Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 7:25:02am |
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Name: Murray
(FKA Keats)
ID#: VA7634
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 03/26/11
Adopted: 04/09/11
Congrats: Cynthia
Foster: Siri
Athletic young outgoing playful lovebug ready to make your acquaintance! I'm well socialized, well built, and well versed in both playing and loving, though to be honest I couldn't decide if I should play with the feather toy or headbutt it. Sure to slot into just about any home, I'm fresh and new to Siamese Rescue and suspect I'll be in and out of here pretty quickly!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
4/8/13 Two year update: Murray just went to his vet yesterday for his check-up..Everything is fine..Vet said he could lose 1 -2 pounds..
Also, looks like he has an extra tooth that is crowding another tooth..Vet believes it is a baby tooth that never
fell out..We are going to have to get this one pulled soon as it could cause food to get stuck
Murray is doing just fine.. He just went for his annual exam with the vet and he very healthy..He has lost 1/2 a pound so he is finally under 13 lbs..He accomplished this because we have gotten a new cat..We had to put down his friend and playmate , Kelsey, back in January..It was hard but she was 18 years old..Our new addition is a one year old kitten named Milo..He is a sweet cat and very playful..He has helped Murray lose the 1/2 pound by chasing and playing with Murray..It was a little rough going the first week but now they are best buddies
(Last update: Apr 14th, 2015 8am)
Choices, choices, choices! Too many choices! This lap or that lap? Your lap or her lap? But wait - there's a play opportunity - might have to do that - oh but did you sit down? Lap time again? But wait? Who's running through the house? Got to check that out - oh but a snuggle is SO important.....
I'm a crazy goofball of a guy who can't decide what I want, to play, to flirt, to lap sit. I'm excellent in all habits and quite entertaining if I do say so myself! And I'm getting a major complex here because everyone around me is going home - what about MEEEEEEE??????
Name: Panzon
(FKA Cody)
ID#: VA7639
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
DateIn: 03/27/11
Adopted: 04/11/11
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
Panzón joined his new "brother" Fidel on Monday. Well, actually, he moved into the downstairs bathroom to begin his assimilation into the household, but he's been such a bombproof, laid-back boy that he is already spending some supervised time with Fidel and even his two larger canine siblings. He got to sleep in his "peops'" bed last night and seemed to pinch himself every now and again to make sure that he wasn't dreaming. His big canine sib Clementine used to mother Panzón's predecessor, so she is confused about why Panzón isn't too keen on her coming up and giving him a big, wet Labrador lick in the face. He tolerates it, but much prefers Mr. Rogers, his other big canine sib who has more respect for personal space and boundaries. We know the Littles (4 mini dachshunds) would be too overwhelming at this point, so Panzón has only interacted with them through the windows of the french doors. He is not at all anxious, very curious, but we want to proceed very slowly with introducing the whole brood. He's clearly very much "home" at this point, so we don't want to push it.
April 19 - This boy really is amazing in terms of his ease in assimilating into a pretty overwhelming home environment. He now plays with Fidel and both are relaxed and content. Panzón thinks nothing of walking by "The Bigs", but still heads upstairs when "The Littles" make their wild entry into the house. He does enjoy their sloppy habit of turning over their kibble in their crate at night and we need to clean it up first thing every morning or Panzón and Fidel will nosh on kibble all day. Not something those portly boys should do!
You see Panzon featured frequently on Carl's Facebook site, but I wanted
to take this opportunity to give you an update. Panzon is the world's
klutziest cat, but a genius at figuring out how to open cupboards,
drawers, and plastic containers to get to any type of bread or crackers. I
tease him and tell him that I now completely understand why his first
adoptive home returned him. He is a VERY BAD CAT, but we totally adore
him. He had some urinary health issues last year that landed him at the
vet's for a couple of days, but we changed his diet and added LOTS of
water and both he and his meezer brother Fidel are at much better weight
and pee like Niagara Falls.
(Last update: Apr 14th, 2015 8am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Bitt
(FKA Erin)
ID#: VA8413
Location: Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 03/14/12
Adopted: 04/12/13
Congrats: Sarah
Foster: Katie
Foster Notes for Erin [VA8413] |
I am still scared, but I am coming around slowly. I will need LOTS of TLC when I get to my forever home. |
Foster Notes
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
UPDATE: I have come a LONG way since I arrived at Hotel delShue. I now let foster mama and adddy pet me, play with me and I even eat treats they have in their hands. If you love blue point girls and have lots of patience to help me learn to trust in yet another new place in my life, you might really love me. I posed and posed for Mama Katie yesterday, so I have many new wonderful pictures of myself. Ask about me if you love the rewards I'll give you if you are very patient and loving with me. Purrs, Erin
UPDATE: Petting, I am now accepting petting and loving it. AND, last night I headbutted Daddy's Vic's hand for the very first time. I ou know what "slow but wonderful means", you know ALL about me. My progress has been slow, but very wonderful. Adjusting to a new forever home will be hard for me, but if you are very patient and love me on my terms, you will be a fantastic new family for me. I WILL love you with time and lots of TLC. A true beauty inside and out, Erin.
U{PDATE: Yes, yes, I am a project kitty, but you will love me once you get to know me and I get to know you. I make slow steady progress all the time. Now, I am taking treats from foster mom and dad's hands and I might let them pet me once or twice before I decide they have been friendly enough. But can you see in my newest pictures how much more confident and happy I am? I love other kitties, so I do need to have a kitty buddy to play with and to help me learn "kitty" ways, but I promise I will keep working on liking people better if you will work with my slowly and patiently. Purrs and headbutts, Erin
U{DATE: You should see my new video and pictures. I am getting SO much friendlier and happier. I LOVE laser lights and will chase them as long as you will play with me. Can you see a difference in me from my first pictures?
UPDATE: I have a new lease on life. I have a friend, Erick, and he is helping me learn that life is FINE and that people are AOK. I have gottern so brave in the last three days that Mama Katie is amazed. I can now come out from my hiding placer, eat, drink, use my box and run around and play with Erick all while she is still sitting very near me. I even let her touch me and pet me now. If you look all the way through my pictures, you'll see how much braver and happier I am now. I even follow Erick out of my room, down the hall and play in his room sometimes, too. I really will need a playmate in my forever home, but I promise I will be happy. Purrs and headbutts, Erin
Hi - I'm over my shelter cold, but I'm still a little bit scared. First, I was caught in a trap, then they took me to a shelter who called a rescue who took me away from there and then they called VASR. I'm now safe, have stopped moving almost every day and that makes me very happy. I am going to be a bit of a project kitty as I don't know yet if I can really trust new people. They scare me sometimes. The people here are nice and very patient with me. They will be taking new pictures of me very soon. If you have LOTS of patience, love and time to help me learn to trust again, I might just be the kitty project for you. I am a beautiful blue girl who would love to have a new home, but I will want to be in a home with other cats. Doggies scare me. I love to eat, so the way to my heart is through my tummy!! Ptrrs Erin
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Bitt finds a home! We gladly welcomed Bitt into our home and hearts. It has taken patience and a desire to give a safe home to a beautiful little lady!
Bitt (Erin) continues to thrive at our home. There is a mutual feeling of gratefulness between us all. Bitt is a playful, sharp, and loving kitty that seems aware of the love and safety we provide.
Bitt is doing well as the established "diva" of our home. I now find her sleeping next to me every morning. We are ever so grateful to have Bitt(Erin) in our home.
(Last update: Apr 13th, 2015 5pm)
Curious, outgoing, Siamese seal, I'd like best to be the only cat but will be very fulfilling for you as the one and only. I'm quick to adjust, very smart, amazingly beautiful and good with my habits. Watch my videos to learn more and give me a shout if you're interested!
Name: Mocha
(FKA Esamea )
ID#: VA10601
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/30/15
Adopted: 02/22/15
Congrats: William
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Not with Dogs
Must be Only Cat
Notes from Home
This is my first update on MOCHA (formerly Esamea).
My wife Doralece and I have a true "furry friend" in Mocha. She has made herself at home immediately upon arrival at her new home. She is eating, drinking and perfect litter box useage. Thanks to the knitted mat, we placed this on the bed and she has it as her own and has been sleeping on it most nights. We also bought a Millie Bed. She hasn't slept in it but does hang over the edge when kneeding.
Mocha is definitely a friend. She wishes to be wherever we happen to be. When we get up to move around the house she normally follows us.
After I leave for work, most likey she rests for a while then heads into Doralece's office to work with her. Hopefully my photo will come through.
Mocha loves to play with her various toys...very feisty and playful. She comes around all the time and loves for us to pet her. She allows us to pick her up yet only stays for a short minute. She jumps down and then immediately returns to "head-butting" our arms or legs. Interestingly, if we are out and return home, if not there to greet us, we just call her and she comes from wherever she was resting.
I have scratching trees, poles , trays at different places around the house yet she is not taken to them yet. If she scratches furniture, I try to pick her up, take her to a scratching device, extend her claws to show her where she should be scratching. Any help here would be appreciated?
I wish to thank Monique, Siri and all volunteers who contribute to the success of your Siamese Cat Rescue Center.
I have pictures yet picture upload below is not active. I did send Siri a picture I was trying to upload.
Many thanks! We are very pleased with the process and our "MOCHA"
Bill Dullaghan
(Last update: Apr 12th, 2015 8pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Sousa
ID#: VA10339
Location: Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/20/14
Adopted: 10/10/14
Congrats: Clark
Foster: ShirleyBo
Sousa? What kind of name is that? This lady here says she thought I needed a name related to energetic music. I really have no idea what that means. I like to be snuggled. And just why isn't she doing that right now? I should be ready to go home October 11.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Sousa has now been part of our family for six months. We absolutely adore him! He is smart, so very sweet, curious and involved with every thing we're doing; afraid of nothing. He has a wonderful best friend, Jake, who is our daughter's siamese (also a rescue cat). Jake is beautiful, fiesty, and plays with Sousa until they are both wiped out.
We chose to keep the name, Sousa, which was given to him by the Siamese Rescue Group. He responds quickly to his name. He follows us constantly around the house. He loves to sit in our den window and watch the birds at the feeder (and the squirrels as they eat the dropped seeds).
He is a great traveler. Each time we take out his traveling crate and open the door, he walks right in and is ready to go.
He sleeps most of the way as we drive; never car sick. We often visit our daughter who lives a couple hours away; and Sousa is always ready to go. I suppose he knows Jake is at the end of the trip.
We have no problems with Sousa. He is healthy, loves his scratching post, uses his litter box, and we make sure he has lots of attention from us and opportunities to play with his furry friends.
Sousa is a great joy and we protect and care for him with great love. Thank you so much for rescueing him!
(Last update: Apr 10th, 2015 11am)
Name: Doolen
(FKA Dolan)
ID#: VA8439
Location: Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 03/24/12
Adopted: 04/07/12
Congrats: Jedidiah
Foster: Heida
Left in a box on the side of the road, I am very happy to be here, lots of food, comfy beds, toys and tons of snuggles ! Chatty, purring, happy little guy looking for a home of his own with at least another cat or kitten to play with.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
May 25, 2012
Hi Everyone!
I love my forever home! My big sister (Belle) was a little nervous when I first came home, but now we are best friends. We like to wrestle and she is teaching me how to clean my fur. Mama and Daddy always tell me that I am getting bigger every day (and more handsome by the minute). My life is filled with love, snuggles, and kitten toys. I like to run around the house and to look out the windows. Sometimes I make mischief, but Mama and Daddy always forgive me. Life is good--I am very happy!
October 5, 2012
Hi Everyone!
I am still very happy! I love to play and love to snuggle. I've also become quite the chatterbox, especially in the morning when I want Mama and Daddy to wake up. My sister (Belle) and I are growing closer every day, though we still argue once in awhile. I hope everyone is doing as well as I am!
April 7, 2015
Hi Everyone!
Sorry I haven't written in awhile. I've been busy! My forever home is still great! My sister and I moved across the country with Mama and Daddy to a new home and we are very happy. I like to look out the window at nature, to catch stray bugs in the house, and to chase the laser. I'm still a chatterbox (any time of the day) and even though I'm a big boy now, I still like to snuggle with Mama and Daddy. I am mischievous, but I'm so cute Mama and Daddy always forgive me if I misbehave.
I want to thank my friends at VA Siamese Rescue for taking such good care of me until I went to my forever home. I am so happy!
(Last update: Apr 7th, 2015 9pm)
I like curling up in laps and getting attention. I met the dog here - he seems OK so I think I would be OK if you have a dog in your house. I like other kitties and I really like people. I love giving head butts and rubbing my checks on you.
Name: Teddy
(FKA Wendall)
ID#: VA10582
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 01/24/15
Adopted: 03/07/15
Congrats: Sheila
Foster: Debra
Notes from Home
Teddy (Wendall) is doing great. My vet says he is in great shape and she loved him. Lol. Teddy is a great lap cat, he sleeps with me.
(Last update: Apr 7th, 2015 1pm)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Cinnamon
ID#: VA10289
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/07/14
Adopted: 10/04/14
Congrats: Briana
Foster: Rinn
I'm the Cinnamon "spice girl"! And I'm having such a good time playing with the feather toy and my sisters here at this new foster place. We are so sweet and friendly and playful. I'll write more soon!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Here is a 6 month update on Cinnamon. She is a feisty yet sweet girl who has grown so fast! Her favorite things to do include rolling around, batting crumpled balls of paper, stalking toy mice, "surprising" her guests and snuggling up in the morning. Her personality just continues to bloom; Sweet and a little bit spicy, just as her name suggests.
(Last update: Apr 6th, 2015 10pm)
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