Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 7:57:49am |
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Super loving, one of 40 cats, I never had enough love, so I'm going to make up for lost time! I'm related to Bear who came in two weeks ago, and he's a gem, so that makes me a diamond! While I look a little unsure, I look hopeful, meow hopefully, and walk into your arms if you ask!
Name: Syrio
(FKA Twinny)
ID#: VA10327
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 09/20/14
Adopted: 09/29/14
Congrats: Kimberly
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
After several people trying to call him various forms of cereal (apparently the new name Syrio sounds too much like cereal), his name is Bastian (from the never-ending story.) He is still very shy and waits for you to convince him you really want him before he'll come out. Once he's out, all bets are off and you aren't getting rid of him that easily. He's find a favorite you he plays with all night.
The vet said aside grin an ear infection he looks incredible.
He and Buttercup have meet through a baby gate. He ignores her and she just wants to knew what this thing mommy is touching is doing. Today is the first day they will have a chance to get face to face without barrier. I think they'll be great. She's already forgotten she was lonely without someone or something home all day.
10/29 - Wow it's been a month! Bastian is so feisty it's adorable. He's into everything, but most of all he's into getting love from mom. He's still a little skittish around other people, he has a very specific routine you need to follow when he's gone into hiding.
Bastian and Buttercup are still working on feeling each other out, but they mostly just look at each other then move on. Bastian would like to be friends, but Buttercup still hasn't figured out this new guy that doesn't stop to rest.
Bastian loves to play, but not so much with toys. Two things I've noted and need to work on, he likes to pay with your finger in his mouth and doesn't know how hard he's chomping. Definite bad habit. He also scratches carpet and beds and whatever a lot, except his scratching post. I think those are all normal, so just a matter of working with him.
I couldn't be happier with the little guy and I know he's in love with his new home.
03/29 - Time flies, 6 months? Bastian has gone through a few changes. His "sister" passed away from thyroid disease at 18. He finally knows what it's like to have all the love and attention. He is extremely vocal to make sure you don't forget he's there (as I'd you could when he's sitting on top of you!) He is still skittish with loud noses, but now he runs out and runs right back in the room Because he knows it's safe. He's such a sweetheart and always happy.
(Last update: Mar 29th, 2015 1pm)
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Name: Sam
ID#: VA9913
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/15/14
Adopted: 03/29/14
Deceased: 11/22/16
Congrats: Marlene
Foster: Siri
Love me, love me not and you're missing out, that's all I can say! I will follow you all around and finally found my voice, check out my video! Sweet as can be, I'm not phased by much of anything, other cats, people, all is good with me, as long as I can have a lap to call my own!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It's been 6 months since we brought Sam home from SCRC. At that time he was recovering from which had been stitched and stapled. Shortly after his arrival the wound re-opened so it was off to the vet for an early visit, at which time he was restapled and fitted with a soft cone and a protective shirt. He was a great patient, taking it all in stride, and has recovered nicely. He is so comfortable in our house that it seems like he's been here forever. He gets along fine with his buddy, Joey Pontoon(SCRC-VA 9257) whom we adopted in June 2013. They have very different personalities but complement each other very well. Joey needs to be reminded to eat, while Sam needs to be reminded to stop eating. We need to watch Sam's appetite as he has gained considerable weight since his arrival. Sam and Joey both love sitting on our screened porch monitoring the activities of chipmunks, squirrels, and birds. The boys are great travelers and enjoyed a vacation together in Ocean City and will go to the Poconos this winter. Having these 2 geezers has been an absolute pleasure as their interactions often remind us of Matthau and Lemmon in Grumpy Old Men and The Odd Couple. We want to thank everybody at SCRC for giving us the opportunity. Pictures are forthcoming.
Greetings. Hard to believe that it's already Sam's 1-year anniversary! He just enjoyed a winter vacation in the Poconos with us and his buddy Joey Pontoon. His deafness has certainly not hindered his ability to vocally communicate with us, particularly when he's hungry. He is a real lover and we're happy to have him in our lives, and he has been a great companion to Joey, despite their different personalities.
(Last update: Mar 29th, 2015 12pm)
My name is Charffin and do I have a story to tell you. My former owner turned me into the shelter for missing the pan - well, he moved my box and I was confused and that is what happened! No second chances for me, off to jail on my first offense! But the nice people at the shelter saw that I was using the box just fine and called Siamese Rescue and here I am - I did get a second chance after all! I am in my own room with a sunny window and birds to watch as they feed and all the food, water and loving I want from foster mom. She says to tell you that I have used my box faithfully since I have been at her house (she keeps it nice and clean and I like that!) I have another secret - I am a Flamepoint with white socks and a white tip on my tail - Foster Mom and Auntie Cheryl have never seen that before, so I am Very Special and I hope that I will soon be with the kind of family who knows the meaning of forever because I don't want to have to lose my family again so pls come get me very soon - I really like it here but want my forever family in time for the HOLIDAYS! Thanks for listening and considering me - I won't let you down - I promise, Love Chaffin. Congrats Sherry in VA!
Name: Yeti
(FKA Chaffin)
ID#: VA1818
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 23 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Flame
DateIn: 11/16/02
Adopted: 12/07/02
Congrats: Sherry
Foster: Melissa
Notes from Home
Yeti was diagnosed with Lymphoma in February after multiple trips to the vet. He passed over the rainbow bridge tonight. It was an extremely hard decision for me to make. I adopted him 13 years ago and I am totally devastated by his loss. I don't think there ever was a nicer cat in the world. May he rest in peace.
(Last update: Mar 27th, 2015 9pm)
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Name: Molly
(FKA Ziva)
ID#: VA10263
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/23/14
Adopted: 09/21/14
Congrats: Judy
Foster: Debi
Foster Notes for Ziva [VA10263] |
Super...Super nice kitten!!! Loves being held & cuddled, loves getting kisses & loves playing with her toys!! |
Foster Notes
Howdy! Let me express my opinion on one thing before we go any further! I DO NOT like to travel & I get very upset when I even think of traveling far. So...hopefully there's a forever family within a short driving distance from my foster mom's house in Virginia.
Now that I've gotten that off my chest...SWEEEEEET...that's me! I love any attention I'm given, purr within a second of you even lookig at me & I love to play with the wand toy.
Are you looking for a sweetie pie? That's how my foster meowm describes me! If so, you may want to consider me, but I sure hope you live close by!
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Notes from Home
Molly is a joy and she seems very happy in her new home. She and our rescue tabby Mia are now good friends and chase each other all over the house! We just love her. Thanks Siamese Rescue!
We love Molly. She is quite the jumper, squeaks instead of meows, loves playing in water and drinking out of faucets, retrieves better than any canine, and keeps us in stitches. She has become a truly gorgeous cat. She even walks elegantly, like she knows how prissy and pretty she is! We truly feel it was meant to be that she joined our family. She is the joy of our lives. She and my husband have a game they play everything. As soon as she hears him come home, she hides behind the door in the TV room and she jumps out to scare him. She jumps about four feet in the air. I wish I could catch it on video. It would win a prize!
(Last update: Mar 27th, 2015 6pm)
Well I lost my leg but that doesn't stop me - I 'm great in the box, use my scratching post, and love to play. I'm not super at stairs so I'd appreciate a box on every floor; and I'm a little overenthusiastic in my need for attention so I do a bit of inappropriate chewing (on your hands, not on other things) because I missed my early kittenhood training. I'm okay with other female cats if they'll play with me, but I adore people and follow you around, talk to you, and stare longingly at you. You don't have to worry about your fragile items because I'm not a climber or a jumper, but you do need a sisal scratching post please!
Name: Rallo
ID#: VA6795
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 01/16/10
Adopted: 03/26/10
Congrats: Judy
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Notes from Home
So, yes, he's still a mischievious romeo. He dodges anyone who tries to pet him and goes into play mode. Contrary to that attitude, he's a huge lap cat and always sleeps with me. In this past year he has developed a fascination for all the toilets, something to do with a bubbling noise. He's 12 pounds now, very healthy, and gets checkups every 6 month from the home vet. Still a highly active, loving boy.
(Last update: Mar 26th, 2015 12pm)
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Name: Mister Mojo Risin'
(FKA Tuna)
ID#: VA10380
Location: Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 10/07/14
Adopted: 11/09/14
Congrats: Kathie
Foster: Jennifer
Me, Tuna, sitting still which hardly ever happens! I am busy, busy and more busy....
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Just wanted to let everyone know how GREAT Mojo ( Tuna ) is handling his new adventure. he really is a ballsy cat and has no fear. he and my Flamepoint Harley are getting along very well, they have wrestled, stalked, shared meals and cleaned each other already we have only had him since Sunday night! He decided to introduce himself earlier than I wanted to Mr Harley and it seemed to go ok. he was a bit standoffish at first but I think he realized Harley was not going to hurt him just wanted to play and they were off and running around. He is awesome with his litter box and I have already started having him use the main litter boxes so he is familiar with their placement when his" trainer box " is gone. He is quite the little piggy and loves steamed shredded chicken breast too. He is already starting to come when we motion to him ( most times though his kitty attention span wins but he does make the effort to come) and he is very spoiled and now sleeps in bed with my daughter Kylie or is being carried around like a little prince. I think he ihas finally relaxed with being held now as well. Thank you again to everyone who has helped get him to us. We are very happy with our new addition
I had this very cold day off and just looked over to see Mojo all snuggled up with Harley in one of the cat beds. They rarely sleep apart when they are not sleeping with one of my kids or on us in the living room. We couldn't have had a better fit for our family. He blends right in with all the action and loudness. He is quite the piglet and always begging for food. His favorite is steamed chicken breast, but he would probably try anything if I let him! He sits up and begs like a dog for his food or treats. I have posted a picture from earlier today. He really is a funny character!
Hello all! Mojo here, just checking in to let you all know I am really loving my fur-ever home. My mom is so happy because I like her better than anyone else in the house! All the animals always like our daddy better but for some reason I love my mom best of all! After all she is the one who cleans my brother Harley and my litter boxes ever day and makes sure we have really good food to eat and is always buying us new toys. I even have my own special scratcher thingie she bought me because I like to scratch on a certain kind of surface only.
I can't get enough food! I must be going to be a really big kitty because I am almost as big as my 2 yr old brother already! Anytime anyone is buy the stove I come running and sit and beg like a dog for snacks. My favorite is cheese and chicken. I hate anything seafood and try to bury my food in the vinyl floor when I don't like it.
I love playing with my spider toy and my brother and getting brushed by my mom when we get really running around we sound like ten cats instead of two. Wrestling is my favorite and I like to jump down on my brother's back when he isn't paying attention.
I don't like to be picked up much, especially if I already am playing or have something that has my attention. I do like to come and snuggle though, on my terms, but then again what did you expect? I am a cat after all!
My mom helped me post some new pictures. Thank again Siamese Rescue for helping me and my family find each other.
My mom just had to post some if my modeling pictures....she says I should be the next " Grumpy Cat ". Personally I think I am more handsome than grumpy looking and much more entertaining. I have a new toy I really like now, my Ralphie the Rat. I hide it from my brother and my humans because it's mine mine mine. I do like to fetch and bring it back to my dad over and over though.
(Last update: Mar 25th, 2015 9pm)
Lovely, lovely, lovely! Yes, that's me :)
Name: Dapoos
(FKA Fitz)
ID#: VA9892
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 03/08/14
Adopted: 03/22/14
Congrats: Lubna
Foster: Siri
Notes from Home
Dapoos is doing very good, Dapoos is very well, he is getting his daily food and his exercise, he is also vey cute and healthy. Dapoos is very very playful and he is always ready for a game. Dapoos is also spending al lot of time in his cat home and loves to be o n the deck and likes to lie down on our swing.Dapoos is the best cat ever and he is doing great.
(Last update: Mar 24th, 2015 10pm)
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Name: Aki
ID#: VA10623
Location: Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/13/15
Adopted: 03/14/15
Deceased: 07/14/15
Congrats: Joseph
Foster: Belinda
Foster Notes for Aki [VA10623] |
A hunky big boy who loves to be loved. |
Foster Notes
My name is Aki - which means 'autumn sky' in Japanese. Once upon a time, someone loved me enough to give me my name, but not enough to keep me. My fostermom is trying to make me feel loved and wanted after being abandoned by a family that I thought loved me so much. I'm a little sad, but my temporary family is doing everything they can to let me know that there are good, loving folks out there. I'm a sweet boy who gets along with other cats (and probably nice doggies too), and I'm fully vetted and ready to start over again.
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Notes from Home
So, it has been 1 week since I came to me new house and met my new sister Sophie. We weren't supposed to be compatible, and the situation was one for a bad outcome. Yet here we are cuddled up on the couch next to each other and not hissing or fighting. We are on the path to becoming good friends and all of us are getting along together. We play together a little now, and we share the same food dish and we are spoiled rotten by our new owners. They even let us sleep with them at nite. We are forever in our new home.
(Last update: Mar 21st, 2015 9pm)
Name: Daisy Mae
ID#: VA10560
Location: Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 01/10/15
Adopted: 02/21/15
Congrats: Loran
Foster: Joyce
Foster Notes for Daisy Mae [VA10560] |
Kitten policies apply and MUST have another young cat or kitten in the home |
Foster Notes
Are you looking for a little bundle of joy ? Then here I am !! I'm a super cute, very playful and active little girl.
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Notes from Home
Zuul, formally known as Daisy Mae, is the perfect addition to our little family. She's been great with her big brother Vigo. Shes getting big now and running around the house like she owns the place!
(Last update: Mar 21st, 2015 8am)
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