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Sweet, affectionate, loves to be babied. Toulouse needs to have a kitty playmate - either of his littermates would be excellent candidates (Marie and Berlioz). Check back as foster mommy learns more and adds pics and videos.
Name: Spike

(FKA Toulouse)

ID#: VA11485
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/23/16
Adopted: 06/08/16
Congrats: Michelle
Foster: Michelle


Notes from Home
Spike is my first Siamese Rescue foster failure. He just crawled up on me and won my heart immediately. He is fitting in like he has always been here, so I'm sure it was meant to be.

Spike gets along with all of the pets. Our old cats, Mr. Precious and Trouble, have made it clear not to bother them too much and he is usually respectful. Our 6 year old, Oreo, is showing him the ropes - and all bad habits, such as sleeping on the diningroom table! He is also Spike's playmate and they have begun racing around the house together. Lady, our dog, who has been raised with foster kittens, has been very tolerant. Spike likes to attack her tail and hind legs and Lady perks up, but doesn't take any action. They try to play together, but Spike has a little growing to do before that works very well.

Spike has had the full 24/7 run of the house for 4 days now and is doing great. He follows me around much of the time and comes when I either call him (Spike Spike the little Tyke) or make kissy sounds.He isn't overly adventurous and hasn't gotten into too much - yet. At night, he sleeps on our bed, purring, and wanting snuggles. He has been excellent at night, although I'm waiting for that to change!

He had his first vet visit yesterday and received many ooh's and aah's at the vet's office. Besides occasional sneezing, he is doing great.

I'm thrilled to have this sweet little guy, so full of personality, become a part of our family. I absolutely adore Spike!

(Last update: Jun 22nd, 2016 8am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Fruitti
ID#: VA11177
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 11/01/15
Adopted: 12/04/15
Congrats: Jill
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

Hi, I'm Fruitti. I'm here with my sister, Tutti, and love to play and snuggle with her. Meowmy isn't sure yet if we need to stay together, but I will definitely need a playmate to go home to.

Are you looking for a cutie like me? If so, ask about me and maybe I can come live with you.


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Notes from Home
dear fans,

june 2016:
MOOKIE (formerly known as Fruitti) came to us in December 2015 and is now a 10-month old beauty queen. just a tiny squirt when she transferred from her foster mom Jeanne to her God parents in Virginia and still a little squirt when we got her home.
full of life and the sweetest kitten in the world, she met and very quickly -- if not immediately (bragging a bit here...) bonded with her brother Panda (formerly Peeta, adopted in 2012), the most handsome showshoe siamese you've ever seen, also the sweetest boy ever. as you can see from the pictures, they're quite a pair. grateful to siamese rescue for matching us up with this little angel, as we lost Panda's "real" sister Katniss last year unexpectedly due to cancer, and were heartbroken. Mookie and Panda both happy and healthy. everyone they meet asks, WHERE DID YOU GET THESE CATS??? love and good health to everyone, jill, jeff, mookie and panda

(Last update: Jun 22nd, 2016 12am)

I've never met a stranger and Foster Meowmy says I'm into everything! Not sure why she says that because I run around the house at top speed.

Have met a Greyhound woofer that I liked and there are many other kitties here that are teaching me a thing or two. I think they call it manners!!!!

Name: Trevor

(FKA Toby)

ID#: VA10730
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 04/25/15
Adopted: 06/20/15
Congrats: Robbin
Foster: Jo

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Wow, hard to believe that we picked up this sweet little mess one year ago today. Seems like he has been here all along. His best friend is the dog, poor Fio never eats alone, Trevor is always there to help. In fact Trevor likes to help everyone eat. He is an endless ball of energy. He is the greeting committee, always meets us at the door. Likes to make sure that his daddy is "in there" by poking his nose in my husbands face while he is trying to sleep! He really is a very good boy, gets along well with everything and everyone.

He has his one year check up at the vet tomorrow with his brother Bodi just to make sure he is as health as he appears.

6 months has gone by so fast hard to believe that this little devil has been with us for 6 months. He has settled in extremely well. His favorite four legged friend is our 144 pound dog. Trevor is chased by the dog then he chases the dog. He is great with our two other cats as well.

He loves playing with our Granddaughter and very gentle with her. He has learned that curling up in his daddy's lap is a good thing and demands that my husband sit down so that he can get in his lap. He likes to play chase with me. He has gained a bit more weight than I would have liked for him to but trying to keep him out of the food is difficult. He loves what ever we are eating and is a bit rude but eventually listens.

Christmas has presented a bit of a challenge for all three cats, even the 18 year old cat has been taking the ornaments off the tree. Trevor knocked the tree over on Saturday then rolled over looking at me very innocently like "I didn't do anything wrong, I'm a good boy!". Fortunately it is only a 3 foot tree and no expensive ornaments on it.

A few months back my brother and his wife cam to visit and brought their dog. Trevor loved their dog, had a blast playing with him. The dog was not so sure about Trevor and decided that it was best to sit with his mommy and daddy and let the cat come sit with them.

He really is a very sweet boy, cannot image not having him. He does provide many hours of entertainment, loves to play with his cube and all of the toys in the cube.

Again, thank you for rescuing this little boy he really does not have any bad habits, great about only scratching the posts that we have for the cats and the cat tree. Littler box is never an issue until I scoop it out, he is always there to help (no help at all, but definitely makes me laugh!).

Well it has been a little over 3 weeks since Trevor came to his forever home. He has settled in quite nicely. He went to the vet yesterday, a very quick visit. He is doing very well has gained a few pounds! He loves everyone, even met my 2 year old granddaughter and loved her....followed her all over the house. He plays with our Mastiff and the other two cats. He likes to lay on the floor in the evening next to the dog.

We do have to watch open beers, glasses of wine or any thing with liquor in it as he will help him self to it. He quickly respects the work No! He is such a joy!

(Last update: Jun 20th, 2016 3pm)

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Name:   O'Rian
ID#: VA11073
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/12/15
Adopted: 12/15/15
Congrats: Betty
Foster: Siri

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Lovely sweet and affectionate sealpoint guy who is sensitive, friendly, and would like a home on the quieter, easy going side. I'm a 10 pound kitty with my own Millie bed and a bag of goodies that comes with!

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Notes from Home
Hello everybody. Update on MR O'Rian (as we call him). Mr O'Rian has adapted very well, as he has the run of the house and no one to bother him. He is a very good eater and has very good litter box habits. He is very patient and obedient. He's not a lap sitter but is affectionate. Likes his pets and belly rubs and asks for them often. He is a happy and healthy cat. Likes to sleep on the bed with me and has his ways of waking me up so he can eat. We understand each other well. His favorite pastime is watching the birds and sleeping. He does play somewhat. He's getting used to all the sounds and noise in his new environment. His fears have subsided although he is afraid of spiders. He saw one on his way to the litter box and is now very leery with each step. I have to sprinkle peppermint to keep them away. I would say he is doing extremely well. He is a good companion. All is well.
(Last update: Jun 19th, 2016 11am)

Is anybody reading this?
Picasso meezer here - she of various points like seal and flame all mixed up and splattered about my body.
I do have lovely baby blues though!!!
I'm teaching foster Mary a new trick (she's so trainable I love it!). She gives me ear and chin scritches and when she stops I meow so she starts up again. I'll do it over and over and over; she comes back and back and back. It's great fun.
I am very shy though. I'll take a bit to warm up and I do scatter quite quickly when approached on foot (you on foot, me on paws).
I'm going to be a real sweetheart when I learn to trust again though.
just cause I'm the odd duckling doesn't mean I don't want a loving home though - just going to need a patient adopter who won't give up on me.
Name:   Marie
ID#: VA10046
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 05/27/14
Adopted: 06/18/14
Congrats: Michael
Foster: Mary

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
Marie went to the vets today she checked out very healthy. She is doing great lost another 1/2 pound my vet was not to concerned with her weight. Told me to keep up with the amount iam giving her and see if she looses more weight next check up. She is much more relaxed come out of room sometimes. I spend time with her in the room one on one. She likes that. She is a real beauty very nice cat. We love her so much
Thank you all for a nice addition to our family Mike and Eva
Got your 1 year anniversary e-mail I went to the vets and got clean bill of health. I only weigh 13 and 1/2 pounds now I feel much better with all that weight gone. I love my forever home I sleep on the bed with mom and dad and the dog every night. I even come out and watch tv with them sometimes. I still don't like to be touched but when I need something I talk loud and my mommy always seems to know what I need. I tell them I love them and they laugh. They give me my space from the dog when I need it she is sometimes a little to hyper me. Iam doing real good. Thanks for checking on me.

(Last update: Jun 19th, 2016 11am)

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Name: Evie

(FKA Sophie)

ID#: VA4170
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 20 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 05/13/06
Adopted: 06/17/06
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Jeanne

Hi there! My name is Sophie and foster Meowm says I am a sweetie. I had kittens weaned from me May 12th so my spa treatment felt so good, that I purred the whole time. Sure is good to get some attention again. I have shown meowm that I am a real lady by using my litter pan . I also love to sit on her lap and let her brush me while I purr to tell her "please don't stop, it feels sooooo good! Meowm says I am could be a "tortie flame" because my points have orange in them but the rest of me is so creamy.
I got a great report from the vet on May 16th. She said that though I'm a little thin, I'm healthy! I should be ready to go to a forever home by the 2nd week of June. Meowmy says I have to wait till my milk dries up before the nice doctor can give me my "education".
Check out my pictures and maybe you'll decide that I am that special kitty you're looking for! I sure would love a forever home all of my own. I don't think I'd mind other cats, a nice dog or even children, as long as they wouldn't hurt me.

Update: 5/23. Well I met the dog and head butted her! She liked me too and gave me a sloppy dog kiss. Hump!! Had to give myself a bath!

I've been moved up to a nice sunny room all of my own now, and am enjoying just laying in the sunbeam. The only thing that could be better than this is a home all of my own with sun shinning into every room. Is that yours? If you want a no-issue, cutie like me, please tell foster meowmy.

Purrin for ya,

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Notes from Home
6/17/16: Evie is a wonderful old lady. She has some arthritis, but nothing too troublesome. In fact, she surprised us by greeting us from the top of the fridge this morning. She can still jump a good 5-6 feet off the ground. Evie will be having some dental work done later this summer. Otherwise her health is great. Can't imagine life without her!

6/19/15: Evie is about to be a big sister again! We're expecting a baby girl (our second child) in August. Evie is as happy and healthy as can be. She's the sweetest kitty and still shares our bed every night. We love her more now than ever.

6/20/14: Evie now lives in beautiful Centennial, CO. She and Sneakers love slipping into the backyard (when we're all out in it) to chase grasshoppers! Evie sometimes isn't so sure about her newest "brother", Odin (my son--now almost 2 years old), when he gets to running around, but they're great friends when he's sitting still. She gives him kisses. :) Evie is the biggest love bug and is a favorite with all who meet her. No one can resist her purr!

6/17/10: It's hard to believe it's been 4 years since I adopted Evie. Time sure does fly! Evie is as healthy as can be and continues to be one of the loves of my life! She and Sneakers spend their time playing, grooming one another, and watching the birds who are nesting on the fire escape right outside our window. I really can't imagine life without them! I'm going to upload a picture of Evie in her new bed. Boy, does she love that thing. I originally only bought one bed, foolishly thinking that Sneakers wouldn't want one of his own. As you can see from the picture, I was very wrong! I had to go back to the pet store to buy him his own the very next day!

Happy Anniversary to Evie and me! We've had another great year together. She really is one of the best cats I've ever had. She curls up on my chest every evening, purring nonstop, keeping me company while I read a book. She and my other cat, Sneakers, are the best of friends and love playing, eating, sleeping, and bird watching. We just moved to a new apartment on the Upper West Side of Manhattan, right across the street from Central Park, so the birds are plentiful! There's nothing cuter than watching Evie 'chatter' at the birds sitting on the fire escape.

Evie had her check up last month so she's UTD on her vaccinations. She's maintained her weight at a healthy 10 lbs, but the vet said again that we don't want her gaining any more. She and Sneakers eat Wellness indoor cat food and are quite active, but she's still as round as round can be!

I'm currently fostering a dog from the NYCACC and Evie just LOVES her. Then again, Evie loves everyone (and everyone loves Evie)!

I'm uploading a picture of Evie hiding out in the closet. My coat had fallen off the hangar and she thought it made a great bed!

Thank you again for everything!

(Last update: Jun 17th, 2016 7pm)

Hi y'all. My sisters says I am not refined. Well maybe not, but I am as sweet as honey. I want nothing more to love you! love you! Love you! I have the cutest little gentle meow dainty in the litter box and I never says anything bad about anyone! So if you want a nice genteel Southern girl ask about me.
Name: Kitty

(FKA Sasha)

ID#: VA4932
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/23/07
Adopted: 06/17/07
Congrats: Philip
Foster: ShirleyBo

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Kitty has been and is a wonderful pet. We can't believe it's been 9 years. That's the longest we've had a cat! She's is great health and keeps our dog and us company. She is loving and independent. We take her each June/July for her annual check up. Her name is Kitty now. She sleeps between us and loves little treats and short walks around the enclosed back yard under our watch.
(Last update: Jun 17th, 2016 5am)

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Name:   Caramello
ID#: VA11469
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/18/16
Adopted: 06/04/16
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes

I arrived at the shelter in a box of candy! My mama is Abba-Zaba and while she is shy...not me I am playful and very laid back at this point. I was in shelter foster for the past month so I could finish nursing. I do not want to be alone so I need a feline friend---at least ONE.

I am wishing for a forever family of 15- 20 years of loving, close, in your face and underfoot companionship. A snuggle human friend or two...would be ideal too.

Love, Caramello

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Notes from Home
Caramello is now named Louie.
(Last update: Jun 15th, 2016 8pm)

Do you want a constant companion who will follow you around the house while you do your chores? I don't get under foot but I do like to be where you are. I will sit at your feet when you are on the couch watching TV or reading a book and I'll probably even join you on the couch. I am a mild mannered little gal with a quiet demeanor. I can tolerate living with another nice kitty that won't expect me to be his friend but I really do prefer people. Since I am on the quiet side I think I would prefer a quiet home. I am in excellent health and all ready to go home. So what are you waiting for?
Name: Lily

(FKA Abby)

ID#: VA11355
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 02/25/16
Adopted: 04/03/16
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
June 15th, 2016 - Abby has been renamed Lily and she and I are doing great! I am off work for the week and wanted to take some time to share some pics and thank you all again so much for everything you did to help get us together!!

I am happy to report that Lily is thoroughly a lap kitty - she has gotten over her fear of my recliner chair and hops up on my lap all the time. Sometimes she watches TV with me (she gets pretty fascinated by it from time to time!) and sometimes she just curls up and takes a nap. Every few weeks she finds a new favorite place to nap - at first it was on my dining room chairs, more recently it's on the sofa. But her constant favorite place is my bed - the first time she got up, she couldn't stop kneading and purring - she'd never been on a bed before! She isn't a cuddly sleeper, but has picked out her spot on the bed and sleeps there whether I'm there or not.

She loves to play with toys (and my living room floor now reflects that!). Her absolute most favorite thing to do is chase ping pong balls about, but that doesn't last too long since they end up somewhere she can't reach under furniture in about 30 seconds. In the middle of the night last week, though, she all of a sudden discovered the "ping pong ball trapped in a track" toy - I've had it since the day she got here and she randomly decided that was the night to play with it. I think she batted it around all night! :-)

Health, food and litter box are all doing well. Her coat has gotten super shiny and soft since she's been indoors all the time! I haven't found a scratcher that appeals to her yet - the carpet is still her favorite place - but it's old and needs to be replaced, so she can scratch away until we figure something else out. Doesn't look like she likes catnip, but I just ordered some honeysuckle spray that is supposed to be appealing to cats.

Just wanted to let you know we are doing well! I'll try to upload some pictures and videos!

(Last update: Jun 15th, 2016 2pm)

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Name: Molly

(FKA Shelley)

ID#: VA9966
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 04/11/14
Adopted: 06/15/14
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
If you're looking for a lot of loving and snuggling then I'm your girl. I want to be the ONLY...the ONE...and special to you! You will only need me, me, me....you'll see...just ask!

Its final...I have NOT changed my mind. I don't care for other cats in any way, shape or form.

I am fearful of broom and men but we are working on that. Foster mama sweeps the room and I watch from way above on the book shelf. The men here visit and talk softly.

Yes, I have excellent litterbox, grooming, and scratching manners....eat well too :)

Love, Shelley

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Notes from Home
It's been 6 months now, and Molly continues settling in. I'm pretty sure she likes us, since she always hangs out wherever we are. Of course, she may just think that improves her odds of getting one of us to play with her. I've never known a cat who wanted to play as much as she does. She often ambushes me when I pass by in hopes of starting a game of chase - one of her favorite games. She also enjoys soccer (There are tiny wads of paper under every piece of furniture by now) and the wand toy her foster sent home with her. Sometimes she plays a little rough (nips at my ankles and hands), so if anyone has advice about that, I'd be interested. She doesn't bite hard enough to draw blood, but she seems to be getting more aggressive, not less.

She's an excellent eater and has great litter and grooming habits. I am able to trim her nails without too much difficulty. She's a very smart cat, and she's learned that the fastest way to get my attention is to take a swipe at the furniture, so I do have to keep her nails trimmed. Other than the scratching and biting issues, she's a perfect little girl. She's not much of a cuddler, but she's come a long way since we first got her. She's sleeping at the foot of the bed now and is very affectionate first thing in the morning. All in all, Molly's a great cat, and we're very happy to have her. Thanks so much!

June 16, 2015: Hello, again. Hard to believe we've had Molly a whole year! She went to the vet for her annual checkup and vaccinations in May and got a good report from her doc. She weighed in at a solid 9.1 lbs, and the vet thought that was a good weight for her. She's petite but quite muscular from all the playing she does!

Molly still isn't a lap cat and doesn't like to be picked up or petted too much, but she tolerates our advances better than she did, especially from Nita. I seem to be her designated playmate! And if I don't play with her enough, she let's me know. If I want peace and quiet for something (I.e., practicing the piano), I always spend a few minutes playing with Molly first - otherwise, she will meow until I stop what I'm doing and attend to her play needs!

Her biting hasn't been as much of an issue of late. If I put my hand near her while we're playing, she might try to bite it, and she sometimes nips at my ankles in an effort to get me to play with her, but she hasn't tried to bite at other times. And she never bites Nita. She clearly thinks of me differently than she does Nita, and I might think she didn't like me, except that she almost always hangs out where I am and often sleeps at the foot of my bed. So, go figure.

In any case, I just love having Molly around. She's beautiful and so much fun to play with. And I'm still hopeful that she'll become more affectionate as she becomes more trusting. I posted a few new pictures so you can see how great she looks! As always, thanks to all of you for all you do for cats like Molly!

06/15/2016: Molly is just wonderful! She's become gradually more trusting and affectionate, especially over the last few months. She continues to love playing more than anything and is in great shape from all the exercise! She just had her annual checkup, and her vet thought she looked really good. Thanks so much for saving her and sending her my way. I just love her!

(Last update: Jun 15th, 2016 7am)

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