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Hi, what is most important to you, quality or quantity. With me you can have quality. I love lots of attention, lots of cuddling, lots of everything. I just don't show many signs of wanting to share. I will give you headbuts, purrs, tummy rubs, all the loving things you can ask for. You don't need any other kitties to make you happy and busy. Just ask about me and foster mom will tell you what a beautiful loving girl I am. Thanks, Sarita Well I am showing foster mom that given time to integrate I can get along with other cats and actually enjoy their company. It just needs to be a cat that won't run from me or let me take over. Wouldn't you like to give me my forever home?
Name: Belle

(FKA Sarita)

ID#: VA3472
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/18/05
Adopted: 01/08/06
Deceased: 05/26/15
Congrats: J Scott
Foster: Jane

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Belle lived a happy life with us in her forever home. Sadly in December 2014 she was diagnosed with diabetes. We had to let her go on May 26, 2015, She is missed.
(Last update: Jul 4th, 2015 10am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Marvin

(FKA Pilot)

ID#: VA10369
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/04/14
Adopted: 10/18/14
Deceased: 07/02/15
Congrats: Debbie
Foster: Siri

Yup. I'm the mature guy that Aunt Siri and Uncle Darrell absolutely adore. Good thing they don't have an opening in their home, otherwise I wouldn't even be here. Maybe you'll be the lucky one?

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Notes from Home
as Siri would say.....What a gem!
Marvin adores being brushed and loved on, purrs and purrs. I bougth him a huge kickstick filled with organic catnip, it has become his favorite toy, along with his catnip banana....I really think he has a sense of humor....as he is always trying to suck me into a game of bunny kick as he rolls over on his back...as if to say "come on, you really want to rub my belly, don't you? with a wink and a chirp of a meow...love him! He is always glad to see me, weather I have just stepped out of the room or coming home from work. Though you can tell he is hard of hearing....when he sound asleep in his heated cup/bed you can walk by him or make loud noises...doesn't react, touch him on the shoulder, he is like "Oh, Hi! how are you? care to love me/play with me :)

He has explored the whole house (top to bottom) and loves his place, the upstairs loft area, esp. his heated bed :)
He and the fellow resident cats are still getting to know one another....I am a firm believer in slow integration....every day a little bit more exposure to each other....so far going very well.

I changed Marvin name..... I would say, about 4 months ago....it just didn't fit him! His name is now Merlin and it is a much better fit for him.....love this old geezer, he has just slotted right into our home...

adding a very sad note to Merlin's update
He passed away on Wednesday...July 1, 2015
It was very unexpected....he went to the vet that day with tummy troubles and what I thought might be worsening arthritis. But, no....we found that he had a tumor/mass in his lower colon and the vet also believed (with addition tests) that it had spread to his nervous system/brain....I am and still so upset at how quickly I lost him! I loved this old man with all of my heart....I didn't want him to suffer. He only started to be ill late afternoon Sat., when he vomited one time!.....but, to me he did seem right and I watched him closely....so off to the vet when he progressed with additional symptoms.....

(Last update: Jul 3rd, 2015 12pm)

A sensitive teenager that is just a wee bit on the high strung side, I need someone who is ready for me! I have lots of information that comes with me; I needed a new home as my first owner had to work a lot of hours and I don't do well for hours by myself. So if you have lots of time, maybe you'll be mine! I'm not very sure about other cats, so keep that in mind, tho a dog would be fine.
Name:   Lo Pan
ID#: VA10059
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 06/05/14
Adopted: 06/13/14
Congrats: Lesley
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
In June, we completed our application to adopt a Siamese from SCRC. During the interview, I told Monique (our wonderful matchmaker) that we just wanted “to be ready” for the right Siamese to come along that would be the purrfect fit into our already 2-meezer household. Monique casually mentioned, “I have one that you might be interested in.” I looked him up VA10059… and there staring at me was the most beautiful sealy boy kitten. His name is LoPan, Monique said… he’s coming into the Center in a couple of days. Oh, I just couldn’t wait to find out more!

Monique and Siri told me that he might not integrate well due to his inexperience with other cats and that he needed learning time. He had been left alone frequently by his previous owner because of working long hours and having to travel. He was hyperactive, needed a lot of attention and was not interacting with the other cats. Yes, we heard all the negatives and saw the sad video of him in his crate lying in his litter box. But, there he was… a beautiful Sealy boy who truly needed us! I applied for him at 5:30AM the day he came up for adoption. I was second in line, but the first in line dropped out, and there we were! I think it was fate that LoPan and we were to be.

On June 13th, my husband and I went to the Center and met LoPan. He was very nervous, but friendly and even allowed us to hold him and scruff him under the chin. I think he knew we were his people. We met other cats, but the three of us already had an unspoken agreement. We gladly paid our adoption fee and took him to his new home… with us.

LoPan spent 4 days in isolation in our bedroom to get used to us and us to him. He quickly proved that he was a people cat and adored being held and stroked. He started playing with toys immediately and amazed us with his prowess in fetch and retrieve. We noticed that he consistently licked, bit and swatted at his tail, especially when he was over excited. He slept with us each of those nights. On the 4th day we cracked the door and let the other cats and him meet… there was no animosity at all. We opened the door and the cats all just walked past each other… it was a totally non eventful meeting. Phase I of integration was complete.

This brings us to recent events.

We took LoPan to our vet about his tail fixation. An x-ray showed nothing abnormal and we are hesitant to drug him unless it gets worse. Our vet thinks it could be Hyperesthesia. We are going to try some homeopathic remedies and give it some time. He also has gingivitis, which is unusual for such a young cat. We are going to try to reverse it through teeth cleaning treats and using a baby washcloth to clean those choppers each night. We will be keeping a close eye on it.

LoPan now plays tag with the other two cats on a daily basis (Phase 2 of integration). In fact, he cuddled up with Oz just yesterday to catch some sun in a lounge chair (Phase 3 of integration). Wherever we are, he is always the center of attention. LoPan has a passion for cooking, key boarding, cat tag, and his stuffed Monkey (who is never far from his reach). When not engaged in his hobbies, he enjoys being held and cuddled off to sleep on a willing lap. He is very ambitious and is practicing the art of climbing up to shoulders which, at his learning pace, should not take too long to master. Plus, he still has to achieve Phase 4 of integration… the cat pile! But, he is Siam LoPan and is not daunted by a challenge!

YES, we are very lucky to have this fabulous cat come home with us. Thank you SCRC! Everyone worked so hard to bring us together so that we can give this jewel a real forever home.

Stay tuned for more news on LoPan as it becomes available.

10/18/14 - We have had LoPan for 4 months now. We have had ups and downs. About 1.5 months ago, Luna got a seriously infected paw from a bite. But, after 2 weeks of isolation and meds, she is fine. I cant be 100% accurate, but am pretty sure LoPan was the cause. He had been snapping when the other two would come close, even on my lap. I think things are better now. He isnt chasing the tail as often -just early a.m. and when we get home. He is still quite aggressive when playing with the other cats. He is a bully that backs down. Luna is his main chew toy - but I dont see hissing, spitting, or defensive posturing. I actually see Luna instigating play with him. On the other hand, LoPan and Oz seem to just accept each other. There isnt much play, but they accept. Probably because Oz just doesnt take any of LoPans business. While Luna was in isolation, I started noticing a change in Lo. He definitively selected me as his person. He started calming down a bit and will allow the other two cats to sit on my lap. I have also noticed of late that he is napping with the other cats. I think we have made it to Phase 4 - The Cat Pile! It has been very slow, but it is because Lo has had a rough childhood. I think everyday shows signs of improvement getting over being alone and not getting enough attention. Well, he gets plenty of attention now and he is thriving. Huge improvement over when he got here.

7/1/15 - it has been one year that LoPan came into our lives. It took a while for him and the other 2 meezers to adjust, but everything is now as it should be.

In one of the Siri interviews, she said that he could be a real Jewel... Siri was so right! LoPan is probably one of the most loving, cuddly lap cats we have ever had; but, he is so smart and full of energy (especially with the hyperesthesia) that he keeps us and the other 2 meezers on our toes.

We are amazed at how smart, outgoing and loving he is. It took a while, but all three of the cats now play and sleep together without any issues. Lo loves to cuddle us up whenever we are sitting on the couch and at night he wants to be held tight as you and him drift off to sleep.

He plays fetch, chases ice cubes in his water dish, shouts his opinions of your cooking skills from atop the fridge, scales the cat tree at the word "treat", and unmakes a freshly made bed in search of game.

Our LoPan has certainly come a long way from being that scared boy, lying in a litter pan at the Virginia Center. I knew the moment I first saw his photo on SCRC that he needed to come home to us. We could not imagine one day without this dear, sweet boy in our lives.

(Last update: Jul 1st, 2015 3pm)

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Name: Julian

(FKA Sheldon)

ID#: VA10418
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/23/14
Adopted: 12/06/14
Congrats: Virginia
Foster: Jeanne

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Cute, playful, curious. Saved at the last minute from and overcrowded shelter.

More as he settles in.

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Notes from Home
I've been at my new home for 2 full weeks now.  The trip here was pretty exciting -- rain, lots of other cats and cars, and finally a warm bedroom to explore when I got here.  I was so tired, I crawled onto this strange woman's lap, put my head in her palm and went to sleep.

The next several days were a lot of fun. I discovered that there are 2 people here who want to talk to me all the time (hard to get a decent nap), and these string things that keep wiggling around the floor.  Don't worry, I've figured out how to drag them (the strings, not the people) under furniture which seems to make them stop wiggling.

I've learned about stairs, windows, and this "table" thing which I guess I am not supposed to be on (so I only go there when the people aren't around).  I did steal a banana and drag it through the house but the people found it so I guess they're smarter than I thought even though they don't chirp.

Yesterday was a big day.  I met my new doctor -- she said I was really healthy and whoever took care of me this fall did a great job!!! I am also up to 6.38 lbs.   I also got to see a tree (yes, an actual tree) magically appear in the living room.  Did you know pine needles don't taste very good?

Jeanne -- you took such good care of me while I was with you, I feel sort of bad saying this but I want to stay here.  These people said I could stay forever, and now that I've figured out I can get petted just my following them around and sitting down wherever they are, I can't imagine leaving.

Oh, and the people asked me to add this:  Thank you for taking care of Julian and sending him to us.  He is such a sweet kitten and has added so much to our lives already.

Julian is doing great--he has mastered his little problem with vestibular syndrome and has regained all of his balance. He is running and jumping around the house, you would not know he had such an issue just seven weeks ago that caused us such concern. He is getting along great with his new baby sister Lucia and is fascinated looking out the window to watch all of the snowflakes that continue to fall in our area. He still loves his fish bed Jeanne--thanks for the tip!!!

Lots of pictures to follow to show you what he's up to.


All continues to be well with Julian! He recently celebrated his first birthday and his 7 month anniversary with us is less than a week away. He's so excited by all this that he is presently napping:) When he is awake he still loves to look out the windows to see what is going on outside and he's happy that the weather now allows the windows to be open so he can smell what is going on too. His favorite time to talk is when it's time to eat and I suspect he says the same thing each and every time "Why aren't they moving FASTER? I'm starving!" Speaking of fast, he is usually done eating first and then is kind enough to see if he can help his siblings finish theirs. His favorite indoor sport is chasing the feather on the end of the wand. Although he is not an air leaper, his back two feet remain on the ground, we suspect due to the vestibular syndrome, he will run to wherever that feather is to try to capture it. In addition to Lucia he now has a little brother Emilio and this too was a very successful integration. Julian is a very popular guy so if he isn't napping in one of our laps, one of the other cats is usually trying to snuggle with him. They seem to be just as enthralled with him as we are:)

(Last update: Jul 1st, 2015 2pm)

Yummy!!!....More to come soon! I am brand new but purring, happy, healthy and ready to rock & roll......


Name: James

(FKA Graham)

ID#: VA10752
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/15/15
Adopted: 06/13/15
Congrats: Rodney
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Good Morning,

Just to give you an update on Mr. Jinxy (Graham). All is well he instantly took to our family and we haven't had any issues. On our first visit to the Vet there were concerns with a possible infection but the has passed. As a matter of fact, our boy has become very very active😀. Loves to be with the family at all times. Interesting fact, he loves to sit on the "sun porch" and watch our son play in the back yard. The illness he had while in with Jen in foster care had him down, he may have been a little depressed but he is one happy boy now. He really has a big appetite and doesn't hold back if his meal is late being served. I think the kitchen has become his favorite place in the house, except during family time. He the first to find a comfortable place in the room, mostly in someone's lap or in the mini recliner (formerly our 6 yr old). We're never surprised when he initiate conversation, especially add feeding time. Thank you all so much for assists us and being there to give Mr. Jinxy (Graham) and others a second opportunity for a happy life. I'm attaching a couple of playtime videos and some pictures.

(Last update: Jul 1st, 2015 12pm)

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Name: Emilio

(FKA Harrison)

ID#: VA10738
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 05/04/15
Adopted: 05/30/15
Congrats: Virginia
Foster: Kay

Just arrived and settling in. Curious and playful with a BIG purr. Vetting and checkup later this week. Sweet boy.
Purrs, Harrison

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Notes from Home
A little late with our 2 week update but better late than never! All is absolutely well with Emilio, he is everything that Kay said he was--a lovable little boy who is curious about everything and loves to snuggle and cuddle--he loves to be held. He came with a sneeze from his last vaccine, and is still sneezing a tiny bit but he has already had an antibiotic and shows no other signs of an issue. (Our vet is keeping an eye on it.) He has had full run of the house for 2+ weeks now and has explored every nook and cranny. We had to learn how to lock the digital display on the stove as his mischievous little feet have come close to turning the oven on! We are patiently explaining to him that stove tops, counters and tables are not the best places for him to be--he is a very smart boy and now only does that when he thinks we can't see him:) He is getting along great with his two new siblings, Julian and Lucia--it has been tremendous fun watching them get to know each other. They play and nap together like they have been a furball family for eons. Still can't figure out the alpha feline here Ginny--maybe that one is still "in training" waiting to emerge! Will of course attach a few photos... Thanks again to all who helped get him to us,we are thrilled to have him!!!
(Last update: Jul 1st, 2015 11am)

Hi, I'm Nori. I like every body and everything. Even big, hairy, long-nosed things they call dogs. As long they're cat friendly that is.
My Meom is just getting to know me but I'm not hard to figure out. I'm just so happy to have an inside home. Maybe you could give me a furever one.
When Meom learns new things about me she'll ad those notes so keep checking back.
I have to go to a vet again first before I can go to my furever home. Meom says I have to get neutered. I think I can handle it. I trust everyone who has taken care of me. Outside is a scary place but now I feel secure.
Wow! This inside life is great! I really like the menu here. I like to follow my meom around but I like these toys too. Playing is fun and I love to exercise. I don't like to climb much. I like to roll around in chairs. Meom tells me not dig in them though. I like to talk to her when she comes down in the morning. I am getting tired of being in this playpen though. I like to sit and watch the hockey playoffs with Meom. That's great action! Meom says I'm such a good boy in my litter box. She picks me up and gives me hugs and kisses. I like that too!
Maybe you could be my furever Moem or Dad. I'll let you do just about anything with me as long as it involves lots of love! I'd think I'd like a buddy too. Hurry and ask about me. You'll be so glad you did!
Your always purring, Nori
Whoa!! Am I having fun here. But Meom tells me I will soon have a furever home of my own. Do you have a buddy I could play with? I like everyone! Some of the girls don't like me but Meom says that cuz they're princesses. Kinda snotty ya' know. I'm just fun loving and I do love to cuddle as well. I'm so ready to go so hurry and ask about me!
Yours purfectly, Nori
Name:   Nori
ID#: VA9275
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 05/23/13
Adopted: 06/29/13
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Carol

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Trouble isn’t a kitten any longer, but he still acts like one. His favorite toys including the toy that he ‘borrowed’ from the dog at foster mom’s house, tissue paper and springs. He spends most of his days hanging out with dad, who works from home. He even has his own computer game to play from when he walks across dad’s keyboard one-too-many times. Trouble’s a little bit of klepto-kitty and loves to collect toys and other goodies from around the house in his basket, which means mom is kept on her toes putting them away.

We recently moved to a bigger place (less than a block from our old one, so not even a car ride!) so Trouble has had a full time job exploring his new home, but he’s settled in nicely. One of our first projects was to fully enclose the balcony so he could go outside and chatter at the birds. He’s acclimated quicker than I thought he would. After only a day or so, he was walking around like he owned the place!

Trouble sticks to us like glue and we just can’t believe that he’s been part of our family for two years already. Thanks for helping us find him!

(Last update: Jun 29th, 2015 12pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Carlos

(FKA Carlo)

ID#: VA6163
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/25/09
Adopted: 06/28/09
Congrats: Mary Ann
Foster: Mama Rosa

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
********PART OF A LOVING PAIR********
*******SEE SAVIERO VA6164********

Carlo: Psst! Saviero, where are you?

Carlo: I can't believe we're on Page Two already!

Carlo: I don't see why some human out there won't snap us both up.

Carlo: I feel ya, bro. This is a nice place. But there is nobody out there looking at us.

Carlo: And we aren't the best looking guys...

Carlo; So, what to do, what to do......

Carlo: Yeah, we'll just wait for that one human person to ask.

Carlo: I hear someone coming. Quick!! Act like a cat.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Carlos has been with us for 3 years now. Carlos still finds new things to do and he is getting very talkitive, much more than his brother Santana. When you go out for a wile then come back both the cats are wating for us at the garage door. They both want attention because we were out and they missed us. Carlos has come along way since he first came to live with us. Carlos spends at least 75% of his time with us no matter which room we are in. Carlos likes to play and be chased by us. When we stop and he is not ready to stop he comes over to us and starth to meow and run for us to chase him. Carlos is doing quite well. Carlos and Santana play alot together. Carlos likes us to pich him up and talk to him. Ed & I enjoy both cats especially when they are playing.
We are now going into our 4th year and Carlos is getting more vocal and talkative just like a Siamese. He likes to be where ever we are. Carlos likes the enclosed patio, and when the birds sing, it is fun to watch him try and find out where the birds are. Our neighbors behind us have a stockade fence and the squrills are always chasing each up and down along the top. It is fun to watch Carlos's head try to keep up with them. We just love Carlos and his brother and would never give them up. Both are very much loved and pampered hear.
Carlos is now talking to us more than ever. When he is not sleeping he will follow us from room to room. He has his own window perch and when that is where he wants to lay and the blind is not pulled up so that he can look out the window, he starts meowing at you so that you will come in and pull it up so he can watch outside. He loves laying outon the patio with his brother Santana.. When they use the litter box, they come outside it and start meowing to let you know to clean it and if you don't do it right away they keep up letting you know to clean it. When either one of us is working on the computer they like to lay in your lap or up on the desk. For the first time at the beginning of June I gave Carlos a bath. He took iy quite well. Carlos was at the vet and she said he is doing just fine. The 2 cats are so much fun to watch play and chase each other. We just sit hear and laugh at them. They both are so loved & spoiled, just like they should be.While I am trying to send you this updat on Carlos he is headbutting me to get attention. Carlos is always looking for things to get into . He opens all cubert doors even the ones that slide. he stands on his hind legs and puts he front legs on the cubert door and walks sideways to open the cubert door. We neve know what he will do next. Both cats have to be on my bed at night to get their hug and kiss goodnight or they will pester me if i forget. The vet said that Carlos is doing fine. He likes to lay out on the patio in the morning and listen to the birds sing. He look very intently in the big tree behind my hous to see if he can spot them. Carlos has become quite a talker and he expecys you to talk back to him. When he wants out or back in from the patio he smack his paws on the door so that we will pay attention to him. Usually when we are on the computer one of the is up on the desk watching what we are doing. Carlos is well and happy, and spoiled rotten.

(Last update: Jun 29th, 2015 7am)

I'm a sweet gentle soul who loves to headbutt and give and receive lots of love. I like the resident cats and dog, and they like me. My litter box habits are meticulous, I scratch on the post, and not the furniture-I actually have no bad habits. I'm the perfect cat! I will even hold a conversation with you ! I'm just as easy going as they come.

I love to snuggle with you when you get on the floor with me, but I'm not an "in your face" lap cat, other than an occasional resting on your computer desk if you let me. I like to sleep on the bed with foster mom and the other two cats. I even wait by the door with the dog fore foster mom to come home

As you can see from my photos, I'm a playful little clown I have enough personality, in a positive way, for two cats! A good day for me is when I get my tummy rub!

Please ask about me before foster mom gets even more attached to me thank she already is!
Name:   Bradley
ID#: VA9380
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 07/06/13
Adopted: 12/13/13
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Sandra

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Update on Bradley - On June 1, 2014, my mother, Carol Essary, passed away. She was Bradley's original adopter. My husband and I took Bradley into our home where he has been a welcome addition. He has bonded with our other flame point Siamese, Stewie, (age 4) and they are best buds! Bradley is a wonderful cat and continues to be healthy, happy and active. He and Stewie receive their yearly check-ups from our vet. We take them in together and they always receive a lot of attention due to the fact that they look so much alike. We have a lot of fun with both of them and thank your wonderful organization for introducing Bradley into our lives.

Laura Essary Reynolds

(Last update: Jun 28th, 2015 2pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Samson
ID#: VA6941
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/15/10
Adopted: 06/28/10
Congrats: Stacie
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

UPDATE 5/27/10 - Foster Mom says to tell you "it's working". Yep, I am just about 1/2 way to my "goal weight". Not enough food in the tummy for my taste, but I am getting "svelt". I'm gonna make it! I am such a good "dieter". If you need a kitty to encourage you in your "weight loss program", I'm the one - I'm doing it - I'm losing weight! Wanna help me finish my program???? If so, be sure to click on "ask about me" and we'll be the best of "buds" ever. Purrs and headbutt, Samson

(Foster mom seems to be obsessed with "tail shots" this week. HHHHMMMMM - not my best view)

HUG ME, LOVE ME, there's just SOOOOO much to love. Yes, you got it. I'm a very big boy. I don't want the world to know how much I weigh - I'm sensitive about that subject, but foster mom might tell you. Let's just say, I'm a big teddy bear of a seal point guy. I am now over that "cold" I got at the shelter and feel much better. I promised foster mom that I'd pose for some good pictures and I did. See how very handsome I am?

If you want a loving, purring, lap full of cat, you'd better ask about me. I'm on a diet and am slowly getting a little of my extra wieght off, but I'm still going to be a "big boy". I love kids, people and other animals, so I could fit in almost anywhere. Will you ask about me, please, so I can go home and have lots of people and pet friends? My sister, Delilah is is already in her forever home and I'd sure love to go to mine. Purrs and headbutts, Samson

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Notes from Home
Samson is doing well! It's hard to be believe it's only been 5 years since we adopted him! He has adapted to our home very well. We could not imagine life without him! By the way...he loves shoes to rub his head on or wrap his body around, it's very funny! He has recently been seen at the vet, he is very healthy at a svelte 14.8 lbs. apparently we are in the top 10% of cat who can follow kitty diets. He is a very loving and food motivated kitty.
(Last update: Jun 28th, 2015 2pm)

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© Siamese Cat Rescue Center   (540) 672-6373
366 Meander Run Rd, Locust Dale, VA 22948
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