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Evicted? That means we all lost our home. And then my tearful family took me to that scary shelter place. But now I'm safe in this place foster mom calls rescue, and she promises I'll have a new home soon. i hope so, because I'm pretty scared and unsettled with all of this.

Better pictures of me very soon - I'm a pretty blue point, with white feet and a "got milk?" mustache.
Name: Sami

(FKA Sammy)

ID#: VA6178
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 03/05/09
Adopted: 03/19/09
Deceased: 02/01/16
Congrats: Megan
Foster: Jackie


Notes from Home
I am full of sorrow as I write this, but my beloved "Sami" died peacefully on February 1 of this year. She had been so traumatized before she was rescued by Siamese Rescue that she never really recovered. When I brought her home, she refused to eat, and my awesome foster, Jackie, had to come over and help me to force-feed Sami. We only had to do that once or twice, and she seemed better. She would eat, and she was safe and loved, but she only trusted me.

A few years later, she refused to eat again, I refused to let her go, and after she realized that I would not give up on her, she seemed content and happy and we had several good years. This past winter, however, she started to fade. Nothing I fed her interested her more than a few bits, and, although she should only have been 11, she had the appearance of a very old cat. Numerous trips to the vet discovered nothing but a thyroid issue, which we medicated, but still she failed.

I truly believe that her early abuse took too great a toll on her emotionally, and she could not overcome it, even though I loved her as much as humanly possible and provided her with the best of everything. She slipped away peacefully in my home, and lies buried and safe at last in my garden. I grieve for her.

(Last update: Mar 19th, 2016 8am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Willow

(FKA Willa)

ID#: VA8346
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 02/04/12
Adopted: 03/17/12
Congrats: Olivia
Foster: Rinn

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Ohhh, I'm a little shy, but ohhhh, I love to be petted and snuggled. Some people turned me in to the shelter because they said they had too many cats. What? How can you have too many of meee? I'm a pretty lynx point girlie with lots of white fur on me, too - a partially disguised meezer! I'm just a little girl - only about 6 pounds. I get along with other kitties and the dog here makes me poof, but he seems interesting. Foster mom said to tell you that she could hardly get good photos of me because I kept coming too close to her. Check out my video. You need a Willa, don't you?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
04/03/12: Willow has been at her new home for just over two weeks now! I think she is really enjoying the place. We play for 30 minutes every morning before work and for at least 30 minutes every evening afterwards. She is quite the predator! She loves dashing and leaping for feathers and will even paw at your ankles when she's under the couch. And if no one is around to play with, she'll turn any sitting ball, sock, or lipstick case into a toy.

Willow greets me when I come home, jumps on my lap while I'm on the computer, and curls up up with me in bed at night; she is so loving and affectionate, I can already tell we will be best friends. I will upload pictures soon! I wish I could also upload video: she's nothing but a blur when she gets to playing!

9/17/12: Wow! I can't believe it's already been six months! Willow is still my absolute darling. She is completely at home now, and when we leave for small weekend trips, she's very sad to not be home! She comes to greet me every day after I return from work and school and mews to be pet. We have daily and weekly treats, which she greatly looks forward to (I just shake the treat bag, and she paws to have some. And as a weekly treat, I give her canned wet food, and she starts to meow and purr like crazy when she sees me bring it out!). She has even become very comfortable with my three roommates and one in particular, which I'm glad to see. As well, she's finally found some use for her predator skills and protects her mama from small bugs that seem to make their way into my bedroom sometimes! I'm very grateful, lol.

Willow recently had her one-year check-up and she's doing extremely well! In fact, she has some of the whitest teeth that the doctor has ever seen! To celebrate her "birthday," Willow received a polka dot dress and a pink hoodie! She didn't seem to like either at first (she just went limp after they were on), but after learning how to walk again while wearing clothes, she doesn't seem to mind them! Yaaaay!

The color of her coat has changed quite a bit since she originally came home. Willow's body used to be mostly beige, but now the beige has darkened to a spotted gray. I don't ever remember it started to change! I only realized it when I was looking at a picture from last year, lol. We still hang out every day and sleep together every night. Willow is still my little baby.

Willow and I are now in Austin, Texas! Life's been crazy for us for the past few years, moving locations as I worked my way through law school and eventually coming out here to work. We haven't always lived together, depending on my living situation, but I've always put her in very good hands that I've trusted. I think we are finally at the most stable situation we've ever been, and Willow loves that I don't have any roommates, human or otherwise, to contend with! She loves to be held, look out the window, and chase feathers. We sleep together every night (she's such a cuddle bug), and she is my best friend in a new state and city where I know so few people. She even took her first plane trip to get out here! She did very well, though she was excited to be back on the ground. I'm so happy that we were able to make this life journey together, and I know we'll have many more wonderful years to look forward to!

(Last update: Mar 17th, 2016 9am)

Foster Mom says you can't go wrong with me! I have a spunky side as well as a sweet, loving side. I love people and other cats. And I am unusually beautiful :)

My bags are packed and I am already to go when you are ready for me.

Ask about me, won't you?

Don't forget to check out my other pictures and my videos!!!

PS - I don't travel so well so I need to stay inside my transport area.
Name: Oreo

(FKA Gail)

ID#: VA7418
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 11/19/10
Adopted: 02/01/11
Congrats: Jeanne
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
3-2-11..This is Oreo's 1 month update.

From a Cat and Human integration perspective, everything has been terrific. She continues each day to get more comfortable with Calo and Hawaii and her new humans. She is gradually having more
interaction with myself and Dale.

On the weight front...that is still requiring some work. She originally lost 1 to 2 tenths of a pound but
immediately stabilized at 9.7 lbs at her last weigh in on Sunday (2/27). She's quite the vacuum cleaner when it comes to food. Dale sometimes refers to her as "Hoover". I'm not sure how much of it is food anxiety or the fact that she has lot's of physical interaction wth Calo and is just consuming the calories. It's something we'll have to keep strategizing on to make sure she gradually gets down to the weight she needs to be at (8lbs or so).

4-5-11 Oreo's Monthly Update
Had a few bumps in the road with Oreo, but she appears to be back on track. The Booda litter box still seems to flummox her, but we've made some adjustments in how the litter is laid down in the box that seem to help. We are using the Sentry Calming Collars and it also really seems to help. Also we have increased her daily playtime. The weight still remains an issue. She gained another pound while I was in Florida in early March! She still plays with Calo and is basically his best buddy. They love wrestling and playing with each other. I caught her the other day grooming him while he was snuggling with Hawaii.

May 14th - Oreo is doing well. As you can see she love's her kitty condo that sits in the kitchen window!

June 10, 2011- Oreo's mischevious side is now coming out....she seems to have figured out how to open our cabinet door where we keep the kitchen trash can. She then picks through the trash can for papertowels or napkins which she removes and then happily shreds. Here is Dale's story: Oreo=c-b (aka Cookie Bits) Pooks= Mr Calo our resident male Siamese cat and Oreo's BFF:

"1. I was upstairs. Heard some happy c-b noises, thought I heard some banging but assumed she was playing with Pooks. Then noticed he was near me. Hmmmm. Go downstairs. C-b is under edge of pool table shredding paper towel that had been used during cooking or mop up. Looked & smelled of cooking oil or grease. She had made a circular nest from shreds, & looked up with " oh hi daddy" look.

2. So: evidence, suspicion, not caught on film tho."

Time for kid proof latches on the cabinets!

Feb 1, 2013- This is Oreo's 2 Year anniversary. She is doing GREAT! We have been dealing with her
weight problem. If you remember she ate everything in sight, including the food we had given our other cats and she ballooned in weight. Got her on a calorie restricted diet and she has slowly but steadly taken off the pounds she packed on so quickly. We are taking her into Dr. Adelman today to see if she can come off the diet food. Fingers are crossed! She has gotten to the point where my oldest cat (Hawaii) tolerates her (she's now accepted as one of the cat tribe), and she is even allowed on our bed now by Hawaii! Progress! She is definitely feeling very confident and secure. She has no hestitation in getting up in the high spaces on our floor to ceiling scratching posts. She gives Calo, our male Siamese, a run for his money in the play department. They wrestle and chase each other at least once a day, and it's so funny to see. Her more recent mischief making involves convincing Calo to open bathroom doors (yes, he can open doors) and let her in to shred toilet tissue. She just loves shredding paper towels, napkins and TP. So we do our best to keep them out of her paws! Thanks again to Kathy and Peggy for hooking us up with such a sweet and personable kitty!

3/16/2016- Oreo's 5 year anniversary. Oreo has integrated so well! Even her new baby sister Macey doesn't phase her!. Just a great, all around cat. Thanks so much Siamese Rescue!

(Last update: Mar 16th, 2016 12pm)

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Name:   Courtney
ID#: VA8393
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 03/02/12
Adopted: 03/04/12
Congrats: Barry
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Just call me FUN! I am all about toys and playing. I bring lots of toys with me, but you need to provide me with lots of entertainment as well! I follow you everywhere, am excellent in my scratching habits (use my post faithfully) and am very very smart. I'm not much on being picked up but like to be near you whenever possible! Stay tuned as Auntie Siri gets a video of me this afternoon!

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Notes from Home
Not much new to add to previous update. We had family visit this week and Courtney warmed up quickly with tail rubs and flop and rolls. She is still leary of large objects, like suitcases, or noisy ones, like vacuum cleaners, but it's understandable. We know little of the day to day environment she came from or how she was treated by her previous owners, so it is necessary to give her the benefit of the doubt. She only gets lots of love and attention from us. She is a good communicator, which is helpful.

Update as of September 8, 2012. Courtney is a wonderful cat. She loves to flop and roll, and be brushed all over. She never bites, or uses her claws on anything, furniture or our skin. She has quite a vocabulary, and makes her needs known. She only gets up at night when we do, so does not disturb us, usually waiting until we wake in the morning. We have taken her on two boat trips to the Eastern shore of the Chesapeake Bay, lasting several days. She loves the freedom to explore all over the boat, including the many nooks and crannies, whether at the dock or anchored out. However, we keep a close eye on her at all times. She does have a heart murmur that concerns us. She was seen by the vet a few days ago who found it more pronounced than 6 months ago, together with a rapid pulse. Courtney could have been anxious about her visit. That might explain the vet's findings. However, the vet recommended we take her to a cardiologist for an evaulation. So, we plan to do that in the next few weeks. Courtney is only 2 years old, seemingly too young for this kind of problem.

Update of March 7, 2014. Courtney continues to steal our hearts. She truly is an amazing and wonderful cat! So talkative and wants to communicate about everything. Also very inquisitive and has to be in the middle of the action. She has been very healthy. Several months ago she seemed to be having a hard time swallowing. We took her into a pet emergency hospital 2 miles from us. The vet found a short piece of string or thread wrapped around one of her front teeth and removed it. Problem solved, much to our relief.

Update of March 11, 2015. Courtney has taken over the household. She lets us know when it is time to get up, take a nap, time to watch TV, or go to bed. She also picks her chair to sit on during meals, or what cushion to lay on while watching TV. Her favorite programs are those involving cats, of course. She doesn't like loud noises, such as sneezing, coughing, or conversation. She will meow multiple times, and place a paw on you as a reminder to cool it. She is exceedingly friendly to strangers, rubbing and doing flop and rolls to get attention. She never bites or scratch the furniture, or us. Although she is not a lap cat, and probably will never be one, she spends a lot of time snuggling or being near us. She tolerates head butts and forehead kisses, which she tried to avoid when we first adopted her. We have floor to ceiling sliding glass doors on all 3 floors, so Courtney enjoys watching the wildlife, including deer and a fox or two. Popcorn helps attract squirrels and birds a few feet away from Courtney. We have taken Courtney on a dozen or so overnight cruises to the Eastern Shore on our trawler. She is confined inside, until we drop anchor, then explores the upper and lower decks, and all the nooks and crannies. She enjoys watching the sea gulls dive for bread crumbs. She gets brushed almost every day, is up to date on her shots and annual visits to her Vet. She is very active, running up and down the stairs. We keep her litter box clean, and there have been no litter box issues. Enough for now. Suffice it to say, we are very fortunate to have her as a member of our family - a house is not a home without a cat!

Update as of March 13, 2016. Not much to add to the above. Courtney is in good health, and continues to steal our hearts. She is the perfect house cat (still not a lap cat). The time spent checking the website every 5 minutes all day until Siri posted her in March, 2012, was well worth it. We were first on the list! Courtney is truly a gem. She sees her Vet religiously each year in March, though she is not a fan of her carry cage. We sold our trawler last Fall, so she won't get to enjoy those cruises in the future, but did have that unique experience for several years. No behavioral or other issues to report.

(Last update: Mar 13th, 2016 7pm)

Peek-a-boo! I see you!

I'm a lovey-dovey, pet me please, oh I have to jump up and get more petting on my head kind of girl. I am getting over a cold, but had a visit with a resident cat. I love other kitties and we spent the day watching birds before mom caught us...

I've had a mild cold but am getting over it quickly. I'm a bit camera shy, but mom said to get ready for a photo shoot soon or I won't get any more visitors... much less a home!

My name also means dear in Italian. So, be a dear and click on Ask About Me!

More info soon!

Cara Cara
Name: Cara

(FKA Cara Cara)

ID#: VA4752
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 02/12/07
Adopted: 03/11/07
Congrats: Rita
Foster: Linda


Notes from Home
My parents think I am the cutest cat in the world. I already knew that... :)

March 13, 2016--It's hard to believe it's been nine years since I arrived at my furever home! I'm still giving my parents a run for their money. One of these days they will accept that I am smarter than them!

(Last update: Mar 13th, 2016 5pm)

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Name: Whiley

(FKA Morrisey)

ID#: VA11223
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 11/28/15
Adopted: 01/16/16
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Siri

I've learned a lot of manners here at Aunt Siri's finishing school. A non challenging but not shy cat to play with would work well for me. I'm very people loving and friendly so no worries there!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Whiley has adjusted to his new home. He is king of the castle. He has bonded with everyone and is always 1 step behind us.
(Last update: Mar 13th, 2016 11am)

Hey - it's Ripple here in the Broad Ripple part of Indianapolis, IN. I was found behind a brew pub in this interesting part of the city. Foster Mom decided I should be named after the place I came from, so I am RIPPLE. I don't make big "ripples" though as I am a quiet and cautious little guy. I am very healthy, happy and purr up a storm, but having lived out in the big wide world, I am very cautious and slower than most kittens to adjust to new situation. But, I'm learning very quickly and foster mom says I am doing better every day. It helps me to be around other young kitties, so if you have a cat under a year or another kitten, that would be my ultimate choice for a forever family - oh, yes, people, too, but I really do need other cats around me. Remember, I'm a kitten, so I fall under the kitten policies. Transports only within area, please. Purrs and cuddled, Ripple
Name:   Ripple
ID#: VA7354
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/17/10
Adopted: 11/13/10
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: Katie

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Ripple is doing very well and has joined the family in our new adventure in Abu Dhabi in the UAE. He has nestled into his 38th floor apartment where he can look at the Arabian Gulf in the front and Abu Dhabi out the back!
(Last update: Mar 11th, 2016 7am)

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Name:   Robin
ID#: VA7348
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 10/15/10
Adopted: 12/04/10
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: Ellen

Foster Notes


It was touch and go at first -- I wasn't weaned. I'm eating on my own, and gaining weight. So now it's time to tell you all about me.

If you want a friendly cat -- I'm it! I purr almost constantly and love attention. I like to help my foster mom work on her computer. She prefers that I sit in her lap, which I'm more than happy to do, and I often fall asleep there. Other times I sit on her shoulder and purr in her ear. For a change of pace, I climb on her head and mess up her hair. As soon I hear that Mom's awake in the morning, I start telling her loudly that I want food and attention. My meows make her hurry. I've got her trained!

I got my first toy -- a furry mouse -- and went crazy. The greatest toy ever!

It's great here, but I really would like to find a forever home. It doesn't have to be in Sherwood Forest, but it does need to be within my transport area.

So if you want a cuddly, purry, playful, gorgeous boy, pick me! Just remember kitten policies apply to me.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Robin is doing very well and has joined us in our family adventure ... We have relocated to Abu Dhabi, UAE. He took the flight in stride and now has command of his domain on the 38th floor of our apartment over looking the Arabian Gulf.
(Last update: Mar 11th, 2016 12am)

Sugar and spice and everything nice.....describes me to a T! I run to the door to greet Foster Mom and I tell her all about my day and I LOVE to sit in her lap and wind around her legs while she is preparing my meals.

Do you have an empty lap? Before you know it it's going to be chilly weather and you'll need a lap warmer. Ask Foster Mom to tell you all about me so you can see if I am just what you need!

Name: Tonks

(FKA Dixie)

ID#: VA10889
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/03/15
Adopted: 09/05/15
Congrats: Morgane
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Tonks is doing great. She can still get into a little moods sometimes, but she's definitely made herself at home. She hanged out with my parents' dogs over the holidays, and had absolutely no problem with them. She actually warmed up to the dogs faster than my parents.
(Last update: Mar 9th, 2016 1pm)

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Name: Bali

(FKA Sparkle)

ID#: VA11319
Location:  Illinois
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/30/16
Adopted: 02/27/16
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Joy

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
A sparkling personality. I'm sweet, I'm playful, I'm chatty, and I will sit in your lap as long as you want me to. Oh, and I have the silkiest softest coat ever! Ok, can you keep a secret? Foster Mom is super nice and takes good care of me, but, well...I'm tired of being a foster kitty! I want someone to take me home and love me forever and ever....Oh, go ahead, tell the secret. Tell my foster Mom you'll take me home forever.


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Notes from Home
We love Bali ....formerly madam Sparkle!

We met the awesome meezer express in Indy on Feb 27th and learned that Bali had "talked" the 5 hours of her trip. And she then talked most of the 2 hours to her forever home in Cincinnati. Very inquisitive when we got home, checking out the place but always coming back to chirp at us. After dinner she curled up on the sofa between us seemingly very content & knowing she was "home."

Slept in our bed that first night and every night since. She is such a loving cat; very friendly and never far away. She loves a lap, a good brushing, and a nice chat (though she wants to talk - LOL!). She is the perfect cat for us.

We are so appreciative of Joy, Connie, Aimee, Helen, Jennifer, Katrina, and Holly for caring for the lovely little lady, and for all of your help in bringing her to us. Our experience with Siamese Rescue is only surpassed by Bali herself. Thank You!!!!

(Last update: Mar 7th, 2016 8pm)

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