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Just arrived. More information soon.
Name: Coders

(FKA Cody)

ID#: VA11409
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 04/10/16
Adopted: 05/08/16
Congrats: Stephanie
Foster: Sara


Notes from Home
Just clipped Cody's looooong claws! Haha! Surprised he never accidentally scratched anyone with them yet! My almost 6 year old carries him around - he is very good with the kids. Usually sleeps with the 8 year old in her bed. Loves daddy too. He is totally at home here! 😃 Occasional puking, but I think it is related to getting different canned cat food. We have better stuff coming in the mail today. Giving him a good crunchy food as well. He mews for canned every morning. Very smart kitty!

11/8/16 Coders is part of the family! Loves his kitty cans, running out into the garage to explore, snuggling, and still puts up with the 5 year old chasing him around holding and hugging him. Never bites or scratches. Very sweet! So thankful we have him so daddy isn't the only male around here! Haha

(Last update: Nov 8th, 2016 10am)

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Name:   Felicity
ID#: VA10407
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 10/18/14
Adopted: 11/01/14
Congrats: Carole
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Don't be fooled by my nervous expression in this picture - my photo shoot is today and you'll see my amazing transformation!

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Notes from Home
Felicity is our beautiful blue point, whom I fell in love with just from her picture! At first she was extremely shy and we literally had to remove the bathroom sink cabinet to get her out the first day! She has progressed to begging us to play all day long! She follows us around the house, lies at our feet, waits patiently, but often mews to let us know she's ready to play again. She will chase the wand, jump up in the air and do somersaults, and run in circles as long as you want to entertain her. Just the past few nights she has started jumping up in my rocker to sit and cuddle while I read! She loves whole body massages, and has no objections to getting her tummy rubbed either...very mellow when it comes to this attention! She has used her litter box from day one, she has a great appetite, and she definitely knows her name and comes when you call....expecting food or play time, of course! We both adore her and she has already carved a special place in our hearts! She is SOOOO soft and has the sweetest little face! Thank you for the wonderful adoption process that not only made her available, but provided loving care, updated shots, a vet exam, as much history as possible, and great support!! Love, Carole and Curtis Hunter

Felicity is doing great! No problems; we're enjoying each other to the max. Latest photo attached.
Curtis Hunter

Thank you so much for your warm wishes. I am a very contented recipient of much TLC, I dearly love my routines, and I think I'll stay on another year as long as everything continues to center around moi. I'm much too soft and beautiful to not get food and attention whenever I ask. And yes, I go for my every six-month physicals and yearly dental cleaning....much to my protests. I will ask my MeowPaw to post a picture on your adoption status page asap.
Felicity Hunter😺

(Last update: Nov 6th, 2016 11am)

Chupka here. My unusual name means Little Girl or Little Princess. I so want to be someone's Little Princess again only I'm not so little any more. I'm very chubby so I need someone to help me lose some weight so that I feel better.

Second unusual thing about me is that I only have a short, stubby little tail. I lost it in an accident as a kitten but Foster Mom doesn't know what happened and I'm not telling.

My last claim to fame is that I know I'm the World's Best Lap Potato!! Yep - if you've got a lap, I need to be on it. I'll stay just as long as you let me and will happily make biscuits that won't hurt at all because I don't have any front claws. I sometimes have some trouble climbing up on to your lap (that stupid weight thing) but I'll paw at your knees until you help me up.

We'll make a deal - you keep me on my diet and I'll guard your lap from all other furry interlopers.
Foster Mom will work on getting better pictures. I was on her lap (of course!) and she was trying to juggle the iPad and I was headbutting her trying to get more scratches.
Cuddles for Chupka - 1, Good Pictures by Foster Mom - 0

Name: Tatianna

(FKA Chupka)

ID#: VA9444
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
DateIn: 07/31/13
Adopted: 08/24/13
Deceased: 11/06/16
Congrats: Robinjo
Foster: Diane


Notes from Home
Here is Tatiana, nearly a year after her adoption. She is supervising John' who is smoking salmon! Tatiana needs to be everywhere we go. She gardens with us, sits on the patio with us, and goes inside whenever we do. Our yard is compltely fence in, and as we keep chickens, we are vigilant about patrolling the perimeter. Tatiana usually accompanies us on that task as well!
She still wears her harness when traveling in the car. We had a wonderful trip to Ocean City MD together, though she was seasick on the ferryduring very rough seas. Tatiana sleeps with us and sits on the couch with us, but refuses laps, except for John's on occasion. She is a Daddy's Girl & loves to rub on his whiskers before he shaves! As time has passed, we find that she bites less often.
As you can see, her weight has improved and she is looking healthy!
Tatianna VA9444 crossed the Rainbow Bridge today. John and I were able to hold her as she passed. She did not eat breakfast, which is not like her. Ocean County Animal Hospital checked her and discovered that she had developed cancer since her last check-up and was in complete organ failure.
We are in shock over the suddenness of her passing, but grateful that we had a chance to teach her to love again before her body gave out. She had lots of love to give once she felt safe!
Sincerely, RobinJo Norris-McGrath and John McGrath

(Last update: Nov 5th, 2016 1pm)

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Name:   Belinda
ID#: VA9634
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 10/26/13
Adopted: 12/15/13
Congrats: Andrea
Foster: Debra

I am all grown up even though I weigh less then 4 lbs. I fooled foster mom into thinking I was a kitten because I am so small!! I am very loving and sweet and purr my head off whenever you touch me. I am missing my right eye - I am not telling anyone what happened to it but I can see just fine out of my left eye. Oh, and I just love to play - wand toys are so much fun! And I just have a blast trying to get that ball out of the track as it goes round and round!

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Notes from Home
Belinda had surgery to close the lids of the missing eye, because she was bleeding from it. It turns out that there were parts of the eye still inside that caused the bleeding. The vet has told us that her good eye -- the lids need surgery because they turn in causing the cornea to become irritated. While we were there he put drops in her eye to numb it, and amazingly she opened that eye up fully for the first time. Hopefully the future surgery on that eye lid will help her to stop squinting in the good eye. She's in good health otherwise, and is playful and cuddly.

Her eye surgery was a success and she has no more discharge or irritation in her good eye. She's a great cat, and enjoys lap sitting. She's so small, though she sits on one leg! And she keeps Casper in his place! She's the boss.

(Last update: Nov 5th, 2016 12pm)

Itty bitty kitty ! My foster mom calls me Casper the happy ghost, as i flit from side to side, bouncing around and having fun ! I am too little to go home right now, but am planning on getting big fast so I can go home for Christmas ! I hear it is a lot of fun to climb things called Christmas trees !
Name:   Casper
ID#: VA9692
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 11/17/13
Adopted: 12/21/13
Congrats: Andrea
Foster: Heida

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Casper is very content. He loves his house, his people and his doggie. He's not much of a cuddler, but he enjoys a good conversation. He grew into a stunning beautiful boy.
(Last update: Nov 5th, 2016 12pm)

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Name: Chairman Meow

(FKA Dudley)

ID#: VA11659
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/23/16
Adopted: 10/23/16
Congrats: Jordan
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

I am a very special cat. I was taken to the shelter by my owner. The shelter knew I couldn't stay with my eye like that. Well here I am. and I got rid of that nasty eye. I still have one good one and I will be fine with that. I came home from the vet and said I am hungry and then I cried until I got that food. They always say not to feed too much after surgery but I was not having that. I am handsome and I will let you know how I am healing

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Notes from Home
I wanted to drop a note and let everyone know that The Honorable Chairman Meow, Attorney at Paw, Licensed Feline Super Villain (hahaha, that really is his full name) is getting along splendidly. He's adjusted beautifully to his new home and I already can't imagine not having him as my little four legged, one eyed friend. When I am home he is my constant companion (truly - even when I take a bath he's there, sitting right on the edge of the tub, playing in the water)

He plays hard all day and then snuggles up in bed with me at night. He's just a bit bitey when he gets excited, but we're working on that! He has so much energy but has been such a welcome addition to my life that I am thinking about beginning the process of finding another male Siamese to bring home to complete out little family and so that the Chairman will have company while I'm at work and a buddy to play with.

I want to thank each and every one of you that helped in the process of bringing the Chairman and I together. I love him so, so much. He's really made my life all the richer for being in it.

(Last update: Nov 4th, 2016 8am)

Can we say Sassy?

I have just arrived and am investigating everything. Meowmy said I need my "education" before I can go home and it will be a few days before I can meet the other resident kitties too.

Name: Eloise

(FKA Elsa)

ID#: VA8829
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 09/30/12
Adopted: 11/03/12
Congrats: Marjorie
Foster: Jo

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
New Pictures posted
(Last update: Nov 3rd, 2016 6pm)

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Name: Connor

(FKA Kaleb)

ID#: VA5226
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 09/15/07
Adopted: 11/01/07
Congrats: Linda
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

This is my "cute sleeping kitten" pose. Usually I'm a pretty busy guy, as there are toys to play with, other cats to hang out with, food to eat, and of course I have to pest foster mom. I like when she holds me, and really do expect to be cuddled. And how could you resist? I'm just so darn cure. I get along with all the other cats here, but no mean or aggressive cats please as I'm a mild-mannered little guy. Need a cute little red head to join your family? Then ask about me!

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Notes from Home
Connor is doing great! He is a very playful 8 year old! He and his brother, Tamba, enjoy racing around the house together and keeping active. Connor is always ready to play and will "take over" when a game is started! He did well at his 8 year old check up at the vet and they now call him a "senior" even though he doesn't act like one! He had a good check up and everything is fine with him except sometimes he seems to "wet" when he is sleeping. It is very watery urine so we are getting a urinalysis done at the vet. I just need to get the sample with the special litter that they gave us to use. Please feel free to contact me if anyone has ever heard of this "wetting" small amounts of urine when sleeping. I've never heard of it before and am concerned it may be something serious even though it is infrequent and not consistent. I have tried changing his diet a bit and at this point it seems to be helping. Also, Connor is acting his usual, playful, curious, loveable self! Thanks again for everything!

Connor continues to do well! It's hard to believe we have had him for 9 years! He still is very playful and active retrieving his toys when he wants to play (every evening!) He and Tamba are
both 9 years old and the vet reports that they should have "senior blood work". I think we will do this as Connor has had some skin allergy problems at certain times of the year and some occasional incontinence when he sleeps. I would like to hear what others recommend as well!
Thank you again for everything! This experience has been really great for our family!

(Last update: Nov 2nd, 2016 12pm)

Hi, guys! I just got to this new place, and I love that I get to snuggle and be petted and to play with toys. When you pick me up, I purr and I'll even give you a hug around the neck sometimes. I really think that things may be looking up for me! I walked right into this foster home and made myself comfy! I like other cats, I think the dog is fine, and I'm already sleeping part of the night with foster mom. I also love laps! I like to follow foster mom around the house. She says to tell you that I have a bit of a hitch in my gait -- my back legs do great but they aren't always in sync with my fronts. She'll tell you more when you ask about me. It doesn't bother me at all. I run like crazy around the house and jump and do stairs and my litterboxing is superb. I'm working on getting over an eye infection with some medicine. I'm quite the loverboy, and I'll soon be ready to go home!
Name: Finn- Finnagin

(FKA Infiniti)

ID#: VA11634
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/13/16
Adopted: 10/01/16
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Rinn


Notes from Home
Nov 1-Hi this is my first month anniversary and I am a shining star!
I am so polite and respectful of my new sister Layla that she lets me sleep on the bed and even share Meowm's lap.
I get to race around and play with my wand toy and even try out jingle ball soccer. This weekend I even get a new brother.
There is a baby sister but she was "feral" so for now she is downstairs until she is brave enough to explore upstairs. We go down and say hi. Oh and my new name is Finnegin but I go by Finn. My foster meowm started calling me Finn and we all like it so well it stuck. And Meowm says its really Finnegin Beginagin but too much of a mouthful when I jump on the kitchen counter.
I am soooooooo thankful for all the Meezer People who helped me start a new life.
Ciao meow for now.

(Last update: Nov 1st, 2016 9pm)

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Name:   Layla
ID#: VA8513
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 05/01/12
Adopted: 05/19/12
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Christine

Foster Notes

If you are looking for a smart, cute, interactive, talkative, and busy girl look no more! Just hit that Ask About Me Paw for Layla:) You won't be sorry!

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Notes from Home
June 2: Well here I am in my furever home for 2 weeks and am being treated like a Princess. I came out of my crate tail high, looked around, used my new scratcher, drank some bottled water, ate a plateful of food. I investigated every corner and cranny of my new room. I cannot go out into the rest of the place because there is a Sam out there and we have to take our time getting acquainted.

My ears got a bit inflamed again probably from the stress of that long ride in a car. I was sort of okay with the trip. Meowmy went right away to get some stuff for my ears. I was not too fond of having it put in but since I know she is helping me i settled down and even purr on her lap while she does it to let her know I understand. My ears feel way better now since two weeks. I don't even notice the stuff going in.

I saw a new vet too and she says I am great and is impressed that Rescue did my dental. I was good for the new vet and all the techs had to come meet me. They think I am purrty. I think I am too.

I love my toys and Meowmy is amazed at how playful I am. She has had a lot of kitties in her lifetime but she says I have an inner kitten even though I am three years old! My Foster Meowm Christine and grand Meowm sent toys home with me and every day I go in the basket and choose a favorite to play with.

I love my kitty cube. Rock and roll! and spend the rest of my hanging out time on the cat tree Meowm made. The view from the second floor window is great.

I have had a few chances to explore the second floor because the Sam was downstairs.
the Sam and I have sniffed noses through the crack a few times. Sometimes the Sam hisses at me and sometimes not.

I have to confess that one day I did my business outside the pan. Meowm finally saw why. I was having a bit of a hard time and
as I turned around some went over the edge. Now I have some pumpkin in my food to help me go easier and all is well.
I am fastidious in my habits. So many changes and you might have a tiny bit of trouble going too!

Meowm is well trained as I said. Each morning she brings my breakfast and cleans my facilities and we have a massage and brushing. We chat and I play with my favorite Red Spikey Ball. At night I get my ear medicine and eat right after. I get venison and other yummies, my favorites, just in case my ears are from grain allergy.

Then after she cleans, we play with the Dangler. And I rock and roll and pounce through my kitty cube.
Sometimes I get an evening massage and brush too!

But whenever I want I go pick a toy from my basket and play Rug Soccer and Wall Pong.
One of Meowm's friends came and met me. I rubbed all over her and twirled.
I like beans.

Now that I am getting used to being here and my ears feel better and all these adjustment details are happening, I feel even more playful and confident than ever!

Today I got to go out in the rest of this place. The Sam was taking a nap in another room by himself. Gave me a chance to runnnnn! and of course track the chipmunks, squirrel and birds out the back slider. But first I checked everything several times.
A girl can't be too thorough you know.

After a few hours I went back in my own room. Meowm says not long and me and the Sam will be together in the whole place.
I am okay with that. I don't mind the Sam but he has to get used to me more.

Meowm took three months to choose me. Karen helped a lot and so did foster Meowm---
and we all think I am the purrfect match here.
I think I am the cat's meow.

More soon!
June 4 Today Layla and Sam were out together for the first time after two weeks of sniffing noses in the cracks.
It was cautious and some hissing and a poofy tail but no aggression or posturing.

Eventually Layla settled in the front windowsill while Sam played with a dangly toy.
They each allowed me to approach and pet them. No tension there.

Today was proof that the cautious progressive approach to integration works!

Sam has a cranky streak which showed up some years ago with some humans and it took a long time to find the keys to
tame it.
So I was being very conservative about integration and keeping my Interviewer and Foster involved like is recommended.

Layla has the ideal purrsonality for coming into my home. Taking three months of careful inquiry and lots of bypassing was worth it--even though a bit emotional at times.
This has been so very helpful and downright important. And I have decades with cats but teamwork has been such an essential ingredient of the whole process.

I decided to end this first meeting on a happy note...after they came within inches sniffing the air between them while I petted and praised both with a happy voice.
More tomorrow! But I could not have asked for a more encouraging first meeting.
Diane, Sam and Layla

June 19th
One month anniversary! So much has changed. Layla has full run of the house and she and Sam have worked it out.
The only restriction I still make is she has to sleep in her Millie bed in her room at night. Sam is used to sleeping on my bed since my Geezer Meezer died. She was the dominant pussy and did not share.
Layla is a strong purrsonality and she took over the bed leaving him to sleep on the floor. So I want Layla to share.
It is a bit too soon for that but it is definitely moving in that direction. Layla is a wonderful kitty. She dashes and leaps and plays with her favorite toys throughout the day. The evening routine includes being brushed and a time with her dangling toy.
She has adopted my lap now too when I sit at the laptop. More and more she is looking in my eyes instead of just at me.
we are still working on settling down the ear itchies. It is not yeast or infection right now...just a lot of wax according to the vet so we will patiently persist with management. Once that is clear again then we will work on selectively eliminating possible food allergies. She eats high quality food but sometimes an ingredient is the culprit. We shall see. Layla lets me put the drop in her ear without a fuss so it is really no bother to have this in her nightly routine. And so smart! She opens cupboards but I have no toxic things under there anyway. She learned quickly to let me put Sam's food down first and not go for it herself.
She sits and waits and then goes over to where I feed her a few feet away. right now she is sitting between my arms with her chin resting on my arm as I type.
Did I say happy affectionate wonderful kitty?! have I gushed enough? LOL. I will say again that if you have circumstances to accommodate with an existing cat...it is worth the time and effort to choose just the right one. Your interviewer and fosters are such important resources.
I will get some photos up now.
Diane Sam and Layla

Nov 1, 2016--Layla says "I have been here four years and recently lost my brother Sam. Meowm knows I need friends and action even though I am devoted to her. So she adopted Finn! (Infiniti) It's only a month and we are so good together we even share Meowm's bed. And take turns sleeping on her... Now Meowm says there is even another brother coming named Higgins...She says it will be like the Indy 500 here. I don't know what that means but we sure do like the Mad Dash through the house now and then. Meezer Rescue is the best!"

(Last update: Nov 1st, 2016 9pm)

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