Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 8:10:54am |
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Playful, loving, purr monster here.
Name: Polly
(FKA Rosalie)
ID#: VA10558
Location: South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 01/10/15
Adopted: 01/25/15
Congrats: Toby
Foster: Debra
Notes from Home
Polly is the sweetest little girl. She's very playful, and purrs all the time. Learning to get along with Mackie. Eats well, and has gained over a pound in her first 2 weeks with me. Love her!
2/21/15 Polly is quite a little leader - she's small, but tough! Likes to go upstairs and then jump down to various levels - loft to top of cabinets to top of refrigerator. Hasn't quite gotten up the courage to leap down from the fridge to the floor, but I'm sure it will happen. She's still a constant purrer.
2/24 Polly has finally discovered the Milly Bed!
3/3/14 Polly enjoys exploring. She's very inquisitive, just like a kitten should be!
(Last update: Mar 3rd, 2015 8am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Mackie
(FKA Quiggs)
ID#: VA10544
Location: Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 01/03/15
Adopted: 01/25/15
Congrats: Toby
Foster: ShirleyBo
Foster Notes for Quiggs [VA10544] |
Super Nice friendly outgoing kitten. |
Foster Notes
I am a Hang Ten kitten! That ride in the engine motor was scary, but it ended up getting me to this nice place. I did a pit stop at this shelter where I did some hanging from the cage bars. And now I am in this thing called a playpen where I can hang some more. Hanging around waiting for you to ask about me. Real pictures soon. I have to dry off first.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Mackie is a sweet, loving little guy. Somewhat shy when meeting new people. He and Polly have a good time together - playing, wrestling, sharing toys. Recently discovered the climber. Likes to wake me up by nibbling on my feet.
2/21/15 Mackie is the most lovable little guy, though he's growing daily. Still shy when new people come into the house, but warms up in time. He's a great supervisor - watches me very closely when I'm cleaning the litter box, to make sure I do a good job. Such a sweetheart!
3/3/14 Mackie enjoys watching Polly's antics. He stays back while she does interesting tings.
(Last update: Mar 3rd, 2015 8am)
Psst! Yeah, you! I'm here, and you're out there looking at me. What do you say we have a little talk. I'll go first............
My name is Buster, and I am a snowshoe meezer. I wasn't feeling so good for a while, but foster meowmy shoved pills into me, and loved on me every day, and now I'm starting to feel like my old self again. I love the company of other kitties, and even the dog here didn't bother me. I am a little on the shy side, but if you pet me and rub on me, I just can't help myself.........I roll over for a belly rub. My biggest wish is to have a home of my own, where I'll get rubbed and petted everyday.
Are you looking for a loving, sweet boy? Then PICK ME!!!!! , please.......
Now your turn...hit the ask about me button and I'll answer any of your questions.
Name: Jacki
(FKA Buster)
ID#: VA4716
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 01/20/07
Adopted: 03/01/07
Deceased: 10/23/17
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Jeanne
Foster Notes for Buster [VA4716] |
Big muscular boy with beautiful blue eyes the color of a blue topaz stone. I would describe him as a kneading, rolling, bundle of purring fur once you start to pet him. A real "Gentle Ben". |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
March 1, 2015: Eight years! How do I say what a great Meezer guy Jacki is without sounding like I'm gushing? Well, I can't, that's what! He's just the best, that's all. Jacki and I say thank you to foster Mama Jeanne and to SCRC for giving him a chance at a new life. And thank you, too, for knowing how well Jacki would fit into our family!
March 1, 2014, was the SEVENTH anniversary of Jacki coming to live with us. Jacki is such a wonderful boy. He has many friends, and loves it when they visit him. I'd like to think his "Meowm" and "PawPaw" are the most important people in his life, but I think it may be that Jacki just has a lot of love to share! We celebrated Jacki's anniversary by volunteering for a Meezer Express trip. The only thing I regret about volunteering with Siamese Rescue is that I didn't do it SOONER.
March 2011: When Jacki came to live with us, his first response to anyone or anything new was hissing -- but as his foster Meowm said, it was just hot air. Now he greets everyone who comes into our home, though it must be admitted that Jacki prefers the female visitors to the male visitors. It's a wonderful thing to see how confident and happy Jacki is now! And we can't believe that he just celebrated his 4th anniversary of coming to stay with us!
(Last update: Mar 1st, 2015 12pm)
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Cute, sweet, active little girl looking for her forever home - interested?
Name: Jamie
ID#: VA10551
Location: Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 01/08/15
Adopted: 02/21/15
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Christine
Foster Notes for Jamie [VA10551] |
I must have another kitten or young, playful cat in my new home! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Jamie and Gigi are thriving - and adorable! We had them to our vet on Thursday. Gigi weighed 3 lbs, 15 oz. and Jamie 3 lbs. 7 oz. The vet declared them healthy - and adorable!
Jamie was actually the first one to allow me to pet her (actually slowing down enough to be petted), but Gigi also likes to be petted. Both of them greet me when I come into their room and purr.
They have several favorite toys, but their favorite remains the GoCat. They are especially cute when one of them has finally "captured" the mousie and tries to walk off triumphantly with it.
I'll try to add some pictures, if my technological skills allow.
So long for now.
(Last update: Feb 28th, 2015 7pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Summer
(FKA Summer Love)
ID#: VA9933
Location: Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 03/28/14
Adopted: 02/14/15
Congrats: Chris
Foster: Teresa
Foster Notes for Summer Love [VA9933] |
Oh my--what a very loving and resilient spirit. |
Foster Notes
Oh dear..I feel like I've checked into Hotel California and may never leave.
It's okay here and I am safe....that's all good but I am on my 3rd season (arrived in the Spring) and ready for a loving home. I am visually challenged but an affectionate, sweet and appreciative gal with simple needs.
My simple needs: a nice lap to sit next too....one floor, no swimming pools (I haven't learned to swim yet), wide open space without lots of clutter to trip over and bump into, smaller living area and an open litterbox (I have never missed either).
Ask...I'm ready to check out!
Love, Summer
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
The first few days she hid under the bed in the guest room but would come and visit me if I laid down on the bed. She peed and pooped on the bed after two days. We confined her into the bathroom (we had gated off access from the guest room to the bathroom for her) and she used the box. At that point I pretty much opened up the house to her and she's made nesting spots in the living room, hiding spaces in the bedroom, and she's used the litter box consistently every since in the spare bathroom. She's doing great. She sleeps with me on my bed at night and she will give John love but leave him alone (exactly what he had hoped for). She's wonderful. Everyone loves her to bits. I've attached a photo of her.
Interesting note: during the day, on some days, her eyes are NOT fully dialated and she can at least see contrasts or shadows. I waved my hand above her head and she looked up at it. I believe most days she cannot see, but some days she can see at least light and dark variations.
(Last update: Feb 28th, 2015 9am)
Hola! I'm a Spanish speaking Meezer looking for a new home, a home that has lots of laps, love, and attention! I've been here five minutes and let's see, I've purred up a storm, made lots of 'tortitas', waved at the camera, and gave kisses! They don't get much more loving than me :) and I am 10 pounds of absolute adoration!
Name: Emma
(FKA Chiquita)
ID#: VA7227
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/21/10
Adopted: 09/04/10
Congrats: Jessica
Foster: Siri
Notes from Home
2/28/15 Emma is happy and healthy after our move to Japan in August 2013. She's such a quirky, sweet cat, though sometimes overshadowed by her companion, Henrik VA8339. She's a little heavy right now, but she loves to play and frequently asks for her favorite toy (we had to lock it up because she was carrying it around the house and I was afraid she's tear it up and accidentally ingest something). She's affectionate on her terms, but when she's ready, look out! She's a love lump!
12/18/11 Emma has become a real snuggler! She's not really a lap girl yet (but it has happened a few times) but she loves to snuggle up next to me and really loves getting between my husband and I on the couch! She's doing great! About a month ago, her anal glands became rather full and one developed an abscess. She was a real trooper at the vet and seemed to know the vet was trying to help even through the painful shaving and draining of the abscess. She's all better and has even lost a little weight. She's right up next to me as I type this!
9/25/11 We celebrated Emma's first year with us on Sept 4th! We love her more every day. She survived eating a lilly flower last month and we are so grateful! She came through it and I think she realized that we are her family and not going to leave her. She's so special to us. We have been concerned she's not getting enough company, so we would like to find her a boyfriend!
3/28/11 Emma is really coming into her own. She's a bit heavy, but we've cut down her intake and she's gradually losing the weight. The extra weight seemed to make her knee act up- the vet calls it a "luxating patella" or trick knee and he thinks she always had one, but it got worse when she got heavy. But it seems to be getting better. We give her a joint supplement too. She still lives to eat, but she's more relaxed now and we have her on a pretty regular feeding schedule. She's very affectionate and sometimes licks my face when she's really happy. She still sleeps on her happy spot on my side of the bed, but she will occasionally come up next to me and sleep there for a few minutes. We're trying to develop her voice. She makes chirpy, clucky noises all the time, but she meows at night after we turn out the lights (always with a toy in her mouth). She will also occasionally meow before meals and we're encouraging it. She has such a cute voice, not yowling, so my husband and I just melt every time she talks. She always runs to the door to greet us when we come home. I think she really feels at home. We're thinking of getting another kitty. She's such a smart, funny kitty- I never want her to feel lonely!
12/22/10 We love Emma so much! She's been with us for almost 4 months and she fills our lives with meezer happiness. She's starting to use her voice now, more than ever. it's usually associated with food, but we're happy she's branching out from her usual chirping. I've had to be out of town, but in my absence, she's been very direct and brave with my husband. She jumps up on the couch with him and nudges him for a pet. One day I hope she'll be comfortable sitting on the couch next to me or on my lap (a girl can dream...).
10/21/10 Emma makes strides every day. Last night she came up from the foot of the bed to snuggle next to me for 5 minutes. She did that a few nights ago as well. Right afterwards she ran and scratched her post. I think she's had some rough times in her past, but I know she's happy today.
10/4/10 Emma is settling in very well. Her personality develops each day. She is a real licker and a motorboat (her purr is so loud!). She has her own little spot below my feet on the bed that she usually sleeps on. She has the funniest obsession with socks! She carries them around in her mouth and meows all the while. She does this at night, after we've gone to bed, and also when she wants more attention. It makes my husband and I laugh so hard! She also has a very long tongue that she will leave sticking out a bit, especially when she's giving herself a bath. She is such a dignified kitty that her tongue seems the epitome of goofiness! She loves to sit by the window and watch the trees and the birds and her favorite toy is a peacock feather! She will chase it for hours on end. We had to buy replacement feathers- she made short work of the first feather that the SCRC gave us when we first got her. I think she loves the apartment. She has several cozy spots she loves. She also greets us at the front door when we come home. She gets so excited. We love her so much!
(Last update: Feb 27th, 2015 11pm)
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Name: Ophelia
ID#: VA3958
Location: Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 01/14/06
Adopted: 02/27/06
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Trish
Not with kids under 5
Must be Only Cat
If you're looking for a special Meezerette, then I'm your girl! Just in time for Valentine's Day! I've got a beautiful blue point coat to go with my huge blue eyes, and a tail that curls over my back so-so cute says Foster Meown. She's figured out my secret: I'm a first generation Exotic Shorthair, as along with my Siamese genes, there are a few Himalayan-Persian ones.
I landed in the shelter in northern Vermont back in November after being found outside. After Christmas, I got accepted into SR. Now I'm a poised, petite 7 pounds, and full of kitten-like energy. I like to play, play, play! Meown loves the way I use the bed as a trampoline! I've met two of the Meezer Boyz here, and they're OK. I like exploring, and being with people. I do have my moods, but they disappear quickly. Meowm also says that while I might like a young boy Meezer to play with, it's best that I be your one and only while we get acquainted. Could I please be your Valentine girl?
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Ophelia has been a delightful addition to our family. Nine years later, she has definitely mellowed and is no longer as playful as when we adopted her, but neither are her parents! We kept her name as Ophelia, which seems very appropriate because she loves to stand under the faucet, in the tub, sink, or wherever, and is definitely not afraid of the water! She has stayed in excellent health, and we hope she will have many happy years ahead of her.
(Last update: Feb 27th, 2015 12pm)
Hey, guess what, guys? I might be learning this "appropriate interaction" thing. Foster mom says I need to keep learning my manners. But I already know how to be loveydovey and to reach up to you for affection and rub all over you. Oh that swat? I'm not supposed to do that? Oops! OK, well, I'll see what I can do about that. Foster mom says I'm a project. Well, of course I am! I require your undying love and affection. And I'm outgoing and athletic and affectionate and busy and ... and... Oh, and she forgot my stunning good looks, too. How can you resist a face like mine? I'm the Rocky Balboa of seal point snowshoes! You *can* tell I'm handsome seal point and white and not just your run of the mill black and white moozer, right?
See how loviedovie I can be in my latest video. And guess what I'm learning? I'm learning to wear a harness and leash! And on my short explorations out in the living room today on my harness, I met the dog again, and I did OK. Shhh don't tell anyone.
I'm one of those cats that would probably be best as an only cat, but if you have another cat who will just let me do my own thing, that works, too. As long as I have youuuuu.
Name: Kane
ID#: VA9556
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/21/13
Adopted: 01/25/14
Congrats: Gary
Foster: Rinn
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Not with Male Cats
Notes from Home
Kane is thriving in his new home. All family members (4) love giving him attention, affection, and play time. He has added two to three pounds, so he is approximately 15-16 pounds now. His day consists of sleeping in, head butting, occasional biscuit making, chasing small, noisy balls, greeting any visitors to the house, cat tree siestas ,and did I mention clawing my favorite chair. Oh, and eating healthy food, also. He is a wonderful cat and we would like to add that he was deemed a project cat. Anyone who might not think they want to take a chance on a project cat should definitely reconsider. With Rinn and Peggy's help and the wonderful Siamese Cat Rescue Center, we are so fortunate to have Kane to bring us so much joy.
Well, Kane's been living here in Delaware with us for one year now. He's had healthy check ups at the Vet. and really doesn't seem to mind visiting him. Kane is up to 17 pounds so we are making sure he gets play time to help him keep his "muscular physique". He has been a great addition to our household and we count ourselves lucky to have him. I hope everyone enjoys his pictures (thanks to Carlee).
(Last update: Feb 26th, 2015 10pm)
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Name: Liu
(FKA Samantha)
ID#: VA9739
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/13/13
Adopted: 12/28/13
Congrats: Kimberley
Foster: Siri
I'm a petite seal point girlie, and I love to be petted and to explore. I lived with other kitties before, so I will probably be good with others. And I met the woofer, and she seems OK, too. I have a little infection in my one eye right now, but Aunt Siri will get me all fixed up. Going to Aunt Siri's 12/14. More information soon!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Dear My First Human Mom, I'm hoping that you are well. I landed in a lovely place. I have gone from a skinny kitty to a well-proportioned kitty. I'm now 9 lbs! While you called me Samantha, my new mom calls me Liu.
I live with two other cats-my brother who is the alpha cat in our house and a younger cat who takes turns loving me and teasing me. My new mom says that little sisters are like that, no matter what species they are. (Giggle!) My brother and I are buddies and we sleep, touching each other's paw every morning.
My favorite spot in the house is the bed with the down comforters and pillows or at the foot of my new mom. Every day, she holds me and we together send warm thoughts to you, hoping that you are okay.
If you like to see me, my new mom would be happy to share me with you. She told me that she can tell by the way that I act around people and that you knew that my birthday was Nov. 28, 2007, I must have been loved a great deal by you.
Love you and hope that you are doing well.
Samantha (aka Liu)
(Last update: Feb 26th, 2015 6am)
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