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Lovely man with great Meezer voice, can't go wrong if you want a Geezer!
Name:   Simon
ID#: VA11384
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/23/16
Adopted: 04/02/16
Deceased: 08/01/18
Congrats: Neill
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Simon and I are doing well, even though it has been a little over two weeks, he is feeling right at home. He sleeps with me every night, and sits in my lap most of the evening. We are still experimenting with wet food varieties, but he doesn't seem to turn away from anything. He has a slight ear infection, but the Vet gave me drops. He hates when I apply the medicine but gets over the treatment quickly. He is not using the clawing post given to me and it kind of bothering me with his clawing. I will try to work on a solution for this.
(Last update: May 10th, 2016 12pm)

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Name:   Meagan
ID#: VA6414
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/23/09
Adopted: 07/07/09
Deceased: 05/07/16
Congrats: Clarence
Foster: Donna

Just arrived. More information soon.

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Notes from Home
Just an update: I am home with my new owner as of July 7th. I was scared of going to another new place, but am really enjoying it now. I have become very relaxed with my owner and know that he is going to take very good care of me. He even has a special room just for me to eat and potty in. My new owner even bought me bling bling, I have a diamond necklace with a bell, don't tell him, I know that the diamonds are not real, but diamonds are a girl's best friend. Well that is all for now, so good luck to all you other boys and girls.

Just got home from my first Dr. appt. The Dr. and staff just loved me and kept complimenting me on how beautiful I was. Dr.Sernik had a balinese and just loved my look. She kept giving me hugs and kisses. My check-up was great and there are no problems, other that a little tartar on my tooth. Dr. Sernik suggested to my dad that he brush my teeth daily.She said me and my other siames relatives at prone to teeth decay. I will have to think about that for a little while, having someone brush my teeth, yuk, but if that is what my dad want I'll at least try it once without biting him. Dr Sernik gave me some advantage to put on so those pesty insects won't bother me. Well bye for now. Stay tuned for the next latest update.

Hey all , I been with my owner for 3 mos now and really enjoying myself. I love climbing on his lap and sleeping. Today is May 7th 2106, I had to put my sweet Meagan to sleep, she had heart failure, with no symptons visible , the big change happen from Thurs night to Fri. this is when she started with the hard breathing, not eating, or drinking, the vet said that her blood pressure was 200 which caused a blow out with her pupils and caused her to become blind. There was nothing that could be done to correct her heart and she was suffering. I made the decision to have her put down, I couldn't let her suffer, Meagan was my life and love, I will miss her so much, The house already is so lonely, I still look for her.

(Last update: May 7th, 2016 7pm)

Breaking News! I may be a page one cat but I just did a two week trial in a home and I was PERFECT! Just a wonderful cat all around, and I have lots of detail to share. Why am I back, you may ask? Well allergies will do that, particularly when they are least expected. Anyway, I come with all sorts of goodies, as I was spoiled rotten during those two weeks! So give me a shout, you too could have a lovely poster child of a wonderful cat!

(Try me you'll like me program available!)
Name:   Jazzmine
ID#: VA10615
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 02/07/15
Adopted: 11/07/15
Congrats: Irina
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Hi Peggy and Siri,
Jazmine doing great!!!very happy with her as well is she, I think. We love her very much and spoiling her a lot .
She likes to sleep on my lap for hours, using her scratch pad and not touching anything else. A little lazy to play but my daughter and her playing every day for few hours so she got to run and jump and get a little activities.
I noticed Jazzmine loves computers, likes to sit on keyboard or next to computer and does not like if I spend too much time
On my computer doing different moves around and staring at me why you spending time with this machine and not with me. She still does not like to be hold but when you taking her gently and hug her she leaned on you and put her face to the your chest. She is very sweet ! She even find her way to my husband heart, he adores her now. Cause she comes to him going on his chest and put her face to his chest and like saying pet me. It's so funny though to watch her doing that :)
We brought her to vet , she gain a lot of weight now she weights 5 lbs and she is in very good shape. Trimming her nails every 2 ,3 weeks, cause she is getting very uncomfortable .
Noticed few times she peed next to litter box but I think cause it was not cleaned on time.
Still scare of noises and sudden movements.
But slowly adjusting and developing trust!
We are very happy and will do everything for her!

(Last update: May 7th, 2016 11am)

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Name: Haru

(FKA Peaches)

ID#: VA10946
Location:  Illinois
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/26/15
Adopted: 11/07/15
Congrats: Eunjee
Foster: Joy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Ok, so how is everyone resisting my adorable videos? I know they're not the greatest, foster Mom promises to try to get a better one. But they show my real personality. I have so much of everything, sweet, playful, fun....yet nobody is asking about me? I love my foster family, but honestly, it's time for me to go to my forever home. Could you be that forever home I'm looking for?


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Notes from Home
This cat makes me think how grateful my life is everyday. There cannot be more perfect cat than Haru. I talk to her a lot and I think she understands me : ) thank you everyone who was involved in the process of this adoption. It was a bit tricky because Haru was actually a bit far away from me. So many people were willing to help me to get Haru to me and I cannot thank them enough. She's doing well. Very healthy ; ) thank you so much all.
(Last update: May 7th, 2016 10am)

Hi! I'm Lt. Dan or you can call me Lou. You see, I only have three legs. No one seems to know what happened to my leg but it was a while ago and I get along just fine without it. I'm an easy going fella and I like cats, dogs, kids and humans of all ages. I need to get checked out at the vet next week and then I'll be ready to go home. You should probably ask about me now before my list gets too long.

Be sure to check out my video and check back later for photos.
Name:   Lt. Dan
ID#: VA11156
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
DateIn: 10/22/15
Adopted: 11/07/15
Congrats: Alissa
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Happy 6 month anniversary!! Lt Dan and I are having a grand time. We go on adventures, cuddle for hours, and sometimes we even host parties together! I truly believe that we were meant to be together and I could not have dreamed of a more perfect partner in life. We have a lot of fun together. You can follow the fun at @lt.dancat on Instagram.

(Last update: May 7th, 2016 9am)

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Name: Callie Jane

(FKA Callie)

ID#: VA7851
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lilac
Date In: 07/09/11
Adopted: 07/30/11
Deceased: 05/11/16
Congrats: Johanna
Foster: Siri

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Gentle souled bluepoint gal hoping you choose me. More as soon as I know it!

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Notes from Home
On Tuesday, May 3rd, Callie crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. She had a slight limp, so I took her to the vet where they told me to limit her movement and gave her some pain medication. She had a follow-up visit three weeks later. In that time period, her leg improved, but her left eye began to swell. When I took her back for her follow-up, the vet took a look at her eye and they were not pleased with what they saw. What I thought was an allergic reaction or an infection turned out to be an incredibly aggressive tumor behind her eye. Any treatment options only offered time for me and a dim prognosis for her. The vet believed she was having discomfort because of the speed with which it grew. I felt the only humane option was to let her go. My heart is broken. I feel like a piece of me has been ripped away. She was the sweetest cat I've ever met and I truly believe that we were meant to have each other for the short time we were together. She offered me love and comfort every day of her short life. I will never find a cat to replace her, but I will soon be ready to open my home to another cat who needs my love. I can never thank you all enough for matching me with the perfect cat for me!
(Last update: May 6th, 2016 8pm)

That;s me on the right. Just arrived with my little brother Repete' (get it...haha). I'm a little more shy than Repete', but I've been out here in the world 6 months longer and I'm just a bit more wary as a result. I've always been nice to people though, and I'm starting to get used to this posh indoor life. I like to sleep on the bed and eat good food. I'll let you pet me and I really LIKE for you to pet me, but it just takes me a little while to come around. I like to play with my little brother and we'd make a great pair if you're looking for 2 kitties, but I think I'd do well with another feline companion as well.
Name: Danny

(FKA Pete)

ID#: VA11398
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 04/01/16
Adopted: 04/24/16
Congrats: Nicki
Foster: Belinda

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
4/25/16: yesterday when we arrived home I let Danny (FKA Pete) out of his carrier in the office where he has a litterbox, food and water dishes, bed, and toys available. The office has glass front doors so I figured it would be the perfect room for him to become acclimated to the house and Lizzy (FKA Pumba Sugar) before they are allowed to be in the same room. He promptly crawled under the desk and stayed there curled into a little ball. I went into the room a few times but he wouldn't budge. I tried to coax him out with a fish on a string...and while I got a little paw reaching out that was all I saw of him. He did pee shortly after he arrive, but wouldn't show himself when I looked into the room...at one point he had his nose poked out but pulled back as soon as he saw me. I peeked around the corner at one point and he and Lizzy were nose to nose through the glass...both very calmly sitting there.

This morning it was apparent that he had eaten some of his dry food and he peed again overnight., but again he wouldn't even poke his nose out from under the desk. After work this evening I checked on him and it was apparent that he hadn't touched his wet food all day, so I changed it for new food. No litterbox use during the day.

I feel like we made some amazing progress this evening. I was in the office and again enticed Danny with the fish on a string...this time he immediately began purring (he's a purr machine!) and reached out to grab it. After a few minutes he came out and allowed me to pet him.mhe was a little jumpy at first, but after a few minutes he was bumping into my hand and falling over so I could pet him.

Lizzy had a reaction (unexpected!) tonight to all of this...she watched through the door and gave a low growl (something we've never heard from her before). When I came out of the office she initially sniffed my hand and then wouldn't come near me. I do believe our little princess was a little jealous! Since she didn't have any issues at the shelter, I'm still thinking that she'll get over it and be fine, but it may be a bit rougher on her than I thought initially.

I'll post updates as we move forward. Thank you to everyone who had a hand in bringing Danny home to us. He is a sweet, sweet boy and a purr machine!!!


Danny and Lizzy have been learning to get along with minimal hissing and really not much problem. Occasionally one or the other will let out a brief hiss as if to say leave me alone right now, but I'm happy to report that there has been no fur flying, no claws bared, and not much chaos. Danny is far more inclined to remain in the main part of the house with us than he was for the first few days, though he is still jumpy if anyone moves too fast or makes a loud sound (like when I dropped something the other day). If he runs for cover it doesn't take him long to return.

Last night as my son was climbing into bed, Danny came into the room to see what was going on. My son reached his hand over the side of the bed to try to coax Danny closer for a pet...Danny fell over on his side, began rolling on his back and purred so loud that the sound was filling the room. I have to think he knows he is safe and well loved!

I'll post a picture later today that I took yesterday morning of Danny and Lizzy sharing a food bowl. They each have their own bowls, on opposite sides of the kitchen. I feed them the same food, in the same amount each morning and evening but for the past several days they have been eating from the same bowl - taking turns - and then moving to the other bowl. Occasionally they'll go to separate bowls, but most often they are taking turns.

Danny has been a wonderful addition to our home, and while he still hasn't decided to trust enough to allow us to pick him up or to sit on our laps for pets, I'm guessing it won't be too long before he does. He certainly comes close for lots of pets and falls into our hands to get closer.


(Last update: May 6th, 2016 12pm)

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Name:   Snowdrop
ID#: VA9889
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/07/14
Adopted: 03/29/14
Congrats: Kristi
Foster: LaShawn

Foster Notes

Snowdrop - tiny, white, shows up at the first of spring...yup, that's me! Wanna take me home and watch me 'blossom'? You know what to do!



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Notes from Home
I am in love with my kitty, Snowdrop! How much joy can one little creature bring into somebody's life? Oodles!

With her beautiful, deep blue eyes she is like a little piece of sapphire jewelry wrapped in a fur coat. Snowy is so loving, affectionate, smart and funny! She is "large and in charge"and has assumed top critter position in OUR HOUSE.

Snowy is uncharacteristically quiet, as far as Siamese cats go, however, let there be no doubt, she has a BIG presence!

I am so grateful that LaShawn Lewis chose me to be the lucky person to be her steward. I absolutely love her to pieces!

(Last update: May 6th, 2016 9am)

Hi! I'm Lilly. My foster Meom thinks I look like a beautiful flower! It has taken me a few days to settle in here but I'm feeling very comfortable now. It's a cozy, warm place here. I like the food too! I have my own cubby bed and a puffy Millie bed! Meom says I have that big Meezer voice. I don't what she's talking about. I've had this voice since the day I was born! Suits me just fine.
Meom says I have to get my teeth cleaned. I don't like the sound of that. But she says it will help my breath smell better! And I'll feel so much better afterwards.
So I'll TALK to you later and let ya' know how I'm feeling!
Purrs and biscuits!! Lilly
Name:   Lilly
ID#: VA11334
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 02/11/16
Adopted: 03/26/16
Congrats: Jacqueline
Foster: Carol


Notes from Home
Llilly is wondeful and quite a chatter. She sleeps all day and wants to play at night. It is still an ongoing process to acclimate Charlie to her. He is not as afraid of her now, but they are not friends yet. Time may change that . We have come a long way in a month.
(Last update: May 4th, 2016 6pm)

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Name:   Declan
ID#: VA7091
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/27/10
Adopted: 09/18/10
Deceased: 01/01/16
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Kathy

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
How do I look in this cool little bed? It might be a little small for me but I like it!

Foster Mom can't get over what an easy going fella I am. Nothing bothers me. I love all these kitties that come and go but they go somewhere called their "forever home". How come I never get to go?? Foster Mom says I can go as soon as someone invites me. I don't understand all that but I wish someone would invite me. How about it? I don't think you'll regret it. I'll check my mail box everyday looking for your invitation and I'll RSVP as soon as I get it.


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Notes from Home
5-4-2016 - I'm sorry to say that I paid Declan's toll for the Rainbow Bridge on Thursday, April 21st. The house just isn't the same without my big burbly boy waiting to greet me when I get home.

10-5-2015 - Declan continues to be my sweet gentlemanly Meezer. After a bout with pancreatitis last fall, we've determined that he's allergic to fish. Removing anything fishy from his diet has him back to his spunky quirky self. He has his cuddly moments and is usually in the same room I am. It's lovely to get home from work and see him waiting to greet me.

10-16-2013 - a lot has changed since the update last year and yet one thing has remained constant - Declan remains a lovely kindly gentleman Meezer. Last October Oliver travelled by Meezer Express from Indiana to join the household and distract Declan from Sesame who was starting to suffer from a neurological disorder. Then, just before Christmas last year, a family of DSH tuxedo kittens appeared in my neighborhood. I was able to rescue two of them with the intent of fostering them for adoption. Foster Fail! which means that Declan and Oliver have two self-activated kitten toys. Declan has adapted to the change relatively easily. Despite Garnett's inability to stop attacking marauding tails, Declan will play and wrestle with both of them, even deferring to them when Da Bird comes out. He really is lovely.

9-18-2012 -- since Nellie passed over the bridge in August, Declan's been working on getting himself a real playmate. So far he's succeeded in getting 'Da Bird" from his meowma and several smacks on the head from Sesame who is clearly not amused. He continues to be very good-natured despite the fact that he's back on a diet to take off the extra pound he managed to put on while meowma was distracted by the old girl. He definitely enjoys our evening sessions with Da Bird, and is pretty canny about whacking it out of the sky. He's also quite helpful at making sure my quilt or knitting projects don't walk away before they're finished.

9-29-2011 -- While Declan entertains and delights the humans he encounters (provided he isn't on the dining table or kitchen counters), Nellie and Sesame agree on one thing: Declan is a big pesty boy! Nellie finds his attempts to groom her very disconcerting and both the girls think he plays too rough. Fortunately he's very good at entertaining himself although his latest toy of choice is shredding the toilet paper in all the bathrooms - confetti anyone?!? One thing all the cats agree on is that "dogs ain't necessary to their happy home."

For all that he can be a big pest, he really is a delight and tries to be gentle with the others. He's not much for lapnapping (except on Granpa) but he likes to be nearby.

10-21-2010 -- Declan continues to be a delight. Nellie's stopped hissing at him but hasn't quite convinced him that she really doesn't want to play - part of the problem is that he takes her prancing away as an invitation rather than a rejection! The other issue between them is Nellie is more than happy to share his food with him but doesn't want to share her food; maybe one of these mornings she'll figure out that if she wouldn't scold me so loudly as we go upstairs with her food, she might not have to worry about it! Watching him tear up the stairs, no one would believe he has a limp.

Fortunately he's pretty good at entertaining himself, especially with the silly blue fish sent by his feline cousins Bella and Bianca all the way from Texas. He enjoys playing so much that I try to spend some time every day playing with him. I'm hopeful that once Sesame's more comfortable, she might be willing to play with him as well.

9-2010 -- In very short order, Declan's made himself at home. This is him in the rocker he's appropriated as 'his.' The limb doesn't slow him down in the least although there are days when it's a bit more pronounced than others (usually after he's spent the day running up and down the stairs keeping track of me). He must listen for the key in the door because he usually comes running down the steps, chirping a greeting! The difference between his rough, gruff exterior and that silly chirp always makes me smile.

Nellie's not his BFF but she only hisses at him on principle these days, or if he persists in trying to tease her into playing. She's become comfortable enough that she'll nose him out of his food while he's trying to eat. And he lets her! My home version of David and Goliath.

He met Dr. Chang last Friday and did well. We're going to try accupuncture as a way to minimize his knee joint pain. He wasn't thrilled about the needles but didn't object except for the one she tried to place very close to the joint.

(Last update: May 4th, 2016 5pm)

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