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My owner died and I ended up at the shelter. I have had an exam with the "works" and my blood work looks good. Also had a dental to get rid of some bad teeth so I am feeling good and starting to play. Fine with other kitties.
Name:   Helen Purrin
ID#: VA11872
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
DateIn: 12/17/16
Adopted: 01/21/17
Congrats: Guadalupe
Foster: Kay


Notes from Home
O1/26/2017 This is an update on how Helen Purrin-[VA11872] is doing at her new forever home after 5 days.
Helen is doing great so far, showing lots of improvements in record time and interacting with the family members (2 adults, 3 young boys), very talkative making different types of sounds (We need to learn what they means), she is eating very well dry and wet food and treats, She is using the litter box in a regular basis, playing with her toys and jumping to the bed, jumping to the tower to look through the window, She loves being hair brushed.
She is not using yet her round bed we bought from the center, she loves the big bed..lol
Helen loves to play mostly in the mornings and very late at night around 10-11 pm, just before we go to sleep..lol... so we play with her for a while and she gets very happy.
The only pending part is waiting for Helen get out of the bedroom where she is accommodated, she is trying now to go closer to the bedroom door and go back, that's all...we'll see how long it takes.

More updates will be provided.

I will post pictures and a couple of videos of Princess Helen.

02/01/2017: Helen's update:

As today -10 days after Helen arrived- Helen's adaptation progress is going extremely well. She finally decided to get out of the bedroom by herself and performing the most desired event, Going downstairs!!
She did it for three times so far, preferable at nights, looking very nervous with her tail at low position and saying "meow" all the time. Helen was focused on preforming main floor complete recognition. She walked constantly around all the perimeters of any room she found on her way (Kitchen, living room, dining room, family room, entrance lobby and sun room...ufff until she jumped to the kitchen counter and walked for recognition too..hahaha, then after that she jumped to the sofa and went under the sofa. While she was doing all that, i got some pictures on the act that i will share too.
However, she prefers going back to the master-bedroom and spent the most part of the day there playing with us, sleeping on the bed, playing toys, eating, using the litter box, the tower and looking through the window. Actually we decided to leave the door open all the time so she can leave to the other bedrooms upstairs where the boys are.
In regards to the boys, Helen is doing much better interaction with them, she loves when they brush her hair, or playing with her. The boys are also helping providing her dish with food, so she can trust them more and more.
I was confident that she will stay downstairs more time with us after recognizing, but no, she is still afraid to leave the master-bedroom completely.
In summary, we believe that Helen progress is going very well, probably more time is needed for her. Helen is very talkative, very sweet princess and she loves to sleep on my side!! ..The only thing she does not like very much is when i give to her a big hug....looks like she gets mad...haha.

More updates at a later time,

Update on Princess "Helen Purrin": Three weeks after adoption.

Well, it is a pleasure for us to let you know that Helen's adaptation to our home is fantastic!!.. wow, she is a sweet lady that trust very much in all of us in just 3 weeks after she arrived. We are giving to her all our love and attention she needs so that's why her progress has been very positive and quick.
Currently, Helen share lots of her time with us at any location of the house, she got out completely of the master bedroom (only used for her sleep), she goes downstairs to the main floor by herself, she goes to the basement, and she knows all the rooms.
Helen favorite place is the kitchen!!..haha...smell good...haha.
Helen loves to wake up us early in the morning around 6 am, jump to the bed and lick our faces and a typical meow meow!!
She love her toys and enjoys a lot when any of us play with her.
She also loves to watch TV with us, she got possession of the small chair to look at everyone.
So, because the house is big, we got a second litter-box for downstairs and Helen is very smart, she began to use it right away as soon she identified the new box and place... no problem with that, she is very clean and covers everything.
This coming week she will have a veterinary visit for evaluation.

I just uploaded 5 new pictures.... More updates coming later.
Thank you,
Guadalupe Figueroa


Helen was taken to visit the veterinary doctor for her first wellness evaluation after adoption.
Basically she is doing very well except a couple of findings:

1. During the otoscopic exam it was found that internal ears were filled with lots of black debris, so a sample was taken to microscopic exam and results came up with bacteria that are being treated with antibiotics. Fortunately, result was negative for Ear Mites that is a known severe issue in cats.
Doctor performed deep ear cleaning with a solution and gave a prescription of Tresaderm, so we need to put few drops in the morning and nights at Helen's ears. A follow up will be in two weeks.

2. Doctor found redness around the eyes and prescribed antibiotic Lysine Gel to be mixed with the wet food in the morning and nights.

3.Doctor recommendation was the use of drug REVOLUTION to be applied once a month at the skin to prevent fleas, ear mites, heartworm disease, hookworms and roundworms.

4. Helen's weight was 11.8 lbs.

In general, Helen behaved well during transportation and at the vet clinic., just lots of meow meoww..

Helen continues to bond more and more with all of us, sharing more time with us and follow us everywhere.
She still show little nervous with some type of noises, we think that will be gone after some time.
Helen does complain a lot when taken for medicine on the ears, oh boy!!... she doesn't like that!!
She also complains a lot when trying to put a harness, still can not be done, she makes lots of noises....maybe at later time.

That's all for now.... more updated soon.

Thank you.


Helen's Update 03-08-2017:

Well, this update is about Helen's last vet visit for follow up on ears / eyes adaptation progress.

1-The new otoscopic lab exam came up clean of bacterial elements. That means the previously drops prescription helped to keep her ears canals clean. However, just for ears maintenance, it has been prescribed a cleaning solution "OtiRinse" for a once a week application.
2-For the eyes redness, they are much better now, and to prevent any come back of bacteria, vet prescribed a couple antibiotic ointment "Terramycin" until finish it.
Also, vet recommended the continue use of previous "Lysine Gel for cats", as it provides a good immune system support. The gel is mixed with wet food, and Helen love it!!
Helen's next scheduled vet visit will be in June for the T4 test and SuperChem blood test.
Helen continues eating very well, using the two litter-boxes and she loves to sleep for hours!!

In regards to Helen's adaptation, WOW!!..it has been amazing how fast it has been in less than two months!!..
I can say now that Helen is 100% adapted and bonded to everyone at home. Helen has became a wonderful and a blessing member of the family. We give her lots of love everyday and we receive from her lots of affection.
Everyday she shows something new about how intelligent this breed is, she detects when we are going out, she is very playful, she spent lots of her time with us, she loves to be around.
Helen is known here for being an "early bird" because she jumps to bed and meow a lot close to our ears to wake up us every morning before 6 am, even on weekends!!..OMG!!... but we don't mind, we love her so much!!

The only thing we have noted in her is that she doesn't like to be held, she make like cry noises, no bites, but for medicines is necessary to do it.
Other thing she doesn't like is to be pet in her belly, i don't know why. Is that normal in cats??
Other than that, Helen loves to be pet on face, ears and top her body from head to tail.

I think this is all the update.

Best regards,
Guadalupe Figueroa

(Last update: Mar 8th, 2017 11am)

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Name:   Hemingway
ID#: VA10598
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 01/29/15
Adopted: 03/07/15
Congrats: Karen
Foster: Jackie

Found as a stray, out in the cold, with a badly cut and infected foot - the lady who found me knew that this wasn't the life I deserved and here I am - safe and warm and loved and fed. In spite of a terrible cut on my foot - I lost part of two of my toes! - and the pain I was in, that didn't stop me from being friendly and loving people. I love everyone I meet, and charmed them all at the vet's office. I had to spend over a week there getting my foot tended. I am finally out of confinement in my playpen, and am no longer wearing the "cone of shame". I'm glad be here, I like my Millie bed, and I'm eating and drinking. The other cats have poked their noses in at me and it hasn't upset me. My foot is healing nicely, if slowly, but it's always going to be smaller than my other paw (I'm polydactyl!) If you want a laid back boy with many toes on the left foot, and don't mind missing ones on my right foot, then ask about me!

More pictures of me coming soon if the sun ever comes out!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Hemingway is a very sweet boy who loves to be with his family. He loves lap time and loves to play and wrestle with Tuukka. He is so much fun and we're very lucky to have him. When he came to us two years ago he weighed 7 lbs and was just getting over a very serious foot injury. Today he is a very solid, strong boy who weighs just over 15 pounds and is super healthy. He also had some digestive issues which we were able to solve by feeding him a grain free food. No issues with that now. And you'd never know he had such a traumatic foot injury- he's bounced back from that very well.
I know his foster mom (Jackie) really loved him up while she had him, and he was very lucky to have had her before he found us! ❤️❤️

(Last update: Mar 7th, 2017 7pm)

I just arrived back into the Siamese Rescue program because my mom became ill and I miss our daily chats. I'm looking for my new family that will adore me as much as I've accustomed to being adored.

I arrived after an hour drive & have checked out every inch of my foster room. I found a new banana cat nip toy & that's my new friend. I think I'm going to be very comfy here with my foster mom until my new family finds me.

I have already chatted with my foster mom as to what my likes & dislikes are at this point, so I think she has the message! I want to be spoiled & doted over! Is that too much to ask for??!!

Talk with you when you click!

P.S. - I just had my Senior Blood work done & had a few teeth pulled, so I'm fit as a fiddle & just a youngin at heart!!! Life is good!
Name:   Charlotte
ID#: VA10559
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 01/10/15
Adopted: 01/31/15
Deceased: 03/07/17
Congrats: Cathy
Foster: Debi

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home
3/7/17. Charlotte and I continued to bond over the next year. The depth of our relationship grew so much more than I ever expected. Unfortunately she developed GI problems a month ago and did not respond to treatment. This week she was definitively diagnosed with cancer and this afternoon I had my little girl relieved of her suffering.

Charlotte was a sweet girl and a close companion. She was also aBIG talker with a real Meezer voice. She especially liked to talk to my friends on the phone. I will miss her deeply.

2016 Charlotte and I have been together for almost a year. Apologies for not giving any update sooner. It seems as though every month we get to know more about each other and get closer. At this point I think the bond is quite strong. She is attached to me almost every minute of the day that I am home.

When I was looking to adopt one of my criteria was to get a cat who would sleep under the covers with me. Well, Charlotte is the supreme undercover cat. She will stay under The covers day and night if conditions permit. As soon as I turn out the light Charlotte zips under the covers and curls up between my arms and my chest and purrs me to sleep. She is the best sleeping pill ever. Addictive but non-narcotic. When my alarm goes off in the morning her Paw immediately slaps down on my arm as if to say how dare you get up. When I do get up she comes out from the covers just enough to rest her head on my pillow but the rest of her is still under the covers and she will stay there asleep for several hours to come.

Charlotte is one of the sweetest cats I've ever known. She is very easy-going about letting me clip her nails even when I draw blood she doesn't flinch. She's very gentle and never uses her claws on people. She does use her scratching post regularly and never scratches any furniture or anything else. She is the first cat that I've had with claws and she's been wonderful.

Charlotte has been trying to train me not to take phone calls or to play with my iPhone. Whenever I do either of those things she starts to meow at full voice loud enough for most of the neighborhood to hear. She is quite a talker. She talks when she's hungry. She tells me about her day. She discusses why she does or doesn't like a certain food week. The Sometimes she screams because she wants me to pick her up and just hold her because she hasn't seen me for at least five minutes. She's a silly girl and I certainly never feel alone.

All in all I think we are a good match. We both have our quirks but they seem to go together fairly well. Charlotte sends her love to Debi A. and Kathy M. and everyone else who helped her during the two times she was in rescue.

(Last update: Mar 7th, 2017 6pm)

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Name:   Bristol
ID#: VA11052
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Chocolate
Date In: 08/30/15
Adopted: 09/19/15
Deceased: 01/18/17
Congrats: Janice
Foster: Siri

This cat will not tolerate being with a male cat. Usually this is a male cat.Not with Male Cats
Described as overly affectionate, incredibly loving, vocal and just the best, I lost my owners about six months ago and since then have been pretty lonely; while I've been well cared for, it's not the same as having my own family. No dogs or small kids please, but lots and lots of attention - I must be able to sleep with you in bed every night! I'm hyperthyroid and do take meds to control that, but you can't go wrong if you love the male Siamese personality! (Aunt Siri's current fave!)

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Notes from Home
Sad to say, Bristol (christy) was discovered to have multiple cancers and was put to sleep in January of 2017. janice
(Last update: Mar 7th, 2017 11am)

Quieter sweetheart of a youngster, I'm a soft souled, gentle furred, kind hearted little boy looking for a quiet home, only cat or with a loving female cat, where I can blossom!
Name: Tiberius

(FKA Little Dino)

ID#: VA8366
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: male
Current Age: 6 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
DateIn: 02/18/12
Adopted: 03/04/12
Deceased: 01/11/18
Congrats: Susan
Foster: Siri


Notes from Home
Tiberius (aka Little Dino) is doing great! He loves to play and fetches his mouse for me. he purrs all the time and sounds like a tribble....He is a squeakier and a true siamese...what an ego! He plays with jack all the time and sometimes Jack has to jump up high to relax..Pretty soon that will not be possible as Ti is growing fast...

He sometimes pesters our older cat Lursa....but we keep an eye on him and protect her as best we can. Once he gets out of kitten stage I am sure they will be fine...He is a bundle of pure joy and we all love him!

Joe and Susan

July 8, 2012 - I have been here since March 4, 2012. I am a pretty happy cat. I love to play with my brother Jack, I love to fetch my toy mouse and anthing else I can find. One day, I brought a small pillow into the bed from down the hall. I read what it said and had to make sure that Mommy and Daddy read it. It said, "Don't trust anyone who doesn't like cats." I suppose that I am a bit of a comedian. One day, I took a roll of paper towels and brought it down the hall into the music room. You can see from the picture that Mommy took what I did with them. I have it pretty good here because I am so happy and very much loved.

September 13, 2012
I am having the best time her in my new home! Jack and I run up and down the stairs and Daddy and Mommy play with us every day! We have lots of fun and the food is very good. I know because I taste everyone's dish! I had a few medical problems but Mommy works at an Animal Hospital and took care of me! Daddy had a wireless camera on the litter box to see what was wrong with me and I am feeling much better now.

I am gaining weight and getting bigger and stronger! That's all for now!

Monday, March 4, 2013 is my forever home anniversary date. I can say that it has been a great year. Mommy and Daddy play with me and so does by brother, Jack. Lursa, the senior member of the house, now 20, even likes me. Mommy and Daddy say that I am the definition of "joy." Thank you Siamese Rescue for looking out for me. Love, Tiberius

March 4, 2014 is my two year anniversary in my "forever" home. All is great! Mom and Dad take the best care of me. I am loved! Oh, and look for me in this year's Siamese Rescue calendar. I am Mr. September 2014.

March 4, 2015. Hi All! Today is my third anniversary in my "forever" home. I am pleased to report that I am in great health and am having the time of my life. I have cats to play with and Mommy and Daddy didn't think that they could possibly love me any more than they did but they tell me that they do. They call me the most "joyous" cat that they have ever met. Love, Tiberius

March 4, 2016. Tiberius could not be more loved. He is the most joyful cat that we have ever adopted and I have to tell you that we have had many beautiful and loving cats over the years. Thank you Siamese Rescue and Auntie JoAnn for our little present.

2017 - Tiberius continues to thrive with us. He is such a happy and joyful cat. Yes, I keep using the word "joyful" because that is the best way to describe him.

(Last update: Mar 5th, 2017 11am)

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Name: Emmy

(FKA EmmyLou)

ID#: VA11643
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 08/14/16
Adopted: 02/04/17
Congrats: Nancy
Foster: Rinn

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Well, here I am with my daughter Minnie. We are a couple of stray girls just hanging out in this new place called a house with cushy things to sleep on and where it's nice and warm all the time. We get food every day. And we have lots of toys to play with. Oh, and we have each other. We're not so sure about humans, but they are useful for the occasional head scritch, and most of all - filling the food bowls. Ask about us if you have room in your heart for two beautiful, very shy girls who would grace your home with our presence.

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Notes from Home
The girls are doing as well as we suspected they would. Still night owls except at feeding time, then I see both of them and they even come down the stairs toward me looking for their food.
(Last update: Mar 4th, 2017 7am)

She's BACK! Pinky is healing well and will be available starting Feb 16.

Stunning, classic seal point female kitten with a delightful purrsonality. Pinky is playful, affectionate and loves to interact with her purrson. She is fine with other cats but also would do well as an only if someone was home most of the time and she could get the attention and love that she craves.

Moderately vocal, highly intelligent and beautifully pointed, this beautiful little Meezerette will cheerfully play with her toys and patrol her home during the day and then snuggle in next to you in bed for a good night's sleep.

Excellent litter box and scratching post habits.

Name: Lady Pink


ID#: VA11758
Location:  Indiana
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 10/16/16
Adopted: 02/25/17
Congrats: Erin
Foster: Deirdre


Notes from Home
Well hello again! I wanted to give an update on the amazing siamese cats I've since adopted..Kiki(kilala) is such a sweet and handsome fellow..he adapted to my family as if he'd been here the whole time. Lady Pink (Pinky) took a little longer but she has since come out of her shell and is the most curious and playful kitten I've ever had. She's had a rough start but now she has a loving home and is recovering well from her surgery. Kiki was a little angry at first but they have since become family. I also would like to say that this group of people who run this organization are the most wonderful, giving, and thoughtful people. I am so grateful to have found my new family members from these dedicated individuals! Thank you! ! Thank you for all that you do, and thank you for my beautiful new felines!
(Last update: Mar 2nd, 2017 5pm)

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Name: Kira

(FKA Viola)

ID#: VA10809
Location:  North Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 9 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 06/06/15
Adopted: 08/07/15
Congrats: Lura
Foster: Nancy

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
I've been here a week and not one person has asked about me. Why is that? Because I am a tortie and everyone has heard about tortitude? I don't have any, really!! In fact foster mom thinks I am kind of dog like, because I like to sniff everything! I seem to have a thing for smells! Foster mom thinks I am kind of nosy! So ask about me!

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Notes from Home
Kira continues to be an absolute darling. Every time I go to bed, she joins me to sleep on my chest. ( And knead my throat/chest -- ouch!) She adores the laser pointer toy, and loooong cuddles/naps in bright light.
(Last update: Mar 1st, 2017 6pm)

Just arrived. More information soon.
Name: Clarence

(FKA Jaxson)

ID#: VA11432
Location:  Florida
Sex: male
Current Age: 12 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 04/26/16
Adopted: 05/19/16
Congrats: Clarence
Foster: Jane


Notes from Home
My forever dad has his balcony screened in now. I love spending my days out relaxing. When it gets dark ,I come in to protect my master.
(Last update: Feb 27th, 2017 5pm)

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Name:   Kiritsa (Kir-eet-suh)
ID#: VA4248
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: female
Current Age: 25 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Domesticshorthair
Date In: 06/17/06
Adopted: 02/24/07
Congrats: Barabara
Foster: Deborah

UPDATE - I haven't had any mouth problems in over 2 months!!! I think I am finally settling in, and I am doing great. My foster mom put this thing in my room called a Feliway Diffuser, and I think it has helped calm me, because I am feeling a lot more at ease here. That gives me the confidence I need to travel to my forever home, and boy am I ready for that. I may need a little time to feel secure, but once I figure out that you are going to love me FUREVER, I will do just fine. Don't get me wrong, I have always been sweet in my foster home, and have shared lots of love and purrs since arrival, but inside I think I was just so sad from losing my previous family. But, BEWARE, I am a total LAP KITTY! And, PLEASE don't pass over me just because I don't have points like a Siamese. I am the sweetest, most gentle kitty you will ever meet. I am here with my furbrother (a chocolate point Siamese), Hagi, also on the site (can't you tell how much I love him in our picture together). I am very sweet and laid back, and I love to purr, knead, and lay on your chest. I have great litterbox habits, too. I love to be held, and you can carry me around wherever you like. My coat is very soft, my eyes are oh so green. Please give us a chance ... you won't regret it. Hagi and I come together as a pair.

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Notes from Home
2/27/17: Sadly, I had to put Kiritsa down last April. She was urinating outside of her litter box, and was not grooming herself. Her veterinarian Jane Latta was as gentle as anyone could be. I now have Kiritsa's ashes next to her beloved companion Hagi's ashes on a shelf in my living room.

2/24/16: Kiritsa is still doing quite well, for a 16 year old short hair kitty. She eats well, and the "plumbing" is working fine, except for occasional accidents. Yet she has become quite bony, and more fragile, and often cries out, for no apparent reason, except that she is by herself. When I go to check on her, the crying stops, and she starts purring as soon as I pick her up. What is most fortunate is that she and Darwin, her "new" companion of 2 years, have bonded nicely. He is only 4, and much more energetic, so he often overwhelms her with his enthusiasm for play etc. Yet she still seeks him out and asks for him to groom her, which is does.

2/26/14: Kiritsa lost her lifelong companion, Hagi, last summer. She missed him so much! But she also became much closer to me, and even more affectionate. Occasionally her mouth still becomes inflamed and she needs an injection of Depo, but not as often as before. She still has a good appetite. Last month I adopted another kitty, Darwin - a very sweet 2 year old black striped tabby. Kiritsa did not take to him right away, but is gradually beginning to accept him. Today, they were able to sleep on my lap at the same time, until I needed to get up. Then she decided to hiss at him. Oh well, Darwin takes it all in stride. He knows how to tip-toe around her. I think (hope) they will eventually become friends.

3/12/12: Last June, Kiritsa had all her teeth pulled. Her mouth inflammation was not clearing up, and this was a last resort. She has recovered from the surgery and now is eating pâté instead if kibble, and is doing well - pretty much back to her old self. She still loves to go for walks outside, with her harness and leash. And she and Hagi are still bosom buddies. I am very grateful that she is as sweet as ever.

2/25/11: Kiritsa is still my sweet and cuddly one.
Unlike her housemate Hagi, she only plays occasionally, preferring to sit
and watch. But she is the most curious of my two cats, always snooping into
closets and tight places. Occasionally I have unwittingly closed a closet
door on her, not knowing she had walked in. Once she was in the bathroom
closet for several hours. I had been away from the house for much of the
day, and when she did not come to greet me at the door as usual, I became
concerned. So I searched the house, and finally heard her high pitched meow
from the bathroom closet. I opened the door and she charged out. However,
even that experience has not kept her away from closets.
Kiritsa still has chronic mouth inflammation. This winter, the vet
removed two of her right molars - one upper and one lower - in hopes that it
would help. She gets regular antibiotic shots, as the Vet does not want to
give her the Depo shots unless the inflammation gets really bad. She also
has some food sensitivities, and occasionally a meal she has eaten will come
back up.
But she is still assertive, and when she wants something, she lets me
know with her endearing high pitched meow. She is so affectionate with
Hagi, who is thrilled by this attention. When they've had enough of each
other, she certainly holds her own with him during their daily scuffles -
and usually gets the upper hand when Hagi is being too cozy. But they do
love each other, and snuggle up together almost every night for several
They are such a wonderful addition to my home.

I can't believe that Kiritsa is now 15 years old. And that it has been so long since my last update. Much has happened. A couple of years ago, she had surgery to have all her teeth removed, to help stop the inflammation of her mouth. She still has needed occasional Depo shots, but in the past year the inflammation has subsided. She still eats well, although she has become a very sloppy eater of her wet food. She still can eat kibble and loves her treats. And she still loves sitting in my lap and on my bed.
Her beloved life-long cat friend Hagi died almost 2 years ago, and she missed him terribly. She would call for him, especially at night. Several months later, I braved adopting a new cat - a black tabby named Darwin. At first, Kiritsa was furious, and hissed all the time. But Darwin was very patient, and persistent. After about 4 months, she accepted him, and now they are good friends. She goes to him for a cuddle, and to have her face licked. Often they snuggle up together. They love sitting together on the window sill in the sun. However, Darwin loves to eat, including eating her food. So I need to keep them separated by a gate for part of the day and all night, so Kiritsa can graze her food in leisure.
We are all doing fine, and during these cold wintry months we love watching the birds and squirrels go after the seed I throw out on the patio.

(Last update: Feb 27th, 2017 3pm)

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