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Hi, Pheobe. I was running loos up in the Virginia Beach area until someone caught me in a trap. I was terrified and stressed and got sick. That's why I have the white hairs showing in my face. (Called a fever mask). Meowmy gave me time to settle in when I got here and I've now stopped hiding, but am still a little nervous when she picks me up. I do love it when she pets me, though, and sometimes give her love bites which she told me isn't allowed. So I have to learn to be a good girl.

I am now feeling better, and am eating well, and meowmy said I have excellent litter box habits. I still need to give up more of my secrets, but you can ask about me and we'll see if I'd fit into your household.

Name: Clio

(FKA Phoebe )

ID#: VA11175
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/01/15
Adopted: 01/02/16
Congrats: Kimberly
Foster: Jeanne


Notes from Home
I am making myself right at home here. I am now known as Clio and I think I like my new name. I was shy at first but now am out and about and enjoying the whole house. I really love technology and help out when there is some computing to do. I know they appreciate my assistance. I get to catch a little shut eye when possible though I may choose some unorthodox poses. I think I like it here and will stay.
(Last update: Feb 2nd, 2016 10am)

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Name:   Cara
ID#: VA9645
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/31/13
Adopted: 02/01/14
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Sandra

Foster Notes

Looking for a outgoing, sweet little chatterbox? I'm an outgoing, gentle, sweet girl, who talks a lot!. I can be an in-your-face headbutting snuggler, especially when you are standing eye level with me on the cat tree!

My litter box habits are meticulous, and I only scratch the cat tree, nothing else. I have no bad habits, or any medical issues. I'm in perfect health, even though I'm a little older and wiser than some of the others.

I 'm not afraid of the the 62lb. dog in the house, but don't interact much with her either. I' would do fine as an only cat, or a companion to a laid back cat.

You can see me on my video!

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Notes from Home
We can't believe it's been 2 years since we adopted our cat. We renamed her LittleCat and she's really settled into her home and made it her own. Thanks for all you did in getting her to us!! Hope you enjoy the pictures.
(Last update: Feb 2nd, 2016 10am)

Look into my eyes....
Now you are mesmerized.
You must click on the button to find out more about me

You will be devoted to me for the rest of your existence...
Name:   Deborah
ID#: VA9781
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/31/13
Adopted: 02/01/14
Congrats: Paul
Foster: Huey

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
It's been such a great two years, we've had some bumps in the road but nothing horrible or awful :0) Really I am amazed at how close Elsa (aka Deborah) and I are now! In fact lately she has taken to coming to see me when I call her name!! To think when she first came here she hid for something like 2 or three weeks in that tiny space under my bathroom sink lol And for almost the entire first year I didn't feel like we were really bonding--I kind of felt like I was taking care of someone with post traumatic stress. I think when things really turned around was when I had another cat that belonged to a neighbor start coming inside one winter. She was a really old cat and at first I thought she was a stray, but then found out she lived with a neighbor that had two really loud active dogs and several other cats, and I felt bad for her that she probably just wanted to be someplace quiet and peaceful. So I kept her in an area that is right outisde my apartment, and let her go out whenever she wanted to, but she tended to want to stay in most of the time. And of course, inevitably she would bolt inside my apartment at times. Elsa was not pleased, to put it mildly. The old girl (her name was Zoey) was extremely friendly, in fact the most outgoing cat I have ever met. She actually scared some visitors by practically sprinting toward them whenever they visited. She behaved the same way with Elsa, trying to make friends, but Elsa wouldn't have it. She became more withdrawn. Finally, tragically, the old cat Zoey, was hit by her owners car by accident. She had had this really bad habit of napping in peoples driveways, under their cars. I was devastated when it happened, but strangely Zoey's death marked a change in Elsa, and she suddenly became more outgoing and friendly. Elsa even lets strangers pet her now! And I have quite a few, as I am a massage therapist and work from home a lot.

Besides that, the only issues we have had is her weight, which is something like 20lbs!, and her hair getting into snarls. We went to the vet and had her shots updated, but haven't gotten to the groomers yet. I wanted to do things slowly so she wouldn't revert with the stress of an unusual situation. During the vets visit she tried hiding behind me in the little room we went into lol But we will be going to the groomers soon, and I have started carefully measuring how much food I give her so I don't overfeed. She's kind of whiney about that, often waking me up too early in the morning crying for her food, but we are getting along ok enough in that regard.

So that's the situation so far--like I said I am amazed how how much more confident and friendly Elsa has become. She absolutely loves to get massaged herself and can actually be quite demanding in that regard, and has trained me well on how exactly to do it and only when she wants it lol Picking her up is unfortunately still out of the question, but because she has gotten overweight and a bit lazy, I now know I can do it as I had to when I took her to the vets. There was a lot of snarling and hissing but at least she never bit or scratched me when I did it lol Also she is still more comfortable being petted when it is on her terms, which usually means when I am lying down in bed, but she will tolerate a small amount from strangers and myself when we go to her. I'm pretty good now at figuring out exactly how much she will tolerate and am able to stop right before she would otherwise walk away. Also, although she has never actually climbed on my stomach, she does kind of climb almost halfway on when I am lying down and likes to be close. And it's so cool how she will come when I call her name, when I am lying down. I try not to do that too often though so I don't abuse the privalege of being able to do so lol

(Last update: Feb 2nd, 2016 10am)

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Name:   Pita
ID#: VA10724
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 04/25/15
Adopted: 08/01/15
Congrats: Miranda
Foster: Debra

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
I am just a bit of prima donna. I have the seal girl personality in a blue girl body. I am obsessed with feet. I am trying to talk Foster mom into getting me some Kitty Choos or Cat Louboutins but she will not share with me and says I cannot have fabulous shoes like her. Oh the horror!! Not even any Manolo's or Pradas for me - what is a girl to do??? Bah! And who came up with Pita for a name? Call me GiGi and please do so with a French accent!! Yes I am a cat and yes, I love all kinds of balls. I dash across the room chasing it and bat it like crazy - oh the fun I have! I like to be picked up and held and I like sitting in laps. I am looking for my very own lap to sit and a person to love but they must have some fabulous shoes for me to look upon and dream.....

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Notes from Home
Pita (who we call Blue) is adjusting beautifully and has really bonded with our other adoptee Fairfax (who we call Red).
(Last update: Feb 1st, 2016 7am)

Haven't been here very long yet, but my name says it ALL. Yes, my name is CB and that stands for Cuddle Buddy. You HAVE to watch my video and see what a good name that is for me. I LOVE, LOVE, LOVE people and to give them love and to get love and pets from them. As a true "gentleman", I am all you could ever want in a Siamese. I still have many years to give you kisses and hugs. Better ask about me quick because I am not going to stay here very long. I am SO ready for my forever home and forever person or people. Got love to give and want hugs and kisses, then ask about me. Purrs, headbutts, air biscuits, kitty hugs and kisses, CB
Name: Quincy

(FKA CB (Cuddle Buddy))

ID#: VA9004
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/29/12
Adopted: 01/27/13
Deceased: 06/01/18
Congrats: Nicole
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Cuddle Buddy is less nervous than when he first got here. He still startles somewhat easily, but is starting to settle in. He likes going out to our enclosed porch and enjoys running down the hallway. I will upload some pictures in the near future.

2/27/13: Quincy is very happy. He is still running around our house and has lots of energy. I need to make sure that he doesn't over-eat though because he seems like he has gained a little weight.

3/22/13: Quincy has so much energy that I am starting to think that he is younger than 10. He is a wonderful cat, although he is kind-of bullying our little cat, Suki. We love him very much and are happy that he is a part of our lives.

1/27/16: Today is the 3-year anniversary of Cuddle Buddy's (Quincy's) adoption. We love him and are so glad to have him as our cat. He is still very energetic. We just lost Suki a few weeks ago, but Quincy doesn't seem to be too upset over it.

(Last update: Jan 27th, 2016 5pm)

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Name: Tango

(FKA Shane)

ID#: VA10974
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/08/15
Adopted: 08/29/15
Congrats: Rebecca
Foster: Debra

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Taken to the shelter because my family got a new cat and I didn't like it. I think I would be better in a home with no other kitties where I can be your one and only.

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Notes from Home
Greetings to all! Here are pics of Tango at Christmas. Thank you all for your help, support, and compassion for saving him. God has blessed our home with great Joy. I knew at first sight that Tango captured my Heart. Will send more pictures. Tango's new home is in Florida.
(Last update: Jan 27th, 2016 11am)

All right? What gives? I'm looking and looking and looking for someone to love me, and foster meowmy says the perfect someone is out there. Where are you? I'm back to my mellow self, i like it when people play with me, but not such a big fan of sitting on your lap. Next to you, definitely. All day.

Contact foster meowmy if you're looking for a companion like me!
Name:   Pappi
ID#: VA9332
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/16/13
Adopted: 01/18/14
Congrats: Celia
Foster: Jeannie

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Pappi is doing great - I've just sort of let him get comfortable on his own schedule. He's adapted very well to changes in the household - I got a puppy and then my old dog passed away, and then I adopted a second dog in June. Everyone now gets along great and we are often all on the couch at the same time. The puffy tail still comes and goes all the time, for no apparent reason, but he is quite social, and stands up for himself when necessary. He hasn't had any health problems other than having another tooth removed. I've attached some pics. Thanks for such a beautiful kitty!
(Last update: Jan 26th, 2016 5pm)

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Name: CaySea

(FKA Sweet Marie)

ID#: VA5389
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/29/07
Adopted: 01/26/08
Deceased: 09/12/19
Congrats: Jill
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

I really am sweet, but a better name would be Sweet, Shy Marie. I really love to be loved, but I'm a little scared of all the changes, and am hesitant about coming up to you. But once you have me, I purr and purr! You can hold me too, you just need to pick me up to do that. I'm starting to jump on the bed with foster mom, I've been here a while and trust her (although I still have not forgiven her totally for giving me a BATH on my first day here). I get along fine with the other cats here, and will play with gentle ones. Aggressive cats scare me, and foster mom's two females will pick on me a bit (she says they are jealous because I am just so beautiful). But I rub up against the big lynx point who live here, and think he's nice. I use the cat trees to scratch on, and have proper litter box habits. Better pictures of me coming soon. I am spayed and healthy, and ready to go to the right home! Have some patience for a beautiful but shy little girl? Then ask about me!

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Notes from Home
Caysea is doing just fine. Over the years she lost some buddies who have passed on,but she did well accepting her new doggie friends.
She remains the Queen in the household and keeps her four legged buddies in their place.

(Last update: Jan 26th, 2016 6am)

I just arrived & one of Santa's elves helped get me to my foster mom's house in time for the special day! I'm so looking forward to finding my forever family! Stay tuned for updates...I would need a friend or two when I come home so I don't get lonely.

Make me your New Year's resolution!!
Name:   Yoshi
ID#: VA8273
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/24/11
Adopted: 01/14/12
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Yoshi is the perfect little man and I'm so glad that we adopted him a little more than 4 years ago this week! He even has another adopted little sister he loves to cuddle with. His favorite activity is still to sit in the window and watch the birds (we've set up feeders outside of his favorite ones so he can get a better view!). He has really bonded with my daughter and she has taken on the roll of mom.
We did have a minor set back about a year ago as Yoshi had a blocked urinary tract which caused him to be hospitalized for some time. He has since been diagnosed with Feline Lower Urinary Tract Disease (FLUTD), which means he's far more predisposed to blockages and he has had one or two since, good thing my daughter is in veterinary school! He has a wonderful veterinary team here in Williamsburg who work tirelessly with us to keep him in good health and are helping us manage some of the issues and anxiety he developed with his first stay in the hospital. But over all hes a happy little guy! He's not much of a cuddler, but prefers to sit close to you without actually touching. He has brought endless joy into our lives and we cant thank you enough for letting us make him part of the family!

Yoshi is doing great. Hes really coming out of his shell, and has too much personality to fit in his little body! He sleeps upstairs next to my youngest daughter's head, and purrs all night long. He loves to spend time sitting in windows and looking around outside. He eats everything in sight, and is growing like a weed. The vet says hes still a nice size, but hes put on about 1lb in the two weeks we've had him! He loves to play with balls and his feather wands. While hes still not a big fan of the dogs yet and is still a little jumpy at loud noises and new things, we're working on expanding his comfort area and will try reintroducing them again soon. We think, that given enough time he will be completely comfortable and happy here, but slow and steady wins the race.

(Last update: Jan 25th, 2016 7am)

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Name:   Dean
ID#: VA9058
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/04/13
Adopted: 03/09/14
Congrats: Darryl
Foster: Ellen

Hi there!

In many of my pictures on this web site, I'm with my seal point "brother," Sam. It would be great if we could go to our forever home together, but our foster mom thinks we would both do well separately. I'm very tolerant of Sam's bossiness, but it would really be nice if I could be the center of attention for once!

I have many great qualities --- Do you need help de-cluttering all the flat surfaces in your home that are within cat jumping distance? If so, I'm your guy! I love to see gravity in action!

I'm a cute, happy, playful guy. I love to play with other cats. We wrestle and race up and down the halls. I follow my foster mom around like a dog and sleep with her at night. My foster mom calls me "Dean Bean."

Although I'm not currently a lap cat, I love to curl up next to my foster mom and snuggle while leaning up against her. She thinks it's because she's a great human (which is true), but I also like her body heat. I love to be warm.

In the right environment (i.e., without my dominant "brother" Sam), I might be a lap cat. But I do regularly come around begging for human loving, even if I'm not a lap cat yet.

I am really good at knocking things off counters, tables, etc. I consider everything a toy. Whenever something is missing, my foster mom starts looking under the couch, refrigerator, and all the nooks and crannies. (She & I enjoy hide & seek.) Although I am full grown, I still have a lot of kitten in me.

The cold virus that I had caused some problems with my eyes. They have been resolved to the extent possible. I had surgery to keep my eyelids from turning in and am now healed. My last check-up showed that I am much improved, but the 3rd eyelids in both eyes are still elevated. But I am quite comfortable, though, and very happy not to be having medication put in my eyes any more. I can see just fine, though, and love looking out the window at the birds and chipmunks.

My eyes may continue to improve. My foster mom gives me L-lysine to help strengthen my immune system. It's an inexpensive food supplement available in most health supplement stores & places like Whole Foods.

BTW, I was confiscated by Animal Control from a hoarder with about 30 cats. Many were Siamese. Because I was quite ill, I need to stay in my transport area.

I had an awful start in life. I'd love to love and be loved in my forever home.


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Notes from Home
well dean is as crazy as Ellen had said..he takes everything off the counters because well he thinks everything is his but he is a great cat...very loving and energetic..he is a sweet heart

Dean is very healthy. Dean loves to sleep and eat but is very interested in any thing that might be going on. If he's not asleep he's right in the middle of everything. Dean is a good boy. So happy to have had the chance to adopt him.

(Last update: Jan 24th, 2016 5am)

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