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If you are in need of a good conversationalist, then I'm your guy. What with all that's going on in the world, it's pretty hard to keep one's mouth shut! I have an opinion about lots of things and I want to share it! I'm a very people oriented guy who likes my food just a little bit too much (yup, and dieting gives me something to talk about) so at 16 pounds, I need to shed a few. I would love to be the one and only if that type of home is out there!
Name: Jagger

(FKA PyeWacket)

ID#: VA12156
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/14/17
Adopted: 07/29/17
Congrats: Krista
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Jag's 6 month anniversary was this week and he is my little love. He is such a sweet guy!

Jagger crossed over the rainbow bridge on 4/23/22 after being diagnosed with cancer 6 months earlier. I miss him so much. He was a wonderful kitty who loved everyone he met. He brought so much joy into my life along with my family and friends. He loved his heated beds, spending time on his enclosed catio/patio, tummy rubs, brush sessions, talking with different meows (loud and soft), and greeting guests to the house. Miss you every day Jaggy.

(Last update: Jul 4th, 2022 8pm)

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Name: Sassy

(FKA Gretel)

ID#: VA11307
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 01/19/16
Adopted: 02/14/16
Congrats: Shana
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

Aren't I cute

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Notes from Home
It's been two wonderful years with Sassy. She is always ready to be a part of things. She and her big "brother" have bonded very closely. If she's not hanging out with us then it's with him. Sassy hasn't changed much. She is just as sociable and loving as the first day we met her. She is very goofy and charming bringing us lots of joy. She loved being walked so much that we built her and her brother a catio. It's been thier favorite addition since last Spring.

Update 6/21/2022
Sassy is doing fantastic. She was swapped to a canned food only diet by her dermatologist and vet. She developed an allergy to wheat/gluten which took a little bit to sort out. She eats small portions several times a day and is doing well.
She still loves snuggling and demands it every day. I can't believe that she'll be 7 years old this year. Every night she brings us her toys, meowing the whole way. When she gets really excited, we'll wake up to toys on the bed. It's so cute! Right after, her very important toy run she lays down in my arm to snuggle and sleep with me the whole night. She's bonded with my husband, too. I wish we could upload pictures, but the link isn't working. She used to like to snuggle me and beg him to pet her, but now she'll swap laps. She still tries to crawl inside my jackets even though she barely fits. So we keep a blanket around to put on her to recreate that feeling from kittenhood. She likes being "tucked in". That is where we pull the blanket over her when she's relaxing on the couch. She'll nuzzle inside further and fall asleep.
Sassy holds a special place in our hearts and it's a joy to have her in our family. Thank you all for helping her find her way to us.

(Last update: Jun 21st, 2022 11am)

My rescuers trapped me in a feral colony, and knew I was too sweet for that life. I'm scared and shy right now, and changes frighten me, but I'm so worth a little patience and quiet. Do you have a spot in your home and heart for me?

Jamie loves me! I get to be her special friend.
Name:   Silver
ID#: VA3733
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 10/01/05
Adopted: 10/21/05
Deceased: 07/01/15
Congrats: Kim
Foster: Jackie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Silver passed over the Rainbow Bridge a little more than a year ago. Just about 1 month before Rudy did. She was the QUEEN of our house for her entire life and we were very surprised at her passing. She had not been ill or showing any signs that there was something wrong. We just woke up one morning and she was gone. She loved playing with the 3 boys - Rudy, Hasani (renamed Pyder) & Jabari (renamed Rascal) and chasing the dogs when they were puppies. It wasn't unusual to find her curled up with the dogs on the sofa, sound asleep. They definitely knew who was boss. The cats were MUCH higher in the pack then they were. Silver was one of a kind. There will never be another like her. She will be greatly missed.
(Last update: Jun 15th, 2022 8am)

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Name:   Hasani
ID#: VA3881
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/03/05
Adopted: 12/28/05
Congrats: Kim
Foster: Jackie

I was born in a feral colony, but got trapped by a rescue that works with ferals. I'm still scared and a bit shy, but I purr when you hold me and love to play. I'll need a patient home who will give me the time and attention I'll need, but I'm going to be worth it. More pictures of me when I've relaxed a bit. My name means "handsome" and that I am!

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Notes from Home
We renamed Hasani after he became a part of our family. He was known as Rascal because of all of the silly things he would do. He was forever getting into mischief as a kitten and, thus, our Rascal was born. Until he died, he was a fantastic love bug and was as handsome as an adult as he was as a kitten. He will be missed. He was one of a kind and I was honored to be his human and I'm taking extra-special care of his brother, Pyder (Jabari).
(Last update: Jun 15th, 2022 8am)

I was born in a feral colony, and found my way to a trap belonging to a rescue that works with ferals. Now here I am - far from feral, but scared and shy. I love to play though, and purr when you hold me. I'll need a quiet and patient home where I can finish learning what house cat life is all about. My name means "brave" which is what I'm trying to be.
Name:   Jabari
ID#: VA3882
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/03/05
Adopted: 12/28/05
Congrats: Kim
Foster: Jackie


Notes from Home
We renamed Jabari. His name in our family is Pyewacket III, or Pyder, for short. I MUST have a Pyewacket in my house if the cat is a Seal-point Male. He remained shy and cautious, but since the other 3 cats have passed, he has become quite the love bug. He lets me hold him and pet him and purrs like mad! I expected him to show signs of loneliness after the other 3 passed but he actually seems to be thriving. I'm hoping he's around for many more years.
(Last update: Jun 15th, 2022 8am)

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Name: Kiki

(FKA Willow)

ID#: VA5447
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 12/28/07
Adopted: 02/03/08
Congrats: Anna
Foster: Linda

Foster Notes

I'm a willowy young lady - ok, more than that, I'm just plain skinny according to foster mom. She is working hard on fattening me up and making me feel better. I have a cold and just don't feel 100% although I feel one million billion times better than I did in the shelter! Things are looking up!

Don't you want to start the New Year off with a new buddy? One that will love you? One with great litter box habits? One that purrs so loudly her whole body vibrates?

Let's start the New Year off right, click on Ask About ME!


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Notes from Home
Update 6/8/2022 : Our Beautiful Kiki crossed over the rainbow bridge this morning. She was 15.. She loved everyone she came to meet and was the best mother cat to every pet we have had and recently fostered. She gave so much to our life and she will be dearly missed. in our hearts beautiful girl until we meet again

Update 2/4/2013 - Well we are here in Italy and I am "Purrrrrrfecto".. I must admit that I am liking it here, what is not to like? Lots of Formagi, they love cats and plenty of pampering to be had. We live in this lovely Italian home nestled in the mountains near Vicenza which is surrounded by vineyards. There are a couple of Romeo's next door but Meowmy tells them to beat it! I hear the Church bell ring all the time and the dogs yowl in succession.. What a life I tell you! Meowmy & Daddy have found that I so love my scratches that I curl up into a shrimp ball and flop around log a fish just pulled out of water.. Whenever I see my favorite brush I am done.. I love the culture here as they have Siesta during the day and it fits rather nicely into my cat nap timetable. Wish you were all here :-D

10/9/2012 - We are all going to Italy my meowmy said, not sure I can stomach pasta, maybe if there is some anchovies in there and gelato.. mmmmmm. Well a lot has happened as we have another kitty in our family who is another rescue.. 1st there is the Himalayan/Siamese Diva who thinks she loves me and now a real Ragdoll/Himalayan Kitty who I laugh at all day when she falls from furniture.. I don't know why her previous adopters de-clawed her but I think she is a keeper and keeps me sane against that other DIVA that won't leave me alone. I love to take time out and sleep on my sofa with my furrrrrrry blanket and can't wait for my little people to get home from school. Especially the little girl who brushes me all the time.. Sometimes she over brushes me so I have to smack her into line. I am training her well :-) I sure do have them all figured out..Purrrrrrrr.. And then there is meowmy who just loves it when she goes to sleep and I sleep next to her legs all night long bahaaaaaaa

Update: 2/4/2011 - Well it is now 3 glorious action packed years let me tell you.. We have moved to North Carolina and I must say am liking the squirrels that I am seeing and all of the pine cones.. We have so many windows now that are just exhausting... I just love wood floors as my meowmy laughs when I do my Tom Cruise rendition as I slide across the super clean floors at the early hours of the morning to play with my fat & fluffy sister... hehehehe ...

A happy cat is a happy life!!!

(Last update: Jun 8th, 2022 12pm)

Oh, dear, my mom died and the other person living in the house took me to the shelter. I was so scared, but a sweet angel got me out of there and called Siamese Cat Rescue.

I'm here now and settling in. I was so stressed from the car trip and all the changes that I drooled all over the carrier. I'm feeling better today and meowmy said she'll tell you more about me soon.

For now, I'm going to rest in my heated bed and see what comes next.

Update: Good things happening. I now have my own sunny room with my sister, I've had my dental, and I feel good. I love my FF dinners and am a good boy with my litter box.


Name:   Stryder
ID#: VA12928
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/18/19
Adopted: 04/14/19
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Jeanne


Notes from Home
12/30/21 I never understood what a ‘soulmate cat/ dog’ really meant until I Stryder. He jumped from his carrier the day he came to my home and never really left my lap or sight since that day. Stryder gained his wings on December 10th In 2020 he had a mild pancreas issues and was being treated for this. However in August 2021 he had a pancreas attack that shut his kidneys down. He spent 6 days in ER hospital and he was making such great progress his kidney level were down to stage 2 and the Epogen helped with anemia. Unfortunately between both illnesses it became too much for my sweet boy. He will be missed. Arwen is missing him since she has never been alone before so she is getting extra loving to help her also adjust.

4/14/20. Stryder is wonderful, he is sweet and gentle and is a momma boy! He is very bonded with her and let’s her be the boss.
2/9/20 Stryder is a sweet gentle soul and it does take him a few minutes to warm up to new people. He isn’t as brave as Arwen, but he is showing his personality a little more each day. He recently started to jump on bathroom counter to ask for water. Arwen greets me at door, he won’t yet, but he is waiting outside kitchen for me. He met me at door only day Arwen was at vet all day, when he saw case he started crying for her; she walked out of case and ignored him but he followed her giving her kisses! He is very attached to her. He recently went to vet and his blood levels were off so they will be redone in March to see if it anything changed. If they are still off then he will go to Internal Medicine Vet for an ultrasound. He seems to be fine since he’s back to playing so I’m hoping it was just an off day. He is first cat I have ever had trouble cutting nails or giving monthly liquid flea/heart worm medicine. It’s a challenge each month since he is very wiry and screams like he’s being killed when I attempt to hold him. I know it’s not the medicine since there is no reaction to his skin. At the Vet they have no trouble - they said they can tell his original owner took him to vet since while getting blood tests and X-rays he just lays there. He sits on my lap each day but it’s when he jumps up there. So now I just take him to Vet once a month- he’s fine there and allows these to be done with no screaming! He’s really a love and sweet gentle boy

6/24/19 Arwen and Stryder are doing great. They both had rechecked as suggested by original vet, both results were perfect. In the beginning Arwen was ‘fresh” to Stryder but she has calmed down and is usually nice to him. Every so often I do have to call her name with a tone so she behaves towards him. They are bonded are very sweet. Arwen is very playful and runs around a lot, Stryder is active but not at the same level as her. Both are very sweet and gentle and friendly to everyone even the vet so far! Stryder is a lap cat when Arwen doesn’t force her out of my lap! I believe they now know they are home but sometimes are still nervous over a noise. Thank you everyone who helped me get these cats- they are WONDERFUL and so happy to have them.

Arwen & Stryder are settling in more each day. Had vet visit and they were sweet and loving.
Thank you for everyone helping getting them home.

(Last update: Dec 30th, 2021 12pm)

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Name:   Max
ID#: VA10960
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tonkinese
Date In: 08/01/15
Adopted: 08/22/15
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Siri

Lovely pair of Tonks, same family since kittenhood, lots of details!

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Notes from Home
I just want to let you know that Max-that-was/Naaji as he is now know living the good life in Madrid, Spain, where he spends his days sleeping, cuddling, learning new languages, and adapting to city life. (We now walk to the vet instead of taking the dreaded car trip.) He misses his sister, who died in September (or at least misses having her to boss around), but also seems to like being top cat, and has taken over her spot sleeping next to me on the pillow. He is 17, and with Dr. Carlos's help, will continue to have a nice old age as a very spoiled Tonkinese cat.
(Last update: Dec 5th, 2021 8am)

Lovely pair of Tonks, same family since kittenhood, lots of details!
Name:   Emma
ID#: VA10959
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tonkinese
DateIn: 08/01/15
Adopted: 08/22/15
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
I just want to let you know that after six joyful years together, Clelia passed away peacefully this September at 17 years old when her kidney disease could no longer be controlled. Clelia was my name for her; she was Emma when I adopted her, and she was very loved and very loving.

Her brother Max, who is also 17 and who now goes by the name Naaji, is still with me and doing well (no kidney disease, though he has just developed cataracts and at times seems to miss having a sister to boss around). I should also mention that Naaji and I now live in Madrid, Spain, where the warmer winters and sunny days ease his occasional arthritis.

Adopting older cats was an absolute pleasure (Emma/Max were 11 when I got them, Clelia made it to 17, and I hope Naaji and I have a good few years left together). They are calm and loving, and what they lack in mischief and playtime, they make up in cuddles and gratitude. I hope all the older cats at SCRC find loving homes, and thank Siri and Kathy for their help with the adoption.

(Last update: Dec 5th, 2021 8am)

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Name: Luna

(FKA Lady Bug)

ID#: VA8416
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 03/15/12
Adopted: 06/16/12
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Jo

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
OK so it took me 24 hours before I showed my loving side! I'm at foster Mummy's through no fault of my own, just hard times, you know how that can be.

Now I'm a love machine, YES, honest I am! I drooled on foster Mummy last night because of all the loving we had going on.

If you want a beautiful, purring, biscuit making, follower that gently chats to you, then put your paw on the Ask About Me button. However, you have to have lots of time to give me because I'm a people kitty.


PS Phoebe is my daughter if you need two of us beautiful girls.

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Notes from Home
When I was going into Luna’s room this afternoon with a fresh bowl of water and plate with a dab of wet food on it, she made her escape. By the time I put down the bowl and plate, she had dashed into my bedroom and came face to face with Morwenna (my resident seal point). They touched noses, Morwenna hissed a bit and Luna fluffed up her tail but didn’t hiss. Morwenna then turned around and went to one side of the room, and Luna ran into another corner of the room. I picked Luna up and brought her back to her room, where she proceeded to immediately eat her wet food as though she didn’t have a care in the world. I think Morwenna was more perturbed than Luna was!
I will have to make sure their next meeting has more adult supervision.

6/21/2012 - Luna here. I went to the vet today. It was not too bad - no shots, just an examination. But I was glad to get home! That other cat kept crying at the door of my room, so meowmy put up a baby gate between us so we could check each other out. No problem there - we didn't even hiss at each other. I was more interested in getting out of the room to explore and she was more interested in getting in to see what was going on. Meowmy let me out and I had a good time checking out my new digs.

6/22/2012 - Luna here again. I was allowed out of my iso room and am settling in nicely. Meowmy and I had a nice nap in her bed - I do love to snuggle! That other cat is still not 100% sure of me, but I think she finally realized I am not going anywhere, so she had better make the best of it.

6/30/2012 - Luna here. Hard to believe I've only been here two weeks. I'm quite settled in. I think that other cat has realized I'm here to stay. She is trying to play with me but I'm not quite sure yet. But we get along fine. We both sleep in the bed with meowmy - in fact, last night we both slept on the same pillow (we're quite spoiled!).

7/28/2012 - Luna here. Nothing much to report, just checking in since it's been a while. Everything is good. I like to tease the other cat Morwenna by pouncing on her when she least expects it. I am getting rather brave, if I do say so myself! Check out my new pics. Meowmy has been trying to get some of us two cats together, but it's hard 'cause we're always on the go. It's like herding cats! (tee-hee).

12/22/2012 - Luna here. How time flies when you're having fun! It has been just over six months and I have settled in like I have always been here. Life is good. Just wanted to wish everyone a Meowy Christmas and a Happy New Purr (OK, that one was a stretch). Check out my recent pictures. I like to plop down on top of that other cat Morwenna 'cause she's always in the best, most snuggly spot.

6/19/2013 - Luna here on my one year anniversary. Goodness, has it been a year already? I still remember that seemingly endless 12 hour car ride it took to get here, but it was worth it. Everything is good except for some minor health issues. I went to the vet at the end of April to update my rabies and distemper "jabs." Unfortunately I had a reaction to the distemper shot and had a swollen lump on my shoulder that took quite a while to go away, but I'm all better now. I also have to have a dental and they will probably have to remove some teeth - I am not looking forward to that! Oh, well, you can just call me Snaggle Puss. That's all I have to say for now - TTFN!

12/20/2013 "All I want for Christmas is my two front teeth..." Well, I finally had my dental and GOOD NEWS! The vet didn't have to pull any teeth - she said the roots looked just bee-yoo-tee-ful in the x-rays, so no extractions were required. I am a happy girl. So I have nice clean choppers for Christmas. Life is good!

9/19/2014 It's been a while, so I thought it was time for an update. That other cat Morwenna has been very sick the past few months, but is doing much better. However, being the sensitive thing that I am, I was so stressed out about the whole thing that I got a nasty urinary tract infection and it took a while to clear up (finally after two courses of antibiotics). Meowmy was more worried about me than the other cat! We are both doing fine now. Keep your fingers crossed that things remain calm and stress-free from now on.

6/17/2016 Luna here - has it been almost two years since I wrote an update? Shame on me! I had my teeth cleaned on 6/6. I didn't have to have any teeth pulled, but had one premolar where the root had basically dissolved (due to resorptive disease) so they had to do a crown amputation to remove the top. Now that the bad tooth is gone, maybe I will let meowmy brush my teeth. They do look nice and clean now! I also had a sebaceous cyst removed near the base of my tail. That had a big inch long incision with seven stitches - I looked like a Frankenstein cat (meowmy said it was like sleeping with a porcupine, 'cause the ends of the stitches kept poking her). I went back to the vet today and had the stitches removed. Traumatized twice in less than two weeks! Hopefully things will be calm from now on. Other than that I am doing well. That's about it for now.

(I had posted an update back in October 2020 when Luna was diagnosed with a brain tumor, but I don't see it here)

I have some sad news about Luna. She went over the rainbow bridge today.

She had been getting more wobbly the past couple of weeks and I wasn't sure if it was her brain tumor, arthritis, or something else. I took her in for blood work last Saturday and they discovered she had severe kidney failure. Unfortunately, there isn't much that can be done about that. Her condition deteriorated rapidly in the past few days. Rather than put her through any more, I decided it was time to let her go.

She kept fighting until the end, but her fighting spirit was no match for the triple whammy. She lasted much longer than the prognosis the doctors gave me when she was diagnosed with her brain tumor last October.

She lived to be 15 1/2 and had a good innings, as the Brits would say.
I will miss her terribly. She was the sweetest, most beautiful girl ever.

(Last update: Aug 6th, 2021 2pm)

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