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Just got here but I am already showing Mom how much I like to purr and be petted!
Name: IZZY

(FKA Ianna)

ID#: VA11120
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 10/10/15
Adopted: 10/31/15
Congrats: Shawna
Foster: Debra


Notes from Home

Izzy is making herself at home. We have all fallen in love with her, she is playful and very affectionate. She runs through the house playing with all of her toys, and at times sounds like an elephant wizzing by. She has taken the heart of my husband, the family member that is tough to win over. she loves up to him, and he enjoys her. Sohpia and Izzy have met, although Sophia has not warmed up as quickly as I had thought. They ignor each other most of the time, with Izzy trying to get Sophia to play. I am hoping Sophia will warm up to her soon.

Izzy is a part of our family and we enjoy having a baby in our house. She is a great addition to our family!


(Last update: Nov 22nd, 2015 7am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Esther
ID#: VA7357
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 10/19/10
Adopted: 11/14/10
Congrats: Cynthia
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Young, shy and inexperienced. I need time, loving and attention, and I'll become a blue eyed wonder gal! I love other cats, I'm a little inexperienced with people but not bad. A quieter household with another cat would be ideal for me!

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Notes from Home
Hello I have been in my forever home for five years now and I love it. I have moved since I was adopted and now live in my own home. I live with my adopter and my friend, Tia, a ten year old tortoise shell. She and I get along most of the time. There are times when I want to play and she just wants to left alone. My new name is Meesa which is short for Siamese, ha ha!.
(Last update: Nov 21st, 2015 11am)

Why don't you ask about me??? I am looking for my very own person to love.

I am really sweet (and cute, too). If you give me a forever home I promise to:

Run to meet you when you come home
Ask for lots of back scratches and belly rubs
Do headstands while you pet me
Purr and talk to you in a very nice voice
Keep you company all the time

Because something very sad happened to my family I had to come back to Siamese Rescue. So now I need a new forever home.

If you have a home that is kind of quiet, and a heart big enough for me to fit in, I would love to own you.
Name:   Haley
ID#: VA8140
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Flame
DateIn: 10/22/11
Adopted: 11/20/11
Congrats: Kim
Foster: Martha

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
What a joy Haley is! I am so fortunate to have had the opportunity to adopt her. She is so sweet and loving. The entire adoption process went so smoothly, what a terrific organization.
Wow, one month already! Haley is doing terrific, what a lover she is! Thanks for a great experience.

Well 6 months have past and I must say all is well with Haley and I. She as adapted well and is thriving.
Her appetite has increased and she has run of the house. She is now enjoying the enclosed porch and on sunny days she soaks up the sun in her "chair" She has found her voice and is quite vocal, chatting away at me when I get home from work or when I wake up in the morning. Most nights she sleeps with me, wrapped around my head. No bad habits to speak of. I bought her a 6' cat tower so she has a better view of the yard and the bird feeder. Again the entire experience was terrific and I am greatful. Thank you!!

Wow 2 years! Haley is doing great, has a great appetite, still has run of the house, has a favourite new toy, a stuffed catnip pepper, has already destroyed one and is on to her second one. Still a lover, will tap your shoulder if you are not paying attention to her. Still sleeps with me on my head. Loves my Mom, who comes to visit her when I work late. I am so lucky to have adopted her. Thank you!

Wow, 3 year's! It just flies by. Haley is doing great! Good appetite, and continued run of the house. Visits the vet regularly, her health is great, steady weight around 7-8 lbs, sleeps with me every night, as a hat wrapped around my head. Loves to play, talks constantly and is just a wonderful companion. I doubt I could love her more than I do. Thank you so much!

This 4 year anniversary finds Haley and I doing fantastic! She is a happy little girl, loves to play, run through the house and watch the birds from her window seat. She has a great appetite and enjoys some treats. She is a wonderful companion, follows me everywhere, and of course sleeps with me most nights, either wrapped around my head, or a new spot as my personal scarf and sleeps wrapped around my neck. Could not be happier with Haley or with the SRC. Thank you so much again!!

(Last update: Nov 20th, 2015 5am)

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Name:   Uli
ID#: VA7885
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 07/21/11
Adopted: 11/12/11
Congrats: Shirley
Foster: Christy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Still petite. Still the ultimate workout partner. Still a total lovebug. Still waiting for my person!

Will you be my person? If you want a gorgeous girl who is totally devoted to you, I'm yours! I've gotten to be friends with the other cats here, but I still love my person best. I hope you have a pillow big enough for both of us, because I'll want to snuggle very close. I will follow you anywhere you go, and only speak up when I'm missing out on any fun that's happening in my house. I like to run and chase with my feline friend, then snuggle close with my humans. I'll even let you carry me around - I am a beautiful, light weight accessory to compliment any outfit!

I'm the Pet of the Week on my local TV station, so you should ask about me now. I'm a star!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
11/15/11 Just wanted to let you know that Uli acts like she has always been here. She had visitors last night and loved every minute of it. I've told everyone how sweet, funny, lovable and friendly she is. She loves sitting in the bay window watching the birds, squirrels and leaves blowing. She's eating good, listens very well and is just a joy.

Thank you all and as soon as I can I will send pictures, she's a real ham. She's completely settled in and very happy as are we that we have her.

We are taking good care of each other.


We are completely settled in and Uli is amazing! She is very playful in the mornings after breakfast. She takes her nap and then gets a few treats and it's off to the bay window to see what's going on outside in the backyard. She loves watching the squirrels and birds. Then it's off to play some more with her spring toys. She just loves them and will come tell us if one has gone under the furniture.

She loves to be petted and brushed and the evenings she sleeps in our laps. She is so sweet and funny. Love her, love her. Thank you all so much. Oh, Uli says "HELLO". Hope you all have a wonderful holiday, we will.

Shirley, Tony & Uli

May 13, 2012

Time flies and it's been six months since Uli came to us. Her coloring has changed and she has gained a little weight. Not fat, just very healthy. She is very affectionate and now loves to sit on my shoulder and rub my head with hers. She is very playful and makes me laugh at her antics constantly. She loves everyone that comes to visit, making herself the center of attention. She loves to be brushed. We are so happy she is a part of our family. Hope to send pictures soon.

Uli, Shirley & Tony

It's me Uli and I have celebrated my 1 year anniversary in my forever home. I just love Meow Ma & Pa and they love me. I'm well taken care of and my new home has lots of windows and a sun porch where I can look out and watch the birds, squirrels and rabbits. Meow Ma cooks chicken and turkey legs and thighs to compliment my dry and can food.
I love to play hide and go seek with Meow Ma. She such fun. I love when she brushes me and gives me my weekly pedicure. She calls me her ray of sunshine. How cool is that? We are the perfect fit. I spend most of my time following Meow Ma around or in the evenings snuggled in her lap. I get on the back of Meow Pa's recliner and rub his head. He loves it. Life is so good!!!
I have a Christmas wish that every cat/dog finds a forever home filled with love like I have. Thank you so much for the wonderful work you do!!! HAPPY HOLIDAYS!!!!


Just celebrated my 2nd anniversary. Meow Ma & Pa celebrated their 47th wedding anniversary yesterday. Lots to celebrate but much sadness also. Meow Pa has been quite ill over the last few years and has now been diagnosed with brain cancer. Our life together has been wonderful until we got this news. I try to make him feel better by getting on the back of his recliner and rubbing my head against his or just gently patting his head. He likes that. I love him and he loves me and we just sit together.

They are wonderful and make sure I have good healthy food and lots of toys. Meow Ma is trying so hard to take good care of Meow Pa and me. She tells my everything and I give her head bumps and lots of kisses. She says we will get thru this best we can because we have each other.

I love them both very much and they love me and that's all that matters. Life is good even when it's bad. Hope everyone has a wonderful holiday!


Wow, 4 years have flown by so quickly. Uli is such a beautiful girl. Now that it is only the two of us we are as close as two peas in a pod. Uli is very healthy and happy, she brightens every day with her kisses and playfulness. She has changed color and is darker. She loves to be groomed. She is just a love bug. Thank you for my little ANGEl. Uli said to wish everyone a wonderful and happy holiday season. T

(Last update: Nov 15th, 2015 12pm)

Hi, I'm Spatz! I've got four little white booties and just a smudge of white on my lip, officially making me the cutest little snowshoe you've ever seen! I'm super sweet and playful, and love my human beans as much as my playmates. What's not to like!
Name:   Spatz
ID#: VA10321
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/17/14
Adopted: 10/11/14
Congrats: (catherine) Quince
Foster: Belinda


Notes from Home
It has been about 3 weeks and Spatz has been doing very very well. Suspecting a lingering URI, my vet prescribed a week of anti-biotics (now complete) and a week of pro-biotics (almost complete). He still sneezes a bit, so I suspect that - like me - he just has a little bit of an allergy to something; he had some itchy ears and redness, also a sensitivity issue, so the two symptoms in tandem do suggest the allergy thing. Not a big deal.

Because of the suspected URI, I delayed introducing him to my resident diva, Cleo. I did start some interactions with my over-playful schoodle, Max, but Spatz is definitely holding his own and does not appear afraid. He just uses his faster skedaddle skills to run circles around Max.

Cleo has been sniffing and hissing under the door to the room where Spatz has been quarantined, and swatting at my ankles occasionally indicating she's not entirely happy with the new addition. Over the past couple of nights, I have brought Spatz into the living room, first in a large dog crate that allowed Cleo to see him and sniff (and hiss) at him, then last night with him loose in the living room. Again, Cleo would come out of her room and hiss a bit and swat occasionally, but nothing major. I also used Belinda's excellent suggestion of playing with Spatz with Cleo watching, and then playing with the same toy with Cleo. I think that suggestion was pure genius, as it seems to be having a positive effect.

Tonight, Spatz and Cleo connected through a dog gate, and then Spatz jumped over it and they interacted in a bit closer proximity. Cleo still hissed and batted a bit, and then Spatz lay down and went cutely belly up in an unthreatening posture. Cleo just looked at him as though she was bored, but she stayed put, only a foot or two away from him.

So we are making progress with the integration. Bit by careful bit.

Spatz is a true delight. Super easy-going, loves to play, bold enough but not aggressive. If this is going to work with Cleo, it will be entirely because of him, and entirely DESPITE her cranky personality :-)

November 12, 2015 -- I have just uploaded a couple of pictures of "Spatz" but couldn't figure out how to change his name here, on the website. I don't know why or how, but he has become Kit-Kat. It started with a casual nickname of Kitten. Which, as he grew up, morphed into Kitten-Cat., and ultimately Kit-Kat. The nickname stuck and he is now Kit-Kat.

Kit-Kat is doing fabulously. He is - as is to be expected -- quite mischievous. He and my other cat, Cleo, play HARD together. Sometimes when he gets a little too riled, I separate them to give Cleo a break. But it's all good. Kit-Kat also plays with my Schnoodle (Max) from time to time. Max is actually very careful/gentle when they play. Much more gentle than Kit-Kat is with Cleo!

I am super happy to have him in my family :-) If I could figure out how to do it, I would post a "Happy Tales" .

(Last update: Nov 12th, 2015 8am)

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Name:   Harmony
ID#: VA3990
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/05/06
Adopted: 02/26/06
Deceased: 07/01/15
Congrats: Joyce
Foster: Donna

Sweet Harmony is here ! and waiting to bless that special someone with her pixy-girl sweetness, gentleness, and cherished companionship.

Foster meowmy calls me 'MeMe' because I am so precious and petite. I love all of her attention and give her headbutts and purrs with all of my little self.

I really do not like to be alone for long periods of time and really do enjoy the goings on outside of my foster room. Gentlemen callers are not at all disturbing to me, but will received a very polite hiss ! if they do not mind their manners.

Sweet hearts are in blossom this time of year and with a sprinkle of Harmony, who's heart can I cherish?


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Notes from Home
Meme has been a joy and is living a wonderful life but we are sad to report that our boy " Rudy" has recently passed at 21 years of age. We miss him and MeMe feels the loss of her kitty companion. We are so hoping you can assist us with another successful match. We are looking for a male kitty ...

I sadly report that MeMe has passed away of likely Cancer at the age of 15yo. She passed this summer. She was a wonderful family member. Thank you for the honor of having this sweet soul.

(Last update: Nov 11th, 2015 6pm)

Just arrived. More information soon.
Name:   Landis
ID#: VA10977
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 08/08/15
Adopted: 08/15/15
Congrats: Kathi
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
11/11/15 Landis has now been living with me in his new home almost three months. Both he, and his " brother" Linkin have slept with me from the very first night, which tells me how loved and well cared for they were in their original home. Although he's 13 years old, he absolutely loves to play with toys, especially 'da Bird! He was the more affectionate at first, finding my lap quickly and usually beating Linkin to the prime sleeping spot on my lap. He's a very strong, athletic cat, and amazingly, at 15 pounds, no spot is too high for Landis to investigate. He's always the first to jump up and investigate, including the top of the kitchen cabinets and the fireplace mantle, which they've now claimed as a favorite warm sleeping spot. He's always up for snuggles, and he has great eye contact and a giant purr and biscuit making when he gets going! They both like to sleep under the covers, but Landis usually goes under first, and stays longest, sometimes all night! I love them both, and I'm glad it worked out that I can be their new family!
(Last update: Nov 11th, 2015 4pm)

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Name:   Linkin
ID#: VA10976
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 08/08/15
Adopted: 08/15/15
Deceased: 11/12/16
Congrats: Kathi
Foster: Siri

Just arrived. More information soon.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
11/11/15 Linkin has now been living with me in his new home almost three months. Both he, and his " brother" have slept with me from the very first night, which tells me how loved and well cared for they were in their original home. Although he's 10 years old, he absolutely loves to play with toys, especially 'da Bird! He will grab it in his mouth, and carry it up onto the bed, as that's his favorite place to chase it. He will even drag it up the stairs to find me, he loves playing so much. Occasionally he drops toys at my feet, if I can find the "right" toy, I suspect he'd play fetch. It's taken about two months for him to seek out my lap for snuggles, and he has the best grumbly deep purr when he gets his motor going! I love them both, and I'm glad it worked out that I can be their new family!
(Last update: Nov 11th, 2015 4pm)

I love to play and have a good time, but am not seriously energetic. I'm pretty much a 'go with the flow' gal who does a great job of lapsitting and interacting.
Name: Francesca/Sweetie

(FKA Francesca)

ID#: VA10726
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 04/25/15
Adopted: 05/09/15
Congrats: Stuart
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Hi. Francesca has adapted very well. She wants a lot of attention, which she gets from us both. We do love her so much and our Vet has put her on Hills Science diet kibbles for sensitive stomach and wet food Hills also for hairball control. So far so good. She licks a lot. She loves everybody who comes to visit. I do not have any pictures to send as I have no digital thing to use. Only the one time only Kodak camera. I do not know how to send one. Thank you for asking about her. Thank you for letting us adopt her. Nancy Feitig
(Last update: Nov 10th, 2015 11am)

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Name:   Charlie (Cocoa)
ID#: VA5938
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/01/08
Adopted: 11/10/08
Congrats: Joyce
Foster: BJ

Hello, my name is Charlie. It is a puzzle for foster mom to figure out why I was out and about on my own. I must have been on assignment for a special mission but something happened and I could not find my people or my home. I guess I have to have additional training. Thats where the angels stepped in. Yes, Charlies Angels came to the rescue.

I am a young, killer of the feather fisher pole toy, Olympic high jumper, and go with the flow kind of guy.If you know Meezer talk, and enjoy having a buddy to keep you laughing, and warm at night you can apply for the job of one of Charlies angels full time. The list of benefits is impressive.Foster mom looks forward to speaking with you!


Update: Hi everyone Ive been on evaluation because I had a reaction to the anesthesia when I had some surgery. Not to worry, I am fine but I was kind of loopy for a while. I am almost back to the fun loving boy kitty I was before. I still love to play with the feather fishing pole toy and am an export catcher. I even have Sam the resident pudgy Meezer boy doing exercise routines with me. I would love to have another kitty to play with but if you are my fur ever human you would have to like to play. That would be okay too! Click on ask about me and foster mom will fill you in on the particulars!

Purrs Charlie

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Notes from Home
It has been one year since this little bundle of joy came into our lives! He fit right in from the very start. Our current 5yr kitty had lost his brother who was his lifelong companion and was in desperate need of a new friend. He found that in Charlie and more! He took to Charlie as fast as we did. In no time they were the best of friends, playing and sleeping together. After a year, Charlie has settled in well. He is relaxed and happy and just the most wonderful little guy. He is super friendly, snuggly, chatty and active. He loves his "big brother" and the people in his life. We can't imagine having a home without him! A HUGE THANK YOU to everyone at Siamese Rescue for all their hard work in bringing everyone together.

Wow, 4 years have flown by since Charlie "Pickle" has come into our lives. He is a most treasured member of our family and feels like he's been here forever. Super snuggly, always playful, constantly chatty he is the perfect foil for his adopted big brother Butch. Can't thank you all at the Siamese Rescue enough for our little boy.

(Last update: Nov 10th, 2015 9am)

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