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Well here it is three months have gone by and I am still here. I know foster mom says it is OK but she would love to see me in my forever home. I am growing up, I have been fighting this ringworm fungus and it looks like we are close to whipping it. My tail has hair growing all the way around it now and I never got it anywhere else.

I am such a sweet cat. I lay on my back in foster moms arms and look up at her like a baby. I put my paw on her face and I just love attention.

It has been decided I would like a playmate. Not a rough one but one that will like me and play nice with me. I love to play with my toys and have fun. Is anyone out there waiting for me? Nancy
Name: Reagen

(FKA Nancy)

ID#: VA10503
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/09/14
Adopted: 04/26/15
Congrats: Cindy
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Thanks for keeping in touch with us. We feel blessed getting Reagan. She is all settled in and keeping us and our other 2 rescues very busy. Gets closer everyday to becoming a lap cat and loves to be cradled like a baby and having her head rubbed. It's amazing to us how she can contort her body and fall asleep. I am going to upload some photos of her.
Reagan is still not a fan of wet food but has no problem with eating dry food. CVS recently had a sale on tuna and we stocked up because she absolutely loves a spoon full when being fed in the morning and evening. Was actually cheaper than some cans of wet food.
We will continue to update photos of her. Thanks again

(Last update: Apr 26th, 2016 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Mia
ID#: VA7632
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 03/23/11
Adopted: 04/23/11
Congrats: John
Foster: Ellen

Foster Notes


I'm Mia. At 7 months old, I have already lived through the worst and proved that I'm a survivor. A terrible person cut the tips of my ears off and almost killed me. A wonderful person saved me. My ears are healing well, but will always be unique, just like me.

Even though I was tortured, I have not let it get me down and I have not stopped being a loving, affectionate girl. I am still sweet and trusting. Foster Mommy says I have a good soul!

I look a little grumpy because of the way my ears were cut -- they look they're flattened back. But they're not flattened and I'm not grumpy -- I'm a sweettheart!

After I've settled into my foster home, Foster Mommy will introduce me to her cats and see if I like other kitties. I surely have some stories to tell them.

So please ask about me . . . I'm a such a good girl and need a great home with lots of love to help me forget about my bad experience. Heaven can wait. For now, I just want my forever home -- where I can love and be loved.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Update April 26, 2016
Mia has been with us now for 5 years and is still at the center of our lives. She wakes with me every morning, sits on the bathroom counter as I prepare for work, and walks me to the door as I depart for the day. Mia hears the garage door opening and greets me at the back door when I return and is my constant companion as I work, watch TV, or internet in the evening. She sleeps at (or on) my feet. My wife and I love Mia and cannot imagine life without her. She is the gentlest and most loving creature I have ever known.

Update April 28, 2014
Mia has been with us for 3 years!
Mia has adjusted so well that any signs of apprehension that she initially had have completely faded away.
Mia rises with me every morning as I prepare to go to work, escorts me to the door, and greets me when I arrive home each afternoon. Mia enjoys sitting on my lap when I'm on the internet and when she's watching her favorite TV show, Big Cat Diary, on Animal Planet with her sister, TigerLily. The two of them pump their back legs in unison (vicariously preparing to pounce) as they watch cheetahs hunting antelopes on the African Savanna - it is hilarious! Mia also loves napping in sunbeams, bird watching - especially through the window screens as the weather warms up, and tracking me from the windows as I ride the tractor. She has truly become a cherished member of our family.
Please thank the generous person who knitted the blanket Mia came home with. It is her favorite possession and security blanket. Wherever I spread the blanket becomes Mia's spot.
As always, thanks so much to Marjorie and Mia's "Aunt Ellen" for bringing our sweet girl to us.
Please see her new picture on her favorite spot (my lap).
John Salter

Mia is doing wonderfully in our home. She is a very sweet, smart, and affectionate soul and she spends her time playing with our other cats, observing birds and squirrels from the windows, cuddling next to us while we use our laptops, and (her favorite pastime) eating! We retained her original name because it seems to suit her well, and "Mia" sounds very close to her own "meow", making it easy for her to introduce herself!
Mia enjoys being close to us, and watches at the window anytime that we leave or return home. She is always waiting at the door when I return to welcome me home. We have had no incidents with her marking or scratching anything in the house. She is a pleasure for us to have in our home and we look forward to a long and happy time with her.
Mia is also our first Siamese cat, and Mia is a wonderful ambassador for her breed. She has converted my wife and I to Siamese cat fans.
We are thrilled that Mia has come to our home and grateful to everyone who assisted in the adoption process.
Mia continues to do wonderfully. She sleeps on the foot of our bed with Lily, our Savannah, and the two of them play and keep one another amused. Mia's favorite pastime is still eating, and she has picked up a nice weight which we monitor carefully. She is a very sweet and loving girl and we get closer to her every day.

Update May 2, 2013.
Mia has been with our family for two years now, and was never as wonderful as during the last 10 weeks when I was going through kidney stone surgery. Mia was my "nurse" during all of my time at home, staying by my side day and night. When I returned from overnight hospital stays, Mia would run to greet me as I came in the door. I would not have recovered as quickly nor kept my spirits as high without Mia as my constant companion.

(Last update: Apr 26th, 2016 3pm)

I got my name because foster mom and a special Rescue Angel were reading about a little girl with some major issues. She didn't give in to her difficulties and foster mom says that I haven't either. My skin is not in good shape but it will get better with a little time. i haven't given up and I am a cat who won't give up and I love people no matter what my past has been. A little time and I will be beautiful..

Name: Luna

(FKA Laelia)

ID#: VA11354
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/24/16
Adopted: 03/26/16
Congrats: Cassie
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Laelia (now Luna) is continuing to do very well. She is full of personality , a little feisty and loves to sit on the screened deck . She also loves running around the house and playing with her mice. Her skin has improved and our local vet is working with us on this. We love her very much and she is pretty much the queen of the house.
(Last update: Apr 26th, 2016 8am)

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Name:   Sebastian
ID#: VA8368
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 02/18/12
Adopted: 03/04/12
Deceased: 04/06/19
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
We've all got a story. Mine? My momma is very old and sick, and can't take care of herself anymore, let alone me. But she wanted to make sure I was taken care of even if it's not by her, so here I am. I'm a nice nice boy who loves attention and laps, and I've been well-loved my entire life. My momma said I don't like other cats, but I have lived with them. So right now I'm looking for a home where I can be your one-and-only, but that may change. Stay tuned for more pictures - I'm quite the handsome and friendly older guy! And I've been to the vet for my senior "workup" - and I'm in great shape for my age. Ask foster mom about my test results, and she'll be happy to share them with you.

BTW - foster momma just got my registration papers in the mail. She said papers don't matter, but now we know my exact age and birthday! I just turned 12 on February 12th. She says happy belated birthday to me!

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Notes from Home
Hello Everyone-Sebastian is adjusting well. He is not bothered by the dogs and has been sleeping on the bed most nights. He is eating well and is a very neat boy when it comes to the food and litter box. Although his wounds on his ears and neck are mostly healed, he contiunes to scratch and irritate those areas, including his chin. Our vet seems to think it is food related allergies. We tried a new food on him, but he did not like it. So we are not sure what the next step will be, perhaps another steroid injection?

He has found where and when the sun shines in the house and loves to catch the rays. It is wonderful having this older gentleman in the house. He is calm and happy to be on your lap or legs (when it is bed time). He seems to be happy with all the space he has and all the choices of places to nap (he has at least 3 beds in different parts of the house). Thank you for taking him into the rescue, so we could find him and he could become part of our family. Lisa, Pat and the 4 doggies

Sept 2012-Seebee (for short) is doing great. Lets you hug and kiss him now that he is settled in. His skin and coat looks great-seems we have that under control. He bosses the dogs around when he is irritated with them, which is fine with us.

2016-Seebee is doing great for an old kitty-adjusted perfect and now that his allergies are under control he is a very happy cat.

(Last update: Apr 23rd, 2016 9pm)

Well they don't get any easier going than I am. I am laid back, integrated without a blink of an eye, have no politics with the males or the females, people or cats that is! I can snuggle with the best of them, and am excellent in all my habits. A petite cat at just under 8 pounds, I have a little bit of a stocky build and a very well proportioned purrsonality!
Name:   Allie
ID#: VA8948
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 11/25/12
Adopted: 12/30/12
Congrats: Jeanne
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Allie is settling into her new home nicely. She is such a lovable girl. I heard her meow for the first time yesturday, it was a very quiet meow. She is interacting well with all of us, especially with my children, she is still trying to get used to the dogs. She is very playful. Her first vet appointment is Wednesday,January 9th. I will keep you posted!

Allie has finally ventured out of my sons room! Minnie and Scooby were excited to greet her, but she is still a little uncertain of them. But, she stands her ground when they get into her personal space. Allie also found a new toy, my necklace. I was holding her and she was batting around the charm on my necklace. She is definitely becoming more outgoing, playful, and more and more affectionate. She is such a wonderful girl!

Allie has settled in perfectly with my family. She likes to sleep at night with my youngest son. Felix and Allie are best of friends! It is comical at night when Felix is trying to find her. He meows so loud and she comes running. Typical cat craziness at night, especially since we have been having all these storms! Allie has finally mastered counter jumping, I know it must sound weird hearing someone say that. Most usually don't want cats on their counters. But my dogs will gobble up the cat food. All I have to say is 'Allie, Allie,Allie' and she books it into the kitchen for her food. During the day she snoozes in my room and my min pin takes a nap with her as well. They get along so well also. I cannot express how happy we are to have her. She really is a perfect fit for our family. I like to look at your website periodically. It is so heartwarming to see the kitties who find a home. I have posted some pictures for all if you. I will post more soon.

Allie is doing great! Her favorite place to sleep is on her cat condo in front of my bay window. At night she takes turns who she will sleep with. She had her vet appt and everything looks great! I've uploaded a new pic of her and Felix snuggling with each other.

(Last update: Apr 22nd, 2016 5pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Sassy

(FKA Mocha)

ID#: VA10687
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 03/29/15
Adopted: 04/22/15
Congrats: Jenna
Foster: Bonnie

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
When I went home in Sept of 2013, I was a tiny little girl. My brother and I were very happy to be safe and together.

But now that I am all grown up, my Nando brother is a pest. I have decided I would like to be an only child.

I was a cute little kitten. Now I am a stunningly beautiful, long-haired kitty. Can you believe my whiskers?

Foster mom told me about my cat family. My mother cat was a Tortie point, now I know how I developed the bad attitude towards my brother. I am still scared about this change in my life, but we are pretty sure I will be much happier as an only cat.

I've met my new Mom. She is young, like me. I think I'll fine right from the start. She has owned a meezer before, so she knows all about us. First thing when we get home. I want to play with the feather wand, then I'll follow you evrywhere.

I'm so anxious to go to my new home, I can't wait.

a Fluffinator's dream.

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Notes from Home
It's really nice that Siamese Rescue likes to follow up and hear how their rescues are doing.

I can't believe it's been a year! Sassy seems to be doing better than ever. I just brought her to the vet two weeks ago for her vaccines, and also unfortunately because she had developed a hot spot in the middle of her back. I recognized what they look like from my family dogs and didn't know that cats could get hot spots. I guess that's the nature of long hair on cats. She's doing much better now, with a little prednisone it's all healed. The vet also said that Sassy is slightly overweight for a young adult at 11 pounds 8 ounces. I have cut back on her dry food because it apparently has more calories than the wet. It is hard to really tell if she looks overweight because of the fact that she is so fluffy, but now I know!

When Sassy first came home she would hide under the coach or in my closet. My apartment is a one bedroom that is more like a studio so there is really not much space to hide. Now, Sassy never hides! Unless I'm vacuuming, then she runs for the hills. She has become much less shy when I have guests over. She used to hide immediately when someone came in and now she will stick around and lay on the rug, observing. Sassy talks constantly, especially when she wants attention. In the morning she will jump up in bed with me and rub her face on mine and meow until I give in and get up and feed her. Sassy also loves sitting on a bench that I have next to the window; she's an avid people/bird/car watcher. She knows when my boy friend or I gets home, and jumps off the window bench to wait by the door.

Sassy is very attached to me, but she also loves my boyfriend. She never used to really like being held unless she was forced but now she's a little cuddle bunny. She is still naturally shy and a bit timid with noises. I wish she wasn't, but Bonnie tells me she may always be like that. She has not been introduced to any other cats since she has come home with me. I would be very wary knowing how she was with her brother (attacking him to the point where the family sent her back). I think she's enjoying the single cat life, she doesn't seem lonely, but maybe some day she will want a friend.

Anyway! I am so grateful to Siamese Cat Rescue and I just love my Sassy so much! Thank you for everything, and everything you do!

(Last update: Apr 22nd, 2016 7am)

Corey is a petite female Siamese who craves human company. She was given up by her previous owner who could no longer keep her due to her own life situation. Corey was much loved by her owner and came to us without any of her possessions but lots of regrets from her owner She has been as close as possible to a perfect foster cat as any Siamese I have fostered.
She is neither passive nor aggressive and has integrated well with both of my personal male and female cats.
Name: Mia

(FKA Corey)

ID#: VA11343
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 02/15/16
Adopted: 03/20/16
Congrats: Ronald
Foster: peter

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
April 20 - Mia is doing really well. She does not have much of an appetite, so will probably never be over 8 lbs. She is very petite and loves all people - even children. She tolerates our 12-year old "Smokie", but so far will not play with him. We think he will teach her as time passes, as she was apparently a solo cat in her prior life. She also does not like "toys" but is slowly starting to play with some, as Smokie plays with some in front of her. She has the energy of a two year old - very active. Everyone really likes her and most are surprised she is so friendly.
(Last update: Apr 20th, 2016 11pm)

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Name: Gus

(FKA Hughe)

ID#: VA11363
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 1 Yr
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 03/01/16
Adopted: 03/26/16
Deceased: 01/01/17
Congrats: Joyce
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Geez..... How lucky can kittens get. Mom was turned into the shelter very pregnant. She was taken into foster care that day and that evening out popped five precious babies. Hughe and Simon were the two pointed babies that made it into Siamese Rescue. (Don't worry, their siblings were adopted into fantastic homes. :) )

Momma did a fantastic job aided by their wonderful foster and they are now ready for their furrever homes. Sweet, snuggly, playful and so cute, they will make your heart melt!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Gus (Hughe) has been a God send to us and to Wicket! It was love at first sight for the kittens and for us as well. We may need a bigger bed. :-) as they both seem to want to keep us company at night. The two get to playing on the floor above us and it sounds like a thundering herd running up and down the hall. We love them both and thank you all for a job well done in matching them up!!
(Last update: Apr 19th, 2016 10am)

Angel has a unique look for those with discerning tastes who don't want to follow the crowd. She is just a bit shy, so would do best in a quieter home. She would love to land a job as full time lap cat and promises to do her job purrfectly. Stay tuned as she reveals more of her purrsonality.

Angel needs to stay in her transport area.

More pictures and videos coming soon!
Name: Wicket

(FKA Angel)

ID#: VA11336
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 02/11/16
Adopted: 02/27/16
Congrats: Joyce
Foster: Michelle


Notes from Home
Wicket has made herself right at home! She plays, eats and sleeps with us and we just couldn't love her more. Since we got Gus (Hughe) she has turned into quite the playful kitten friend.
These two kittens just LOVE each other! Play and sleep together and have adjusted so well. TY guys!

(Last update: Apr 19th, 2016 10am)

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Name: Buddy

(FKA Buddy Holly)

ID#: VA9810
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/15/14
Adopted: 04/19/14
Congrats: Fred
Foster: Huey

Polite, shy, gentle, and loving older gentleman seal point looking for quiet, stable home where his family will allow him to give head butts and lap time. Please- no scary dogs or cats!

I like to spend a little time on the floor with my person each day for lovins. I also enjoy arranging the covers just so- the better to snuggle under! I really like guys and run to foster Poppa whenever I hear his voice.

I'm all heathy now with great bloodwork results and a healthy pink gums! I don't allow my lack of teeth slow me down- I still like to play with fuzzy balls and feather toys. I didn't enjoy brushing them, anyway;)

So ask about me and I will tell you all about it!

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Notes from Home
May 9, 2014: Buddy arrived here on April 19, and yesterday was the first day he felt secure enough to go around the house on his own. He's been very friendly to me, but was nervous about being with his new sister Lili. But now, he seems to like Lili (a Chocolate Point perhaps 2 years younger than Buddy) and feels comfortable with her--most of the time. He even slept in his own bedroom with the door open last night--but with a nightlight on as usual. (Buddy is afraid of the dark!) Things seem to be going well for Buddy, but each day presents new challengers But he has the suport of me--and his sister Lili.
May 19, 2014: Buddy now has the run of the house. He has a habit of following me around the house, and Lili, his step-sister, often follows him. So, if I look behind me, I see a procession of cats following me. Buddy's food dishes are now with Lili's in the downstairs bathroom. Next I must transfer his litter box so he shares the two of Lili's. But I'll do that carefully since he had "issues" in the past. All in all, I'd say Buddy is adapting well, and he's enjoying life...He's a good, affectionate guy.
May 31, 2014: Well, Buddy had his trip to the vet last Thursday, May 29. I took a towel down to put into his box in the basement while both he and his step-sister Lili were in my bedroom--two floors up. I have no idea how they knew, but when I got back to the bedroom--both cats had gone into hiding! It took me 45 minutes to get Buddy into his carrier. At the vet's, the vet carefully read Buddy's medical summary--and was extremely impressed with the efforts and care--especially medical--that Siamese Cat Rescue provided for Buddy over several years. He was also impressed with the nature of Siamese Cat Rescue and their oversight of the entire process. After Buddy's examinatiion--pased with flying colors--I brought him home. He seems to be settling in comfortably in his new home, and is getting on with his step-sister (most of the time). When I return home after being out, Buddy is usually on his way down the stairs to greet me--which is nice.

April 19, 2016: Buddy was very glad to receive your email this morning, on this second anniversary in his "forever home." He really feels at home now. He's very affectionate with me, and has his little habits. Most mornings he joins me for breakfast. He jumps up on the back of the chair, and then comes around to the front where he sits on my lap. Evenings, when I'm making dinner, he continuously makes visits to the kitchen, jumps up on the back of the chair, and waits to be petted. When I return from being out, it's Buddy who greets me at the front door. He went to the vet last week for his booster shot, and had a physical exam, which he passed with flying colors. One thing that I wish is that he would be more friendly with his step-sister Lili. She'll come up to him to touch noses-and Buddy will usually (though not always) just walk away. Sometimes I do see them sitting side by side. Most nights Buddy sleeps in his"Millie bed" in my bedroom--though Lili gets the "big" bed. And Buddy will still run out of the bathroom if I walk in while he's eating. I heard he had issues in a former home with eating, so he still remembers...All in all, he's doing well. He's adjusted well, though there are still some residual issues from his former lives that he can't shake, and probably never will. He's a bit of a character, and Lili and I both love him.

(Last update: Apr 19th, 2016 8am)

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