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Foster mom says I am a GEM! I am a kitten, love to play but also love to cuddle and get loves. There is nothing bad to report! Just a wonderful loving boy kitten.
Name:   Cooper (formerly Salmon)
ID#: VA11689
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 09/09/16
Adopted: 10/01/16
Congrats: Renee
Foster: BJ


Notes from Home
Cooper is successfully and happily integrated into our troop. He has been liberated from his private bedroom and continues to fearlessly explore the whole house. He is a voracious eater and perfect in the litter box. We have found that he is a bolter, and we need to be VERY careful at the door to the outside. Cooper doesn't quite understand why the dog can go outside but he cannot.
Cooper is such a chill guy. He is easy in the car (our other two howl like banshees) and doesn't seem surprised by anything. He has taken a shine to the dog and tries to talk to her.
Our 7 year old Siamese, Louie immediately bonded with Cooper and they were chasing each other around the first day they met. Our 3 year old Siamese, Olive took a little bit more time. We attribute that to Olive being a textbook Seal Point; very precious and a perfect princess. Now she follows Cooper around and they enjoy playing "games" that involve the bathtub and shower curtain.
Cooper's first vet check with Dr Mosher was two days after he came home. They did find Giardia in his stool but currently he has no symptoms so they have chosen not to treat it. Cooper's age in his documents ranged from 5 months all the way to one year, but Dr Mosher agrees that Cooper is just about 6 months old currently as his adult molars are just erupting. He was 7 pounds at the vet and is predicted to be a big boy (at least by our standards - Olive and Louie are 8 pounds each). We'll be taking him off of kitten food soon.

(Last update: Oct 16th, 2016 11am)

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Name: Smudge

(FKA Nathan)

ID#: VA11685
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 09/06/16
Adopted: 10/01/16
Congrats: Mary
Foster: Kay

Super sweet guy. Very mild mannered and affectionate. Not sure about other cats or dogs yet but can check that out soon. Already playing with toys and purring up a storm.

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Notes from Home
Smudge (alias Nathan) is the sweetest little kitty we've ever had! I feel as though I'm reporting on a human baby when I say that he now sleeps through the night (either on the foot of our bed or on the bed in our guest room!), eats any flavor he's given and never complains, and is a "licker" not a biter. He walks around the house squeaking so we always know where he is. His favorite spot is on the cat tree which is located on our large screened porch. From there he can practice his two favorite activities: snoozing and bird watching. Thanks to all the great people at Siamese Cat Rescue for helping make our family complete (at least for now).
Love ya all, Mary and John Skipper

(Last update: Oct 15th, 2016 1pm)

Well I failed adoption 101 the first time, but this time we know that I have to go to a home with another cat or two in it. As much as I like people I also need to have playmates, especially ones that love to run and play and wrestle. So if you have some high energy felines that need another buddy, than ask about me.
Name: Skully

(FKA Xand)

ID#: VA11684
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 09/05/16
Adopted: 09/13/16
Congrats: Brit
Foster: Brit


Notes from Home
Skully (formerly Xand) gets along great with everyone in our home, even the dog who he wasn't too sure about at first. Now he happily steals the dog's blankets and bed, and cuddles up right next to him. He is such a sweet boy and just loves to follow everyone and everykitty around the house to see what we are all up to. "Cat TV" (our birdfeeder right outside our front window) is one of his favorite activities, he sits with his kitty brothers and keeps an eye on everything out there. Best of all he keeps his brother Bang (who is about 2 years old but acts like he is 6 months old) busy so that our older cats can chill out without him constantly trying to play. They are great buddies and snuggle together when they are done chasing each other around the house.
(Last update: Oct 13th, 2016 11am)

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Name: Chloe

(FKA Lexie)

ID#: VA9493
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 08/24/13
Adopted: 10/02/13
Congrats: Jonathan
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Girls just want to have fun! And be naughty :) I'm a wild child who loves living life to its fullest, has a voice like a frog and is full of energy. I'm here there and everywhere doing this, that and those things I'm not supposed to. I promise to keep you on your toes, as well as nibble on your toes! So look out!
Oh and btw - I Love other cats - even that pest Chester is fun! So hook me up with someone, would ya? Weeeeheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!

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Notes from Home
Chloe is doing well - as she has right from the very beginning! Now the other cats have started to adapt to her as well. There are times she plays with each of them and even times all three play together. Sometimes the play is a little rougher than others, but that's not surprising, Chloe herself is a playing fiend - she cannot get enough. Particularly likes string and this mouse we have.

She is also a ravenous little thing - loves wellness kitten and adult food - we feed her about 1.5 large cans a day. But she doesn't seem to have grown any. We wonder if she'll just stay 6.5 pounds! Her furs gotten a little darker with the cool weather. She uses the litter box like a champ, but the poor dear doesn't seem to know how to bury her business - she tries to scratch the walls, the doors, the bookcases - anything but the litter!
April 2014

October 2016
Chloe just had her yearly checkup and a rabies shot. She weighs 7.2 lbs and is as bouncy as a little billygoat! Still wants to play all the time. Does her best to wrestle with 15 lb Frankie and loves to chase older sister Kira. She walks in her harness around the neighborhood with Mom and Dad. Creates art installations on a regular basis by finding every string in the house and arranging them in interesting groupings!
Chloe is doing great. She is still true to her initial profile - loves to play with us and with the other cats, still mouthy, but not terribly so. Eats well and is full of energy, but has not grown a bit. Still trying to decide how vocal she wants to be - usually just murmurs, but very occasionally does vocal warmups in the hallway which show that she has the potential to be much noisier (nothing wrong with that, just interesting!). To some degree she is still deciding exactly what her roll is in a three-cat household, so I expect there will be further developments to report on the near future.

She is sweet, purrs and even comes into bed with us in the morning for a little warmth. She has found her spots to sleep, sit and wait for food.

All in all, a sweetie. Plenty of pics below! Let me know if there's anything you want to know that I haven't covered!

It's October 7th now - just about a year since we adopted Chloe, and she is still a sweetie, and still her little 6.5 pound self! She also continues to be a playing fiend - string, mouse, super balls, chasing bigger kitties, you name it! We've added leash walking to her repertoire and she took to it like a natural - she LOVES the outdoors, and takes off like a speed demon with one of us trying madly to keep up with her. She's gone as far as two blocks before we turn her around, but we sometimes wonder if we could take her on a real walk like a dog.

Her main vocalization is "MUR!" or sometimes "Mur-ER!" Although she can on occasion open her mouth and really meow/croak - it's too funny. She is also the mouthiest little thing I've ever seen - chairs, bedposts, bathroom mirrors, ceramic dishes, metal railings - you name it, she'll chew it. I thought I could dissuade her from it, but nothing doing.

She is also still a lovebug - when she slows down enough to let us give her a chin rub or back scratch, she purrs like crazy. I also sort of inadvertently discovered that she loves to be combed! She jumped up on the sink when I was combing my own hair and was so insistent, I started combing her. Man, the purrs that came out of her! All I get in the way of fur thought is a tiny little downy tuft. Now she has her own comb.

Anyway, we love her and are delighted to have her. More pics below.

Update from October 2015:
We love our little Chloe as much as ever, even when she's naughty!! We found a brochure about Tonkinese cats, and it suits our little one to a "T!" Not only does she look like a Tonk, but she fits the description perfectly - they say that Tonks are "half puppy and half monkey," and that is indeed our Miss Chloe. She climbs everything, and chews everything - and we do mean everything! She chews books, and combs, and our metal handrail, and our bedframe, and the underside of the bathroom cabinet, and our drying rack, and... well, you get the idea! She also wants to play all the time, and will even bring us her string while yowling in her tiny yowly voice. When we walk her on a leash, she takes off like she has someplace to be and she's late - we have to practically run to keep up with our 7-pound muffin!

That said, she also loves to snuggle and she has the loudest purr. And she just loves everyone. I've never seen a more genial, generally happy little girl.

(Last update: Oct 11th, 2016 4pm)

Just arrived Saturday afternoon - I'm already happy here - I have a nice big room on the 2nd floor, with a big, soft people bed and a tall kitty tree overlooking the bird feeders. So much nicer than the many places I've been recently.

Foster Mom's lap is so nice - I let her know how much I liked being with her by purring in a big way! I know there are other meezers here - so maybe soon I'll get to meet them. Mom says it's been a long time since she had a Lynx point meezer, plus I have white paws, so I'm also a snowshoe girl.

Foster Mom says I have a very important date on Thursday, March 24th - I get to meet the staff at Catzablanca Cat Hospital and after that I'll go on adopt me Friday morning. Will you be first in line? (p.s. Mom calls me a 'high-flyer' 'cause the first thing I did was explore all the high places in the room - the top of the bookcase, and the bureaus....)
Name:   Luna Purrs-alot
ID#: VA11379
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 03/19/16
Adopted: 04/09/16
Congrats: Denise
Foster: Trish


Notes from Home
Hello All....
It is hard to believe that Luna Purrs-a lot, now called Luna Belle, has been with me for six months! She was pretty much settled in by week two. All her behaviors are very "lady like"...litter box habits, eating habits and even her bathing habits. She still does purr ALOT! Sometimes even while she is sleeping....lol...and what a talker. Really....she has no bad habits.
She is outgoing and will greet anyone that comes to the door. She has a lot of energy so playtime is a must. Loves anything she can chase and can't get enough of those crunchy tunnels. We have almost finished her natural cat tree and will be moving it inside for final details within a week. I will post pictures when finished.
Luna loves to travel. When she sees me with the carrier, she will sit by the door and wait to get into it. She usually travels between the apartment in town during the week and spends the weekend in the county. By next Spring, the fishing lodge will be finished so she can relax in her window seat and watch the birds and water. Such a Princess.
She is a little fussy about being picked up. If there is a reason to hold her, like looking out the window, she is fine. Otherwise, it seems to be a waste of her time. We are working on this.
She is truly such a joy and we are so grateful to Siamese Rescue for allowing us to be her forever home!!

(Last update: Oct 10th, 2016 1pm)

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Name: Hero

(FKA Zel (NKA Hero))

ID#: VA6322
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/20/09
Adopted: 10/03/09
Congrats: Dolores
Foster: Julie

The good sam that picked me up in the parking lot didn't realize I had kittens out there. She took me to the shelter because that road was really fast and busy. I was covered in cooking grease and I got a shelter cold. But I am resilient and am ready to take on the world now. I promise to be a lover. I like other cats and I like dogs. And I get gold stars for being good with kids. What is not to like about me?

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Notes from Home
Hi, All! Every time I sit down to write you about Hero and Claudio, I have an interruption from one thing or another. So quick note, both Hero and Claudio are doing well. I have attached pictures below. They spend a lot of their time snuggling together, and hanging out with us humans. Claudio is happiest sitting in a sunny window; Hero prefers sleeping under a chair where she feels safe and it's quiet. Both seem happy, have good appetites, and are up to date on all shots and annual exams with their vet, Dr. Adelman.
(Last update: Oct 9th, 2016 9pm)

Piers means "rock." I promise that I can be yours if you will love me back. I am one hunk of a male! I don't like to be confined in small spaces and do my best to break out, but I sure do like this indoor life where I can be a lover boy.
Name: Boris

(FKA Piers)

ID#: VA8481
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/19/12
Adopted: 05/06/12
Congrats: Bill
Foster: Julie


Notes from Home
New Pictures posted
(Last update: Oct 9th, 2016 7am)

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Name:   Frosty
ID#: VA11376
Location:  Illinois
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/13/16
Adopted: 04/02/16
Congrats: Jill
Foster: Joy

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
I started out just a bit shy but now I found my courage and my voice and....what a sweet girl I am if I do say so myself. I love to talk to you with my sweet tiny voice, get lots of pets and give lots of purrs, and follow you so I know exactly what you're doing and can help you out. Do you need my help? Ask about me and i'll be glad to come home with you and help with everything you do. Oh, and i'll give you tons of love, too.


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Notes from Home
I can't believe Lola (Frosty) has been with us for 6 months already. It feels like she has been part of my home forever. She is a great cat. She enjoys sitting in the nook near the bird feeders and watching the birds. She sleeps under the kitchen counter on the bar stools so she is out of sight yet can hear everything that is happening. She loves to lay on papers and snuggle in bed at night. She greets me or who ever is coming is coming in the back door. She can hear the garage door go up so she knows someone will soon come through the door. She has done a great job with her litter box. I live in the woods and we have some mice and chipmunks. She has already caught a mouse and a chipmunk. She loves her scratch pad and will let me trim her nails without any fear. She is a member of our family. She and our golden retriever are friends. My son dates a lady that has a degree in animal sciences. She gets so excited when she comes over. She can sense she is an animal lover. She calls her "kitty" and Lola responds. Lola has a wonderful life full of all the love she wants.

If you ever have a siamese that needs a foster home in my area. I'd take a female into my home.

Frosty is now Lola. She is so tiny that I called her "little one" and that became Lola. She was timid at first but is stepping right into the role a cat diva. She loves it and hasn't had a single accident. The dog liked her food so we set it on the dryer and she enjoys sitting up there and looking down on the dog The dog has accepted her into the home nicely. Lola is friendly and intelligent. Lola loves sitting in windows. She's a cuddler but has yet to find her siamese cat voice. I knew she felt at home when she dropped her catnip mouse on my face early Saturday morning before I was ready to wake up. We played fetch until she was ready to go back to sleep in bed with me. She's a retriever. so funny. She uses her scratch pad and hasn't touched the furniture. She apparently likes birthday cake. It was covered and on the counter but this morning the wrap had been removed and a corner had been nibbled on. She's in her forever home.

(Last update: Oct 8th, 2016 6pm)

Click on me today (and JaiJai too if you want) and we can be in your home in about 2 weeks. We've completed all our "get ready to go to a new home" requirements and now we're ready to come home. Just imagine, the void in your home can be filled with love, companionship, and entertainment. We're already the ideal pair, so no integration issues here.

I'm an elegant lady, playful, loving, well-mannered and just generally fun to be around. I mastered the litter box back when I was a kitten, so no worries there. What are you waiting for?
Purrs and leg rubs,

(FKA Jazlyn)

ID#: VA7157
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/24/10
Adopted: 09/26/10
Congrats: Roy
Foster: Williene

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
10/8/16 I'm doing fabulous! And I look fabulous! I trained my parents to brush me on demand - at least twice a day. I've also made it clear that even after all these years under no circumstances do I liked to be picked up! I still like to play, watch birds, eat (I'm just right for my height and big bones) and sleep in my special chair. I have to keep my brother Coda in line, though. He sometimes forgets that sisters always go first, get the best view, biggest snack and most attention. I also decided that someone with my elegance and beauty deserved a fancier name so I now will only answer to "Cantonio."
(Last update: Oct 8th, 2016 8am)

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Name: KODA

(FKA JaiJai)

ID#: VA7156
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/24/10
Adopted: 09/26/10
Congrats: Roy
Foster: Williene

Foster Notes

Yoo Hoo! Look at me! I've got everything a person looks for in a cat. I'm handsome, lovable, fun to watch, young, sweet, good litter box habits, good natured...the list could go on. Go ahead. Do it. Ask about me. Then, take a look at my sister, Jazlyn. We make a very nicely matched pair. Ask about her too!
Purrs and headbutts,

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Notes from Home

I am Coda and I am doing just great. The first couple weeks we gave these people the stand off treatment to see if they could take the cool treatment. Well they continued to love my sister and me despite our behavior so we decided to show our true lovely selves this week.
These grown ups are so happy now. We let them pet us and hold us and jump in their lap. They even gave us our own floor in the house, imagine that, my sister and I have our own floor. A bedroom and a den and a reading room but best of alll ----- are own bathroom --- no more sharing.
Thankyou Thank you , Siames Rescue Center for a Great Home with loving parents
10/8/16 Still lovin' it here. I'm going great. Once in a while my sister Cantonio gets a little bossy and I just need some quiet time. Just love to be brushed, look out window at birds, play with the dangle toys, climb up the condos and have a special treat. I've managed to keep my figure lean, too. Coda

(Last update: Oct 8th, 2016 8am)

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