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I SO want to be someone's best buddy. I just follow you everywhere with my eyes, mind meld type eye contact, ,but am unsure. Possible abuse in my background as I'm suspicious around my back end, but you can see the golden goodness in my eyes. You just have to make me believe, which won't be hard to do, if you don't push me, and I'll be your soulmate. Quiet home, would like someone who wants to bond tightly please.
Name: Tayo

(FKA Simba)

ID#: VA8732
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/21/12
Adopted: 09/15/12
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
What a wonderful boy Tayo is! Beautiful manners, great litter box habits, nice cuddler in bed, loves to be wherever I am. I could not have asked for a better match (many, many thanks, Kathi!). He had his teeth cleaned recently and 3 removed that were decayed. Afterwards he was so much friskier and finally interested in playing. I think those bad ones must really have been bothering him.
Tayo and I are doing great! He is such a lovely boy and a wonderful
companion. He turned out to have severe arthritis in one of his shoulders,
which flared up during the cold of this past winter. He is now on
twice-daily doses of a joint supplement and a thrice weekly pain reliever,
and appears to be feeling much happier for it. His only naughty tendency is
his continuing inclination to nip when he gets over-stimulated. However, the
frequency of this is gradually decreasing, the nips are often gentler and
sometimes now followed by a lick, and I can tell from the look in his eyes
that he understands he's not supposed to be doing this and is trying hard to
restrain himself. He's not much for playing, though we do so every evening.
He loves to be around people and has been very attentive and polite to
company when they come. He sleeps under the covers with me every night,
although he is not quite the early riser that I am, and I must coax him out
of bed each morning with head kisses, which he adores.

Thank you again for helping my find such a dear Meezer boy!
Tayo and I are doing wonderfully. His understanding of English is now quite
good (I don't think it was his first language) and his tendency to nip
continues to diminish. As he settled in here, he has revealed a rather
sophisticated sense of humor.
He just recently had a checkup with his vet, vaccinations, and blood work
(which the vet said looked beautiful).
He is curled up on my lap as I write this. What a great little companion he

Sadly, my dear sweet Tayo suffered a mild stroke about two weeks back. I rushed him to the vet, who could find no residual effects and nothing currently wrong with him, but the vet did say that it would eventually happen again and there was nothing they could do to prevent it. At the beginning of the summer, Tayo's blood work also revealed an elevated ALT level, although there had been (and continues to be) no changes in his eating/drinking/peeing/pooping habits and a follow-up liver function test showed that his liver function was perfect. A subsequent blood panel a month later showed a significant decrease in his ALT, although it was still not back within the normal range and we will do another blood test in 90 days as per the vet's recommendation. In the meantime, Tayo continues to be a wonderful companion. After two and a half years of gently running a wand from head to tail down his back, he now LOVES to have his entire back rubbed by hand. He still is not accepting of a tummy rub, but he will allow me to rest my hand gently on this stomach for a few seconds - something I could never do before without getting nipped smartly. It makes me want to cry when I think what must have happened to him in some previous home to make him so nervous about being petted like this. He is cuddled here on my lap purring his heart out as I type this, and I hope and pray I will have him with me for a long, long time to come.

(Last update: Sep 19th, 2016 6am)

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Name:   Gunner
ID#: VA9866
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/22/14
Adopted: 03/08/14
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Siri

Oh my heart be still! Talk about a lovely Siamese Fluffinator Ragdoll mix of a loving guy, that's me!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home

Gunner arived in a blaze of soft ragdoll fur, bright blue eyes and an unending purr after a long 10-hour journey from Va.Ctr. to Westford, Mass. on Sat. April 8th. He has found a spot in our hearts with his sincere and loving personality and sweetness and quite the Siamese vocabulary. After some initial setbacks, we are adjusting to this big, handsome guy and enjoying his non-stop purr. He has reminded us of the joy of rescue and the importance of patience and love in building a true furry family.

Thank you to each and every transporter, Siri and all the folks that helped this guy along his journey last month .We are sure Gunner will be the most awesome kitty as we continue to nourish his wonderful nature. Finally, thanks to Nancy Bontempo and Kathi Meenehan for their time and sincere help.

With love from Gunner, Jasmine and Summit.

Karen and Doug Waybright


Gunner has been with us now for eight weeks. We have progressed into a wonderful household member and is a complete joy to watch. He seems to love his furry friend Summit the most and follows her every action without being overbearing. It is hard to imagine how close these two are but they sleep together throughout the day and evenings. I separate them briefly for meals as she shouldn't eat his high protein diet at 15y.o. but he lays quietly in the same room and watches her eat. Besides their diet differences, he adores her and needs her based on his cry when she isn't in sight. She seems to be feeling the same which is especially nice for him.

I love this furball ragdoll guy more than I ever thought possible. Thanks again all for all your support and encouragement during the initial stages. Those days are so gone!!


Karen and Doug

12October 2014

Our fluffy raggdoll is completely at home with our family (Summit our 15 year old scrc snowshoe seal point and Jasmine our 13.5 year old lab/shepherd) after 6 months in our home and traveling to our summer home in Maine. At 12lbs he is not a lap cat, but is a sweet, chatty, night owl. He adores Summit as both a companion and mother figure, and they are often found together throught the day sleeping and playing (not too close mind you). Gunner drops and rolls without warning, so one must be aware of this furball in front of you!

We also send our heartfelt best wishes to Cami, who came into rescue with Gunner (Buddah) in March 2014. She was obviously a great influence on our special boy and his need to reach out to Summit, providing her a second life.

Best wishes also to all the scrc volunteers who provide selfless hours to make this organizaion so wonderful and helpful.

Karen and Doug Waybright

04 April 2015

Happy 1 year Anniversary in our Home Sweet Gunner!

Gunner is very sweet, at times talkative and always loving. He has found his special places in our home and in our hearts. It was a turning point this past weekend when he returned from the groomer all brushed out and fluffy and was clearly "home" in his mind. It was a "wow", I am back again and boy, I love you guys. And yes, "we love you too Big Guy," you are not going anywhere else!!

Our daily lives are enriched by his sometime antics on the steps dropping toys, his loving nature with his big sister Summit and the look of love in his crystal blue eyes when he is spoken to sweetly. He is very comfortable with Jasmine, our 14 yearold lab/shepherd. Although too big to hold at 12.5 pounds, he rolls and purrs and purrs One favorite spot is rolling by his meow- mom by the computer and by her side during her nighly bedtime preparation, a long wait for a night time treat for this night owl kitty!

Gunner is so loved and we cherish this sweet guy in so many furever ways!.

Karen and Doug Waybright, Jasmine and Summy

September 2016


Our fluffy ragdoll guy is doing very well in our travels to our home in Maine from Massachusetts. He and our geezer Summit love each other's companionship. It is especially nice to watch him next to her sweetly while she eats. For a young guy he shows great resolve and love. For the most part they are fairly independent souls but can be found together most mornings in front of our living room slider in the sun or watching wild life.

We now seem to be successful with the hairball issues that have plagued Gunner for some time with the use of daily salmon paw gel, I highly recommend Nutrivet paw gel should your fluffball experience vomiting or stoll next to the litter box. It has made our lives so much better and his digestive system so much healthier. YEA!!

It is wonderful to watch him become the sweet verbal guy which he so wants to be, Just watch out for the flop in front of you - anywhere!

Love you sweets!

Karen, Doug and Summy

(Last update: Sep 18th, 2016 5pm)

Hi There! Just arrived on Match Meezer dot com & if you are looking for a dapper of a boy, look no further!!

More information will come as my Match Meezer dot com advisor gets to know what I'm seeking!

Name: Akoni

(FKA Anthony)

ID#: VA10164
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/20/14
Adopted: 08/08/14
Deceased: 09/17/16
Congrats: Patricia
Foster: Debi

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
It appears he is settling in nicely. See attached pictures.

8/8/16 - Akoni is doing great. He no longer limps except on very rare occasion. He gets along with everyone else in the house but is definitely the alpha of the household. He is not overtly alpha but is a gentleman about putting the younger cats in their place.

9/18/2016 - Akoni threw a blood clot this morning and lost all function in both back legs. His legs were cold with no pulse in them. He was in a lot of pain so we made the decision to let him go. This was very unexpected as he just had his annual physical 5 days ago. We will miss him terribly.

(Last update: Sep 18th, 2016 12pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Belle
ID#: VA4449
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 09/02/06
Adopted: 09/17/06
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Caged my short life, I have little experience out of the cage, not much experience with people interaction, and am even frightened of toys! But my curiousity, desire to learn, and faith that things will get better are allowing me to make progress already, and I've only been here a short time. Stay tuned!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
September 17, 2013: Seven years ago today, we brought home Belle. What an adventure! She would not let us touch her during the whole time she was in isolation, and the only time I heard her purr was when she heard our other cat outside the isolation room door. But each night either my husband or I would sleep in the isolation room (aka, our guest bedroom), and Belle would sniff and investigate us as soon as she thought we were asleep. She had (and has) so much curiosity!

When she was finally free of the isolation room, she discovered stairs, and lots of running room. But we still weren’t allowed to touch her -- until the third day out of isolation (about 3 weeks after her arrival home) when my “cat whisperer” husband lovingly pursued Belle and convinced her that people with hands that could pet a kitty might be A Good Thing. Nowadays, one of Belle’s favorite activities is to be held like a baby, while having the area between her shoulder blades gently scritched.

In the years Belle has allowed us to serve her, she’s become the most loving, little Princess (a title, not a nickname). She doesn’t “rule the roost” because she simply expects everything to happen in a way pleasing to her. And, by golly, it usually does! My husband and I are so grateful to Siamese Rescue for saving Belle, and for bringing us together! Thank you, thank you, thank you.

September 16, 2014: I type this with one hand, and some difficulty, because Belle has climbed up onto my chest so she can rest and purr in her favorite napping position – being held like a baby, rocking gently, while I scritch her between her shoulder blades. She likes to stare into my eyes, while gently taping my chin with claws ever-so-slightly unsheathed. Isn’t it good that she’s not in the least bit spoiled? She says, “it’s not spoiling if you DESERVE it.” And she does.

I look into her slightly crossed eyes and wonder, is this the same cat who wouldn’t let us touch her for the first three weeks she lived with us? Yes, she is, and so we call her our “miracle Meezer.” We also call her “Princess,” but not as a name; it’s a job title for the Princess Belle. Tomorrow is Belle’s eighth anniversary of coming to live with us. She was our first adoption from SCRC, but not our last. Thank you, Siamese Rescue!

September 17, 2015: Nine years! Belle is well and, I think, very happy. After all, The Princess Belle has us well-trained. Thank you, Siamese Rescue for matching us with Belle. She's the very best!

September 17, 2016: It can't be 10 years! I'm still a KITTEN!! Meowmy says so. Yours in purrs, Belle

(Last update: Sep 17th, 2016 7pm)


I'm really busy playing and kissing people...but ask about me and I will tell foster mom what to say while I enjoy the finer things in life like chasing the ball around the room and good stuff like that.

Purrs, JAK
Name:    Jak aka Alby
ID#: VA11538
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/21/16
Adopted: 08/14/16
Congrats: Veronica
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
We have had Alby more than 1 month already (today is 9/17/16 ) Alby is a lovely, cute, nice kitten, who loves to hug and kiss you, very nice indeed. He does not mind being held in one's arms or lap for long periods. He also jumps on the table. He is fascinated by water in showers, sinks and even toilets! We keep the toilets closed all the time now.
I do not have pictures of him in this computer so I will send pictures of Alby via my iPhone.

(Last update: Sep 17th, 2016 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Beemo
ID#: VA11572
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/07/16
Adopted: 08/14/16
Congrats: Veronica
Foster: Teresa

Just arrived. More information soon.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Today is 09/17/16, or more than 1 month with us.

Beemo is a cute kitten but still skittish. We cannot hold him longer than 10-20 seconds; he tries to squirm away and in the process he can scratch you involuntarily. He is letting us pet him and rub his belly a bit more. He purrs all the time.
He is afraid of noises and sudden moves. He is very different than he was characterized by Rescue cat.
We give him more attention than Alby to try to calm him down. Beemo eats a lot and more than Alby. Beemo looks for food all the time. He is the first to come when I call them for eating time.
He and Alby jump on the table. It is hard habit to break it. He still has his claws open when he plays. The vet said this habit of open claws may go with time, there is no medicine for this.
I will send via my iPhone pictures of him.

(Last update: Sep 17th, 2016 11am)

See what a smart boy I am, I know that I can catch these fish if I just bide my time. I'm patient and will lay outside this tank until I'm successful in grabbing one. No one will notice ONE little fish missing, right?

If you like a cat with personality plus, I'm your guy. I'm curious and confident, meeting the world head on. I can hang with the big dogs (no kidding here, there are two Great Danes) and curl up with the cats.

You'll never regret taking me home!

Simon Jowels, (no relation to the other Simon!!!)
Name: Oscar Theodore Oliver Arthur W

(FKA Simon Jowels)

ID#: VA5066
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/15/07
Adopted: 09/16/07
Deceased: 01/04/17
Congrats: Alycia
Foster: Laura

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats


Notes from Home
It's been forever! This program didn't work before, let's hope it works now. Theodore is doing just fine, my sweet lovey boy. I keep waiting for him to show his age. He has never slowed down! Still all about play, play, play. He loves to sit behind my computer on a boogie mat (soft mat with catnip inside), or sits on my mouse hand. I have a chair on either side of my computer chair for my kitties, each with a pillow. He loves his Millie bed, and my housemate has bought him a plush blanket which he loves to snuggle under. He's getting his teeth cleaned and needs an extraction, poor dude, but I want it done while he is still hale and hearty, to ward off problems later. He's my boy, and I'm his furever mom, for sure.
9/16/2016: Theodore is doing fantastically well. He's finally snuggly, and purrs a lot. He will cuddle under the covers with me in winter. He is very attached to me, and follows me everywhere. He gets along well with Luna, and she is sassy enough to hand his shenanigans back to him. They play "Tag" and "Chase me." You'd never know he is a senior of 14 years; he's still all about play, play, play.

(Last update: Sep 16th, 2016 8am)

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Name: Georgie Boy

(FKA Handsome)

ID#: VA8746
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/25/12
Adopted: 09/15/12
Congrats: Barbara
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

Here I am! I am Nicole's half brother. We can go together or we can go our seperate way. It is great to be out of our first home with so many cats. Now we get our own dish of food and no one is trying to get it. I am a boy without a tail. Never had one so I don't miss it. I am a very handsome boy, just look at my pictures. Ask about me! Thanks, Handsome

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
On Saturday, Sept. 15 Handsome came home to Bradenton, FL and soon became Georgie Boy. What a sweet and cute boy he is! He sports white socks and no tail so can't be mistaken for any other Meezer.
He settled in pretty fast and so enjoyed exploring the house. He's been separated from my other 10 yr old calico as she is leary of other cats. George B has his study and bathroom suite and Maccheroni has the rest of the house. I would arrange for them to switch places and after a week started feeding them on either side of a sliding glass door. That went well so I added a screen door so they were actually very close together and eating peacefully after a few hisses from Madam. Yesterday, the 29th, they had progressed to being in the same room with me distracting Georgie with a wand toy. Yippee! Macchi hissed and growled a bit to keep Georgie from getting in her space but he was not concerned and she stayed in the area with him. Today they met again and both were quite relaxed. Macchi still doesn't want the
energetic boy too close and growls at him but I can see that in time they are going to be just fine. Georgie now is lying right here by the keyboard making sure that I have the story straight. Barb

October 4- Progress is slow but steady with the integration process. Macchi is a timid cat and only shows interest in ignoring or avoiding Georgie. I make sure that she has "safe" time when eating and some other separation times. When I leave the house, Georgie goes in "his rooms" as I want to be aware of what's happening when they interact. Macchi still retreats to the bedroom but more frequently stays on top of the bed rather than under it. Georgie likes to follow her and attempt a chase game but she only runs away. I'm careful to give Macchi plenty of attention and she is still queen of my bed. Georgie just naturally gets lots of attention as he is a lover and so interactive. Right now she's sleeping on the bed and Georgie is roaming the house. I'm happy that she's becoming less threatened and more confident.

Oct. 5- Another good step this morning. Play time with Georgie in the living room using wand toys. Macchi came in the room and watched from a distance. She lay down and we moved the game a little closer. I used 2 wands and engaged M a bit. At least she was relaxed enough to do a little play. Then I fed them both in the kitchen about 6ft apart. Had another short play session with G active and M watching with a few hisses if he got real close. Great!

October 14. Georgie is very comfortable in his new home. His 10 yr old housemate, Macchi, is not thrilled to have another cat here but they are making progress though slowly at this stage. She has stopped moving to another room or under the bed most of the time and realizes that Georgie is an annoyance and not a real threat to her. She still hisses when he gets very close. I always feed them canned food together in the kitchen and play time. Georgie still has his private suite that I can use if I want to give Macchi a privacy break. Georgie is at home anywhere in the house and just wants to be where the action is or in one of his favorite sleeping places for nice long naps. He's just a sweetie and welcomes visitors at the door and is friends to anyone who comes to see him. All of my friends think he is the greatest!

October 31- Georgie handsome Boy is thriving. He sure loves his food and I'm thinking that he may be reacting to having to compete during his hoarding days. He has a favorite wand toy with a tiny fuzzy mouse at the end. He is constantly finding that and carrying the mouse around in his mouth with the wand dragging. He brings it to me on the couch and of course he is rewarded with extra play time.
There is an on-going integration problem with Macchi. She is timid and he reacts in a fairly subtle dominant way. When he approaches her too closely, she hisses or growls. He may plop down on his side nearby her and then slowly circle and come up behind her and continue approaching when she hisses. If I don't intercede, he will hiss and continue to attack and chase her while she retreats to safety under the bed. He doesn't follow her under the bed. He seems to want to claim the living room and couch. Am I right to try to stop interaction before real aggression starts? That has been my goal but my timing has been off a few times. I don't like M to have negative experiences with Gb. She tries to avoid Gb and he will usually end up chasing her if not distracted. I'm trying to keep him busy playing with a toy like the wand when they are together or have food out for both of them. In other words keep the interaction positive. I put Georgie in his suite to keep them separated when not supervised. He sleeps there and seems OK with that. I don't want to take my bed away from M as she is most relaxed there at night. I'm hoping that some day they can both be loose at night but don't want him to chase her off the bed when she is already intimidated. I'd love any suggestions from SCRC.

Nov. 6- I see that I last wrote on Halloween and now it's Election Day 2012. I'm happy to report some progress.
Well, this afternoon the plumber was here and Georgie greeted him at the door and put his front paws up on his leg to be petted or picked up. He's so funny! The plumber was amazed and said he is like a dog. He does have a bad habit of getting right under foot though and I'm afraid I'm going to trip or he's going to get stepped on. That would break my heart. He's such a sweet boy.
I'm starting to see some real progress between the two cats. I put a bell collar on Gboy (Jane's advice) so he couldn't sneak up on Macchi. I've worked hard to have mostly encounters that don't escalate into negative experiences. Macchi's growling is subsiding and her ears are usually forward with eyes that aren't dilated. Whew! Yesterday I came out of the shower to find both of them on my bed for the first time. I was thrilled. They got lots of love words for that. At one point today, they were up there again. Little by little we are developing a peaceful kingdom : )
November 19- Well, it's almost Thanksgiving and a decade birthday for me! I get the biggest kick out of Georgie Boy. He's just a real cute character. Go Cat makes a wand toy called Cat Catcher and Georgie just LOVES that thing. He drags it everywhere and drops it by me hoping I'll make it into a game (which I usually do). He loves all the toys and diving through his crinkly tunnel with one is fun. Macchi continues to growl at him. She's a grouch but they are co-existing and no one gets hurt.

March 15, 2013
Today is 6 months since I brought (Handsome) Georgie Boy home from Foster Mom Jane's house. We have gone through a lot of "getting to know you" with my 10 year old calico, Maccheroni. Thank goodness things have calmed down and we can all live together in harmony. Well, there are some little spats now and then, but that's just fine. Gb is just an adorable kitty and quite a character. He keeps me smiling and relieves stress when he curls up on my lap in the evenings or on my desk when I'm on the computer. I love coming home to scatter rugs all skrinched uo and imagine the wild chases that took place while I was gone. Macchi certainly gets more exercise than she did before Gb came along. Thanks to all the dedicated volunteers at SCRC who work so hard to give these amazing cats a chance to be loved and secure. All of the adopters are so grateful to have the companionship. love and entertainment a special meezer or two (or 3 or 4 or 5!) can give.

May 19, 2013
All is peaceful with Macchi and Georgie Boy. I'm just enjoying them both. Macchi is getting older and is a bit of a grouchy calico at times but she is very affectionate on her terms and I have watched her change since she was a tiny sick kitten found in Sicily. Georgie Boy is so handsome and has an adorable personality. He doesn't really want to cuddle so much except when he decides it "lap time". I love it when he does that and just enjoy his playful energy at other times.he makes me laugh. I'm so fortunate to have both of them.

July 25, 2013
Just want to say that I got a new little "sister" on July 16, She's a little thing but she has a great playful spirit and sometimes she hisses at me if I get too rowdy. It's fun to have someone to play with so we both stay fit and have fun too. Gracie Anne is becoming my friend.

September 15, 2013
Today Georgie Boy has been home for 1 year. He has grown even handsomer with his beautiful coat and calm, thoughtful manner. He is so happy to have a lively new friend that came two months ago from Foster Jane. He and Gracie Anne complement each other and have lots of fun romping and playing and sometimes hissing too. Barb is thrilled to have both of them join her and Macchi. We are all happy and healthy and enjoying Gboy's 1 year anniversary.

September 15, 2015
Somehow I didn't write an update for Georgie last year and here it is Year 3!! Georgie is so beautiful and spunky too. He is a bit possessive and so bonded to Gracie. Macchi, out 13 year old calico, has gotten her mojo and defends herself from Georgie's dominant ways. The relationship isn't great but it is much improved and we mostly live in peace. I keep a watchful eye on the interactions between those tow and step in with the squirt bottle if things escalate too much. I let them settle things if possible. That being said, we are a happy family with lots of games and toys, homemade, balanced food and exercise. I do supplement their food with some frozen raw food from a holistic pet shop just to be sure they are getting all the nutrients necessary. I'm always grateful to SCRC for all you did for us and all you do for all the rescues and their people. A special Thanks to Jane Shirey for her love and care for hundreds of kitties.

(Last update: Sep 15th, 2016 10am)

Mama Mia is a sweet girl who enjoys petting and purrs softly. She is on the quieter side, so might enjoy a somewhat quiet home. She has lived with cats and would also do well as an only. Mama Mia has raised a litter of kittens and is now ready for her forever home where she can be loved and pampered. Ask about her today!
Name:   Mama Mia
ID#: VA11306
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 01/19/16
Adopted: 02/06/16
Congrats: Gloria
Foster: Michelle

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Mama Mia is doing wonderfully well. She is really healthy, and has pretty nearly gotten me fully trained. She is not as vocal as the other Siamese babies I have had, nor is she as cuddle-some. She comes to visit me occasionally, and I anticipate she will increase as time goes on. She loves to climb, and drapes herself with one arm dangling. She is tolerant of the two poodles, but has not become pals. There is no animosity. She offers to play with me by reaching out and patting me as I go by, or tapping on my leg as I am in the kitchen standing. She plays with toys a bit, then looses interest. She has chosen one out of three litter boxes I offered, and we have no problems there. I am looking forward to her mellowing with age, and becoming a bit more affectionate. She does give me kisses when she deigns to visit me, so I am very optimistic. I mostly call her just plain "Mia." She does come most of the time, and joins the pups when they get their treats. Of course, hers are special for her. Thank you again for bringing this wonderful baby into my life.
(Last update: Sep 14th, 2016 7pm)

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Name: Heidi

(FKA Ellie)

ID#: VA11483
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/22/16
Adopted: 06/26/16
Congrats: Pat
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Hello there! Outgoing, friendly, loving, healthy girl looking for a home where I can be your one and only! I am exceptional in all ways and promise to love you furever! My mom went into a nursing home, and I came into Siamese Rescue. Can you be my new mom?

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Notes from Home
Ellie made it home safe and sound. We meowed back and forth for the entire first hour of the car trip, then she came out and stretched her legs (inside the car) for a few minutes for some quality bonding time. The rest of the trip consisted of chirping and purring and minor conversations back and forth. Ellie let me know she does not like roads that go up and down and up and down like roller coasters. She likes flat roads. Curves and corners are ok, as long as the roads are flat.

When we finished the three hour car trip home, I took and her dowry in I showed her around the house. She likes all the rooms but the upstairs bathroom. She doesn't care for the room where the human litter box is located, apparently. She does not follow mento that room, but stays at the door. After a brief tour of the house, I placed her in her room with the door ajar. Yes, she has her own room. She came out about an hour later to check out the rest of the house and nibble on some food and sip some water. She slept on the foot of the bed that night.

The next day she kept exploring the house, picking out her favorite spots. She likes to hang out under the green chair when she needs a safe spot, like when I am leaving for work - She wants to stay here and does not have any interest whatsoever in leaving the house when I do. I do a quick cat count before I leave (it's easy to count to one) and she is almost always under that chair at that time. That is officially the cat chair, and I no longer sit on it. I have items on it to prevent others from sitting on it as well.

I am not yet sure where she hangs out while I am at work, but I do know that after I have been home for two or three minutes she will happily present herself and ask for scitches and pets and kisses. Yes, she kisses! on the lips! I have never had a cat that does this and I love it.

Ellie is bonding nicely, talking to me in a sweet voice, coming up and asking for affection. if I am reading or on the computer, she is right there with me. She is a good communicator, informing me of her needs - food, water, treats, love. She is working up Maslow's Hierarchy of Needs. I can't say enough about SCRC and all the volunteers. I can't thank the people that brought us together enough.

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you.
Pat and Ellie

Well Daddie go to do a little write-up. Now it's my turn.

My name is Ellie. Dad and I had several lengthy discussions about changing my name, and I decided I am sticking with Ellie. He even tried calling me by some ficticious names. My name is Ellie and I am sticking to it!

My life has been changing a lot the last few months, and like my name, I am sticking to what I have now. I love my daddy and I love my new home. I get to sleep at the foot of his bed. I get to give him kisses whenever I want. I get to rest anywhere in the house I feel like it. almost. Daddy says i'm not allowed in the basement anymore. I was down there for a day and a half and for some reason now it's off limits. Bummer, I like the tight little cat sized crawl space down there. oh well, I have the whole rest of the house. I like to rest in the closet, rest on the bed, rest at the top of the stairs, rest at the stairs landing, rest at the bottom of the stairs behind the chair, and when daddy is gone I rest on the Lay-Z-boy recliner, I also like to open cupboards and rest in there. Daddy says he is going to put a stop to that too. That's ok I have a LOT of resting spots.

I have no interest in leaving. ever. We had to go to the kitty doc and I raced and raced and raced and raced around the house. I did not want to go. I thought I was moving again! boy was I glad to get back home again after that. I thought daddy was getting rid of me after just one week! but the doc says I'm as healthy as a cat. duh. I could have told daddy that. He said it was a requirement though. next time, he can just ask me if I feel ok. I feel greeeaaat!

My name is Ellie and I live in this house with my daddy and I'm not leaving so don't even ask. I refuse to go out the door. I live inside.

An update about Ellie from her Daddy (me, Pat):

Ellie is no longer Ellie.

She is now going by the name Heidi. She chose this name because she opted to Heide (hide) every time I opened the door to the outdoors. She is here to stay, and hides if anyone knocks or the door is opened!

Heidi is fairly independent. She likes to be near me, and petted, but not on top of me. I sit in my recliner. She sits in her recliner. Or she sits on my footrest if it is up. she is not a lap cat. As I sit here typing, she is in the very middle of the living room floor resting on a carpet scratch pad. She sleeps at the foot of my bed, with her backside up against my leg/feet. She does not spoon nor cuddle at night, although I am still trying to talk her into it.

She loves pets and brushes. She will find my hand and do most, if not all, of the petting herself. Back and forth, forth and back, she can do petting for a long long time. I used to brush her with the normal non- ggressive brushes, and she was kind of like 'this is ok, i'll do this for you, daddy, but i'm not really that into it." Then I unpacked spooky's old brush and gave her another brush. "OMG daddy! Where were you keeping THAT brush! Brush me. Brush me... BRUSH ME! " She loves the aggressive brushes, not the baby brushes.

And I discovered something else she loves. and I do mean loves. She LOVES treats. She will eat them exclusively if I let her. Every night before bed she meows and pokes and scratches for her treats. The box says she can have 15 a day, and she gets every bit of 15, and begs for more every night before bed. She is a treat-a-holic.

Anyway, Heidi is doing great. She is here to stay, and lets me know every day she is not going anywhere anytime soon. She owns the whole house and can be found lounging anywhere at any time of day. She is healthy, she purrs, she still gives lots of nose, lips, and tongue kisses. she head bumps. I love her and need to thank everyone who helped put us together. Thank you. THANK YOU. THANK YOU!!!

(Last update: Sep 14th, 2016 7pm)

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