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Hi! I'm Auggie!

I'm one of the friendliest, most loving, loudest purring kittens you will ever find.
I marched right out of my transport carrier and charmed everyone in two seconds flat!

I didn't care much for my bath, but thankfully I won't have to do that again. Got my nails
clipped and that was ok. Well, sorta......

Now I'm clean and can start looking for my furrever home!


Name:   Auggie
ID#: VA11614
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 07/30/16
Adopted: 08/27/16
Congrats: Kate
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home

Dear Friends of Auggie
On this 6 month adoption anniversary I am happy to report that Auggie is a handsome loving and neck wrapping cat, nearing 10 months old. He and foster mate Pearl absolutely adore each other and continue to play together rip-running all over the house and rolling about. He is loving and hungry, always hungry, this growing boy.
I am uploading a couple new images showing off his darkening Carmel touches.
Thanks to all and Siamese Rescue.
We could not be happier having Auggie and Pearl.
Kate and Pat

(Last update: Feb 27th, 2017 3pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Penny
ID#: VA11588
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 07/16/16
Adopted: 08/27/16
Congrats: Kate
Foster: Nancy

Cutie Patootie!!

Social, cuddly and playful. I have a little kitty cold, but will soon be Aok.

Must have a kitten/cat buddy to go home with/to and I must stay within my transport area..



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Notes from Home
February 27.2017

On this 6 month adoption anniversary for Pearl. (previously named Penny) we are happy to report that she and her foster mate Auggie are healthy, happy and ever so loving. We believe they are totally comfortable in their home and especially on the kitchen counter, and it shows through their playfulness and affection for us an one another.
I am uploading a couple recent photos. Pearl has really darkened in tone to a gorgeous ash blue gray.
Thanks to all and Siamese Rescue for checking in.
Kate and Pat

(Last update: Feb 27th, 2017 3pm)

Ben and Jerry are a bonded pair of what appears to be mature littermates. They are very uncomfortable when they are out of each others sight.
They are very good cats with perfect manners and need someone who will help make up for the loss of faith they suffered when they were dropped at a Vets to be euthanized 14 days before Christmas. The vet seeing that they were in good health and well behaved arranged for them to be rescued through the Swansea Mass ACO.
Name:   Jerry
ID#: VA11309
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/20/16
Adopted: 02/02/16
Congrats: Beverly
Foster: peter


Notes from Home
So, if you look at Jerry's brother (?), Ben's update, you will know about Jerry, as well. We have become good pals in these 6 months -- and I am amazed to think that they could have been surrendered for euthanasia. They do sleep and lounge a lot (a cat's job, after all), but love to play with their feather toys -- and they have a fuzzy ball that they love, as well as several other (missing) balls batted under the furniture, apparently! Jerry is a bit larger than his brother, Ben, but actually takes a bit of a backseat to his brother. He will take advantage of wrangling a spot next to me when his brother is eating, though -- they do vie for the closest spot. He rarely talks and usually it is close to feeding time. It is interesting: they "call" to each other when one or the other is out of the room -- they are seldom more than a couple of feet apart. They also "call" to me on occasion, when I am on the computer or away from them. So happy I have the 2 of them for companions. I give them dried fish flakes to show them I care (and the occasional chicken nuggets, which they love!).

Well, here is an anniversary update: Jerry and his brother had their annual exams in December and lab work was great -- the vet commented on their great coats. He and his brother, Ben, are still together nearly all the time -- but when Ben had to have a tooth extraction, Jerry hissed at him for 3 days, much to Ben's dismay. When Ben "lost" the vet/anesthesia smells, they went back to being the true Siamese twins that they are, playing, sleeping and grooming together. Jerry is much more vocal now -- and greets me first thing in the morning for pets and 1-1 bonding. He also "complains" if I have been away and on the computer too long. They still vie for a close spot next to me (which I love) -- but it's amazing how hard it is to get out of bed with 2 little 8-/10-pound cats pinning you down! (yes, Jerry now weighs 10 pounds -- the vet is not worried -- yet)

(Last update: Feb 23rd, 2017 11am)

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Name:   Ben
ID#: VA11308
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 18 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/20/16
Adopted: 02/02/16
Congrats: Beverly
Foster: peter

Ben and Jerry are a bonded pair of what appears to be mature littermates. They are very uncomfortable when they are out of each others sight.
They are very good cats with perfect manners and need someone who will help make up for the loss of faith they suffered when they were dropped at a Vets to be euthanized 14 days before Christmas. The vet seeing that they were in good health and well behaved arranged for them to be rescued through the Swansea Mass ACO.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
I have been marveling lately about the fact that, 6 months ago, this kitty and his sibling(?) Jerry, were taken in to be euthanized. Ben is a lovebug -- loves to lay right next to me. And he talks a bit, too! Almost sounds like he is complaining (lol), but I love our "talks". He and Jerry love playing with a feather toy; and, he "cheats" with their automated toy with the "tent" -- he lays on the thing to prevent it from moving in order to capture the feather. He instigates little boxing matches with Jerry, even though he is slightly smaller than his brother. They continue to be nearly inseparable. I must say that the 2 of them are still jumpy: a sneeze or a bolt of thunder and they are up and off like rockets. Love having these 2 companions -- they are my "kitty boyz"!

Well, it's February 2017 and here's an update on Ben: on the actual anniversary, Ben had his teeth cleaned and unfortunately, had to have a tooth extracted. But he did fine and recovered quickly -- the vet said he has a beautiful coat and all his annual tests came out great. He is still a lovebug and jumpy at a sneeze and he and his brother are shy about eating: I have to leave the room! But he is thriving and we are totally bonded. I love my little kitty guys.

(Last update: Feb 23rd, 2017 11am)

Back in the program after a brief adoption. Now we know that I need a 'homebody' - I love attention and want to be your best buddy and don't like it if you leave much.

We'll get the lay of the land here again at Foster Mom's house to see how we do with the other kitties. I had a best buddy at my former home who was a big cat-loving doggie! So if you have one of those, we're golden!

For now, you can check out VA9898 - that was my earlier number. Got a video there you can check out until we get everything uploaded.

I am one sweet kitty and just need somebody to love!

Name: Oliver

(FKA Bear)

ID#: VA10160
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 07/19/14
Adopted: 08/17/14
Deceased: 02/01/17
Congrats: Michele
Foster: Donna


Notes from Home
Oliver is the kitty formerly known as Bear. We are so pleased and in love with him. Our pup Laila only wants him to love her. He is taking his time and making her work for it.

As far as the litter box issues, Oliver does sometimes go next to his box. We bought him an additional box so he can always go where it is clean enough for him. We are thrilled with our new addition.

Oliver just gets sweeter and more loving every day. He is such a joy!

It is with deep sorrow that we share that we lost Oliver. He was very ill and went quietly a couple of weeks ago. He brought us so much joy and he is missed tremendously. We were so grateful for the time we had with that little man.

(Last update: Feb 22nd, 2017 10pm)

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Name: Mushu

(FKA Harry)

ID#: VA8147
Location:  Massachusetts
Sex: male
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 10/26/11
Adopted: 11/13/11
Congrats: Kathleen
Foster: Stephanie

Hello everyone! I'm Harry, a big, young loverboy. I lost my previous home and ended up on the streets until an angel took me in and gave me shelter. Now I am here, at the Casa de Siamese and ready for my new forever home.
If you want a big, young, strong, loving male cat to be your best buddy, then take a lok at me! I absolutely love, love, love people, I like other cats, and I don't seem terribly bothered by the dog.
I'll be ready to go by the first week of November after my second worming is done, so let's talk now, ok?

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Notes from Home
Sorry took so long to provide an update. I have been so busy with my new life. I have to say my life is wonderful! Lots of food, snacks, love, hugs, kisses, and snuggles from my new family. I just love love love my peeps and also really like my new kitty friends. I even like the dog (Quinn) especially when he gets his biscuits...he likes to share with me. The jury is still out on Tavi the ferret. I can't seem to figure him out. He smells bad but I like his food and he shares with me too so he ain't so bad! I settled in pretty quickly and had a clean bill of health from the vet.

I love napping on my new cat tree with my friend Finnegan. My new friend Willow took over my new Millie bed but since she is what mommy calls the "Diva Queen" I didn't put up too much of a fuss. I learned from my pal Finn that its just not worth the fuss and that it will be easier on all us guys if we just let her rule the roost.

Mommy says I am an entertainer and that I should be in movies or commercials...she is trying really hard to get me on video. See, I love to chase my own tail. I do it in this real crazy way...I can do flips like 3 feet in air and grab the tip of my tail at the same time. My new friends love to watch me and I keep them entertained. Mommy says they look at me like I am "psycho" whatever that means but as long as they are a watchin then I am going to put on the show! LOL

Well that's all for now. Check out some of my new pics with my new friends. I must say I am quite hansome.

5/31/2012 - Just wanted to give everyone an update on our Mushu. He is sooo wonderful! He has quite a personality. He has fit in so well with our other cats and dog and ferret. It was like he has always been with us. He makes the craziest sounds. He doesn't meow but chirps non stop. It is quite commical. He also has "lead feet" you can hear him and our other cats running through the house you would think it was a herd of buffalo. We are so glad he is a part of our family. I couldn't imagine him being alone like he was before being rescued. He is such a people cat and just loves being around us. He follows me everywhere I go and greets me at the door when I come home. He is so loving and such a good boy. He doesn't stay still to get good pictures but I brought a new camera and will try to get some. I really wanted to enter his picture for the calendar but he just doesn't sit still. Love him and thank you Siamese Rescue!

11/27/2012 - Well it has been 1 year since our Mushu joined our family. It seems like he has been with us forever. He is absolutely wonderful! We just love him so much. He has the quirkiest personality. He chirps and grumbles constantly. You just call his name from anywhere in the house and he responds with a grumble to say "here I am!". He gets along extremely well with our dog Quinn and is best buds with our orange tabby Finnegan. Our blue point girl, Willow, tolerates him. Its nothing against him she" tolerates" Finnegan too. The love of Willow's life is the dog. Mushu and his buds love to sit in our garden tub until we turn the water on then they take turns licking the water as it drips out of the faucet. Every morning Mushu wakes up then sits in the hallway calling out until everyone wakes up to come pet him. He cracks me up! He has the most unusual facial expressions. He visits the doctor next week for his check up. He is such a good boy and we feel so blessed to have him. We can't imagine life without him. Thank you so much to everyone who helped him find his forever home with us.

(Last update: Feb 22nd, 2017 1pm)

Just arrived. More information soon.
Name: Daphne

(FKA Miti)

ID#: VA11577
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
DateIn: 07/10/16
Adopted: 08/20/16
Congrats: Sheila
Foster: Belinda


Notes from Home
Daphne has been with us for six months now and she is doing great! She's taken over as alpha cat. Her personality is hilarious and she is very loveable and playful. We really enjoy her.
(Last update: Feb 22nd, 2017 9am)

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Name: Lyanna

(FKA Cosette)

ID#: VA11314
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/30/16
Adopted: 02/20/16
Congrats: Laura
Foster: Siri

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Stay tuned. One of five from the same home. Jury is still out if any of us need to be paired up BUT pretty confident we all must go with another cat in the home to buddy with. By the time we go on Adopt Me status, we hope to have all that information. Go home date Feb. 13th. (Curious and playful)

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Notes from Home
2/29/16: Lyanna (formerly Cosette) here. I got a touch of pink eye after I arrived at my new home. The vet gave me medicated eyedrops, which I was not a big fan of, but I purrsevered through them for a whole week like a champ anyway. My eye is all better now.

In my new home, I have a nice room all to myself while I get used to the smells and sounds. The covered bed is awesome, but I like to come out and talk to my humans when they sit with me. Some cat keeps sticking his feet under the door and I am really excited to meet him. The other cat and I have some lengthy conversations through the doorway, but we try to keep the chatting time restricted to the 3am-6am window out of courtesy to the humans (they're sleeping, so they must not hear us!).

The humans gave me more toys than I know what to do with. The cat on the other side of the door said he'd explain them all to me later. I do have the feather wand technique down pretty well, though. When the other cat is playing with his bell ball, I just can't resist cheering him on through the door.

I'm posting a picture of me at my new vet's office when I got the all-clear on the pink eye. The machine that made the rain sounds was my favorite thing. I'm also posting a picture of me in my safe room, with the fleece blanket from SCRC that I love so much.

3/6/2016: Two weeks in my new home! I have met the cat from the other side of the door, and I am a big fan of him. He is still getting adjusted to me, but I think we're off to a good start. Aside from a couple of boundary setting hisses, he has been very nice to me.

I also get to explore some new rooms now. I have access to the living room, which has lots of fun places to climb and nap. I like to spend my day out playing with my brother while one of the humans is home to watch us. Then at night, I go back to my safe room to sleep. The humans say that soon I'll be able to stay out all the time.

My brother has been teaching me how to use all the toys that he has. He isn't the best at sharing them, but I am way faster than him! We also like to chase eachother around the apartment. I can catch him easily but he is a bit slower on his feet.

I'm still eating just wet food. My new brother says that I should really give the dry food a try, but I just don't get the enthusiasm he has for the stuff. The wet food here is delicious though, and I now weigh in at 5.5lbs, which the vet says is just about purrfect for my size.

3/21/16: One month in the new home! I can report that snuggling is my absolute favorite activity. Are you a human? If so, I want to snuggle you day and night. Mom is my favorite snuggler, but dad works too. Every night I sleep right up next to mom for the entire night. Snuggle snuggle snuggle. I also now come when I'm called, because hopefully that means someone wants to snuggle.

12/21/2016: Meowy Christmas to the Siamese Rescue Center, Sherri, and all of the volunteers who got me my furever home this year!

2/21/17: One year (and one day) adoptiversary. I am certainly the queen bee of the household. My humans cater to my every whim, and when they momentarily lapse in giving me 100% attention, I let them know about it with my big girl voice (I'm still just 6lbs, but my voice would put a lion to shame). Now that I am the unquestioned boss of the house, I'm free to spend my days napping in the sunshine, chasing my feather wand and jingly balls, and snuggling with both the humans and my brother. And by snuggle, I generally mean laying directly on top of their heads.

(Last update: Feb 21st, 2017 5pm)

I'm playful, I'm sweet and I'm a whole lot of fun. Ask about me and foster Mom will give you all the details.
Name: Lady Guggenheim


ID#: VA11881
Location:  Illinois
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 12/25/16
Adopted: 01/21/17
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Joy


Notes from Home
Guggie is purrfect!! She has healed up well from the little cold/conjunctivitis she had when we first brought her home, and is a happy healthy girl that loves to play and run the house, so many windows to watch nature from and plenty of cozy cuddle spots... We even had to leave town for a couple days and she did great with her Aunt that stayed to watch (we got Guggie-gram photos & video updates daily). She helps open drawers in the kitchen when cooking and is the most affectionate cat we or any of our friends have ever come to know. We just adore our sweet girl!
(Last update: Feb 21st, 2017 12pm)

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Name: Ziva

(FKA Bibiana)

ID#: VA11796
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 11/05/16
Adopted: 12/10/16
Congrats: Deborah
Foster: Julie

Princess in need of a court that will pamper me. I am a gentle soul who loves life, but now rowdy.

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Notes from Home
We have decided to name our snowshoe girl Pearl! (We tried out Iris but it just didn't fit.) She adjusted quickly to her room and is eating well and using her litter box. Most of the time I find her on the bed enjoying her 2nd story view of the yard. Pearl is very affectionate and loves to be close by us when we visit her. She has met 2 of our cats - Sven our baby OSH and Franklin our 4yo Bombay - all went well. We just came home from vacation and are looking forward to introducing her to our other cats and to the house.

1-8-17 Pearl has been spending most of her time out of her room and seems very comfortable here! Our old tonk hisses a bit at her but she just walks away! The same with our young osh boy. We r putting her back in her room at night and when we r not home just to be safe. She en joys scratching the cat tree and so far hasn't touc h ed the furniture.
This week we r trying g out the name Ziva!

2/20/17 The name Ziva has stuck! She is a wonderful girl who know how to accommodate others. Most of her time is spent on the cat tree but recently she has been spending more time on the floor. She comes and cuddles with me when I'm watching TV and is very affectionate. Not much of a talker but a very sweet girl indeed! She lets all the other cats take the lead and lets them all eat first too. My 4yo male does chase her a bit but she just runs up the cat tree and he leaves her there - not sure what this dynamic is about but we are working on it. Ziva roams the entire downstairs now and keeps a low profile - but no hiding ever! Her incubating room has now been closed and her cat box merged with the other boxes on the first level. She has had no issues with this transition. We love her and she really seems to be attached to me also!

(Last update: Feb 20th, 2017 7pm)

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