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A diva and gorgeous gal, I'd make a lovely companion for someone who wants a svelte, interactive and wonderful Siamese snowshoe gal. No kids, no other cats please, because it's just going to be you and I baby, and we'll do great! You should have some experience with Siamese, and you should like the intelligence and curious nature we have. You should also understand that females are equals in every household, not just cats, and as long as we set that ground rule from the beginning, all will be well!
Name: Alexi

(FKA Alexi)

ID#: VA4064
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 03/18/06
Adopted: 05/13/06
Congrats: Carole
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Alexi is a healthy, happy and beeeeeautiful 13 year old and we love her more every day even if we are the only people in the world who have to wait for our meezer to finish showering to take ours. We love all her habits and quirks. She is truly a blessing!!
(Last update: May 28th, 2016 9pm)

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Name:   Widget
ID#: VA11390
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 1 Yr
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 03/26/16
Adopted: 05/07/16
Deceased: 12/10/16
Congrats: Patty
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I'm only for the MOST patient and experienced of applicants. I will require small and private accommodations for a loooonnnng time while I learn people are good and will take care of me and
love me. I came from a terrible situation and received no interaction and love and very possibly was
treated very unkindly. Momma can pet me some now, but only when I'm in my "safe spot."
I may never be an interactive and loving house pet and I may be just a figment of your imagination in your home.

BUT, I still need a place to go.....

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Notes from Home
Widget has been here almost 3 weeks and is doing well. There are little changes every day and each seems to be a step in the right direction. While she is still in her own room, she no longer spends her whole day hiding under a chair. Her doorway has 3 baby gates (stacked) -- I only close the door when I leave my house, otherwise we constantly hear and see each other (as I pass by). She is often sitting on the floor or in some other open area. She notices me but goes about her business; she only scurries away when she sees me entering and that's only about half the time. She will occasionally walk up to the gates when I talk with her. For the past 2 days she has spent some time sitting in a 3 ft high cat tree/scratching post near the window.

Her food and water have been re-positioned next to the door and she readily comes to it when placed there in the am and pm, no longer only eating only at night, when alone. I can sit on the other side of the gate while she eats. She will eat treats ("Temptations") with me in the same room. I toss them progressively closer to me and she comes close but not quite up to me. I left one in my hand and she attempted to swat it out rather than eat from my hand (smart girl).

I was able to pet her a little when she hid under the chair, and I got a bit of a "lean in" when I got to her chin. The first day she was in the cat tree, I was able to pet her after sitting close by for a while. She does not come to me seeking pets and unless somewhat cornered, it is not possible to touch her.

Slept on the floor in her room a for a few hours at a time at night. She readily played around me once I dozed off.

During afternoons and evenings, I have begun to let her have access to her room, the hallway, and my guest room. I can block off all else. She likes this and shows signs of not wanting to be limited (cries when put in her room and in the mornings; and today she climbed the gates -- but they are secure and cover the doorway entirely).

Today my years of reading the various foster emails paid off. She disappeared. NOWHERE to be found. Long story short, I recalled stories of the box spring....she found or created a hole from underneath and crawled in. Stinker! Hole is now closed but the bed will be lowered to floor this weekend. I will probably stay with her in the guest room one night then. She will have no hidden areas in which to hide at that point, but plenty of space to be elsewhere in the room.

She has seen Teddy and so very much wants to meet him more -- the first time she cried and cried after Teddy walked away (broke my heart!). She calls to him now. Teddy talks a bit, but like many men, finally says enough and walks away. ;-) He has come in her room with me, and sniffed around but never walked up to her.

Eating, drinking and litter boxing all good. Only health related issue thus far was an irritated left eye that occurred at then end of the first week. Third eyelid appeared and redness ensued for a few days. Treated with L-lysine 2x/day for one week. Eye cleared. Taking 1x/day now through end of the month.

She has played a little with me (usually only interested at night, though that's changing). She swatted at worm toy one night and got my hand -- claws are very sharp. A little concerned about this in the immediate future, in case she and Teddy confront. Ted is more likely to run away, as I think she is. But will keep an eye out in the meantime.

(Last update: May 27th, 2016 12am)

I'm a fun loving, affectionate, roly poly ball of fun looking for my own family to love! I love other cats and dogs, and kids too. I like to play and play, and then curl up and cuddle with a favorite human. My foster mom says you'd better ask about me before she decides to keep me!
Name:   Oliver
ID#: VA11206
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 11/15/15
Adopted: 12/12/15
Congrats: Sara
Foster: Sara


Notes from Home
Oliver is doing great! We finally renamed him after weeks of debate, so from now on, "Nigel" he is! He is a wild man and pounces on all three cats and the two big dogs whenever he is in the mood. The only one he really respects is the 6 pound min pin! When he is not sacking someone, he is a total love bug, and can often be found snoozing upside-down in someone's arms like a baby. He is growing like a weed and is a very handsome fellow (pics to follow). Hope you all are well!


Once little Nigel is now a big, densely-coated, fat-tailed cat! Although not yet a year old, he has been put on a diet because his enthusiasm for eating was catching up with him. He has LOTS of skin, so it seems like he would grow into it, but instead the fat just went to his belly. When he lies upside-down in your arms (which is his favorite snuggle position) he looks HUGE, but don't worry, it is not as bad as it seems from that angle! He is still a very active kitten and loves to chase the dogs tails whenever they go by, and plays much more than our other cats have the energy for, but despite this everyone gets along well. One of his silliest and possibly treacherous games is to chase, lick and bite the toes as they walk to the kitchen in the morning. We are having a blast with him, and the 14 year old boy who had only had cats and never had a kitten now has had the full kitten experience! Thank you to everyone who helped us find our new boy, and keep up the good work!

(Last update: May 26th, 2016 7pm)

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Name:   Dibels
ID#: VA11086
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 3 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 09/19/15
Adopted: 01/10/16
Deceased: 08/19/18
Congrats: Kristina
Foster: Julie

I am a velcro, Siamese vocal, "What do you mean you don't have time for me?" kind of guy. I will help you with EVERYTHING you do; read, cook, work, bathroom stuff, you name it, I will be there. I really love to snuggle, serenade with purrs, and make biscuits.

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Notes from Home
Dibels (we kept his original name) is doing great. He and our other 3 cats all get along. They all wrestle and play with each other to different degrees. His favorite cat is Tiny, who we also adopted from SCRC - they are best friends even though they were not adopted together. Dibels is the most playful and energetic of all our cats - he is ready to chase toys and wands any time. He happily attacks toes through the covers. He's obsessed with watching the birds and other action outside and regularly occupies either our front window (neighbors know him from seeing him in the window) or the top of the cat tree that looks out a back window. He had some hip issues when we adopted him, but he never lets that slow him down. He's now figured out how to jump up to a few higher places in the house, and he's so proud of himself when he does it. He's also our most talkative cat, and we enjoy the conversations he has with himself and the other cats. Due to his hip issues, we wanted to make sure he stayed a healthy weight, so we switched from free feeding to feeding twice a day. Dibels has maintained a perfect, healthy weight this way.
(Last update: May 25th, 2016 8am)

Hi, I'm Tutti. I came here with my litter mate Fruitti. I'm playful, have good litter box habits and would really like a forever home of my own so I don't have to stay in a cage much longer.

Would you like a cute little girl like me? If so, ask about me and maybe I could come live with you.

Name:   Tutti
ID#: VA11178
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 11/01/15
Adopted: 11/21/15
Congrats: Kristina
Foster: Jeanne


Notes from Home
Tutti is now named Tiny, and she is very loved by the humans and the other cats in the house! She's a very sweet cat who likes to play with wands, likes to wrestle the other cats, and LOVES foil balls. She used to like being under the covers, but she might be outgrowing that (sadly). She's the only female with 3 males, and the other cats seem to worship her - she butts them with her head or muzzle as she walks by them, and they all give her licks whenever they can. They also all groom her. It's very cute. Her favorite person is my boyfriend, and she prefers to sit on his lap. I'm hoping I can bribe her to choose my lap one day :) She loves being brushed, and she loves sitting on the highest level of our cat tree. We are happy to have her!!! Thank you to all who made it possible.
(Last update: May 25th, 2016 8am)

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Name:   Billy Blue
ID#: VA3789
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/23/05
Adopted: 12/03/05
Deceased: 05/15/16
Congrats: Holly
Foster: Trish

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
If you're looking for a very smart seal point boy, with just a hint of devil, left over from Halloween, who's an angel in disguise, then look no further. While it's nice to have a warm room all to myself, I'd rather have a home with a person to call my very own. This time last year I was homeless, landing in a shelter. Then I got adopted, but unfortunately, things didn't work out in my new home. So now I've got to learn to trust again. I've already made a start, according to Foster Meowm. I've started snuggling up to her when she comes in to read or nap on my big double bed. She says that the purr-fect home is out there, and to be patient. I've just arrived, but I'm so anxious! I like to play with that kitty tease thing on a string. I like to watch you with my big saucer eyes, and trill softly to talk to you. Meown thinks I might like a young playmate after I've settled in my fur-ever home for a while. Oh, I do want to be Billy Sunshine, rather than Billy Blue. Can we celebrate Thanksgiving together?

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Notes from Home
May 5th, 2012

It was quite the ordeal to orchestrate getting kitty and I together. He was, of course, quite timid at first; hiding under the bed and growling a bit, but with love and patience we bonded very quickly. I would sit in his room and read and within the week he was happy to sit next to me and ready to explore the rest of the apartment. I wasn’t going anywhere and I guess he started to see that. It took me a while, but once I got to know his personality I renamed him Ashley, in memory of another loving Siamese he resembles.

Over the years he became bolder with strangers that came into the apartment and now he is so social with anyone and everyone, as long as they're in his house! We take walks down to the laundry room together. He loves getting outside the apartment into the halls because they’re carpeted, but if he meets anyone on the way, he’ll playfully run back to the open apartment door and wait until they pass. Going to the laundry room is a bit of a ritual we have now and seems to be a little adventure that he really enjoys. He’ll normally follow me there and back, but if he strays a bit (again with the carpets!) he’ll come promptly when called. He’s such a curious little devil and so very playful.

Two years ago Ashley and I made the long trek across the country together. We now live in a beautiful little place just outside Vancouver, with big bright windows where he will often sit and watch the birds. He is now a very laid back little kitty. He loves to headbutt and snuggle, and doesn’t mind being picked up (for a short while :P). He is one of the most affectionate cats I have ever know; always sitting next to me (or on me) when he’s not napping in his cat house, eating, or terrorizing the carpets; springing upon them and pawing, even though he has no claws. He loves chasing his ribbon around and his catnip mousy and at night he curls up at my back, purring happily.

He still has his litterbox issues from time to time, but for the most part it’s not a problem. It seems to only happen when he gets stressed about his litterbox. He’s very picky about it and any tampering with it will often cause him to act out. Although this can definitely be annoying, it’s nothing that can’t be worked through. I don’t blame him for it (we all have issues) and I wouldn’t give him up for anything. He’s a such a precious, special little kitty with so much love and personality. I love him dearly and he has become an important part of my life and a member of my family.

May19th, 2016

It is with a very heavy heart that I am writing to tell you that that our beloved Ashley (formally Billy Blue VA3789) died suddenly on Sunday afternoon May 15th, 2016. I cannot properly express how completely devastated my husband and I are. He was the most loving and affectionate kitty I have ever known. He was my friend. He has left a gaping hole in our hearts and we miss him so very much.

I wanted to thank everyone involved in finding him and helping me find him. I am so happy that he was that cat I adopted 11 years ago, and I feel truly blessed to have been able to give him a safe and loving home of his own.

(Last update: May 24th, 2016 8pm)

A shy gal who went home and got overwhelmed by a busy lifestyle, I'm now looking for a very quiet smaller home with a patient human who can help me get my wits back around me. Good habits but easily spooked.
Name: Maggie

(FKA Alina)

ID#: VA11169
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/31/15
Adopted: 11/14/15
Congrats: J F
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Can't believe Maggie arrived six months ago. Seems like yesterday. One of the better things I have done.
Maggie is a gentle, quiet and non aggresive cat. She has never been a problem. She was initially very shy and did not want to be touched or petted. However, as the months have passed, she has become more sure of herself and her surroundings. She now looks forward to her brushings and ear rubs. I believe she has finally decided I am OK and will adopt me.
All in all, I am pleased to have her, and in her cat way I believe Maggie feels secure in her new home.

(Last update: May 24th, 2016 11am)

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Name: Frankie Lee

(FKA Fireball)

ID#: VA11424
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 04/17/16
Adopted: 05/08/16
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Settling into my new kitty apartment. I'm pretty laid back and curious about everything. Playful but not wild and crazy.
Foster mom needs to see how much of a fireball I am :)

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Notes from Home
The Fabulous Fireball Frankie Lee has truly come home. I am so happy about this adoption - she's everything we were told she was, and so very much more. I don't think a more perfect match for this family exists. We are thrilled to be Frankie's family, and can't ever express gratitude enough to Siamese Rescue for their work in making this match possible.

(Last update: May 22nd, 2016 4pm)

BRRRR it is cold outside!! What you need is:
The warmth of a nice Flame
Having a best friend close by.
Someone to Share your heart with.

The Good things about ME........
I can be part of your Family
You can give me a furrever home
I am a nice warm Flame
I will be your best friend
I will share my heart and soul with you.
AND I am a fun kinda guy!!

Please Ask about me!!!!!!!!!
Name: Indy

(FKA Indy)

ID#: VA8942
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 11/20/12
Adopted: 03/30/13
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: ShirleyBo

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Indy has been with us over three years now - time sure did fly! We love him, love him, love him! We have had our fair share of animals through the years, he though is the MOST LOVING CAT we have ever been adopted by! His Foster Mom, Shirley B. gave such good notes, that even after three years they are true as the first day he arrived. We have followed her advice and it has worked so well for him. His food is grain -free, we give all the cat kids grain-free now and what a difference! Not allowing any of them to free feed has made our vet quite happy. We are the model according to our vet of keeping their weight pretty close to normal limits. That's a first! Usually we have a habit of over-spoiling the kids!
Indy had the little boy mischief about him - in some ways he still does, he has though matured mentally and what a difference! We were always concerned if he would be the cat that would be picked on because he was so gentle and did not look for trouble. It has changed though in fantastic ways. He is kind, loving, blah, blah, blah. He has though developed a Strong, Silent, attitude about him that the other cats have in fact respect him and understand that he is the Alpha Cat of the house! Go Go is and always will be his girl but he lets them know that he will stand up to them and take them down if they give him any guff!
He is our boy,, we love him so!

(Last update: May 22nd, 2016 1pm)

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Name:   Annabelle
ID#: VA8430
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 03/22/12
Adopted: 05/22/12
Congrats: E. Christine
Foster: Jeanne

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Hi, I'm Annabelle. Meowmy said I'm a sweet girl and just hates that someone hurt me. Dr. Connie isn't sure what caused my big wound on my neck, but she said it isn't infected and seems to be healing nicely. Once it's all healed up I can have my bath and then think about going to my forever home.

Meowmy said she needs a little time to figure out how I am with other cats but I told her right away I don't like her dog. As soon as she knows more, she'll tell you and then we can figure out where a good placement for me will be.


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Notes from Home
Annabelle met her vet today. She was a lilttle shy but behaved like the little lady that she is. Dr. Dan agrees that she is about 1 1/2 years old and gave her a thorough check up. Aside from a little wax in her ears, she is in perfect health. Everyone at the clinic loved her. She was a good girl on the ride to and from the vets but she did hide under the cushion in her cage. She is happy to be home and is busy playing and enjoying her home. What a great cat!

6/22/2012 Well, Annabelle has been in our home for a month today. She is an ongoing source of joy. I think she is fully aclimated to her new home. She has perfect litter box manners and now uses her large scratching post thatIi ordered from Amazon.com. She has also developed a taste for a little wet food (Science Diet) to go along with her main meal of Science Diet dry cat food.

She follows us from room to room and is always ready to play. When we are busy, she sits on the window seat in the kitchen and watches Cat TV - the birds and occasional squirrel on the bird feeder outside the window. She is the most energetic cat that I have ever had. She loves to race up and down the long hallways in our house and I also find her sitting on top of tall bookcases. Annabelle enjoys beening groomed and talks in a sweet little chirping voice when she wants attention. Both Bob and I love her and feel fortunate to have this lovely cat as part of our family.
12/2/12 Annabelle has been part of our family for 6 months. She is such a cute, playful cat. She brings toys up to our bedroom in the night so that we can play with her first thing in the morning. She is always ready for a play session. She is very comfortable in any room of the house and we never know where we will find her napping. She has ventured on to our laps but is more comfortable sitting near by. Annabelle brings joy to our lives every day. In fact, we are now considering adopting a second cat.
5/22/2014 Today is our two year anniversary with our lovely Annabelle. She is a much loved healthy (all shorts are up to date) , active family member. In January 2013, we adopted a pretty orange rescue kitten as a playmate for Annabelle. Rusty is now a mild mannered, 14 pound gentle giant who loves frisky little 7 1/2 pound Annabelle. The play, groom and often sleep together. At night they are usually curled up on the end of our bed. Annabelle has never become a lap cat but she often sits near by and loves to be scratched and brushed. She races through the house chasing balls and loves to climb up to favorite napping spots on top of bookcases. Bob and I are thankful that we were able to adopt this sweet cat from Siamese Rescue. Thank You!
5/29/2015 Annabelle continues to be in perfect health. She is bonded with our mellow and much larger cat, Rusty. They play and frequently sleep together. I think I just uploaded some pictures. Annabelle's personality is much the same as last year although she does seek out more frequent contact with us...she loves to be close but cannot relax on a lap to nap. I do wonder what her early life was like before adoption.
5/22/16 I think Annabelle has mellowed a bit in this past year. At 7 1/2 pounds she is still a tiny dynamo. Her health is excellent. She runs everywhere and frequently interacts with our gentle big orange cat. She now jumps on our laps several time a day for "scratching" and takes her naps right next to us. She is a beautiful, quirky cat who definitely owns our hearts.

(Last update: May 22nd, 2016 11am)

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