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Elsa is certainly the 'Lion Queen' of her domain. Challenged with 3 super playful little boy kittens, she is quickly showing them exactly who the boss is!
Name:   Elsa
ID#: VA10325
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/19/14
Adopted: 10/26/14
Congrats: Peter
Foster: Belinda


Notes from Home
May 2015
Elsa is the queen of the house. She's matured into a beautiful cat - and she knows it. She's not as vocally expressive as her brother, Louie, but she doesn't have to be. It's usually her who initiates play time with Louie and what she wants, she gets. She's an incredible jumper too! She loves to jump up and tap her favorite green yo-yo and with a reach of over 4 feet, she's got some powerful legs.

November 2014
Elsa's first month with us has been a whirl of change but she's a strong girl. After sadly losing her brother, Jasper, to FIP the first week home, she seemed a little lonely but we made up for it with lots of love and attention. Her favorite game is playing fetch like a dog! She'll actually return her catch and play until she's tuckered out, at which point, she's a total lap cat and as content as can be.

While we give her a lot of attention, we really wanted her to have another companion so the last week of her first month, we adopted Louie (formerly Rowdy), a 3-month old snowshoe. This video shows her on day two of their introduction and as you can see from her behavior and her cute mewing/chirping sounds, she's warming up to him quite well, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sC_BiPjVy8k .

(Last update: May 22nd, 2015 8am)

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Name:   The Fabulous Fluffy
ID#: VA10686
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/28/15
Adopted: 04/25/15
Congrats: Heather
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes

Not so brand new to Siamese Rescue but I have turned into a fantastic little guy who wants a home of my own. I would love to have a buddy to play with. You know you are looking at me and thinking about pushing my "ask about me" button, so go ahead, make your inquiry, I am waiting to hear from you!

Chirps & Murps,

Fluffy =^..^=

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Notes from Home
The Fabulous Fluffy is doing GREAT in his new home with us! He and our other cat Spiller are really enjoying playing together and he's made it clear to the dogs who is boss. He's a great talker and a super-cuddler. We are all very happy!
(Last update: May 20th, 2015 10pm)

Foster mom says I am just about the prettiest little tortie girl she has ever seen!

I was found wandering along the side of a busy highway in a bad rain storm by some really nice ladies! They took me home, cleaned me up, gave me good food, and a warn, comfy place to sleep!

I am looking for my forever home now.... is it with you??
Name: Lulu

(FKA Emma)

ID#: VA10151
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 07/17/14
Adopted: 08/09/14
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
I sure am happy that mom is working at home now…I am her office assistant! I just learned head butts and I use them liberally at her desk! Sure I am still a clown- I like to look down on her from the bookshelf and tag her when she walks by. And I still throw around my rattle mouse and carry it everywhere with me. But now I take breaks for cuddle time more often! Ever since I arrived I have been sleeping under mom’s chin at night, but days were all play. Now I like to hang out on mom’s lap on my back like a baby! Mom heard that torties are a little sassy and I have to keep up our reputation, but I am really just a softie at heart! Sure I am a little opinionated, but usually I surprise my mom at how laid back I can be. I don’t even mind travelling in the car - not a peep out of me! Not that I don’t talk…usually I chirp and chat with mom when I follow her from room to room. Just to see what she is doing…
(Last update: May 20th, 2015 5pm)

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Name:   Diana
ID#: VA10523
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 12/20/14
Adopted: 02/07/15
Congrats: Elizabeth (betty)
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
I am a sweet loving and curious young lady. Love to play and investigate everything. Sometimes up to mischief but fun loving.
Purrs, Diana

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Notes from Home
Wow - the trip home was the best ever! Diana was quiet & I've never had a cat in a carrier & car that didn't fuss the whole time.

Diana is enjoying checking out her new home. She loves her new tall kitty condo. Quite the love bug. She really loves to play with the peacock feather Kay sent home with her (Kay provided a lifetime's worth of toys). Diana has settled in quite nicely now that she realizes there are no other cats is in the house and has full access to rooms that initially had been closed off.

2/23/15 Diana survived her 1st new vet visit. While curled up on the exam table, I noticed she had a patch of missing fur on her tail. The vet said we should do a ringworm culture to be on the safe side and we're waiting on the results. Since it wasn't bilateral, he didn't attribute it to stress at this point. She is such a love bug and loves having her belly rubbed. She sleeps with me and doesn't wait me up on weekends which is nice.

3/28- I had friends over to scrapbook and Diana retreated to my closet. After a few hours I went and got her and have posted pics of her meeting some of the group. Afterward she went back to the closet until the 'house' quieted down.

4/17/15 - Diana is such a love - as soon as I settle into the recliner to watch tv each night, she runs to jump up on me and curl up as close to my neck as she can get. My former Balinese, Lady Di, that had to be put down last Oct., used to do the same thing. Neither seem to know what a lap is for. She is very happy that I found more peacock feathers at AC Moore since the pet stores didn't have any.

5-15 Mom got my nails clipped for her Mother's Day gift - trust me, it was all for her because I never shut up while the vet techs performed this task but I forgave mom quickly once I got back home - Diana

5/17/15 - My acute hearing had me jump up from laying around mom's neck when I heard a noise in the fireplace. Mom checked it out and didn't see anything. About a half hour later, we checked it out again but still saw nothing, mom thought maybe it was a humpback cricket against the newspapers she has inside for when we need a fire. Being thoroughly over being disturbed from my nap, I decided to retreat to the tall kitty condo in the next room. An hour later mom got the flashlight, still seeing nothing. Not long after that I came running from the other room and this time mom saw the unwanted visitor as did I. Mom thought she'd just leave the bat in the fireplace and shut the room off from me but the bat thought he would like to come out and fly around. I am really quick but the bat got behind the curtains where I couldn't see him or reach him. He quickly came out of hiding and unfortunately mom grabbed me and got me out of the room and shut the doors so I couldn't get him. I think I would have been an asset and getting him had I had been given the chance but mom said no he might have rabies (hey mom, I have had my shot) but mom was so upset I remained calm as she went back in, with a coat over her head, and got him into the kitchen and then out the back door with a broom. That was better than anything on tv but I slept with mom just to be sure she was protected from anymore uninvited guests - Diana, the cool one in a crisis

(Last update: May 20th, 2015 3pm)

Big ole Teddy Bear! That's me. Love people and attention. I do fine with the other kitties. I've got such a great disposition that everyone loves me. I need a home with some kind folks who have time to pet me and play every now and then. I've got good manners and never make a mess with my kitty litter. I'm not picky about my food either. I'm just an all around great cat!
Chirps and purrs,
Name:   Nelson
ID#: VA3737
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 5 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/02/05
Adopted: 01/08/06
Deceased: 07/01/09
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: Williene


Notes from Home
Unfortunately, Nelson was far older than we had originally assumed him to be. My veterinarian estimated him to be 12 years +

I had him about 2 years when he was diagnosed with chronic renal failure. After 4 months of daily subcutaneous injections, Nelson had to be euthanized as the treatment was not helping anymore, and he was suffering.

(Last update: May 20th, 2015 3pm)

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Name:   Denny
ID#: VA10647
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/01/15
Adopted: 04/25/15
Congrats: Ashley
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I'm a very pretty boy - and pretty friendly too. I had a rough time of it - flea infested and anemic when I came to the shelter, and I also had a urinary blockage. I need to eat a special diet for that but I like it and it works. I've had a bath (but I was a good boy for that). Better pictures coming of me soon - and if your tastes run towards snowshoes, then ask about me! I purr and purr, and just soak up all the attention you can give me. I've been to the vet, and she says I am generally healthy but need to gain weight and need some TLC. I could do that at *your* house, you know.

Oh, and as you can see I rubbed my little white nose raw on the carrier door on my transport :(

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Notes from Home
Hi all!! It's been a few weeks since Denny came home and everything is going well. He is eating, drinking, and using the litter box with no issues at all. He has taken to everyone in my home, particularly my younger brother and myself. Denny is very playful and talkative, he has even won my mom over (I can hear her chatting with him when she thinks no one is around hehehe). Denny is still not very interested in being picked up and handled a great deal but he will never turn down a good scratch behind the ears or on his little fanny. He is a purring machine when he gets a good face rub and will definitely let us know if we stopped his cat massage too soon (paw on the hand, looking straight in the eyes). We are getting used to his different sounds and schedule (3AM laps around the house anyone?).

Though he still gets uncomfortable being held/confined he is getting better and more comfortable everyday. He has been happy with us petting him since he came home but in the last few weeks I have seen him settle in and really take to his new home. He has been gradually moving his spot on the bed closer to me, will crawl on my stomach while I lay down, and even gave me a few little kisses. Also, Denny apparently owns everything in the house because he is always rubbing his handsome little face on everything and we are totally happy to let him. Little guy is the kind of his castle and we love him!

(Last update: May 20th, 2015 9am)

Hi, here we are four babies found in a box outside a kennel. Luckily the owner knew all about Siamese Rescue and went straight to the phone. I am friendly, playful, and on the go. Watch for more information about me.
Name:   Celeste
ID#: VA3297
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 04/09/05
Adopted: 05/15/05
Congrats: Darlene
Foster: Mama Rosa

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Hello everyone,
After ten years, Celeste is still the same bratty, alpha female as the little kitten I adopted. She is SOOOO chatty and energetic - unchanged even after all these years. As you may remember, her little-mate brother passed away in AUG (about 6 months old) from FIP. Celeste was alone for about four months, and she really didn't like that at all. In DEC, I adopted Licorice (part Burmese) and the two of them have been "brother and sister" every since. Of course, being the alpha female she is, Celeste "beats up" on Licorice pretty regularly and it makes no difference to her that she weights b/t 8-9 pounds and he weighs b/r 15-16 pounds. I am constantly cleaning up his black fur! I have been so very lucky with both of them - no illness of any kind; they are very healty fur0kids!

(Last update: May 18th, 2015 11am)

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Name:   Bruno
ID#: VA10727
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/25/15
Adopted: 05/09/15
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Siri

I'm known for my headbutting, my lap sitting is not bad either. I'm a friendly easy going guy who gets along well with everyone I've met so far!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Bruno has adjusted very well! He is still in isolation and eager to get out and explore the rest of his new world. He is playful and active and affectionate....everything we were looking for! So glad he found his way into our home and our hearts!
(Last update: May 14th, 2015 12pm)

No idea what I did to have my life so rudely interrupted, but with a tender touch and a little kissing, I'm purring away soon.... Quiet loving home, I need a lot of reassurance and lots of forehead kissing please..... I need to have my teeth done, my blood checked, and then I will be ready to go, so if you'd like a younger senior who is very snuggly, and you're thinking mid to end April, maybe I'm your guy!
Name:   Koko
ID#: VA6910
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Tonkinese
DateIn: 03/27/10
Adopted: 05/08/10
Deceased: 01/01/15
Congrats: Debra
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Koko has arrived at his new home. He was very well behaved on the ride home, and carried on a conversation for part of the ride. He is in "his" room for now and I have been in and out several times visiting with him. Opal got a look at him but doesn't seem to be too concerned...yet. He has used his ltter box, ate some dry food and drank some of his water. I think he will adapt very quickly. He is such a love bug, bumping into my face and crawling into my lap. I tried to get some pictures but he won't sit still long enough to get a good one. I'll try again soon.

Koko is doing great! hH is a little skittish when I approach him, but if I stop and wait for him to come to me, everything is fine. He is very affectionate, and loves to sit in my lap and bump my face. He has been introduced to Opal and they are getting along fine. No hissing, scratching or fighting has been seen. They are not sleeping buddies, yet, but I think they could be by the time fall and winter come back. Koko's appetite is good, he eats about a half to three quarters of a cup of dry KD every day, and both he and Opal like the wet KD (that's good for Opal, too). He uses the litter box and hasn't had any accidents. He does vomit every once in a while, but this is a common trait with Siamese, so I'm not too worried about it. He sees the vet on Monday, and I will post another update after that. He is so sweet, I just can't believe someone would give him away. He'll be here furever!

Koko has settled in very well. He and Opal are getting along, touching noses and running through the house. He doesn't like his pills and always runs away right after I give it to him, but tends to forgive quickly. Then he's back in my lap looking for attention and affection.

Koko is doing extremely well! He developed a rash after his first month here and had a bit of a set back in his adjustment in addition to trying to accept a third rescue cat into my home. He was very stand offish for a long while, However, right after Christmas he became very affectionate and loves to sit in my lap and gives me head butts and kitty kisses. He is such a sweet love bug now. And he loves his catnip! He sure doesn't act like a geezer meezer!

Koko is doing very well, he still has to take his methamazole twice a day and now he also takes amlodapine for his blood pressure, but with either a pill pocket or a little cheddar cheese he doesn't seem to mind. During the spring and fall when I can open the windows he likes to "stand guard" and make sure the birds don't invade his house.

Koko sometimes acts like a much younger cat and goes crazy with one of the catnip toys. He can be quite vocal at times, we have some very silly conversations. He likes to sleep on the heat vents in the winter and in the bathtub in the summer. He has made me very happy and I just love him to pieces, I think he feels the same way. he even likes his two sister cats...most of the time.

Sadly, Koko passed away in his sleep on April 10th. He had developed a hear problem and some liver issues and those things along with his thyroid and high blood pressure were just too much for him. I miss him so much, he was such a sweetheart and everyone at the vet's office always commented on how well behaved he was.

(Last update: May 11th, 2015 3pm)

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Name: issy

(FKA Muffin)

ID#: VA10676
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/21/15
Adopted: 04/11/15
Congrats: Eileen
Foster: Sara

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I have settled in to my new home and decided that I love all the attention I am getting! I can be shy around new people and scary sounds, but I love everyone visiting me and giving me lots of petting and kitty massages! I am still a bit scared of barking dogs and noisy kids, but I have lots of love and loyalty for that special person to come along and love me back! Please ask about me so my foster mom can tell you how amazing I am!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Missy has been doing very well since she came here. This is almost her third week here and she went to the vet last Friday. She was very good at the vet and they loved her! She has a little redness on her gum line but the vet said that her teeth were great and I should just start brushing her teeth. I just got a toothbrush set today so I will be trying it later on. Missy stopped hiding about three days after she got here and ever since has been very comfortable running and playing around the apartment. She has started to follow me around as I go about my business. Every evening she loves to cuddle up right next to me on the couch to cat nap. She's such a sweetheart! I've attached some pictures with this =)

Missy is continuing to do well. She is much more willing to come out to meet new people when they come over. She enjoys playing A LOT and is quite curious about everything. She really adores little fuzzy stuffed mice and we got her some real rabbit fur mice which she really goes at. She has been eating regularly (1/2 cup Blue Buffalo a day with some snacks on the side) and has really grown to like the cat fountain that we got for her. I've attached a recent picture of her relaxing on the couch with me.

(Last update: May 11th, 2015 2pm)

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