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B is for the best cat around

A is for active and beautiful

B is for the beautiful girl I am

Y is for the youthful cat I am

Aren't you ready to ask about me and foster mom will tell you why these are not my only qualities.
Name: Luna

(FKA Baby)

ID#: VA11267
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 12/19/15
Adopted: 01/31/16
Congrats: Kristen
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Luna has adjusted very quickly to living in her new home! She likes to play fetch with a few of her new toys. Her and Mo get along well! She uses her litter box very well and eats well. Her vet check up went well but she was none to please to have to be put back in her carrier. I'm learning what all her different meows mean and she has quite a few! Everyone is in love with her and can't wait to come over to meet her. So happy to have her as part of my family!
(Last update: Feb 13th, 2016 2pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Maxwell aka Max
ID#: VA11145
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/18/15
Adopted: 02/06/16
Congrats: Theresa Owens
Foster: Trish

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
I've settled in here at the Italian B & B for wayward Siamese. Somehow found myself wandering around in a big city in Connecticut and some rescue angels got me into Siamese Rescue. Just had a dental (1/5) with Dr. Jean. She had to pull some toothies, and I've recovered really well. I'm generally healthy, although I'll probably will need blood work in 6 months to see if a couple of numbers even out now that those bad toothies are gone. While I love to romp with the young boy meezer here, I've been a bit naughty with one of the girl meezers here, so Foster Mom Trish thinks that being with girl kitties brings out the potential super alpha behavior in me. So, Mom says no girl kitties for me!

I like to kiss and nibble on Mom Trish's face in the morning to wake her up for breakfast.

It feels so good to be inside after being outside here in New England where it's gotten cold I'm a purring machine!, and also a 'high flyer' according to Meown, as I like to explore high places. Just don't ask me about the glass wall at Catzablanca!

Looking for a new family to call my own - will you be the one for me?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Just to Thank everybody for my wonderful new cat "Max", he is a wonderful new addition to the family. He is doing great, he has adjusted to his new home very quickly, eating and drinking since the same night as we came home. I think he nows thinks as himself as the king of the house, he sleeps on the bed, and he has taken over my rocking chair for his afternoon naps. He really wants to thank Trish and Peggy for doing so much for him and finding him this great place to live.
(Last update: Feb 11th, 2016 4pm)

Okay I am over being the wallflower waiting for someone to pick me! This morning I gathered all my fluffy courage and pranced out of my cage, marched all around the Group Living floor, rubbed up against everyone, and followed Aunt Siri around! When she asked what I wanted, I told her I was over waiting for someone to pick me and now I was going to pick someone myself! So come visit me so I can pick you, would you? Seriously, I'm all about being friendly now that I've figured out that's what I have to do to find my home!
Name:   Slippers
ID#: VA8322
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 01/21/12
Adopted: 02/11/12
Congrats: Lauren
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Hello everyone,

I wanted to let you all know on this 3rd year anniversary of my cat Slippers; she is a very loving happy cat. Loves playing with her bird toys and eating snacks and getting her beautiful fur brushed. she is a wonderful addition to our family and I can not image life without her.

I do have pictures and will find a way to download them from my phone to send to you.

I am most appreciative of all the wonderful care that was given to Slippers while she was at your center. I would recommend anyone looking to adopt a cat to look you all up.


Lauren Matthews

February 11, 2016 ~~
New Address:
Lauren Matthews
3322 Hampton Point Drive
Unit C
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Telephone # 240-461-4360

I can't believe that 4 years has gone by, I love my Slippers..................She is such a loving, affectionate, easy going cat. She loves to sit in her perch and watch the birds come to the bird feeder. she just loves temptation treats and cat nip. I have since adopted a tabby male and he and Slippers get alone very well; licks and grooming of each other is a daily thing. The paring of them works well, he is a bit needy; but Slippers is so low key. I can't imagine life without my Slippers, she relaxes me so especially at night laying beside me with her low purr! She is a beautiful cat, has gained a few pounds; but loves to be groomed. I have lot's of pictures but they are on my phone, I will need to download them to my computer to post them!!

Thank you for always checking in, I would recommend anyone looking for a meezer to your center; your center is the best and truly loves the animals that you receive.

Slippers has no health issues other than a fat belly, some times i get concerned knowing that she had a big tumor before I got her. I will have the vet always check out her belly to ensure she has no more. In regards to her chip, do you know which location on the body the chip inserted was inserted.

I will keep in touch!!

(Last update: Feb 11th, 2016 11am)

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Name: Loki

(FKA Charlie Brown)

ID#: VA7414
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/16/10
Adopted: 01/02/11
Congrats: Juli
Foster: Jo

Foster Notes

Handsome boy seeking home of his own. Holds great conversations, kind, and very, very generous with affection. Would like a Meowmy or Pawpaw that can provide me with love, a warm lap, toys, food and a furever home.


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
This is a long overdue update on Loki. He is doing well. About a year after we got him he had to be put on the C/D diet for his kidneys. Thankfully sticking to this diet has prevented any recurrence of this issue.

He is just recovering from an upper respiratory infection which surprised me. He NEVER goes outside and is quite spoiled. We think we may have been too giving as I know cats and dogs can catch our germs. Or from his trip to the vet two weeks prior (vaccinations).

With a trip to the vet and antibiotics, he is doing well and the sneezing is down by 98%! I only mention this because this year he FINALLY decided the Milly bed was pretty fantastic. He is in it all the time now. Glad I did not give it away!

Two and a half years ago we added a husky to our family. Emma is very loving, but she seems to think Loki is a chew toy. He has never hurt him, but she has to be reminded that he is not a toy. We keep her in a crate when we are not home to supervise.

In the next year or so (hopefully sooner), I plan to see about getting another kitty from y'all. Keep your fingers crossed that I can wear my hubby down. ;)

Loki's Mom,


(Last update: Feb 9th, 2016 8pm)

My name is Kauri and foster mom says I am the greatest! I LOVE to play! I am super cute and I like snuggles too, when I am not too busy playing. Foster mom says I need a home with a family that want to spend lots of time playing with me, they have to meet the kitten policy criteria and ideally be within my transport area since I am so small. It will be a few weeks before I am ready to go home because I am not big enough to have all my vaccines and be neutered yet. I am definitely worth the wait though!

Lots of purrs!
Name:   Kauri
ID#: VA10406
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/18/14
Adopted: 12/07/14
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: Emma-Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Kauri is so perfect, we can't believe our luck. We are going into our 4th week and he is fitting in nicely. He puts us in stitches sometimes with his antics but he is so adorable! We decided to keep his name after Emma told us her story as to why she chose that name. We love it! I think he and Marbles are going to be great friends someday, they are already good friends and she hunts him out if she can't find him, She is a lot more tolerant than she was at first and puts him in his place when she is tired of playing. He rolls over on his back submissively, like a good little brother! Ha! He is emulating some of Marbles actions, which we love, because Marbles is the absolute perfect, affectionate cat we have ever had. She likes to sleep on my lap, and Kauri has climbed up beside her on my lap several times and gone to sleep. They play great together, Marbles favorite game is getting on top of the cat tower and playing whack-a-mole whenever Kauri pokes his head out of the tunnel. He goes to the other side of the tunnel and grabs her tail. They run all over the house, but she is still faster than him. I'm sure that won't last much longer because he is growing like a weed! He is about 5.5 lbs right now! We were having sleeping problems but Emma gave us some pointers and they helped. Both sleep peacefully with us now, for the most part! Ha! Thank you to everyone who made this happen. We love Kauri to pieces! I'm including some pictures.

It is January 30th, 2015, and I am a little late getting back with you all but all is fine! Kauri is still as adorable as ever and we still love him to pieces! Marbles still tolerates this pesty new family member fairly well but I think she may be a little jealous. I know this because she won't give me as many of her famous head butts as she used to. I really have to beg for them. She still has to hunt him down if she can't find him though. Kauri, on the other hand, is becoming more and more accepting of our cuddles and kisses, if not for too long! He is totally comfortable with laying his head on Marbles hip and throwing his paw over her when they are sleeping on my lap.
He is growning like a weed! He is a little over 6 lbs and has the longest tail I have ever seen on a cat! It is as long as his body! He has met Marbles on size, just not on weight, but Marbles has lost a little weight too since she is more active. She is a little over 8 lbs now. This is what we wanted because the vet thought she might be getting a little overweight.
Kauri is so beautiful and I tell him so often. Dad gets on to me for calling him pretty! "He is handsome!" he says. Boys can be beautiful, can't they? His coloring is a little darker now and over more of his body. He has some adorable habits! He purrs very loudly when he is eating and he thinks he has to annouce when he is going to the litter box with his cute little meows. He has a favorite chair to nap in when he isn't napping in the cat tower or on our bed and he goes to sleep almost as soon as we turn the lights out now. We don't need an alarm clock to make sure we don't oversleep, we have a Kauri clock! He wakes us up by 7:00 or 7:30 am every morning. Marbles would have let us sleep til whenever and her too, we are retired after all. Its all good though!
Dad is a little put out with Kauri because he won't help with some painting we are doing, but at least he hasn't knocked over the paint can either. He loves Dad's drop cloth, I think because of the crinkle sound it makes. There may be a crinkle tube or two in his future, he loves it sooo much!
We had to trim his nails today and he did excellent! He fought us a little the first few times but it is much better now. It still takes two of us though, because you don't keep Kauri still for long!
Kauri is doing wonderfully and so are we! He sends his love to all of you!


Hi all. Kauri is growing like a weed, he now weighs 11 1/2 lbs, but is still as handsome as ever. I call him gorgeous! We have all settled in nicely together and have our routines down pat. The only time he gets ornery, is if we don't feed him on time or when he thinks he should be fed. Ha! He will then chase Marbles all around the house or act like he is trying out for the Olympics. Poll vaulting, stuff like that. He is still our adorable baby, Steve calls him 'little buddy'. He is not typically a lap kitty yet but he will grace Steve or I with a lap laying session every few days. He likes to lay the length of my legs. He very rarely curls up but stretches out full length, showing off his beautiful body. He loves looking out the window but hates loud noises, like lawn mowers!
We took him on a trip to TN in May and he did really well. Marbles used to meow for at least the first hour of our trip but as soon as she saw Kauri was coming too, she settled down and acted happier than she ever has. They seem to have a bond now. Another funny thing happened once we were at my Mom's. I was lying down on the bed resting and Marbles and Kauri were lying on the bed too. Steve noticed they were in the same identical position. We looked away for a few minutes and they were both in a new identical position. A few minutes more and they were in a new identical position. Then another identical position. Four times!!! We cracked up and luckily Steve got pictures. which I have included in my update. I was all worried that he would get into mischief at Mom's house but he was a perfect angel.
We love him to pieces and he really makes our day, every day! No problems here. Thank you all again!


Sorry I am late guys, but there never seems to be enough time! Kauri had his vet visit and he is A Okay! He weighs a healthy 14 lbs. and got a 'good' health rating from the vet. He is our little buddy, and he is Marbles' little buddy too. She now instigates some of the love tumbles they get into. He can beat her at running (knew that would come sooner or later) but she can still get to places he can't.

He is so beautiful! I have to tell him every day! At least once a day, he gets on one or both of our laps, tolerates our daily cuddles and kisses like a good boy, loves anything he has to climb into such as bags, boxes, or drawers. I have included pictures of various things, we have caught him in. Within the last month he has taken to sleeping in between my husband's legs. He used to sleep at the foot of the bed but I guess he saw Marbles laying on my chest (she does every night) and he has to do everything she does. We took another trip to TN to visit my folks and he was great, again! We love Kauri so much and so does Marbles. We are so grateful to SCRC!

(Last update: Feb 9th, 2016 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Padme
ID#: VA11236
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/06/15
Adopted: 01/09/16
Congrats: Melanie
Foster: Debi

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I just arrived & am finding my foster room to be comfy. I have a millie bed that I share with my brother, as I'm helping to make him feel safe. I was left in a box with 5 other siblings on a vet's doorstep & the vet tech made sure I was well cared for so I could land a spot in Siamese Rescue.

My other siblings are with another foster mom in VA & their names are Blanco & Blaze.

I'm adorable...what more can I say?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Padme and her brother Finn (formerly Blanco) have brought such joy to our home during a bit of a difficult time. Sadly, we lost our geezer Calvin two weeks ago - his kidneys just failed in the middle of the blizzard and all we could do was keep him comfortable and loved until his last breath. We miss him dearly, but the kittens are helping us feel better :) They have bonded nicely, sleep together and groom each other. Padme still has her curly tail and actually seems to be the more adventurous of the two! She wakes up with me early in the morning and explores the water faucets & shower. They let the children carry them around gently, and they LOVE to play. Paper bags are Padme's favorite. Of course they're doing the typical naughty kitten things like getting into plants and tearing across the bed in the middle of the night... They are not yet "lap cats" but they're getting close - and boy can they purr loudly! Finn is a handsome guy and he knows it. He does have a bit of Tasmanian Devil in him, though always with sweet curiosity.
The oddest thing, though, is that they don't meow! Finn will try a bit - he opens his mouth and a tiny rasp comes out (it is pathetically cute) - I don't know if this is because they are young or if they just never learned - though our Calvin was quite the conversationalist. Hoping they'll find their voices eventually.
We are so fortunate to have found them through Siamese Rescue - a big thanks to all the volunteers who made it possible for them to join our family.

(Last update: Feb 9th, 2016 4pm)

I already like laying in laps. I like to explore and play. I have met dogs and they are OK too.
Name: Lafitte

(FKA Ulric)

ID#: VA10572
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 01/16/15
Adopted: 02/07/15
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Debra


Notes from Home
Lafitte (nicknamed Lil Bit) had some digestive issues and the sniffles at first, We took him to the vet and he is quite recovered by now. He's enjoying chasing Desi around throughout the house and enjoyed his bath from Big Bro Fuzzie.

Well I guess my 'puter ate my notes, so I'll try again!

Every time we play together, I thank the SRC, foster mom Debra, interviewer Peggy and the drivers in the Meezer Express ... what a great group!

You can reference Desdemona for our activities ... she may be the leader but Lafitte is a willing and creative accomplice. We had a great time bonding during the winter, but now that we have the three season room open more ( a deck with floor to ceiling screens and vinyl windows) they are all hanging out there more. Cat heaven!

BTW, he loves chicken, tuna and ice cream! He always checks out my dinner!

6/28 Look at how big and silky he is! He is still the same creamy color with the flame points.

8/31 We love that tail!

11/15 He's a special guy ... this is him with big bro "Fuzzie" on the cat tree in the living room

2/07/16 On our 1 yr Arrival Day .... Thanks again to the Meezer Express ... Meowmy thinks we may have some rag doll in us

(Last update: Feb 7th, 2016 7pm)

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Name: Desdemona

(FKA ThelmaLou)

ID#: VA10571
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 01/16/15
Adopted: 02/07/15
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Debra

I like to talk - even when eating. A girl's got a lot to say, you know. I have met the dog here and he is OK. I like to run around and play.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Desdemona is happily scampering around her new home, where she is definitely the princess to the three boys! Both she and Lafitte have favorite spots (on our laps) or around my neck. Our big boys have sniffed them all over and pronounced them acceptable, so integration has gone well. She loves the cat tree and napping by the fireplace. We are having a lot of fun!

Desdemona has acquired the nickname "Miss Imp" ... I wonder why! At 5 mos she and her brother can get into a lot of mischief! I've had to sequester pill bottles that make such a great sound when she chases them around, red Solo cups that get dragged in her mouth, and my fuzzy earmuffs, among other things. Oh, and she plays with wands and balls and mice! But she is so affectionate she can be found sleeping in laps, on shoulders or tummies, and she'll make sure to get between us and the newspaper, book, or Kindle

6/28 -- Desdemona gets bigger and cuter every day! She and brother Lafitte love the three season room (which is essentially a screened porch with windows). Her coat has darkened to a light grey down the back but everyone loves her facial stripe and her fuzzy tail.
11/15 Here they are at their 1 yr birthday in the sun room!
2/07/16 On our 1 yr Arrival Day as the Meezer Express brought us to our Meowmy and daddy

(Last update: Feb 7th, 2016 7pm)


Was your New Year's resolution to firm up those flabby arms? to lose weight? to tone and trim your waist line? Why waste money on hand weights and boring workouts....adopt this gorgeous guy to lift and tote instead. 13 pounds of silky fur is much more fun to lift and carry and he talks back to encourage your efforts even more!

***After discussion with Ghost's vet, the decision has been made to limit Ghost's transport range to within one hour of foster home (Bloomington, IN). Ghost does not do well in carrier, becomes frantic, howls and thrashes to escape to the point of injurying himself. Therefore the shortest transport possible is in his best interest.

Name: Sampson

(FKA Ghost)

ID#: VA7504
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 01/10/11
Adopted: 02/04/11
Deceased: 06/01/17
Congrats: Jan
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Feb. 2016

Sweet Sam has now been my velcro boy for five years and I cant imagine life without him! We had a scare late last summer when we found out he had several cancerous tumors removed. Luckily, we caught the slow growing histamine fed tumors early and all were removed successfully. He incisions have healed well with only a slight scar on his hip, amazing since so much tissue and skin was removed all over his body. Sam has fully recovered and never let this blip change his ever-loving purrsonality.
My best buddy, cuddle bug and soul kitty...sweet Sam!

(Last update: Feb 7th, 2016 1pm)

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Name: Sassy

(FKA Kiara)

ID#: VA10610
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 02/01/15
Adopted: 01/23/16
Congrats: Kirk
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats

Always the runner up...the bridesmaid...2nd or 3rd choice. Maybe if I start depositing golden eggs. Well I've been growing up and now.my nickname is "Princess".

So why am I still here? Well, since I wasn't with a mama long enough I didn't learn some manners I needed. Occasionally I will give you a NIP. So...no little children would be best. I just need someone that understands and is patient with me. So now that we've started out our relationship honestly...whew I feel better.

I LOVE playing! No worries because....I have invisible friends and they are coming too. I also adore dogs! I play with cats that I can boss around and luckily foster mom " socializes" kittens and I help her.

I've never met a stranger!



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Notes from Home
Kiara (whom we call Sassy) is settling in well. She is playful and happy. Her appetite and litter box habits are good. We have found some toys that she really, really likes which keeps her busy. After playtime, Sassy becomes the best lap cat. Amazingly she sleeps through the night in bed with us.
(Last update: Feb 6th, 2016 10pm)

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