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Here I sit broken hearted....not really but I think it's funny.
I'm a happy go lucky kinda kitty.
There are a few things I will insist on - toys (gotta have toys, I really like those fuzzy mice thingies), good eats (oh yeah...), clean litterbox (I will help you scoop), and other furkids I can play with (and who can tolerate me).
What I really enjoy is a nice cuddly lap when I wanna take a nap (oh I'm a poet too!!!).
I gots me plenty of tortietude so the toys help keep me entertained when you can't.
I even likes dogs. Yeah dogs. I like to say good morning to the big dog here by jumping on her back leg.
So if you will supply me with things that'll make me happy, I can supply you with lots of stuff that'll make you happy. Love, life and laughter.
Name: Bea

(FKA Gracie)

ID#: VA7801
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 06/18/11
Adopted: 08/07/11
Congrats: Dr. Rob
Foster: Mary

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Gracie...aka Bea....is doing great. She always wants to play and my older Siamese sometimes just doesn't want to so I am looking at Trent (VA11003) for a possible little brother for her.
(Last update: Oct 28th, 2015 3pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Pouto

(FKA Shelby)

ID#: VA9532
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/09/13
Adopted: 10/28/13
Congrats: Roger
Foster: Sandra

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Looking fore a very well mannered, classy girl who just wants to sit with you and purr? Would you like a companion to share quiet moments with? If this is the type of kitty you are looking for, ask about me!

My dense fur is like sable, and my eyes are like twin sapphires. I won't scratch where you don't want me to, because my front feet don't have claws, and I don't jump up on anything. My toilet habits are meticulous as well. I am very calm, but I do chase a toy now and then, and love to chat with you.

I would love to go home to a quiet household where my calmness would be appreciated, and would love to be your only cat.. Ask about me, and it could be your lap I'm sitting on!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Putto is doing well and is a welcomed addition to our family! Rest assured that she will always be loved and cared for. I would like to thank Kathi Meenehan and Sandra Trower for all their wonderful help, as well as the vet who took her in after being left on the doorstep. Putto's name may have to be corrected in your records.

Thanks so much again!

11/28/2013 I have uploaded a picture of Putto on the bed. She no longer hides under beds, but apparently feels so comfortable and safe now that she can nap on top of the beds in order to be with us; it is amazing but true that cats enjoy the company of humans, different species though be.

Putto shows signs of bonding; she comes when called and actually follows me from room to room to be near me.

I had been advised that Putto would throw-up non-hairball related vomit fairly frequently; thus the reason for her special “sensitive stomach” diet. And she did do so for the first few days. This has completely ceased. My intuition tells me that this behavior was psychosomatic and related to long term apprehension, rejection, and a feeling of being unwanted over her 6 year lifetime. I believe that you can’t fool a cat. This highly sensitive feline now perceives (and rightly so) that she is genuinely wanted and loved.

Putto has zero interest in the many cat toys we had waiting for her upon her arrival, including wands and catnip. Maybe if I take them out of the bathroom and leave them around the house…

As I am writing this, the simple presence of Putto here snoozing on the bed is a sliver of warm sunlight brings me joy. I again want to thank both Kathi and Sandra.

I would describe Putto’s adoption as one of the most successful ever!

Puto Chronicles

Putto, AKA Shelby, AKA Pookie, AKA Pukala, has made the transition from dry cat food to wet. I had wasted considerable money in vain attempts to switch Putto to wet food, and had in fact become resigned to perhaps a lifetime of dry food for her; but then something completely beyond my control happened.

My daughter and her live-in-shacking-up boyfriend (who calls me “dad”) came for a 12 day visit. While not initially planned for, my daughter brought her cat Ming with her as it was too expensive to find a sitter.

Ming is a large male mixture of Siamese, “snow shoe” and something else. His head is huge. To me, he is strikingly like one of the wild cats that frequent my neighborhood and nearby woods. He is the most docile animal you will ever meet. Because Putto was advertised as needing to be in a one-cat-home due to bullying, we sequestered Ming to the Florida and rec rooms. They did sniff each other through the glass doors and Putto would initially hiss.

One day the inevitable happened: someone left the door open. Putto went into Ming’s room and there was a bit of hissing. However, with amazing rapidity, it was all too apparent that the two were getting along just fine. It was Putto who was drawn to Ming and sought out his presence. One day I was amazed when I saw that Putto had commandeered Ming’s food bowl and was scarfing down Ming’s Natural Choice duck pate.

As I had given up on wet food, I had bought a large bag of dry. I thought I would let Putto finish it and then switch to duck, or perhaps give both simultaneously. However, Putto would have none of it. After her first taste of duck, she refused to take a single bite of dry. After three days of not eating anything but with dry available to her, I opened a can of duck that Ming had left behind. Putto ate the whole can over a period of several hours and wanted more this morning.

It should be noted that Putto is very lady-like in her dinning habits. She will only eat a moderate amount and will not gorge.

I had been advised that Putto was on a “sensitive stomach” dry food because she threw up a lot. My institution told me that there was nothing physically wrong with Putto and that this frequent vomiting was due to transitional stress. If I had one word to describe Putto, it would be “high-strung”. Putto threw up a lot when she first arrived here, but once she became accustomed to her quiet and caring surroundings, she ceased throwing up. However, when the three visitors invaded, she started throwing up all over the place. Now, a couple of days after they left, Putto has completely ceased throwing up.

Putto is not yet a lap cat, but she is close to it. She will jump up on the sofa and sit sphinx like against my thigh, allowing me to stroke her. Feeling her beautiful coat lowers my blood pressure by several points.

Putto is slow to accommodate change. She is still in the process of transitioning even after all this time.

She is going to the vet next week to see why she frequently scratches under her chin. She will be weighed again while there.

I believe I know something in general about Siamese cats that are cross-eyed like Putto. As I have been myopic all my life, I have an inkling of what it is like to be visually challenged. I believe Putto’s eye condition causes a more timid and apprehensive personality. At summer camp as a child, I was berated for being too timid because I would not get in the boxing ring with the other kids. But they didn't understand that severe myopia is a big disadvantage in a fight.

Putto is our treasure.

Putto has settled in nicely as a new member of our family and is loved, pampered and well taken care of. She is a very gentle cat and has taken to me. I have to laugh at her subtle ways and mannerisms. She is very welcomed in our home. Thank you for recommending the CatIt drinking fountain and thank the people who make those plush snoozing beds. They are a joy to cats!

I tried to send a photo along with Putto's six month statue report, but I'm not sure it was successful. Please update my phone number: OLD 386-668-9429 NEW
Putto got her annual physical a few days ago and received a clean bill of health! Do I need to send the report? I tried to go on the web site to make an update, but I couldn't figure out how to do it! Perhaps the web site has changed since I brought Putto home two years ago?

It breaks my heart to think Putto was thrown away in a cardboard box, quite unwanted. But do you know who does want her? ME!


(Last update: Oct 28th, 2015 12pm)

I am almost all better now. I had pneumonia! Can you imagine someone as young and small as me having something so serious? But foster mom the Dr. Elise pulled me through and now I getting better and better and playing and just having a great time! I still have several more days of antibiotics to take and then I can go home. I am a fun-loving, lap-sitting kitten, so ask about me!
Name: Penelope

(FKA Solange)

ID#: VA10981
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/08/15
Adopted: 09/11/15
Congrats: Georgianna
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Penelope is loving her new home. She has Wimsey (my seven year old cat) active and sometimes annoyed. Gracie (the dog) thinks Penny is cute, but doesn't like the way she plays so much. She is growing, gaining weight, and eating like the dickens. Last night I discovered she likes string beans -- maybe it's the butter.
(Last update: Oct 28th, 2015 8am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Enzo

(FKA Mongkut)

ID#: VA10876
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/27/15
Adopted: 10/25/15
Congrats: Kenneth
Foster: Huey

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Hi there!
I know, I am just the handsomest guy you ever seen, right?
So I have good news for you! I am so busy that I am now setting up interviews for a personal assistant. Job duties include chef/ maid/ hair stylist/ playmate and bed warmer. I promise to provide entertainment and, well, you just get to admire me!

Foster mommy says this person needs to be as un-humble as I am, whatever that means.

Click on the button to submit your application. An opportunity like me doesn't come around very often!

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Notes from Home
Enzo loves his new home, he has already made himself the king of the house. He sleeps with his daddy through the night, and follows him around. Enzo has already stolen a little piece of pizza, I had the pizza box on the counter and i weighted it down with a heavy bowl, Enzo the smart guy he is figured out how to move the bowl and grab a slice, luckily dad came in and caught him. This is one smart cat! I must teach him to use it for good and not stealing food :)
(Last update: Oct 27th, 2015 11am)

Just arrived at Meowmy's and already had my bath and mani/pedi. Born to an "unwanted" litter and turned into the shelter where Meowmy found and rescued me and my sister, Tigerlily. Meowmy says she "wants" us and will take care of us, keep us safe and best of all, find us our furrever homes. Yah!!! I'm all for that! Do you think YOU would "want" one of us?

Stay tuned for more info. We were at that shelter for a week and caught a shelter cold, but we'll soon be right as rain.


I'm still pretty stuffed up and sneezy, but I'm starting to eat and should be ready to play with my sister in a day or so. I've discovered meowmy's lap and I like it and all the pets I get.


Name:   Dahlia
ID#: VA10989
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 08/10/15
Adopted: 09/19/15
Congrats: Virginia
Foster: Nancy


Notes from Home
Hi Nancy, Ginny, David and Siri--

Dahlia is now called Armani and she is doing fantastic! The minute she got out of her isolation room full time she ran around exploring the entire house on her own and never looked back. This little girl has no fear. You were spot on Nancy--the tiny bit of cattitude she has served her well with joining her slightly older siblings. We thought Emilio would be the toughest for her to get along with but how wrong we were. She was immediately drawn to him and kept jumping on his head to Sumo Wrestle. He is more than twice her weight but he just licked her head time and again and played back gently. We love him even more for what a great big brother he is! Now we joke that they have formed a little "white posse"--the Lynx and the Flame--they can often be found snuggling together in a hammock or Millie bed. Armani also gets on very well with her Snowshoe siblings Lucia and Julian. Julian hissed at her and bopped her on the head for about a week and a half before she won him over but now they play together as if there never was an issue. She's still very busy Nancy and flies through and over the tunnels like nobody's business but if I happen to be sitting on the couch with a blanket she loves to crawl under it and take a nap in my lap.

I can't believe we actually considered going "petless" after we lost our last cat in the Fall of 2014. We are so very happy that we found the Siamese Rescue and with all of your help adopted these 4 absolutely amazing felines. You were right Ginny, 2 boys and 2 girls is great!! We truly cannot thank you all enough as the joy, laughter and smiles we have daily because of their antics make every day an even better one:) We are done adopting but will volunteer when we can and we will continue to sing your praises whenever the situation presents itself!!

(Last update: Oct 26th, 2015 10am)

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Name: Teddy

(FKA Jack)

ID#: VA9923
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lilac
Date In: 03/22/14
Adopted: 04/07/14
Congrats: Libby
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
A lovely laid back boy (with a sister, Chloe, who is being a bit of a diva), we lost our home due to no cause of our own and are now looking for a new one! Check out our video (ignore crabby appleton and focus on me) and let me know what you think!

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Notes from Home
I've been home two weeks now, and it's great! My name is now Teddy (as in TeddyBear) because I'm a lovey cuddlebug. I like to run as fast as I can around the house. I also like to find all the really high places that Mom hasn't dusted in a long time. My favorite place to hang out is on top of the highest kitchen cabinet, and my second favorite place is the screened porch. I love to guess where Mom is going so I can race to get there before she does. If I'm wrong, that's ok, it just means I get to race somewhere else! There are two other kitties here and they seem pretty cool. I think I'm going to like it here a lot.

6/7/14: Teddy is absolutely adorable. He brings me presents in bed every night. It started with 1 toy, now it is usually 4-5 toys, and last night he brought me 2 mousie toys and 4 QTips! He is a busybody and has to help me with anything I am trying to do.

All the cats are getting along fine. Teddy is learning to play with Mickey. He used to be afraid to play chase, but now Teddy is the one who initiates the chase at least half the time. He's still a little afraid of wrestling (Mickey was used to wrestling with his brother), so occasionally I have to break that up. Those two spend a lot of time together, and they both mostly leave Lucy alone. That is exactly what I hoped would happen.

10/25/15 - I now call Teddy my Siamese cat-dog. He loves everybody he sees, but he loves me the most and he always has to be as close to me as possible. I always thought he was a nice cat, but he has really settled down into being a GREAT cat. I feel so lucky that his other pending adoptions fell through so I had a chance to bring Teddy home.

(Last update: Oct 25th, 2015 4pm)

WHAT???? You've not asked about US? I'm SHOCKED!

My brother Raistlin and I are quite a pair

I'm the strong silent one,

I have the loudest purr, and I purr and purr,

I explore everything, no hiding things from me,

and yes, am always amazed at everything you do.

We need to go together as we're best buds.

Name:   Caramon
ID#: VA7159
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/24/10
Adopted: 10/10/10
Deceased: 07/01/17
Congrats: Sherri
Foster: Paula


Notes from Home
The two years with my boys have gone by very quickly. Both Raistlin and Caramon are very much at home, and we are a very happy family. They are a bit spoiled, and they still LOVE to eat - letting me know that they would enjoy being fed any time at all. Friends and family who meet them are so impressed with their soft fur and their wonderful dispositions. I am so lucky that we found each other!

And check out my handsome boys in the 2013 Siamese Rescue calendar. They're the lovely December pin-ups!

November, 2013
Three years! And not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for having adopted Caramon and his big brother Raistlin. They are the best boys! Not only are they affectionate, but they are entertaining and always interested in anyone who comes to visit. I smile daily and laugh often at these two.

Thank you so much for connecting the three of us!

Our 5th Anniversary! The time has flown, but I celebrate adopting Caramon and his brother, Raistlin, every day. They are the best kitties! Caramon seems innocent and sweet with his BIG blue eyes, and for the most part he is just that. At times, he is the instigator of rough-housing with his big brother. It's funny to watch until Raistlin gets cornered and upset.

Caramon lost a little bit of weight at his last vet checkup this summer. He still has a great appetite and is always ready to eat, but he seems to have learned that if he eats too fast, he'll throw up all his food. Now he takes his time and sometimes takes a break. I have to pick up his bowl so his brother doesn't eat all that's left. This works pretty well, and Caramon hasn't lost any more weight. He's still a slight bit heavier than when he first came to live with me five years ago, so I'm no concerned. He's active and loves to play with his toys, especially the little stuffed dog that he brought with him. HIs brother still out-talks him, but he'll give me a few loud meows when it's meal time or treat time. And of course, he's still got the loudest purr around.

Love him to pieces and can't imagine living without him!

(no new photos - too big to upload)

(Last update: Oct 23rd, 2015 5pm)

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Name:   Raistlin
ID#: VA7158
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/24/10
Adopted: 10/10/10
Deceased: 07/01/17
Congrats: Sherri
Foster: Paula

My brother and I are quite a pair

I'm the goof ball,

I have a lot to say,

I leap to the tallest spot,

I love giving love, and getting loved.

We need to go together as we're best buds - as you can see ! PS I'm the one if front getting the massage

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
The two years with my boys have gone by very quickly. Both Raistlin and Caramon are very much at home, and we are a very happy family. They are a bit spoiled, and they still LOVE to eat - letting me know that they would enjoy being fed any time at all. Friends and family who meet them are so impressed with their soft fur and their wonderful dispositions. I am so lucky that we found each other!

And check out my handsome boys in the 2013 Siamese Rescue calendar. They're the lovely December pin-ups!

November, 2013
Three years! And not a day goes by that I'm not thankful for having adopted Raistlin and his little brother Caramon. They are the best boys! Not only are they affectionate, but they are entertaining and always interested in anyone who comes to visit. I smile daily and laugh often at these two.

Thank you so much for connecting the three of us!

Year Four! Where does the time go? My boys, Raistlin and Caramon are doing so well. This year there were quite a few new people visiting at my house, and without an exception, they all agreed that these are very special cats. Even the "non-cat people" were thinking twice about their previous opinions of cats based on the personalities of Raistlin and Caramon. They are the BEST!

Raistlin, for the first time in four years, had diarrhea a few days ago and was acting lethargic. A stool sample to the vet was cleared for bacteria, and I was given an antibiotic and "bland" W/D food for him. He is so much better today (after only 24 hours of antibiotic). I'm so relieved! These guys are never sick (other than an occasional "eat-too-fast" vomit.

Love these two so very much and remain forever grateful for SCRC for connecting me to them.

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Our 5th Anniversary! What a happy weekend we had celebrating our five years together. Raistlin and his brother Caramon are both doing very well. Raistlin stills loves (loves, LOVES) to eat. And he put on a little bit of weight at his last vet checkup, so we're trying to get him down a bit. Caramon has started eating more slowly and sometimes takes a break, leaving food in his bowl. Of course, his brother, Raistlin, is right there to gobble it up. I now stay in the kitchen with them when they eat, and pick up Caramon's bowl if he decides to take a break. This works well, unless I get distracted. Raistlin has lost a few ounces (he's back under 15 pounds).

Raistlin still loves brushes, and I have to go hunting under furniture every once is a while to find one for him. He's such a great kitty - very thoughtful at times, and at other times has quite a bit to tell me. I love him and couldn't imagine life without him.

(no new photos - too big to upload)

(Last update: Oct 23rd, 2015 5pm)

Hi, I'm Bella, and I'm waiting for you to ask about me so I can find my forever home.
I'm healty, friendly, and get along with other cats. I love to lap sit and get petted and loved on. You couldn't ask for anything more!

Name:   Bella
ID#: VA8716
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/17/12
Adopted: 10/21/12
Congrats: Stephanie
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home

October 2015: Happy third birthday, dear Bella! You are our sweet and adoring little princess, mostly sugar with a tiny pinch of spice. Thank you for being a special buddy to Noah, and giving him faith in a forever friend. We are so grateful that you are part of our family, and somehow I think you know that. Love and biscuits, Meowmy
Today's is the first anniversary of Bella's homecoming. Though I haven't written an update about her yet, I felt that I had to do so today.

Bella is just a lovely, well-mannered little lady and is absolutely Mommy's little girl. We live in a house of boys, including 3 human, 1 Meezer and 2 fish. So we have an understanding. When I finally sit down at the end of the day, whether to turn on my Kindle, settle in for an hour of "Pride and Prejudice" with Colin Firth, or share a chocolate chip cookie with my husband, my little Bella will jump up and make biscuits on my lap, settling into a sweet snuggle. She has a quiet, lady-like voice which she seldom uses except to get my attention or to sing to her favorite toy (which happens to be a felt cigar, go figure!!).

Bella also has a soft spot for my older son who "hosted" her in his bedroom during her initial introduction to our household. At his bedtime, you will always find Bella snuggled in his bed for a chapter or two of The Hobbit and some goodnight kisses. She won't stay long, as she has a date with Mommy, but she is very faithful to thank my son every night for being her first roommate.

Bella has perfect manners, and tries to teach her Meezer brother Columbus about things like scratching the post and not the furniture, and avoiding the kitchen counters. Sometimes Columbus listens, and sometimes he doesn't. We are thankful for his relaxed surfer-dude disposition, though. He teaches Bella how to tolerate the antics of a three year old without getting rattled, an important skill in our house. They are both too proud for an all-out love affair, but they like to be near one another, napping 3 feet apart on the same bed. The occasional kiss or wrestling match keep things interesting.

Thank you Siamese Rescue for bringing sweet Bella into our lives, she is a joy every day. As I said on the day we met, she is perfect lady. She has most certainly found her forever home with all these boys, and with Mommy who just adores her!

(Last update: Oct 21st, 2015 8am)

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Name: Mocha

(FKA Virginia)

ID#: VA11026
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/25/15
Adopted: 09/20/15
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: ShirleyBo

I just arrived so I still have stuff to let Foster Mom know about me I explored my room and already like it here. I follow Foster Mom around rubbing on her. I have a chirpy little voice and a bit of wispy fur. Not long more like a Balinese. I don't plan to stay here long. I want my FUREVER home so ask quickly about me..

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Mocha is such a purr ball of happiness....as long as there are no other cats around. She loves the dogs, follows them, and let's them clean her head and face. Given all this kitty has been through, other cats will take some time for her to accept. She is SO playful. My daughter's kiss and hug her constantly. She is turning into quite the cuddle bug. I do think that Mocha thinks she is a dog!!!! LOL. Again, thank you for our baby girl! Kathy, Shawn, Victoria & Jessica. :)
(Last update: Oct 20th, 2015 1pm)

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