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Si Boy has just lost his mommy because she is very ill. She wants him to have a great forever home, and she is so very sad.

This guy is a robust, handsome love bug!! He plays (but never if you are looking, it is to undignified!) That does not stop him from giving jumping head butts and belly flops for rubs. His purr motor is working fine now, so snatch him up while you can!

Check out the video- a must see!

Name: Oshie

(FKA Si Boy)

ID#: VA11282
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 01/04/16
Adopted: 02/21/16
Congrats: Hollis
Foster: Huey

This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Oshie has been with us for two weeks and we could not be happier with him in our home. He is eating wet and dry food, sleeping with us at night, playing all day, and teaching us new things about him all the time.

For example, we delight in watching how he uses his paws as hands. I mean, he is an extremely dexterous cat- he picks things up with them, he holds them, he touches things with them- I have never experienced a cat who uses them in these ways.

He sleeps with us every night, but has begun to creep onto us more and more. He started at our feet, and now he sleeps leaning against us, to sleeping on our chests, and this morning when I woke up, he was sleeping face to face with us.

Oshie is clearly a "pack cat" a doglike quality we hadn't expected but enjoy. He is clearly happiest when we are in the same room, and when we aren't he is on a chair or on a spot where he can see both of us.

We've been experimenting with his all of his different toys, and he has clearly been enjoying his sparkly ball the most. He carries it around, he sleeps with it, he bathes it, he tries to give it us as gifts, its adorable.

He is completely integrated into our house nowadays. As weather is warming up, we've been opening our windows and letting him enjoying the the fresh air. Each morning, when the birds are singing, he has been clicking away at them. Our two front living room doors opens and he can sit in them for full exposure. His look is blissful.

We look forward to discovering more about him.

UPDATE 3/28/16
We have had Oshie for one month. He is still acclimating nicely to our home, and feels totally at ease. The biggest update for him is his recent dental work. When he had his first checkup at the vet, they recommended we do his teeth cleaning. We brought him in last week, and they put him under to do the cleaning and all went well. He had a very tiny tooth extracted that was a bit wiggly, but other than that he only need a scraping and they put a protective coating on the rest of his teeth. He has been eating wet food and dry food successfully, we are varying between wet food in the morning and dry food in the evening. His chin acne is completely gone, and all signs of his upper respiratory illness have disappeared as well. We recently bought a brush and he LOVES brush time every other night. Perhaps our happiest adjustment is that now he lets us scratch and rub his super soft belly. He remains fastidious in his grooming, and has perfect litter box habits. We've attached some new photos below for you to enjoy!

We did a little phot shoot with shoot with Oshie and I have attached the pictures, which turned out beautifully! He is absolutely perfect in everyday and we love him.

UPDATE -August 24, 2016
We couldn't believe it when we received our 6th month anniversary email as it feels like Oshie has been a part of our lives forever. He has grown more affectionate, playful, rambunctious, talkative, and curious in the months since he came home with us. He has come a long way from the shy(amese) cat we first brought home who was afraid to leave the second floor to the busybody he is now who not only has several spots throughout the house he has claimed as his own, but our favorite of all his places is right in the middle of the our bed where he sleeps between us in adorable and equally absurd poses every night.

He is a happy cat, most content when my husband and I are home together with him. The only thing we could complain about are how sharp his claws are that he does not cooperate with efforts to trim, but we are trying to do one claw a night paw by paw so he doesn't get riled up.

I will post pictures soon! We love him very much, he's turned my husband into a self-acknowledge cat lover, though Oshie is more dog than cat and has a pack vibe to our family. We find new things to love every day, and can't wait for all that is to come!

Even though we're just 3 days shy of our 11-month anniversary since we drove home from PA with our new cat, we're posting this update as our annual recap for Year One of life with Oshie. This initially reserved cat has completely bonded (imprinted?) with both of us, though Chris is very favorite person. He follows around the house, sleeping on the couch pillows while we watch tv downstairs, sitting on the corner of the desk observing Chris work, or taking a sunbath on the top shelf of the bookcase in my office while I work on the computer. He loves to run and jump off furniture in the basement that he views as his playroom, but slips away up to the attic to sleep in peace on an old dog bed when he wants a safe distance between him and our cleaning lady (who he associates with vacuums). He sleeps curled up against our legs every night and regularly seeks out mini-love/snuggle fests from us but also enjoys doing his own thing and various adventures as it pleases him. His health, appearance, weight, and litter box continue to be spotless; we had one tooth removed shortly after bringing him home, but the surgery only appeared to put him in happier spirits. While still a little shy at the first arrival of a stranger, he has also jumped on the couch and curled into the laps of several visitors within 10 minutes of entering our home. OSHA is very playful, he has a basket of toys he enjoys digging through and picking from, but catnip bananas are his favorite and have been replaced several times. The only thing he loves playing with more, we discovered this fall, are actual mice, and he has a real talent at hunting them. This fall, he killed three, successfully eliminating what we worried would be a mouse problem. Two were given to Chris as gifts, one by his bag and one dropped directly on his chest while lying in bed one morning. While we tease Oshie for being lazy when he can barely keep his eyes open at 9 pm after napping through an entire day, we couldn't be more pleased to have him do such a good job mousing. Thanks to all his play, exploring, and fun horseplay running like a maniac around the house, he's cut 2 pounds from his arrival weight to a trim 11 lbs.

(Last update: Jan 18th, 2017 9pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Mimi

(FKA Galadriel)

ID#: VA11816
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 11/13/16
Adopted: 12/18/16
Congrats: Lamya
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Lovely, gentle,sweet little fluffinator looking so hopefully
for a gentle pet and cuddle. Loves her chin scritches
and smoochies.

Still a bit suspicious of hands coming at me, but I really like
to be cuddled. Momma says I'm doing great, considering my
beginnings under a shed in someone's backyard.

I need a quieter home with another gentle, playful cat or kitten who can show
me how great the inside life can be. Gentle patient pawrents needed to continue
my studies in Socialization 101. Well, maybe 102 or 103 by the time I can go home
in mid-late December.


Galadriel is definitely the alpha of the trio of kittens. Brave and assertive and self
appointed protector. :)


Named for the beautiful elfin queen that helped protect
middle earth in momma's favorite movie series "The Lord of the Rings."

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
It feels like I have had Mimi here forever! She has grown in size and in character. She walks around knowing fully well she is the head of this household. She is learning the meaning of no and reacts pretty well to it, although she still ges into everything and is always trying to steal my food! She and Charlie have become inseparable; they play all day and all night, nap together, groom each other, and of course harass meowm together. She has adapted so well to the new microchip feeders and the nee automatic litterbox. She drinks a ton of water because she is running all the time (vet confirmed no diabetes, because I got worried). She squirms but does well when i trim her nails and brush her teeth. She loves to come up to my at night and cuddle. She is a little love bug with the biggest purr box! Overall I am so happy to have found her, and I think Charlie is even happier.
(Last update: Jan 18th, 2017 9pm)

Hi, I'm Tippie.

I was caught in a trap with my 5 siblings and brought to a shelter where meowmy works. She took one look at me and my sister, Pippa, and said she'd take us home and care for us until we could get into Siamese Cat rescue. (we were the only Meezer kittens in the group).

I've had a rough time and wasn't gaining any weight, and had such loose stools that Meowmy was really worried, but with the help and advise of the vet, I'm on my way now to feeling so much better. I even finally reached 1 lb, after being stuck between 14 & 15 oz for a week.

I have lots more growing to do, and need to get all my vetting done, so I'll probably be here until around the middle of July. You can ask about me soon and then we'll see if I'm the one for you. I will need another kitten, or cat, to go home to, preferably and boy, so please look around if you don't have one at home yet.


Name:   Tippie
ID#: VA11489
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 05/27/16
Adopted: 08/06/16
Congrats: Danica
Foster: Jeanne


Notes from Home
Tippie was renamed Kairi because she is absolutely the princess of our hearts. She is a little derpy, but that only adds to her cuteness!
She's not only a cuddle bug, but she is so much fun to play with! She plays fetch! She's very talkative to all of the fans in the house and loves to play and wrestle with her big brother Fayt even if he's not necessarily in the mood!

(Last update: Jan 18th, 2017 4pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Shiloh
ID#: VA11808
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 11/11/16
Adopted: 12/18/16
Congrats: William
Foster: Belinda

Well, I'm back on 'adopt me' after being under evaluation for a couple of weeks. I caught a really bad cold and I'm just starting to feel better. I'm still pretty snuffly, but fostermom hopes that in another week I'll feel up to having the rest of my vetting stuff done. The good news is that I'm not shy any more AT ALL!! As a matter of fact, I'm pretty friendly and bouncy. I'm still hoping to be a sweet fluffy Christmas present for the right person :-)

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
12/21 Shiloh is just amazing! It seems as if she has been with us forever. She is out in the open, playful and cuddly! Last night we introduced her to her canine sister Maxie and the two got along so well. Curious of each other at first but no hissing from Shiloh and no jumping from our dog. At one point they rub cheeks together and it was so sweet. I will try to update pictures soon. Thank you to all who made this possible for us!

1/18/2017 Hi Everyone, Shiloh is doing great. She is now 4.8 lbs and such a good girl. Our boys love her so much. She and her canine sister are doing great together and she just loves being around people.

(Last update: Jan 18th, 2017 2pm)

I just arrived, but so far fostermom says that I'm a super sweet girl who wants nothing more than to be cuddled. I have the most exotic lynx markings - she says I'm really quite striking with my distinct points and creamy white body! I get along fine with other kitties as long as they're sweet to me and I'll be ready to go home before Christmas! Ask about me!
Name: Delilah

(FKA Annabelle)

ID#: VA11849
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 12/04/16
Adopted: 12/18/16
Congrats: Nora
Foster: Belinda


Notes from Home
We're so happy! Our new little meezer is a real sweetheart and everyone loves her to bits! My daughter has renamed her "Delilah" and often calls her "Lila" for short. Lila loves playing and snuggling and is getting along well with our other cat. She's also found the bird feeder outside our kitchen window and enjoys birdwatching. We are grateful to have Lila in our family - she's found her "furever" home!!
(Last update: Jan 18th, 2017 1pm)

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Name:   Cleo
ID#: VA9002
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 12/28/12
Adopted: 01/13/13
Congrats: Jim
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
My owner passed away and I had to be trapped in the house (thank you Carol!) because I was too frightened to come forward with all the cleaning crew and moving crew in and out of the house. I've had a time of it! I've been in the same home for a number of years - I was allowed in and out so my new owner will need to watch front door traffic as I need to stay inside pls. Health is good! Vocal curious independent active and energetic, yup, you got it, seal female!

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Notes from Home
We've had Cleo four years now and she seems happy being with us. We took her for her annual vet visit and the Doctor said she could detect a low grade heart murmur. It was a new Doctor in the office and she said it could be stress from going to the vet. She didn't really offer anything to do at this point. Cleo really wanted to stay home that day. I was thinking of taking her into her regular Doctor in a month or two and see what she says. Any suggestions? Cleo still stays in the bedroom mostly but explores a little bit. She likes to sleep on the bed at night surrounded by all her toys.

We've had Cleo three years now and she's doing fine. She just had her annual vet visit and there were no issues. The vet said her teeth were surprisingly clean. She still stays in the bedroom mostly but she'll come down the back staircase and sit with Kim on the sofa for a while We know she explores the house at night when everyone is sleeping. She got four new toys for Christmas and she seems to have quit playing with her old ones for now and plays mostly with the new ones. I'll add a picture of her and her new toys. She likes the colorful toy we call "String Theory" a lot.

Cleo's been here about six months now and she's doing fine. I wouldn't say she really has any bad habits. If anything, it took her a long time to get used to her new surroundings. For months she wouldn't leave the bedroom she initally was in even though both doors were open - it is a pretty large bedroom though with actually several rooms and we do have a dachshund downstairs. She still doesn't venture very far from that bedroom. She really wouldn't play very much at first but now she likes a lot of toys but especially her blue mouse on a string. She lets you know when she wants you to come upstairs and give her some attention and she knows pretty much exactly when our bedtime is and she lets you know if you're late. She's a good kitty. We would like her to get used to the dachshund a little more - but I think she enjoys taunting her her a little at a distance - Cleo will go into a loft on the second floor where Ginger can see her from the first floor and start meowing and she'll watch the dog run around the rec room.

Cleo has been with us a month now. She is doing OK, but still isn't too sure of her new surroundings yet. She wants to be around us but is yet still a little stand-offish. She's startled by small noises in the house - like a clock chiming. Her current favorite place to sleep is on a quilt on an upper shelf in a walk in closet. She does like to come down and see you when you go into the room. She also likes to be under the bed a lot and seems to keep all her toys there.

(Last update: Jan 17th, 2017 8pm)

Wondering where my curled ears come from? Me too. My brother Topher doesn't have them. I really like my brother Topher. If you ask about me you will be asking about my brother also. We could probably be just fine out on our own, but we sure make a great ready made pair so lets talk Topher also.

When I was neutered the vet discovered that I have a 3/6 heart murmur that needs to be checked out just to make sure I am as healthy as I seem to be. I have to wait more than a month for that. Can you believe it? Topher has one also, but is only 2/6 so he doesn't have to go to the big huge vet clinic.
Name:   Spartacus
ID#: VA11506
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 06/04/16
Adopted: 07/16/16
Congrats: Becca
Foster: Julie


Notes from Home
Spartacus is doing wonderfully! It's been just over four months since he graced our home and lives, and he has us both wrapped around his little paw. He and his brother, Topher, still have a few "stray" tendencies, such as being very shy around strangers, loving to hide in/under things, preferring cardboard boxes and laying on hard surfaces over all the fluffy beds they have, and begging people food. Spartacus also has a thing for chewing cardboard and paper to bits (he doesn't eat it, just chews it). Spartacus has put on quite a bit of weight, and that's likely something we will have to be diligent about managing over time. He has a darling personality, and always wants to be wherever we are. He loves pets and scratches, especially around his head and cheeks, enjoys being brushed, and will allow us to pick him up for a brief snuggle, but doesn't sit on our laps or sleep with us (yet?). He is very playful, but once playtime is over, he prefers to lounge about (unlike his brother, Topher, who is constantly looking about for something to do / play with!). Spartacus lays on his tummy with his legs splayed straight out behind him, and does the same when laying on his back, he's just so adorable! We just love this boy, and he seems to be very, very happy here in his forever home with us!

Six month Update: Sparticus is absolutely wonderful! We adore he and his brother (Topher) so very much! They are loving, smart, playful, independent and warm our hearts and home. Spartacus, while playful, is not a "self-starter", he prefers lounging and relaxing, to running around finding things to do and, therefore, we are definitely going to have to monitor his weight (unlike the always-active Topher, who is quite svelte, Spartacus has a bit of a "bustle"). But, once he gets going after the chasers, he's quite the magnificent "hunter"! We're still a little sad that the boys aren't quite comfortable snuggling with us, but they love pettings, brushings and they choose to ALWAYS be near us. Much to my delight, exactly on their 6-month anniversary, I awoke from a quick nap to find Spartacus dozing with me!! There's hope yet for snuggling, but we love and cherish them no matter what!

(Last update: Jan 17th, 2017 5pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Topher
ID#: VA11507
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 06/04/16
Adopted: 07/16/16
Congrats: Becca
Foster: Julie

I am a talker. It is a little tough to do so with this stuffy nose I have. Me and my brother Spartacus have these pesky colds right now so you will need to check back and see how we are doing. BTW, I really like my brother. If you ask about me you will be asking about my brother also. We could probably be just fine out on our own, but we sure make a great ready made pair so lets talk Spartacus, also. PS, I am even more outgoing than Spartacus.

When we were neutered the vet found out that I have a 2/6 heart murmur. Lots of people have that and even do triathlons. Spartacus has a grade 3/6 and is just enough that he has to go to the big vet clinic to get it checked out.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Topher is doing purrfectly! It's been just over four months since he graced our home and lives, and he has us both wrapped around his little paw. He and his brother, Spartacus, still have a few "stray" tendencies, such as being very shy around strangers, loving to hide in/under things, preferring cardboard boxes and laying on hard surfaces over all the fluffy beds they have, and not liking to be picked up or held. Topher is incredibly smart, you can always tell that he's watching and listening, and he is far more active and playful than Spartacus, always looking for something to play with. He actually began playing fetch with us...he will literally bring a toy and drop it at our feet to throw for him to chase, retrieve and bring back! He has the cutest little mew, but only talks when he's hungry or wants to get our attention. He has a darling personality, and always wants to be wherever we are. He loves pets and scratches, especially around his head and cheeks, and enjoys being brushed.He and his brother are very bonded, they play with, snuggle and clean each other, but have no dominance issues with each other at all...just love and play!! We just love this boy, and he seems to be very, very happy here in his forever home with us!

Six month update: Topher is fabulous!! He and his brother (Spartacus) are super loved and spoiled. They got a giant kitty condo, tons of toys and chasers and we play with them and give them tons of love all day long! Topher is still very much the active one, always inquisitive, and looking for things to do and play with - he is definitely the self-player, and therefore is fit and sleek. He and Spartacus are fabulous together, they love each other, play well together and have absolutely no hierarchy issues. Topher has gotten much more used to love and pets, and very rarely goes for hands "as toys" these days, he's settled into understanding that hands are for loving and toys are for playing! He adores being brushed and is just the most precious, smartest, funniest little boy - we love him and think he is loving his forever home too!

(Last update: Jan 17th, 2017 5pm)

Starving and emaciated, sick, flea-eaten and lost, the only good luck I've had in a long time was to wander into the yard of a rescue angel. I'm named in honor of another beautiful flame boy who is also lost and I'm hoping that my good luck will cross the miles to bring him to safety as well.

I'm almost as laid back and relaxed as my 'after' photo indicates - and very very happy to be inside and loved at last.
Name: Jack

(FKA Blu)

ID#: VA10513
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 12/16/14
Adopted: 01/11/15
Congrats: Mary Joan
Foster: Belinda

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Jack is a true treasure. He is the best friend of my young kitten and tries very hard to be friends with the dogs. The girls at the kennel just love him as he cuddles at every chance. He has grown into quite a large cat and spends his day under the bed of my granddaughter or lounging on my bed. What a wonderful guy. We all love him.

(Last update: Jan 16th, 2017 5pm)

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Name:   Tia
ID#: VA11475
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 05/20/16
Adopted: 07/16/16
Deceased: 04/22/20
Congrats: Virginia
Foster: Carol

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Hi! I'm Tia!
Oh boy, do I like this new hotel Tulip and I are staying at. The food is good and there are many soft places to curl up to take a nap.
I'm taking care of my buddy Tulip. She was so upset. I had to comfort her through our ordeal. But now we have a new meom taking care of us. She talks to us softly and gives us lots of chin scritches!
But maybe you could be our furever meom or dad!

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Notes from Home
Hi,My Tia is such a joy. She is sleeping on me right now and follow s me every where.She still runs and hides when someone come in to my apartment.Will not play with any of her toys or use the cat tree I bought her.Tia need to be by me at all times which I love.Her bathroom habits are wonderfully and she drinks and eats well.Just in the past couple of days she has been throwing up her food and I have been giving her smaller amounts to eat thinking that she might be eating to fast. Any suggestions.I absolutely love and adore her and I never for a minute regreted adopting her.Thank you Virginia
(Last update: Jan 16th, 2017 6am)

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