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Nice little flame girl. Taken from a hoarding situation, so we don't think she would have experienced a great deal of individual attention. However she is receptive to petting and being touched.

Shine has a delightful loud purr. At the moment she is still shy in new surroundings and prefers to sit and watch rather than join in. But will likely warm up and adjust given time and ongoing socializing.

Litter box habits are good.

Now just looking for a patient, kind family to give her the confidence and love she deserves.

Name: Natasha

(FKA Shine)

ID#: VA12952
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 04/28/19
Adopted: 05/13/19
Congrats: Carol
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
5/19/19: It's been almost a week and Natasha (FKA Shine) is settling in nicely. She has not met Boris yet, but I let her out of my bedroom yesterday so that she could start familiarizing herself with the rest of my condo. She's still a little jumpy/skittish, but anytime I sit or lay down she is immediately on top of me asking for pets and making herself comfortable on my lap. She seems more wary of me when I'm standing up and walking around, making me wonder if she has been stepped on before and afraid of getting caught underfoot. She's very sweet, so far, so good! I'm uploading some pics.
5/26/19: Natasha met Boris two nights ago - she's been hissing alot at him so I've been keeping them separate at night, but just this morning I saw her approach Boris to touch noses without hissing, and she tolerated 5 seconds of him grooming her forehead, so I think there is hope :) Her vet appointment on Friday went well, but my vet wants her back for a dental procedure soon because she thinks that one of Natasha's front canines probably needs to be extracted (they'll take x-rays to confirm). She sank her claws into the side of my couch yesterday, so I've covered the most tempting places on my couch with towels/blankets and I'm going to work with her on appropriate scratching places next.
6/13/19: Natasha is still doing well and she stopped hissing at Boris after a few days. She discovered that she liked his grooming attention (why do all of her grooming herself when she can outsource it instead?) She did have two teeth pulled the week before last, and they are healing well. I also got her a horizontal cardboard scratcher which she seems to favor over the scratching posts. My only concern about her right now is that she gobbles up whatever food I put in front of her and I don't want her to overeat so I haven't been allowing her to free feed - she clearly has some issues/anxiety around food and I've ever had a cat with these issues before. One day she even stole an entire chicken breast off the kitchen counter that I had cooked and left out to cool off before storing it as leftovers (she didn't eat it, she dragged it to the bedroom and dropped it on the floor.)

(Last update: Jun 13th, 2019 10pm)

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Name:   Lacy
ID#: VA12377
Location:  Delaware
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 11/03/17
Adopted: 01/27/18
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes

Snuggle cat!!!!!!

Absolutely loves to be petted. Will purr for pets!

Loving sister to Freddy

Sensitive girl who is looking for a calm home with a new mom or dad to love her the rest of her life.

OK with dogs if they don't chase her.

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Notes from Home
Lacy is one of the most loving cats ever! She continues to expand her radius of exploration of the house, even coming to the first floor at night to climb on top of the furniture. She's fine with our dogs, loves to sleep on the bed, and carry on conversations with me. She fit in here without any hiccups.

Lacy is a sweetheart. She greets visitors and keeps the first floor of our home guarded.

(Last update: Jun 4th, 2019 8am)

Gentle, easy going, very friendly, good family cat for some lucky family! Love a lap if it's offered, not going to be overly pushy though. Love some pets and brushes if you can spare them, happy with whatever comes my way. Love my kibbles a bit more than I should, but not going to stoop to begging, at least not too often. Love a game of feather wand (as long as it's within reach), but not going to run the Indy 500 all night. If you're looking for a happy go lucky gal to join your team, consider me!
Name: Phoebe

(FKA Bebe)

ID#: VA6075
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 01/03/09
Adopted: 02/28/09
Deceased: 11/01/18
Congrats: Arlene
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Phoebe passed away on October 8, 2018. She was a great cat, the most fantastic kitty I've ever known. We still miss her every day.
(Last update: Jun 2nd, 2019 12pm)

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Name:   Bogart
ID#: VA7764
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
Date In: 06/01/11
Adopted: 06/25/11
Congrats: Stephanie
Foster: Patricia

Foster Notes

My name is Bogart, Humphrey Bogart, but I will let my good friends call me Bogie. As you can see, I am handsome, regal and have an excellent Meezer voice. Somehow I have gotten separated from my home and am now in the position of searching for a new one. I have impeccable manners and love to sit quietly on laps but still enjoy a good catnip directed tumble. If you would happen to have a place fit for Hollywood Royalty, please inquire about me!

Mr. H. Bogart

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Notes from Home
I just wanted to update that Bogie has crossed the rainbow bridge. It’s been a while now. It’s so hard for me to talk about or even type. I loved him so much. I’m thankful I had him in my life. Since I was a little girl I wanted a “gray” Siamese. He a great companion to me and my husband. My husband became ill when Bogie was not even with us very long and he never left his lap. My husband couldn’t move without being dizzy and sat in the same spot with Bogie for 2 months. Thanks to the Siamese Rescue and all the volunteers for making it possible to adopt my Bogie.
(Last update: May 28th, 2019 2pm)

I am not crying anymore, I have a new friend. Princess and she is my new friend that I adore. No crying now at all.

Do you have a nice lady cat that would like to be wined and dined by a nice gentleman friend, then ask about me. Well maybe not wine but maybe catnip?

I am not sure why I am the only one not adopted out of my 3 brothers and sisters here in my foster home, maybe because I was the oldest at about 3 years of age, but I am very very lonely since my last sister left. I get along better with cats than wiht people since I have never been around then but I am adjusting , I have decided petting is ok, so good my butt just automatically goes up in the air, I do not know how that happens. I have not been around humans much so I really think I would like a home with no small children and another cat is a MUST. I love cats. I did not like the ride to the vets so my foster mommy says I have to be limited to Fl and S. Ga, whatever that means. I am really a nice looking cat if I do say so myself, I have the cutest (blush) toes, several of them the very tips are white. My foster mom says she thinks I am going to turn into a real love bug....bug?? I do not want to be a bug , I am a cat. . Did I mention I love cats?

I am singing away here but not the song my mommy wants. "Since my sister left me I am so lonely I could cry. "
Name:   Qwilleran
ID#: VA6151
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 02/21/09
Adopted: 06/28/09
Deceased: 05/24/19
Congrats: Natalie
Foster: Renee

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
7/12/09: Qwilly was quiet & hid alot under my bed during the first day. He stayed in my bedroom or in the bathroom (where his food & litter box were) the first week, but would come out to allow me to pet him if I sat on the floor. By the 2nd week, he would occasionally come out to investigate the rooms in the house, but usually runs back to my bedroom if a loud noise occurs outside on on TV. He's loving & chases Princess (unfortunately they like to run around in my bedroom in the wee hours of the morning). He uses the litter box & plays with his ball that has a bell in it. He has allowed my gold lab to smell him & they sniff nose to nose, but he gets nervous if she tries to play or follow him. He's "Mr Lovey Dovey" and a wonderful pet.
(Last update: May 27th, 2019 3pm)

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Name:   Gandalf
ID#: VA10529
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 12/27/14
Adopted: 02/28/15
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Kay

I am settling in and getting used to the new digs. Pretty laid back guy who has a big purr. I am a tripod - missing my left rear leg. When I was picked up as a stray, it was badly broken so had to be amputated. I get around just fine.

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Notes from Home
5/21/19 - Gandalf is the sweetest most mellow cat I have ever had. Gandalf came to me shortly after he had his back leg amputated. He was very timid and hid for 2 weeks. Slowly he started warming up and coming around. It took about a year to see his true personality. Gandalf continued to blossom and he still surprises me with a visit on my lap or a quick kiss. Love my boy!
(Last update: May 21st, 2019 5pm)

Hello, my name is Chou Chou. I am unique, happy, easy going and very affectionate. Problems get me down? NEVER! I am a total optimist and roll with the punches well. I have only one eye? Well, I really haven't noticed and can't imagine why you would! My new place at Meezer Castle is warm and cozy and complete with my own bed companion but I know that it is only temporary. I'd love to show you how wonderful, cute, soft and pleasant I am. Do you have a special place in your heart for me?
Love, purrs and kisses
Cheerful Chou Chou

11/6/09 It's been almost 2 weeks and Foster Mom says that I still haven't been asked about. I am such a happy, loving, sweet girl and I'm trying so hard to be patient. Foster Mom is about to dress me up for more pictures. Please ask about me to spare me the humiliation!
Purrs and rubs
Chou Chou

11/30/09 Foster Mom did it - she put me in a silly chicken hat! You see, foster mom is a chicken veterinarian and she thinks it's cute. Please ask about me and spare me the humiliation!!
Chou Chou

1/13/10 The Holidays are passed and I still didn't get my wish for my own home! Lots of people ask about me but no one has decided I'm the one... I am really a good girl. Foster mom is planning new "cute" pictures. Oh dear!
Name:   Chou Chou
ID#: VA6694
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/26/09
Adopted: 02/14/10
Congrats: Diane
Foster: Patricia


Notes from Home
Chou Chou is doing great. Chou has found her favorite spots in the sun and in front of the heat vents. Chou is happy and has adjusted well to her new home. My beautiful girl loves to sleep next to me and sometimes on top of me. Chou has been the greatest addition to our home. We love her so much.

6 month update0 8/15/2010 - Chou Chou is the most wonderful cat. Chou has had no problems adjusting to her new home and is my constant companion. Chou loves to talk to me and has been very upset because it has been too hot to open the windows (one of her favorite spots). I have had such joy with my new friend and love her dearly!

3/13/11 - Chou has continued to be the most wonderful cat. I fell in love with her the moment I saw her in her carrier and love her more every day!!! I just recently adopted another siamese rescue named Ho Chi and Chou is adjusting nicely.

5/21/19 - My beautiful Chou Chou passed away about 6 months ago. I loved her dearly and miss her everyday.

(Last update: May 21st, 2019 4pm)

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Name: Tia

(FKA Simi)

ID#: VA5386
Location:  Delaware
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/26/07
Adopted: 12/17/07
Deceased: 05/01/19
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Diane

Foster Notes

Love to talk. Am beautiful. Trust people. Gentle and social. Just about perfect, wouldn't you agree? I'm done raising my babies and now would love to be someone else's favorite kitty.

Foster mom thinks I'm near perfect! Ready to go home now that she's spayed, mid December.

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Notes from Home
Our beautiful Tia (fka Simi) passed on May 9, 2019. She was determined to be in renal failure on May 6, 2019. At that point, her creatinine levels were so high that we could only bring her home to rest.

Tia was the most beautiful, smartest cat that had a coat soft as velvet. Tia took on the role of mother cat to Jinx (fka Boo-dah) and was responsible for teaching him everything. Tia loved, loved, loved to be petted, brushed and constantly sitting on a lap or sleeping at the foot of the bed.

Our house is not the same with out her.

(Last update: May 20th, 2019 1pm)

Just arrived. More information soon. (Picture from a few years ago - a bit larger now :) I am outgoing and friendly, I have lived with other cats and done fine. I will give a small nip if you get too overly zealous with your brushing, but otherwise I am great. A fluffier coat that would benefit from a little brushing, I love to be involved in whatever you are doing, and am good in all my habits!
Name: Cooper

(FKA Connelly)

ID#: VA12943
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 04/19/19
Adopted: 04/27/19
Congrats: Lyn
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
First Meeting 4/27/19

We picked up Cooper...OMG he is Gorgeous and so friendly! He head butted my hand right away ...I LOVE HIM!! The center is amazing and Siri’s gardens and land is awesome!!
I am very grateful I was selected to adopt this amazing boy!!!
Well we have hit some massive traffic - But Cooper is a great traveler!
We let him stretch his legs and move a little when we pulled over! He went right back in - LOVE HIM!!!!
We will be home after 9😩but meeting you and adopting this glorious sweetheart was well worth it!!!

Day 1 4/28/19
Cooper did very well last night- he slept in his new bed, used litter box for poop/pee... but only ate a very little. This morning he didn’t really eat but he showed some interest, this afternoon he ate about a teaspoon and a few greenie treats. I know he is adjusting so I will keep fresh food available. (He ate this evening…some dry and a little wet…drank water.)
He has been growling a little but purrs as well, he did allow me to brush and hold him for a short time, I even got some biscuits and a good head to head butt!
He has not been hiding at all comes out if resting under my bed. As we know it will just take some time- Daphne cannot wait to meet him she is darting all over rolling around in joy- Willow not so much but she will come around! They love the laser...!

Day 2 4/29/18
Cooper is doing very well…..he is very affectionate and purrs up a storm. He loves the attention and really wants to explore rest of house. This evening I will put the girls in the other room and let hi explore a little…..I will wait for them to meet. However…no one is hissing anymore and they are equally as curious. Patience is best…..but somehow he seems like he is at home already. More later...went to work but leaving early....;-)
**Got the NIP...but it was very mild and I knew it was coming....I was combing him and he had enough...very gentle nip to tell me to stop. Cooper has a little dry spot above his right eye that he just started scratching...he has pulled some fur out and it is a little red. I have feline itch and dry skin spray so I put a little on to calm it...and will address with VET this week. He ate a little more wet but from a PLATE not a bowl....lol. Willow is still hissy when she smells brush or blanket....Daphne is so excited....Girls went in their room and Cooper explored the house- he was a little nervous so I just let him take his time...no hiding and he went back into his room and took a nap.

Day 3 4/30/19
Cooper continues to gain confidence, show gratitude and just be a lovely, lovely boy. He did meet Daphne by playing between/under the door and both were very funny and happy. Willow continues to take her time smelling and she too tried to play under the door…..but she didn’t last long. Cooper explored the house on his own for the second time in the late evening and seemed very excited and sniffed his way around. He is still grazing on mostly dry food-but he is eating and drinking water. He has only had one poop but pees normally…..He goes to the VET on Wednesday. As described- Cooper is a doll face, sweet as can be and very grateful to be back in a home. He does like to see everything I am doing and his head butts are strong and sincere. He is my/our boy and in my heart forever. So happy he is part of the family.

Day 4 5/1/19
So we had a little celebration this morning as it is Willow MAY day in the SCRC 2019 Calendar!! Cooper continues to do well...eating, drinking and all good habits. He explored his new home again and is feeling more comfortable. He and Daphne have been gently playing patty paw between the door; before bedtime when I opened the door they met quickly with a nose touch and a quick lick from Daphne....this relationship will be great. Willow continues to try to feel comfortable and is not hissing as much but I am still taking her slowly. Perhaps by Friday they can all meet with supervision. Cooper goes to the VET today at 4 so I will update...but I know he is healthy and happy, He is playing more, purring, very affectionate and still grazing but eating and sleeping in his bed.
Day 4 Continued

Cooper did great at the vet as expected. We will get his teeth cleaned end of June when school is out and he is over the move and all his new surroundings.
He is down to 11.5 so I am watching his eating - his right slightly red eye and above eye is from stress- his ears were a little red too - I will keep an eye on all.
Everyone came out to meet him from the vet techs to the receptionists to the other vet- they all thought he was fabulous. This group of animal people have been with me through the loss of my three fur siblings this past year - so they are thrilled/happy for me that I have three rescues -all healthy and amazing!
Both vets feel that Cooper is a Himalayan/Siamese Snowshoe - beautiful markings and personality.
I gave them a calendar and mentioned your book😻
i agree with Sheri I think he is a Birman too!!
Thanks again- we love him and he is perfect for us(Daphne loves him- Still working on Willow)!!

May 2-3 2019 Days 4,5
Cooper continues to feel more at home, He and Daphne played together and Daphne was grooming him as well. They touched noses and wrestled a bit. Daphne is like the best friend everyone wants. Willow continues to get used to the idea that a new cat is in the house and a male- no less. She is coming around but we are still going slow....they have only seen one another from afar....Cooper does not seemed fazed by her hissing and growling.
Coopers red spot above his eye has cleared up..all his habits are good...still working on finding a wet food he likes. He will eat wet food off my finger (I know this is not a good habit to start...but I think someone already started it...;-))...he is a grazer and still grazing.
Saturday Day 6 May 4 2019
Cooper met my grand niece and cat whisperer, Charlotte Lyn; it was an instant connection.
They played and loved-,he even rolled on his back for her! Char is very gentle and he enjoyed the interaction! Daphne and Cooper continue to bond, Willow is still a work in progress.
Cooper did hiss back at her this morning from across the room- they still have only seen one another and have not met.
Cooper is finally eating better but does prefer dry to wet.
He is drinking, purring, grooming and his habits are perfect.
He allows me to comb and brush him- and his fur remains soft and unmated.

MAy 7
Even as an experienced cat adopter/owner...this is my first time adopting an adult cat. Cooper has set patterns that will take sometime to change...like the free eating. They must have left dry out all day for him; I can not do this as Daphne will over eat. My two girls are on a schedule and with time- he will follow suit. He is very, very smart.....watches everything (prefers to be higher than you) and seems to take notes....! His tail is mostly held high....for a few days it was parallel to floor. He is very affectionate with head butts and nose kisses. Willow is doing better....soon all will be harmonious.

May 142019
Cooper and Willow continue to get to know one another. Cooper is being a gentleman and allowing Willow her space. Cooper is starting to eat more wet food on the same schedule as the girls. I continue to leave out the Natural Balance Fat Cat for him, the girls don’t really like it.
Cooper is an amazingly agile cat, he runs, pounces and plays like a kitten. He mainly interacts with Daphne and she is happy for the playmate. Willow joins in when I have the laser light….she still has her guard up but I see her armor fading.
Coopers face is fine…he still has a little white spot near his whisker but it is not red or growing.
He continues to let me brush him, is affectionate and sleeps in his Millie Bed next to Daphne on the side of my bed. He does not like any loud noise or sudden movements (no one does) but he seems much more at home and happy.
He is a wonderful addition to the family!

May 19 2019- Day 21

Well we are wrapping up the first three weeks with Cooper in his forever home. I had some concerns on Thursday thru Friday that Cooper wasn’t happy. I had a very long day on Thursday ( the first time I have been away longer than 6 hours) and he was withdrawn and under the bed. I realized the next day -that when I came home after a 13 hours school day- I fed them them but went for the vacuum and didn’t follow usual routine. He is just getting used to our routine and I messed up.
Friday when I came home I followed usual routine of playing, feeding, attention and more playing.
He seemed back to his content self. Sunday he is up on the bed laying next to me as I write- first time he has stayed longer than a few seconds -going on 20 minutes and I can’t move lol.
Willow has been better but still unsure. Cooper stays still and welcomes her she gets close but still it triggers an old fear I believe of male cats. This morning she bumped him out of his food bowl (no hissing)and he just backed off; she just came on bed touched his nose but hissed and ran off. He didn’t move, he knows the game and continues to give her time or ignores her. One of the marks on his face is definitely a scratch from Willow. They are clearing up as you can see from photo.
She is still affectionate, playful and fine with Daphne. I can see her relaxing ( I did get Feliway) just a bit but I don’t feel they will ever bond.
Daphne just loves everyone so Cooper does play with her and they have curled up together in their Millie beds as well.
Cooper and Willow would have probably been fine as only cats , but Daphne loves other cats, people and dogs- she is definitely the peace and love maker.
I am pleased with Coopers progress, getting to know him and he me. He is very smart, agile and can be silly believe it or not!! He loves the new condo and looking out the window, plays soccer with Daphne, loves my niece Holly- habits are good - still working on finding a nutritious food that he likes. His long hair does not shed as much as I first thought with daily brushing!

(Last update: May 19th, 2019 6am)

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Name: Ziva

(FKA Becca)

ID#: VA11383
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 03/21/16
Adopted: 04/09/16
Deceased: 02/15/18
Congrats: Ernestine
Foster: Belinda

My name is Becca, and I'm a Siamese Rescue alumnae. I graduated around this time in 2011 when I was about 4-5 years old. I had a happy life with my meown for another five wonderful years. But time hasn't been kind us - she had to return me when life got hard, and we were both heartbroken to be separated. So here I am again, a little older, a little more grumbly, but just as sweet, curious and healthy as ever. As soon as I visit with the Vet, I'll be ready to start my next chapter with YOU.

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Notes from Home
My sweet ZIVA(Becca) crossed the Rainbow Bridge in Feb 2018. She had a wonderful 2 years and I miss her very much

(Last update: May 14th, 2019 4pm)

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