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I really want to go home. Forget waiting till Christmas--yesterday wouldn't be soon enough. I'm around the other cats here but quite frankly I can deal with one or two but not a few. I'm a little sweetheart...okay more apple than little but still the sweetest. I love to sleep undercover and I am an accomplished catnipper. Don' t let my age scare you---its like 60 in people years and we know that's not geriatric. I have an endearing chatter and not a scream. So if you got lap....please ask about me!

Purrs, Kandy
Name: Lady Guinevere

(FKA Kandy)

ID#: VA9637
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/26/13
Adopted: 12/27/13
Deceased: 02/24/18
Congrats: Roger
Foster: Teresa

Foster Notes


Notes from Home

Lady Gwen is doing fine now. Earlier this year she had a problem that was diagnosed as a hyper active Thyroid that was found in her blood work. Medication was initially tried that controlled the Thyroid, but elevated her Liver enzemes from under 100 to 365. The medication was immediately stopped followed by another blood work in two weeks. This found the Live counts to be normal, but the Thyroid had accelerated. At this juncture there were two options, 1. a single dose of radiation at a cost of $1,800 dollars, which had a side effect of potential kidney damage because Gwen is now 17 years old, so we opted not to do that. The second option was a Hill's Thyroid program of wet and dry food. Since the Thyroid requires iodine to function and in Gwen's case very accelerated, the Hill's food is 99% iodine free. Pleased to report that following being on the Hill's program for six weeks, blood work was completed on 12/15/19 the Thyroid is at 2.4 (0 to 4 is good per the Vet), liver counts and everything else is back to a normal safe range. The Vet said that he will see Gwen in six months and see how she is going. Because of the Hyper Thyroid, Gwen's system was going 90 miles an hour, she was using up her body. Because of this she dropped from 9 lbs. to 7 lbs. With the Hill's food we are feeding her wet food 3 x's / day, with the bulk dry food available 24/7 which she snacks on. To date Gwen's weight is up to 7 1/4 lbs., still pretty light, but she is no longer losing weight. So we will keep spoiling her in hopes increasing her

Gwen remains to be a very good cat, spoiled, but very good. She gets me up every morning about 6 AM sitting outside out bedroom door letting me know that if is time to be fed. This works out great because following her feeding I do 1 1/2 hours of physical therapy because of my Military Disability, so it works for both of us. About 7 - 7:30 Gwen comes to inform me that it is time for her to spend some quality time with her Mom. All I hear is a couple of Meows, then it is quite as Gwen has curled up in a ball next to her Mom, so all is right with the world.

Best regards

Jan & Roger Hornick

Kandy's name was changed to Guinevere and noted on Petlink.

Everything is progressing fine, Guinevere, "Gwen" is adjusting very well. The early morning call to breakfast at 5 AM is slowly tranisitioning to about 6-6:30 which works out very well. We think the poor cat was just hungry as since we provide a small portion of wet food at 10 PM she sleeps through the night. Gwen has a good appeitite eating the "Blue Non-Grain" dry food as well. All litter box functions are normal.

We purchased a large Cat Tree before we brought Gwen home. We are pleased ot say that she is now using the Cat Tree. The unit has a cat house on the second level and last evening for the first time Gwen went into the cat house. Previously she would lay on top of it.

It has been an adjsutment period for all of us, but things are progressing fine.


Interesting that it is two years almost to the day that we welcomed Gwen (previously Kandy) into our home. At age 16 Gwen is in control of our household as all cat owners expect, ha! ha!. Gwen has been into see Dr. Romero for her annual checks and is doing fine.

Last summer we had a problem with an inner ear infection which took a while to clear up. Gwen started flicking her right ear, then scratching it. Taking her to Dr. Romero, Gwen actually had an allergic reaction to a pharmaceutical ear flush that was used. Dr. Romero quickly flushed it with a betadine ear wash solution that provided relief with follow up checks twice a week. It took about a month, but Gwen returned to her normal routine. Needless to say Gwen had our household and Dr. Romero's office sitting on the edge of our chairs during that time.

Gwen remains to be my morning alarm clock. Still unsure how she does it, but she starts to alert me that it is time to get up about 5:45 with gentle meowing. At it gets closer to 6 AM she gets closer to the bedroom door (she does not sleep with us) and the meowing becomes much louder. If I am not up by 6:15 her mouth is at the gap at the bottom of the bedroom door with a little extra vocal, just in case I had not previously heard her. Then it is definitely time to get up and prepare breakfast for Gwen. We are pleased that Gwen has gotten past the 4:30 revelry that she did when
we first brought her home.

Gwen is our fifth Siamese since 1970 and she is a sweetheart. She is a social cat that loves family time when we are watching TV in the evening. About 8:30 Gwen comes out from one of her many hideaways and jumps up on Jan's lap. This is fine until her body heat rises, then she gets up on the end table between our two chairs, then it is a scramble to get out water bottles off rapidly as this turns into her space. Gwen will face me for a while to get her ear scratches, etc., take a short nap, then gets up and turns around then faces Jan for a while. This is followed by a short session back on Jan's lap then back to the end table when she gets hot. She has a thick coat which should be brushed a couple of times a week. Having recently had a knee replacement the brushing with the Furminator has not been performed on a regular basis. So the next thing to reduce the coat is
to take her to the Pet shop for a bath and brush. We have done this on several occasions and much to everyone's surprise Gwen sits and takes a bath & brush like a dog, with no growling, hissing, scratching. The gal who does the bathing says Gwen is better than the dogs that she bathes, go figure as cats and water usually do not mix.

I forget what the age ratio is for cats (dogs I heard is 1-7), if cats are the same, Gwen at 16 is equivalent to being 112 years old. For being an older feline she is very agile and fleet afoot as I have seen her do a vertical jump of 2-3 feet, flick her tail, then lay down and take a nap. I just at 112 if I jumped 2-3 feet straight up, I would probably need a nap also, ha! ha!.

In closing, sorry I do not have any photo's, but Gwen is not a shutter bug. Should this happen, will definitely post them, however she looks the same as when we brought her home from Teresa's house two years ago.

Jan and I would again like to thank the Siamese Rescue and especially Diana and Teresa who made all of this happen making Gwen part of our life. Thank you so much for everything.

Best regards

Jan & Roger

(Last update: Dec 27th, 2016 11am)

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Name: Mia

(FKA Sweet Judy Blue Eyes)

ID#: VA11407
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 04/07/16
Adopted: 06/19/16
Congrats: Dania
Foster: Huey

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Beautiful blue point that is a friendly gal!!

We are checking to see her other likes now.

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Notes from Home
Mia has been such a wonderful addition to our family. We were so perfectly matched. She loves to play, especially chasing her string so she feels like she's earned her dinner (and she has caught a few mice in the house!). She's playful but not restless. She also loves a warm spot. She's never far from my feet whether it's in bed, on the couch or while I'm working from home. Admittedly, she's a little shy but she has her safe place when strangers come by. And she'll come when called especially since she knows I'll give her a treat (even if there is a child in the vicinity).
(Last update: Dec 24th, 2016 10am)

Ohhhhh don't stop rubbing my belly .. I luv it, I luv it, I LUV it.... Ohhhh give me rubs, purrrrr purrrr purrrr! Ohhhh can I get closer purrr purrr purrrr.
Name: Cosmos

(FKA Cosmos Charlie)

ID#: VA6711
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 11/04/09
Adopted: 12/22/09
Congrats: Cyndy
Foster: Jo

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
Cosmo is doing really well. He is the love of my life. He is such a nut, he still loves his crocheted snake that he came with and brings it to me in the bathtub every night. He is so proud of it and himself. He loves to sit on the edge of my tub and usually ends up getting his paws wet and his tail. He loves to get in my tub and sit there.
He has a lazer pointer and he is obsessed with this, every night before bed we have to play with it and before I spend my quiet time in the morning he has to have his play time. He still has his house that he came with and loves to get inside and go after the light when I shine it on his house he jumps all over my room in the house. Such a nut.
I have to say I think he is the best cat I have ever had. I am so grateful to have found him. Attached are some pictures of him.

(Last update: Dec 22nd, 2016 5pm)

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Name: Morgan

(FKA Harvey)

ID#: VA8213
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 11/24/11
Adopted: 12/22/11
Congrats: Harold
Foster: Katie

Just arrived. More information soon. Well, not real soon. I got a really bad cold at the shelter and don't looks so handsome right now, so this picture will have to whet your appetite for the very "handsome" me until I get a little better. Even though I feel awful, I still purr and cuddle and knead with Mama Katie as much as I can - I love to be in her arms. Purrs and headbutts, Harvey

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Harvey was renamed Morgan a year ago and has grown into a very loving and curious young man! We just can't imagine our home without him and he receives lots of love and attention! He fits right in as one of the family!!!

12/25/13: We celebrated two years with Morgan on December 22 and his vet appt is Dec 27. He is such a joy, we love him very much. Today he is spending most of the day at a window watching birds in the feeder and, of course, cat napping.

12/22/2014: We are celebrating three years with Morgan today. He is going to the doc this week for his check up. Today he will most likely spend the morning playing and then will watch birds and catnap. He gets lots of attention and love.

12/22/2015: Morgan continues to do very well. He received a perfect report from the vet this morning. He is certainly king of the castle in our home and enjoys playtime each morning, watching birds, and of course, napping...

12/22/2016: Morgan is just fine. He has grown into quite a wonderful young man. His two favorite activities continue to be bird watching and napping.

(Last update: Dec 22nd, 2016 9am)

Are you ready for a new circus leader to move into your house? Well that's me!
I like to do stunts like sitting on top of your head, riding on your shoulder and even getting RIGHT in your face to rub noses. Mine is wet, by the way.
Sometimes I nip at your chin. I just get carried away. Sorry.
I like to play, play, play. I like to run up and down stairs.
AND... I like to EAT!!
I am a Jazzy kind of guy!
Ask about me.
Name: Sammie

(FKA Jazzy)

ID#: VA11117
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 10/07/15
Adopted: 11/07/15
Congrats: Henry
Foster: Carol


Notes from Home
Henry wrote a very detailed update on Sammy yesterday, but it doesn't seem to be showing up any place. Can you help? Did anyone see it? June
12/14/15. Sammy is a love! He has made himself right at home here and I think he is really happy. He and Simon have so much fun racing around the house. He has inspected every corner, closet and drawer in the house. He and Jackson are also buddies. I love the way he runs to the door and greets me when I come in from outside. He fetches and amuses himself endlessly with his toys. Then, when he is all tuckeredout he sleeps so soundly. We just love him. I will share some pictures.

6/9/16. Sammy continues to be a love. What a character! He zooms around the house like a tornado and crashes around noon. Then he sleeps the rest of the day. He also is the only one that sleeps with us at night. He is very social and greets everyone who comes to the house. He is very affectionate, loves attention but does not like being held. Like our other guys, he enjoys getting brushed every morning. He has a very plush coat. I am not sure if anyone reads this. Can you let me know?
While I was writing this, he woke up and came and is sitting on my lap. He has never done this before! Too funny.

12/20/16. All the above is still true. Sammy is so much fun. Sammy and I (June) have bonded. He sleeps cuddled up with me and likes to sit on my lap. Jackson and Simon sometimes pick on Harley, but Sammy has become good friends with him, which is nice. However, Sammys best friend is Simon. They wash each other and play with much exuberance. Here are pictures of them. Sammy went to the vet in October for his checkup and required shots.

(Last update: Dec 20th, 2016 6pm)

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Name: Ember

(FKA Sapphire)

ID#: VA7100
Location:  Georgia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 07/02/10
Adopted: 11/09/10
Congrats: Rebeca
Foster: Jo

Foster Notes

As Amadeus said, we are ready for our new home. Actually it was me that told him to say that because I am the bigger talker than him although he is much bigger in size than I am. Foster Mum loves us dearly but we need our own person to love on, sit and watch TV with and snuggle in bed to keep us warm. Please ask about us we are super sweet and loving but I need to go with Amadeus. I luv my brofur so much. We are integrated with other cats and get along just fine with them too.



I'm just an iddy biddy little girl and want to go to my forever home with Amadeus. Even though I'm little, I hold my own with my brofur! We love to run around and play. Today I found an orange ball, it was soooo much fun playing soccer.

Amadeus and I would like to stay in our transport area and Foster Meow says it will be a while before we go home as we have some growing to do!


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Notes from Home
11/2013 Ember is now the designated head of the household. She rules the roost - no questions asked! She is demure, dainty, petite, and a real ball of fire. She bosses her brother around all the time, but when she cries he comes running to make sure she's okay.

12/19/16 - Ember is doing very well. She is a unique personality and she knows it. She loves watching my husband light the fireplace, then she curls up in her bed on the floor in front of it. She loves to be warm, in a lap, under the covers in bed, or in front of the fire. She rules her brother, Blaze, with an iron paw. They both are a joy to our lives

(Last update: Dec 19th, 2016 12pm)

10-7-10 HEY! Yes YOU, don't you have a home that both Sapphire and I can come to? We are the most lovable kittens ever. We snuggle, we purr, we play, we have fun, know our names, are very "calm" for Siamese kittens and as much as we love Foster Mum and her kitties, we need our own home with YOU. So ask about us and we can be snuggle with you too.


Hi I'm Amadeus

Fun, leaping, running, eating, purring machine! I do want to be adopted with my sister Sapphire as we are very attached already. Because we are so tiny, we should stay in our transport area too says foster Meow.

She also said we are going to be here a while longer as we need to double our size before getting our Education! Not sure what she means by that, do you?

Name: Blaze

(FKA Amadeus)

ID#: VA7099
Location:  Georgia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 07/02/10
Adopted: 11/09/10
Congrats: Rebeca
Foster: Jo

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
11/9/13 Blaze is doing extremely well. He and his sister, Ember love to run, play, and chase each other all over the house. Of course, there is always time for napping in front of the fireplace when the need arises. A little saddness has come into Blaze's life, we lost our older cat, Silver, and both Blaze and Ember seem to miss her. Blaze acts like a small(?) human. He comes when my husband calls him, he like to drink sweet tea, he almost always has to be in my husband's lap - it doesn't matter what my husband may be doing at the time. He and his sister have blessed us by becoming part of our forever family and we just love him to pieces.

12/19/16 - Blaze is the ruler of the household, as long as sister Ember agrees. They love to climb their tree tower, lie in front of the fireplace, but mostly love to be in our laps. No health problems in either kitty, and we love them to death.

(Last update: Dec 19th, 2016 12pm)

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Name:   Emerson
ID#: VA6740
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/25/09
Adopted: 12/18/09
Congrats: Jamison
Foster: Angela

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Main Entry: Emerson
Pronunciation: \e-mr-sn\
Function: noun
: total sweetness
I am just a teddy bear of a guy who wants to be loved! If you're looking for someone to cuddle up with on these long winter nights then be sure to put me on your Christmas list!

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Notes from Home
Emerson has been such a wonderful cat! he loves to sit on his perch and look outside the window. He loves to play and will run up and down our hallways chasing his feather boa toy. He is quite the jumper! He will play hide and seek and chase around corners, then will leap into the air almost 2 feet with his hands up. It is very cute and funny to see when he does it. Loves to hang out with us in the kitchen and will fall at our feet wanting to be petted. Loves to be brushed and is very curious. As you can see he is one furry guy full of love. As the spring is approaching we are noticing his hair get a little darker. He is growing up quick, but still acts like a kitten! I made a quick video of him here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QY91wJch6yM


(Last update: Dec 19th, 2016 11am)

I arrived at the shelter with a box of candy! My mama is Abba-Zaba and while she is shy...not me I am Joy, joy, joy! Whether you want it or not :) I was in shelter foster for the past month so I could finish nursing. I do not want to be alone so I need a feline friend---at least ONE.

I am wishing for a forever family of 15- 20 years of loving, close, in your face and underfoot companionship. I am the boss here---the biggest- and the most outgoing of my litter. I really will need a feline friend and an active, lively family. A snuggle friend or two...would be ideal.
Purrs and fun,

Almond Joy

Name: Xiao

(FKA Almond Joy)

ID#: VA11467
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 05/18/16
Adopted: 06/19/16
Congrats: Janet
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Xiao, formerly Almond Joy, is doing great. He and Koshare are chasing each other around the house - Koshare chases Xiao in one direction, then Xiao chases Koshare in the other, sounding like galloping horses. Koshare seems to be very gentle with him and even when they're in a clutch, I haven't once heard Xiao cry uncle.

Harley, basically ignores him, but occasionally will hiss at him and run away when Xiao runs up on him. But, they all eat in the same area without any problems.

Xiao had his vet app't yesterday and got his rabies vaccination. The vet also decided to give him another dose of the FRCP vaccination, since he received the 1st 3 doses so young and she wanted to be sure he had a good immune response. He was a little nervous, but handled it like a trooper when everyone coo'd and ah'd over him, so he's not shy around new people.

All in all, everything is going very well.

Sorry, I forgot to add - he now weighs 4.6 lbs!

19 Dec 2016

Here's the 6 month update on Xiao.He's doing great! Happy and healthy. He grew into his ears, so now looks more like a cat than a bat. Actually, he's a chunky boy, weighing 10+ lbs at 9.5 months old. He also grew a bottle-brush bushy tail and is trying to become a medium-long haired cat.

He gets along very well with Harley and Koshare, doing a lot of chasing and wrestling. he never seems to register that they are nearly twice his size either - he holds his own. He has claimed the very top of the cat tree as his resting place. He will play at lapcat, but only for 30 sec intervals, before he's off again, Unless he's being 'bad' by knocking my things off of the end table so he can play with them. Typical cat, he looks me right in the eye as he does it, even when I say 'no!' He's a little shy around strangers, but will come out of hiding to make friends eventually, esp if we put a wand toy into play,

All in all things are going well with no problems,

(Last update: Dec 19th, 2016 11am)

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Name:   Currant
ID#: VA4394
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 23 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 08/12/06
Adopted: 12/17/06
Congrats: Frederick
Foster: Jane

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I am named for a flower that means thankfullness and I am truly thankful to Siamese Rescue for making it possible for me to get out of the shelter. My time was up and we all know what that means. UPDATE:I am a sweet loving cat who just wants your lap and some nice pets to keep me happy. I get along with other cats but can do without them too. Please look at me and think of giving me my forever home.

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Notes from Home
Currant and CeeCee are still doing well. Precious kitties. I don~t if you can help me but now I have 6 cats and I am needing to downsize. I have three other siamese cats and was wondering if someone could help me find homes for them. Too many to take proper care of.
Arlene Miller fredandarlene2000@yahoo.com

(Last update: Dec 18th, 2016 2pm)

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