Previously Adopted Siamese
The Meezers on these pages have been adopted and are now in their new homes. These pages allow the adopters to provide updates and pictures of their new cats for their friends and our volunteers to see. Only cats with updates are listed below. If you are an adopter and would like to make an Update, visit your Application Status page and look in the Previously Adopted section for the Update button.
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 8:42:41am |
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Hi it's me Wetzel! I was out living on the streets got picked up and landed in a gold mine. I just got here but once I get settled I will you know more about how fabulous I am.
Name: Wetzel
ID#: VA9812
Location: South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/17/14
Adopted: 02/22/14
Congrats: Erin
Foster: Debra
Notes from Home
1 month - Wetzel is settling right in. He loves to have his whiskers rubbed, and will hold my hand in his paws to rub his face all over my fingers. He's such a sweetie! He's a roller and will just flop down and rollover whether it's on the hardwood floor or the carpet. He talks a little when he wants attention or is looking for his sister, Savilla. He loves playing with his sister and the rest of us in the family.
6 months - Wetzel is doing well. He had some skin issues when we first got him and we had to put him on a prescription diet for a couple months to see if it was a food allergy. He was on an antibiotic and steroid for the sores on his body that he would lick obsessively. The medicine helped and the dermatologist found that he didn't have a food allergy, so we are keeping an eye on environmental factors that could be affecting him. Wetzel still has outbreaks of his skin condition, but it hasn't gotten as bad as it was when we first got him. He's a good eater and very playful. He's our talker and lets us know when he's hungry or wants to play. He's such a sweetie and loves attention from everyone.
1 year - Wetzel is doing great! He still has some sort of skin condition due to allergies, but nothing as bad as when we first got him. He went for his annual checkup at the vets and is healthy and happy. He loves playing with his stuffed animals and the belts from our robes. He also loves people's feet and will hold them to rub his face all over your toes. :-) He's a sweetie just like his sister, Savilla.
2 year - Wetzel is doing great! He is happy and healthy. We've found that he really likes to eat cooked broccoli and other vegetables. He has become really good with letting me clip his nails. We are happy to have him as a part of our family.
(Last update: Feb 22nd, 2016 11am)
 No new pictures yet
Name: Savilla
ID#: VA9802
Location: South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/10/14
Adopted: 02/22/14
Congrats: Erin
Foster: Debra
I am a very pretty seal point girl who was living on the streets with my brothers. I am very sweet and love to be petted. It is hard to get a picture of me because I am rubbing against everything I see. I have the legs of supermodel and just love to make biscuits even when standing up.
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Notes from Home
1 month - Savilla is adjusting well to her new home. She is eating well and loves playing with her brother and our two daughters. She loves rubbing on everyone's legs and follows us around house. She likes to be close to all the action, so if she hears people or new sounds, she can't resist to check it out. She just started sleeping on the bed with my husband and I, so I can tell she's feeling more and more at home with us all. We couldn't be happier. :-)
6 months - Savilla is doing well and is fitting right in with our family. She loves kids and lets them pet her more than adults. She sleeps with us at night and is very curious about the sounds she hears from outside while sitting in the window. She likes to roll onto her back when she's on the ground near a wall and stay there with her belly showing. Both her brother and her love sunbathing on our hardwood floors in the morning. She lets her brother do all the talking, but will let you know if she is playing and wants some attention. She's very affectionate in the morning when our daughters wake up. She purrs real loud and wants us to rub her whiskers and neck the most.
1 year - Savilla is doing great! She had her annual check-up at the vets and she's healthy and happy. :-) We're so glad to have her a part of our family.
2 year - Savilla is doing great! She is healthy and happy and provides so much love and affection to everyone in our family, especially the kids.
(Last update: Feb 22nd, 2016 11am)
Dear Santa....
foster Mary thought that perhaps if I write to you my wish to have a home of my own might come true.
So here is my letter for the North Pole.
All I want for Christmas is a forever home of my own. Well that and food, toys, love, adoration, and a patient adopter.
Thank you Santa and Dear Potential Adopter
Yours Truly
Name: Heidi
ID#: VA10481
Location: New Hampshire
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 11/23/14
Adopted: 01/03/15
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Mary
Notes from Home
My Heidi is very happy and so am I . I have a very amazing intelligent creature with her many wonderful talents. I love her character and she loves to talk very social and very docile in nature. Play , Play is her motto and Lovey Dovey she is!! Thank-you Siamese Rescue for all you have doen to make me so very happy!!!
"I just want to say I am so happy in my furrrever home
(Last update: Feb 22nd, 2016 7am)
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Name: Ridley
ID#: VA7131
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/11/10
Adopted: 08/23/10
Deceased: 02/20/16
Congrats: Parker
Foster: Siri
Foster Notes for Ridley [VA7131] |
You're CRAZY not to adopt this guy! |
Foster Notes
Not with Dogs
Due Eye Hav Yur Ahtension ?
Whatsh Mye Videeyo!!!!!
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Ridley has settled in beautifully. He has filled out into a big gorgeous hunk of a cat. He has a charming, quirky personality and not a single bad habit. He loves to play and loves his treats and his heated bed, and has regular rituals he follows. He hops up next to the big bowl containing the tins of wet food every morning to let me know it's breakfast time, and no matter what he is doing, he trots upstairs with me when I am going up to bed, which is really endearing. He doesn't have an aggressive bone in his body, so he and Cookies are getting along fine; he continues to try to win her over, and I think he will eventually succeed. He was a little distant and restless for a while when he was figuring out that he wasn't going to be able to go outside any more, but ever since he started getting regular play and treats he has been getting more and more affectionate. Rowan and I love him very much, and he has been a wonderful addition to our home. Thank you all! And thanks to Siri and Darrell for recommending him to me. (And giving him such a cool name!)
9/15/12- We are still just thrilled with Ridley. He is healthy, has zero bad habits, is friendly to all, and gets along beautifully with my other cats. I am so happy with the whole SCR match-making process; he is a perfect fit for my household. All is well, and everyone is happy!
2/20/16- I'm sad to say that Ridley passed away on Wednesday, February 17th, after a brief, valiant battle with liver cancer. He was ever the elegant, dignified cat who loved everyone. He was pretty much the perfect cat. I feel so blessed that he was able to spend his last years with me. He will be missed til the end of my days.
(Last update: Feb 20th, 2016 5pm)
Please see my updated pictures!
Hello again! It's me, Owen, although I'm starting to think my name is "Lovebug" since Foster Mom calls me that all the time. I have made so much progress since I wrote to you last. I have completely settled into my new digs (it only took me about a week) and I am no longer the scared boy I was. In fact, I'm the opposite of scared now! I walk around with my gorgeous, fluffy tail held high, exploring, lounging , snoozing, playing with the other cats and dog that live here, begging for chow, and asking to be petted and cuddled.
That's right! I said "cuddled." I'm a boy but I'm not afraid to say I'm in touch with my "feminine" side. I love to cuddle with you and will purr so loud when you pet me. In fact, I'm hoping that my new forever family will let me sleep with them at night. You see, Foster Mom lets me cuddle up with her at night in my own special bed right by her pillow.
Foster Mom says I'm smart too! I learned to use the kitty door to go out onto the screened-in back porch all by myself. Foster Mom didn't even need to show me how! I just watched what my foster brothers and sisters did and it was easy.
Oh, and Foster Mom says to tell you that I use my paws like little hands and can get into just about anything. I don't know why she told me I had to tell you that. I'm just curious, that's all! And in fact, we Javanese (long-haired Siamese) have a reputation for being very dexterous.
I'm having lots of fun here but I'm longing for my own forever home. I'm an easy-going guy and would slot in just about anywhere, even with gentle kids! I would really like to have a feline companion or two, though, as I really like cats and, shhhhh, don't tell anyone, but I really like dogs too! As long as they are gentle with me, that is.
So don't delay! Click on "ask about me" today and Foster Mom and I will tell you all about my story of how I came to be in rescue. I'm looking forward to hearing from you. Much Love, Owen.
Name: Owen
ID#: VA3830
Location: Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 11/08/05
Adopted: 02/19/06
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Emily
Not with kids under 5
Notes from Home
Hi all! Owen is celebrating his 11th Birthday today! When we adopted him in 2006, he came to our home to be a buddy for our sweet girl, Cleo. They were not so sure about each other at first, but they became inseparable. In 2012, we started fostering a friend's cat, Russet. They became friends too. Owen's mom, Mary (the eldest daughter) takes great care of him.
Sadly, his girl Cleo passed on last year at 17, as did his buddy Russet - they passed on the same day. Owen has a new adopted girl, Millie - but it's just not the same for him. He misses them dearly. He has become very clingy to mom and nana. He is very well loved. We are so blessed to have this wonderful guy in our lives â¤ï¸
(Last update: Feb 19th, 2016 4pm)
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Name: Misty Blue
ID#: VA11157
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lilac
Date In: 10/22/15
Adopted: 01/16/16
Deceased: 07/06/19
Congrats: Cynthia
Foster: Siri
Not with kids under 5
Must be Only Cat
My Meowm lost her battle with pancreatic cancer, and after 11 years, I'm back at the Center and not knowing what to make of things. I have a little 'tude and so need an experienced owner who likes a little bit of a challenge :) No fees involved, everything included, even the cattitude :) Talkative, lap sitting, loving in the right environment: quiet and stable, only cat.
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Notes from Home
Little girl is doing great! I'll be putting an extra tall fixed mounted swing gate on her door when it arrives this week, and then the regular door will remain open so that she and the dogs can see each other regularly but be safe. They have all had regular peaks at each other as I have two free standing baby gates on either side of the door and have started leaving the door open when I'm in her room with her. Only the youngest, Birdie, is overly excited about her at this point and I expect her to calm down the more she is able to see her. She has stopped running to Misty's door when Misty is singing for us. So the interest is softening. I'm looking forward to Misty having full run of the house, but we are going extra extra slow to make sure everything goes smoothly. It's so wonderful to have a cat again! She is cuddly and loving, and chatty, and just the best kitty I could have ever imagined. Thank you!
(Last update: Feb 16th, 2016 8am)
Wow! What a whirlwind few days I've had! I was just toasting my toes in the shelter, then off to the vet for my little surgery, THEN off to the Center for two days and NOW I'm in ANOTHER foster home.
Doesn't bother me a bit. I'm raring to go and meet and greet and play and run and, play, and, and....
I'm quite the confident little girl and quite a looker as well. Meowmy says I have to stay in this playpen for a little bit and then I can meet the other kittens, resident cats and the doggies.
Stay tuned for my progress as Meowmy gets to know me and sees what I like and what I don't like. I'm sure to have an opinion about everything. After all I AM a snowshoe and a girl!
Name: Jamaica
(FKA Frieda)
ID#: VA10954
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/30/15
Adopted: 08/15/15
Congrats: Paula
Foster: Nancy
Notes from Home
My name is now "Jamaica". I went to see my vet today and he said I was in purrfect health,
weighing in at 4 .7 pounds. I met Princess & Snowshoe and they were both very nice to me.
I think we're all gonna get along just fine. My new parents are just awesome and they love me so much.
Thats all for now I have to go play.
Wow how time flies, it's been a month already since I found my new home. All I can say is this place is great! I have a neat playmate in snowshoe, we chase each other all around the house and then play fight till we're tired. I'm eating real well and don't have any other issues at this time.
It's our 6 month anniversary with Jamaica and all is just great with her, she has settled in and gets along great with the other cats. She eats very well and has no health issues at this time. She is truly a wonderful love.
(Last update: Feb 15th, 2016 10am)
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Name: Sam
ID#: VA1849
Location: Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 22 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 12/11/02
Adopted: 01/18/03
Congrats: Patty
Foster: Siri
Looking for a very gental giant? Want someone to cuddle up and keep you warm this winter? That's me. A super-sized flame Meezer with twinkley blue eyes. I'm not fat but just big boned as they say. I have that loveable, laid-back flame point personality but will join in a game of catch the birdie on a string if you want to play with me. I would love to cuddle with you. please? foster mom Sharon Z Congrats Patty in PA!
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Notes from Home
Still remember bringing Sam home as if it were yesterday...many, many years since that day. He was a wonderful friend and family member to us all. He crossed over the Rainbow Bridge 2 weeks ago.
(Last update: Feb 13th, 2016 3pm)
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