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You know they say don't judge a book by its cover - well, I'm a bit of a mess right now but foster mom says I will be beautiful in a few weeks. I've got red puffy eyes and chin acne and someone chopped off my whiskers. Geez!!!!! My bath has me looking much better already and foster mom says my whiskers will start to grow back so there will be a new look for me with a little time. And a few days of washing my face will help get rid of the kitty acne. The good news is that all of my little problems are little and will soon be gone.
Amazing what two weeks can do for a girl. My whiskers are growing back, my chin acne is almost gone and only a little bit of puffy eyes.
Name: Peaches

(FKA Mango)

ID#: VA11662
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: 4paw
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/23/16
Adopted: 09/24/16
Congrats: Anna
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
This may a repeat of my entry on another page, but now everyone involved can read it!

Mango has been given the new name of Peaches! She's doing great! She is out of her safe room, exploring the house up & down. She is interacting well with Vinny (1 yr. old male) & his mom, Cici (3 year old) My other 2, Lily, the 16 yr old, & Sutty, (12 yr old) accept her presence, but not much interaction, but nose touching often.

She is a very nocturnal kitty, romping all over in the wee hours. Last night she came & slept on my chest for a couple of hours, between romps. She likes to sit in my lap for long periods of time, purring away. She loves her wand toys & plays well with Vinny & Cici. She has a funny little ma-ma doll-like yip, rather than a meow or yowl. Too funny.

Her whiskers look like they've grown a tad. She has put on a wee bit of weight I think, because she doesn't feel as bony as when she 1st arrived. She has a little pinkness to her gums at the edges, so she will have annual dental works-ups, & cleanings as necessary. I do add a dental additive in the water, so hopefully that will aid in improving her gums.

Here's a photo of her with Vinny, playing on the bed in her safe room. Enjoy......

10/11/16 am Peaches has had some coughing episodes & difficulty with breathing over the weekend, so I got her to the vet as soon as I could. Temp is normal. She had 3 x-ray views taken of her lungs. No tumors, thankfully, but her vet thinks she my have asthma. The x-rays will be read by a radiologist later today, with results coming back today or tomorrow. No meds given at this time. Once the results of her films are back, her treatment will be planned. If it is asthma, she may be on steroids. Doc says that might help with her excessive rubbing & scratching. I'll keep you all posted.

10/11/16 evening: The diagnoses came back Lower Airway Disease. Bronchial Asthma would be another term. Here's the x-ray reading:

"The cardiac silhouette is normal in size & shape.
Specific cardiac chamber enlargement is not identified.
The pulmonary vasculature is normal in size, with no evidence of cardiac decompensation.
The trachea is normal in size.
There is an increase in the bronchial opacities.
Peribronchial thickening is identified.
Air bronchograms to suggest alveolar lung disease are not present.
There is flattening of the diaphragm caudally & increased distance between the cardiac silhouette & diaphragm suggesting air trapping. The lungs extend beyond the 13th rib further suggesting air trapping.
No mass lesions are identified in the thorax.
Liver volume is increased with margins of the liver extending further caudally than normal.
The spleen & kidneys are normal in size.
heterogenous material consistent with ingesta is present in the stomach. The stomach is mildly distended by the ingesta.
The small bowel is gas & fluid filled, but normal in diameter.
A radio frequency identification chip is seen along the dorsal thoracic wall. (We knew that.)

COMMENTS: Radiographic changes would be consistent with allergic lung disease & could result in the clinical signs. An infectious bronchitis cannot be completely excluded. Treatment for airway disease with antibiotics, bronchdialators, & corticosteroids in varying combination would be indicated. Follow-up x-rays can be used to monitor the response to the treatment. the clinical responses to treatment will determine if a transtracheal wash to obtain material for analysis & culture would be necessary. because of the hepatomegaly, assessment of liver function with cliniccopathological data is recommended."

So there could be some liver issues perhaps. Right now her treatment is Clavamox (antibiotic), for 10 days, along with Prednisone for about a month. She'll be re-evaluated at that time & depending on how she does, she'll either be ok, or have to have a preventative steroid treatment. Poor baby.

She's just been given her 1st dose of meds, & it went well. I'm doing liquids, as I feel pills can be so easily spit out. She ate along side Vinny & enjoyed her after dinner chicken treat.

10/16/16 Peaches has been on her meds for 5 days now, & she is doing great!

11/1/16 Peaches is out & about regularly now. Her chin acne flared up, so the vet gave her some ointment & it seems to be helping. I think her whisker have grown a smidgen, as she isn't rubbing her chin as hard & as often as when she 1st got here. She's a skittish girl & spooks easily. She also likes to tear around the house as if she was set on fire. She continues to sit up on her hind legs & with her 2 front paws together, wave them in the air, begging when she's hungry. I gotta get a picture of it.It's so darn cute. I wonder if she had a dog or 2 as companions in her last home. We'll never know, but I bet she did. She continues to find my lap, while I'm online, & cuddles & purrs to her content, & mine too. Getting along really well with the others. Vinnie tends to mow her over, as he does with the others, & she is learning to tell him to knock it off, LOL. She is a pure joy, 7 I am so grateful & thankful that she found her way to me.

(Last update: Nov 1st, 2016 7pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Sam Jones

(FKA Carson)

ID#: VA10313
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 09/13/14
Adopted: 11/01/14
Congrats: Faye
Foster: Debi

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Do you speak head butts?
Do you speak fluently in purrs?
Do you speak laps, licks & happiness?

If so, you just might want to inquire on me cause I'm a great dude!!

Purrs & Purrs,

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Nov. 2, 2016
Sam Jones is fine. He's a happy, healthy, playful, rambunctious, sweet rascal. He is my alarm clock. He sits on the nightstand and mews very softly, but persistently every morning. Sometimes a little nip is needed to get my attention. Alas, he is an early riser.
He is still afraid of people, but has become best buds with Ted, who comes to help clean the house. He hides from other people.
He likes to play. I've included pictures of his chair. We play his version of hide and seek....impossible to describe. He also likes to run at me, veering away at the last minute. He's chatty....and often comes to me to visit. He sits in the lavatory while I put makeup on.
His favorite perch is on the hood over the stove. I'm waiting for it to fall down.
Time has gone quickly. Hardly seems Sam has been here 2 years. Many thanks to Siamese Rescue. Hugs and kisses from Sam Jones.

Sam Jones is doing well. He is growing like a weed. He's always hungry and purrs when he eats his food or 13 year old Jasmine's.

He and I have bonded. He's a sweet boy, meets me at the door and follows me around the house. He really responds to "come on, Sam," and runs every where I go. He loves to settle down next to me and snuggle. He watches tv and was especially interested in the recent dog show and in Dancing With The Stars. He's very curious about the kitchen....I have pictures of him in the dishwasher, refrigerator, and upper kitchen cabinets. All this to say, I always check before I start a machine or close a cabinet or closet door.

His coloring is changing. In his pictures, he still looks mostly white except for his tail, nose,and ears. But, his feet and legs are more the pale color of his tail, except for the bit of color around his heels. His pp
Oomask is beginning to have streaks of the dark stripe in his tail. He also has a bit of a pale golden sheen on his back. He's a real

contrast to Jasmine's darker coloring.

Our only problem continues to be with Jasmine. I think Sam would like to make friends, but Jasmine seems to want him to disappear. He comes hear and she hisses and growls and slaps. He responds by chasing her, and trying to tackle her. I put him in his room when he does that. I have tried closing them off from each other, though I have only 2 bedroom doors to close. He still sleeps in his room; his food and box are in his large bathroom. I try to have some time at night with Jassy in my lap and Sam on his pad cuddled up next to me. I also try to play with both with a wand toy. Unfortunately, this is my busiest time of the year and my time is limited.

The original Sam Jones, Methodist pastor and evangelist (d. 1911), was well known for saying "quit your meanness." I have had ample opportunity to say that to my little Sam.

Sam Jones has become part of the family. I think he is really happy. He follows me everywhere I go and has become very loving. He still lives dangerously.......he sits on top of a door and play with a ceiling fan. He has stopped biting me, except for nibbles on my feet when I'm getting his meals ready. He wants to rub noses, purring all the while. He's very possessive of his room and his bathroom. No one can use his bathroom without Sam in attendance.

Alas, he is still aggressive with Jasmine. He chases, jumps on top, and bites. BUT, Jasmine chased him out of the room last night. Yeah, Jasmine! They have begun to sit next to each other, close enough to wash each other. Jasmine even washed him a bit last night. I think we are making great progress. I hope to let Sam sleep in the sun room with Jasmine soon. The original plan was for Jasmine to have a companion and sleeping buddy.

I can tell that Sam Jones has not have some experiences that Jasmine had as a kitten....she slept with the teenage daughter where I got her....even played in the shower with her. But, he is coming along, wanting attention and love.

Many thanks to all the people who helped Sam. I think he is a happy little Georgia cracker. He went to the vet recently...feline acne...and was badly frightened, far more so than when I took him the first time. No cat likes to go to the vet, but Sam was truly pitiful. I am going to get him another carrier......the one he came from VA in really frightened him.

Love and kisses from Sam Jones.

3/10/15. little Sam Jones had luxation repair on both back legs on 2/23/15. The surgeon removed his kneecaps, reshaped them, reshaped the track his kneecaps move in. Recovery time is 12 weeks. His legs were collapsing under him. Without the surgery, Sam would have been crippled and had severe arthritis. Sam is now in his third week of recovery and is doing well. He can walk, though still rather stiffly, and use his big boy litter box. He can get off the sofa, but not back up. At night, he sleeps in the shower stall so I can know where he is. He's been playing this morning and just bit my toe as he walked past. He was really pitiful at first, but he's been a real trooper. He still weighs almost a lb. less that he did before the surgery. But, he eats often and his appetite is increasing. He has had 6 laser treatments that I am sure have helped his recovery. Please keep little Sam in your thoughts and prayers.

April 15, 2015
Sam is now in his 8th week of recovery. His surgeon says his kneecaps are right where they are supposed to be. He is pleased with Sam's recovery. Sam can run like the wind again, but still can't jump. He seems to tire easily and still sleeps a good bit, but he has longer periods of activity. His fur is growing out and he has almost gained his weight back. He's back to being a pest with his older sister, Jasmine. He's loving with me, deciding suddenly that he is a lap cat. He's impish, hiding behind doors to jump out at me when I come into a room. He's even begun to chatter with me a bit. He is frightened with visitors but curious enough to peep from under the sofa and eventually comes out to share in the petting. (Jasmine is
VERY social.) Sam is becoming a handsome fellow with beautiful streaks of orange color radiating from his nose and eyes that match his ears. His feet are creamy and his striped tail completes his look. He has a golden sheen on his back. He is long and lean. Truly a fine little fellow!

May 25, 2015
Sam Jones has finally completed his 12 week recovery from the knee surgery on both back legs. He is much improved and can run like the wind and does just that every morning all over the house. He can get in the refrigerator, dishwasher, dryer, washing machine, the cabinets and can jump on the counters of all cabinets. So far, he still can't get on top of the doors. Before his surgery, he could get on top of doors and from one could turn on a ceiling fan. I guess we are lucky he still has his head attached. His legs are still a bit tender, but he's made great progress. he is still not quite as active as before, but he has been a real trooper the whole time with a serious surgery and painful recovery.

He's easily frightened by loud noises and sudden movement; he hides from visitors. He will eventually come out for company, but is distrustful. I even scare him if I move too quickly.

He loves his Millie bed and Fancy Feast. He acts rather silly when I say breakfast and supper time. He lolls on me now that his legs are not so tender. He checks in with me often for a snuggle and likes that kissing stuff. He will also give me the occasional bite. He greets me at the door and seems delighted I am home. He has even begun to meow when he checks in. I'm hoping he will become a talker.

He and Jasmine have their issues still. I have a water bottle at the ready. He bit me about 2 weeks ago......broke the skin...and it is still bruised and painful. But, I am hopeful our issues will eventually go away. I think sam's integration into the household was interrupted by his dramatic surgery. I think we will get there. He can be a really silly and funny guy.

Sam Jones continues to settle in with me and Jasmine. He seems to be completely recovered from his knee surgery. He runs and jumps everywhere. He has a quirky personality. He has a vocabulary of funny little sounds that he uses when he approaches me. He loves wand toys, and best of all, he loves to sit in a rocking chair, get it rocking, and have me flip the wand toy at him as he rocks. He also likes to be pulled on a towel around the house. He still jumps on Jasmine, but he then puts himself into time out by running into his bedroom!! Sometimes, Jasmine jumps on him and he's afraid of her. What a funny little fellow!

I can tell that Sam was abused, though I see him gradually being more confident and certainly comfortable with me. He used to bite but no more. He is less fearful when I move toward him, but I still cant run at him. He still hides from visitors, but eventually comes out for friends, but not for service people. Loud noises frighten him.....July 4 fireworks was a bad experience for him.

He's a big presence in the house. He greets me at the door, he keeps me in view when I'm in the house. If he thinks I'm going to bed, he usually beats me to the bedroom. When I work in the yard, I look up and he is watching from a window. He sits in my lap at some point every day. I think Sam is really content, and I am thankful to everyone who helped him get to me. What a journey my silly Sam has had!

Nov. 10, 2015
Greetings from Sam Jones! I've been in my forever home for a year now and, as you can see from my new pictures, I'm all grown up and quite handsome. I've recovered completely from my double knee surgery and I can run and jump better than ever. Dr. Pate says my knee caps are right where they are supposed to be. Dr. Fitz feels me all over and says I feel great...I'm all muscle! They both give me little mice for being such a good boy at the vet.

I have chores...I patrol the bathrooms and make sure all towels are in the floor and not on the towel racks; I guard Meowm while she puts on makeup by sitting in the sink; I help Meowm wash things in the kitchen sink by standing between her and the sink whenever she has the water running; I patrol the dishwasher, refrigerator, and all the cabinets. I keep watch on the birds and a rabbit from the sunroom. I go where Meowm goes.... I help put clothes in the washer and dryer, help clean the litter box. I even follow the roomba. I'm just busy, busy, busy!

I love to play. My favorite games are hide and seek....sometimes Meowm hides and I find her, and sometimes I hide and then jump out and scare Meowm. I love my wand toy. Best of all is when I get in the rocking chair and play with that feather while rocking. I also love fetch. Meowm throws my makeup brushes ( I took hers) or all our mice and I run and fetch. When I've had enough, I take my toy and go into the closet.

I love laps and being petted. I love breakfast and supper time...Fancy Feast, yum! Sometimes, I talk to Meowm in a sweet little voice.

I'm really a good boy. I quit biting a long time ago. I'm nice to my sister Jasmine most of the time. Jasmine's scary and jumps on me when I'm not nice. We sleep together now in the big leather chair. Whoever gets in the chair last licks the other cat's head before lying down. I like having a forever home. Thank everyone at Siamese Rescue for helping me find a happy home.
Purrs and kisses from Sam Jones

(Last update: Nov 1st, 2016 6pm)

Quieter home for loving me who has to diet just a little bit to get my figure back. My owner had to move and now here I am trying to find another home. I did nothing but purr through my vet exam, so that says something! And I can do a great lap sit!
Name:   Maya
ID#: VA10829
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 7 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 06/09/15
Adopted: 06/20/15
Deceased: 10/01/15
Congrats: Lauren
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
We are sorry to say that Maya passed away this afternoon after her year long battle with kidney disease. She was a kind gentle kitty and will be very missed, thank you SRC for bringing her into out lives and for all the help along the way.
(Last update: Oct 30th, 2016 7pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Merlin

(FKA Elliott)

ID#: VA11091
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/21/15
Adopted: 10/25/15
Congrats: David
Foster: Kay

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I am a sweet boy who will be fine with other cats. I was trapped with a feral colony so a little scared right now. Just need a little time to trust new people. Cuddly purr buddy once I get to know you.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Everything continues to be great! Merlin and Newton get along well and Merlin has even decided he likes being under the covers. He is a great mouser (we lost track at about 20) and runs everywhere. He is a busy guy with much to do! His favorite toys are two small stuffed teddy bears that he carries around although he still loves the pop-up cubes. He had his annual checkup recently and all was well (new vet: House Paws in Lovettsville, VA).
(Last update: Oct 30th, 2016 8am)

Just arrived!!

Rolly polly, happy, loving hunk of love!

I am a friendly, headbutting, loving boy and my Foster Mom says I keep getting braver every day! I now sleeping curled up next to her at night. I am starring in my own video!!.........Feel free to ask about me, I can't wait to find my own home! Is it at your house??

Love & Purrs,

Name: Bentley

(FKA Duffy)

ID#: VA9107
Location:  Kentucky
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/09/13
Adopted: 03/23/13
Congrats: Brigitte
Foster: Jennifer

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
3-29-13 Bentley has been with us for almost a week now. He had his first vet visit today and did great. His doctor loved him. She said he is very healthy and one of the most beautiful cats she has ever seen. He has been sleeping with us at night and hanging out with us during the day. He has a bed in front of our sliding glass door so he can watch the birds and squirrels at the feeders in the back yard. He is very playful and has such a sweet little guy. He is adjusting to his new home well and we already love him a bunch.

4-20-13 Bentley has been with us for a month already! He is such a wonderful kitty. He loves to play and explore. He wakes us up early every morning so we can open the blinds to our deck so he can watch the squirrels. Also he has slept with us every night. He has even let us pick him up a few times to be held. Bentley is a wonderful addition to our family.

5-18-13 We are celebrating Bentley's 2 month anniversary!! He follows us around the house and begs us to give him a good rub down. He even loves kisses from his mommy! He has tons of toys but prefers to play with his mice. He is a wonderful hunter. We love him so much.

9-23-13 Today is Bentley's 6 month anniversary! After 6 months Bentley has fit in perfect. We feel so very lucky to have him. He is the nicest, sweetest, most lovable kitty. He loves to take in the morning sun and watch the squirrels all day. He loves his nightly brushes before bed and sleeping at mommy's feet at night. Bentley has become a wonderful part of our family and wants to be with us all the time. He has stolen our hearts. :-)

10-29-16 Bentley has been with us for 3 years. The time is going by so fast. He is a big part of our family and it seems like he has always been with us. He sleeps in bed with his mommy and daddy and loves to cuddle at night. If he wakes up before us in the morning he paws at our covers until we wake up to give him some love! He has the best laid back personality and goes with the flow. We are so in live with him and still can't believe what a rare find we have. Bentley is a blessing!!

(Last update: Oct 29th, 2016 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Toby

(FKA Hugo)

ID#: VA11617
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 07/31/16
Adopted: 09/24/16
Congrats: Wendy
Foster: Jeanne

Loving boy with some medical issues that are being addressed. Hopefully, we'll know more soon!

Loves attention and is a great lap/cuddle cat.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hugo has adjusted really well! He loves to play with the other cats all the time. He loves to be petted and will come up to us for his pets. He has a big appetite though he is very picky about his wet food. I have tried a lot of different brands and the only thing he will eat is the Fancy Feast Pure. Salmon and chicken. Since I make fresh chicken for Simon he now demands fresh chicken to. He is such a joy and welcome addition to our home.
(Last update: Oct 28th, 2016 6pm)

Sweet and loves affection. Nothing not to love here. I just want to be with you and you and you. Gabby is my name and attention is what I crave.
Name:   Gabrielle (Gabby)
ID#: VA8086
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 09/26/11
Adopted: 10/23/11
Congrats: Eddie
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
I can't believe Gabby has only been with us a week. She has just fit perfectly into our family. Gabby and Nubins, our other female kitten, hit it off from the beginning. It took our two male kittens a couple of days to adjust to Gabby and now they romp and play together like old friends. At night everyone sleeps together in our bed; thank goodness its a king. Gabby has been too busy checking out her new surroundings and playing with the other kittens to be much of a lap cat. She does like to be touching one her humans as she sleeps at night. You should have seen her the first time she went out in our screened in lanai. She eased out over the doorstep very slowly, looking back at us to make sure it was okay. And then in no time she was running up and down the length of it with the boys. Thank you so much for your help in adopting Gabby. She is a wonderful addition to our family.

Hello everyone - Gabby here. I can't believe it's been 3 years since I found my forever home. I want to thank everyone at the Siamese Cat Rescue for saving me from a very bad situation, taking great care of me and finding me my forever home. I have felt at home since the moment I was dropped off with my new family. Nubins (the other female cat) is sweet. She let's me snuggle next to her and she' likes to groom me. Thomas and Henry (the two boys) let me rough house with them. We chase each other all over the house, box a little with each other and occasionally get into a bit of trouble together. Mom and Pops let us out on the screened porch so we can watch the lizards and birds and enjoy the fresh air and sunshine. There are lots of great places to take morning and afternoon naps. We have two cat trees plus one chair that seems to be just for us. Mom keeps this chair covered with a soft blanket and puts a comfy pillow on it. No human ever sits in it unless there's company. But we always know when company's coming because Mom removes the blanket right before they show up. I do have a bit of a complaint about the food. Nubins and Thomas are chubby. So we all end up eating light food - UGH! But the service is good. Pops makes sure food is served twice a day and mostly on time. Some mornings he's lingers in bed too long, but I just pester him till he gets up and feeds us. I've even taught Thomas and Henry my best pestering techniques. Pops also gives us treats 2-3 time a week and makes sure we have plenty of fresh water. Mom is in charge of the litter boxes and empties them every morning and sometimes in the evening if the boys stink up the house. She's also in charge of grooming. She brushes us and gives us monthly manicures. I fight the process and make it hard on her, but deep down I appreciate her efforts. Both Pops and Mom have made a space for me to lay on their desks so I can be with them when they are on their computers. Sometimes I go over and try to help them type; a service they really don't seem to appreciate. At night I lay on the back of the couch and nap while Pops and Mom watch TV. Then when they go to bed, I join them. I normally snuggle up next to Pops and he puts his hand over me. It makes me feel safe and loved. Occasionally I sleep on Mom's pillow. She lets me sleep with my head on her hand and I snuggle in until I've wrapped myself around her head. I've realized that Mom needs love too. Sometimes my siblings join us in bed and things get really snug, but very warm. Well that pretty much covers my life here. Again, thank you for all you did for me to get me to my home.

(Last update: Oct 28th, 2016 6pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Molly

(FKA Mooshi)

ID#: VA8103
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/03/11
Adopted: 10/28/11
Congrats: Carolyn
Foster: Donna

Just arrived. More information soon.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hello Everyone,
This is Molly"s year anniversary and we just can't believe how lucky we are all. Molly has already had her year check up and she passed with flying colors. She even gained two more pounds and is simply beautiful! The doctor thinks she is the prettiest girl he has ever seen and we do too. We just adore her and she and Max (twice her size have become good friends and are even sleeping together now) We are thrilled with our little girl.

Thanks for caring and checking on her. She could not be happier I can say that for her and I know she would agree.

All our best,
Carolyn, Bill Max and Molly

Hello Again on this second anniversary of Molly!
She continues to flourish and is just so very special to us. She responds in such a loving manner to us now and it melts our hearts. She has little habits that are adorable like playing with her favorite mouse at night and making the most unusual sounds. She will be in the other room and begin yowl that is when we know she has the mouse. We call her and tell her to bring it to us which she immediately does and we praise her and tell her she is such a good girl and we pet her and she is so proud. She is without doubt, the sweetest little cat ever. Her buddy Max, is a good boy but not nearly as sweet as she is. She lets us know what she wants when she wants it and of course we do our best to act on her wishes. She has us wrapped around her paw for sure. We absolutely adore this little furry creature and are so happy we have her to share our lives with. She is pure happiness.

She has already has her yearly check up and passed with flying colors! Her coat is shiny and she is very healthy. She did get a urinary tract infection about two weeks ago but I caught it immediately and took her the same day to the doctor. She is just fine now but it was most upsetting because I didn't know why. The doctor asked if I had changed her food and as a matter of fact, I had changed from one type of dry Blue to another for sensitive stomach and that must have done it. However, a friend gave me a hand out from the API Animal Protection Institute on what really is in Animal food and from that moment on, I have been on a crusade to make their cat food instead of giving them commercial. Right now, I am in the process of switching them to organic cat food before I make the transition to homemade. I found a wonderful Natural Pet food store in Melbourne. It is called Natural Pet and the girl Kate that works there is so knowledgable on all aspects of what to feed your cat. It is just something I feel I want to do to enhance their lives and eliminate contaminants from their diets. My male, Max cannot tolerate dry food and throws up due to the various bacterias in them.

In conclusion, I will try to upload some pictures of Molly and Max. I have to close with many thanks again for all the care your organization gave to Molly prior to us adopting her especially to Donna Godwin. It amazes us to think of the love and devotion she puts into all of the little creatures she comes into contact with. Such outstanding devotion cannot be measured but she has our eternal gratitude as we just love little Molly so very much.

Sending lots of love to all of you from,
Carolyn and Bill Molly and Max

October 24, 2014,
Hello Everyone,
This is the third wonderful year of sharing life with Molly! This will be a short one because I have said everything there is to say about our Molly. She has had her yearly check up again and has passed. She is healthy and loved beyond imagining. We should have named her Princess or Queenie because that is surely what she is to us. She is so tiny and beautiful. I will try to upload the current photos. (I only have about a thousand) but I have a new laptop and am not really familiar with the process yet. Suffice to say we could not imagine life without Molly. She is a picky eater but what she does like she eats a lot of. She is weighing in at 7.4. She is happy and well taken care of. Many times we think of the little frightened creature we took home and marvel that she is the same kitty. Again we thank all of you for your dedication.
Carolyn and Bill Abshire Special hello to Donna Goodwin :)

October 27, 2015 4 Wonderful Years with Molly
Hello All,
Yes, it is that time again to thank all of you for the wonderful work you do. Molly is sooo spoiled. She has her own little vocabulary and I understand everything she wants when she meows. Well I wouldn't call it a meow more like a demanding attention getter. We are more in love with her as each day goes by. She has captivated us in a ways we didn't realize and that is just adorable to us. She is really a beautiful cat and if I can ever upload a few of my million photos of her you will see. She is healthy and happy and gives us endless hours of pleasure. She and our male, Max are great buddies. She has him wrapped around her little paw. She head buts him hard when she wants his attention then he licks her until she has had enough. They are both due for the yearly check up but know that will go well... Again, we thank you for being so dedicated to the precious animals you care for. Thank you for our Molly and Max too.

Carolyn, Bill, Max and Little Molly

Hello All,
Molly is in Heaven and so are we. I do have difficulty sending photos and would like some help in doing so. I want all of you to see how beautiful this little girl is. I think my photos are too big and will try to amend that this time. She is beyond healthy and so horribly spoiled that all she has to do is look at us and we immediately know what she wants. Her personality is just so adorable. She is the perfect little kitty in every way. Currently she devotes much of her time to the cat tree she loves looking at lizards outside and believe it or not, they look at her back. It is an endless pastime for her. She has this habit when in hunting mode of killing one of her many stuffed animals and making the most blood curdling yowl I mean it gives you cold chills until we call her and tell her what a good girl she is and then drops it at our feet. She is very giving. Again, we thank each of you for our precious baby. A special thanks to Donna Godwin as we first saw our Molly there. I do so want Donna to see her as she looks completely different now. She still does not like people which is a good thing actually. You have to be a quest for a long time in our home before she will approach the area you are in. So off I am now to try AGAIN to send these pictures. I only have a thousand of her but will not send all those. If my attempts fail, I will just email them to Donna and maybe she can share them. She passed her yearly check up with flying colors. When we evacuated for the hurricane, we had Molly on one side and Max on the other seat of the car and the parrot in the back. One would meow and the other would answer then the bird would mock them it was so funny, This went on for two hours On the way back home they did not utter a peep. They were just great at the hotel we had a beautiful room and in a day or so they settled in perfectly. Again, thank you all each of you for your individual efforts in helping these precious kitties and giving us the joy of pure love. Sincerely Carolyn & Bill Molly and Max Winnie too:)

(Last update: Oct 28th, 2016 11am)

I am Gabriel and I'm a happy, active little kitten. I was really sick when I first arrived but foster mom is a vet and she fixed me right up even though I didn't like the taste of my medicine! I had a sister but she died so I was really lonely. Happily, foster mom has a blind kitten about my age and we have a great time rolling, playing and chasing. The big cats in the house are kind of scary so we stay in our own private room. Maybe you have space and patience for a happy little kitten?
Purrs, rubs and nibbles
Gabriel (I was named after an angel but maybe that's an oxymoron?)
Name: Lee

(FKA Gabriel)

ID#: VA7997
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 08/23/11
Adopted: 10/27/11
Congrats: Kathleen
Foster: Patricia


Notes from Home
Lee (Gabriel) was at the vet today for a follow up visit and to get his second shot. Because of the weepy eye, we are delaying the second shot but he is doing well and so far has decided that he rules the house and the other cats are here to be his minions. He now weighs 4 3/4lbs and seems to be growing overnight. His coat is getting darker and he has more stripes and spots. Fergus (who weighs 3X as much as Lee) is a favorite wrestling buddly.

11/25/11: Lee has been growing like a weed and continues to eat like a chowhound! He tried to help with the Thanksgiving Turkey and had a good snooze afterwards.

11/27/11: Lee has been doing fine. He and Fergus are great buddies and like to chase and tussle all through the house. Lee hasn't mastered the cat-doors yet; but he's working on it though. The other 2 cats are still working on the relationship thing but are coming along. It is incredible how much he has grown in the month he has been here and how his colour has changed- more dark stripes and spots. Healthwise he is doing great also.

1/16/12: Lee is all up to date on his shots and is doing just wonderful. He has continued to chow down on his food and likes to help the other cats finish off theirs too. He and Fergus are the best of buddies and the other two cats are doing much better but still not completely comfortable around Lee. Progress is slow, but we'll get there. Recently Lee has discovered 'vertical' as in climbing anything he can or thinks he can climb. Bookshelves are esp fun.

2/12/2012: Lee is still eating like a horse and is now about the same size as Ryoko. He and Fergus are romping and chasing daily and love mutual gooming in front of the woodstove at night. Things have settled in pretty much and boundaries are better understood. It's hard to believe that he has been here almost four months now! Time flies.
2/23/12: New nickname for Lee- 'The Furry Piranha'. Must be going through another growth spurt.

5-26-12: Things are going fine. Lee continues to eat his weight daily it seems but no growth spurts of late. He is now bigger then Ryoko but has learned not to cross her. He loves to chase but knows- most of the time- when to stop. He has discovered the chipmonks outside and sits on the windows in the basement for hours watching 'chippie TV'.

10-31-12: Wow! It's been a year now and Lee has been doing great. I've posted a few newer pictures of him. He has really grown and shows signs of not stopping yet. He will 'hoover' up any stray food and I think we're going to have to start watching his intake. With the colder weather, he and Fergus have once again claimed the hearth rug as their 'go-to' place unless he decides that 'The Lap' is better. He is very vocal and loves to play first thing in the morning. All in all, he is a wonderful addition to the house.

Hi We haven't undated Lee's page in a bit but he's doing fine and here is a picture of the Best Buddies.
Hope all's ell.
take care

10-27-14: 3 years! It's hard to believe. Lee has well and truly settled in for the long haul. He's still a ball of energy and a Grade A chow hound. Woe to the cat that leaves their kibbles uneaten (for a snack later) or unguarded. Kibbles be gone! He and his best bud Fergus can be found napping together each evening on the sofa and most nights in one or two their favorite places. Lee loves to chase his sister Ryoko (who sometimes likes it and sometimes doesn't like it). What the heck? He says and chases her anyway. The vet and the tech's there love to see him when he comes in for his check ups. Not health problems to speak of. All in all, he's doing great. Thanks for connecting us with him! Hope you are all well.
Take care.
Kat and Dan

(Last update: Oct 27th, 2016 10am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Meisie


ID#: VA6628
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 09/21/09
Adopted: 10/24/09
Congrats: Cindy
Foster: Julie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I am plain crazy for rear end scritches. I will nearly stand on my head enjoying them. Laps are great.

My name means "Glow of Sunrise." I am petite and gentle. I like other nice cats and a gentle human touch. I was a very good mom. Stray myself and raised my babies outside. My baby Quartz went to her forever home. Now it is my turn. Good Sam Mom, thank you for keeping me safe.

Do you have a gentle home for a darling red head like me?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Chiquis (a.k.a Meisie/Xia) - October 2016

Things are good for all of us. Life changed drastically but we are all safe. Now the family is formed by: Mom (Cindy), Valentina (Cindy'/ 3 y.o. Daughter), Martha (Cindy's mother), Gordito (14 y.o. Flame point Siamese brother to Chiquis) and Chiquis (aka Meisie). Unfortunately, their Flame Point Siamese brother (Gordito's litter brother) passed away last year due to kidney failure. So unexpected. But he peacefully went from our bed while I held him. We all miss him.
I went through divorce due to physical and emotional abuse and luckily I was able to flee with my daughter and three cats in tow, May, 2015. Since then, it's been a rollercoaster in life but luckily I have had the support and love from family, friends and my adorable cats. So from here we can all just go up. I'll post a picture of chubby Chiquis and her brother Gordito sometime in the next few months.

MEISIE (a.k.a Xia) - October 01, 2012

Time flew by and now I am 4 years old. I was born in NC, brought to live in GA with my forever family and now all of us, Mom, Dad, brothers, Barney and Gordito are relocating to TN and I am doing wonderful.
Although, I will miss my current one level home, my Mom says I will have a lot of fun in our new home in TN with stairs! so I can run and play and chase my brothers. Can't wait!

MEISIE (a.k.a Xia) - October 26, 2010

Meisie here, I am doing fine and loving my house and life! My brothers are quite entertaining and we play by chasing each other. My Mom & Dad are great and give me lots of love, I sleep on the bed with
them and my brothers, I love it!

I am still very vocal and greet my parents every day when they comehome and tell them stories of how I spent my day, since my brothers are so vocally reserved, I take the spotlight every time and I love

I did gain some little weight and look more gorgeous than ever! I asked my Mom to attach some recent pics of myself and my lovely brothers so you can see it for yourself. We are going to visit the Dr
only in a month from now, since my brothers and I have to secure an appointment all at once. I'll keep you updated! Julie, thank you for keeping tabs on my daughter, I am so glad she found a boy to keep her entertained! Kisses for her!

Meisie (Gordito, Barney, Cindy and Pieter)


MEISIE (a.k.a Xia) - April 24, 2010

We adopted this very sweet Flame Point Siamese female at the end of October of 2009. Right away, we could see she was ours and we were hers. Within hours of arriving to her new home, she started eating. We integrated well and within 3 weeks she was playing with her two twin 7 yr old, Flame Point Siamese brothers.

At 4 weeks, she was sleeping with us humans and her brothers on our bed and it has been a pleasure having her as the new addition to our family. Her first Christmas celebration (09-10) was a blast and she loved the toys she got!!

Now at 6 months she has bloomed into a very active and playful kitty. She is not a lap kitty at all, but likes to cuddle with us humans and her brothers, specially when we sleep. Lets me kiss her all the time without complaint! Barney (one of the 2 brothers) loves her! and Gordito (the other brother) prefers to continue coordinating the relationships as the alpha male of the house. She enjoys so much a completely covered kitty cage we built for all 3. She goes in and out all the time. Loves to be active and plays often with Barney and/or Gordito the chasing game. We couldn't be more happy to have found her! She's a gem and the perfect fit for all of us here, humans and kitties. She is a happy, sweet, purring machine :)

Thank you for all your work Siamese Rescue! Especially to Jen and Julie - you guys were terrific throughout the whole process!
Cindy, Pieter and the 3 kitties

(Last update: Oct 27th, 2016 1am)

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