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From a hoarding group of cats, I am TERRRRRIFIED of people. It's been several months and I'm making very very slow progress in that regard, although I sure do a lot of slow blinking to try to make friends.

I am cat friendly and totally non political and would be fine with another cat. But touch me? That isn't happening for a very long, long time. Hopefully before you're old and gray, but I can't promise. No fees, just looking for a home where I can hang out. Litterbox and food habits are good, not fussy in either department.
Name: Thomas

(FKA Beau)

ID#: VA11456
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 05/14/16
Adopted: 07/30/16
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Thomas is a wonderful cat. He's turned into a really social cat with us. Loves to be pet, fed treats. He is all over the house, no fear of anything, including our dog Jake, who is 90 pounds. Loves to eat, play, good habits. We'll probably never be able to clip his nails! And he does not like to be picked up. But he is a real sweetheart. He's made such good progress getting over his fear of people
(Last update: Aug 30th, 2016 8am)

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Name:   Blaze
ID#: VA10966
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 08/03/15
Adopted: 08/29/15
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Michelle

Hello! I'm Blaze and I'm going to blaze a path to my forever home!

I was dumped at a vegetable farm with my littermates. There were some dogs on the farm that were not cat friendly, so the people found someone to take us. Siamese Rescue was called for me and other rescues for my non-Siamese littermates. I've only been here 1 week, but foster mom says I have a huge Purrsonality! I'm pretty sure that's a good thing.

I love to play, play, play! Give me a toy or toilet paper or even a towel and I can entertain myself for a good long while....and entertain you, too! I also love to purr, purr, purr! I make lots of biscuits and purr the entire time I'm not playing! But there's lots to do, so I'm a typical wiggly kitten. I also will tell you in no uncertain terms when I'm unhappy or need something. Foster meowmy says I'm just too cute!

So what are you waiting for? Ask about me!!!!

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Notes from Home
Stewart (Blaze- we have renamed him) got used to his new home quickly. He is a very playful, loving, quick energetic kitten and is a wiggleworm, too. He is a quick learner and is eating well. Stewart and his stepsister, London, are playing everyday. He is slowly being introduced to his older Aunt star (cat).

9/30/15- Stewart is doing very well and enjoys playing with "London" (his stepsister), and is also learning to live with his Aunt Star. He is now aware that everything is not a toy but has to be reminded from time to time. He is a joy to have around, loves to purr and is the lap cat around here.

8/29/16 - Well it has been about a year since adopting Stewart and he has become a handsome young flame adult. At his recent yearly vet visit he did well and is now 11 lbs, He is a very outgoing friendly cat to anyone who comes in our house . He is affectionate w his family and gets along well with adopted sister -London and older "Aunt" Star. He makes a good companion for London who is just about 1 1/2 yrs old now. He loves to play with throw toys and on stairs. He enjoys looking out the back window at the squirrel and birds outside which he may meow at occas.

(Last update: Aug 29th, 2016 9pm)

Very playful girl who is full of mischief. Affectionate and a little bit of a lap kitty when not too busy playing.
Am a little bit of fluff and very proud of that plumed tail of mine :)
Name: Princess Caroline

(FKA Hayley)

ID#: VA11560
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 07/03/16
Adopted: 08/13/16
Congrats: Rachel
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Princess Caroline had her vet check up yesterday. The vet noted she had pretty bad gingivitis without having any plaque which could be result of Feline Bartonella which can be treated with antibiotics or could be a chronic problem that would mean her teeth need to be constantly cleaned and could possibly lead to her teeth being extracted down the road. Vet took a blood test to see if it's Batonella, which hopefully it will be. (Her vet check on 7/7 did not register bad gingivitis.) Otherwise her health was good, she was friendly to vet and weighed 6.44 lbs.

Other than that she's adjusting very well, very friendly. She typically wants to be in the same room and will sometimes sit near my feet but doesn't need to be in reach. She will eat treats from my hand and likes being petted, but doesn't want to be held for too long. I've started leash training her, she wore the harness without problem, although didn't like it being put on, and would somewhat walk around the apartment if I used the remote controlled bug, but wouldn't move if I used the wand. She won't yet cross the threshold of the front door but am working her up to that. She is starting to climb the 9-foot cat tree I set up, it's a little hard for her to get to the second or third platform but she's done it a couple of times but getting down she's not found a route she likes yet.

Seems comfortable around me but not needy if that makes sense. I let my bedroom door open last night and she seems to have slept all night on the bed.

(Last update: Aug 28th, 2016 12pm)

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Name: Lexi

(FKA Elaina)

ID#: VA8618
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 06/21/12
Adopted: 08/18/12
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Jasmine

06/23 - update

I've got videos!

Hi everyone! My name is Elaina.

I just arrived at my foster mom's house and I'm loving the indoor life! She's told me I'm a Tortie Siamese. Tortie, smortie...who cares! I just want curl up under your chin for snuggle time and play with every toy I can get my paws on!

Stay tuned for more information, pictures and videos!



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Notes from Home
Lexi is as adorable today as she was when we brought her home. She still loves her rope toy and drags it all over the house hoping for a game of fetch. She's also trying to convince us that five am is a really good time to play.
A typical day, Mouse and Lexi groom each other, chase each other up and down the hall and then take a nap.
Lexi also talks up a storm if she feels neglected or hungry or that you are in her favorite spot. Neglect mean you stopped throwing he rope before she wants to stop. Hungry mean the bottom of the bowl visible.
She is the best girl kitty in the world but I might be a bit biased.

Jan 2013
Lexi (aka Elaina) is now 8 months old. She is as sweet as a cat could be. Super inquisitive. Loves to play. Adores sitting on your chest and getting pets or just taking a nap. Lexi also has a great deal of fun chasing her big brother Mouse all over the house. Thanks again to all the volunteers who helped Lexi find her forever home with us.

Sep 2012
I am not sure it is possible for Lexi to be more adorable and loving. She and Mouse have bonded beautifully. Watching them bathe each other is heartwarming. Of course, when a bath turns into a wrestling match that's fun too. Well, fun for them, less fun for those of us trying to sleep at midnight :)
Lexi is not picky about her food. Upon our vets advice we have switched her to al wet food as she seems to have no off switch for when she is full and we don't want her to become a pudge ball and have health issues.
9/18/12 Lexi is over her cold and took her medicine like a doll. She has opinions on everything as she should. I have resumed my beading hobby and she is trying to help me pull thread, edit the insgtructions with little kitten teeth punctuation.
She uses all her toys. She particularly likes to sit in her tunnel and watch us. She uses scratching posts.
Daisy is tolerant of Lexi when Lexi pounces on her. Not that the pounces are all that well executed yet but Lexi tries her best.
Out of no where she bounds upon the bed or sofa to say hello and get some pets then its back to Mouse stalking.
Her fur is still super soft. And her expressiin too cute for words. My picture attempts are pathetic but I will try again.
Lexi is a continual joy in our lives. It is difficult to believe four years have passed. She is healthy and happy.
Lexi has become quite the conversationalist these past six months. She has many opinions to share but she is quite adamant that the entire household belongs upstairs after dinner.
Lexi is a girly girl and thoroughly enjoys her at home spa treatments, fur brushing and nail trims.
Don't think she is not a mighty hunter! Stink bugs and spiders are quickly tracked for mom to eliminate

(Last update: Aug 27th, 2016 11am)

Large sized lover boy! People are excellent! Other cats love me, and I'm completely easy going with them! Following you everywhere like a dog, I'm a good lap sitter, like to be brushed, and am just a gentle giant! Good in all habits too!
Name:   Chance
ID#: VA11573
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/09/16
Adopted: 07/23/16
Congrats: Melissa
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Chance is amazing, and we are so glad he, via Siri, took a chance on us!

His first vet visit went well but our vet thought his luxating patellas might be more, so we had x-rays done that revealed a ruptured ACL and a meniscus injury. He's on pain medication now and we are hoping to be able to have surgery in a month or so. As a result of the pain medication, he's off the charts with energy - plays, romps, and generally acts closer to 3 than 7 years old. He still takes time to cuddle and snuggle - more than Frankie does - it's nice to have balance!

He and Frankie share toys very well, and he has learned that her occasional hissing is just her really poor communication skills. We just remind him that she's young and he rolls his eyes and yawns. He gets along with the dog, and often all three can be found curled up on our bed during the night, leaving little space for us. I suspect I will appreciate this more in cooler weather.

We lost our Golden Retriever Bradley about a week before Chance came to join us. He's helped to ease the transition for all of us, I think, and we are very grateful for his presence here!

I cannot believe it's been a month since Chance arrived. It feels like he's just been here forever. He and Frankie play like crazy, taking turns chasing each other from room to room with no more of her ridiculous hissing. They share toys all the time, and even share treats and meals and sleeping spaces and boxes.

He still gets a shot once a week for pain, but rejected the supplement capsules completely - it was supposed to be opened and sprinkled over his food; I think we would have better luck just popping it down his throat, frankly. We are waiting for surgery until we get our living area renovation finished. I don't want to have him recovering from surgery in the middle of the chaos we have here. It's enough to keep everyone confined in one half of the house during working hours without adding on surgery and recovery.

One of his favorite activities lately involves knocking every item on Gene's bedside table off at 5:30 am, Monday - Friday. I work Saturday and Sunday and am up around then, and I feed both cats before I leave. Apparently this is his preferred meal time, and he makes sure we know it on my "off" days. Today I once again found him sitting in the bathroom in between the shower curtain and plastic liner, facing the tub, tail hanging out under the curtain. I have no idea why he does this. He doesn't DO anything. He just...sits. Very cat!

We still adore him and don't know how he came to be here - but we're very glad he did.

(Last update: Aug 26th, 2016 7pm)

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Name: SinDee

(FKA Dera)

ID#: VA6268
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 04/20/09
Adopted: 07/25/09
Congrats: Barbara Ann
Foster: Eva

Foster Notes

Enjoying the high life at foster mom's is great, but I'm looking for my forever home. I'll give you lots of headbutts and leg rubs, and I'll chat with you and follow you around. Like a bed companion? I'll be happy to oblige. I don't really care about other cats, but I'll live with them if they'll just leave me alone. Foster mom has a dog, but I just ignore her, too. If I sound like the one for you, then ask about me today. Check out my other photos - you'll see how beautiful I am.


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Notes from Home
SinDee continues to do well. She is not letting my other Meezers intimadate her, she walks past them, tail high, just a whisker length between them. In the evening she is very demanding for her wet food. She also likes to run, chase and toss toys in the evening, crazy cat, it's wonderful. Bedtime, she hops up on the bed and off to sleep we go. All in all she is finding a place for herself,

Six years! What a JOY. Still a "CLOWN" does so many funny things! Favorite thing is "chilling" out on sofa, often on her back. Both of her Seal Sisters have gone over Rainbow Bridge and she is somewhat puzzled by this. Is a bit clingy and much more talkative to me.

Seven years...SinDee is doing well, showing her age a bit but she can still chase her Meezer kitties. Very sensitive to my needs, I have been battling cancer, again...she spends a lot of time with me, seems to know something is up, a true friend. She is super friendly, doorbell rings and she runs to greet the visitor, rubbing their legs, etc. People are amazed at how friendly she is and she hangs around, as if she wants to take part in their visit.

(Last update: Aug 24th, 2016 9pm)

I'm a sweet Tortie girl, That means I am special because you can watch me change colors while I grow! Be sure to take tons of pictures of me while I am a baby because you won't recognize me in a few years!
I am a bit shy but I warm up to you. I love being petted and I'll 'give you my belly'. Ya know, that is the most trusting thing us cats have to offer.

My latest thing is to welcome Mama home by flopping down on her feet and rubbing all over them.

If you have a friendly, cat lovin' dog, I could learn to love them too.


There are approximately 365 days to my kittenhood. You've missed 99 of them already.
I've got plenty of days ahead as a gorgeous adult cat, but so few as a pipsqueak.

UPDATE: I am a movie star now! Check out who wins in the Color ball battle.
Name: Agnes

(FKA Shuga)

ID#: VA9328
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 06/15/13
Adopted: 08/24/13
Congrats: Glenda
Foster: Mama Rosa

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Agnes has been with us a month and she has definitely made herself part of the family..
Yea ! Agnes let me trim 7 nails this morning, without too much fuss ..
Agnes is a chameleon, she changes color every day...

(Last update: Aug 24th, 2016 7pm)

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Name:   Afton kna Tempi
ID#: VA11492
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 05/27/16
Adopted: 07/09/16
Congrats: Lynn
Foster: Jeanne

Beautiful, lively, healthy little girl, ready to go home around the 4th of July.

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Notes from Home
Willow, Afton kna Tempi is now her forever name. She loves the name, responded to it right away. The other two names never suited her and she never responded to them. She is so wonderful, I am so blessed to have her in my family.
(Last update: Aug 23rd, 2016 7pm)

Healthy, playful, loving little fella. Ready to go home around the 4th of July.
Name:   Zeus nka Seelie
ID#: VA11491
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/27/16
Adopted: 07/09/16
Congrats: Lynn
Foster: Jeanne


Notes from Home
Bravo, short for Braveheart is Zeus nka Seelie is now his forever name. He loves the name, responded to it right away. The other two names never suited him, and he never responded to them. He is so wonderful, I am so blessed to have him in my family.
(Last update: Aug 23rd, 2016 7pm)

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Name:   Sarafina
ID#: VA11523
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/13/16
Adopted: 07/23/16
Congrats: Jean
Foster: Mama Rosa

Well, I'm on life Number 3. and I'm only a young girl. I'll let mama tell you my story if you ask about me.
I love to headbutt you and love being petted.
I am very quiet and have perfect habits in the food and litterbox departments. Please ask about me, and let's make life #3 the real furever!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hi all,
Sarafina is doing great. She completely adjusted to her new home. She gets along with both Milo my 10 year old cat and Bailey my 4 year old dog. We are all very happy.
Thanks to everyone who was involved in her adoption and for all the support you have given us. I uploaded a picture of Sarafina, just hope it shows up.

(Last update: Aug 23rd, 2016 2pm)

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