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Lovely vocal wedgy older gent. Purrrfect.
Name:   Tobi
ID#: VA11890
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
DateIn: 12/31/16
Adopted: 01/22/17
Deceased: 01/25/17
Congrats: David
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
this wonderful boy has passed on already due to FIP; he had only three days here but was happy, loved, and very grateful. huge thanks to all who worked to bring him to his final home and may he rest in peace beyond The Bridge.
David Harris, Tobi's last dad.
Jan. 27, 2017

(Last update: Jan 27th, 2017 3pm)

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Name:   Alli
ID#: VA5454
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/04/08
Adopted: 01/27/08
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Linda

Foster Notes

Are you tired of no one listening to you? No one answers when you ask them a question? Need a lap warmer? EXCELLENT! I can talk and chirp and keep you company and warm this winter!

I've got what it takes to be your buddy! I like other cats and am ok with dogs too!

Click on Ask About ME!


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Notes from Home
Alli has been a wonderful addition to our home. She's been with us for 5 years now and has adapted very well through the years. We added a dog 2 years ago and just added a kitten a couple months ago and Alli does just fine. She is healthy and happy. We love our Meezer and hope she is with us another 5 years!

Alli has been with us for 9 years now! She's doing great! Alli has slowed down a little, but that's pretty normal. She is losing her hearing, but it doesn't bother her much. Alli lives with 2 dogs and another cat, but stays mostly to herself. She has a little bed on the chair, that she loves - nice and comfy...private. Alli still loves to be in the kitchen with us - chatty, chatty - rolls around on the rug. I've attached an updated photo. Love our little Alli.

(Last update: Jan 27th, 2017 10am)

I am SO HAPPY to be out of the shelter. I got pretty depressed while I was there and caught a kitty cold. Once I arrived at meowm's, I perked right up and have been having a fabulous time ever since. I am happy, playing with toys like crazy--I love people, I love toys, I love the other cats--I just love life right now. Now if I could just have my own home and family to love my life would be perfect.

Please ask about me.

Name:   Seymour
ID#: VA6050
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 19 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 12/06/08
Adopted: 01/24/09
Congrats: Erin
Foster: Sally

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Hard to believe that Seymour has been with us for 8 years now. he is turning 12 this spring and is an absolute joy. Just had his vet visit today and besides needing a little teeth cleaning, he is in great shape. Has the traditional Siamese nystagmus and looks like he weighs 20 pounds due to his fur but is a svelte 10 pounds. he enjoys roaming around outside in our fenced in yard and beating the other household cats
(Last update: Jan 25th, 2017 7pm)

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Name:   Lotus Blossom
ID#: VA11844
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 12/03/16
Adopted: 12/18/16
Congrats: Robinjo
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
A sweetheart of a bluepoint with the softest fur you can imagine, I've lived with other cats though would prefer just one male, and he should be a fairly confident one. I was returned to the program when my Meowm got too many cats, so let's keep it at two (although I'd be fine as an only as well). I am on OTC supplements to keep my mouth healthy and will benefit from regular dental care. Quick to adapt and settle in, I come with a good sized bag of my prescription dental care food, and will be quick to be loving and friendly!

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Notes from Home
Lotus Blossom is an absolute joy. We love stroking her soft, soft coat. She runs and plays with such grace! Lotus has taken her little brother under her wing. She is incredibly tolerant of his kitten antics. She will even allow him to eat from her dish!
We call her our Princess Kitty. She likes to be brushed and petted, and even allows guests to pet her and marvel at her fur. We are so happy with Lotus and Denali!

(Last update: Jan 23rd, 2017 2pm)

I've gone from being homeless on the streets to landing in the shelter & now I've landed into Siamese Rescue with a lot of toys & a soft bed to call my own!!

I'm a little uncertain at the moment since I've been through so much, but I'm settling in well. I think I'm gonna like this new life of being pampered!! My foster meowm is trying to find another kitten for me to bunk with while I'm here, as she says I need to learn how to play with toys & a fur baby.

I really want a home where someone will be home a lot so they can spend quality time with me. I'm a little too timid for small children & my foster meowm wants to find a quiet home that's not active. I will need another little girl kitten or a resident kitty when I go home.

Name:   Hunter
ID#: VA11839
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 12/01/16
Adopted: 12/18/16
Congrats: Robinjo
Foster: Debi

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Denali is getting braver by the day! He mimics his sister's every move, down to how he pounces a toy and curls his tail. He retreats to the bedroom when guests come by, but only for a moment or two. Then his curiosity gets the better of him and he comes right back out. Denali loves to run, play, and pounce. He lets us pick him up and cuddle with him when he is sleepy. He has a great purr, and has developed a little rusty hinge meow that he uses to announce when he is hungry. He is nearly as tall as Lotus now, and his markings are starting to show up lightly. He is going to be a beauty!
(Last update: Jan 23rd, 2017 1pm)

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Name:   Oskar
ID#: VA11723
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 09/27/16
Adopted: 12/10/16
Congrats: Corinne
Foster: Julie

Foster Notes

It only took me 11 days to gain the 7 ounces I needed to hit the one pound mark! I have had a good healthy road so far. I love to follow foster mom EVERYWHERE! I can even make it up and down the stairs and have learned to climb the sofa and bed covers to get up where the sleep and snuggle action is. And I have learned to get into everything. I know how to stay out of the dog's big feet and that if I am sneaky, I can snuggle right on top of this geezer boy that pretended he didn't like me. I won't be ready to go home until the middle of December so you have to be patient.

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Notes from Home
Oskar has been with us a month now and we couldn't be happier to have him. He is the silliest little kitten and loves to run around and play, but is such a little cuddle bug too! For the first week or two he insisted on climbing our legs to get us to pick him up and loved to sit on our shoulders and just hang out. He and his kitty brother Charlie are good pals, and he's become the best of friends with our pups too, though those friendships were a little slower to form 😄 He will now lay down for a nap right next to them and his sister Milly will let him chase her toys with her when she plays fetch and bat at the strings while she holds her rope in her mouth. He loves his sparkly balls, catnip mice, and playing with the 'catit circuit,' a track with a ball in inside for him to bat around. Oskar is very people oriented, runs to greet us at the door when we get home, and likes to curl up right under your chin and will just purr and purr and purr. We are so in love with our little seal boy, and so thankful we were chosen to be his family 💜
(Last update: Jan 22nd, 2017 3pm)

Hi, can you imagine finding a handsome little guy like me in a parking lot? I am so lucky to have found Siamese Rescue. It is about to get very cold here and now I am safe and warm with a lot of good food. I know I will have a forever home soon because foster mom promised me that.
Name:   Bo
ID#: VA4643
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/06/06
Adopted: 01/21/07
Congrats: Jacqueline
Foster: Jane


Notes from Home
Koko (formerly Bo) is doing great! He's officially 10 now, a Meezer Geezer. He is happy with his 3 other kitties - Kahlia (also a VASR rescue) and 2 rescued Himalayans from Kuwait.
(Last update: Jan 22nd, 2017 9am)

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Name:   Simba (aka Egypt)
ID#: VA5324
Location:  Maryland
Sex: male
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/28/07
Adopted: 01/21/08
Deceased: 08/16/18
Congrats: Jo Anne
Foster: Joyce

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
Do you have a buddy or two that I can romp and play with ? Do you mind if I prefer just to be close to you and follow you around everywhere instead of curling up on your lap ? If so, then hit that Ask About Me !

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Notes from Home
I can't believe it's been five years since I moved to my "furever" home. I am living a happy and healthy life. Just had my annual check up with the doc and he says I am in great shape. I seldom pull my fur out now (if you recall, this was a vice I had before I was adopted and that continued until Mom got me a psychologist and we worked through it). But, once in a while, I revert back to that behavior, namely when I go out to the vet's office which, fortunately, has only been once a year since I am so healthy. I lost my best friend Gizmo, about this time last year, to a horrible disease and I was very sad for awhile. But I have two wonderful sisters, Miss Latte and Miss Chloe (aka Missy"), 1-1/2 years old, who keep me busy with romping, chasing, exploring and just hanging out. I have grown to love them a lot and enjoy those moments when they cuddle up to me and let me groom them. I know they love me too. I also enjoy curling up on Mom's desk to keep her company while she works. I anxiously wait for her to say "OK, that's enough for tonight...ready for a bedtime snack?"...Oh yes, I am always ready for a snack. I love to eat...I am known as the clean up meezer, 'cause I lick my sisters' bowls clean after they walk away. At night, we all jump into bed with Mom and Dad, and, since I am the oldest, I get to sleep between them, snuggling up against them and kissing them goodnight. Mom tells me how proud she is of me and that I have come a long way. I enjoy company now, no longer afraid and no longer run to hide under the bed when the doorbell rings. In fact, I am the first one to the door. Miss Chloe is the scaredy cat now (no pun intended), but she's getting better, thanks to me. Mom says she was so lucky to find me 'cause I was shuffled about so much in my first two years...but, I think I am luckier and I tell her every day in my own special way....I am quite the talker. Thank you Siamese Rescue for finding me a special home and my Mom says thank you too, for helping her to find me and for making her life so much happier and worthwhile.

2/21/15 - Well, it has now been 7 years since I found my furever home. We remain a family of 6 including Mom, Dad, Rags, Miss Latte, Miss Chloe and yours truly. I just recently had my annual check up and remain in good health, but I occasionally have trouble with a "weeping" eye, which doc attributes to allergy. I don't know why because I am an indoor cat only....won't even go near a door. I have become a lap cat, enjoying time with both Mom and Dad when they get home from work and I am the first one to jump up, when it's bedtime. My permanent sleeping spot right is right between Mom and Dad. My sisters stay at the bottom. Mom tells me everyday how much she loves me and I thank her everyday for taking me in, but giving her head butts and lots of snuggles. Life is great!

1/25/16 - Wow, another year has come and gone. This past year I lost my brother Rags, who was treated for something called "hypothyroidism" for several years. He and I were the "men" of the family. I really missed him but after time, those two sisters of mine, Miss Chloe and Miss Latte, helped to keep my mind off of this by their bossy, diva attitudes. Women! Then, during the summer, someone abandoned a two week old kitten, that really needed my mom's love and care. I didn't mind when Mom decided to keep him, I was really happy to have another man around the house. I had my annual check up with Dr. John and was given another clean bill of health. I still have an occasional incident where I over-groom, but nothing like when I first came into the Siamese network. Just a tuft here and a tuft there. I am a quiet, loving lap cat who continues to snuggle between Mom and Dad at night. When people first meet me, they are a little scared because of my really long canine teeth. They think I'm a saber-tooth tiger..can you believe that? Life continues to be good for me. One of the pictures shows me napping in front of the large bay window. I love this sunny spot. The other meezer above me, is my sister Chloe. Sometimes all four of us nap here. I don't like having my picture taken, but Mom tried and is sending along three pics. Don't forget to check out my large canines, but don't be scared. I'm a cuddle bug! Until next time, Love to all, Simba.

1/21/17 - Hello all...It has been nine years since Mom adopted me. Where does the time go? I remain a healthy and content loving lap cat. After my brother Rags crossed the rainbow bridge, I took over his spot has Dad's on-going lap cat. I follow him around like a dog, reminding him that I want him to go down to his comfy Lazy Boy so that I can cuddle as we both kick back. Especially after dinner, when I constantly yell at him, becoming loud and unrelenting until the goes down those steps to the family room. My doc has given me a clean bill of health....so glad because I resent the car trips to his office. Occasionally I still pull some tufts of fur out. Mom can't understand why as I don't appear stressed in any way. I don't understand either but think it might just be a bad habit I've had since I was first placed in rescue. I had a rough first two years jumping around from place to place, but then Mom got me and I began my happily ever after life. The little abandoned cat (Alex) that Mom decided to keep has become my good friend which fills the void when I lost Rags. Sometimes, in the summer, Mom lets me go on the deck (with continual supervision, of course) and I am enclosing a couple pics. Mom keeps reminding me how special I am and I continue to take over more and more of the bed at night..haha! Space is limited with 2 humans and 4 cats...I keep suggesting an upgrade to a King bed. As I said above, Life is Good!!!!

(Last update: Jan 21st, 2017 12pm)

My foster my says I'm a WOW! She thinks I'm swell & I am already giving her a lot of head butts & loving. I'm just a happy go lucky blue boy!

So lets see if I can be your New Year's Resolution! Click on the button & ask all about me!

Purrs & head butts,
Mr. Bailey
Name:   Mr. Bailey
ID#: VA8260
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 12/20/11
Adopted: 01/15/12
Deceased: 01/20/17
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Debi

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Oct 2013: James is a HOOT - everything you'd think a rambunctous boy should be. Loves to play and carry his toys around in his mouth, will bring them to you to play fetch. Has lately discovered that I have long hair and so waits next to the shower each morning to attack it while it's wet. Smart little guy and quite a pest to his big sisters. Also pretty clingy to me when the others are asleep (which is most of the time).

Jan 2017: James became abruptly ill, very serious very quickly. Tests showed brain abnormalities and a buildup of fluid in the brain. I had to let him go across the bridge. He was an outstanding cat, a huge personality, and I loved everything about him. I am crushed. The sudden illness might possibly be explained by the simultaneous discovery that he was FeLV positive. He was negative when I adopted him, has never been in contact with any unknown cats anywhere, and all five other cats in the house tested negative. I had to rush them all in for testing and vaccines immediately. We are all stumped about that.

(Last update: Jan 20th, 2017 1pm)

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Name:   Camilla
ID#: VA7479
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
Date In: 12/23/10
Adopted: 01/19/11
Congrats: Tara
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Tossed outside when my family was moving, thank goodness there was someone around to bring me to the shelter, who called Siamese Rescue, otherwise I might have found myself buried under all the snow! Despite an insensitive family the first time around, I have faith there is another family out there who will give me the opportunity to blossom. I have great faith and do the purr and headbutt thing after only the slightest bit of hesitation, but there are a lot of new things I haven't yet experienced and I find some of those things downright scary! Health and habits are good though, no problems there, so a quieter home with a friendly (please make him cute) male to model after might be just the ticket!

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Notes from Home
Camilla has been renamed to Zelda. Zelda appears to know exactly what she wants at all times. She is vocal when she wants our attention, especially at feeding time. She eats well and is remains on portion control. After being approved to leave isolation, Zelda decided she needed/wanted more time. She slowly got curious with the critter waving like a crazy dude under the door. She has decided to join him and they are now best buddies. Zinc (her adopted brother) is full tilt high energy and Zelda seems to love it 98% of the time. Zelda will take the afternoon and retreat for sleeping. Both kitties love to play together. At night when they attempt to allow the humans to sleep, you can hear them running the Daytona 500 on the first floor.

They do take rests from the playing. We have seen them carefully cleaning each other. Their favorite toy to interact with the humans in the peacock feathers.

Zelda's comfort appearance is so different than when we got her. She stands tall now, struts, and is able to relax enough to lay down and show her stripes and spots. She is absolutely beautiful. Zelda doesn't appear to be terrified of men any more. She loves Jason, Riley and Uncle Dave. She will go to everyone for pets, as long as it is on her terms. :-)

What a fabulous girl! Thank you, Siri!

1 fabulous year with the New Kitties! The year has been a quick one. Zelda (aka Camilla) has really gotten used to her new home. She is now the QUEEN cat and the ruler of the rest of us. Her feline brother takes good care of her. They get a lot of exercise and cuddle when they sleep. Every night they wait until the humans get completely quiet then the Thunder Paw Festivities begin. House guests have complained about the non stop noise or fun they have.

Zelda has become Daddy's girl. She had us all fooled about not liking men. He is her absolute favorite. She enjoys everyone's company on her own terms. She loves anyone that knows how to open up the cat food cans. Zelda and Zinc sleep with the adult humans every night when they finish their thunder paw sessions. When we wake up they are both snuggled up with Mom and Dad. Zelda's coat has darkened a bit, she now has more spots and darker stripes. She is one beautiful girl. She loves toys and her cozy bed that Grandma bought her from the rescue.

She just had her 1 year vet check up and immunizations. Zelda just can't understand why we took her there again. The good news is that she is very healthy, they want us to exercise her a bit more and reduce the calorie intake a little bit. Oh, and did we mention how clever both kitties are at asking for breakfast on the weekends. Once in a while they are so convincing that they didn't get fed that they have gotten an extra meal here and there. We have a new system to keep that under control. Zelda is a very smart girl and she loves meals. We couldn't be happier with her!

Six year anniversary. Wow, has time flown by. Zelda is the ruler of the house. She is also our alarm clock. Her meals are portion controlled and she would probably like us to change that. She has tried to encourage us to add in another feeding multiple times. The vet said Zelda's weight is good where she is. Zelda is in great health. She had her dental done last year. Zelda is not as skittish any more. She does avoid new comers to the house. If you are a regular guest she will bless you with her presence. She loves to talk and to play. She is a huge part of our family. Thank you to everyone that made this happen. We love this beautiful girl.

(Last update: Jan 19th, 2017 5am)

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