looks great.

(Last update: Jan 24th, 2015 11am)

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