Previously Adopted Siamese
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Last Update: Feb 18th, 2025 9:03:16am |
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Affectionate, cuddly, outgoing and just plain super nice seal point boy. Excellent litter box habits.
Very intense, needy and a super companion - great for anyone home all day.
Ideally, would be an only cat but tolerates other cats that are friendly and non-dominant. Would probably get along with respectful dogs that left him alone.
Name: Roscoe P Coletrane
ID#: VA11859
Location: Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 12/10/16
Adopted: 12/31/16
Congrats: Kelly
Foster: Deirdre
Foster Notes for Roscoe P Coletrane [VA11859] |
Cuddle bug! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
It has been 2 weeks since Roscoe has joined our home, and it honestly feels as if it has been longer. He has made himself at home here so quickly. At first I didn't think of inquiring about Roscoe. We thought a younger cat would be better for our dog, but after speaking to our interviewer I inquired about it and I am so happy I did. He is great around our dog. They will sniff one another and they eat treats together. I am so thankful for Jennifer who suggested Roscoe and especially for Deidre his foster meowmmy who took such wonderful care of him until his furever home was found and of course to the Siamese Rescue Organization who makes this all possible.
(Last update: Jan 14th, 2017 8am)
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Name: Luna
(FKA Bumbles)
ID#: VA11835
Location: South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 11/28/16
Adopted: 12/31/16
Congrats: Jule
Foster: Kay
Got lost from my owner so back with Siamese Rescue. I am an easy going girl who is a little chatty and a little overwhelmed right now but adjusting quickly. Sweet and loving. Fine with quiet kitties - not looking for playmates.
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
01/04/16 We have had Bumbles, now named Luna, for 5 days now, and she's been adjusting well! When we first got home she ran straight under my bed. That's her hiding place now. She is still so shy and not completely trusting but opening up great! Within the first night, she came out and let me pet her for a while. Now, she's let our entire family around her. She loves to play with toys, but she still gets awfully startled and scared when she hears the smallest noises and runs under my bed. She usually comes out at night and explores while everyone is sound asleep. Nonetheless, she has gotten used to the noises of the door opening and closing. Right now she is peacefully napping in her cat bed. :)
01/14/16 Luna has been with us for 2 weeks now. Took her to the vet and everything looked fine! She is still staying in her starter room, but I've been opening the door for her when no one's home and it's quiet. She has explored a bit but runs back inside my room shortly after. She's eating well and using the litter box fine, and sometimes, she gets on my bed and asks to be petted. :) She's still not too sure if she should trust yet, but we're making progress!
(Last update: Jan 14th, 2017 8am)
Just arrived and am scared and hiding in my Millie bed. More as I settle in.
Name: Iris
ID#: VA9474
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Lilac
DateIn: 08/14/13
Adopted: 09/05/13
Deceased: 08/06/19
Congrats: Michelle
Foster: Jeanne
Must be Only Cat
Notes from Home
Iris is doing really well. She has completely settled in. In fact, she is currently sitting in front of my monitor as I write this. I'm so happy that we "picked" each other. We are a good match and she brings lots of joy and fun to my life. She had her vet check last week and all is good. Her personality is really coming out and is finding her voice. She is very loving, playful and yet independent, a real meezer. She has slept with me from the very first night. At first she would crawl up in the bend of my knees but now she "owns" my body, I wake up and she will be on my hips, legs or ribs.
Iris continues to adjust very nicely, I think she is happy in her furr-ever home. I know I am very happy to have her. She has become much more phyically active and really loves to play hide and seek and chase after her long furry wand toy or bat her small ball around. Jeanne, she is really liking the pop up house you gave her, some times she sleeps in it and that is the only place where she will play with the cat nip toys. I've added 2 new picture, in one she thinks she's hiding.
It has only been a month but it seems like Iris has always been with me we are definitely a bonded pair!. She is the nicest most lovable kitty, I'm very lucky to have her. She continues to do well, good appetite, good stools. Her favorite activities are, of course, sleeping, eating, exploring and playing and does she love to play. She attacks her furry wand toy with a vengeance doing jumping somersaults. She is a girl of few words, so when she speaks I listen It is usually to let me know her dish is empty, even though she isn't hungry, or it is play time. She learned to open the bottom cupboard doors and would only do it if I was out or at night so they are now cat proofed.
Thank you again to everyone who had apart in rescuing Iris and making it possible for us to connect.
WOW it's just two months, but I feel like Iris has always been with me.... She is doing good but hasn't gained any weight. I took her back to the vet and she said to give her another month and weigh her again. She is still very active and if she is not sleeping or eating she wants to play. At the moment her favorite toys are crinkled up paper or chasing her leash. Now that the weather is changing her coat is getting thicker so I brush her daily and she absolutely loves it. As soon as I pick up the brush, she is in my lap. I've included some new pictures, two sleeping, of course, and one where she is waiting patiently for me to finish with the computer so she can have more lap time.
It has been a little over 6 mths and Iris is doing really well. I'm so happy that she is a part of my life. She has definitely established herself as the "alpha roommate" so we both know who's boss. She loves to play so we have multiple energetic play session each day. Haven't had any luck finding an interactive toy that interests her (at some point PetCo will tell me no more returns), she prefers to be entertained rather than entertain herself. I finally found a cat tree for her. Because she was declawed it took awhile to find a design that she could easily go from perch to perch and she really seems to like it. Hopefully this will keep her off the top of the kitchen cabinets. She recently decided that the top of the cabinets would be her new sleeping spot. I came home one day and couldn't find her, she didn't even respond when called. I went into the kitchen and there she was sleeping on top of the cabinets, totally ignored me when I called to her, and refused to come down until she was ready. She is becoming quite the talker, we have some very long "conversations". I've included some new photos.
aug 13, 2014
Hello from Iris and me. We will be celebrating our one year anniversary in a few week. I'm so lucky to have her in my life. She is doing really well, she loves her lap time (on my lap as I write this) and being brushed also spends a lot of time in her condo looking out the window or sleeping. She has a new spot for sleeping - a small box I forgot to pick up and she took possession. She had her annual vet visit today. In general she is doing really well and has put on a little weight, she is now 6.8 lbs and the vet feels that is a good weight for her. She does have some dental problems and will have two molars removed next week. She has developed lesions on the gum line that destroys the tooth. Apparently some cats have this problem, unfortunately there is no prevention or treatment other than tooth removal, hopefully this will be the end of the problem. I've added some new pictures.
Hello from Iris, It's been a while since my last update, but I'm doing great. I still enjoy my play times and lap time with lot of belly rubs. Here are some of my last "photo shoots"
Iris is doing really well. So glad that she is part of my life. We finally found a toy that she hasn't become bored with. It is the very simple wire with the rolled paper on the end. She loves it and will play for 10-15 mins chasing and jumping after it. She definitely likes boxes. She claimed 2 recently and one is quite large; I covered them in decorative paper so they "fit" in better. Am including some new pics.
(Last update: Jan 13th, 2017 11pm)
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Name: Sophie
ID#: VA4625
Location: Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 11/27/06
Adopted: 01/07/07
Congrats: Sheryl
Foster: Jen (Knoxville)
Hi There!
I like Cats! I like Kids! I like Dogs! Do you like me??
I am sweet and loving and have no issues. I like to cuddle and be held. I am very low maintenance and I have the softest fur you ever felt - just like a bunny rabbit. I am not shy, I have great litter box habits, I don't scratch furniture and I am only mildly upset with vacuum cleaners. In short, I'm everything you ever wanted in a family member. If you pick me, I will really try to learn how to do dishes and make coffee. And I'll love you forever.
Purrs, Sophie
 No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I have made previous updates directly to Jen or Kathy. Will try to use this feature. Sophie continues to do very well. She has no real health issues and has become much more cuddly over the years. She has never been one to enjoy playing with anything at all for more than 5 minutes if that, rather is quite the couch potato! Her talent is looking decorative and has had many compliments on that. :) I have always said she reacts in some ways more like a dog and after calling her a lynx point Siamese all these years I suspect is is a Birman. She has the conformation and points more associated with that breed. Whatever her pedigree she is a joy. I will try to include photos using the button below.
(Last update: Jan 13th, 2017 9pm)
Who out there is looking for a BEAUTIFUL big blue eyed lynx gal? I'm petite, but I can dish out some loving! My foster memom told me that she thinks I'm "the bomb" when it comes to kitties!!
I brought my little baby Dillon with me & we get along very nicely :)
Until I meet you with your click,
Purrs & headbutts,
Name: Lily
(FKA Padme)
ID#: VA9761
Location: Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 12/22/13
Adopted: 01/09/14
Congrats: Heather
Foster: Debi
Foster Notes for Padme [VA9761] |
My foster meowm changed my name from the name I originally had on this site! I didn't like that name & Padme suits me much better! |
Foster Notes
Notes from Home
Lily is settling in quite well... she wanted to get out and explore quite early, and is quite the demanding lovebug. She is a bit of a diva, with the other cats, but today she has been on my bed with two of them, and just minutes ago, my clownish HUGE DSH, Clooney was sound asleep within inches of her (I think he has a crush), and she was relaxed and happy! She is quite fascinated by my Scottie, although she "met" my Mastiff today, and that got a rather poofy tail response. I have no concern that she won't get over the shock of a 120 pound dog. She is VERY affectionate, but quite opposed to being picked up, although she is not instantly fighting it like she was last week... she is a smart girl, and I think she is discovering it leads to loves.
I have discovered that she is quite frightened of men. To the extent that her whole demeanor changes to one of fear and hiding... and she runs and greats me, and most women. So, that will take a bit of time, I think. I have a feeling, there was some trauma related to that. She is young, and has adjusted quickly, so although it will take some time, I think she will gradually start to trust again. She is quite the character, and I am looking forward to a long time with her!!
1/23: Lily has decided that the best place to sleep at night is on the bed with me... although she has to share it with my Scottie, and my himalayan, Sassy. My Scottie just snores, and is the one animal in my house that Lily has never hissed at...I am not sure if she really knows what he is. He's a pretty mellow Scottie. She snuggles next to me, but her alarm goes off at 4:30, am, unfortunately... and then she becomes chatty and curious. If I could just get her to sleep in a little later:) She is still a bit diva with the other cats, but I have caught her lounging with two of them on my bed (for most of the day). Pretty good for being here two weeks. She is probably right at a year old, so I anticipate that she will become a little more tolerant of them fairly quickly. Still seems scared of men, but she met my 13 year old nephew, and was not phased in the least by him. She did relatively well with my vet, too. She really is a sweetie... and she follows me everywhere! Smart kitty!
1/31: Boy has Lily settled in! She romps in the morning, explores, plays, chirps, and follows me everywhere! She evens snuggles up next to my fat Scottie, Duncan, when she thinks no one is looking ( when she isn't snuggled next to me at night) Cooper the mastiff is still not her cup of tea, but he is 12 times bigger than her! So, she observes him cautiously, and then bops Clooney on the head! Poor Clooney ... My big fat cat thinks Lily is quite the bomb, and tries hard to impress her, but she just wants to be "friends". Poor guy. Lily is so sweet... Still has a kitten streak, but is respectful of my 17 year old Balinese, Piwacket, has realized that Sassy the Himalayan is just a sweet girl who likes to sit quietly and purr, Clooney is going to keep trying, and Duncan the Scottie can't possibly be a dog or a cat, so he must be OK. She has a spot on her shoulder that induces her to literally throw herself to her side when it is scratched. Heaven and purrs! Even warming up to being picked up (hmmm...when mom picks me up, she gives me loves!). Last but not least, she loves to eat...it's dinner time , so must go! Lily is calling...
4/11/2014...Just a quick update on Lily! She seems like she has been here longer than just a few months! Quite the queen of the house, and very playful. She has put on a little weight (since she is pretty young, she still has a small amount of growing left. She likes to go on the 8am/8pm tear around the house, often with Clooney... so it a bit like elephant cats running around. Quite noisy! She sleeps with me at night, but has decided lately that 4 am is a good time to get up and explore. Yikes. All in all she is a normal, happy cat!
07/15/2014... 6 month update on Lily. Lily is quite at home with my three other kitties, having found that her favorite to play with is Clooney. In the past few months, there were some changes in my house, as I lost my rescue Dogue de Bordeaux (French Mastiff), Cooper, to cancer. Shortly after, I rescued a another female Dogue de Bordeaux, named Brandi, who a shy sweet girl. She is smaller and less rambunctious than Cooper was, so all the cats have gotten quite used to her (she is very good with kitties). Lily, being a bit of a Diva, will occasionally swat at her, but for the most part just ignores her. Lily loves to spend the day lounging in her favorite chair, or laying in a sunny spot. She is quite spoiled!! :)
1/26/2015... Hard to believe Lily has been here a full year! In this past year, she got to briefly know two doggies, who went to the rainbow bridge, and then to help welcome a new rescue. I was laid off from my job early in 2014, and spent most of the rest of the year looking for a new job. Lily got to have lot's of time with me, and she always makes me smile. She can be quite independent, (and I think she would be more than happy to be the only queen of the house). She is very smart, and has her diva moments, but is a very sweet girl, and loves to snuggle. I actually put her on a leash and give her garden time, which she LOVES! She actually prefers to do her business outside, so it is a bit like taking the dogs out on a walk to do the same! Lily is a little larger now, so I do think she was quite young when I got her (maybe just a year?). Such a pretty girl, and quite settled! I see MANY years with my sweet girl!
1/10/2017 Many changes since my last update, but Lily is here and doing great! She has become quite the snuggle bug... she curls up next to me at night, and likes to sleep on my lap, when I watch TV. Still a bit of a diva with the other cats, but for the most part much more mellow. I lost my Scottish Terrier to cancer this summer, so currently I just have my mastiff and three other cats (including my now almost 20 years old meezer!) In March, I will be welcoming a new Scottie into the fold... a three month old puppy. Lily has gotten used to the comings and goings of pets, fosters, and friends furbabies who come to visit. I'm sure she'll adjust quickly. She still likes her (supervised) time in the garden, although not in the winter.
(Last update: Jan 10th, 2017 4pm)
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Name: Rara
ID#: VA3464
Location: Pennsylvania
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 06/16/05
Adopted: 07/02/05
Deceased: 01/01/17
Congrats: Beth
Foster: Melanie
My sister Smokey and I came into rescue together when our owner moved and left us at the shelter. I'm not sure why he left us behind, but we're not overly concerned. We're pretty laid back girls and as long as we're getting the attention we deserve, we're content. I'm the more alpha female and eat up all of the attention I can get - constantly purring, talking and headbutting everyone who comes in to see us. I only arrived last night, but already I've taken over our new room and have settled us both in nicely. I'm your typical big sister and have to make sure that my little sister stays in line and also protect her and keep an eye on her. We really do love each other and would like to stay together if at all possible. You won't find a more loveable pair of meezers anywhere, so if you're looking for a pair of pretty girls to talk to you and snuggle with you, be sure to ask about us!
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Notes from Home
We lost Rara on January 29, 2013 after a brief illness. She continued under the care of our original vet, Dr. Karen Brown (Stonington) throughout her life.. Dr Brown could provide the details. Rara was the first of our "Girls" to pass away. We lost our second "Girl", Sukki (aka Smokey) last year after what at first appeared to be early stage kidney failure, but was actually a growth in her abdomen. We notified Siri at Siamese Rescue when Sukki passed, but wanted you to know that we are once again considering adoption... two more girls or a pair of soul mates! Rara and Sukki were the love of our life and are truly missed. We wanted you to know as well since you helped make our first adoption possible. Please keep us in your hearts as we begin once again. Beth & Kurt Hansen
(Last update: Jan 9th, 2017 12pm)
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