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I know you are all passing me by because I'm not a seal or a blue point. But I am a really friendly and loving girl, so don't keep passing me by. I deserve a chance and you won't regret asking about me.
Name: Saphire

(FKA Iona)

ID#: VA6421
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 06/25/09
Adopted: 08/14/09
Congrats: Donna
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Saphire is doing great! We love her so much! Thanks for all you do!
(Last update: Aug 16th, 2016 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Simba

(FKA Sunshine aka White Flame)

ID#: VA11452
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 05/10/16
Adopted: 07/14/16
Congrats: Leanne
Foster: Diane

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Foster Mom has started calling me, "Sunshine the Almost Brave". I feel safe hanging out under the futon but come out immediately for Foster Mom. I love attention - petting, brushing, cuddling...bring it on. I do have a very loud Siamese voice and Foster Mom says that I'm sure not afraid to use it. I wouldn't have to use it if she would stop paying attention to those cats on the other side of the foster room door and spend all her time with me.

If you'd like to spend all your time with me, click that button and ask about me!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hello! I just wanted to let you know that Simba is doing wonderfully! We recently moved into my new house in Ithaca and he adjusted very well. He loves exploring the big house! He often sleeps with me at night and recently has met my roommate's, Hayley's, cat, Spidey. They got along fairly quickly and now run around the house together playing. Simba is a social butterfly and lets everyone in the house know he always wants attention! I will send new pictures soon. Hope everything is well with you all.
(Last update: Aug 16th, 2016 9am)

I finally get to settle in now that my procedure is done and I am ready for pictures and videos. I am kind of busy and hard to get good pictures of because I an just full of energy!

Name:   Quincy
ID#: VA10172
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 07/23/14
Adopted: 08/16/14
Congrats: Margaret
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Quincy 'Kitty Adams' is doing wonderfully! After two weeks he is finally sleeping through the night and not playing like a crazy kitty at 2am! My alarm is set for 5:30am and he is READY to eat at that time! Quincy loves playing with his mylar ball toys and is very good about scratching his post. Our porch is screened in and he enjoys watching the birds fly by and watch the people walk by. He is a very curious and inquisitive cat. I really do believe he is processing how things work. He loves sitting next to our downstairs bathroom sink and when I put the water on low he can't stop playing in the water and drinking it! He is a character! He is a very happy boy and when we come home from being out he just rubs up against us and purrs his heart away! I love him to pieces!

I can't believe that we have had Quincy in our home now for 2 years! He has been such a wonderful addition to our home! I actually don't remember our house without him. He went for his yearly checkup to the vet back in early July and passed all of his tests with flying colors except for the fact that he may need to lose a little weight :) This boy loves to eat and when his sister Sansa doesn't finish her food he saunters on over to finish it...but now when I see him doing it I talk to him a low voice and he'll actually run away. What a good boy! He LOVES playing with Sansa, they play hide and seek, tag, and who can run the fastest up and down the stairs. She's been great for him, especially in regards to him getting more exercise. He's such a big chirper especially when he is trying to find Sansa or when he wants me to wake up (at 4am!!!). I am so happy that he welcomed Sansa into his home with flying colors just a year ago. He's a very good big brother, he'll try at every chance he can to clean her up and she'll tolerate it! They are the cutest duo!

(Last update: Aug 16th, 2016 7am)

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Name:   Gilly
ID#: VA10715
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 04/16/15
Adopted: 05/03/15
Deceased: 08/15/15
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Siri

Lovely older lady looking for a Millie bed in the sun I can snooze in!

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Notes from Home
Unfortunately, she left us after only a few month late last summer. Probably end-stage cancer. At least sh ehad a loving home for those few months. So sad.

Died August 2015

(Last update: Aug 15th, 2016 9pm)

I was dropped off at the shelter in a smelly old gym bag - how rude, and beneath a fine lady like me. But I am lovely and tiny and wedgie and sweet. And did I mention lovely? Been to the vet for my senior work-up, and to have some painful and infected teeth pulled. We've discovered that I don't see really well, but that doesn't stop me from finding my food and my box - and YOU. Just call me and I am right there. But foster mom is marking me as "no doggies" as I would not do well if a doggie chased me or scared me. Unless of course you have a very old or lazy dog who can't be bothered with chasing .... Same thing with kids - no little ones for the same reason. And now that my mouth is feeling better we're going to start meeting the other cats here - we've already been playing paws through the crack under the door, but it's time we met face to face!
Name:   Zilly
ID#: VA11356
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 02/26/16
Adopted: 03/19/16
Deceased: 05/31/16
Congrats: Stacy
Foster: Jackie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
19 Apr 2016 - Zilly has been with us a month. She sleeps a lot and mostly stays in her bed in the bedroom. She occasionally wonders out and walks around the house. My other three cats are used to her now and no longer hiss at her. They sometimes go "nose to nose" sniffing each other and then just walk away. Her eating habits the past two weeks have been sporadic and a little concerning as she had to be carried to the food to eat. She doesn't seem to be gaining any weight. However, the last two days her appetite has increased,she has been walking around a little more and she is now eating with the other cats in the kitchen. She seems to prefer the fancy feast brands with gravy in them. She has also spent a few hours the past few days in our lap as we watch TV.
She is a wonderful sweet cat and I love her. But I am concerned that she is still very "boney". You can see almost all her bones in her body. I wonder if I should feed her more often during the day? Any comments about that.
I am glad she is part of my family and I want to take very, very good care of her.

(Last update: Aug 15th, 2016 12pm)

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Name: Toadette

(FKA Toad)

ID#: VA11305
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 01/19/16
Adopted: 02/06/16
Congrats: Dora
Foster: Michelle

Toad is an extremely sweet and affectionate girl. She is an awesome lap cat who just wants to be petted and purr. She has a wonderful playful streak. She is a 4 paw polydactyl, which means she has an extra toe on each paw. Her front paws look like she's wearing mittens :) Check out her pics and videos!

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Notes from Home
Toadette (akaToad) arrived home in great shape after her long road trip. She was telling about her day during our last couple hours to PA. She slept on me that night frequently waking me with her purrs. After multiple times of talking through the door of her room with Nevy (aka Buster) she finally got to meet him as well as our other 2 kitties and Aussie. There has been a gradual get to know you time with some playing and races that I'm sure will increase in time. She is a true lover and lap kitty. The lap has even been shared with Nevy - the other 2 aren't lap kitties at all. She sleeps every night beside or on top of us but is ok if anyone else decides to sleep on the bed. Had some sneezes after her trip but L-lysine took care of that. Overall she has made herself at home and everyone seems content with the new lovely family member. What a wonderful addition that completed our family. Can't thank all who worked with her and transported her to us. God bless you all for the work you do!

Hard to believe it has been 6 months since Toadette has joined our family. She loves everyone and has been a perfect addition. We are constantly hearing running feet day and night so know all are exercising. Will awaken with toys brought to bedroom and bed carried about by Nev and Toadette - both never tire from play. Toadette spends evenings with all the gang and us in the family room usually sleeping on someone's lap. She has decided that dry food is now her food of choice - weight has great with no extra pounds on this beauty. Has loved the Olympic Games and will sit next to the TV watching; am waiting for her to swat something. She also likes to watch bugs in the evening porch light and chase them up the glass door. Could not have asked for a better addition to our furry family - they keep us young.

(Last update: Aug 15th, 2016 12pm)

Hi there:)

My name is Juliet. I was turned in to the shelter with my 8 babies a couple of weeks ago. Can you imagine - 8 babies to take care of? Why, I am just a baby myself! I was a good mom though, and made sure my babies were sweet and healthy, and guess what? They all got adopted! I was left in the shelter all alone:( I was sad and scared.

The nice ladies at the shelter called foster mom because I am Siamese. Foster mom came to see me and said I was going to Siamese Rescue:) Foster mom also told me she was going to make sure I did not have any more babies because after all, 8 is enough!!

I am here at foster mom's house recovering from my surgery. I have plenty to eat, a soft bed, and lots of toys! I haven't met the other kitties here yet but foster mom says I will soon. I like it here but what I really need is a home of my very own. I am tiny - just over 6 lbs. - so I won't take up much room.

Do you have room for a little girl like me? If you do, hit that Ask About Me paw soon:)
Name:   Juliet
ID#: VA7155
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/23/10
Adopted: 08/10/10
Congrats: Christine
Foster: Christine


Notes from Home
Juliet now has a new brother, Mister Skinee. She has been looking since she lost her brother Woodley in 2013 but until Skinee came along she just never approved of any of the potential candidates:) Typical female seal that she is, she held out until she found her perfect match!

Juliet loves her new brother and they are usually never far apart. She is happy to have a playmate and companion and most especially another kitty she can wash:) The two of them love to sit together and watch the birds and other critters in the yard! And yesterday, she even allowed Skinee to wash her:) Life is good!

Juliet,or Princess Julie as we call her, is doing well. She loves her brother Mr. Skinee. One of her favorite things is getting butt scratches and belly rubs from her daddy every morning before he leaves for work. Julie told him he must continue doing this when he retires at the end of the month. She is a happy, healthy girl.

(Last update: Aug 15th, 2016 11am)

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Name: Boz

(FKA Sushi)

ID#: VA10575
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/17/15
Adopted: 02/01/15
Deceased: 06/10/15
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Siri

Just arrived. More information soon.

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Notes from Home
Sushi is now called "Boz". He has settled in seamlessly and is a great favorite of our 24-year-old, Tai (adopted from the Center in 2001), who has missed our two girls we lost in September. He now has someone to cuddle with! Panda (8) and Little Girl (1) accept him but don't interact much with him (they're bonded to each other). Not a hiss in the integration!

Boz loves to curl up on the couch in the living room, where he stays most of the time, as does Tai. Though his vision and hearing aren't very good, he checked out everything when he got here and comfortably moves around the house. Bob and I just love him! Geezers are the best!

August 2015: We lost Boz to kidney and liver cancer.

(Last update: Aug 14th, 2016 12pm)

Just arrived. More information soon.
Name:   Simon
ID#: VA11252
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 12/13/15
Adopted: 12/28/15
Deceased: 08/01/16
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Howie


Notes from Home
We loved Simon so much but alas had to say good bye August 14th, 2016; he had an operable bowel cancer but it had also metasticized to his lungs, so we could do nothing for him except release him from the burden that his life had become. Only eight months but they were wonderful.
(Last update: Aug 14th, 2016 12pm)

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Name:   Maxx
ID#: VA11552
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/02/16
Adopted: 07/09/16
Congrats: Todd
Foster: Lisa

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
I am back again because it turns out I don't like other cats but seriously, you do not need any others when you have me. I am a love bug who wants your constant attention and affection. Don't worry, if you forget to pet me I will gently grab your hands to redirect you to what you should be doing.

Go ahead and ask about me if you are looking for a super lovey, always by your side, kind of guy.

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Notes from Home
Maxx has quickly become a regular part of the family at my home. Once he arrived, after initially checking things out, he settled right in and is in a really comfortable routine. I work from home so many times throughout the day, he can be found laying in my lap as I'm working at the computer...and when he's not in my lap and he wants to be held while I'm working, he stretches up and touches my arm with a really cute, imploring look on his face as you can see in one of the pictures I've included. : ) We have play time every night just before I go to bed and he waits by the cat toy box and brushes against it while I'm brushing my teeth. He's really easy going, very affectionate and has adapted so well to my home that it's like we've lived together for years.

I can't thank you all enough for the help in bringing Maxx here!

(Last update: Aug 14th, 2016 11am)

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