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Kelsee and I would like to go together please. We are a year different in age, but our mom had us both since were were kittens and we are super buddies. I need Kelsee even though it seems the other way around to some people. My foster mom says that if I lose some weight I could wow the girls. I don't know what she is talking about as I already wow the girls. Every human girl falls in love with me. Handsome, personable.....Purr, purr, purr.
Name: Cap

(FKA Clove)

ID#: VA11162
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/24/15
Adopted: 12/13/15
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Julie


Notes from Home
Celebrating a year with Cap and what a year it's been! He is very persistent seal point. He wants what he wants when he wants it - whether that is food, attention, play, whatever. He seems to be a believer in the there is no such thing as bad attention rule. So, even if we are telling him not to do something because he shouldn't be doing, he loves it. He's very smart and very loving. Cuddles up every night in bed either right between us or his favorite spot, in his daddy's legs. He's quite the talker when he wants to be. Loves to groom his daddy's hair. Is turning into quite the lap cat with me lately (Not complaining)! Will keep me trapped for hours. We love him and his sister so much. Couldn't imagine life without either of them.
(Last update: Dec 18th, 2016 8am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Tasha

(FKA Kelsee)

ID#: VA11161
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 10/24/15
Adopted: 12/13/15
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Julie

Boy is it great to be in a luxurious accommodations again. The shelter staff was great, but they said they had no upgrades. We have this great window to look out and bird watch. I really like Clove. I even let him lay on top of me at the shelter when he really wanted under me for protection. We make a great young bonded pair. I let Clove be the attention hog most of the time, but I like to be snuggled as well and just have a ladylike purr. Ask about us! (If you click on one of us you automatically ask about both of us.)

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
We are a little bit over a year for Tasha being in our home and I just have to say that we love our TMP (Tasha Meezer Princess) to pieces. She's a very loving girl who loves to play! She is equally loving with me and her daddy. She will trap both of us for hours if she can. She has the most adorable little "meh" of a meow when she wants something. She has a new habit of dragging my slipper socks, baseball hats and other items around the house like she's carrying a kitten. Due to her late in life spay, my vet wonders if she's been a mama and missing it. When one of us is sick or not feeling well, Nurse Tasha is always on duty to keep you settled and resting. (Cap helps too with this job!) We couldn't be happier with her if we tried.
(Last update: Dec 18th, 2016 8am)

Beautiful, classic seal point male. His voice will shake your heart! Deep, booming and used in conservative conversation. And the purring - will rock your bones!

It may be a few days before he is ready to let go of the past and take confident steps into his future. Once he knows good things are ahead, he will be a velcro kitty. Took him 3 days from hiding to purring in his foster home

Even without papers to prove it, this guy is the real deal! And double big to boot. Don't wait too long to inquire. Even with a system full of kittens, this fellow is going to be scooped up quickly.
Name:   Charlie CHAHLEE
ID#: VA11791
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/30/16
Adopted: 12/04/16
Congrats: William
Foster: Bonnie

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Late with updates! Shame on me, but on the positive side, it's cause we're goofing off with Charlie too much.

4 Dec - Just brought Charlie to his new home and he is starting to wander the haus to check his new digs out. Spent plenty of time on the floor with him playing. He ended up retreating to his safe room and hid in a closet. Much meowing and yowling in the night. I think he was looking for Ziva (foster mommy's meezer) maybe?

5 Dec - Monday! Ugh. 3am. Yowling is back on full blast, so I get up and make coffee. Food is mostly untouched still. Hmm. He'll eat when he feels ready to I hope. I was supposed to work but stayed home and played with him so he wouldn't be alone for his first full day here. We played in every room in the house to make sure he knows he has the run of the place. He was still staying low on the floor and not staying up on the couch. I ended up putting some of his blankets on the couch and chaise. Suddenly he was ok with staying above the floor. He seems to prefer the chaise.

6 Dec - Yowling didn't start til 4am (yay!) My alarm is set for 4:30am. I got up and brewed a pot. Food was barely touched, so I tried different food. He sniffed and resumed following me around through my routine, purring and headbutting all along the way. Went to work and let him have the place to himself.
Came home to find he nibbled some at the dry food. Still not interested in the wet. I went over to the chaise and scooted in next to his flop spot to see if he would come up still. He did. We hung out there for the evening news.

7 Dec - Woke up in the night with a sack of Charlie leaning into my lower legs. That was a surprise. He's starting to like dry food and still not touching wet. I'll keep trying different stuff and try to find something he will eat.

8 Dec - Lil Charlie seemed to like the bed and showed up earlier this time to share some snoozetime.

10 Dec - Charlie is getting more cuddly and joining me on the recliner for morning and evening news. Added bonus for him, I throw blankets over him and he is content to keep me stuck there for hours til I fall asleep too.

11 Dec - Charlie seems to be a full blown lap kitty. He wasn't the least bit interested in football but joined me in watching Brady take sole ownership of the record for most wins by a QB in the NFL ever.

12 Dec - Been a while since we've heard any yowling from the little dude. He's been a velcro kitty when I am walking around the house and settles in wherever I am. He really enjoys napping on me.

18 Dec - finally typing all this up. Things have been going great so far. He seems pretty happy here.

(Last update: Dec 18th, 2016 7am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Mimi
ID#: VA9464
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/10/13
Adopted: 10/26/13
Congrats: Kris
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Dumped at the shelter, I was scared and overwhelmed and pouty until the wonderful volunteers at Siamese Rescue converged on me and convinced me life is good! I came out, rolled over, and conquered hearts left and right! Lapsitting, I love it! Feather wand, bring it closer so I can reach it! And if you have to work, I'll waddle waddle waddle over to your side and flop at your feet. I've got a heart of gold and look forward to shining for you!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Mimi is doing absolutely wonderful !! She is so happy in her new cozy bed (it's her early Christmas present). She has really bonded with our family.

Happy Holidays !! <3

(Last update: Dec 17th, 2016 12pm)

Anyone looking for purr-fection? Well, look no further! I'm very outgoing, playful, and loving. I adore people, get along great with other cats, and don't have any pesky kitten habits. I love snuggling with my humans, being held on my back like a baby, and getting lots of kisses. I'm looking for a home where I can get tons of attention. Let's chat today!
Name: Saponetta

(FKA Anderson)

ID#: VA11775
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 10/23/16
Adopted: 12/03/16
Congrats: Amanda
Foster: Melanie (Nashville)


Notes from Home
Ciao Meow to my Meezer family! (That’s “Hi” in Italian)

This is Saponetta (I used to be called Anderson). They renamed me Saponetta which means "little bar of soap" in Italian (they speak Italian!) because I'm so clean always hanging out in the shower/tub/sink and I keep their sponges in order ;) I even go into the shower while it's on - you know, they need to figure out how to stop that leak from spraying all over... makes my paws wet...

I've been here for two weeks now with my new human toys (Amanda = A & Zeno = Z). They don't know how lucky they are to have me. They have a horrible infestation problem of red and green dots coming out and running around their floors and walls. I diligently chase them off and always have my eye out in case they come out again. There’s also the indoor birds! You never know when they'll start flying around over the furniture and down the halls. I race after them doing all kinds of jumps, flips and mid-air contortions! Once I capture them I sit on them for a bit until they stop moving or carry them to my "stash corner" where I can keep a better eye on them.
For now, I'm just focusing on capturing the indoor birds but I monitor the birds that gather in the backyard on top of the pool cover carefully to make sure they don't figure out how to get in. There are squirrels outside too! Sometimes they come just a few feet away from the windows! But I'm pretty sure they noticed me so they haven't ventured in... yet...

Both A&Z have terribly demanding jobs. Sometimes they work from home so I try to help them out. They have to stare at their computer screens for hours on end monitoring the arrow that flicks back and forth. I've tried to catch it for them a few times but it's extremely evasive... I understand why that call it a cursor! Yeah, they have tough jobs...

"A" also receives boxes in the mail and sometimes and I help her unpack them. That packaging paper is such a nuisance crinkling and drifting all over. I jump on it to keep it in place but I'm pretty sure those laser dots hide underneath so sometimes I have to dig right to the bottom of the pile to make sure they're not nesting :D

I help "A" a lot with the housework. I jump in her laundry basket once it's empty to keep the cloths from filling it in again. I've been under the sink and in the dish-washer a few times to make sure the dishes are in order and the corners of the washer are clean. She carries me around tucked under her arm and does things single-handedly just because she values my supervision so much ;)

My favorite is when both A&Z sit down at the same time to study, watch a film or sleep. "Z" is the best perch and so warm to snuggle on top of to sleep... I wonder if that's why the call him Zzzzzzz?

"A" says I'm the best Christmas/Birthday present she's ever had. I help her wrap packages for her nephews and nieces. My job is to keep all the ribbons in order. I found a perfect spot under the Christmas tree where I can make sure no one steals the gifts and I help the tree drink its water.

That’s all for now! I’m getting a little sister in the new year!!! I can’t wait – she’s going to be the BEST plaything. I’ll send another update when she arrives.

Meowwy Christmas to you all! And thank you SO much for helping me get to A&Z. They really needed me <3


(Last update: Dec 17th, 2016 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Floyd
ID#: VA9704
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Blue
Date In: 11/22/13
Adopted: 12/08/13
Congrats: June
Foster: Jackie

Foster Notes

You ask - what is a handsome cat like that doing on the rescue pages? Who'd get rid of a such a nice and beautiful cat? Well, let me tell you. I had a home, but got blamed for making the kids sick - so out in the cold I went in a rough neighborhood, without even any claws to defend myself. But I found the yard of a nice lady who knew that I didn't belong on the street - so here I am. I got along with her nice little doggie, and with the other cats in the foster home I was in prior to coming here. I am friendly and sweet, and of course really, really good looking!

Foster mom promises nice new pictures of me if the sun ever comes out. But while we're waiting for that you can still ask about me.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
An update on Floyd... Floyd came home to a large bedroom on the second floor of his house that contained everything that a cat could want, but boy-o-boy he didn't like staying there by himself so his complaints were long and loud! Introductions were slow like they are suppose to be, then came the day for him to be out of confinement!! Everyone said hello, and it's been fine!! Very smooth.

Floyd felt the need to "mark" his house, so Aunt Peggy told me what to get, and what to do, to fix that situation. It is a work in progress!!

After 10 years without a Meezer Floyd is sunshine in my days!!! He sleeps right beside my head, then sometime during the night he migrates to my side. He makes sure that I am up by 4:30 am
to "get my food please", and after he has eaten he expects me to sit in the rocker with him on my lap and rock him. If I get up too soon he growls his displeasure!

The first time Floyd decided to check out the downstairs he met Sophie and at that point he slowly turned around and went back upstairs! Sophie is a Saint Bernard and I believe that her size was intimidating for Floyd. He handles the Corgi OK, but that big one will take a little time!

He is such a joy, and such a beautiful boy! Did I mention that I love, love, love his "chatting, chirping, yowling!! Oh yes, and his first trip to the vet. for his check-up went without a hitch. Everyone there made a big fuss over him and he just ate it up... he is quite a ham! When the doctor opened his carrier he walked out without hesitating like he owned the place. The one resident girl, Bookie, and Floyd play and romp upstairs and sound like a couple of horses... more music to my ears! I eagerly await the day he comes to the first floor during the day and sits on my lap, and gives me advice on just how to make his meals!!! More later, and hopefully I'll have some pictures... Floyd hasn't instructed me in how to do that yet! LOL

Next day update on Floyd... For the first time Floyd came downstairs this morning!! I was overjoyed that he did not run right back up the steps when he saw Sophie laying in the middle of the living room floor! He sauntered over to my chair chirping and chattering, jumped up on my chair, gave me head butts of greeting, then proceeded to check things out... both high and low!

I crate the dogs at night so they are confined, and I knew this morning that Floyd had visited the first floor during that time because most of the Christmas cards set up on the top shelf of the book case were knocked over. I went around a turned face down all pictures... just in case. When Sophie stood up to greet him, he went back up the steps. He is acclimating!

12/23/13 Another step forward for Floyd this morning! I spent a lovely hour in my recliner with a cup of tea in my hand, a Saint Bernard lying beside my chair, and a beautiful blue Siamese in my lap purring! There is nothing better then that. Both Floyd and I want to thank everyone in SCRC who made this possible! Merry Christmas to all!

12/26/13 Floyd is a real "lap" cat!! He is venturing down every evening now and wants in my lap. He will sit there for hours and then soulfully complain when I get up. He really likes Sophie and talks to her quite often. I have no idea what he is saying, but Sophie seems to agree with him and energetically wags her tail in reply. My daughter visited today and ooowd and aaawd at Floyds beauty, but he did not utter one word !!! She never heard that wonderful voice! I've learned that whenever Floyd is in "full voice" he is into something that he should not be into!! He tells on himself all the time... funny!

At bedtime he flies up the steps, follows me through the evening routine, and gets immediately under the covers when we go to bed. He is such a pleasure, and treasure in my life.

12/27/13 I thought someone would LOL with this update... I heard Floyd in "full Crescendo" this morning, so I knew that I'd better go see what he had gotten into. My dad, more then a few years ago, had drop ceilings put in both the living and dining rooms to improve warmth in this old house. Having said that, I found Floyd had found he could put his paw under one of the tiles, and what to his wonder, it lifted to show another whole world that he could explore!!! Now, since he is a "feather weight" he can just scamper all over up there, and maybe catch a mouse, or something... exciting for a Meezer! The problem comes in when once he is up there his point of entry closes, and he is trapped up there! I'm not sure what I am going to do about this, LOL. I had planned in two years to redo both rooms and dispose of these ceilings... what to do between now and then is the question??? Perhaps take all of the panels out ... now!

1/2/14 Floyd has gotten quiet and that really has me stumped! He is eating and seems physically fine, but the silence is a shock!

He pays no attention to Sophie now and even less to the Corgi... just saunters past them! As I type this Floyd is on my lap and very contented. I guess he will go through phases until all of the hierarchy has been established. He is definitely not on the bottom rung of the totem pole because Smokey gives in to Floyd's stare. He is my "baby" boy and he knows it!! Later.

2/7/14 Hello from Floyd. Well. he is more then ever a "Velcro cat" and I wouldn't want him any other way. He has taken charge of Sophie, yes, taken charge! He does not hesitate to tell her exactly what he thinks and if she doesn't respond in a way that Floyd deems proper he simply smacks her about 4 times before she can blink!

Some things have changed... He and Bookie still haven't "settled" who is boss, but neither has yet to concede defeat. Funny thing is that at bedtime they both call a truce as we all three climb into bed... Floyd under the covers... Bookie on top of covers. One on the left and one on the right. Upon rising it's Katie- bar- the- door!.

Floyd still has a cough from time to time and the smell is just awful. We've had x-rays, sonograms, blood work to check everything... result is all clean. He began vomiting and had to have fluid and meds IV to stop... twice. Further tests show nothing, so, he is on food for gastrointestinal sensitivity and canned tuna and whitefish... so far so good! He goes for a dental on the 10th as he has a couple cavities, and needs a good cleaning. Bad teeth will be extracted. I will keep you posted.

When Floyd decides to give himself a bath it has to be when he is on my lap. When he has completed his routine, then he proceeds to give me a bath too, and he is quite thorough! Such a loving kitty. As I type this he is curled up on my lap. We've spent the last 48 hours without electricity and it was pretty darn cold in here when a worker came into the house to fix things he was struck by Floyds beauty and noted the devotion shown to me... staying right by my side as we went from room to room, and watching the mans every move. Perhaps a "watch cat" in the making???

He love a wand that has feathers that sound just like the flutter of birds wings! He begins the game, then Smokey joins in, and the last to join in all the fun is Sophie!! I have two cats and one 150 lb. Saint Bernard trying to catch the bird flying around in the house!! It is so much fun, and funny!

From Floyd and the Crew... nighty night for now, and we wish you pleasant dreams.

2/16/14... Update... Floyd says "Hi" to everyone! We had x-rays taken of Floyds lungs and saw what the vet. called "donuts" in the lungs. This is either infection or asthma so he is on antibiotics for the next 10 days. Now, he has been on the antibiotics for 4 days and is not coughing as much, nor is he "blowing" his nose... he blows his nose on his arm! Yes he does. Anyhow, things looking up and he must be feeling better because he ate last night and this morning!!! Progress.

He is such a pleasant boy indeed, and always a joy added to my household. We check the kitties that come into SCRC each week and Floyd seems to enjoy looking at all the beauties, especially perks to attention when we watch the videos! I don't know what some of the kitties are saying on the videos, but they elicit very different reactions from Floyd... lots of fun! More later...

2/28/14 Update... I wanted to let you know that Floyd has greatly improved with the antibiotics, so, the problem had to be infection. He is no longer coughing, sneezing, nor vomiting, and he is eating!!! He runs and plays, and is "vocal" once again much to my joy. When I take the dogs outside he howls and runs to the sun porch to watch us out the windows... separation he does not like! I look forward to many years with this lover boy!!...

3/31/14 Update... Hi everyone! Floyd took antibiotics for another 10 days, then had his dental surgery and cleaning. He is "reabsorbing" his teeth! One is almost completely absorbed, the inflamed gums were gone (the work of the antibiotics), and one tooth was almost completely decayed with the root in the process of being reabsorbed. So, they removed all of the top of the tooth along with the decay, left the root, and sewed the gum over the root. Antibiotics for another 5 days, and all seems to be well. He is eating and seems much happier... he is in no pain now!!! Hooray!! He plays, eats, talks more and is still a real lap cat. Did I mention that he is beautiful! Of course he is helping me write this... he always does. Pretty soon the weather will be brighter with more sun streaming through the windows and Floyd will be laying right where it is the brightest! He is my beautiful blue boy! Once again, we want to thank everyone at SR for making this possible. Floyd has his forever home and is loved beyond words...

6/9/14 It has now been six months since Floyd came "home" to us and I want to let everyone know that he finally KNOWS that he is home for real. He bosses my 150lb. St. Bernard, and the Corgi was raised with two Siamese so she already knew that Floyd was the boss! All of the cats are on the same floor in the house, or the same room, playing, eating, sunning, or being groomed by mom... me! Floyd has agreed to share moms bed with Bookie, but he has dibs on being under the covers next to mom.

He loves to play with the dogs tennis balls, the yellow banana, and the big Green Pickle!! Floyd is either with me, by me, talking to me, or on me... and I love it! I want to thank everyone at SCRC that helped bring Floyd "home" ... I am forever grateful to everyone!!

6/22/14 Update... Just thought I'd let everyone know that Floyd is doing some "therapy cat" work!!! There is a gentleman with dementia whose wife brings him here to visit my "family" because it brings her husband out of his isolation. They arrive and the gentleman is somber, quiet, and not smiling. He gets down on the floor and is covered in St, Bernard and Corgi, then Floyd jumps on his lap and snuggles down for a nap and pats!!! When they leave the gentleman is smiling, conversing and animated!!!! He is always amazed and impressed that Floyd likes him so much that he will spend time on his lap!! I believe that Floyd can sense the gentleman's needs. I am so proud of my beautiful Blue boy and I hope that you are too!!!

7/2/14 Update... A note to say "hello" from Floyd! He is well, adjusted, and in charge! He is loved beyond words, and appreciated to the max!!!!

12/16/16 Update on Floyd... "Hi" to everyone, and Merry Christmas from Floyd and the "Crew". It is hard to believe that it has been 3 years since this loving boy came into my life... time flies! He has probs with the Feline Asthma and is on Prednisone inhaler and Terbutaline tabs twice daily, and has regular check-ups with the vet. Infact, he has a vet. appt. on the 26th. Sadly I guess this is something he will always have. Periodically he has to go on antibiotics for 14 days which allows him to bounce back and play with his toys again.

I have always wanted a wedgie so I finally introduced a kitten into my "family". Floyd was extremely interested in what was behind that bedroom door!! When the time came to open the door slightly so everyone could see each other Floyd was ready to run in, BUT when he saw the blue baby boy he came to a halt, looked, chirped to the "kid", went to him and began being a "mother". Floyd is still a "mother" to Pyewacket and probably always will be. The two are inseparable, and both of them sleep under the covers with me at night. Floyd taught Pye the "ropes" in this house... this is what we do, and this is what we don't do; how to come down stairs, and that the giant dog would not hurt him; how to get to the ceiling book shelf safely. It has been amazing to watch. It was as if Floyd recognized his own kind when he saw Pye!!!

I am sorry that I still have not the ability to attach photos. I can tell you that Floyd has gained weight, but Prednisone does that. He is not obese, but is "chunky", and as gorgeous as ever... he really is a gorgeous boy!! When at the vets he "owns" the place and everyone there... they all fuss over him and he loves it. He fears nothing, oozes confidence, and loves everyone!! Needless to say that I love this boy tremendously. When I watch TV or read a book both he and Pye snuggle on my lap, and when Floyd thinks a cover is appropriate he pats my left arm and looks at me... I then put my lap-throw over them both and they snuggle underneath and nap. It is a great life, a cuddly, warm, and secure life with the gorgeous boy in it. Thanks to all who made it possible, and I hope all the rescued beauties are as happy. Thanks SCRC!!!!

(Last update: Dec 16th, 2016 1pm)

I'm such a handsome blue point guy!

Diamond and I need to stay together because she adores me. I try to remain calm and aloof but Foster Mom is always catching us cuddling up together.

In addition to being easy on the eyes, I'm a really nice cat - friendly, gentle and even sometimes a little goofy. I get my lip caught on my canine and that makes Foster Mom laugh. I'm ok with that as long as she continues to pet me while she chuckles.

Have to have a dental to get rid of some troublesome teeth but then Diamond and I will be ready to head off for our next great adventure.

Name:   Valentine
ID#: VA8805
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 09/16/12
Adopted: 10/27/12
Deceased: 08/27/18
Congrats: Emily
Foster: Diane

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Valentine is the Man! He is very proper and sophisticated until he rolls over for his belly to be rubbed! He is very protective of Diamond. He's cuddly and rubs against you. He will play with the Rooster Wand Toy that Foster Diane sent but he likes the rawhide part the best!
11/10/12 Really like to be up high and in the Sun in the Loft - Diamond's and my new Pad! We are very happy here - no real need to meet the other kitties!! But, I think Meowmy will insist in a while!
11/18/12 - Meowmy dressed me up for my Christmas pic - don't I look handsome!!
12/27/12 - Diamond decided that she liked how Meowmy sleeps so she crawled in to try it! Meowmy came in - I showed Meowmy that I could crawl in, too, but I came out and sat on the pillow - didn't want Meowmy to be jealous of Me and Diamond!
1/1/13 - Dersue & Harley had gone to bed and I was with Meowmy so to celebrate the New Year, Meowmy brought Diamond downstairs with us!
3/21/13 - Harrrumph! I'm a dignified Gentleman! No self-respecting Cat should be caught seen like this! The things I put up with for Meowmy! See my pic to see what I do for her!
10/14/13 - LOVE Halloween! I'm Count Valentine! I like to sink my fangs into cherry tomatoes, peaches, anything with olive oil on it! Don't you like my cape? Happy Halloween!
12/5/13 - Merry Christmas Everyone! I must admit - I do look dapper in my new bow tie! Check out my 2013 Christmas pic! Feeling better this year - even though I only have 4 teeth! I can breathe better, too!
1/6/14 - Happy New Year! Diamond & I are Yin-Yang purrsonality-wise and we even sleep that way sometimes! We look good in blue, too, in our new snowflake millie!
1/20/14 Meowmy got a jump on MY DAY - Valentine's Day, of course! Don't you like my new Bow Tie! I'm just a Lover through and through!
10/18/14: Time for Ghosts and Gobllins! Who is Jimmy Buffet anyway? I'm supposed to be Wasting Away in Margaritaville - thanks to someplace called Rikkiis??? I do like my hat! I'm Handsome!
12/19/14: Merry Christmas Everyone! Meowmy took our annual Christmas pics plus we got Power Outage Protection sweaters! MY sweater is just ME! It's RED - Valentine - get it - plus has a red sequinned Heart over my shoulder and 2 silver sequined DIAMONDs on each side of the Heart - that Girl just adores ME! Of course - I'm ADORABLE! Happy New Year, too!!
2/7/15: Just ONE WEEK away from MY Day - YES - VALENTINE's DAY! I'm so important - have a whole day named after ME! Meowmy says with my Hat and my Big Blue Eyes I'm supposed to be reminiscent of Old Blue Eyes - she says his name was Frank???? He couldn't have been as Handsome as I am - and I can make the women SWOON!!! Hope you have a Very Happy Valentine's Day!!
10/30/15: HAPPY HALLOWEEN and 3rd Anniversary with Meowmy! OK OK so I didn't like putting the Shark face over my ears! HEY - who wants to look like you are being swallowed by a SHARK!!! Very undignified - a FISH eating a CAT! The things I put up with for Meowmy!! In the 3 yrs, though, I do breathe so much better! I have another snuggle buddy in Caleb, too, and Diamond is getting better with that! Tough to be SO popular! Life is Good! Have a Spookcatular Halloween!
12/21/15: Merry Christmas to All! Handsome as usual in my bow tie! Life is Good! During the day I cuddle with Caleb and at night I'm with Diamond - can't beat that! Hope you have a Great Christmas!!
10/17/16: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!! Meowmy went easy on costumes this year! Much to my liking, she picked out a Halloween bowtie for me - I look very Handsome! My Siamese genes are working - I'm getting a little lighter now that I'm becoming a Southern Gentleman!!
12/14/16: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Aren't I handsome in my new bowtie! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

(Last update: Dec 14th, 2016 3pm)

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Name: Harlequin

(FKA Perry)

ID#: VA7491
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/05/11
Adopted: 02/12/11
Congrats: Emily
Foster: Ellen

Boy was I sick! I had a really bad cold, but I'm almost completely well now.

Foster mom has taken some pictures, but I'm not an easy cat to photograph. I can't seem to stay far enough away from her for her to get a good picture.

I'm a very affectionate guy. I do this thing that's a combination of a headbutt and a kiss. My foster mom calls them kiss-butts. She said she likes them even more now that my nose has stopped running. When we're alone in a room, my favorite place is in her lap, where I purr for her.

I have met the resident cats. There's a 9-month old male flame point here -- we immediately became friends and playmates. If the other resident cats don't want me around, I just walk away. That's their problem. I refuse to stay in my foster room anymore. I meow incessantly until Mom lets me out. I like to sleep with Mom and be near her when we're awake.

I'm having a blast playing with toys of all kinds. I still have a lot of kitten in me.

Now all I need is to find a forever home. (I have to stay in my transport region, though.)


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
2/12/12-Can't believe I've lived in NH for one whole year! Seems like I've always been here! I do think more of my personality is coming out now! I don't just do what Dersie says anymore! Love to play with the lazer toy with Dersie, though! I don't get as tired as fast as she does! Sometimes I get silly when Meowmy and Dersie are sitting on the couch! One night I ran around the room like I was still chasing the lazer toy, around in circles, up to the top of the small tower! Dersie and Meowmy just looked at me in amazement! Another night I was up on top of the small tower chasing my tail! Dersie and Meowmy didn't know what to think! I nearly went over sideways! Dersie ran up and hit me with her paw - I guess to snap me out of it!!?? I can't wait for Spring! Meowmy wants to teach me to go on a leash and maybe see if I like water! I don't mind it on my feet in that big tub! Meowmy thinks I'm an old soul who was a perfect Gentlemen! She brought me a pad and a snugglepad. I don't use the milliebed or blanket or afghan that I already have - what was she thinking. To make her happy, I sat on the pad and even crawled into the snugglepad (see my pics). Not sure how often I'll be doing that, but it made Meowmy very happy at the time! She even gave me some bites of fresh tuna for my anniversary!
3/1/12 Harley Here! Meowmy is really paying attention to me! When she got home last night, Dersie met her at the door as usual. I didn't! I was sitting in front of the big windowed door watching all the white stuff falling down! I followed each one of those things - Meowmy said they are flakes of snow. She even scooped some up in her hand and showed me and Dersie! Then, later, I got in the tub. Meowmy runs water up to the middle of the bottom of the tub while I sit in the back. She pushes the water towards me. I don't mind at all! Just shake off my paws, then even drink some of it off the bottom of the tub! You should see Dersie! She sits up on the tank of the toilet and has great big wide eyes! Meowmy held her and let her feet touch the water but she was having no part of that! This morning, though, Dersie was in the tub before me?? I think I missed something last night! Meowmy took Dersie out, I jumped in, Meowmy took me out - it was her turn in the tub! Oh well, went back to watching all the white stuff falling on the deck!
4/5/12 - Mewomy is crazy! She bought Kitty Holsters and thinks we will go for a walk! Putting it on is easy but I just drop to the ground when I see Dersie's legs go stiff - then she falls over - I just do the same thing! Then she rolls and rolls - over to me - and takes it out on me! Hey, I don't like it either! Check out our pic!
4/28/12 - HAPPY BIRTHDAY, HARLEY! Meowmy got me a Party Hat alright - but I'm 2 YRS OLD now - enough of this foolishness! I'm not wearing that thing! (See my pic!) I got some special food with gravy but I really didn't like it. I licked up the gravy! Dersie didn't like it either! Got some nice mice but one was weird and the other didn't work very well. What I liked the best was the Cuddly that Meowmy brought home from the Cat Show! Just my size! Feel sound asleep after a tough day! (See pics). Oops, this Cuddly was for Dersie, mine is on it's way in a manly print (Charlie Brown).
5/23/12 - Meowmy showed us why we've been being tortured by wearing those Kitty Holsters - went outside today! At first, my back legs didn't work but eventually they did! I really only liked lying down in the grass and eating it!
7/4/12 - It maybe Dersie's Birthday - but I get to benefit, too! Love the Cheese Chaser - see my pics!
11/30/12 - Christmas Pic time - YUCK - I hate wearing hats or anything! I'm a good sport, though, but move every time the camera clicks and ruin a good pic! Got Sis Carrie pretty tired! At least I cooperated more than Dersie did! Check out my pic!
12/23/12 - Silly Dersie - here I was comfy in the top of the big cat tree - She decides Meowmy needs to see that we are a "cute couple" too - like Valentine & Diamond! Check out the pic!
3/21/13 - I told Meowmy that I wasn't wearing anymore "things" - Birthday, Halloween, Christmas, and now Easter! I'm a respected Cat! What is she thinking! See my pic - I didn't want any part of being a Bunny!!
10/24/13 Oh No - a Blue-eyed Sailor - at least Meowmy took us outside first so we didn't mind the photo op as much....Happy Halloween!
12/5/13 - Merry Christmas Everyone! Meowmy took our traditional Christmas pics. I just don't know how she thinks! She got a Trapper John hat for me - I HATE HATS! I didn't cooperate so she put a bow tie on me - REALLY! That's OK for Valentine! I just shake my head! Got an early Christmas present - Hot Pursuit - circular motion machine - I'm watching Dersie run around it like a mad woman - pretty interesting!
1/9/14 - Happy New Year! I'm too manly to sleep in one of those Millie beds, besides my coat is so thick (Meowmy calls me her Bear) that they are way too hot! So, I sit on a pad or this rocker is pretty comfy!
5/1/14: Meowmy is a little late posting this for Me. I'M 4 YEARS OLD! Happy Birthday to Me on 4/28! Meowmy gave me my usual massage after her shower (see my pic) and bought 3 new toys for my birthday. Dersie and I deemed 2 of them duds so they were returned but we loved the new laser toy! We chased and chased on my Birthday (and the next day!). FUN!
10/18/14: Time for Ghosts and Goblins! Meowmy got this outfit (she says J Buffet Margaritaville outfit) from some place called Rikkiis??? So, here I am, wasting away in Margaritaville! I do like my hat!
12/19/14: Merry Christmas Everyone! Meowmy took our annual Christmas pics plus we all got sweaters - power outage protection - so we are prepared! Happy New Year, too!!
4/28/15: HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY BEAUTIFUL HARLEY! Harlequin is 5 yrs old today! He is still the most adorable, funny, cuddly boy. Love him to death! He loves to be brushed - once you catch him! Every AM he goes into my bathroom and meows (small room - does it seem louder in there) until it drives me crazy and I have to get up! He waits for me to come in and pet him!! He and Dersie as still BFFs. They run, chase, wrestle, etc. but are independent sleepers. I'm so happy Harley came into my life!
10/30/15: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! I hope Meowmy appreciates how much I cooperate with her silliness! I have a giraffe on my HEAD! But - I'm a trooper and grinned and put up with it! Don't I look cute! Have a Spookcatular Halloween!
12/21/15: Merry Christmas to Everyone! How do you like this year's tie? I look handsome! Hope Santa is good to you! Have a Great Christmas!!
10/17/16: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Meowmy went easy on costumes this year - just have my Halloween bowtie! My Siamese genes are kicking in and my coat is getting lighter now that I live in NC - I'm turning into a Southern cat!!
12/14/16: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE!! New bowtie this year! Aren't I handsome! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

(Last update: Dec 14th, 2016 3pm)

I've had a rough time of it in my short life. I had a home I think but then someone took me for a ride in a car and tossed me out the window! I was so scared, but a nice lady saw it happen and scooped me up and brought me to the shelter, and called Siamese Rescue. Meowmy came to see me and said she'd spring me out of there soon and she did! And here I am, all clean and comfy. I purr a lot and love to play.
I'm all ready to go, but I do play rough. Any kitty I go home to will have to be able to stand up to me, as I get real excited when I wrestle. I also love to run and play with all the neat toys here.
Think you can handle a cute little live wire like me? If so ask meowmy about me and maybe I can be yours!
Name:   Dersie
ID#: VA7347
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/15/10
Adopted: 12/05/10
Congrats: Emily
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
2/12/12-WOW Harley has been here a whole year! He is starting to be his own cat! I'm asking Meowmy to play with me like I did before Harley came! Don't get me wrong, we still run, chase, wrestle, and I have to keep him in line - he gets so silly sometimes I can't even believe it! He's not the most dignified cat! I on the other hand - can present myself in a Princess-like manner - sit up straight and tall with my tail nicely wrapped around my feet! And, I still get the best of Harley - see my new pic - who is sitting on both of Harley's new bads! ME!
3/1/12 - That Harley! Thinks he's getting time with Meowmy because she thinks he likes water! I showed him! Last night I got in the tub, too, and Meowmy filled the water up to half way up the tub. I sat there like a brave girl! (I really wanted to jump but Harley didn't so I wasn't!) I even drank some water - just like Harley! It wasn't as scarey as I thought! I was the first one in the tub this AM - but Meowy took me out - and Harley, too. She went in the tub - her turn to use it!
4/5/12 - Meowmy has lost it! She got Kitty Holsters for Harley and Me! Putting it on isn't bad - pretty easy actually - but my legs get stiff and I fall over on my side and all I can do it roll over and over! Harley doesn't like it either. Meowmy thinks we will learn and walk with this thing on!!?? Check out our pic!
5/23/12 - Meowmy showed us why we needed Kitty Holsters! She took me outside on the uneven grass! I was in my most diligent hunter mode! No telling what kind of dangers are out there! And, it's tough walking on that uneven ground! Almost slipped and fell over a few times! Check out my pics - my eyes are blue!
7/4/12-Celebrated my Birthday early! Meown had the day off! She gave me one present (she says one more is coming) Cheese Chaser - love it! Harley does, too! Plus I asked to go outside - was bored - so Meowmy put on my harness and we went out to the backyard (Harley did, too, after). I saw a Robin - I am the ultimate hunter - I stalked it! It just hopped away...oh well, next time! Nice to have Meown home - sat in her lap when she sat at the computer and sat with her on the bed when she was talking to Kim - and she rubbed me the whole time! Had a nice 2nd Birthday!! (see pics)
111/30/12 - Yup - Christmas photo time! Meowmy was crazy and took Harley's and my photo in the room that Valentine and Diamond live it - said there was better light! Well, that didn't work too well. Sun wasn't out that much so still got red eye and I didn't like how it smelled in there so didn't cooperate very well.....you can check out my pic if you want to...same old collar as last year :(
12/23/12 Didn't want Meowmy to think Valentine and Diamond were so special because they are "bonded" so I jumped up and cuddled with Harley in the cat tree! Aren't we a "cute" couple!!
3/21/13 - Who would of thought that I'd look cute with big pink ears! Check me out! Happy Easter!
10/24/13 - Meowmy hasn't tortured us for a while but Halloween is here! She took us outside first so we were tired and didn't mind pics as much! Supposed to be a Witch but I shook my head so you can't see my hat! So now I'm Morticia with long black hair! Happy Halloween!
12/5/13 - Merry Christmas Everyone! Meowmy took our traditional Christmas pics - check mine out. Much better mood this year - I guess those old cats Meowmy brought home are OK - still have to keep them on their toes and make sure they remember who is boss! Got my Christmas present early and I'm having a ball - Hot Pursuit - one of those circular motion machines - but I'm too fast for it and can get it to stop!!!
1/6/14 - Happy New Year! Meowmy made unofficial Winter Millies for Valentine & Diamond - they are bigger so they both can fit in. While she was taking a picture of this one, I decided it was mine - don't you think I look good in blue! Brings out my eyes!!
5/1/14: Meowmy made new Spring millies and Pads! Somehow Valentine and Diamond took over my Heart bed and pad! Hisssss. When Meowmy put the new millies in their place, I made sure everyone understood this millie was mine (all the rest are, too, of course). (see my pic)
10/18/14: Time for Ghosts and Goblins! I wanted to be Wonder Cat this year! Gave Meowmy a hard time putting my costume on but once the camera started clicking - I was purrfect!
12/19/14: Merry Christmas Everyone! Meowmy had to take our yearly Christmas card pics - plus this year we all got sweaters - just in case of power outage - just wonderful - so we are prepared!! Happy New Year, too
7/7/15: Hey - it's my 5th Birthday - what do you think of that Foster Meowmy Jeanne!! I'm 36 yrs old in Human years! I'm managing the household here - keep all the other Meezers and Meowmy in line! I'm the Boss! And, Everyone knows it!! I am getting a little more cuddly though - Moewmy gives some nice rubs - especially around my ears and sides of my face - that I really like. I'll even challenge Caleb to sit on Meowmy's lap - for a few minutes anyway! Harley and I are still best of buds. We chase, wrestle, play and sit in front of the door looking outside. Life is Good! Happy Birthday to ME!!
10/30/15: HAPPY HALLOWEEN! Don't I just look Gorgeous in my Witch Outfit - don't look too Wicked at all! I am still Top Cat - even lick Valentine's and Caleb's heads to make sure they know who is Boss! I'm even liking wearing clothes and posing for pics! Hope everyone has a Spookcatular Halloween!
12/21/15: Merry Christmas to Everyone! Meowmy really got a festive collar for me this year! Still Head Cat so I should be special! Which I am! Hope Santa is good to you!! Have a Great Christmas!
10/16/16: HAPPY HALLOWEEN!! Meowmy went easy on costumes this year - only had to wear my Witch Hat! Don't I look cute! You can't see much of me but my coat is getting lighter now that I'm in NC - my Siamese genes are kicking in - I'm becoming a Southern cat!!
12/5/16: WOW! I've been living with Meowmy for 6 years! I've grown into an adult cat! I'm not quite as energetic but still get overstimulated every now and again - or maybe that's just being opinionated and letting Meomy know when she's not behaving! We live in a new place now. I sit next to Meowmy's laptop every AM while she reads emails and FB. I like to watch the little mouse on the screen and the videos on FB! I will now sit on Meowmy's lap, just for a few minutes, just to let Diamond know who's Human Meowmy is. Then I leave and sit where I please. I also sit on Meomy's chest for a short time at night when she's in bed so Valentine gets the message, too! Gotta keep those cats in line! Harley and I are still best buds - I love to chase him and stalk him! We both love to play with the laser toy, too! My Vet says I'm doing well! They wrapped me in a towel so they could do a thorough physical exam - I hissed and growled at them - but they had it under control! Vet said to give me cosequin - so I now feel better! Thanks SCRC for helping me find my furever home! Love Dersie
12/14/16: MERRY CHRISTMAS EVERYONE! Meowmy made a green necklace for Me and Diamond for this year's pics - don't I look nice in Green! Hope you have a wonderful holiday!

(Last update: Dec 14th, 2016 2pm)

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Name: Henry

(FKA Toddie)

ID#: VA6041
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/30/08
Adopted: 12/14/08
Congrats: Sally
Foster: Siri

Outgoing, curious, loving, I do laps, age confirmed, athletically built, playful, well adjusted, easy going, anxious to please, typically Siamese, it doesn't get much better than this....

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Henry continues to be happy healthy and very adaptable. He Was never content in our RV so when we travel he stays with our daughter's family...4 kids, 2 cats, and a dog. And he seems to thrive in both our quiet retirement community and their chaotic but loving family home. He has befriended our weekly house cleaner and helps her with all her chores especially the bed making! We thank you again and again for finding this special guy for us.
(Last update: Dec 14th, 2016 12pm)

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