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I have that name that's a little hard to spell and hard to remember, even though I'm such a lovely cat, once you meet me you won't forget me! I'm very much a lady sealpoint gal who can be very affectionate but also can maintain her independence. I'll rule the roost wherever I go, I suspect!
Name:   Myszka
ID#: VA10729
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/25/15
Adopted: 05/17/15
Congrats: Donna
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Myszka is doing well. She is very playful and loving.We went to see the vet. She had some bleeding and tarter on her back molars,so she had a dental. Otherwise, she is in great health and eating a good no-grain food! She is a wonderful talker!
(Last update: Jun 17th, 2015 2pm)

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Name: Sabrina

(FKA Priscilla)

ID#: VA10277
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/30/14
Adopted: 12/13/14
Congrats: Rebecca
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Hi, I'm Priscilla. Not too much is known about me, but I did have a home at one time and for some reason I was turned into a shelter. I was so scared and miserable until the angels at Siamese Cat Rescue came to get me.

I've relaxed here at meowmy's house, and even like the two old boys here, but don't care for those wild female kittens. I hiss at them and let them know to stay away.

I love meowmy and rub on her legs and feet for attention, which she always has time to give me. The vet said I'm healthy, and that a long time ago something bit off pat of my tail. It doesn't hurt any more, and I walk around the room with it straight up in the air, waiting for my forever home. Could that be yours?

Ask about me if you don't have any female cats in the house and maybe I could be your girl.



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Notes from Home
Priscilla aka Sabrina is doing MUCH better. She still hides quite a bit and remains more comfortable in the 'safe' room but is starting to venture out into the other rooms upstairs (like the master bedroom where she has slept quite a few times now). She's a sleeper/hider by day and night owl...you guessed it, at night. I wake almost every night/early morning to her playing with toys. I check on her and she rubs my legs hoping I'll settle down at 2am to play. I suspect that she ventures out and goes downstairs during the night. How do I know that? Well she hates the vacuum and when I vacuum her safe room she runs out and heads to hide behind the couch in the den (which is a very warm spot and quite a ways from the safe room). She's eating very well...actually loves to eat and her bathroom habits are great! We're taking baby steps and continue to move forward. We do have this kiss kiss routine that we both enjoy. I get on the floor and say kiss kiss and she will lower her head toward the floor for me to kiss the top of it. So sweet...we are moving forward just very slowly.

I could use some advice on how to get her out of the safe room. I've tried carrying her around the house...walking her from room to room and saying face your fears it's ok...here's the LR, DR, where we eat, sleep etc. I wish I could say this was successful but she freaks out and runs back upstairs to hide for hours. My vet says I should close all of the doors upstairs and force her to go somewhere else in the house. I don't want to upset her more so I haven't done this. I'm thinking patience is what is required. One day I'll turn around and she'll just show up when I least expect it.

2/2/15 Sabrina has finally decided that she is in her forever home. She is out and about while upstairs, plays with her toys alot, and is creeping downstairs, interacting with us and sleeping where she is viisble. That is, she is out in view and not hiding. Quite a major improvement. Still skittish with sudden noises or unfamiliar voices but all in all she's much improved from a few weeks ago. Yippee!!

6/17/15 6 Month Update
Sabrina has finally settled in. She LOVES my husband...actually flirts with him. She's definitely a lover cat and wants to be petted as much as possible. Don't worry, she gets PLENTY of good lovin! Sleeps with us almost nightly. Bubba, my male rescue, and Sabrina are now an official couple. She follows Bubba around like a dog and he likes to lick her. She's eating well and her litter box habits remain good. She's discovered the screeneed in catio and is spending as much time as possible out ther. Only things we are still working on are getting use to noises as in general they startle her, and she doesn't like to be picked up. I suspect that over time these 2 things will get better. She is one happy cat and each day she is with us, we are happy. She's definitely a very good fit for our family.

(Last update: Jun 17th, 2015 9am)

An under-the-covers cat anyone? I love to snuggle under the covers, and maybe you do too! Just call me Deara Meara and I'll come chirping your way! I'm just the littlest bit shy at first but once I warm up, look out!
Name: Tiger Lilly

(FKA Meara)

ID#: VA10015
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 4 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 05/10/14
Adopted: 06/10/14
Deceased: 09/09/15
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Reid

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
6/25/14 Miss Lilly is just wonderful. She is daily becoming more comfortable with the house and has moved from under the furniture to on top. Started to get on bed for short time yesterday. No issue with dog. He was sleeping on floor and she crept up and was smelling his paws. Still not a cuddle cat for Romeo but a play buddy. They chase each other around then rest in separate areas. Romeo still hisses at times as Lilly fearlessly takes over his spaces. We give him lots of attention. Lilly is obsessed with the water running in the bath tub or running anywhere. She gets saturated and would stay in tub for hours if we would let her. (Husband has to shut door to use bathroom) Have ordered a second fountain as neither cat liked the water cascading in a sheet so this fountain has 2 streams. Should have tomorrow. Lilly had issue today with lesson of "no" and "share" when I had to hold her and allow Romeo to get a drink in the tub. She fussed but survived. Goes for her welcome check up at the vet this afternoon. I have downloaded some pictures.

7/13/14 Lilly is doing great. She has evolved from allowing one hand light gentle petting to loving full body two hand massages. Fearless and sweet. Checked out fine at vet. Constipation and vomit has resolved with 1/4 tsp Metamucil in food twice a day. Lilly is so short she has to stand up on her hind legs using her paw to steady herself on the edge of the litter box in order to poop. I wish I could get a picture. Still loves the bathroom and the bathtub and now Romeo is also obsessed with tub water. They hang out in the tub together. Go figure . Second water fountain was a NO. I have brought up my old plastic fountain that I hate to clean and will try this out. No more hissing from Romeo. He has a sweet funny cry that he uses to call her. We have never heard him use this tone or voice. It is just for Lilly when he wants to see her. Sounds like Romeo is in love. Attached new picture. They are getting closer. She sleeps where she wants but often prefers her Millie bed on the floor next to our bed. Loves to open cupboards but we have baby gate locks on the dangerous ones. All is going well. God bless you all.

12/30/14 Lilly has really blossomed. She is now a whopping 9 pounds. Millie bed is gone and Romeo or us are her favorite snuggle spot. She does not yet get on our lap but will snuggle close next to us on the couch and she and Romeo sleep with us at night. She and Romeo are now play and snuggle buddies. They tear around the house a few times a day. Her favorite toy is her sparkle ball or the bell balls. She does not appear to have any favorite person between me and my husband which is good. Constipation is going to be an ongoing issue. Still using Metamucil. If she does not go - she pukes. So far it is either back into her food bowl or just next to it unlike all our other cats who have done the nasty deed all over the house. I have started to feed them 1/2 can Fancy Feast divided by 2 one hour apart. This way if she is going to puke I don't loose all the food and she has a bit more time to have a bowel movement. She is so so so cute. We just love her so much. I have hopefully attached a few more pictures.

1/16/15. Last Sunday was a major breakthrough that I just had to share. Worked late and came home and put on Pj's and soft robe. Romeo was sleeping on recliner which was unusual so my lap was free. Lily came over and began kneeding on the robe-then moved inside my legs on my lap a bit tense. When nothing happened she relaxed, stretched her body out on my lap with her little paw up on my chest, totally relaxed and was out sleeping. She is now a lap cat. So....it gets more interesting. Now, Mommy is her favorite and she wants to be on my lap all the time. Romeo is having hurt feelings so I need to be sure to divide my time....and even weirder ...Romeo is now mounting her. Not sure if we woke up the "luv bug" in Lily and she is giving off the vibes or if we woke up the jealous monster in Romeo and he is working on putting her in a submissive position. Either way both cats continue to play and chase each other around. When we hear her crying we tell Romeo to get off of her but I think she can take care of herself. It will never be boring around here. Will attach more pictures

6/14/15. Lilly is doing great. She remains a lap cat of course on her terms. Will nip if attention is not fast enough. Never breaks skin or real hard. Ignores correction. We have had to change her bowel routine to Lactulose twice a day. They both sleep with us and have the run of the house. She and Romeo play and snuggle. At times she drives Romeo crazy and he will come crying to us telling that Lilly has done something bad like shredding the toilet paper ( husband made a guard) or barfing in the food bowl (grosses him out so we feed them in morning in separate areas so they cannot see each other) we got a felaway defuser that puts happy smells for kitty's in the air to calm Romeo as he also broke out in feline acne. Both of them want Mommy if I am home but my husband Jim is understanding and loves on them both when I am at work knowing he is second choice. Life is good in our home. Have attached more pictures.

(Last update: Jun 14th, 2015 4pm)

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Name: Clawd

(FKA Paprika)

ID#: VA10133
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 07/07/14
Adopted: 12/06/14
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

Well I have arrived. Here I am in Siamese Rescue. I am so lucky that a rescue angel took me in, kept me safe, and then contacted a rescue where I can find my forever home.

I wrote that upon my arrival never thinking that I would still be here. I am sweet, a
typical kitten, that needs my forever home. I know my points are light but that doesn't mean I am not a Siamese. I am very good with my litter box use and I never miss. Isn't there someone out there that could love me?

UPDATE: I guess I will just grow up here. I am ready for a new home Please give me a look see. My points are a little darker and while I may never have the dark points I would like to have, i am very much Siamese in my body shape and personality. I really need a person of my own to love. Take a look at me, Paprika


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Notes from Home
Clawd enjoys long walks (on the counter), sinking (his teeth) into books, and sipping my fine tea (with his paws). We are sure enjoying our time with him though!
(Last update: Jun 12th, 2015 1pm)

Arrived with my two housemates, Mr. Bird and Yo Yo. Over the next few days we'll be letting Aunt Siri know if we want to stay together or be separated, or who gets paired with who. Stay tuned, by Monday we should know!
Name:   Yum Yum
ID#: VA9163
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/04/13
Adopted: 04/15/13
Congrats: Sharon K.
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
We recently had our 2 year anniversary and Yumai and Bird are right at home. I took a pic the other day with all 3 of the kids and this is a first that all of them are laying in close proximity to one another. What a difference a little bit of time makes. I love them all and Yumai is such a sweet little princess! >"<
(Last update: Jun 12th, 2015 12pm)

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Name: Maia

(FKA Mia)

ID#: VA8477
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 04/14/12
Adopted: 06/09/12
Congrats: Ron
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

I am a social little butterfly. I like to go from place to place on a run. I rub noses with foster mom and the resident cats if I get out of my iso room. More to come about me.

4/21/12 I sit in foster mom's lap and she rubs my back and I just love it. I am very affectionate and sweet. I love to play with all my toys and now that I am out of the house I love to run and play. Life is good here but I want to be in my forever home. Don't you want a sweet kitten like me?

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Notes from Home
Since it's been 3 years that I've been with my staff, Ron & Elaine, I thought it would be a good time to update everybody. I'm maturing into a very talkative cat and my staff encourage me to talk all the time. I've also been allowing the staff to become more friendly by snuggling with them occasionally. I have to admit, my staff seem to understand my needs pretty well and they do their best to take care of my every desire. But Mondays around my world are kind of scary as there are 3 big green noisy trucks that stop out in front of my home and take stuff from big bins that the staff fill up and drag out for them. They make a lot of noise and I find it unnerving, so I stay in my safety zone, under the bed. And that silly, deep rumbling sound from the sky that happens just after the sky flashes bright lights is kind of scary too, but it doesn't happen on a regular schedule like the trucks.

The staff keeps me brushed, fed, they clean my bathroom and offer to hold me whenever I ask them. Ron even learned that I like him to get his hands wet and play with me so I can get my face washed. Now every time he does the dishes, I lay down behind his feet and he gets the idea that I want a 'wet hands' play time. It's almost as if I were a god the way they cater to my every desire. You wouldn't believe how many toys I have to play with, or how many places I have to take naps. But one of my favorite spots is on Elaine's pillow at night, right above her head. And Ron's knee seems to be a great place to start play time. He gets on the bed, turns on the TV and I go to his knee and we start the play time until I get bored and need a drink of water from my fountain beside the bed.

So I guess 3 years into this gig, I'm pretty content for a Siamese cat. The staff keeps telling me that very few cats in the entire world are loved any more than I am. Thanks for signing them up to be my staff.


(Last update: Jun 9th, 2015 7am)

WANTED: human soul mate

My owner went into a nursing home, and the family took me to the shelter because "they aren't cat people." I've been at the shelter for months because being in a cage made me sad and confused, so no one adopted me.

Within 2 hours of arriving in my foster home, I've proven to be a lap-sitting, head-butting, playful snuggler. I'm a big, lanky fellow looking for a warm lap and a human or family who wants an intense, furever relationship.

Might you bring me home for the holidays?
Name:   Ian
ID#: VA10480
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/22/14
Adopted: 12/06/14
Congrats: Stephanie
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)


Notes from Home
We have settled into a routine. I re-named him Buster as this seemed to be a better fit for his personality. As I write this, Buster is hiding in the basement under a recliner as I have learned that he is afraid of thunderstorms! He loves to eat and can hear the food being dispensed from anywhere in the house and can even tell time. He knows that the feeder dispenses at 5:30am and around 5:20am he is sitting in front of the chiming wall clock waiting for it to chime 5:30am.
(Last update: Jun 8th, 2015 7pm)

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Name:   Akemi
ID#: VA5667
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/14/08
Adopted: 06/08/08
Deceased: 03/01/15
Congrats: Steven
Foster: Linda

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Are you looking at ME? GOOD! I deserve a good long look because I am one good looking girl. I'm long and lean and a real talker. I've got something to say on most subjects.

I like dogs, not sure about female cats, have good litter box habits, and want a home of my own.

Interested parties should click on Ask About Me.

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Notes from Home
greetings from Natick MA! Akemi is doing fabulously and enjoying her position as supreme ruler of the house. She is affectionately referred to as "her ROYALNESS". She has trained her human sisters, ages 11 and 9.5 years old, to groom her daily and provide regular adoration sessions. When not being pampered she spends alot of time basking in sunny spots resting - it takes a lot of rest to maintain those good looks. She is very attached to her human mom and insists on sleeping on some portion of her mom whenever possible. She gets along with her adopted feline brother, Norton, and has him trained. He understands that she is the boss.

Sadly Akemi passed away this past spring. She developed renal failure and declined very rapidly. We are very sad to have lost her. She was a terrific Siamese.

(Last update: Jun 8th, 2015 9am)

Hello??? Anyone out there? I'm a fabulous gal - playful, affectionate, outgoing and gorgeous. I just need to be your only cat. That doesn't seem like a whole lot to ask, does it? I'm so ready to go home, so please ask about me today!
Name:   Dempsey
ID#: VA10667
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 03/10/15
Adopted: 05/23/15
Congrats: Courtenay
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Dempsy is doing fabulous!!!! She has been queen of the house since she walked in. She is a bit of a wild woman and we jokingly call her "Kitty NO" because she is always getting into something or doing something she shouldn't like scaling the headboard of the bed or trying to trip you up multiple times at feeding times or nipping arms in the middle of the night when she wants to play. Needless to say I LOVE her!!!!!!
(Last update: Jun 7th, 2015 9pm)

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Name: Gabby

(FKA Zinnia)

ID#: VA4214
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 06/03/06
Adopted: 07/29/06
Deceased: 06/15/15
Congrats: Adrian
Foster: Teresa

I'm loving, sweet and purring but just a ONE pound baby. I am a gorgeous little lilac lynx pt....don't I have purrty eyes too? The shelter just in't the place for a baby. After I get well she is afraid I'd get sick again if I had to travel more than a day away from Gator country. She says I still need lots of fertilizer to grow but right now I like to pass the time in my snugglesack close to her chest.


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Notes from Home
You know, it is only since I transported Hershey and started getting updates about him that I realized that this functionality exists! Five years ago, I brought home a little 2 pound kitty and promptly renamed her. From the first day she was out in the house, she took a shine to my other young kitty and they have been best buddies ever since then. Gabby's lilac points (especially those purple ears) are just remarkable.

Gabby is the first cat that I've owned that loved to get under the covers. You will rarely find Gabby curled up on the top of the bed. Generally, you'll find a lump and locate her under the covers. This, of course, makes getting pictures of her a bit difficult!

UPDATE: June 7, 2015
Sad news this morning. I had to have Gabby euthanized. She became very ill on Friday and my friend rushed her to my vet. She seemed to be in complete kidney failure. The vet began a treatment of IV fluids, antibiotics and pain medication. She showed some signs of improvement yesterday but this morning, the vet called me and said she had relapsed. We decided that there was no possibility of a recovery from this point. I spent 20 minutes with her this morning. She was happy to see me but had no energy to give me her customary head bump or to lick my nose. I knew it was her time. Finally, I picked her up and she she passed away in my arms. I can't believe I only got 9 years with this beautiful purple girl.

(Last update: Jun 7th, 2015 11am)

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