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A little shy at first, I'm ever hopeful I'll be the one you ask to the Fall Dance! I'm watching hopefully from the sidelines, so if you're a gentle soul (human or furry), how about asking me? PS I really like other cats!
Name: CoCo LaRue

(FKA Nuccio)

ID#: VA10354
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 09/27/14
Adopted: 10/11/14
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Coco is such a wonderful girl. She has really made great strides in getting used to being indoors and around people. She hid most of the time when she first came home and had to be brought out but now is spending most of her time out in the open. She even takes her naps on the floor in the middle of the room now with no fears. She isn't even startled when we walk right by now. She is also starting to realize and enjoy the benefits of petting and cuddles. Just recently she has become ok with laying on her back on my lap and letting me rub her belly and chin without flinching. Quite a difference from when she first arrived home.
Coco has also become a very playful girl. She loves running around with Huckleberry, chasing and wrestling, although sometimes she wishes he knew when it was time to stop Lol. She also follows him around exploring all the spaces. He is really bringing her out of her shell. She watches him intently, then will join him and mimic him when shes ready. She's always got her eye on him. Just this week she has started running in from any room, very eagerly, whenever she hears us with a toy. She still likes her safe spot too, under the DR table, but she can see everything from there.
She is such a pretty girl and has a sweet little purr when you nuzzle her. She has come such a long way from when she first arrived and we just love her!!

April 2015
Coco has been here six months and has come such a long way. She is now much more used to the sensations of being petted and snuggled and is really starting to enjoy it. I think it was a bit overwhelming for her at first but now she gets upset when we stop! She has her favorite napping places and is even starting to explore the higher places although she's still hesitant about jumping down. She is so petite and has such short little legs so she hangs off of a high place on her belly and stretches her front legs down as far as they will go before making the leap, but is very brave about it. It's very cute. She is reguarly in the windowsills now too, keeping an eye on tose birds. She still hates to have her paws or eyes touched and we are still, after months of trying, unable to get those nails trimmed. She will not scratch on anyting except the carpet either so....little Miss Coco goes to the vet for a "mani/pedi". We're hoping she gets used to the feeling and that we'll be able to do it eventually.
She really enjoys playing with her mice and her pipe cleaner spirals and takes a nap everyday on her lavender and purple knitted blanket that she brought with her. I also try to hide things that she can "hunt" for as she seems to have the need for that. She likes to fling chunks of her food out of her dish too and pretend to pounce on it before she eats it sometimes too. She definitely has some "outside" traits still in her yet doesn't seen to have a desire to go back out there. I think she likes the cushy life!
She love, love, loves her new brother Huck and the two of them run around like crazy. He's turned her into a bit of a rough and tumble girl. She takes very good care of him too, licking him whenever he demands, which is a lot! They've become such adorable snuggle buddies and when something is scary (like if someone comes to the door Lol ), they run and hide smushed up against each other, always with Coco behind Huck. We are so happy they have bonded so well and she really seems happy and much more relaxed. She is just the prettiest, sweetest little girl and we can't even imagine not having her here!

(Last update: Apr 22nd, 2015 11pm)

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Name:   Dublynn
ID#: VA10666
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/09/15
Adopted: 04/04/15
Congrats: Alex
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes

I have come out of my shell and while I am not a lap cat, I really like people and attention! I had some initial shock when I left my home but I am doing great now, I even met a stranger last night and I had no hesitations about becoming her friend..



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Notes from Home
It was a very slow process, but Naiya previously named dublynn. Is coming along greatly. She is finally spending most of the day upstairs right along with all the other animals she is still shy. Everyone here loves her very much and I can thank everyone who made this possible. Thank you thank you thank you.
(Last update: Apr 22nd, 2015 5pm)

Hey! We are getting big! We want to grow up with you, please ask about us.

Leapin' lizards! I'm a jumper! I can do incredible acrobatic leaps and jumps for the right toy.

I'm a gentle, sensitive large kitten. I'm attached to my brother Fluffernutter. He's the leader and I'm the follower.

I've got great habits and we would like to come live with you!
You'll have such fun telling us apart!

Our transport is limited to One Day (8hrs) from Central FL. Thanks for understanding
Name: Jinx

(FKA Truffle Butter)

ID#: VA10266
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/24/14
Adopted: 10/18/14
Congrats: Luke
Foster: Mama Rosa


Notes from Home
Jinx and Jazz are both doing very well. They're still best friends and are both full of energy and love. I couldn't be more proud of both of them!
(Last update: Apr 22nd, 2015 1pm)

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Name: Cocoa

(FKA Brita)

ID#: VA4713
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 01/16/07
Adopted: 04/22/07
Congrats: Raquel
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Me, Me, Me Pretty Please!

It's true! I'm the kid in the back of the class with her hand reached high and screaming loudly, ME, ME, ME!! Yes Pick Me!!

I'm a little 7 lb package that is just bursting with A+ purrsonality. Right now I think I'd enjoy being the center of your attention. I'd really like to be the one and only kitty in your heart. I do get along fine with the doggy (she is very nice).

A family with children to supervise would be great as long as they didn't carry me around extensively like a stuffed animal. I'd prefer to keep my feet on the ground or jump up on the couch or bed--but I do love everyone..men, women and children too!

Very good litterbox habits, eat my dinner, play, and roll on my back for affection. My paw is raised high and I'm singing, PIck me!


PS I am very, very smart!

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Notes from Home
Cocoa is a fabulous housecat. She's a trooper too. She's been great at this mid-life unheaval and transitioning our lives are in at the moment. She settles in happily as long as we are there for her. We (me, my son, the two little dogs, and Cocoa) now live in Sanford, FL. She has a bright sunny window she enjoys sitting by and a secret cave (the whole under the bed area) that has become her place. Since the two little dogs now sleep in crates at night, she sleeps with me in bed now like a spoiled princess. She has such a wonderful temperament that even my mom, who hates cats, has grown to like Cocoa for her quiet, non-climbing ways.
(Last update: Apr 22nd, 2015 10am)

I am just as sweet as can be. Dumped at the shelter and they kept my kittens instead of me. Can you believe that? I am outgoing and not at all afraid of dogs. Petitie with a great meezer meow and tight flat fur. Ask about me!
Name:   Panini
ID#: VA10319
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 09/15/14
Adopted: 10/19/14
Congrats: Kerry
Foster: ShirleyBo


Notes from Home
Hi everyone!

It's hard to believe but I got an email that Panini has been living with me (or me living with HER, as it seems) for 6 months now. NiNi, as I call her, has moved right in; making herself at home. She owns the house and only lets me live here :)

There was never really an adjustment period with NiNi. She's friendly and sweet and has a great personality. I've had people over to do electrical work in my home and NiNi made friends with the electricians right away. They commented that NiNi acts like an old friend.

Panini gives my old cat Pumpkin Pie a run for his money. My vet says she keeps Pumpkin Pie's life "interesting." They aren't snuggle bunnies but they do hang out together every day. They eat together and they will even share toys and treats. They are typical siblings... wrestling some days and hanging out other days.

I feel incredibly lucky to have found Panini. We've become buddies. She sleeps with me every night. I hope we grow old together, and if I know NiNi, it will be laughing all the way!

(Last update: Apr 20th, 2015 5pm)

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Name: Tristan

(FKA Elway)

ID#: VA10649
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/03/15
Adopted: 04/04/15
Congrats: Andrea
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Now that I have been here for a couple of weeks and don't have to share my space with those other cats any longer, I am a changed kitty-man! I love to snuggle on Foster Mom lap with my paws around her neck. If you have a quiet home, I can be your one and only snuggle buddy if you just say the word.

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Notes from Home
Now that I have a forever home, I can run around and be as silly as I want to be! Meowmy has lots of fun wiggly wand toys and I'd be happy to pounce, pounce, pounce all day! She says I'm also really good at soccer because I like to dribble my little foam balls all over the place. Sometimes I like to hide behind things and POUNCE on her ankles when she goes by, but I never bite or use my claws and she thinks it's funny. :) I didn't really like going to the doctor's office, but Meowmy says I won't have to do that again for a while because the doctor said I look great!
(Last update: Apr 18th, 2015 11pm)

Whew I've had a busy day - from the shelter on a long trip to the Center, had a bath, a nail trim, a brushing, some loving, and now she thinks I'm ready to pose for pictures! I don't think so, give me a minute, will ya? I'm on the quieter side (bet you can't tell that from my picture) but have a base of well adapted in my personality, so it's not like I'm going to be a project cat or anything. I see the vet this week to be neutered and then I can visit with the other cats, so I'll be sharing more soon!
Name: Cooper

(FKA Mork)

ID#: VA7624
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 03/19/11
Adopted: 04/09/11
Congrats: Gaby
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
April 18, 2015

Cooper is one very happy cat and a real testament to giving those cats that were/are semi-feral, strays, unadoptable, too difficult, too much work etc..give them a real chance and most importantly: give them time!

The reward of watching him (them) blossom is so huge and so worth it!

Cooper is a Star!

(Last update: Apr 18th, 2015 1pm)

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Name: Ruby

(FKA Kayte)

ID#: VA10496
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 3 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 12/06/14
Adopted: 12/28/14
Deceased: 06/30/17
Congrats: Carly
Foster: Debra

Drop dead gorgeous girl here. More pictures coming soon!

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Notes from Home
Ruby is doing very well one month in! She's decided we're not so scary, and will sit with us when we're watching TV or napping in the bed. She enjoys "helping" with laundry, and makes sure that all the toy mice in our house know who's in charge.
I just wanted to let you know that Ruby (fka Katye) has settled in wonderfully. She's a full member of the family now, and even though it's only been 4 months, we cannot imagine life without her!
She's certainly not shy or timid anymore - she sits on our laps while we watch TV, snuggles at bed time (but gets kicked out eventually since she LOVES to wake us up at 3am to play :) ) chats with us all day long and generally just rambles around the house having a good time and making us laugh.
We cannot thank you enough for taking the time to rescue her from the situation she was in, and matching her up with us! Your hard work and selflessness in bringing her into our lives - I just don't have enough words to thank you :)
Carly, Andy and Ruby

(Last update: Apr 16th, 2015 10am)

A petite squeak of a thing, I just need someone to show me the ropes and I'll be tied tightly to you! I'm a little shy at first but can't wait to be petted, and look at you with young, inexperienced and hopeful eyes. A quieter home and you and I will be best buddies, you just wait and see! Ready to go the week after Easter!
Name: Nika

(FKA LucyLoo)

ID#: VA8448
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 03/31/12
Adopted: 04/15/12
Congrats: Sherry
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
It's been 3 years and Nika is a completely different cat. She sleeps snuggled up against me at night. She will sit on my husbands lap to be loved and she sits pressed up against me to be loved. She has become quite the talker and even purrs when loved. Considering she would not come out from under the bed for the first 6 months or let anyone touch her, she has come a long way. She loves to catch her fuzzy balls by jumping a good 3 feet off the floor. It's amazing. In just the last couple of months, she will come in the room when we have company to sit and watch. She is a beautiful, well adjusted, loving feline and we love her a lot. Siri wasn't sure that Nika and I would be a good fit. Three years of patience and letting Nika decide when she wants to do new things has worked wonderfully.
(Last update: Apr 15th, 2015 12pm)

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Name: Tucan

(FKA Angelina)

ID#: VA10587
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 01/25/15
Adopted: 04/01/15
Deceased: 11/15/15
Congrats: Belinda
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

My name is Angelina - a beautiful name for a beautiful soul. I'm as sweet and loving as they come, and want nothing more than to lay in your lap and purr. I've had a very bad time of it before coming into rescue - my mouth and teeth were so infected that I couldn't eat and I was severely emaciated and dehydrated. I got along with everybody so fast that I didn't even have to spend time in isolation before becoming a part of the family.

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Notes from Home
Angelina is now affectionately known as 'Boo'. Not because it's the most glamorous name I could come up with, but because she actually runs to me when I call her 'miss boo boo'. Boo is a true survivor, having come through incredible odds including a freezing winter as an outdoor stray; a debilitating case of stomatitis that rendered her dehydrated, infected, and unable to eat; a full dental extraction; and finally a stroke-like reaction to medication that I thought would be the end for her. But many vet visits and a good bit of surgery later (many thanks to Siamese Rescue for ALL you did for her), she is getting better every day. She eats with gusto - perhaps TOO much gusto. We're starting to call her Miss Chub these days! She's funny, affectionate, and best of all - she's home forever. If ever a cat needed to be rescued - it was my Boo.
(Last update: Apr 15th, 2015 9am)

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