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Hi there!

My name is now Roxi. My owner died months ago, and his "friend" took me in and then just ignored me. He thought I was a male and called me Rocky. Well, one litter of kittens later I guess he figured out I was a girl cat. Any how, he just didn't want me and threatend to kill me and the others here. Someone overheard him and called the local "cat rescue lady" in the area, and she came and got us all. Then she called Siamese Cat Rescue about me, and the rest is history.

Here I am, dropped in the lap of luxury with a clean bed, lots of good food, a nice bath and pedicure, lots of lovin from meowmy. Now the only thing left that I need is a loving forever home. Could that be you?

Ask about me and maybe it will be!


Name:   Roxi
ID#: VA8662
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 07/14/12
Adopted: 10/14/12
Congrats: Adrienne
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Roxi loves to play with the laser light and will run around after it and play with it on the wall. She has found the sunroom and likes to sit at the door or window day or night. The peacock feather is a favorite and she will run behind Missy when Missy is going down the hall with the feather between her legs.
She spends time in the kitchen when there is cooking going on and will rub up against your legs and wrap her tail around your leg.
She is a sweet girl and has become my husbands shadow during the day.
She is a joy to have and so easy to love.

March 17, 2013

Roxi still isn't happy about being held and runs if she thinks she's going to get picked up. She will sleep on the bed and watch TV close by, but will pull away if you get too close. She still hisses at the other two cats. She has a way with my husband who talks to her very sweetly and will get her whatever she wants.

October 20, 2013
I guess Roxi is going to wait until she is old to become a lap cat. Still not liking to be picked up but she will purr while you are holding her. She's just like Minouse and TC wanting to get down. It's a shame because she looks at me and I want to pick her up and love on her. I end up playing and brushing her.

October 17, 2015
Roxi had mouth and throat sores that were cleared up with steroids and teeth extractions.
I have a new cat! She is much more loving, has been sitting in the chair with me watching tv and playing a whole lot more. I was really excited when she put her two front paws on my leg while I was sitting in the chair. That is as close to being a lap cat so far. But what a change! Obviously she has been miserable and in pain from her crummy teeth.
Hopefully next October I will report that she is spending time in my lap. Right now I'm happy to have her on the chair with me and most importantly, she feels good!
Another change is that she plays with my geezer TC. Not a lot but not hissing either.

(Last update: Oct 17th, 2015 6pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Bella
ID#: VA10933
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/20/15
Adopted: 09/19/15
Congrats: Jeffrey
Foster: Rinn

I'm a little petite cutie pie who had been living outdoors. I am your typical seal point girl with plenty of opinions. I've been here at my foster mom's for about four weeks. I get along fine with other cats as long as they let me have my space when I want it. And the dog isn't even too bad. I'm healed up from my little ouchie I had and I get to be out and about in the house again! Do you need a talkative, little beauty in your home? I would like to hang out with you and get lots of lovies! I don't stay still long enough to hang out on your lap but I love to walk all around you while you pet me.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Its been a month that Bella has been with me, so I figured I should provide an update. Bella is doing great. She transitioned to her new home quickly, and totally comfortable hanging out in all the rooms. She greets me immediately when I get home, and then follows, me around for the rest of the day. She even climbs into my lap now, which she never did in the beginning, and is comfortable enough to come out after a little and say hi to strangers when they come visit. She loves opening closets and doors, every time I close one I come back and its open again! I'm pleasantly surprised at how few issues I've had with her; she's a great cat. She's also been to the vet and checked out fine.
(Last update: Oct 16th, 2015 1pm)

Somebody needs to call "Dibs" real quick, because whoever gets me just hit the jackpot!

Fur-challenged (fuzzy), LOVE-bug that purrs & makes biscuits on eye contact.

Click to get your 'Dibs' in line,


Name: O'Malley

(FKA Dibs)

ID#: VA10922
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 07/16/15
Adopted: 07/30/15
Congrats: Carolyn
Foster: LaShawn

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
O'Malley is settling in nicely and as busy as a kitten can be. He still hasn't figured out his funny looking new brother and likes to play chase with him. Molly, his new sister, is teaching him manners as only a big sister can. Martini, his other sister, is still not sure why I brought this intruder home and watches from a distance. He is sweet, affectionate and sometimes a wild child. It is a joy to have him in my home.

It's hard to believe a month has gone by. O'Malley is getting bigger and continues to make his presence known. He is so much fun to watch and interact with each day. He gives purrs and kisses on a daily basis. He is still giving big sister, Molly a hard time but it is good for both of them

O'Malley has more than doubled his weight and is approximately 6 months old now. He is sweet and funny and makes me smile every day. He continues to test his boundaries and drives me nuts some days (knocking everything off the entertainment center to test gravity is NOT a good idea). I am grateful every day that he is in my life.

(Last update: Oct 15th, 2015 9pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Theon Greyjoy
ID#: VA11089
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/20/15
Adopted: 10/11/15
Congrats: Carrie
Foster: Christine

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I am a bit under the weather with a shelter cold right now. Therefore, I said absolutely no pictures until I am feeling better. But still taking those inquiries!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
10/14/2015 Everything is going great! Theon had his checkup at the vet yesterday. Him and Hailey were actually playing together today! HORAY!

10/12/15 Theon came home yesterday and we had a great day! He got to meet Hailey Elin our other cat and although they didn't hug and kiss I think they will get along great. Hailey is very timid so it may take her a little while. He slept in my son's room last night. Frankie woke up with Theon licking him. Such a great cat! We are keeping him in a bathroon during the day since we have some windows being replaced this week. We don't want him getting curious and jumping out the window! So far so good! He is using the liter box and eating well.
I just love the goodie bag we received from the Foster! The toys are just great. We will have some busy cats!

(Last update: Oct 14th, 2015 11am)

A lovely blue tortie with TONS of purrsonality, stay tuned for more info about me.....

Love and headbutts,

Name:   Francine
ID#: VA10753
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 05/15/15
Adopted: 06/12/15
Congrats: Abbie
Foster: LaShawn

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
6-16-15 Francine is doing very well. She is an affectionate little girl, & very playful. The times we have let George in her room for a visit, she has shown no fear. George is non-aggressive toward her, & he enjoys playing with Franny. Franny is also eating well, & has normal output in her litter box. She is still sneezing, & sounds a little snotty. Her first appointment with our vet is 6-23-15.

6-23-15 Francine had a great visit at her new vet today. Her sneezing has cleared up, along with her congestion. Dr. Roe said her lungs sound nice & clear. Her ears got dirty again, so Dr. Roe cleaned them out, & tested the build up. No ear mites. Franny has to get Tresaderm drops 2x's a day, for 10 days.

6-23-15 I forgot to mention, Fancine weighed in at 6.9 lbs. at the vets today! That means she has gained 1.4 lbs. since we picked her up, less than 2 weeks ago. Wow!

7-17-15 Francine is continuing to thrive. She & George are getting along amazingly. They like to play together, wrestling around, & taking long naps together. Francine is a very sweet, & loving girl!

10-14-15 Francine is our sweet baby girl, & we love her more with each day! We can't thank Siamese Rescue enough for bringing us together with such a darling girl. Francine is still doing well, she is healthy, happy, & very spoiled. Whenever my husband or I hold Francine in our arms, she likes to smell our lips, as if to find out what we have been eating. We love her cute little, quirky mannerisms.

Ever since LaShawn described Francine's toes, & tail as "cream dipped", my husband & I have also been describing her unique markings as cream dipped. Thank you LaShawn for picking us to be Francine's pet parents. We couldn't be happier!

(Last update: Oct 14th, 2015 2am)

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Name: Ozzy

(FKA Aussie )

ID#: VA11000
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/16/15
Adopted: 09/12/15
Congrats: Jeffrey
Foster: Teresa

Hi there,

I won't be ready to go until the end of September. Just got here...I love attention, very social, and I do love other cats.

I MUST have a kitty friend. I am a crybaby when I'm alone. My first named is Spoiled and I want my last name to be Rotten :)

Love, Aussie

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
We renamed him "Ozzy"
(Last update: Oct 13th, 2015 8pm)

A croaky frog, froggy croak, not sure which one I am, but what a gem!
Name: Phil

(FKA Pembroke)

ID#: VA11013
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 08/22/15
Adopted: 09/12/15
Congrats: Camila
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Hi all,

Today Phil has been with us for a month, and we couldn't be happier. He had adapted so well and he also had gain some weight! He is really playful and was our attention at all times. It's really cute. He is not a cuddle cat for the moment but he is still gaining confidence and is starting to get closer, sleep by our side at nights, etc. He has a favorite toy which we have to hide because if not he just wants us to play with him all day long! Haha.

When he fisrt got here de had an ear infection but now he is just perfect. Also we had some visitor staying some days with us and he behaved like a charm, asking her to pet him, etc. It was really cool to see how he adapted to living with someone new for a few days.

Phil has two favorites spots, one of them being my work's chair, so every time I get to get a glass of watern, etc. it only takes him 10 seconds to be in my spot looking at me, haha.

We'll update new photos soon.

Thank you all again for the great job tou are doing everyday!

Phil & Camila & Martin

(Last update: Oct 12th, 2015 7pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Nickie
ID#: VA11044
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 08/29/15
Adopted: 09/12/15
Congrats: Rebecca
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Love to be held, love to sit on laps, love to be loved! I'm a very Siamese vocal guy who has lived with other cats, I'm pretty irritated at them here at the Center, however, so unless you're willing to do a very long slow integration, I think I'd do best as the only cat. I have quite a bit of information that comes with me so give a click and ask about me and I'll tell you all about my handsome self! (I LOVE dogs!)

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home

Nickie has been here one month, and he is AMAZING! He has been snuggling, purring, and head-butting since the moment we brought him home. I've never met a more confident, well-adjusted cat. He had ZERO transition time... Stepped out of the carrier, looked around, then crawled up into my lap and went to sleep. He gets along well with his new Siberian Husky sister, and she is getting used to sharing her space and people with him. The only issue we have had to work through is getting him to understand that I prefer he not sleep directly on top of my face/head at night. He has resigned himself to sharing the pillow with me or just snuggling against me, which I very much appreciate!

(Last update: Oct 12th, 2015 8am)

Named after a servant, given to the King of Siam, who falls in love with the prince in "The King and I", this little beauty deserves to be royalty.


Name:   Tuptim
ID#: VA10996
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 08/12/15
Adopted: 09/20/15
Congrats: Leah
Foster: LaShawn

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Tuppie is doing just fantastic. Jersey is enjoys putting her in a headlock and roughly grooming her, especially her ears. They chase each other up and down our stairs and around the house. The two of them often sleep rolled up together and are just too cute. Tuppie is so sweet and enjoys sleeping on laps. At night she sleeps on my youngest daughter or with me.

Jersey and Tuppie have both made friends with a neighborhood cat this week. The two of them like to sit at the screen door and one afternoon the next door neighbor's cat showed up on our porch. They like to sniff each other through the screen and Jersey purrs like crazy, while Tuppie rubs against the screen door.

(Last update: Oct 9th, 2015 10pm)

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(FKA Rosey Blue)

ID#: VA7539
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 02/04/11
Adopted: 03/12/11
Congrats: Elyse
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Now I know everyone wants a typical seal point Siamese, how boring! I am a siamese mix and very unique, you will NEVER see another siamese that looks like me. I would be called a torbie point is there was such a thing - and if there isn't there ought to be. I have that stripedy tiger tail, and my other points are an orange/tan. Quite striking, and definately one of a kind. And yes I do have Blue eyes, I just hate my picture taken. I have discoved that it's fun to play with the other cats, and with catnip toys. I like to run through the house, either by myself or with the others. I'm a little shy, but I do like to be pet and that makes me purr. I have found my voice, and I like to chirp and trill. But I am terrified of the carrier and crates so no long transports for me please!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
10/9/15: Over the past year Rosie has really become a different cat. She and adoptive brother Kyo (VA9636) had a very rocky start when I brought him home but now they get along better than I could have ever hoped. As I type this update, they're both over sleeping in a Millie bed (he's in it, she's sleeping on the edge because there isn't enough room for both of them). They shared a bath, or should I say, Kyo bathed her and she thoroughly enjoyed it. At night Rosie always comes upstairs to lay on me while I read or watch TV before going to bed. Then she and Kyo sleep with me or my husband. It's always both of them or none!

8/19/14: In July, Rosie and adoptive brother Kyo made the move to the new house. At first, Rosie seemed to be heartbroken to be taken away from her friends Molly and Achilles (my parent's cats). When we released her out of the carrier, she immediately slunk over to her litter box, curled up in it, and cried and cried. It just about broke my heart, so I scooped her up, carried her upstairs, and put her on my lap and loved her up. It took her a few days to adjust, but now she's doing great! Rosie wasn't much of a talker, except for meal time at my parent's house, but now that she's out on her own she has quite a bit to say! She's always sitting at the top of the stairs waiting for me when I get home and I almost don't have to set an alarm clock in the mornings because she's there bright and early to make sure someone gets up to feed her. She still thinks she's the boss of Kyo, but she's finding that she can't always tell him what to do.

3/13: Rosie has been with us now for a whole year! We have already had our yearly checkup, and things are going great. She has put on a bit of weight, but the vet says as long as she doesn't gain any more she'll be fine. Rosie is quite the piggy at feeding time; she thinks anything that's left in a bowl is free game. We have cut her food portion back in hopes that she won't eat as much. Rosie has become such a delightful cat. She comes running when I call her and she absolutely loves to curl up on a nice, warm lap. I couldn't imagine not having her. Looking back at some of her pictures from her foster and some of her first pictures with me, it looks like Rosie's points have darkened quite a bit. Check out the new pictures and see what I mean.

12/20: Merry Christmas everyone! I've uploaded some new pictures of Rosie checking out our Christmas tree and a few other pictures as well. To see another picture of Rosie, check out the month of September in the 2012 SCRC Calendar! It's hard to believe, but Rosie is FAR from the cat she was when I brought her home. She plays with two of our other cats (Molly & Achilles), and has indeed become quite the lap cat. She will curl up on my lap for hours on end. She must dream sometimes while curled up because her little legs, tail, and whiskers will twitch. I will try to capture a video of this for my next update. We have made some progress in holding her, but still nothing longer than a minute or two.

8/8: I can't believe that Rosie has been with me for almost 5 months now. She is doing great getting along with the other kitties, especially Achilles. We call them "Mutt and Jeff" because where one is, the other one is sure to be found. She hasn't quite warmed up to Molly yet, and Spice still wants nothing to do with her. Rosie has become somewhat of a lap cat. She jumps up on me whenever I sit down to watch TV, and tries to make biscuits out of my shirt. She also greets me at the door whenever I come home. Rosie still isn't sure about being picked up. I can usually hold her for about 10 seconds before she decides she's had enough. Hopefully with a bit of time and work she'll come to realize that being held is a good thing. Oh, and she has mastered the fine art of begging, thanks to Achilles. He has also taught her some other things I wish he wouldn’t have, like jumping up on tables…

3/22: Rosie had her vet appointment yesterday and all went well! Everyone at the office fell in love with her. Rosie has begun to explore other areas of the house now, and she does so very loudly. Every room she enters that is new to her she meows loudly as if announcing herself. She has met the other three cats. Not quite sure if she is a fan of Molly and Achilles, our tuxedo cats, as she tends to chase after them. She seems to be very curious of our lilac point Spice (aka Spider), however the feeling is not mutual. Spider usually growls at her when she gets to close; but I think she's just being a grouchy 19 year old. Also attempted a claw trimming today...did not go over very well. After many loud, piercing meows and many scratches on my hands and wrists, Rosie has her front claws trimmed. I think I'll give her a few days (and a trip to the pet store to find some gloves/wrist protectors) before we attempt the back claws.

3/15: Rosie has done a 180 from where she was when I brought her home. About 11:45 on the 12th Rosie decided that she wanted to start being social...which meant meowing louder and louder until I woke up and petted her. She did this constantly through the night, preventing me from getting any good sleep. The second night was better, as she had figured out that I was fine with her sleeping between my feet/legs, but she still insisted on waking me up several times throughout the night. Last night I was finally able to get a full, uninterrupted night's sleep, with Rosie sleeping between my legs. She has become very social and affectionate and will wind herself around my legs, meowing for attention. Most of the time she chirps and trills at me, but I think she has discovered her inner meezer and can been heard from across the house. Rosie is doing better around other members of my family, but is still a bit hesitant with new people.

3/12: brought Rosie home today. She was a well behaved girl in the car, much better than I expected. Brought her up to my room and let her out. She very quickly ran out of the carrier right under my bed. Rosie has found several hiding places so far, but her favorite seems to be the far right corner of my room. Two of my other kitties (Molly & Achilles) have been very curious to know what I'm keeping behind my closed door, but they will have to wait to find out. More info to come, as she decides what she wants me to know.

(Last update: Oct 9th, 2015 12pm)

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