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i thought I had found my forever home but I am still here and now I am continuing my search for my forever home. I am a very sweet,. very loving kitten with more than my share of long hair,. Watch for some new pictures and video. I have been living with Tina and even though we are not a match since we are both females close to the same age it has shown me that Adeline likes other cats and should not be an only kitten.
Name: Aubrie

(FKA Adeline)

ID#: VA10821
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 6mon
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/07/15
Adopted: 08/16/15
Deceased: 11/09/15
Congrats: Shaun
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hi everyone! I just wanted to give an update here for on Adeline. Well I decided to change her name to Aubrie. She is doing very good! She had her first checkup with the vet yesterday. The vet said she is healthy and very cute( I agree)! She is eating wet and dry food and drinks water, she likes drinking from the cat fountain I have here. She jumped onto my lap for the first time today, so little by little, she is warming up to me. All in all things are going well with Aubrie! Thank you to all involved with taking care of her and getting her to her forever home😊!
(Last update: Aug 29th, 2015 2pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Kippie

(FKA Krypto)

ID#: VA9974
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 04/14/14
Adopted: 08/24/14
Congrats: Leslie
Foster: Joy

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Are you looking for a snugglebug? Someone who loves belly rubs? Someone who loves to play? Follows you around the house, waiting to sit on your lap? Greeting you when you come home? Purring you to sleep at night? Then, look no further, I am your lovely girl.

I am easy going, showing you my belly, super affectionate, beautiful girl that is looking for the forever person(s) to share my affections with. Since I am the full package, there is no need to have another kitty. A dog would be ok, cause I lived with dogs before. After all, I am named after Superman's dog. Can I be your Kryptonite?

Please ask about me and check out my video and photo's, too!


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Notes from Home
Kippie slept with me the first night & every night thereafter. She did give me 2 small disciplinary scratches in the first 2 days, letting me know that she did not want her mittens touched, but that is allowed now ! Since she had stooled, vomited & drooled in the carrier & walked in it, I had to give her a partial bath right away, but she tolerated that well. Within 2 or 3 days, she was a lap-cat. She wants me in sight or available always, even if I use the bathroom. I may NOT close a door, keeping her separated from me, but she wanders in & out happily as long as I don't close the door. She drags around her birdie wand toy from room to room. She understands what certain words mean ! I have to spell words like T_R_E_A_T unless she is getting some right away. I am mostly home , but one day I had a Dr. appt. & lunch & some shopping with a friend. When we arrived home, she greeted me at the door as always, jumped onto friend's lap & I sat on floor & talked to her. I rec'd a very vocal reminder about not coming home sooner ! She definitely was telling me about my transgression ! She loves to prance around in the bathtub & she likes it if she is looking into it & I turn on the faucet, even tasting some. Litter box is used always. I give in about the doors b/c once when shut away from me, she drew blood by scratching her ear open , from stress, I am sure.
She acts like I've always been her Mommy & I feel so happy with her being here. I had thought I wanted a male cat, as I had loved all my boys so much. But I would not trade this little girl for any cat in the world. She had been a depressed owner-surrender at one time & between her 2 foster Moms, she was so well recovered that we could bond right away. Thank you for rehabbing a sad cat into a sweetheart who is very happy with me. A better life for both of us !

(Last update: Aug 29th, 2015 11am)

Confident and outgoing, foster meowmy says. I love my sister and show her that all is OK in the big world, so we should be adopted together.

Name:   Rosco
ID#: VA10232
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/14/14
Adopted: 09/06/14
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Jo


Notes from Home
Rosco, when not looking out for his sister Juliet, has become quite the nighttime snuggle bunny. He and Juliet love to run up and down the cat trees in the condo; they spend much of their "down time" in the trees. Rosco is growing into a big boy.

Roscoe has grown into hamstring, athletic boy who loves to play. After watching Juliet play fetch with me, he decided he was missing out on something. So he grabbed his favorite toy and demanded equal time. He is a lovable cuddly boy!

We asked Mama to write for us because we have not yet mastered using a pen or a computer – although we do like to sit on computers. On this date, you may remember, you and Mama decided our fate. You decided that Mama was the one to give us our furever home one year ago today. And our long journey to Virginia began. Mama says it was the longest 3 ½ weeks of her life until we actually got to her.

We have had a busy year… running our legs off and teaching Mama new tricks. It didn’t take too long for her to learn to play fetch with us. We love, love, love our trees, and Mama had special steps made for us! We love running up and down both! And we’re so glad that she understands that “sup-sups” is a sacred word to us.

I keep Mama on her toes playing with me. If she doesn’t get the hint that I want to play with my wand toy, I drop it on her foot a few times. Sometimes I have to resort to lying on my back and tapping her foot with my paw to get her attention. She loves my belly! I normally sleep on the bed next to Mama’s legs. Every time she moves I get a love pat. O-h-h-h so-o-o nice! When Mama wakes up, I’m right there for good morning hugs and snuggles!” I love to play and I love my sister, but I also love, love it when Mama talks to me. It’s okay with me that Mama volunteers for Siamese Rescue, but I don’t want to see any other kitties come here!

We have a special time every night before sleeps. We all get on the bed and Mama feeds us treats. Once in a while we get overexcited and nip her hand. She says we have strong jaws! Juliet comes up on the bed as soon as the lights go out in the living room. I zoom into the bedroom and up on the bed like a white streak as soon as I hear the treat bag shake.

Anyway, Meowmy Jo, Juliet and I want you to know you made a good decision a year ago. We love you for finding us our forever Mama. We feel safe and loved, even spoiled just a little. Mama says we brought joy into her life. Is joy like a special belly rub?

Hugs, purrs and kisses,


(Last update: Aug 28th, 2015 5pm)

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Name:   Juliet
ID#: VA10231
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 08/14/14
Adopted: 09/06/14
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Jo

Sweet, shy, sensitive little girl but once I know you I'm a purrfect purring kitty.


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Notes from Home
Juliet has come out of her shell and is quite the cuddler. She and Rosco love to run "road races" through the room and then up and down the cat trees, and I love to see them having so much fun. They LOVE the cat trees! Juliet is HOME for good!

Juliet has really come into her own. She has claimed me as her human bean and she stays close. She taught me how to play fetch and now insists we play whenever I sit down. What a love!

We asked Mama to write for us because we have not yet mastered using a pen or a computer – although we do like to sit on computers. On this date, you may remember, you and Mama decided our fate. You decided that Mama was the one to give us our furever home one year ago today. And our long journey to Virginia began. Mama says it was the longest 3 ½ weeks of her life until we actually got to her.

We have had a busy year… running our legs off and teaching Mama new tricks. It didn’t take too long for her to learn to play fetch with us. We love, love, love our trees, and Mama had special steps made for us! We love running up and down both! And we’re so glad that she understands that “sup-sups” is a sacred word to us.

I help Mama with her Siamese Rescue interviews. I sit right next to her on the sofa to be sure she asks all the right questions and tells the adopters all the right stuff. And I think it gives her moral support to be there with her. I have learned to sit back and watch Rosco wear himself out playing with Mama. Then, when he poops out, I get Mama all to myself. I am coming into my own Meezer voice, tiny as it is. When necessary, I can tell Mama all my troubles in the softest high-pitch squeak , like when she took us to the vet to get jabbed. Mama seems to really like it when I talk. She also gets really excited when I let her hold me. (It does feel good when she gives me hugs and pets.)” I like to have her picture taken.

We have a special time every night before sleeps. We all get on the bed and Mama feeds us treats. Once in a while we get overexcited and nip her hand. She says we have strong jaws! I come up on the bed as soon as the lights go out in the living room. Rosco zooms into the bedroom and up on the bed like a white streak as soon as he hears the treat bag shake.

Anyway, Meowmy Jo, we want you to know you made a good decision a year ago. We love you for finding us our forever Mama. We feel safe and loved, even spoiled just a little. Mama says we brought joy into her life. Is joy like a special belly rub?

Hugs, purrs and kisses,


(Last update: Aug 28th, 2015 5pm)

Hi - my name is Adagio and my "rhythm of life" is "very slow and relaxed". I am by far the most laid back and easy going of the "A" cats and kittens. I don't worry about what is happening around me, I just relax and take it in stride. I am the smallest of the "A" group group of cats. We are all the BEST. .

Be sure to "ask about me" and I'll bring a very slow and relaxed rhythm to your life. Purrs and Headbutts, Adagio
Name: Luna

(FKA Adagio)

ID#: VA9337
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 06/17/13
Adopted: 08/25/13
Congrats: Pamela
Foster: Katie


Notes from Home
Luna is doing very well. We LOVE her. She is so much fun. She is a ball of energy.

Had Luna's teeth cleaned three weeks ago. She has some gingivitis and lost one molar, but otherwise the vet is hopeful we can control the gingivitis with regular cleaning.

At the time of the cleaning, I also had a blood panel done as a baseline. The only (slightly) high area was her EOS (?). She was in the middle of being treated for an eye infection so she showed signs of inflammation in her blood work. Absolutely normal.

Our little sweet heart, whom we often refer to as Luna-tic, is healthy. She now weighs 6.9 pounds.

Luna adores her big brother, Loki. He finds her to be an pesky little sister. He loves to play, but only when he thinks no one is looking. For her part, she bugs him all day long. She loves to start wrestling/chasing matches. He loves to nap and cuddle with her. She naps for short bouts and then she is ready to play again. Loki is tired, but it is good for him. He has lost a few of his "chubby" pounds.

Luna is doing very well. She is even sitting on laps and purring. She would sit on our laps before winter. Now is a cuddle bug. She now weighs 7.1 pounds. She loves her food (sometimes too much) and seems to have some lingering 'food issues.' We assume this comes from her previous situation. We love this little girl.

Our little Luna-tuna has turned into a huge love-bug! She wants to be held and cuddled all the time. She learned to lick toes (from our Loki cat!) which gets a rise out of everyone who dares to go barefoot in our house! I love the reaction of women who wear sandals! Two cat licking your toes!!

Luna is healthy, but still has some food issues. She has learned not to steal food from our other Siamese. She also loves the neighbor's dog who outweighs her by 100+ lbs.

We are so happy she has allowed us to adopt her. And thanks to Siamese Rescue for everything you do!

(Last update: Aug 25th, 2015 5am)

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Name: Betts

(FKA Merlot)

ID#: VA9306
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/08/13
Adopted: 08/24/13
Congrats: Teresa
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Now this is just getting ridiculous. Every other kitten here has found his or her forever home and here I sit and wait. I am way cuter than any of them and I have a magnificient personality. So why are you not clicking on that ask about me yet?

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Notes from Home
I'm going to the vet this week for my annual checkup. I'm doing just great and thanks for checking on me. I'm meown's little mischievous one. I've fallen in the tub 3 times over the years while she was taking a bath. The last time was just last week. I really wasn't wanting to spend my day licking myself dry.

I'm quite good at cleaning. I knock things off the vanity in the bathroom and off the nightstand to keep the areas clean. I'm not sure meown really appreciates my help. After all I have white paws and find it necessary to do the white paw test quite often to keep this place ship shape.

I just want to be around meown wherever she is. I love to play with pipe cleaners and am excellent at playing fetch. I'm better than any dog at it. I also love the laser toy (we call it playing red light). I'm so smart I know where it's kept and get ready whenever anyone reaches for it.

(Last update: Aug 24th, 2015 2pm)

My new Momma and Poppa to be re-named me Barley. It was a real struggle to find just the right name, but when Foster mom told them what a sweet boy I am they got it! Barley is for an English candy, called Barley Sugar Twists, that is made with sugar and barley!
It's perfect for me!!!!

Hi! I'm Bingo.

Whoever adopts me will truly win a sweetheart of a kitten.

I'm the little one in the clan, but I don't let that stop me from playing and wrestling with my brother and sister. I'm a happy little guy and love to snuggle with foster mom and I purr and purr and give her kitty kisses! I have some growing to do before I can go home, but the way foster mom feeds me it won't take long! Yum, yum, I like to eat, I like to play and I like to sit in laps.

I could go home with my brother or sister if you are looking for two. If you already have a nice, gentle, friendly kitty I could be their new best friend.

Name: Percy


ID#: VA9281
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 05/25/13
Adopted: 06/29/13
Congrats: Janet
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Bingo/Barley (VA 9281) has been known as Percy since a couple of weeks after we brought him to his furrever home and I thought his name had been officially changed. Can that be done now, please?

Although he has calmed down a lot from his manic activity in the first year with us, he still likes to roughhouse which does not endear him to Pixie (VA 8634). She is still rather apprehensive of him and doesn’t appreciate being jumped on, especially as he has grown into a huge cat. His body measures some 19 inches long, his tail 15 inches, his head 7 inches long and 17+ inches from shoulder to toe. At least, I think those figures are correct but he considers being measured a great game and tries to eat the tape measure! LOL. In the last year, he has also become a bit heavy so we have put him on Hills Prescription Metabolic dry food, which luckily he enjoys, to hopefully reduce his girth.

Percy is a very handsome and friendly boy, very confident and affectionate wanting to be friends with all who visit us. He does not like to be alone and loudly uses his very high pitched but sweet voice if he cannot see or hear his humans; or when he wants something, e.g. the kitchen faucet turned on for him to take a drink! He is a great favorite at the Vets for being so easy to examine at wellness & injection visits.

I have tried to upload a photo but so far have not been successful. Will keep trying.

(Last update: Aug 24th, 2015 2pm)

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Name: Tucker

(FKA Joel)

ID#: VA10939
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 07/25/15
Adopted: 08/22/15
Congrats: Deb
Foster: Nancy

Looking for a playmate for your kitty? Look no further! I LOVE to play!
I love ALL the toys and I like to play with my roomie Loren as well.
I definitely need a rough and tumble kitty to keep up with me. I'm full speed
ahead and no lookin' back!

Look closely and you'll see the mischief in these blue eyes of mine! Hahaha....
Momma says I am just "full of myself." Whatever that means!

Are you ready for a boy like me?

Well then you better click cuz I want to blow this joint and get to my furever home!

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Notes from Home
A huge thank you to everyone at Siamese Rescue. You are amazing. Joel is a happy and healthy boy and is having a great time in his furrever home. A special thanks to Nancy, his foster mom.
(Last update: Aug 23rd, 2015 2pm)

Changes are a little scary at first but ready to learn to go with the flow as long as my sister backs me up. We are a team and need to go to our new home together.
Purrs, Stevie
Name:   Stevie
ID#: VA10882
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 07/01/15
Adopted: 08/01/15
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Kay


Notes from Home
Stevie is an awesome boy! He currently tips the scales at 6lbs and even our vet exclaimed that "this is going to be a big cat"! I am guessing that his favorite thing, right now is FOOD! He loves his toys, all of them! And of course, they are all his toys, he just lets Sabrina play with them occasionally! He is a constant purrer and what a little lover boy! Hold me, pet me, rub my tummy and while you are at it, fix me a snack! Stevie is the spokesman for the two (Sabrina and him), he is the one who reminds me that its dinner time, he was the first to seek out "pets" and he is the first of the two to stand his ground with cranky Emily and he was the first to touch noses with the really big Pippen. Needless to say, we just love these two kittens. They are beautiful, sweet, healthy and funny. Thank you everyone, especially Kay we really do appreciate everything that was done so that we could adopt these beautiful babies!
(Last update: Aug 22nd, 2015 11pm)

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Name:   Sabrina
ID#: VA10881
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 07/01/15
Adopted: 08/01/15
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Kay

Just arrived and new things are a little scary. But - I have my brother for moral support and we are a great team. We are a pair and need to go to our new home together.
Purrs, Sabrina

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Notes from Home
Sabrina is such a sweet girl. Still very timid but she makes progress every day. She and her brother Stevie came into our lives on August 1st after a long journey with the Meezer Express! She has gained a little weight, currently at 5.1 pounds and she has the makings of a beautiful kitty. She loves her wand toys (oddly the wooden ends are her favorite), anything that rolls and most of all food!! After their 10 day isolation period they both have the run of the house but still pretty much stick close to their room. We already have 2 resident cats, Pippen and Emily. Pippen is a big orange and white tabby who is very gentle and curious and Emily, his sister is a cranky calico and likes pushing the new guys around. So Sabrina and Steve are always on the look out for Emily who will give chase if one of the little ones decide to run. No one gets hurt and the little ones are slowly getting over the intimidation. We are just so in love with this little girl and we want to think everyone at the SCRC for the wonderful work that you all do. We could not be happier with both of these sweet babies!
(Last update: Aug 22nd, 2015 11pm)

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