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Beautiful, sweet, healthy, playful, and chatty; a purr generously returned with complete abandon ... check out my photo gallery and that will pretty much tell the story. Brand new here, but appear to be just about purrfect so far, so you had better hurry up and ask about me!.
Name: Maggie

(FKA Uriel)

ID#: VA4097
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/12/06
Adopted: 05/07/06
Congrats: Donna
Foster: Amy


Notes from Home
Hi Everyone,

Well it has taken 8 years but I have my family completely trained now. They address my every whim as I deserve. We moved to a new house and I have a big picture window which I sit in all day long. Thanks for sending notices to my maw about my doctors appointments. (She needs all the help she can get in the memory department...) MOL


(Last update: Apr 6th, 2015 5pm)

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Name:   Neo
ID#: VA10115
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/28/14
Adopted: 10/05/14
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Got fleece? Got wand toys? Got a lap and a cat tree? Then I just might be your meezer! Although foster mom thinks I'm more kangaroo than kitty because I jump and bounce and pounce all at once. She laughs at me, but I take my wand toys very seriously!!

When I'm not playing, I like to snuggle with you and make biscuits on my fleece blanket or Millie bed. I like to help in the kitchen and I'm an excellent typist.

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Notes from Home
Neo is getting along just fine. He owns the house and either accepts or is disdainful of the various visiting neighborhood dogs. The attached photo is of my desk on a normal day. Neo is by my side day and night.
(Last update: Apr 6th, 2015 9am)

My name means "most beautiful" in Italian. What do you think? I think the name fits me purrrfectly! If you are looking for a pretty gal with bunny soft fur that will follow you around like a doggy, then I just might be your gal!

Name:   Bellissima
ID#: VA10620
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 02/12/15
Adopted: 03/22/15
Congrats: Catherine
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Bella is delightful. She's a talker and extremely playful. Definitely was a soccer player in her past life. She sometimes convinces her "big sister," Elizabeth to play, too. She's another bed sleeper! I'm very glad these two have adopted me.
(Last update: Apr 5th, 2015 8pm)

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Name:   Elizabeth
ID#: VA10283
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 23 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 09/06/14
Adopted: 03/22/15
Congrats: Catherine
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

Why oh why am I still waiting for my forever home? I was just a wee one when I was adopted the first time WAY back in 2002 and I had a loving home with a loving momma. Sadly, momma got very sick and couldn't care for me any longer so the nice folks at Siamese Rescue welcomed me back with open arms but come on! I've been her for MONTHS waiting and waiting and waiting for a rescue angel to find me and scoop me up and take me home. Won't you please give me a new home? I'm no trouble at all. I like my food, I have good potty habits, I'm quiet, well behaved, I might not be the bravest gal but I will come to you on my terms and if you have a nice sunny window for me to sit in front of and watch the world go by, I'll be the happiest kitty!!. Please ask about me so foster mom can tell you all about me? What do you say? Please???

Miss Elizabeth

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Notes from Home
Elizabeth definitely rules the roost here. It took her less than 24 hours to decide this is her home. She sleeps on the bed each night and walks across me, purring, in the morning to make sure I rise and feed her. She is very affectionate. She's also a bit like an older sister with the precocious Bellissima. I love having these girls here. They make the days bright.
(Last update: Apr 5th, 2015 8pm)


My name is Totes Magotes. In texting lingo that means Totally!
I am totally the guy you want. Easy going, gentle using my paws. Snuggly, with sliky fur.
I'm more outgoing than brother Cra Cra, but I am still a little tentative.
I love to give my belly for tummy rubs and I'm Totes about catnip and Temptations treats.

I've got great habits, quiet and I am not too needy.

I'd like a home with not too many animals. I can go without my brother as long is there is one companion for me. Mama has no way of telling how I like dogs, but I'll be meeting the resident assortment of cats here soon.

Name: Yum Yum

(FKA Totes Magotes)

ID#: VA9843
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 02/01/14
Adopted: 04/05/14
Congrats: Penny
Foster: Mama Rosa

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
The boys are wonderful. They have adjusted to their new home and they are very comfortable. They both love our new comforter. We can't keep them off, so why bother?
(Last update: Apr 5th, 2015 5pm)

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Name: Mister Skinee

(FKA Kodie)

ID#: VA10646
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/01/15
Adopted: 03/20/15
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

I had a home once. I had people who loved me once. And then I found myself in this scary place called a public shelter. I was just getting used to the routine there and then I had to move again - this time to foster mom's house. The day after I got there I got REALLY sick. It took a while but foster mom says I am definitely on the mend! I love people and I don't mind the girl cat here. All in all I am a pretty mellow guy in fact!

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Notes from Home
I am convinced that there was some sort of divine intervention at work that brought our Mister Skinee to us. He was supposed to go to the Center and a bad ice storm cancelled his transport. Then he got sick and could not travel so here he stayed so I could foster him! That same week my husband had knee surgery and Mister Skinee was his "therapy cat". Once Skinee was well and I began integration he walked right upstairs into the main part of the house and made himself at home like he had lived here forever.But the best and most amazing thing was that his sister, Juliet, accepted him almost immediately! Skinee knew he was home and was just waiting for us to say he could stay!

Juliet and Skinee are now the best of friends. One is never far from the other. They race and chase and play and are now even washing each other. I never thought I would see Juliet bond with another cat like this after we lost our Woodley right before Christmas in 2013.

We LOVE our Mister Skinee and he loves us. We are so blessed to have him in our lives and in our home!

(Last update: Apr 3rd, 2015 9am)

Can you hold a brush?

Good I need to come live with you. I own a brush, but have no one to do the holding part. I adore brushing. It is my most favorite past time. I can even save you some energy, you hold the brush down, and I'll do all the rubbing work.

I met a wonderful, gentle lady and she knows how to use my brush. I am going to call her Mom!!! I will need to learn to live with a brother, but maybe I can teach him how to groom me, too.

At last, my time has come.
Name:   Cassiopia
ID#: VA10359
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 09/28/14
Adopted: 02/23/15
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Bonnie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Cassie is doing well. I expected a slow transition, due to their senior status, history, and personalities.

She still feels most comfortable in her room, while Andrew has the run of the house, but her door is always open, and she is venturing out more and more.
Andrew does give her a hiss, and she will give it right back to him, but tonight was our most promising play session. We all sat together in the living room, the most neutral room. Andrew, on my right, showed off with his feather wand, (dipped in cat nip) and Cassie, on my left, let me pat her until her eyes were half closed, and she flopped down and relaxed. She always feels safest in a corner, so a few times, she slinked back into the corner, but still within reach of my hand, so she still got patted.

This was on and off for a good 1.5 hours, with no hissing. She is curious about the bedroom, but Andrew has his limits, up to now, he wouldn't share his bedroom with her. Tonight she got brave enough to peek her head into the bedroom, while I patted Andrew, and he watched her, with out hissing!

She has started claiming the kitchen as her room, and hisses when he walks into the kitchen. Good for her! The living room is where I spend most of my time, so they both know that if they want loving, that is where they are going to get it. I think they are both willing to go outside their comfort zones, when there is loving attention rewarded.

I have to say, she is a very 'low maintenance' girl. Not your demanding type at all. Just so happy for any attention. That is her motivator for leaving her comfortable room, so i am using that to draw her out.
Her and Andrew have that in common, so if they would just see what they have in common, they would be just great together! She has a 'meet the Vet' appointment coming up next week. OMG! We are all on diets from now on! Hahaha, not really! :)

(Last update: Apr 1st, 2015 7pm)

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Name: Teddy

(FKA Stinker)

ID#: VA7402
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/13/10
Adopted: 12/04/10
Congrats: Jackie
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

Just arrived. More information soon, but Meowmy said I'm a cute little fella. I know my name is stupid, but I had a home once and that was what I was named. When my other mommy became homeless she had to take me to the shelter, and that's all I have of my old life, and I answer to it, so Meowmy said I could keep that for now.

I'm good with my litter box habits, love it when Meowmy loves on me, and love dinner time!! I eat up everything I'm given.

More after my isolation time is up and then I'll decide if I like the other cats here.


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Notes from Home
Teddie is a sweetheart. He gets along so well with my other siamese rescue cat Maddie and his good buddy Mau. We have 3 cats that all came from rescue at different times but are family now.
(Last update: Mar 31st, 2015 1pm)

Dashing, debonaire dude looking to charm you right out of your open lap - I'll have you wrapped around my cuddly paw before you have a chance to resist.Wait till that foster lady gets my videos uploaded...

How YOU doin'?
Name:   Kristoff
ID#: VA9890
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/07/14
Adopted: 03/29/14
Congrats: Aimee
Foster: LaShawn

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
It's hard to believe this handsome, charming fellow has only been home for about two weeks. He has settled in so well. After a week of isolation, he and Aggie (VA9804) quickly became best buddies. They love to play! Each chirping and mirping at the other as they run around the room after a toy or after each other. Kristoff has added a wonderful new dimension to the house. Aggie and I are both glad he is here!

10/2/2014 Aggie (VA9804) and I both cannot believe that Kristoff has been hanging with us for six months! My how time has flown. Kris and Aggie are still best buddies. They do just about everything together...play, sleep, watch birds, ... Kris loves to jump for toy mice and has become quite the expert at pulling them out of the air. Aggie and Kristoff engage in a round of thundercats every night before bedtime. Then my two favorite Meezers settle in together at the foot of the bed. Kris is an absolute joy of a cat. He and Aggie are a wonderful pair. :)

03/29/2015 One year ago today, I made the trip to meet the Meezer Express in PA and pick up Kristoff. I'll never forget it! He's been here a whole year? And, at the same time, he's only been here a year? I can't imagine life without him. He and I have come up with more games than I would ever think possible that require only: (1) small toy mice, (2) partially opened doors, and (3) carefully placed furniture. He will play for hours! When I pick him up, he likes for his tail to be outside of my arms so that he can continue to wave it in the air as he is carried around the house. He is just a happy, happy boy. Aggie and Kris continue to be the best of friends. They are rarely separated. When he is playing a mouse game, she loves to watch his antics as much as I do. They still chase each other and play together every day. Aggie and Kris are just a delight! I'm honored to have them!

(Last update: Mar 29th, 2015 8pm)

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Name:   Daniella
ID#: VA10573
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/17/15
Adopted: 02/28/15
Congrats: Rebecca
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Lovely talkative gal who is not as divaish as some but still would like those girl cats to stay away. I think I'd be fine with an easy going male and certainly would soak up all the attention if I was the only one. I'm not a fraidy cat and quite outgoing and friendly!

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Notes from Home
Daniella and Sigmond have been going nose to nose, and doing ok. Still behind gates.

Daniella has been out to explore the house. She races all over the place, up and down the stairs, into Sigmonds litter area, behind the couches, throughs on the end of the bed until it's time to switch back.

All is going very well.

Daniella is pretty tolerant of Sigmond. She sits pretty close to him at the gate now, sometimes nose to nose. Unfortunately he likes to stick his paw in the gate and swat at her. He doesn't really know how to act with other cats. When she has had enough of his antics, she leaves him there. Crying and rattling the bars. I just laugh and tell him, as soon as you learn how to not be so overbearing, she may stay there with you. Until them, she will remain safley sequestered behind the gate, so she can get away when she has had enough.

We have some note worthy progress last night around 9. And again today around 11. We had Sigmond in the hallway playing and propped open Daniella's gate. She came out to investigate. At one point he gave chase, I freaked out a bit. I think he only wants to play, but she didn't back down. Then we redirected him back upstairs. She FOLLOWED!! She watched him play from a distance, then slipped By him back into her room. We closed the gate. Huge progress. Sarah and I high fived.

Today when I had them out playing, (well trying to make her play) and Siggy (peeking around corners trying to get a glimpse of her) , they came face to face a couple times. Daniella gives a little hiss, and shimmies under the bed. I call Siggy to me and redirect him. Then Daniella comes back out right away. They spend alot of time just crouching and peeking around corners at each other. Then when I picked her up to put her in her room she meowed. She doesn't care to be picked up very much, so Siggy hisses and swatted at my leg as if to defend her. Go figure. It's progress. We are very pleased with both of them. We made sure to give encouraging words during their time out, and gave them treats after.

Sorry everyone. I don't mean to double submit messages. I am not very computer savy.

With all progress, there are setbacks. Sigmond can't seem to pace himself with exposure to Daniella. Whenever they have some time out together he overdoses her, with himself. He follows her everywhere and can't seem to stay away. I am gonna look into some kitty highways so she can get up with confidence. We try to distract him with play, but even that he can ignore, when there is something more interesting to watch and play with. She is not so interested in playing. With him anyway. So we limit their time and are continuing to be patient.

Hi all. Had some good progress today. Kids spent about an hour out together today. Daniella is definitly more comfortable exploring without Siggy out with her, but will hang out closer to him than she used to. She is fine until he tries to sniff her. Then she draws the line. With a well placed swat. Today they played chase for a bit in a playful way, rather than in a hot pursuit. It was cute. It finally ended after about an hour when Siggy was in her room, and she got mad and hollered at him.
Then to douse her aggevation, I removed him from her space. He is a bit overbearing, and has that affect on everyone but his momma.

On another note, shower faucet drinking is contagious. "Daniella has officialy been bit by the bug."

Progress over here with our cute meezers. Daniella and Siggy spend about three hours a day on and off out with each other. It usually lasts until Daniella can't stand Siggy's over bearing nature anymore. Then we seperated them for her own peice of mind. If they are out together, its constant watching, following and interest on his part. She of course, could care less. Her interest in him last about five mins.

She does like to jump up on my sink and knock over my Q-tip container and steal one or two. It provides hours of entertainment. We love her very much. And as her stress is decresing, her fur is getting softer and softer. Just like bunny rabbit fur. She is a doll.

I think we have finally found peace. Daniella is very vocal with Sigmond. When she doesn't like his behavior, she growls and hisses at him. It was concerning me and making me intervene. Then I noticed her chasing him playfully after I intervened. I discovered that is just her way of telling him when he has crossed her bounderies. After I let them be, I noticed that she growls and warns him, he growls back and then eventually he is always the one to back down. She has asserted herself to be in charge. So proud of her.

She doesn't really enjoy being picked up, and doesn't cling like Sigmond, but is less resistant now. Definitely more independant. She isn't a lap cat. More of a kitty bed cat or window bather, and that works for Sarah. She is very busy, and obviously likes to play so not being a lap cat works for her human. At night, every night, she sleeps next to Sarah and falls asleep purring up a storm. There relationship is very compatible.

(Last update: Mar 29th, 2015 4pm)

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