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Left behind when the people I loved moved. I waited and waited and waited for them to come back but they never did. I camped out on the porch for six months while a kind neighbor fed me until they moved. They were kind enough to contact Siamese Rescue and here I am. You would think I would hold a grudge and not trust people now but not the case. I run to greet foster mom when she comes in my room, I jump in her lap when she sits down, I hug her when she picks me up and I like to tell her all about my day in my Siamese voice. Can you promise to give me a FOREVER home?
Name: Joey

(FKA Questlove)

ID#: VA11212
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 11/22/15
Adopted: 01/30/16
Deceased: 06/09/17
Congrats: Eugene
Foster: Kathy

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Joey is doing great. He's the king of the house, going from window to window watching over his domain. He loves his new home and has settled in just fine.
(Last update: Aug 13th, 2016 7pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Jewel
ID#: VA11322
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/30/16
Adopted: 02/13/16
Congrats: Walter
Foster: Kay

Very sweet lovable girl. In iso so not sure about other cats yet. Just settling in and will update soon;

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Notes from Home
As far as I can tell, Jewel is doing well. She certainly seems totally at home. She eats her fill of Fancy Feast original
chicken plus other foods.

She had a routine physical exam at the vet's about six weeks ago. They found her in excellent health, except for inflamed gums. On the vet's recommendation, she then had major dental work. This included dealing with decaying teeth. Five were removed. Two weeks later, the vet dentist said she was healing well.

About the only physical problem now is that she occasionally hacks, as if she's going to throw up hairballs, but almost never does. I'm giving her Vet's + Best hairball relief. She likes it, and it seems to be helping. But any suggestions about how to deal with this would be very much appreciated.

All in all, she is a really lovely cat. She is affectionate and an ideal companion. She never claws, scratches, or bites.
After living with my previous Siamese, who was about sixteen when he died, I am regularly amazed at her flying through
the air on her way from one place to another.

Everyone who visits our apartment loves her, once she decides to come out from under the bed. I am very happy with her, and I really want to thank all the Siamese Cat Rescue Center volunteers who were involved with Jewel and me in all stages of the adoption and transportation process.

(Last update: Aug 13th, 2016 5am)

I am the quiet one. I look to Ari to make sure everything is OK so we need to go home together.
Name: Sir Seeley

(FKA Remy)

ID#: VA9441
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/28/13
Adopted: 08/10/13
Congrats: Victoria
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
I can't believe it has already been three years. Sir Seeley and Temperance are doing just fantastic! They are now big brother and sister to my newest siamese rescue. Ruby unfortunately has epilepsy, but Seeley and Tempe take such great care of her from grooming her, to eating with her and snuggling.
(Last update: Aug 10th, 2016 10am)

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Name:   Moya
ID#: VA8406
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/11/12
Adopted: 03/24/12
Deceased: 04/01/16
Congrats: Kendra
Foster: Siri

A smaller middle aged lady who wants to do nothing but climb on your shoulder and snuggle, although I have to say this Millie bed I'm in is pretty darn comfortable... I like to talk to you, check out my video and see if you can guess what I'm saying!

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Notes from Home
3/24/12 First night here! What a love bug! She has explored the room once or twice, but the rest of the time has been on our laps, shoulders, chest, you name it! Ate up all her dinner like there's no tomorrow. More updates to follow.

4/7/12: Moya is bonding well with her new humans. We are still working on the integration with the other cats. She's a bit of a bully with them, but we're working on stopping that behavior (removing her back to her room for a short time, etc.) She seems fine with the dogs as long as they aren't in her face. Such a sweet girl. Oh, and she's eating like a champ and gaining weight. She definitely looks close to her ideal weight now.

4/26/12: Wow, already one month! Time flies when there's lots of kitty fun. Moya loves hugs and kisses. She also loves to play...and play hard she does. At 9 years old, she outlasts all the other furries at play time. Moya and Bailey (med-size dog) co-exist well. Moya and Jack (big labradoodle) are doing well also, though Moya doesn't care much for his nose in her face. As for the other cats, Moya is eating meals with two of them (Izzie has a special diet and must eat alone). She has social time with all of them, but still needs to be supervised with Izzie and Bodhi. Mostly she does fine, but sometimes she still gets it in her head to be a little too bossy with the two of them. School is out in 2 weeks, and we're looking forward to having more time so we can increase the length of their supervised time together.

7/12/12: Moya continues to be very loving and affectionate...at least with us humans. She's slowly making her place among the other felines and canines in the house. You can see by the new photos that she has her quiet moments with the male cats, though when she doesn't want them around, she definitely lets them know it. Moya's put on a little weight since she's been here and is looking healthy. She was kinda thin when she arrived and with her petite size, our friends mistook her for a kitten. Moya loves to play, so this only reinforced their assumption! All in all, Moya is living the good life...snoozing on the window sill, sleeping with her humans, eating the best of the best cat food, and playing with fun toys.

10/2/12: Moya just had her 6 month anniversary with us. She's doing very well. Her stomatitis is under control, she's found her place in the feline order, ignoring the dogs, and being very, very cuddly. Her favorite place is wound around someone's neck, whether it's while we're sitting on the sofa or lying in bed. Even though she's been here 6 months, I don't think I've fully gotten used to waking up in the middle of the night with a fur collar!

12/16/12: When Moya came home with us Siri warned us that she might never be particularly friendly with the other felines in our home. Nothing major, just more or less "keep your distance and I'm fine" kinda girl. Well, take a look at the picture of her snoozing on the chair with Schatzi! In the last month there has been some reciprocal grooming and several instances of cozying up together. I'm not at all surprised with Schatzi. He's SO easy going. It's nice to see Moya feeling comfy with at least one non-human.

8/29/15: Wow, it's been ages since we posted about Moya. She is, by far, the most affectionate cat we have ever had. Moya wants to be constantly TOUCHING her humans--in our laps, nestling into necks at bedtime, and generally just being close. Her stomatitis is well under control, though she had to have 2 more teeth removed earlier last year. Her toothlessness doesn't stop her from having a healthy appetite! She's been in excellent health, until recently when unfortunately she was diagnosed with mammary adenocarcinoma. Upon the advice of our veterinarians, we opted to proceed with bilateral radical mastectomies. First surgery was fairly straightforward, the second one (completed 2 weeks ago) has been a little harder. She developed an infection when the drain got partially pulled out, and her skin is very tight across her groin making it uncomfortable to move around right now. If she had had a slightly flabby belly prior to surgery, there would have been more skin to work with, but she is a petite, trim girl with little excess skin. Dr. assures us however that in a couple a weeks her skin will have stretched out enough for her to be moving agilely. The infection is clearing nicely.

Because cancer cells were found in her lymph node, our next decision is whether to proceed with chemo. We'll review this with the oncologist this week when we take Moya to have her sutures removed. It's a big decision. Because her tumor was smaller than 2 cm without metastasis, the oncologist says the prognosis is good. We hope Moya will be around to spread her affection for several years longer (if not more).

8/10/16: It has taken me awhile to update this page because of my sadness. Moya passed on last May after her breast cancer spread to her lungs. Her last week was a quiet one, surrounded by those who loved her very much. She was a very affectionate cat--both with people and other cats. Even though she came to us late in her life, her time with us was packed full of love. We miss her very much.

(Last update: Aug 10th, 2016 9am)

i am a sweet girl who loves her sister. If it turns out I don't have to be with her I still need a feline friend. to play with.

Wow we are growing and spend our days eating, playing, and just having fun. We are ready for our forever home.
Name:   Bibi
ID#: VA11131
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/11/15
Adopted: 01/30/16
Congrats: Alan
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Bibi is having a ball here at Story Book Farm. She's hardly scared of anything, including our 3 dogs! She LOVES chasing the laser & she eats like a horse. She's still a curious kitten but let's me clip her nails! Go figure! We love Bibi!!! 💝
(Last update: Aug 9th, 2016 10pm)

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Name: Miai

(FKA LuLuBelle)

ID#: VA11275
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/31/15
Adopted: 02/07/16
Congrats: Eva
Foster: Carol

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Hi! I'm LuLuBelle! I had a nice home where I was the one-and-only, queen of my castle. But my meommy had to go away. She couldn't take care of me anymore.
So someone took me to the shelter because no one wanted me. But the shelter folks called SCRC and they liked me!! So here I am with my new foster meom. She is helping me to feel at home. I have a nice plump bed and good food.
I like to play and most of all, I like to be petted and talked to. I like to sit on the sofa with my foster meom and dad! I'm not so sure about other cats. And the dog things... not sure. I think I'd like to have a new home where I can be the center of attention again.
I'm not too picky about food and I'm a neat freak in my litter box. So ask about me and meom will tell you all the new things she finds out about me as we go along.
Purry-purrs to you!!

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Notes from Home
The cat formerly known as LuLuBelle has been re-named Miai (aide de memoire: It's spelled like Miami without the second "m") which means "arranged marriage" in Japanese. It's also a Go term describing two points of equal value. If player A takes either one player B will take the other. I was choosing between Tara and LuLuBelle. I know someone else will take Tara. Miai is pronounced Me-I which seems appropriately self-centered for a cat who thinks she is "queen of the castle." Also it is close to the feminine "Mimi" and the feline "Meow."

Miai made herself right at home from the moment she walked out of her carrier. She used the bed I had prepared, the litter, and the scratch pad Carol had sent in her bag. She loves looking out the window. I had to permanently leave rolled up the accordion shades because she attacked them in the morning before I got up. She wants to look outside

She had her checkup at her local vet yesterday. He thought she was a very compliant cat and in good health. As for her one runny eye, he opined, given her age and the fact that it's just one eye, it's probably a blocked tear duct. But even if it is an infection, she can live with it. I'm to wipe her face with a damp tissue every day. She weighed in at 14.3 lbs.. Her ideal weight is 12.5.

March 7 (our 1-month anniversary together). we are bonded! It went much faster than I anticipated. Miai allows me to wipe the eye runoff off her face every morning. I use a damp washcloth instead of a tissue because the rougher surface cleans better. I clipped her toenails a few days ago. I expected more resistance than I got. Twice she escaped to the basement, but on both occasions she didn't resist when I immediately followed her and picked her up and carried her back to the warmth, cleanliness, and safety of the house proper.

August 9, 2016 I posted a coupld of photos taken two days ago on the 6 month anniversary of Miai's arrival. I really lucked out with Miai. She's a warm, soft, affectionate lap cat.

(Last update: Aug 9th, 2016 7pm)

I love to cuddle - see me on my Daddy's chest? He tells me I am cute as a button and that he wants to eat me up cause I am so cute. You don't think he is serious about that eating part do you?
Name:   Easton
ID#: VA10899
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/11/15
Adopted: 08/09/15
Congrats: Helga
Foster: Debra


Notes from Home
Don't know what I'd do without him❤️
(Last update: Aug 9th, 2016 7am)

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Name:   Mr Meezer
ID#: VA11516
Location:  New Hampshire
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/11/16
Adopted: 07/02/16
Congrats: Heather
Foster: Mary

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Mr. Meezer here (or just Mr. works).
My people are moving overseas so I find myself back with Siamese Rescue. Hey it's all cool.
I have a significant urge to go out in the big scary world, and I was allowed to prior to coming back into the Siamese Rescue fold. Now I want back out but this lady here isn't letting me. She says I'll get used to being inside where it's safe, warm and flealess....and then she reminded me there are coyotes and fisher cats in her neighborhood. I'll just have to learn to adjust cause she's not caving to my demands (hate it when that happens).
I'm not too crazy about the dog that lives here - I do my very best to avoid her. The cats are okay though. The old lady cat hisses at me but the old guy cat will hang out with me. I like that!!! Well not the old lady cat - I keep waiting for her to hit me but she hasn't....yet.
Ask about me to learn more - I'm a big gentle sweet guy.

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Notes from Home
New pictures!

All that talk about me not wanting to go outside - boy did I have them fooled! I was just biding my time, planning my adventure until I was comfortable in my new digs. I've been watching birds and chipmunks and squirrels for a while, but after I saw another cat in MY yard, I dashed out the door while Mom was putting the porch cushions out. Unfortunately, she foiled my attempt. Drat!

I've settled in nicely in my new home. I sleep in Mom & Dad's bed most of the night. I wake up with the birds around 4:30 am and try to tell Mom & Dad that it is time to get up. Sometimes I even come lick their hands or toes, but they tell me its too early. Then I go wander to the living room and watch birds out the window until it is FINALLY time for breakfast. My goodness! Can't they tell I am STARVING - it's been so long since dinner! Mom or Dad gives me some kibbles when they get up, and then Matthew gives me a little wet food when he gets up. (Sometimes I have to go and tell him to get up.). Mom & Dad had to put child locks on the cabinets, because I was trying to get it myself (I am very clever). After breakfast, I run around like a wild man, and then we play with my toys for a while before I take a nap. Ah, this is the life!

(Last update: Aug 8th, 2016 7pm)

Hi folks, it's me Jasper!

Foster mom Jan, says I'm just the cutest little meezer she's seen in a long time...funny I get that comment a lot! Probably due to my just a little bit wedgie face, nubbin' tail and my huge blue, blue eyes.

Auntie Giselle rescued me and a bunch of my brothers and sisters from a lady who had just WAY too many kitties. Now we're all safely tucked into various foster homes and doing well but we need NEW people to give us forever homes.

I love to play with my brother Jazz, the Piano Man. Did you read about him? and to climb all over my three story playpen. I can;t wait to get out and meet the other meezers here but it's going to be awhile before I can tussle with all of them. I hear foster mom talking about vetting, vaccinations, and microchips. What's that all about ? Whatever it is I know she'll take good care of Jazz and me 'cause she already loves us SOOOOO much. We're just kind of like that, a little purring, burrowing, addictive pair of meezers.

Hit that button and ask about me soon!
Name: Baihu

(FKA Jasper)

ID#: VA7119
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 07/08/10
Adopted: 08/08/10
Congrats: Gwen
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Baihu was formerly named Jasper. He was born in the year of the white tiger, so that's his new name in Mandarin. Baihu has grown into a stately, loving cat. He is always inquisitive and brave. He handles dogs very well, better than his bro. He and his brothers are partners in crime, tearing through the house and getting into all sorts of scraps. Baihu particularily like to stand up on his hind legs next to the parrot cage and try to bat the bird. The parrot would bang on his cage and give him some threatening parrot gesture. It's a game between two species. The parrot's time out of his cage has been curtailed because I am not sure of Baihu's reaction yet. I don't quite trust him with the bird loose. In his quiet moments, he would come and flop himself on my lap. Both cats sleep with me and would poke me in the morning to get their food, but I don't always take their hint. After all, who's the boss?

My brave and outgoing Baihu. What a great cat! He's always the first to explore any new situation or people. He checks up on the other cats if they are in distress. He gives slow eye blinks and love bites. He loves to play and loves to snuggle. He also loves knocking things off any surface and likes to tear up things too, but who's perfect.

(Last update: Aug 8th, 2016 5pm)

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Name: Wanpi

(FKA Jazz)

ID#: VA7118
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 07/08/10
Adopted: 08/08/10
Congrats: Gwen
Foster: Jan

Foster Notes

Introducing the "Piano Man"!

No, not Billy Joel, it's the REAL piano man....Jazz, the amazing meezer with lots of extra toes!

Jazz is a four paw polydactyl boy with oodles of purr-sonality and with these amazing feet, he sure can go to town makin' biscuits! If the piano man gig doesn't work out, maybe he could become a "masseuse"

He's cute as can be, weighs just 2.5 lbs and needs to complete all his vetting procedures before he'll be ready to go home in early to mid August.

Jazz could go home with his brother, Jasper or either kitten can be adopted as singletons. Though they will need to have a home with other cats/kittens to play with as they are active little guys who love to play and tussle.

Be sure to get your inquires in early, these two fabulous boys are just too cute to miss!

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Notes from Home
Wanpi (formerly named Jazz) is living up to his name. Wanpi means "naughty" in Mandarin. He was the runt of the two brothers and now weighs almost a pound more than bro. He LOVES to eat and is showing a bit of belly bulge. Food is not left out or Wanpi will polish off every bit. He is still on lysine to help his immune system. Other than a teary eye, he is in fine health. His extra toes come in handy in jumping and grabbing "da bird", one of his favorite toys.He can spring higher and has more power than bro. The two of them play hard and have already destroyed a couple of ceramic pots, a crystal cat, two rugs, and killed several plants. An arrangement of artificial chinese lantern branches have been denuded. They pluck off the lanterns one by one and bat them around like hockey putts. Wanpi will purr immediately when he is picked up and the motor doesn't stop. He doesn't really like to be held, but will sit next to me. He is a clown and an absolute joy to have.

Wanpi is still the most lovable big guy. He gives the most intense massages, using both front and back legs with all their multiple digits. Still on lysine for his permanent weepy eye and he has slowed down a bit and doesn't tear through the house like he used to. Tried putting him on a diet of Fat Cat Natural Balance food, but he didn't care for it. He actually doesn't eat much for a big cat, so we are leaving him alone. Will still not touch wet food. He purrs the minute someone picks him up, and he's got the loudest motor. He enjoys our latest addition, Nikko the wedgie Siamese. Both Wanpi and his brother Baihu treats Nikko like a younger brother.

(Last update: Aug 8th, 2016 5pm)

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