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Looking for two, yes two, good sized laps for my sister and I to occupy. Misha and I come from the best of families with excellent upbringing, and thus have wonderful manners with children and adults alike. We do prefer snuggling to romping, but can be enticed with a little feather action to show our moves. If you're not too far away, we come with our own elaborate cat tree we both love to perch on. We're not fussy in the food department and happily share one litterbox between us. If you're looking to start your Siamese family and want a pair of bonded lap kitties, ante up!
Name: Hank

(FKA Tangelo)

ID#: VA5295
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 10/14/07
Adopted: 12/29/07
Deceased: 01/22/19
Congrats: Vicki
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Hank is a very sweet boy and purrs a lot! The vet always has a hard time hearing his heartbeat. He's very healthy and has finally lost a few pounds.
(Last update: Dec 29th, 2015 3pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Mimi

(FKA Misha)

ID#: VA5294
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 10/14/07
Adopted: 12/29/07
Deceased: 12/01/18
Congrats: Vicki
Foster: Siri

This pad will do but only if there's not a lap around. I'd give my eye teeth for a lap anytime one is offered! If not, that's okay, I'm patient, well behaved, and can keep myself occupied with brother Tangelo until you sit down, but then, hey, all bets are off! If you're looking for a ready made family, consider the two of us!

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Notes from Home
Mimi is doing great! I can't believe it's been 8 years since I drove out to Locust Grove to pick her and Hank up. She is very healthy and happy!
(Last update: Dec 29th, 2015 3pm)

Hi, I'm Maybelline and I don't mind admitting that I'm scared. Four walls, regular meals and HANDS are all new to me, so this is going to take some getting used to. I prefer my windowsill perch, but after just a little hiss, I will give major headbutts and kisses -- from my windowsill only! Of course, I might forget how much I like headbutts and kisses between now and the next time you visit, so we'll have to start all over again. So for now, I'm only for the most patient of adopters willing to work with me and give me plenty of love and who understand that (hopefully) good things come to those who wait. And even if good things don't come, that you'll love me forever anyway, and never give up on the possibilities.
Name:   Maybelline
ID#: VA11019
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 08/23/15
Adopted: 11/28/15
Congrats: Joseph
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
So its been one month since I brought Maybelline into my home. The first week she was really good at hide and seek. I started leaving her treats all over the room and in the window sills and she would come out and grab them when I wasnt in the room. Slowly but surely she made her away out of the room and into the rest of the house but as soon as you caught eyes with her she spooked off. She has gotten a lot more comfortable the past couple weeks. She jumps up on the bed while I'm sleeping and was even sniffing me out one morning. I caught her staring out my creepily the other night lol but I am glad she was rather than hiding. Last night she actually was laying on the carpet by my feet as I watched tv. I keep the water bowl close to the tv so it forces her to come out and mingle. She really enjoys chasing the laser around the room and loves any type of ball, especially the one with the bells inside.

She has acquired the nicknames of Miss Meow ( cause she likes to sing at night) Missy for short and May "Bae" or Maybe, because she always seems to want to jump on the couch but is thinking " maybe tomorrow" lol

Things have been great so far just waiting for the day I can hold her.

(Last update: Dec 28th, 2015 8am)

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Name:   Meggie
ID#: VA10665
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/08/15
Adopted: 04/25/15
Congrats: Maryellen
Foster: Huey

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Will you love me and be mine?

I am uncertain right now, but I cannot wait to show my love to a nice quiet family.

I like to perch near and give merciless head butts! My purr will melt your heart right out.

I am your best friend, just waiting to meet you. Click now before some other lucky person sweeps me away!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It’s been just about 1 week since Meggie came into our home. She’s acclimating nicely although occasional loud noises (those leaf blowers!) and strange people (our friendly housekeeper) cause her to crouch under the bed and crawl into the box spring! Yeah, that bed’s gotta go anyway… once our newer single mattress bed arrives, watch out! Bwah ha ha! as auntie Huey might say!
Still, she’s a snuggler, pretty happy with her toys (although surprisingly not interested in the catnip yet - hmmmmn…) and loves to crawl next to me atop the covers at night. She’s only ventured outside of her safe room three times now. Still not ready to explore the house at length. But this little dollie is a real keeper! She sends kisses and headbuts to all SCRC friends who helped her along these last trying months!!
Meggie (aka 'Megs' aka 'The Megster') and Maryellen

December 25, 2015: Meggie Christmas everyone!

(Last update: Dec 25th, 2015 3pm)

Sewer rat? No, I don't think so. But animal control pulled me from a storm sewer. Foster mom thinks some mean people threw me down there, and I can promise you I will never, ever, go into a storm sewer again. Those sewer rats are scary things. Me? I'm a friendly seal guy, with a chirpy voice. I was thin and dirty - foster mom took care of the dirty part, and says that she'll take care of the thin part as well. More about me later, as she gets to know me. In a few days I'll meet the other kitties here - and I sure hope there are only kitties, and none of those scary sewer rats ....

If the sun ever comes out, foster mom says she'll get some good picutres without this flash thing so you can see my big blue eyes!
Name:   Norton
ID#: VA5671
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/17/08
Adopted: 05/31/08
Deceased: 12/21/15
Congrats: Steven
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Norton sends his regards from Natick MA! He has had a great 3 years settling into his new home. He loves having a large house to explore. He is an expert at finding little nooks and crannies for naps. He is all about privacy when sleeping. He is a very active and social boy. He waits patiently for his adopted human sisters to return from school each day at exactly 3:15 p.m. When not entertaining the girls, he is often looking for some water he can get into. He enjoys getting to the water in flower vases and is not deterred by the actual presence of flowers. Norton has matured and filled out since arriving 3 years ago and is now a truly handsome boy. He is adored by everyone.

Norton is now getting used to his newest sister, Honey. As the mature man of the house, he is having to teach her about the need for respecting cat personal space, but he seems to be warming up to her fairly quickly. She is hard to resist.

With great sadness we have to report that Norton passed away this past week. He has had terrible kidney function for many years, and finally went into acute renal failure. We all miss him dearly, and are still processing this unexpected loss.

(Last update: Dec 25th, 2015 2pm)

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Name:   Honey
ID#: VA10751
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 05/14/15
Adopted: 06/24/15
Congrats: Steven
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

Sweet, playful, young girl. Good mouser, too! Got 2 of them that found their way into the foster room!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hello! Honey has been with us for 2 weeks now, but it feels like forever :) She is a very very sweet thing, and is an equal opportunity lover. She has no favorites but spreads her purring and loving around fairly and equally. She and Norton are still working out how the whole sibling cat thing works. She follows him around and tries to imitate much of his behavior. Unfortunately he has taught he to spend a lot of time in sinks, which is his favorite past time. She does not seem all that interested in interacting with the dog, but he is very interested in interacting with her :) We will see if she warms up in time.
Honey is eating well, drinking, using the little box and playing up a storm. The vet thought she looked fabulous and gave her a clean bill of health.
I think Honey is a terrific fit for our family!

Honey has now been with us for 6 months and is a delightful addition to the entire family. We all love her dearly, but perhaps none more than our 4 year old male lab, Hades. They interact, play, snuggle, share water bowls, etc. she puts up with his regular wet sloppy kisses.

(Last update: Dec 25th, 2015 2pm)

I have been here for five months and I don't understand why I have not found a home of my own. I am sweet, I love people and I get along just fine with my room, mate Rokki. We could even go home together if you like a pair of Lynx points.

I even let foster meowm put a silly hat on me and do a video. Can you just imagine that,. I thought the cat was supposed to be in the hat not on the cat's head. I
guess it will all be worth it if my forever home sees me and wants to bring me home.

I appear to be very healthy and I am only looking for someone to love me. I think foster ma and pa love me but I am not theirs. I am on loan and need someone to cash in on my assets. Please think about giving me a home. Sera (transport available to most of our coverage area, some restrictions apply)
Name:   Seraphina
ID#: VA9925
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 03/23/14
Adopted: 12/07/14
Congrats: Lia
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Seraphina has settled in nicely and now we wonder how we ever lived without this sweet, affectionate kitty. The first day she hid for a few hours, and then emerged from her hiding place, jumped on my lap and began purring. Later, she gave me a fabulous hair-do by kneading my head. There's nothing like a kitty coiffure!

Her first week was spent mostly hiding under the bed during the day and emerging at nightfall. She was a bit shy but very friendly and always enthusiastic about mealtime. She certainly eats with gusto. By the end of the first week she started making her evening appearance earlier and seemed a lot more relaxed around us. We began playing with her just before bed time (she made short work of the peacock feather!) so that she would be a bit more tired at night--that seemed to work. She is super affectionate and loves sitting on our laps and being petted.

By her second week she seemed to have settled in completely. We love her little chirrups and gentle meows (she's soft-spoken but can be chatty at times). She is so adorable! When my dad came over for Christmas dinner and she purred and rubbed circles around his legs and asked to be petted; she now she has another fan.

I forgot to mention earlier how well-behaved Seraphina was for the vet (who pronounced her very healthy). During the exam she calmly and carefully sniffed at the stethoscope, much to the vet's amusement. But once she got home she sulked for hours--it took her a while to forgive us!
Otherwise, she's been doing really well--she loves playing with the feather wand--such high aerial leaps!--and relaxing on the window sill, watching the goings-on outside.

Seraphina is a true gourmand, and has become completely obsessed with the refrigerator--every time we open it she tries to climb in and examine its contents. She really loves to eat and lets us know unequivocally when it's time for her meals to be served.

She loves to be around us and likes to keep on top our reading material--quite literally!


Seraphina is enjoying life and is actively pursuing her hobbies of fine dining, bird watching, napping, lounging on books and chasing fuzzy toy mice. However, we did notice a couple months ago, to our dismay, that she had developed an area of thinning fur on her back, near the base of her tail. We took her to the vet, who suspected fleas. He gave her an anti-inflammatory injection and a course of flea treatments. When we took her to her follow up visit, her fur had begun to grow back and she seemed to be improving.

We racked our minds as to how our indoor kitty could've been bitten by a flea, and thought that perhaps we unwittingly brought in a flea from our weekly horseback riding lessons, so now we wash and disinfect our gear promptly to prevent another incident.

Seraphina continues to captivate us with her sweet, charming personality. She LOVES being groomed and having her teeth brushed (but only with CET toothpaste!) Scott has become quite proficient in trimming her claws--he jokes that he's ready to open a cat nail salon.


Our 6-month anniversary with Seraphina in June took place when we were across the pond in London on our first vacation since adopting her. Fortunately, she had a doting caretaker in our absence (my father). Unfortunately, poor Seraphina was still at this time recovering from her biggest trauma to date: the new area rug.

Over Memorial Day weekend, we finally replaced the decrepit coir rug in our living room with a new area rug made of carpet tiles (which can be individually replaced if kitty scratches one up). While we knew that cats dislike change, we did not expect Seraphina to be as upset as she was. She was visibly agitated when the old rug was removed—she loved scratching it and unraveling the coils. When we installed the new rug she hid for hours and meowed plaintively when she saw the new rug. She refused to walk on it.

For the next 3 weeks she protested by making a “scatological statement” just outside her litter box. And, she began over-grooming the area on her lower back, once again creating a patch of thinning fur. We took her to the vet, who prescribed a diet of calming food and a Feliway diffuser. Our sweet, sensitive kitty was obviously distraught by the sudden change in her home environment.

Seraphina finally returned to her exemplary litter box habits and now enjoys napping and playing on the new rug. She has been amply compensated for the loss of the coir “scratching pad/rug” with the addition of her new super scratching post, which she loves to climb and stretch out on.

She is a most loving and devoted cat, and we are touched by her loyalty—she follows us everywhere and just wants to be near us at all times. If we’re gone longer than she deems acceptable she greet us with reproachful meows upon our return. She loves being petted and doted upon and doesn’t like it if we’re working on the computer and ignoring her—she’ll jump on our laps to remind us of our priorities! We are constantly delighted by her antics and affectionate personality.


Seraphina 1-Year Anniversary

After one year with us Seraphina continues to enjoy her leisurely life of luxury—replete with gourmet dining, relaxing belly rubs, daily bird watching and lots of cuddles with her humans. She looks forward to visits from her Grandpa, who dotes on her and takes care of her when Meowm and Pop go on vacation. In fact, she is just beside herself with joy whenever my father comes over—she meows and rolls around with happiness!

The skin problem she’d experienced due to some sort of allergic reaction/over-grooming has completely cleared up and now her coat is thick and fluffy. We have to keep an eye on her food intake because she loves to eat, but her weight is currently perfect for her height ☺. We’ve taken to putting her dry food in a puzzle toy, which keeps her from gobbling it up in 3 seconds. She still slurps down her wet food with great gusto and speed, however. She adores being groomed and having her teeth brushed, so her oral health continues to be excellent. She comes running whenever I take out her grooming kit and jumps on my lap to be brushed.

Seraphina isn’t content to be a lap cat, however—she also prides herself in excelling at her other “jobs”. She’s made my alarm clock redundant, as she wakes me every morning by gently kneading my shoulder and chirruping softly in my ear. And, Seraphina is an enthusiastic greeter; whenever I come home from work she comes running to the door to welcome me. She even sometimes tries to reach up to the doorknob in an attempt to open the door when she knows one of us is just outside. Seraphina also “helps” with Scott’s work—as you can see from the photo she’s become an editorial assistant and a real “bureau-cat”!

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We’ve had a great first year with our beloved kitty and look forward to many more.

(Last update: Dec 24th, 2015 1pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: wakan

(FKA Trent)

ID#: VA11003
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/17/15
Adopted: 11/22/15
Congrats: Diana
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

Things checked out pretty good for me at the doctor visit. Ask about me and Foster Mom will fill you in.
I am all ready to go home. I just need you......
Please don't let me grow up in rescue! I need a home of my own, please???

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
We recently celebrated our 1 month anniversary of adding Wakan (formerly Trent) to our family. Again, we would like to thank everyone involved in helping him get to his forever home. He is quite a little character! Very affectionate. Fearless. And funny! My 7-year old cat, Nala, made him work a bit for her approval, but now cuddles with him when we sleep and greets him with a face lick and a bow, alllowing him to lick her head in return. Great news!

He went for his first visit to our vet this past Friday evening. Everything was going well until the doctor checked his mouth and showed me how bright red his gums were. This was very surprising since his appetite has been better than great (he eats like a horse) and his eliminations have been regular and solid. So, to rule out any chance of stomachitis, we began a 14-day course of Zithromax of which we are on Day 6. Wakan was so upset after the mouth exam, there was not a chance to trim his nails, so I am attempting that tomorrow morning.

I am including some pictures taken over the past month. I will add some new ones over the holidays as my schedule calms down. From our house to yours, best wishes for a very merry Christmas and new year rich in blessings.


(Last update: Dec 23rd, 2015 6pm)

Precious, small, loving and beautiful, I'm so happy to have made it out of that shelter! I'm shy at first (no very active homes please) but warm up to new people quickly. I've got an eye infection, so there won't be new pix of me for a few days yet - my baby blues need to look their best! Foster mom says it's nothing serious and should heal nicely. I'm a social guy looking for a home with at least one other active feline playmate, so let's talk today!
Name: Remy

(FKA Pewter)

ID#: VA7374
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 10/27/10
Adopted: 12/19/10
Congrats: Lauren
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)


Notes from Home
Remy is SUCH a happy boy! He's bonded beautifully with our family and enjoys being petted and spoiled. He's a gorgeous little guy with a sweet disposition and buckets of charm.

Two years in our home today, and Remy is utterly adored! He's grown into a gorgeous, sweet-tempered, almost courtly gentleman kitty. We're all so glad to have Remy in our family.

Can't believe Remy's been with us for three whole years. He continues to be everybody's darling, and is our very best lap cat. He's healthy, strong and very much loved.

Remy remains happy, healthy and beloved by the entire family. He's Mom's special cuddlebug, and gets tons of snuggles, pets and lap time.

Four years with our family, and Remy remains everybody's sweetheart. He didn't much care for the upheaval caused by our recent move, but loves his new house and cat tree. He's such a special boy!

(Last update: Dec 23rd, 2015 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Ciela
ID#: VA10978
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/08/15
Adopted: 10/30/15
Congrats: Andrea
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
One or two of you, and me, and lots of time for me, and for you, and together it'll be great! I'd like a quiet home and a lot of interaction please! I love to talk, interact, and am glued to your hip. I'm very smart as gals tend to be, and beautiful to paw. Let's sit on the couch with our feet up, watching old movies or the latest thriller, snacking on popcorn, and let the world go by.

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Notes from Home
Oct 31 2am

OMG! Well, this little girl SCARED me to death after getting her home for 15-20 minutes. I thought she had gotten out and I had lost her. I spent 12 hours searching the entire house numerous times and outside numerous times looking in trees and calling for her. It is now 2am and she just showed up in my room where she has been the entire time. I have never been so relieved in my entire life! She is rubbing on me and talking to me and even playing with a wand toy. She let me pick her up but was not so keen on the idea but she is exploring the rooms now. I may have to rename her "Halloween" after she scared the peegeebee's out of me today! I think I aged 10 years. I even contacted a dog search and rescue group that searches for lost pets to see if they could track her outside. I am not Catholic, but Bless the Virgin Mary for keeping her safe and hiding in my room somewhere. So later today that hidy whole WILL BE FOUND! LOL I guess she was just sleeping somewhere she is up and rubbing on me and talking so all is well! Andrea (2am Oct 31)

Oct 31, 2015 12:30pm

Well, the hidy whole has been located. I hear this little picking of cat nails and then a little meow and it is coming from under the bed. I bend down and lowen behold there is a big lump hanging down in the cloth covering the bottom of the box springs and she has trapped herself. Siri had suggested to look at the box springs as well as all my friends did. I did look and didn't see any material hanging down like a hole would be. But today I see a small tear on the edge that she has managed to crawl into. So mystery has been solved now to fix that little issue! LOL

Well, still working on a new name for her and "Stink-Pot" seems to be what I am calling her with all her trickery the past day. Trust me it is affectionately being used and my roommate is laughing at me. So the name is still not been chosen.

She did not eat yesterday or so far today. I have food out she may have had a small bite but not much. She is drinking water and gone to the potty. I will keep a close eye on her for the next day or so and hopefully she will settle down and start eating.

After she woke up from her 12 hour nape and hiding yesterday she was up playing with me and rubbing all over me until 5am. She let me brush her and she loves that being brushed around her head. She does get a bit over stimulated and will snap at me and take off running. She doesn't really try and nip me she jumps back then runs. She will come back in a few minutes and want more scratches under the chin and around the ears. I put her bed on my bed and she did get in it to sleep a little.. She would walk up to my face while I was laying down but backed off if I tried to touch her. So we will see if she will be a bed smuggler. She definitely wants to be on the bed when it is bed time.

So, we are starting to learn each other and I am taking her lead. She did get up and down in my lap as I was on the computer late last night. Didn't stay long each time but up and down like she was a bit uncertain but really wanted to be in my lap but was not sure of me yet. I just let her do as she feels comfortable and try not to push her. She does fuss and meow if I try and pick her up. She will let me but she is not comfortable about and really wants down fairly quickly. She meows and pushes away a bit but will let me hold her for short periods of time and I let her jump down before she gets squirmy.

So far going well. I will keep a close eye on her eating and potty. I know it is very common that they may not eat for a day or so due to the stress of the changes. She is drinking water so that is good. Now I am going to get some rest today after being stressed out for 12 hours yesterday of worrying and feeling like a bad Mommie when I thought she was lost. Geez.. what can I say other than she is "Stink-Pot" so far! LOL

Late Oct 31, 2015 10pm

Today I drove "Stink-Pot" down to Falls Church with me we will be here a week helping my friend who is having surgery. Ceila road well again in the crate in the car. Very Quiet and curled up not a sleep but she did very nicely. We had set up a room for her and me at my friends home. She has done well exploring the room and sitting in the window bed. She has been a little talkative and more loving rubbing all over me and letting me scratch her ears.

She did pee last night and again tonight in the litter box. She has been drinking water but she has only eaten a few bites of food and that was just now. I have seen her go smell it but not really eating but a few bites so far. I take it as a good sign that she is coming to smell it more now and did take a few bites. I will keep a close watch on her tomorrow. If she doesn't eat a decent amount tomorrow I will be begin to worry.

I also got her a cat tent for a hidy whole for her if she needs that instead of my box springs which is getting fixed so she can't hide there any more, But I wanted to give her another choice for a hiding place where she can feel safe.

She seems to want to be closer but is still a bit uncertain of me and hands. I am letting her lead the way and taking it slowly. Still working on her name, she does not know Ciela at all it seems.

Nor 1, 2015 (9:45 am)

Still working on a name for our little girl. She did eat about a 1/4 cup of food about 3 am this morning and did pee in her potty at that time as well. She is drinking small amounts of water as well. She just started eating a little more as I write this so that is a wonderful sign.

She is becoming more confident she is sleeping in a bed by the window so she is spending more time in higher places and on the bed. Last night she even went under the covers by my head for a few moments then came back out. She is making biscuits on the bed now as well. She is letting me pet her more and more she still has spots she meows at near her stomach that she seems to be uncomfortable with me touching much. She just meows and turns her head but does not try to bite.

She is talking to me more today. She is wanting to be near me a little needed in rubbing all around me and jumping on the desk as I type but not staying very long.

I think she is settling in nicely. Still good potty habits so far. I am working and helping my friend and she is confined to a bedroom/office area but I visit her often and spend time with her a loving on her. She did dash out the bedroom door this morning curious about the rest of the house. She seems more confident each day. Still a little over stimulated when I rub her but has not bitten me. I keep trying to respect her limits at the same time push her a little letting her know I am always kind and loving no harsh voices only soothing voices if she get spooked. She seems to respond and comes right back to me if she backs off and tries again.

Nov 1, 2015 8pm

I am happy to report Ciela has eaten 1/2 of food today and drinking water not a great amount but is drinking and urinated in her potty. I feel she is coming along. She did not hide today at all either was on my bed or in the window bed. She had a couple of visitors and came up to them and was happy to let them give her a scratch under the chin and rub her and she talked to them as well.

She does know the meaning of "No" . When I o;pen the door to exit the room I see her looking to run behind me but I can say "No" and she looks right at me and stops. That seems to be the only word she understands but that is a good one! LOL

Still working on a name for her. She seems OK spending time with herself she doesn't cry at the door she seems to settle down and a take a nap. She plays a little with wand toys not much interest ins mice or cat nip.

Nov 2 2015 (11:30am)

Ceila is using her potty and did poop finally. She has started to eat not a big eater which is good. For now I am putting out 1/2 cup of food and leaving it out for her and letting her eat when she wants. She seems to eat little bits at the time.

She seems to be slowly working her way to letting me pick her up. She loves to rub around your legs and loves head scratches. She has even let me kiss the top of her head. Her confidence is coming back as well. She is very curious about exploring the rest of the house but for now she is not allowed. The room she is in has the computer so I can spend time with her during the day and I sleep at night with her in the room. She is not a night snuggler so far but she does come on the bed and meow and wants some scratches.

Still working on a name for her. LOL

Nov 3, 2015 (9:40am)

Ceila has been eating about 1/2 or a little less every day now. I keep it out for her all day she seems to be a nibbler. I only put out a 1/2 cup at the time and leave it until it is all eaten that helps me see how much she is eating as well. So far she has been using the litter box. The box I have is covered and she is using it right at the entrance so today I am taking the lid off may see feels uncomfortable with it covered. She miss a poo right at the entrance and I think it being covered is the issue, do we will see. I have a mat in front of it to grab the excess litter so it landed there and was no problem.

She is still not a bed snuggler. But she does come on the bed and seems to want to nest a bit so I keep working on her each night a little more and more being gentle and talking sweet to her so we see how that progresses.

I have been spending time with her ever hour or so, and all night with her.

Nov 4 2015 (8am)

Ceila is still making progress. Yesterday she only ate 1/2 her food so a little worried. She is drinking her water so I will keep a close watch on her. Still using the litter box OK. She seemed to be a little peeved with me yesterday I was not able to spend as much time with her during the day and I think she was not happy about that. She did run and play and jump with her wand toy that is a small wand with a tiny mouse attached on a fine fishing wire. She really likes that one especially. After the play she seemed to settle down a bit.

She did again get under the covers for about 15-20 minutes making lots of biscuits last night but didn't want to stay too long after she settled down. This morning I found her sleeping behind my knees so that is some progress.

Today and tomorrow will be very busy my friends is in surgery this morning and so there is lots to do here at home and at the hospital.

Will keep you posted on her progress. Oh I got her a treat toy that she has to roll around to get the treats out and she seems to play with it when I am out of the room the treats are out of it. I will keep working on her name and loving her.

She does react to hands coming at her especially above her head. I think somewhere in her past she was hit she frequently acts scared of them dodging them if you move your head too quickly so I have tried to come low with my hands and if she backs up I stay still and let her come to me and then she is good. She LOVES to have her ears and neck scratched and purrs. Not too fond of rubbing near her stomach she will meow most times but not bit but turns and looks and meows. So I go very slowly down her back when petting her. She seems to have a trust issue with hands for what ever reason. So we go slow.

Nov 20, 2015

She is doing very well in her habits and litter box. I had some long days last week helping my friend during and after her surgery and Ciela had NO mistakes. So that issue has been a no issue. She is also eating well and likes to nibble through out the day. I put out a 1/2 cup and she never over eats but nibbles off and on during the day.

I am certain somewhere in her past someone hurt her with their hands she has shown lots of fear reactions to hands if she doesn't see them or you move a little too fast to rub her. She also has issues when you rub down her back to her tail she meows and turns her head quickly toward your hand. So, I have been VERY careful to let her smell my hands before I rub her and go slow and gentle when rubbing down her back.

She has shown some over stimulation when rubbing her and she will bat her paws at me and meow and lower her head and body and put her ears back but I talk to her gently and sweetly and she will start to raise up and let me touch her again. It is like she is scared I will hit her. When she bats at me she NEVER touches me no scratches or anything she could but she doesn't. It is like she is careful not to touch me but lets me know something scared her. I really believe she has been hit in the past. I am working hard to show her my hands area ALWAYS gentle and soft as are my words.

She LOVES I mean LOVES to be scratched all around her head and chest and even shoulders and tolerates you scratching down her back very well. So, we do lots of scratching. LOL

She loves to rub around your legs and talks. She will also meow when she thinks it is time to go to bed. She loves being on the bed with you but she is not wanting to snuggle. She is not comfortable with that at all.

She is slowing slowing more signs of wanting to get in my lap while sitting but she really fusses if I pick her up and put her in my lap. She will put her paws up on my leg or chair and look at my lap and meow, but when I go to pick her up most times she runs away or if I catch her she cries out. She will stay only a few moments while I scratch her then she jumps down.

In the bed she comes up to my head and if I lift the covers she looks and looks and a few times she will go under the covers and turn around and stay maybe a minute as long as I don't touch her then she meows and comes out again. She will do this a few times each night but never stays. She sleeps on the bed in her brown bed near the foot and is happy with that.

She will let me kiss her head as I say "Kiss Kiss". She doesn't mind that and will lower her head for the kisses.

She gets playful in the evening and loves her wand toys. She will meow and let you know it is play time. She is can get into running a little bit but she is mostly a lazy player but she wants to every evening for a few minutes then she is done.

I am still working on a name but she has no idea Ciela is her name.

She is very friendly to people that come in and visit and talks.

She HATES to be picked up and she is not into snuggling. She wants to be near you but not a lap or snuggle kitty.

She is a sweet girl. But I am finding I am really missing some lap time and especially the bed time snuggling. All my past cats loved to get under the covers and me hug them right up against me and sleep with their head on my shoulder or pillow right next to me. I am not sure this little one will ever really enjoy that. I know it has only been a couple of weeks and I am being gentle with her I want her to not be fearful of being held and touched in certain areas. But long term I find I really need the snuggles.

So that is where we are. I am so pleased she seems to not be having the potty issues the last owner said she was having even on long days away. So, that has been good test for her and she did wonderfully. Oh and she rides in the car WONDERFULLY, she is quiet and naps a bit and watches me drive. She also likes the little baby buggy I have and she loves to look around and she will curl up and nap in it.

Will keep you posted.

Dec 3, 2015

Well I finally have a new name for our girl, Coco. She has no response to Ciela so I am working hard for her to know Coco. She is doing excellent with her habits. NO mistakes and she has been to several new environments and some long days and she is doing great with the potty. So NO issues there which is great news. She is NOT a lap kitty she wants to be close and near you but she hates to be held and picked up. She will tolerate it for very short time but then wants down. She wants to be in the bed with you but not a snuggler. She may at some point like too, but she wants to be near you at HER descretion. Like a seal. She talks but not overly so. At bed time she will make it known it is TIME for BED she will talk till you listen! LOL

She LOVES to be scratched and brushed! She loves the little fish on a stick she came with LOVES IT. She likes to play in the evening for a little bit then she is done. She is a sweet girl, just not a lap cat. She wants to be with you and follow you around and she loves her people. She does NOT like other cats, but will not start things but she wants to be the one and only special one with her people,

I really enjoy her but I miss the snuggles I have tried to be loving and get her to snuggle even a little and she will tolerate it for a minute and then wants to do her thing very near me but not me holding her. She sleeps right by me in the bed in her bed. She wants to be close but not held.

She is a very good girl. I give her tons of love and talk to her alot and give her tons of neck and shoulder scratches. She has a nice purr.

Dec 21, 2015

Coco (her new name) is doing well Still doing very well in all her habits. She has been showing a bit more interest in getting in my lap while I am at the computer. She has even jumped up into my lap a few times. She likes to sit on the back of the chair. She now is starting to come near my feet and waits not looking at me to be picked up to get in my lap some times. She still meows when you pick her up but she lets me hold her for a bit now and lets me pick her up. Still not a bed snuggler but she seems much more trusting of me in letting me not just scratch her but rub her. She really misses me when I spend time in the other parts of the house and lets me know she wants me near her.

She is playing now with the balls with a bell inside and mice a bit on her own. She lets me know that we will have play time every day! LOL it is not for long but she wants play time in the evening.

She has left the xmas tree I have up alone, she showed a little interests but I said NO and she has left it alone which is huge most of our cats love to play with the trees or climb them. So, that is nice she looks at it but does not bother it or the ornaments! lol

I have had friends over and she does enjoy people she is friendly and wants to check them out. She wants to know who has come into "HER" house! LOL She lets them get some ear scratches in no problem.

She also lets you know when it is passed bed time. I have been working on crafts for xmas presents and I have been up late and she will become very vocal and let me know it is way past bedtime.

She is using her loud meow less, this one she used when she didn't like something. Now she meows more softly just talking and lets you love her more. She is still a bit nervous about hands but getting more and more relaxed about them.

I need to clip her nails but I have put it off she didn't like me even touching her paws AT ALL. Now she lets me touch them for a few moments. I found a velco muzzle in her things I nail clippers and I wonder if that was used to clip her nails before. I will never use that on her so I am working with her to let me hold her paws and slowing we will try and clip the nails. She has really sharp ones but I would rather gain her trust and she not get stressed about getting them clipped. She uses the cardboard scratching posts, but she has scratched at some furniture a little but if I use a FIRM NO she will stop.

She seems to be slowly learning her name. I use it ALL the time so she seems to recognize it sometime but not all the time yet. I tend to use "Coco Bear".

She is making progress and starting to let me love on her a bit more. She seems to be showing some real signs of bonding with me which is very nice. When visitors come I can tell she thinks of this home as hers which is nice to see as well.

I wanted to give a little update on how she is doing. We are almost at the 60 day mark.

Merry Xmas & Happy Holidays! Andrea

(Last update: Dec 21st, 2015 4pm)

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