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Ever scratch your head and wonder WHY oh WHY would anyone give me up? I do it all the time. I'm one loving boy, well behaved, sweet, snuggly and just plain nice! So step on up to my plate and let's do dinner!
Name:   George Jones
ID#: VA10065
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/07/14
Adopted: 06/22/14
Deceased: 06/01/15
Congrats: Erin
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
It is with a very sad heart that I tell you George Jones died on Feb. 8,2015. He did not have an easy time the 8 months we had him. He had 3 surgeries and finally died of cancer. Through it all he was the sweetest, most affectionate, laid back cat you can imagine. He was much loved, not only by us but the vet said all the employees couldn't believe how easy going he was, calmly allowing anybody to do whatever had to be done. We miss him and will remember him always.
Erin Sheeder

(Last update: Jun 23rd, 2015 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Lionel

(FKA Oatmeal)

ID#: VA10624
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 02/14/15
Adopted: 05/20/15
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Lovely applehead lynx boy who reportedly likes other cats, I may need a cat buddy! I'm a little overwhelmed but very hopeful things will be okay soon! Life has been rough, and I need some stability please! So if you'd like a little oatmeal with your breakfast, please consider me! I'd do very well with a quiet home/quiet person who can work with me a bit.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Update on Oatmeal (now known as Lionel)!

Lionel has been here a month, and he is really starting to feel at home. When he first got here, he was very scared and stayed under his futon on his bed and only came out when I left his room. He had his own window to look out of and watch the birds, and I left the radio on for him to keep him company. His room was also my office. The door was kept shut for two weeks so he and my other kitty could learn about each other from sniffing under the door. Finally, one evening while I was working on the computer, about two days after he arrived, he came out and rubbed my leg to let me know he was feeling more at home. He quickly became a snuggle bug, and I would sit on his futon for 10-15 minutes, just tickling his ears and talking with him. He would burrow into my lap and purr and purr.

Now he is running throughout the house and sleeps at the end of my bed, and he and Bitsy (my other kitty) are playmates. I throw crumpled up paper for them to chase. He doesn't talk much, but he does make polite noises in the morning to remind me that he hasn't eaten! He's still very shy and jumpy about noises, and a sneeze can send him scurrying back under his futon. But I think that will lessen over time. So I think he is well on his way to being an established member of the family.

(Last update: Jun 23rd, 2015 11am)

I have a new picture, but I move so fast Jen is having a hard time getting decent pictures of me.

I am a darling little seal boy who just wants to be loved. I am just as cute as a button! I won't last long............


Bear (you can call me Teddy Bear if you want, I kind of like it!)
Name: Remi

(FKA Bear)

ID#: VA8154
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/28/11
Adopted: 11/24/11
Congrats: Robby
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Remi made it to Indiana on Thanksgiving morning. Thanks to all who made that possible. Remi has been with our family for 3 and a half years now! He is very loved and very spoiled here. My daughter absolutely LOVES him! She is going to be the one running and uploading pictures to this website now for me. She has more time than I. Again, Thank You, one and all for the help getting him! We love him so much!

Here's a link to Remi's page on Facebook!

If you guys would like to upload pictures of kittens at your center that need adopted you are all very welcome to! Also share his page to other previous adopters if you would like. All Siamese are welcome!

(Last update: Jun 22nd, 2015 10pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Cricket

(FKA Onslow)

ID#: VA8463
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 04/07/12
Adopted: 05/08/12
Congrats: Elisabeth
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

Are you looking for a full sized kitten? That would be me! I am SO busy and playful and into everything. I do have much better manners than a kitten, however. Did I mention I'm busy? I am super rough with toys but very loving with Foster Mom. Did I mention I'm busy? I don't have a shy bone in my body. And did I mention I'm busy? If you want a super energetic, confident guy then I'm for you!

Check out my video. Foster Mom is having a hard time getting photographs of me because I'm.....wait for it....so busy but there are a couple of new ones so take a peak!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
(2013) Cricket has become an indispensable member of the family, beloved by all (although older sister-cat continues to have some reservations about how rambunctious he is).

After he was acclimated to the house and inhabitants, his only apparent sign of continued anxiety was that he insisted on following me from room to room as I was doing chores around the house; even if I thought he was fast asleep in one room, seconds later he would turn up to keep me company doing dishes, or laundry, etc.

Although he is more relaxed lately with me out of sight, he remains very people-centric, constantly curious about what we are doing, and wondering if it involves treats, or more especially, TOYS.

He loves to be picked up and cuddled, and especially loves nose kisses. He purrs enthusiastically for a few seconds---and then wants down. He loves to sit NEXT TO his people, but has only fallen asleep on my lap maybe three times. He will get sad and cry when his people are not immediately around.

His appetite has gone from being light, to very robust. He gobbles his meals, and if he were not still being fed separately from Mia, would shoulder her out of the way and eat hers, too. He has filled out a little, but is still extremely fit and energetic.

His first vet visit went very well, and he was much admired. Our vet, Jane Owel, thinks very highly of Siamese Rescue, and thought Cricket was in great shape.

At night, he's a bed-hopper. He seems to like all the human beds equally, although initially I was often awakened by having an unexpectedly warm, fur hat.

Cricket has some coordination issues; the kids think his favorite activity is running into walls. We are getting used to hearing the "scrabble-scrabble-THUMP" of his leaping miscalculations, and we've had to reassure him more than a few times because he's scared himself doing something incredibly silly.

In short, he's perfect.

We couldn't be happier; and we hope he feels the same.
Cricket is doing great. He is absolutely king of the castle, and it's surprising that his little paws are even allowed to touch the ground.
His appetite, (which I know Kathy M. worried about when he first came in) has gone from being somewhat finicky; to healthy; to complete "greed head." He adores food and treats, and will go to great lengths to take either one from the other cat---or from their storage places. Since he doesn't have a mean bone in his body, he manages to make even being completely greedy somehow endearing. He's still super active, and is maintaining his long and lean physique; although he does look like he has filled out. According to the bathroom scale, he weighs approximately 8.4 lbs.
His current, most favorite and beloved toys are clear plastic drinking straws. No joke. Because his eye really can't track them very well, it seems to make them all the more attractive. (I think it's like prey that hides particularly well, and needs to be tracked repeatedly.)
Cricket also still really enjoys the bathtub, and all things to do with plumbing. He likes to assist with all baths and showers, generally by sitting between the interior and exterior shower curtains, and occasionally peeking into the bath. He particularly loves the dishwasher, and will wait until the clean dishes have been removed from the warm machine, and then creep in to curl up---even if it's wet. He is similarly helpful in the laundry.
He continues to be very people-centric, and follows me around from room to room as I do housework. It's like having a small, furry supervisor.
There are no litter box issues. Cricket is very fastidious, and we keep the boxes very clean for both cats.
Cricket still prefers to cuddle with our 14 year-old, Rowan. Rowan loves to read, and is most likely to be willing to sit with a kitty-hot-water-bottle on her lap for extended periods. (Actually, I think both cats regard her as more cat than human.) At night, Cricket always finds someone's bed to share, but usually bunks with me. He's quite good at standing just on the solar plexus and purring loudly when he thinks it's high time for breakfast.
The children got distracted getting photos ready to send you. I will get them back on track so you can see what Cricket is up to with your own eyes.
Thank you again for such a wonderful addition to the family. We could not be happier.

1 June 2013:
Our one year anniversary together has come and gone. Cricket is extremely well. His annual check-up didn't reveal anything unexpected: he's still at about 8.2 lbs (which the vet thought was perfect for him) and is very healthy.

He is loved and adored, and seems to understand and trust that it's so. He has always been a bit vocally challenged, and we thought for the first several months that he wasn't able to purr. We've discovered (and perhaps he's discovered) that he can. It's not really audible, but can be felt when he's completely relaxed. Maybe this was the last evidence of his finally feeling completely at home?

He still loves to romp and play with drinking straws, and is still my little furry supervisor with household tasks. He is curious about everything, and has the most gentle, loving disposition. He is perfect in every way.

I have uploaded a new photo of Cricket for you, so you can see just how gorgeous he is!

With thanks and best wishes from us all,


13 June 2014: Just a quick update on our beloved Cricket. . .

According to his annual vet check-up, he continues to be extremely healthy. He has gained weight, to 9.1 lbs., but the vet was not concerned at this point.

When Cricket first came to us, we were worried that he wasn’t eating enough. Until he settled in, his appetite was suppressed. Even after he showed signs of adapting well to his new environment in all other respects, he still had a light appetite, and we made sure that he had time and space to eat without the complications of our other cat.

Over time, however, things changed dramatically. While still being fed separately, Cricket went from getting greedy about food to being downright frantic about it. He began to gobble his own food, and escape as quickly as he could to grab food out of the other (slower and older) cat’s dish. At the same time, he started to get very naughty at the dinner hour, clawing at our pant legs to get attention, and snagging bits of food if given the slightest window of opportunity from the table and kitchen counter. Knocking over every trash can in the house became his second favorite hobby. Clearly, something was bothering him—and it was well on its way to being quite a bother for everyone else in the household.

I have always heard that with people, if they have ever been truly hungry in their lives, it is something they never forget. The fear of it haunts them. I have only seen that fear manifest itself once in another human being (we forget how fortunate we are, I suppose) and it was a powerful and shocking thing. I thought; might it be traumatic in the same way for a cat?

So, I put together a simple plan. I filled a large kitchen mixing bowl with dry cat food and put it where the other cat did not have access to it. Cricket attacked it the way he had started to attack all food: as if he would never eat again. He ate until his little tummy was distended, and he was having trouble swallowing more. He would walk away a few steps, but never let it out of his sight. After a bit, he would leave, but come back frequently to check to make sure it was still there. I kept the bowl full for about three days. And I kept their usual feeding schedule, with their usual wet food; but this time I fed them at opposite ends of the same room. It was sadly comical to see poor Cricket, too stuffed to eat his dinner.

I don’t think I would recommend what I have done as a general rule. And undoubtedly, it accounts for the uptick in his weight at his check-up. But for Cricket, it seems to have been what was necessary. He now eats his recommended portion twice a day, alongside his sister cat. (He isn’t above sticking a paw into the other cat’s bowl from time to time; but then, neither is she!) We don’t leave dry cat food out for them to graze on, and he doesn’t seem to miss it. He is not opposed to having a small piece of chicken or fish from the table, once the plates have been cleared, but he is a perfect gentleman about it. Perhaps he has put some trauma behind him now.

As I am writing, he is sleeping with his head on the keyboard. He’s just the dearest creature in the world, and is adored by all seven of his humans. He has us completely and forever.

Thanks always, and best wishes to you all,


22 June 2015
Our beloved Cricket has had his annual checkup, this year with a new doctor. Cricket is very healthy---although a little more plump than last year, weighing in at slightly over 10 lbs. ---but we learned something new about his overall health background.

The vet noticed that Cricket has some retinal damage, possibly from having eye infections as a kitten. He didn’t think there was cause for concern, or indication that it was degenerative. It’s just as well Cricket doesn’t need to rely on his hunting skills for survival, and has assistance from his humans in stalking cat food cans in the wild. He is (as we’ve reported before) a terribly adorable klutz, and now we have a better idea of why.

We also learned that our previous vet last year had given both our cats the 3-year rabies vaccine, even though the increased cancer risk (14:1,000) has been known for several years. I understand that the extended vaccine is used primarily these days for the feral population. We won’t be revisiting our old vet’s practice; unless it’s to put a flea in her ear.
I’m uploading a photo, and you will notice that Cricket is sporting a new collar, with tag. For a brief period this spring he was a dedicated escape artist, which scared the heck out of us. The fixation seems to have passed, thank goodness.

He has developed a strange obsession with oven mitts, kidnapping them and dragging them all over the house. While inconvenient, it’s harmless, and most amusing.

Cricket is perfect in every way.

Thanks again for helping us find him.


(Last update: Jun 22nd, 2015 8am)

My paws are unique. One has five claws and the other has six. I am very sweet and still very much a
kitten even though I raised four kittens and I am still a kitten myself. Now I want to find my forever home. I am so much fun to watch and jump and play and roll. I like other cats and need at least one or two for company. I need an active home because of how much I love to play. A quiet home would probably not be my choice. If you are ready for the challenge I am ready for my forever home.
Name: Siri

(FKA Tamara)

ID#: VA10378
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 10/05/14
Adopted: 12/21/14
Congrats: Lyn
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Siri, my new girl, is a delight. She has been home since last Sunday and basically adjusted immediately, no fear here! Every day she adds something new and for the past two nights sleeps with me for a little while. Right now she is sitting on a chair overlooking the marina. I am waiting for a pelican, egret or great blue heron to fly in and get her attention. She has only seen boats so far. She is loving, affectionate, purrs easily and gives sandpaper kisses. I have my eyes open to find a young male playmate for her. I am looking for a seal or chocolate with a sweet disposition like hers. She Is typical cat....when she has had enough togetherness she disappears to a favorite place for a nap. As tiny as she is, she eats lots of food. Wish I had her metabolism.
I am really happy with my Christams gift and happy she has had some alone time with me before I add a new kitty to the mix. I want her to feel very secure.
Thanks to all who have helped makes this happen.

This is the best kitty ever. I had company over the weekend, friends from CT with their dog. After her fur going up for a few minutes, Siri decided to play with Mandy. They had a great time running around. She adapts to anything, anyone. She is purrrrfect! The only thing she won't do is cover her poop. I guess the smell chases her out. I could not have a better kitty.

SIRI gets better every day. On Friday she must have known I was not feeling too well, she stayed in my lap most of the day. She continues to be a delight. I do know she needs a playmate and I think a very young seal point male would be perfect. She loves dashing around and does need a playmate. Working on it.

She loves ping pong balls. There must be a dozen or more under something. Fortunately I have another dozen. When those go missing, I will have to do a search.

Fathers Day 2015
Siri is a very sweet girl, just a as she has always been. I have added Sami as well and they are both happy to have a playmate. Siri is the grooming queen and Sami is her primary target. She still licks me if given the opportunity. That is her only annoying habit.......I am lucky.
Sami, on the other hand, my wild child, adventuresome boy, is very bright and when he is bored gets into trouble. A squirt bottle and coke can with coins is always nearby. It took a very long time for him to trust me. We are still working on it. His greatest desire is to be up high. He rearranges pictures on the wall by jumping up an the TV (only 1.5 in. wide. From the TV he goes to the top of a 7 ft cabinet and comes down by running down the face. He is graceful, elegant. Siri is short and a little dumpy.. They are a good match when they play, she takes no bull from him.
I cannot leave the room without them following me. I have a large basket stuffed with a bed pillow....their favorite spot for a rest during the day, sometimes both of them.
I love them both but Sami challenges me. I can pick him up and hold him on my lap for about 30 seconds, but he has yet to get in my lap voluntarily. I am working on it. In the morning if I am not up when they are he sings to me but will be silent if I hush him. He is very bright. If I take a nap, he joins me.
Siri prefers dry food, Sami, wet. He is wearing plastic nails which he lets me apply. Siri on the other hand will let me do anything EXCEPT cut her nails. We do one at a time.

(Last update: Jun 21st, 2015 7am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Thelma
ID#: VA10746
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 05/09/15
Adopted: 06/06/15
Congrats: William
Foster: Rinn

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Wow! Me and my sister Louise are the prettiest seal point and white gals you will ever see. And we're the nicest ones, too! Some people call our coat pattern "harlequin" in the snowshoe world. We don't care, we're just wonderful. I'm Thelma, and the way foster mom tells us apart is by my pretty seal point patch on my chin. Sometimes I'm the more outgoing one. We're both a little shy right now. Everything is so new and different. We like to play a little and we like to be brushed and petted. Foster mom hasn't let us meet the other cats yet, but she'll know about what we think of them and the woofer in about a week. Ask about us! We're you're ready-made gorgeous family!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Well sister Louise and I have found a wonderful home, our Mama and Daddy Cat go to work and feed us and play with us. I follow them around and talk to them. They give good tummy rubs also. Daddy Cat loves giving us treats. He shakes the container and I know a treat is coming. My Vet visit was good but I found out that I had a slight URI. Dr. Amy gave me an antibiotic and I am doing fine now. I have a bunch of toys and a wonder tall cat tree that sister and I can climb and see the entire great room area., I love laying on Daddy Cat's T shirts and stretching out to get my tummy rubbed. I am getting use to Daddy Cat's deeper voice. Boy the first few times I heard it , I didn't know what to do so I kept t running away. I have taught him to talk softer and higher, boy he is so funny but I like him better now.
Thank you for getting me and sister to my new home.

(Last update: Jun 20th, 2015 7am)

Wow! Me and my sister Thelma are the prettiest seal point and white gals you will ever see. And we're the nicest ones, too! Some people call our coat pattern "harlequin" in the snowshoe world. We don't care, we're just wonderful. I'm Louise, and one way you can tell me from my sister is there is a little seal point spot on the bridge of my nose. I'm the practical one of the two. In the first room we were in, I figured out how to get into the cabinet by opening the drawer. I'm resourceful! We're both a little shy right now. Everything is so new and different. We like to play a little and we like to be brushed and petted. Foster mom hasn't let us meet the other cats yet, but she'll know about what we think of them and the woofer in about a week. Ask about us! We're you're ready-made gorgeous family!
Name:   Louise
ID#: VA10745
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/09/15
Adopted: 06/06/15
Congrats: William
Foster: Rinn

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Louise has been a blessing to our home. Although she is still spending a little time under the guest bedroom bed, during the day, she is spending more time at night sleeping curled up with Mama cat in bed. A very curious lady she is still inspecting areas of our home. The trip to our Vet went well after we got her and her sister into their crates again. I think that she thought it was a move again. I assured them both that I loved them and they would be back soon. My Vet loved her, I am in great shape but I have to watch my teeth. It so much fun to hear her run though the house and see her play with her toys. I am not the picture poster so the Mrs can add those later
Thank you again for our beautiful fur babies.

(Last update: Jun 20th, 2015 7am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Keegan

(FKA Snowy)

ID#: VA9124
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Flame
Date In: 03/16/13
Adopted: 06/16/13
Deceased: 04/14/16
Congrats: Nicole
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes

Hi, my name is Snowy, and I don't know what I did to have all these changes happen in my life, but I'm here getting used to things. The food's good, and I have my own space to curl up in and snooze. And there are also some of those really good toys with catnip in them... droooool. How can you resist this face? Foster mom thinks I will be no trouble at all. I like it when she puts me on her lap and pets me. It feels so good! I'm a healthy girl, and I just got my teeth all cleaned up!

Guess what? Somebody believes in me! I now have an adoption scholarship in addition to the geezer scholarship. I know I'm easy to love, and now I'm also easy to adopt!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
June 30, 2013
I'm in love with my new geezer meezer Keegan! She settled in with me right away and is loving life in her forever home! She is doing amazing for being 14 years old- even my vet is jealous about how great she looks! I'm taking her back for a recheck on blood work in about a month.

She and my other siamese, Codey, are still separate. They met once last week and Codey didn't like her. So waiting a little while longer before reintroducing them. Keegan seemed fine with the introduction. Nothing really bothers this little old lady!

Keegan loves her treats and morning breakfast of a little canned food. She's a little chow-hound! We play a little not, but with her being deaf and blind in her right eye, once the toy in out of sight, it's out of mind. Though she enjoys catnip toys the best. The funniest thing about little-miss Keegan is when she's alone in my room, she will steal my socks and tank tips from my dirty laundry bin and bring them all over my room, even on my bed! And when doing so, she meows SO loudly! It's hilarious! The first time I heard it I ran to my edition to make sure she was ok and she looked at me and was wondering why I interrupted her playtime haha!

Keegan will be with me for however much longer she has in her kitty life. I can't even imagine who would ever want to give her up. I love my flame point!

July 16, 2013
So far so good!! We has a little scare because Keegan decided to start peeing outside the box... But with the help and suggestions from Keegan's foster mommy I think that we finally have that under control! Though she peed on my bed twice so I haven't put my good sheets back on just yet!

I had my doctor check her out during this little issue and we ran a complete blood test and came to find out her thyroid levels haven't changed, though she's still on the high end. Also her kidney levels were high as well and we tossed around the thought of putting her on a kidney diet, then decided we'd wait a little bit. She also seems to not be drinking enough, so she was a little dehydrated and her irons was very dilute, so I'm going to continue to feed her canned once a day. I'm also putting Dasuquin in her canned food because she has pretty bad arthritis in her hips. My poor girl. Getting old is tough!

She is just still so cute and continues to play and jump up to my bed and desk to sleep! She is such a dainty little girl and I continue to love my greetings from her every day!

June 19, 2015
This week has been Keegan's 2nd year adoption anniversary!! She 16 now and still the best cat I could have asked to adopt <3

(Last update: Jun 19th, 2015 9pm)

Would you like a bonded pair of wonderful seal point kitties? My sister,KD, and I need to go to our new home together. We love each other and our former family loved us so much, that when they moved into a senior center and could only take one kitty, gave us both up, so we could stay together. KD and I have had a few spats while we've been in our new home - KD is a bit "sensitive" - but that is typical for all siblings! I loved to rest between my daddy's legs when he sat in the recliner. I liked to sit with my mama, too. They will miss us and we will miss them, but we are ready for a new home. I'm the BIG tough guy, but KD helps look after me just like I do with her. I'm the laid back one - you see I'm trying to conserve my calories. We are still young and healthy. Purrs and headbutts from Pogo
Name:   Pogo
ID#: VA8512
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/30/12
Adopted: 06/16/12
Congrats: Jean
Foster: Patricia


Notes from Home
Pogo had a very good vet check. The vet complimented his health and coat condition. She was a bit suprised at his size. It must be those white cat genes he has.

Pogo has the run of the house and is always within snooping distance. If i open a door or drawer, he is right there. He is on my lap for ear and chin rubs several times a day. Right now he is trying to fit on a shelf of my computer desk and if there are any errors, chalk it up to his standing in front of the monitor.

Love is cat fur in the dryer lint screen.

6/26/13 1 Year !!!

I wish there was a way to thank the people who raised Pogo & K.D. They raised two very well mannered and people oriented cats. Pogo is busy being " head " cat. He comes around several times a day for a thorough ear scratch, but mostly wants to rule the cat world from the screened in back porch. If for some reason, the porch is off limits, then it is sleep all day time. He is the first to meet visitors and receive the attention he feels he deserves.

One month!! Sorry this is late my internet was down. Pogo is always with me. He knows my schedule and will often change rooms before me and is there waiting when I get there. He is a complete love and always ready for an ear scratch or to play with a toy with me. His only bad habit is to knock every thing off the end tables. Then he looks down over the edge of the table like how did that happen? I have learned not to walk away from a glass or mug of liquid. He is one terriffic cat. I could fill this with allhis good points, but time is limited. He does disapear when someone comes to visit.

5/11/13 Pogo is completely at home with visitors. He is welcoming and ready for an extra ear scratch from whoever comes in the door. He has taken the "alpha cat status" over from K.D. He spends most of the day and evening on the glassed/screened in back pourch. His Vet has requested that he loose some weight as he is 18 lbs now. He is still not a lap cat but will settle down next to you for a scratch or a nap. He continues to keep the end tables free of clutter.


Pogo has a clean bill of health. He has lost 2 pounds in 2 years on his vet approved diet. He is a delight. He has turned into a very laid back companion, always near, but not under foot. He spends a lot of time in the screened in back pourch, napping in the breeze or watching the birds and bunnies. He keeps track of me and is always near except for an occasional pourch break. Then he keeps an ear in my direction in case I am doing something that might need his input.

(Last update: Jun 18th, 2015 5pm)

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Name:   KD
ID#: VA8511
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/30/12
Adopted: 06/16/12
Congrats: Jean
Foster: Patricia

It's KD, here, wanting to let you know that I am not really as small as I look in this picture. I am a nice sized girl, but my brother is really "kinda BIG". But, I still love him very much and we must go to our forever home together. Our loving people gave us both up so we could stay together while they went to live in a facility where you can have only one cat. We miss them and we know they miss us, but we are together and that's what's important in our lives. I help protect Pogo and he looks after me, too. I'm the busy, active one of the pair. I LOVED my human daddy to pieces and loved to nap on his chest. We are both front declawed and in good health - LOTS more years to live, so please ask about us. Purrs and headbutts, KD.

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Notes from Home
KD had a very good first vet visit. The vet was complmentry about her health and condition of her coat.

She is still very skittery. She spends her time under the bed or furniture, avoiding me when she is out nosing around or eating, etc. The doors are all open and she has the freedom to roam the house if she desires. It has only been two weeks and she can take all the time she needs to get comfortable.

I forgot to say my Vet's scanner could not read KD's or Pogo's chip.

one month !!!

So sorry this is late, my internet was down. KD has hopped on my lap for an ear scratch once. She is now out of hiding and stayes in the next room from us, watching. If you enter the room she is in, she will leave. I cannot get to pet her except for the one time. I feel she is making progress in that she is out in the open and watching us. She will come around in her own time. She badly needs brushed, but it is going to wait until she is ready.


K.D. has lost her "alpha cat status" to Pogo. She does not push him. I think he is just too big for her. He is 18 lbs to her almost 6. K.D. has sat & napped on my lap twice recently. If I am late going to bed she comes and rounds me up. She loves to be brushed and is always ready for an ear rub or belly scratch. K.D. also spends a lot of time on the glassed/screened back pourch. She will watch the squirrels and birds for most of the morning before leaving for nap time. K.D. is more interested in what goes on in the house and also plays more than Pogo.


One year !!!

K.D. has turned into a lap cat. She is not with me constantly, but picks her time to flop onto my lap and "lap" up the attention. If I am in my bedroom during the day for any little reason, she is on the bed playing cute kitty and getting attention for a few minutes. She also makes full use of the screened in back porch. She can be found out there most times curled up in a chair , or under it where she thinks the birds can't see her, watching the bird and squirrel life go by.l


KO is a healthy, happy cat. She has gained several ounces on her vet approved diet and has a collection of toys in her toy box that she keeps track of and I swear counts to make sure they are accounted for. She greets all visitors at the door to be petted and adored. She has settled in very well.

(Last update: Jun 18th, 2015 5pm)

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