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After being really scared at the animal shelter, I have finally settled in to my new foster home and am now brave enough to start thinking about finding a forever family. I can still be a little jumpy with new people and loud noises, but I really like my foster brothers and my human foster family. I started eating (a lot!) and feel so much better now that my cold is going away. I love to follow my foster family around, and sometimes I talk to them when I am hungry. I like to cuddle with the little girl at night, until I get too squished and then I sleep in my own bed nearby. I can't wait to have my very own family where I can feel safe and loved. Please ask about me!
Name:   Reece
ID#: VA11074
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 3 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 09/12/15
Adopted: 10/18/15
Deceased: 03/30/19
Congrats: Cheri
Foster: Sara


Notes from Home
Reece (formerly Jacob) is doing great. He still has a fair bit of evil kitten in him (RIP floor lamp, vase, and countless rolls of paper towels and toilet paper...) but he is settling down nicely. He and Baxter are getting along great -- Baxter is not at all afraid of Jacob, only sometimes a little irritated with him (which seems very understandable). They do play and sleep together. Jacob is not yet a lap cat, but I think he may become one. He does like being held, but generally only if you are standing up. He is not very vocal, but we are working on that. He is a great cat and a great fit.
(Last update: Apr 18th, 2016 10pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Macavity
ID#: VA11315
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/30/16
Adopted: 03/09/16
Congrats: Ayesha
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
I need to be your one and only. And as that, I am going to be SUCH a lover and SUCH a lap sitter and SUCH a talker and SUCH a snuggler. But other cats, no thanks!

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Notes from Home
Thank you to everyone involved in MaCavity's rescue and adoption!

Hi Siamese Rescue!
Thank you for the followup 1 month anniversary email! Wow, it's hard to believe its only been a little over a month since we adopted MaCavity - he is definitely become part of the family quickly and adapted so well! I believe he is making up for lost play time lately! Earlier this week we were eating dinner and he brought me his play mouse, I threw it and he fetched a couple times. Then he comes back with his other mouse toy and played some. Finally he came back to me with the big squirrel toy you sent him home with! It was so cute that he had to keep bringing them to me. He definitely knows those are his toys.
We love him so much and are just so glad you rescued him and we were able to adopt him. I was wondering if you have any pictures or the news article about the home he was in. I am very curious what it may have been like for him, because I can't imagine how he functioned in a home like that. He definitely likes being the center of attention (we love it).
Thank you again!

(Last update: Apr 15th, 2016 3pm)

Hello everybody! I'm Jade.....for some reason I'm still at foster meowmy's house after 5 weeks. I love foster meowmy, but I really need to find my forever home. Everyone says I'm pretty, sweet, and fun....so WHY am I still here??? I know my family is out there - is it you?

In case you didn't know.....

I am a very outgoing, fun-loving, social sorta girl. I love, love, love people. I love to play with them, get attention, crawl into their arms, give head butts, anything - I just love people!

I also love other cats and kittens. I love to give them nose kisses. They are lots of fun to play with, too, and, boy, do I love to play! I play and play and play :) Because of this, I'll need another (male) kitten or young cat as a playmate.

If you are into awesome kittens, then you really need to ask about me.....I am just that awesome!

Remember, Jade's the name :)

***Check out my new pictures!
Name:   Jade
ID#: VA10970
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/06/15
Adopted: 10/10/15
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: Michelle


Notes from Home
We love our little girl, Jade! She has fit purrfectly into our family and we couldn't imagine life without her. Our family consists of me, my husband, and Texas Pete, our 6 month old, orange tabby DSH boy. We've been owned by meezers before and knew generally what to expect. Our primary concern was finding a girl compatible with Pete. He's pretty laid back and wouldn't deal well with another cat that had a strong A personality.
From day one, he and she have been inseparable! They love to play and chase all over the house. While she is much smaller than Pete, Jade holds her own. She's very patient with his hugging, washing and rough play. It doesn't phase her a bit. When she's had enough, she finds a quiet spot, curls up into a little ball and takes a nap. If Pete can't find her he looks everywhere calling for her.
She's a snuggle bug and they love to curl up together. She also jumps up in our laps when we're watching TV. At night she sleeps right on my pillow or under the covers. She's also very good with new people - comes right out to meet and greet.
That's where we are after 2 weeks. Thanks again for making our family whole!

November 5 update - Jade is well into her 4th week with us and is really coming into her own. I think she really feels at home! She interacts and follows us around. Stretches out when she sleeps, gives kisses and bathes us very forcefully. She and Pete are best, best buddies. Great playmates - never a hiss or swat in the face. She's a tough cookie and takes his rough play without complaint. Loves her toys and catnip. She makes us smile many times a day. Such a good girl!

November 11 one month anniversary! A picture is worth a 1,000 words so I just posted 5 new pix. Jade now has a nickname and she responds to it. We call her JJ (Baby J or Lil' J). :). I sat down to write this and she crawled right into my lap. She is such a good girl! We just love, love her. And Pete would be lost without her!

April 12 update - Wow! Where did 6 months go? I just re-read my earlier updates and it's still steady as she goes. Jade has wrapped all of us around her little white paws! She and Pete are glued at the hip. He still plays rough and she still engages. He's up to 12 lbs. and she's around 7 lbs. He's the brawn, but she's the brains!
She chose my husband Ed as her person. She sleeps with me and helps with litter box cleaning etc. - very sweet. But when she wants a lap to sit in and to give kisses, she seeks out "Daddy." Ed is thrilled, of course! They are so cute together. Pete is a mama's boy, so it's even!
Jade loves to sit by the screen door and watch birds and bugs on our deck; chasing the laser light; climbing the scratching post. She knows where I keep the laser light and hangs out in that spot when she's ready to play. She's not picky about food and never misses a meal. And, she still makes up to anyone who comes in the house - our little greeter.
We just love her so much - she and Pete make us laugh and smile many times a day. Thanks again for matching her with us! I recommend SCRC as often as I can.

(Last update: Apr 12th, 2016 3pm)

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Name: Rinpoche

(FKA Kindal)

ID#: VA10975
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/08/15
Adopted: 10/06/15
Congrats: Jorge
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

Well I guess I just have to put myself out there and tell everyone how wonderful I am. I am very affectionate and loving. I have great litter box habits and my appetite is super. I am ready for my new home and will be a shining star in your family. I do need another kitten or cat to play with.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Rinpoche, is getting along famously with Bodhi our male Siamese. She has completely adapted to her new home and loves to fetch her little foam balls just like a dog!
Six month update: Rinpoche is definitely living the life, she is extremely spoiled and happy and we love her to death. She's a very smart cat and loves spending time playing with her older brother and watching the birds and squirrels from our screened in courtyard.

(Last update: Apr 12th, 2016 9am)

Sweet boy who has great potential. He is affectionate once he feels more comfortable. Not a best friend immediately but comes around with patience. Has been around other cats. No dogs please. Needs a home that is not too active.
Purrs, Fergus
Name:   Fergus
ID#: VA11325
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 02/01/16
Adopted: 03/12/16
Congrats: Kathy
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Fergus is thriving well here. He has grown quite a bit (8.5 lb, maybe more now) though still fighting coccidia. He's a little shy but loves to join in playtime with his "sister" Farina (fka "Apple"). His favorite toy is the bird which is attached to a wire and appears to fly when I hold the handle and wiggle it. He jumps and twists in mid air trying to catch it, and does not quit until he gets it! He also loves those little pyramid cloth toys that came with him, and anything he can chase after. Fergus is a very sweet boy who likes to sleep with me at night or in his beehive wicker bed for naps. Isn't he handsome?
(Last update: Apr 10th, 2016 9pm)

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Name:   Arianna fka Frances
ID#: VA6818
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 01/28/10
Adopted: 04/10/10
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Hello adopters out there. I got a slow start because I had an allergic reaction to my spay stitches so has taken me some extra time to heal up and get better. I love to be petted and will jump up next to someone sitting and ask for petting and head scratching. I get along fine with other kitties if introduced slowly. I am playful and very sweet/good natured. I would love to have my own family to love on.

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Notes from Home
Arianna is very happy and loves her Brothers toby and Frankie. She is very playful and affectionate with soft silky fur.
She is very well adjusted and is a nice addition to our family.

April 2103,
Arianna is happy to be sitting near an open window now that the weather is warm! She likes to play with Toby her only housemate, since her other Brother passed away last August. She loves her elderly Grandfather and puts her feet up on him to be petted on the belly and near her tail everyday.
She sleeps with Mommy every night and loves her cat nip toys.

Arianna 2014,
Ari is happy to be home with her Grandfather and three other siblings during the day. She loves the rubs near the tail. Cute little affectionate lap girl that she is. She has stolen my 86 yr old Father's heart.
Arianna 2016- Adrianna is a happy well adjusted girl who loves her Mommy. She greets people most of the time when they come into the house. Especially her Mommy when she comes home from work. She likes her Brother Max too . In fact Max looks like her and is about the sane age. I don't know what I would do without my Arianna sweet girl. Sincerely, Laura Andersen

(Last update: Apr 10th, 2016 7pm)

Really happy that the big storm missed Greenfield so I could make it to Foster Mom's on Saturday. A beautiful girl like me shouldn't have to be in a shelter.

I'm a dark sealpoint girl with a little bit of sassy attitude. I like attention but let's not overdo it. I like to settle next to you on the couch rather than sit on your lap. I have thoroughly explored the foster room and keep trying to escape so that I can explore the rest of the house and meet those cats I can hear on the other side of the door. I lived with other cats in my previous home but I like to be the boss so I need buddies who
stand up to me. No dogs though please - I encountered those creatures at the shelter and didn't like them.

I am not a fussy eater and use my litter box like a good girl should. If you're looking for a low key kind of Siamese girl ask about me!

Name:   Frisky
ID#: VA11311
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/24/16
Adopted: 02/27/16
Congrats: Michael
Foster: Diane

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Frisky adjusted very quickly to her new home. She ate, used her litter-box, and played instantly. Explored her surroundings and got comfortable rather quickly. She loves to sleep under the covers and under pillows. It's funny finding her randomly in these spots. Her most common spot to be found is on top of my bed. She loves to chase after toys and is very active for her age. She has quite the appetite. The sweetest meow and purr. My Siamese cat and everyone here loves the new addition to our family. We are so glad things worked out and that Frisky now has her furrever home!
(Last update: Apr 8th, 2016 6pm)

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Name:   Jewel
ID#: VA10968
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 08/06/15
Adopted: 10/03/15
Congrats: Thia
Foster: Michelle

Foster Notes

Sweet Jewel has been through a lot in recent months. First she had a litter of kittens and was turned into the shelter with them as unwanted. She was a great momma to her kittens and doted on them as a momma cat should.

Then she came into foster care with a red eye. It turned out to be an ulcer that had ruptured, so she had to get stitches in both her eyeball and to close her eye so it could heal - yuck! She was a champ through it all. The stitches are now out and the eyeball is looking good and healing well. Hopefully, in about 3 weeks, you won't be able to tell anything was wrong.

And now that she feels better, her personality is beginning to shine. Jewel is an extremely sweet girl who is rather unassuming. She enjoys attention, talks a little, and loves to play with a fuzzy ball. She is laid back and should easily adjust to her new home. Cats and kids will be no problem for this girl. The jury is still out on dogs.

Jewel is ready for her forever home, so be sure to ask about her!

Check out all of the new videos on Jewel! There are 5 new videos, including one showing how good she is meeting new cats and kittens :)

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hi Everyone,

All is well with Jewel, now called Sammy or Sam, short for Samantha Jewel. She is a livewire! She's either charging around and finding things to adventure with at every turn, or she is totally conked out recharging her engines for the next round. Never a dull moment with this one!

She and 12-year-old Tucker get along quite well. She is on speed-dial most of the time and he is pretty much the opposite, but she does get him up and moving more than he would otherwise, so that is a good thing. Neither one dominates or is cowed by the other, Occasionally after she does one of her kangaroo punching things on Tucker (who just sits there), he'll look at me like, "Really? What were you thinking?" and then just walk away. They will tussle and chase, but no hissing, growling, yowling or bared teeth, so it seems like healthy interaction to me.

We're happy. Thanks so much for everything!
Thia, Sam, and Tucker

(Last update: Apr 7th, 2016 3pm)

Hi there! My name is Aimee. Please adopt me. I really want to be your one and only. I get upset by other critters and I'm being forced to share my comfy bed, my human and most importantly, my FOOD with other kitties. I want to sit in your lap. I want to follow you around and chat with you a bunch. I want you to point that laser thing and watch me RUN. I want to stretch out in your bed and not bump paws with anything else remotely feline. But more than anything, I just want to go home...
Name:   Aimee
ID#: VA9657
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 11/04/13
Adopted: 01/18/14
Congrats: Caitlin
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
She is doing so well!!! She is right at home and follows me around everywhere. At night after she gets all of her running around out of the way:-), she curls up next to me in bed. She is the perfect cat!!!

Whiskey (her name after adoption) is doing well and due to my recent illness/surgery has been able to interact with her new uncles and aunt (my parents' cats). She has decided that she wants a playmate :-)

(Last update: Apr 7th, 2016 9am)

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Name: Go Go

(FKA Ivory Go - Go)

ID#: VA9115
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/14/13
Adopted: 05/25/13
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: Trish

Foster Notes

I'm all settled in at the Italian B&B for Wayward Siamese. Foster Meown says my full name is Miss Ivory Go-Go Long Legs, 'cause me and my long legs are always, always on the move. I love to play, eat, and purr, particularly when I can snuggle on top of you. All the staff at Catzablanca Cat Clinic thought I was super precious, but I didn't let it go to my head. Today, I am on T.V. - yes, little me! I bewitched the host, Scot Haney of CBS Channel 3/WFSB in Hartford, with my sapphire eyes and purr-fect demeanor during the taping.

If you have a young boy kitten for me to play with, and If you're ready for a super active, intelligent, long-legged, sweet petite princess, I'm ready to discuss it And yes, I do talk, but very politely - such as "It's time for breakfast, or lunch or dinner!"

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Notes from Home
Hello! Life is good! Mom and dad kept my name though they usually call me Go Go. Actually dad calls me rascal because he said I am 100% of that. The vet refers to me as a shark - ha! That will teach them to get a urine sample from me! Anyway, I got so much to tell. When mom and dad picked me up from Aunt Trish it was raining and starting to rain harder. We took a ride on the Mass pike and stopped at a rest area. Mom bought dad and her some pretzels and the smell was simply wonderful the rest of the way home. I was so hungry that mom fed me chicken wet food right away and I ate it all up and blessed the kitty box with sand in it. I kept smelling something on the other side of the door but mom told me to just relax and enjoy the window. Well, the next day when mom came in to feed me, I watched her moves and started my escape route planning. I knew there was something nice on the other side of the door and I was determined to find out. Later, mom and dad opened the door and I flew out and whoa! something big and flame color flew in! I ran back into my room and there, before my eyes was standing the most handsome boy I had ever seen! He is a Flame Point named Indy and it was love at first site! He checked out the toys I had and we played right then and there He tells me how much he loves Foster Shirley Bo and I tell him how much I love Foster Trish!. We have been bonded together ever since. We play, we wrestle, we get grumpy and we love it! He is impressed with my wrestling move and I can pin him and grab his neck. He watches my back and I have his. We even race to see who can eat the most and even though I am a "hooverette" he does out eat even me which is quite an accomplishment.

I have since met the Boss of the house and Anna-Lindt is pretty cool. She was grumpy at first but once I realized she didn't want to play, I leave her alone except checking in with her. She is Mom in the house now, cleaning Indy's fur and ears and starting on mine.

Mom says I am a crack up because she had not ever met a cat who liked to go into the kitchen sink and clean a plate with pizza on it! I think her and dad have caught on to me that I will eat about anything, so they are careful. Speaking of food, dad let me try sushi the other night - no rice, and now I want my own chop sticks.

I am resting on the window pad right now. I have been busy the last few days babysitting mom. She came down with a wicked bad cold and Indy and I have been taking turns babysitting her. She and dad have in turn been giving us extra chicken for a reward. (This was our plan all along, don't tell them!).

Well, sitting here looking cute, my mom has realized that we need our late day lunch (a few chick pieces), so I have asked her to wrap this up and FEED US! Bye!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


I am so well loved! I hang out with Anna-Lindt who will be 13 years old this year. She raises me as her own and shows me the ways to keep mom and dad wrapped around our paws. I want to tell my Foster mom, Trish M some good news. Mom and dad have been working with the vet on my bladder issues. I passed every physical test with only the next step being an ultrasound. My vet, Dr. Sparkman at York Vet in Yorktown, VA doesn't want me to stress on that test.She, along with mom and dad decided to try me on a very low dose of prozac every few days, because it appears to them that I am a bit high strung. Since starting this I have not had one bladder issue! I feel real good and do well at the sand box. Mom and dad keep close tabs on it.

Mom calls me stinkbutt because she says I can be a handful! I get bored eating my cat food so I rather walk away from my bowl and see what you have! I really like the chicken dad makes us and every so often I am able to con mom out of a pasta noodle. They get on my though to finish my dinner, so I do - eventually!

They bought me a stuff polar bear from Niagara Falls to go along with my stuff cardinal. I keep the bird in my milli bed, purple with leopard spots and my bear is stuck on a high perch at the cat condo dad installed. He put the condo near a sunny window and I am loving life! My buddy Indy, keeps me safe and I get a scratch from mom and dad when they walk by.

(Last update: Apr 5th, 2016 11pm)

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