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Older Siamese gentleman (who's occasionally a bit grumpy) seeks like minded human (age is not a concern, for the human anyway, but I like the ladies...) to discuss common complaints. I would also like a similar aged feline companion (kind of a lonely hearts club sort of thing) to keep me company whilst the human is not around.

I'm perfectly happy keeping to myself as long as there is someone there when I need you, and of course to keep the food bowl topped off!.

Please no dogs.

Thank you.

Name:   Nicholas
ID#: VA9449
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/03/13
Adopted: 10/26/13
Congrats: Alis
Foster: John

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
We had our "Hi I'm Nicholas" visit with Dr. Kelly at Nazareth Veterinary Center. On the way to the appointment my new sister and I had a long conversation in the car. Ashley was going for a followup appointment. Mom had this big bucket of toys that Ashley doesn't play with and she dumped it for me. I'm in heaven I can bat and chase toys with bells. And there are strings and there's this big white thing in Mom's litter box that I sit in and hide in to attack and chase Ashley. Mom called it a shower. I am fascinated with the tip of Ashley's tail. I don't know why she doesn't like me to sniff it when she comes out of the box.

Mom said she's going to get me a cat tree because I'm so tall when I scratch. I can really touch high up on the walls when I reach out with my claws.

Oct 26, 2016 Nicholas got a new brother at the end of July. He lost his sister Ashley 03/20/14 to cancer. He isn'the real thrilled about Alexander, who is now almost 6 months. Nicholas is a bit grumpy most days. We are starting to play more, especially bappity-bap around the TV. Alexander is a mix of a light tanTiger and a Blue Point. He has cute socks and sleves.

December 28, 2013. Nicholas is settling in. He is a brat towards Ashley. Chasing her, bitting her tail, batting at her. The last few days has brought some changes. Ashley has started to standup for herself, she is growling at Nicholas and chasing him. He has also started to sit at my feet and under the throw blanket at my feet. He also likes to sleep in front of the heat vent.

Nicholas also likes Buffalo wings. He accually climbed up on the chair with me and stole a bone from my plate. He had that taken away real quick. He also likes treats and chrunches them and doesn't swallow all of them whole.

Nicholas at six months...he had been settling in just fine, being a bratty little brotner to Ashley, his sister who was adopted in 2001 I think it was. But Ashley started not feeling well and was diagnost.with an aggresive lung cancer, she pasted away at the end of March. So we have been going through a new adjustment phase.

One of Nicholas' favorite directions is up. He has been a climber since an hour after he got out of his carrier when we first got home. He now has a 5 foot, 3 level tree to climb and scratch on but he prefers the dinnng room chairs to scratch. He runs the house like a maniac most nights between 9:45 and 11:30 PM. The other night I was asleep on the sofa and was run over by Nicholas with a string. He has springs in his legs as he jumps straight up about three feet and flips over when playing with the feather wand. He has also discovered the back of my recliner and can rock me when he jumps up there.

I will probably start looking for a companion for Nicholas in another couple of months.

Oh and Nicholas has his own personal manicurist next door as my neighbor is a pet groomer. He is so happy he doesn't have to go in the car to the vet to get his claws clipped even if she does use a ball muzzle on him.

(Last update: Oct 26th, 2016 7am)

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Name:   Nancy Fancy Pants
ID#: VA7261
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: female
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/06/10
Adopted: 10/24/10
Congrats: Muriel
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes

Seven? Really?? My profile says I am older then seven but I sure don't act like an older lady! I love to play with toys and I can chase that silly laser light like it's my job. I love my food and use my box just like a proper lady should. I am a wonderful, petite sealy girl with a great attitude. And I come with Tobey, he is my my best friend. Go ahead and hit the "ask about me paw" and Tobey & I can be in your home lickity split!


Nancy Fancy Pants, and yes, that is really my name!

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Notes from Home
Six months for Nancy, too: We could not be happier with our bonded pair, Nancy and Tobey. Nancy is a real love, and has developed a wonderful personality of her own. She is not quite as petite as she was when we got her, as it looks like she has filled out a bit, but still dainty, dainty. We had her teeth taken care of and that seemed to make all the difference in her eating, naturally. She continues to be very playful and a definite lap-sitter, and is a joy to have around. We are grateful to all you Meezer follks for making it possible to have Nancy and Tobey with us. (Nancy likes the hallway, too, but is not quite as adept at escaping as Tobey!)

Six years for Nancy, too: You'd never know she is almost 14. Still as lovable as ever, and in very good health (and shape -- not skinny anymore!) She shares her affections between us and Tobey and everybody's happy. Again, we are grateful to you all for bringing these two lovely kitties to us.

(Last update: Oct 25th, 2016 6pm)

Expert ankle weaver here. I can get you to slow down your step and take the stop and smell the roses, because where you walk, I walk. I need to find a home with my BFF, Nancy Fancy Pants because we are a pair. I have no bad habits and I am just a super-sized purring, chirpy love machine. Won't you ask about me and Nancy today?


Name:   Tobey
ID#: VA7260
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 21 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/06/10
Adopted: 10/24/10
Congrats: Muriel
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Six months update : Still in love with Tobey! He is a wonderful cat and there are no problems. He is, however, a real "people" cat and would like to get out into the hall and go visit everyone. He does escape and make it out there now and then , but nobody minds and there is nowhere he can go -- unless he can figure out how to use the elevator. Needless to say, we are right behind him and his freedom in short-lived! He and Nancy still are good friends, and they both are loving and affectionate with us. Tobey is as gorgeous as ever. Sorry about no pictures, but I am just not as computer literate as I might be. Anyway, we are so very happy to have Tobey (and Nancy) in the family.

Six years update: Tobey is aging gracefully at 14, but still full of spunk and very much loved. He must take thyroid medicine now, but does so with no trouble and it doesn't seem to bother him. He and Nancy continue to be best buddies. Can it be six years since we've had them? Lucky us, seems like yesterday!

(Last update: Oct 25th, 2016 6pm)

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Name:   Leah
ID#: VA11008
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 08/22/15
Adopted: 09/12/15
Congrats: Lee
Foster: Siri

Easy going, easy peasy, love my bed, love your lap, love to hang out and chill, that's me!

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Notes from Home
Now called Teeka, our kitty is most dog-like. She growls when someone comes to the door, and stays alert, protectively, as if ready to pounce. She normally rests at the midpoint of our bifurcated stairs, exactly in the middle of the house, so she can watch the front door, the living and dining rooms, and listen in easily to the kitchen and family rooms. When we're all home, she hangs in the room where there is a majority.
She plays a modified game of fetch, getting a little lazy about bringing back the item in later rounds. She's rather a 'cheap date'; her favorite chase toy is a wadded sandwich wrapper (from Subway) or a donut bag. She wore out her SCRC Feather Bouncer, and eventually carried around the remnant blue feather-topper like a kid would a teddy bear, making its way all over the house in 24-hour periods, including under our bed where she sometimes sleeps. (She also sleeps between our legs atop the bed; I dissuade her due to our allergies.) Infrequently and out of habit, we sometimes shut the bedroom door while she's still under the bed, then release her after sensing her mild scratching at the door.
She's taken up duties to oversee our son to bed nightly, checking the carpet for suppleness while he showers and brushes teeth, then the bed for warmth; she often dashes out the moment he's ready to slumber. Most days, she greets me by making eye contact from the lower floor, then running around swiftly and goading me to chase her or start a fetch game. I often oblige, multiple times a day, and we run around the open-floor colonial layout like crazy gals, posturing to appear larger, menacing and fierce, and doing a little trash talking. A couple of times, when I've been playing a tickle game with my son, she's made a guttural noise almost like a growl and gone onto alert, to ensure he's OK -- and he always is, she learns, then relaxes again.
She observes us as we prepare to walk our son to school, and greets us when we return, then settles in for a nap. She stretches herself along the other corner of the loveseat, with her head and shoulders high on the armrest. When I make too much commotion on the loveseat, she prefers to hang and nap in the cat tree or on seating across from where Rikki Tikki Tonka (now deceased) usually slept.
She loves to watch from the window, though barely fits on some of our sills. Her tail twitches at her sight of potential prey, or perhaps playmates -- or preymates, as it probably was when she lived outdoors. She emits low, cackle-like clicking when she spots something really juicy, er, interesting, and her posture shifts accordingly.
She is perhaps the most athletic cat I've played with to date -- a super predator. She has incredible reflexes, and is still very fast and spry even after putting on some pounds (typical, after a spay surgery). She's a big proponent of good grooming, and has a whole routine. We know when not to interrupt her.
She and our grand, old Tonk, Rikki did not get along as well as we had hoped, yet co-existed peaceably.
We are most grateful to have Teeka in our lives.

(Last update: Oct 24th, 2016 9am)

OK so, my real name is Purrincess Charlotte but everyone calls me Charlie, you can too if you would like?

I had it a bit rough recently and got an eye infection. A very, very Good Samaritan saved me from further pain, she took me to the vet and had my eye treated to try and save it, alas, not to be :-(

I am now pain free to just love on my purrsons. I crawl into their lap and give them licks on the arm or give them a facial.

I'm out of isolation and loving life. I check things out around the house, then jump into Foster Meowmy's lap and give her big kisses, then off I go again because there is so much happening here!

Foster Meowmy wasn't too sure of my age because I am a Thumberlina kitty. I came into our program at under 5lbs which in kittens means 5 months, now I'm probably 6lbs and have my big girl teeth. So we are going to get the vet to confirm my age but I'm probably 1 year old or close to it.

Name:   Charlie
ID#: VA10914
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 07/13/15
Adopted: 10/24/15
Congrats: Renae
Foster: Jo

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
We've got Charlie home with us after a loooong 8 hours for her yesterday on the Meezer Express from Georgia. She is such a lovely little girl and we are already in love with her. I think Woody is too, although he's only seen her under the door and received a couple petite hisses from her side. He keeps sending his toys under the door to her, but so far she's not sending them back. Hopefully, she soon will express an interest in meeting her "big" brother. But we will give her all the time she needs.

October 24, 2016
Wow, got an email this morning congratulating Charlie on her 1 year anniversary with us! She has settled in so nicely with our family. Woody loves her even though he gets at least 1 spanking from her every day. He is so laid back - he just kinda blows off little sis Charlie when she's up to her antics. She has been a blessing to me - and is definitely a mama's girl - which I love. Thank you, Siamese Rescue, for letting this little bundle of joy into our lives!

(Last update: Oct 24th, 2016 8am)

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Name: Syrah

(FKA Princess)

ID#: VA11346
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 02/19/16
Adopted: 03/12/16
Congrats: Stuart
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

Aren't I beautiful?.

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Notes from Home
Syrah, fna Princess, is outgoing, inquisitive and very smart. She has learned some commands such as ‘down’, ‘all gone’ and ‘chair’. Yes, those are commands to control her at the table . She’s definitely a ‘foodie’. Syrah commands attention - especially in the morning at breakfast time. She wakes us by doing things she is not supposed to do. She knows we will have to get up to stop her and then races into the kitchen expecting us to follow. A very good eater, she always licks her plates clean and then helps Pinot Noir to clean his. She loves high places for sleeping and hanging out to oversee everything that is going on. We recently purchased a new toy for her - a cat running wheel to expend some energy and she figured it out in minutes. She loves to play “paper shredder” with loose papers, Kleenx from the box, toilet paper, etc. Syrah likes attention but is not a lap cat. She does hang out with us but I think as she matures and settles down a bit she might end up on a lap. Right now there are just too many other things to do. She is a very busy cat especially on the screened porch where there are many anoles, butterflies, bugs and birds to keep track of.
(Last update: Oct 23rd, 2016 2pm)

I am a lovely seal girl and I know it. Diva personality with other cats. Does not interact well with other cats or dogs. As an only, she is sweet and loving and a great lap kitty. She wants to be your one and only and will give you a lot of love in return. She is playful and is not demanding of attention. A great companion.
That's me -- JoJo
Name: Lexus

(FKA Jo Jo)

ID#: VA8691
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/29/12
Adopted: 10/20/12
Congrats: Irwin
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
She's doing well. Had her check-up in August and she's healthy as a horse.
(Last update: Oct 21st, 2016 7pm)

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Name: Mochi

(FKA Kade)

ID#: VA11668
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 08/27/16
Adopted: 09/18/16
Congrats: Lauren
Foster: Debra

Just arrived. More information soon.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Mochi has adjusted very well to his new home. He greets his mommy and daddy every day by purring and giving us head rubs. He is a sweet little thing and we couldn't be happier with him!
(Last update: Oct 19th, 2016 9am)

A stray girl with a litter of 5 kittens dumped at the shelter. I've done my time raising those kittens, and now I'm ready for a home of my own! I'm super outgoing and loving, will follow you everywhere, climb on your lap, sleep in bed with you, greet you with conversation the moment you get home...well, I think you get the picture. If you're looking for a social director, let's chat!
Name: Sissy Grace

(FKA Sissy)

ID#: VA11661
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 08/23/16
Adopted: 09/17/16
Congrats: Lori
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)


Notes from Home
Sissy Grace has settled in quite nicely. She is a silly little girl who has blended in to our home with ease. Peanuts has adjusted very well.
Sissy loves her toys and playtime with her Daddy when he gets home in the evening. She trails me around most of the day. Thank you to every one who help this little girl till she found a forever home. Thanks to those who helped get her there.
Terry, Lori, Peanut and Sissy Grace

(Last update: Oct 17th, 2016 2pm)

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Name:   Jenne
ID#: VA11385
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 03/23/16
Adopted: 04/16/16
Congrats: Amanda
Foster: Debra

I just got here so right now I am settling in. I will let you know more about me once I get comfortable. I have figured out that I like that spot between my shoulder blades scratched - I can't reach that myself. Oh, and I love to do the elevator butt thing.

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Notes from Home
Jenne (now Tosca) is doing great. She's a good eater, total snuggler, and loves to play with ping pong balls.

(10/16/2016 update) Jenne (now Tosca) is doing great! Such a sweet kitty. She's much more confident than when I brought her home. She has learned the world isn't quite as scary as she thought and only hides from the vacuum these days. Very snuggly and loves to sleep in laps and on my pillow at night. She does have some dog-like tendencies: she always comes when you call her and likes to play fetch (see attached video). The only issue at this stage is she seems to have a slight flea issue. I took her to the vet last weekend and we're trying a new monthly preventive treatment and looking at getting the apartment treated.

(Last update: Oct 16th, 2016 1pm)

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