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I came out and met all the ladies here (resident kitties) and I room with Little Darcie. I'm a nice fellow----mind my manners and I don't pick on anyone. Like the woofers too...so far I'm a rock star!!

Name: Sammy

(FKA Simply Simon)

ID#: VA9470
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/11/13
Adopted: 09/27/13
Congrats: Kara
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Sammy (aka Simon) is doing just fine. I think he's starting to get use to the idea of being the only cat in the household. He is very active which I really like (except at 4am) and I try to play with him as much as possible with fishing pole toys and laser pointers. I've also bought him plenty of toys that he can entertain himself with when I'm at work. He is eating and drinking like a champ and I have had no potty accidents thus far. I try and clean the litter box every day. I took him to my dad who is a veterinarian and he says Sammy is A-OK. Overall, he's a very loving cat and we're both starting to get into a normal routine with one another. He's starting to learn that I get up when the sun comes up so I always have a back up alarm. He really likes looking out my living room windows during the day and seeing all of my neighbors taking their dogs on walks outside. Last Monday I had a really hard day at work and I just came home and cried. Sammy kept trying to rub and love all over me because he knew I was upset. He was the only person to make me smile all day :) I'm very happy with him and thanks so much to everyone who had a hand in his adoption. Sammy is loving life as far as I can tell!

UPDATE 12/10: As I write this Sammy (Simon) is purring loudly on my lap. So far, Sammy is an absolute delight. He waits for me by the door everyday when I come home from work and walks with me down the stairs until I get to the door. He's not allowed to sleep with me yet but he's starting to calm down a little bit. I find the best way to tire him out is the little furry mice. He's even learning how to fetch :) Thanks again.

UPDATE 3/26: Sammy is still doing wonderfully. I've not had a single bathroom or food issue with him. He is probably the most loving cat I've ever known. The girls that work at my dad's animal hospital love him to pieces. My boyfriend does not have a lot of experience with cat's, but I think he's warming up to Sammy. All of my friends absolutely adore him and love cat-sitting for me. I only have a few issues with Sammy that we're trying to work on. He's very energetic and because of that tried to swipe and jump at my legs. I'm trying to play with him a little every day in order to wear him out. It seems like he never runs out of energy. Other than that he's been a complete angel. It's nice to come home to him every day :) Thanks again.

UPDATE 9/30/14: 1 year with my little man! He is the cutest thing ever and the only problem he has is that he wants to play all of the time. I've spoiled him with toys so he has something to do when I'm at work.

I was going through a rough time in my old job a few months ago, and I think he knew because he would role onto his back everyday when I got home, showing me his belly which is not very catlike! Then he would cuddle up with me on the couch when I was doing my homework for my MBA. He helps to relieve a lot of anxiety that I am prone to have. I'm so glad that I got him :) He is in his forever home. Someday I'd like to get him a dog friend to play with, but since I'm in an apartment, it will just be me and him. Thanks again SCRC!

UPDATE (9/28/15): Sammy and I are doing wonderfully. I broke up with my boyfriend about 7 months ago, and so Sam and I have had lots of bonding time together. He has now calmed down enough to sleep with me (even if he may not stay the entire night). Every morning at 7 he lays on top of me, trying to get me to wake up for work and to feed him. He's the best cat a girl could ask for. I've really enjoyed having him the past two years :)

(Last update: Sep 28th, 2015 9am)

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Name:   Zeus
ID#: VA9496
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 08/24/13
Adopted: 09/28/13
Congrats: Sarah
Foster: Kay

Very sweet playful boy with a BIG purr. He has nerve damage to his right front leg so paw turns in. He runs around and acts like a normal kitten - see his video. Gets along great with other cats and dogs.
Zeus would fit into any household.

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Notes from Home
Zeus is doing really well after one year. His little paw doesn't slow him down a bit. He is happy, affectionate, and really loves his new family.

After 1.5 years, Zeus is still happy and healthy. He spends his time finding all the comfiest places in the house, wrestling with his brother Thermie, cuddling with his sister Josie, "helping" us with laundry or begging us for chicken. He really, really, wants some chicken.

This little guy loves to hang out on blankets, chase lazers and strings, and wrestle with his brother. Zeus is in great shape, well, he may be the tiniest bit chubby. He is a little pig and we have to dole out food just right. He has a tendency to eat his siblings' dinner after they are done.

(Last update: Sep 28th, 2015 7am)

Diva Superstar- that's me!
I am beautiful, right?
Who needs a TV? I will provide you with hours of entertainment!
Grab a stick toy or throw me a mouse, please. Let's go!
Name: Bailey

(FKA Danette)

ID#: VA10521
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/20/14
Adopted: 03/08/15
Congrats: Kimberly
Foster: Huey

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Bailey had an excellent visit with the vet last Friday! Declared healthy in two states now! She has slept on the bed since her first night here. She is very loving in the morning. She has such an awesome personality! Loves to play fetch and chase. Seems to enjoy her solitude at times as well. She seems very laid back and comfortable. We love her!

4/20/15 Bailey loves to play! She has a lot of energy! Her favorite toy remains the crocheted streamer on a stick that came with her from Huey's. Still loves to play chase and she can reverse roles from chased to chaser. She is making strides in settling in as she is increasingly more open to affection and less hyper vigilant. We are enjoying her litter Genie....as an aside. (We wanted to send a video of her playing but I don't think the site supports video. Let me know if you would like the video via email.)

9/26/15. I recently was sent a reminder that Bailey has been with us 6 months. She and we are doing great. She is a terrific cat! She has truly relaxed. She let us know that it was time to take her off of her Prozac, so she has been off that for awhile now and is thriving. She snuggles up with me most nights, either beside me or at the top of my pillow. She head butts my head when she thinks it's time for breakfast and if she is dissatisfied with how long I linger in bed, she lets me know by chomping down on my hair. She has loved the screened in porch over the summer, but is letting us know she is not fond of the cooler weather. She is often nearby when we are home and seems comfortable and chill while we are away at work. Her "grandmother" checks on her during the day and this is the report we get from her. As loving and cuddly as she is at nighttime, daytime is playtime for her and she wants no cuddling when it is playtime. She is still very fond of the crocheted toy that came with her. i hope this provides a good update. We love her very much and she is definitely part of the family!

(Last update: Sep 27th, 2015 11pm)

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Name: Chloe

(FKA Trouvee)

ID#: VA3646
Location:  DC
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 08/22/05
Adopted: 09/27/05
Congrats: Julia
Foster: N/A

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Just arrived. I once was lost but now am found, so foster meom has changed my name from "Perdu" to "Trouvee" (pronounced "troo vay"). Born in a woodpile, I lived outdoors from birth and depended on the kindness of strangers. They called Rescue angel Angie to come and get me, so I can have a chance for a proper home where I will be safe and adored. This is all very new and scary for me, but foster meom got me to purr, knead, and flop over for a belly rub, so I might like this living indoors, once I get used to it! I've already learned about the indoor sounds of the A/C, the computer, and the printer.

I have silky, light-colored fur and pale chocolate striping, and I have a semi-wedgy face. My tail is a little floofy and my fur is medium length, so I look more Balinese than Siamese. Foster meom thinks I may turn out to be as beautiful as I am sweet.

Do you have a nice kitty who can play with me? I miss my feline family!

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Notes from Home
We love Chloe! She is a sweetheart who loves everybody and is quick to make friends. She is always complimented on how sweet and calm she is and how friendly she is with anyone new she meets, like friends, family, kids, and even dogs. She does live with an older cat (17 years old now) and while they have not bonded (not for lack of trying on Chloe's part but her older sister just would not snuggle), they play sometimes and sleep near each other. However, she bonded quickly with my husband and I, and she is follows us everywhere we go in the house to help out and snuggles with us in the evening when on the sofa. She sleeps right next to me all night. We are so happy Chloe became a part of our family 10 years ago!!
(Last update: Sep 27th, 2015 9am)

Have you heard about Tortitude? Well, if you look up Athena in the kitty dictionary, it's going to say "full of tortitude"!!! I'm active, sweet, playful, and definitely full of tortitude. I'm also a very sweet girl who loves to climb on my foster meowmy and curl up in her arms. I'm just all that, so ask about me!!

Be sure to check out my new video!
Name:   Athena
ID#: VA10769
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 5mon
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/18/15
Adopted: 07/11/15
Deceased: 09/26/15
Congrats: Kristen
Foster: Michelle

infoKitten Policies apply


Notes from Home
Athena became Mary's little shadow. Sleeping in her kitty bed on top of Mary's bed-- at Athena's insistence. But sadly her health has taken a dramatic turn this week. The vet has diagnosed her with FIP and there is nothing more we can do for our sweet, spunky girl. The vet has suggested we have her put to sleep this afternoon because her little liver is failing her, so we are doing that this afternoon. She was loved so much and will be so missed.
(Last update: Sep 26th, 2015 2pm)

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Name: Muzzi

(FKA Ned Stark)

ID#: VA11005
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/20/15
Adopted: 09/12/15
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I promise to be loyal and faithful and loving. I will try my best to always do the right thing. Foster mom says I have a gentle soul. Can I come and live with you?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Oh, Muzzi could not be more perfect. He is a funny sweet ball of energy. He loves us all including our 2 year old domestic shorthair . Every one who meets him comments on his good looks and winning personality He saw the Vet yesterday who found to be in perfect health.. He is grateful, as am I, to all the folks at Siamese Rescue that took time to find us the perfect match.
(Last update: Sep 26th, 2015 12pm)

How about a brand new shiny penny for your home? I've never hard a real home and can't wait! I'm a blank slate hoarder type cat, to learn more about me watch those videos! I'm pretty nervous at work so you're going to have to do a little work to earn my loving.
Name:   Penny
ID#: VA11012
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/22/15
Adopted: 09/06/15
Congrats: Rachel
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Hi! Just an update on Penny.
She's doing great! She usually sleeps on me on night - and enjoys being nearby for a cuddle. She's very playful. Sometimes Malachi and I just watch her and look at each other with a "wow, that's interesting" looks. She eats well. Malachi eats much more slowly and throughout the day so when he takes a break from his food I have to put it up or she'll wolf it down. They are fine around each other after a long integration process of over two weeks. Sometimes she runs by him and it scares him and he hisses but he's never gone after her. I think she has a cold right now. One eye is a little weepy and she's sneezy but she seems to be doing better and still has plenty of energy and a great appetite. I plan to keep an eye on it and if her cold gets worse I'll take her in. She doesn't like to be picked up but will lay with or on me. She's still a bit skiddish with loud noises or fast movement but is really doing a great job!

(Last update: Sep 26th, 2015 12pm)

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Name: Ezeqeel

(FKA Skippy)

ID#: VA3599
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 08/09/05
Adopted: 09/25/05
Congrats: Mollie
Foster: Amy


Tell me what a young, handsome boy like me is still doing in foster care! Tell me why my previous owners would choose to move somewhere they could not have a cat and would give me up! I do not get any of this. I am a very sweet boy :>). I like other cats that like me, but meowm thinks a home without woofers is the best bet. So, how about it? Do you have a place for a sweet, handsome blue-faced boy?

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Notes from Home
Zeqe has found a special friend in Lucas, our seal point. Zeqe's favorite thing is to lay on the kitchen floor on his back, waiting for the belly rub. His second favorite thing is to eat. He lays next to the food bowl and paws out one piece of kibble at a time. Lucas taught him that not long after he came home with us. His favorite toy is his shiny crackle ball.

09-25-2015: Zeqe is doing great. He was getting pudgy. 22 lbs. So we put him on a diet last November. As of September 13, 2015 Zeqe is down to 18 lbs. 11 ounces. Our Vet, Delinda Zehner, indicated that he is doing well on his weight loss at his annual visit in August. He is a bigger boned cat, so she estimates he should run between 12-13 lbs. We still has a long way to go, but he taking his diet in stride and his extra exercise. No more laying at the dry food bowl and pawing out kibble piece by piece any time he wants.

(Last update: Sep 25th, 2015 11pm)

I've heard there are cats who have forever homes and boy does that sound great to me. Due to circumstances that aren't at all my fault, I haven't been able to settle down and find my true home for more than a year or so at a time. But I'm ready! Do you have a warm sunny cozy spot and a few toys for me to chase around? That is all that I'm looking for!

I'll never tell you what happened to that eye on the left. Despite the fact that I don't see very well out of it, it doesn't slow me down one bit.
Name: Willow

(FKA Duchess)

ID#: VA10635
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 02/24/15
Adopted: 03/15/15
Congrats: Liz
Foster: Lisa

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Duchess is now known as Willow! She is adjusting very well to her new household. We are learning each other's rhythms and likes/dislikes. She's found her spot on the sofa near me, loves her feather wand and balls, and irritates her mother by jumping on the kitchen counters. She's a doll!

5/29/15: Willow and I are getting along splendidly. She's getting more friendly and comfortable the longer she is here. She has a thing for licking me, which is weird and hilarious. She's getting more vocal - lots of chirping, and even some meowing. She's a complete joy and I'm so happy she's here. You can always find new photos of her on my Instagram feed: http://instagram.com/lushbeads

9/23/15: It's been over 6 months since Willie has moved in with me. She likes to scale the entertainment center, so I got a tall cat tree for her to climb instead. It diverts her attention, most of the time. She lies to sleep in her cat tree, play with plastic bottle caps, and stare out the open window as the world goes by. She also likes to chase flying insects!

(Last update: Sep 23rd, 2015 6pm)

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Name: Wheatley

(FKA Lennox)

ID#: VA9354
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/23/13
Adopted: 07/17/13
Congrats: Autumn
Foster: Heida

A little shy at first but has a really good purr motor ! Loves his sister Hallyne, ask about those two if you need a pair of kittens to love !

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Wheatley is a crazy little man full of character! He loves doing laps from room to room and playing with our feet while sleeping. He enjoys sitting on his perch in the cat condo and laying by the air vents. Wheatley also enjoys playing with and taking care of his little sister Ellie!

1-16-2014: Still full of character, but a little calmer and therefore more well-behaved. He no longer tries climbing curtains and knows which dangly things in the house he is allowed to play with. And while he does try to sometimes steal his sister's wet food, he has learn to let her finish eating and takes care of and cuddles with her throughout the day :)

Sept 24th 2015: Wheatley is a handful and loves to do laps around house. He find great joy in playings. Sometimes he does play a little to aggressively with his sister (Eleanor) but she tends to keep him at bay. While at first he was standoffish and timid with new people, Wheatley has grown into a confident little man who loves to give head butts and is pretty "mushy" (loving to be pet and shown attention).
He has also gotten more vocal, greeting me when I get home each day.

(Last update: Sep 23rd, 2015 4pm)

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