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Well here I am, back with my foster Meom. The girl kitty I went to live with was kind of scared of me. I don't know why. I have a little tiny mouse voice so I'm quiet as a house mouse! I like to play chase games with my little guy buddy here at Meom's house. He's so much fun. But what I really like is to sit next to Meom on the sofa and watch HOCKEY!
She does these, what she calls crossword puzzles. I have to give her a good head-butt in the elbow to get her attention. Doesn't she know she should be petting me? She says, 'Well, now that you've made me ruin this puzzle, I guess there's nothing left but to pet you!'
Now that's better!
Well hurry up and ask about me 'cause Meom says if I stay here any longer she's not going to let anyone take me away. I would like a furever home of my own. It's a bit crowded around here. And do you have a guy buddy I can play with?
Squeaks and chirps, Abby
Name:   abby
ID#: VA10297
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 09/11/14
Adopted: 02/07/15
Congrats: Martha
Foster: Carol

Foster Notes

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats


Notes from Home
Happy Day! As soon as I walked into her room Abby-girl decided it was okay to come down from the cat tree and sit with me. Lots of pets and chin scratches and purring. She even played with her wand a little bit. :)

Abby received a very special package in the mail, which reminded me that I had not updated her website. It’s hard to believe our little Abby has been “home” for five months. Her expressions, her head tilts, and her sweet little voice make her absolutely the cutest cat ever.
She and her step-brother, Scooter, have a tenuous relationship, but do tolerate each other. Abby still likes to stay in the kitty condo room, not venturing out very often even though the door is always open and we keep Scooter in our office part of the time. The two of them do spend several hours a day in the room together, ignoring each other. We are sure that given enough time Abby will venture further afield and she and Scooter will become friends.
Since Abby doesn’t like to come into other rooms, Kent & I take often take turns sleeping in “her” room so she will have nighttime company. When we do, she immediately curls up and sleeps on our chest. She wakes during the night (usually around 2:30 AM) and enjoys playing with her toys for about 20 minutes and then reclaims her bed on our chest.
Abby LOVES to be brushed – while constantly purring. I think I could brush her until she is hairless. When I read, I often do so in with the cats. Abby makes sure that every page has furry edges and that I repeatedly need to keep finding my page after she knocks the book out of my hand.

We love our Abby-Girl and are very happy she is ours.

We are so happy that we adopted our sweet Abby girl, over two years ago now. She is sooo adorable. We still believe she is the cutest cat ever. Every night I put my book on the bed and Abby waits next to it until I am ready for bed. Sometimes she rubs it with her chin often removing the bookmark in the process. Then she curls up in my arm while I read. She spends the rest of the night sleeping on my head and pillow. Early every morning she and her stepbrother, Scooter, let us know it is time for them to eat. Abby’s voice is a little louder now as she tries to match his very loud meezer voice.
The two cats often tear through the house chasing each other around, up and down the stairs, then one will hide and jump out at the other and then they start all over again. As with most cats, Abby spends a lot of the day moving from sunspot to sunspot, although she can be found tucked up next to Kent whenever he sits down. She loves playing with all her toys, although she does have a couple of favorites, her octopus and knit mouse. She liked her wooly mouse until it was just bits of wool everywhere.
It’s a challenge getting her in the carrier to go to the vet. She gets pretty upset, but when we get back she now knows she is in her forever home. The vet and tech love her fur coloring and the white spot on her nose.
We love our Abby-Dabby. She makes us smile all the time and makes our home an extra happy one.

(Last update: Apr 2nd, 2017 3pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Eartha Kit

(FKA Kit)

ID#: VA11708
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 4 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Tortie
Date In: 09/21/16
Adopted: 10/02/16
Deceased: 11/12/18
Congrats: Maureen
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes


I am such a dollbaby. I was left when my owner was evicted. So...I ended up in the shelter with my tabby brother in a cage. It was very hard on us having to compete so many kittens.

I would love a home with a brother and I am excellent with people. I'm outgoing, playful, sweet and have the best ever manners.

Love, Kit

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Eartha is such a sweet little girl. she is extremely playful, and loves loves loves the toys her foster mommy Jane gave her. everybody that meets her thinks she is just a sweetie, and Riley loves running around the house with her, he may actually lose a pound or two now that he is getting some exercise!

11-6-16 Eartha has put on 2 pounds which is about a pound too many :-). i took her to the vet for her check up. she has a conjunctivitis going on so we're taking care of that. doesn't slow her down a bit. she is a very happy little cat.

What can i say, she is a silly, happy little cat. she is the funniest cat we've ever had, and she loves to watch TV. i'm going to try and upload some pics. golf seems to be her favorite, but she was interested in Godzilla as well.

(Last update: Apr 2nd, 2017 6am)

Excuse, I am Mr. Zell. I have a preference for small spaces - boxes, sinks, and foster Mom's doll bassinet. I am a stately gentleman - handsome, regal, and composed. It takes me a little bit to adjust to new circumstances, but I am a love when I issue my approval of you. I currently live with Winston C. We have in depth conversations about the latest cat novels, cat TV, and the benefits of catnip. I like the companionship of other similarly minded cats. If you have room in your household for a true statesman, I hope that you will consider me.
Mr. Zell, esquire
Name:   Zell
ID#: VA8951
Location:  Indiana
Sex: male
Current Age: 16 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 11/29/12
Adopted: 04/01/13
Congrats: Mylinda
Foster: Patricia

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Zell is a happy boy who loves to sun his belly! We can't believe it's been 4 years since he came to our home. Zell has found his forever home! After just four days with us it seemed as though he had always been our "boy". After my complaints about smelly can food and cat poo Zelly stopped eating canned food! He is one smart cat! We adopted "Bunny" a 4 year female as Zells companion cat. She was welcomed to her forever home one week ago today. Bunny is a love as well. Upon their first encounter Zell loved her immediately! Bunny was a little hissy, but she is so laid back and feminine sounding her complaints were non-threatening! We have two of the most wonderful felines! A great big hug and thank you to all of you who dedicate your time so we can enjoy our beloved Siamese!
May 2, 2013. Zelly is such a character! He loves his Millie bed! Zelly loves cheese and milk! He begs for it , of course we don't give him any. Zelly loves his Bunny girl. They sleep near each other. Pretty soon they will be snuggling!

10/06/13 Zell is a Mommas Boy! He has lost some of his excess tummy. Zell now allows me to pick him up and hold him and he will choose to lay in my lap! He gets along well with his friend/companion snowshoe 'Bunny". They sleep on our bed or our chaise lounge chair. I figured out Zell has separation anxiety. We were in Colorado for a week, even with our daughter home loving on him he did not like my absence. Zell has several fetishes - eating houseplants and lying on the kitchen counter! We moved the plants to a gated room. The water bottle spraying deters his kitchen lounging for a period of time and then he reverts back. Zell is an obsessive belly licker. His belly hair will grow back partially and then he licks it off again. Zell had a bald belly when we adopted him. Our vet thinks his anxiety issues stem from his previous life before adoption. She has suggested anti-anxiety meds, but I'm not sure about starting that. I have changed to a non scented litter, indoor diet Hills cat food, and tried a probiotic. Any suggestions? Zell gets lots of love petting, cooing and fun games. We love him very much!

(Last update: Apr 1st, 2017 6pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Shanti

(FKA Fifi)

ID#: VA6835
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/09/10
Adopted: 03/26/10
Congrats: Rosine J.
Foster: Jane

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I am getting used to the sounds and activity in my foster home and as I settle in I will let more be known about my personality. Foster mom says it will be at least ten days before she knows if I like other cats. She told me it would have to be a very Siamese savvy person to adopt me because I am a Diva whatever that means.
UPDATE: I am feeling better about things and I think this new life will be very good.

Update 2/25/10: I thought I could hide my loving personality but it has just come bursting through. I am a little shy but once you pet me I am all over you. I head butt and purr and talk meezer talk. I guess I just couldn't hide my loving side.

3/08/10 I am a shy girl and I am overwhelmed since foster mom moved me to a larger room. We think it would be better for me to stay within one days transport area.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
4/24/10 Shanti has been in her furever home for just about a month --- and oh what changes she has been through. From a shy little meezer, to a loving and playful little girl. From one who was never sure when she would eat again, so literally vacuumed up her food, to one who now eats just what she needs for breakfast and leaves the rest in her bowl for late in the day.
After hiding behind the couch in her room the first 2 days she was here, she became a hunter and explorer. And yesterday, caught her first gecko on the lanai. Shanti and gecko raced through lanai and her room for sometime before she caught it, then proceeded to lay her treasure before me!
I am still working on integrating her with Spencer and Kate. While Spencer is amenable, Kate is quite jealous and attacks if she can. Since she is ill, I limit Shanti's time in the rest of house to when Kate's asleep.
We spend lots of time together throughout the day and evening, and she is quite the love bug. Loves to snuggle and I know once she has the run of the house, she'll be sleeping under the covers :o)
Once again, my thanks to Siamese Rescue and all the volunteers for your efforts in rescue and adoption. And my special thanks to Jane, Paula and Theresa for all you did in bringing this little one into my life.

5/6/10 Shanti and Kate may have turned the corner on their Mexican standoff. I've been exposing them more to one another the last few days, sort of 'supervised play (or attack).' After spending much of the afternoon eyeing, sniffing and ducking one another, Kate is now laying beside me and Shanti is on the table as I type this. Fingers crossed that this detente continues, as Shanti does want to be in the rest of the house. A p.s. on Kate's health: while she has lost more weight, her #s are stable. Vet check earlier this week showed no dehydration for which I am grateful.

5/28/10 Katie took a turn for the worse and crossed the Rainbow Bridge on Monday. It was a very sad day for me as little Katiebug was the sweetest little love -- except of course when she had enough of Shanti and would tear after her. She was feisty practically to the end. I am grateful for her love and affection and know that she is in a happy place, playing with her old pals.
In the last couple of weeks Shanti has just blossomed, and now that she's no longer looking over her shoulder for Kate, she is enjoying every day. She is inquisitive, playful and affectionate. She has learned to fetch and I often find her favorite little fluffy in my bed. She tried to engage Spencer in play with it by laying it between the two of them -- but the old man just looked and went back to sleep. Since Katie passed, I started feeding Shanti closer to Spencer, and in just 4 short days, they now eat side by side. I am soooo happy about this, and really appreciate her funny antics. It's helping with the empty spot that little Katiebug has left.

9/26/10 Six months have flown by and it's hard to recall when Shanti wasn't a part of our home. She appears to be one happy kitty, as her day goes somewhat like this: wake up, stretch, eat, potty, play. Snooze, then begin again! On my application I indicated I wanted a companion for Spencer and a lap cat for me, and that is exactly what I got. Spencer does play a bit more now that he is accustomed to her and gets that he can have fun. They chase through the house playing tag, then collapse in a heap. While she loves to watch the birds atop the tower, Spencer likes to sleep in the lower section. Sounds like an old married couple! I continue to thank SR for bringing her into my life, and think Spencer thanks you too.

4/1/17 After Spencer crossed the bridge (9/14) Shanti became my constant shadow --- and nudge. Although I was adamant about not bringing in another cat, I finally caved last December, and adopted a sweet 2 year old Calico which I named Cassie. A very curious little girl, she was here just a day before she and Shanti started sharing the house. In no short order, she brought Shanti around to running through the house, rough housing and playing. And before I knew it, they were grooming one another and sharing the sunlight on the lanai. Shanti has taken to her new friend, and though they occasionally bicker, they are quite content with one another. Shanti had her annual check up in January and is doing quite well now that she has entered her 8th year. A little round in the tummy, but she still plays and romps like a kitten.

(Last update: Apr 1st, 2017 5pm)

Me and my "brother" were found originally just walking down the road. Came into rescue - and now we're back. We're a marvelous pair of cats - handsome, friendly, and outgoing. We're in kind of rough shape right now, but we've had a vet exam, full bloodwork done, and there is nothing wrong with us that some good food and TLC won't take care of. We would be the perfect pair for someone looking for a ready-made family. Might that be you? We're only marked as 'no kids' because I tend to dart out the door - but in the right circumstances we can talk about that. You don't get a nicer pair than us!
Name: Bum

(FKA Lewis)

ID#: VA10599
Location:  Pennsylvania
Sex: male
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 01/29/15
Adopted: 02/21/15
Deceased: 03/31/17
Congrats: Elizabeth
Foster: Jackie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5


Notes from Home

Poor Bum. After researching greasy cat tails, we discovered, and the vet has confirmed, that Bum has "stud tail." He has been really good about having his butt and tail washed a couple of times a week. Since Bum is neutered, this condition will be life-long and he'll have to have medicated shampoo butt/tail baths once or twice a week then possibly less frequently as the condition gets under control. Thankfully he does not show any signs of infection. Also Bum's urine was recently sent to the vet for evaluation because of the strong smell present, even though his retained testicle has been removed. We're awaiting results of the test.
Bum has decided, today-for the first time, to lay on my lap - not just sit by my side, but physically place himself on me-what a nice surprise for me! Bum is so even tempered, not aggressive at all and merely walks away if there is "an issue". Although his caterwauling at night can be difficult to adjust to, he is a wonderful kitty who will be celebrating his birthday on July 4th! Thank you again Siamese Rescue for working with us to get such a wonderful new member of our family.

27 OCTOBER 2016
Bum's stud tail has been difficult to treat. We just received some new soap today, hopefully it will work better than blue dawn and vet shampoo.
Bum continues to have serious behavior problems. He has taken to "attacking" the other cats by jumping on them and pressing their bodies downward. He becomes particularly aggressive when he is unable to go outside. (It's 31 degrees and snowing today.) We try to engage him in other activities (catnip, petting, etc) but with only limited success. Bum sometimes is placed in his "safe room" effectively for a "time-out". Bum is a very needy kitty and we spend a lot of time trying to make him happy. We will be traveling next month to Florida so Bum will be able to go for more walks which should improve his behavior.
At night Bum continues to be disruptive. He yowls, annoys the other cats and basically makes it impossible for us to sleep. We have found a solution that seems to work well. We let Bum have full access to the entire house until his behavior becomes an issue, we then place him in his safe room for the night (with food, water, a litter box and sometimes a box with fresh catnip. He calms down and usually spends 6-7 hours in the room without issue.
Bum is unable to change his behavior. The vet who did not properly neuter him when he was a baby did a grave disservice and, as far as we are concerned, spoiled Bum's chances of ever feeling at peace - instead he is almost always unsettled and doesn't understand how other kitties can relax but he cannot.
We love our Bum and will continue to make his life as good as possible.

31 Oct 2016.
vet visit today - after observing current pacing behavior and learning of other challenging behavior vet offered possible - diagnosis - Bum was never neutered - possible double cryptorchidism (neither testicle descended). She only located one undescended testicle during the exploratory she did on him about a year ago - his behavior did not change and his urine continued to smell exceedingly strong - blood work tomorrow, if testosterone levels come back high second exploratory recommended to search for and remove second testicle which was not observed/removed during first exploratory- this could also explain the stud tail issue second testicle - which could be smaller than the one removed - could be signaling his sebaceous gland to produce excess fluid- if blood work results show testosterone level low he will be treated for behavioral issues
His behavior has become exceedingly aggressive towards the other cats and can no longer be tolerated.In particular our 19 1/2 year old female is too fragile to have this 12 pound boy attempting to mate with her.
Will keep you posted regarding his blood work results, etc.
Karen, thank you for looking into this for us. Again, I want to mention that we have zero interest in having Bum leave our family. We expect to work through this problem and resolve it once and for all.

8 Nov 2016
Bad news for Bum. His blood work came back and his testosterone levels reveal that he continues to be the equivalent of a fully intact male cat. His diagnosis - he is a double cryptorchid. He was never neutered. He is scheduled for exploratory surgery to look for and remove the second testicle on November 29th. During Bum's previous surgery the vet said she checked him and did not find any other abnormalities, She said that a second testicle must be present and has taken over functionality of the larger testicle that was removed. There is a possibility that the second testicle has grown larger from the suspected microscopic size that it probably was when the previous surgery was done. Please pray that Bum's surgery goes well and that he will be a more contented boy following his successful surgery.
A big thank you to Siamese Rescue for your continued support.

10 Nov 2016
After a plea to the vet she agreed to move Bum's surgery date up. He went in for a second exploratory this morning. There is good news, bad news and really good news. The vet discovered Bum's second testicle which had, at some point, migrated and was located behind his spleen. Apparently this is an unusual spot for a testicle to be located. The vet was able to remove this testicle. The bad news is that the testicle was cancerous; however the really good news is that the testicle appears to have been entirely encapsulated and, after checking Bum's lymph nodes, the vet stated that she is quite sure that the cancer was contained and has not spread anywhere else. She also ran a complete blood panel on Bum and did not discover any abnormalities. The vet is confident that she removed the entire encapsulated cancerous testicle and anticipates that Bum will make a full recovery.
It is expected to take approximately 3 weeks before Bum's testosterone levels will be that of a neutered male. At that time Bum's behavior should change significantly and the desire to mate, spraying when he potties and other "Tom Cat" behavior should be significantly diminished.
The vet has cautioned us that Bum's appetite may remain strong and that he may go from being all sleek and muscular to softening up some and that we need to be aware that he may gain weight. We will have to reduce the number of times he's fed each day and take care to not let him get overweight.
Bum is spending the night in the hospital, is on pain medication and antibiotics. The vet has recommended that Bum be confined for several days upon returning home (to limit his activity and prevent him from hurting himself). Bum has a very large incision which will take quite a while to heal.
We have decided to postpone our trip to FL (all 4 kitties travel with us) for a couple of weeks to give Bum some time to heal and to have our vet see him for a post-surgical check-up in a couple of weeks.
Thankfully, we have finally got a definitive reason for Bum's Tom Cat behavior issues. I do wish that I had Bum's blood work rechecked after his first surgery to confirm that his testosterone levels had diminished. Bum's behavior towards our other cats would not have gotten to the aggressive level that it did.
Bum is not an aggressive kitty. He does not bite and walks around (not over, nor on) the other kitties, so his recent abnormally aggressive behavior did not make sense. I do wish that he could have told us what was wrong, but alas he can't 'human' speak - he just talks Siamese. He is polite and thanks you whenever you open a door for him and feed him. He really is a wonderful cat that had an unresolved medical issue that took a long time to resolve.
We anticipate our household to revert back to the relatively quiet, laid-back atmosphere that it was in the past.
Please pray for Bum to make a quick and full recovery.

13 Nov 2016
Bum is recovering nicely from his surgery. He is licking the wound site. I will be contacting the vet, just to have a quick check-up and get assurance that all is well. He takes his antibiotic like the good boy that he is (with 2 humans to administer the medicine - of course)!
Bum's behavior is expected to change after about 3 weeks, meanwhile he has to be removed from attempting to mate with poor Shadow, who really doesn't understand what's up with Bum. Bum is also demanding to go out for his walks several times a day-regardless of weather conditions and he continues to eat and drink well. His spraying stream has diminished some, however presently he continues to stand when urinating. (He's no 'sissy' squatter, he continues to be a 'real' man.) His pacing continues and his 'dialogue' at night remains unchanged. Please pray that the testosterone levels decrease soon so he can feel less confined and frustrated.
We are actually glad to see that Bum is active and does not appear to be in pain. We have noted one BIG behavior change. Bum has been taking a couple of long naps each day. This behavior is abnormal for him but we think it's a positive thing because his body has been through a traumatic surgery. We think he needs the rest to help him heal.
Bum's scheduled follow-up vet appointment is November 21st. If his healing is going well we will be leaving to head for FL on November 22nd. All 4 cats traveled with us last year and handled the road trips like well seasoned travelers. We anticipate that they will do well this year too.
I'll continue to keep you updated about Bum's progress.
As an aside, Bum's bonded brother Boyd has been staying in close proximity to Bum, even sharing space on the same window bench (although they stay somewhat close to each other, at this time their bond is quite evident). Thankfully Boyd handled Bum being away overnight without complaint.
And finally, I just want to mention that Bum seems to have learned that he is not to 'bother' Amigo (our 19.5 year old female) under any circumstances. This is a huge relief to us because she is so frail. Apparently the water squirt bottle (before Bum's surgery) was effective enough to dissuade Bum from bothering his sister.
All-in-all we hope Bum will continue to heal and we are quite hopeful that his disruptive behavior will diminish to the point that he calms down and doesn't feel the overwhelming need to mate, etc.
Again, a BIG thank you to Karen and Jackie from Siamese Rescue who have extended their support during this stressful time.
Bum's Mom and Dad (aka Liz & AL)

15 Nov 2016
Sunday night Bum was awake all night, meowing and pacing, the area around his incision was red. We contacted the vet Monday morning and dropped Bum off. His incision is healing well-no infection, but he was given a stronger pain medication and spent the night at the vet's. Today we were given the choice of leaving him at the vet's for another day or bringing him home. Initially I said that he should stay there; by noon we decided he would be happier at home, so we picked him up. He does seem a little less alert than usual (probably the pain medication) but his Tom Cat instincts remain in place. Within 2 hours of being home he was annoying Shadow and had nosed Amigo while she was in her bed. We threatened him with the squirt bottle and he stopped bothering his siblings.
Bum was able to smell the butter that was on the counter top and jumped up there to investigate. We put the butter away and told him that he knew better than getting on the counter. Apparently he was hungry. Once we fed him he behaved then took a long nap.
The vet said that his urine smell is significantly less strong now and in a few weeks the "Tom Cat" smell will be gone.
We love Bum and want him to be happy. It will seem strange to see him develop different mannerisms, but we think, in the long run, he will be content and healthy. His siblings will be extremely happy to not have Bum stand over them and make mating noises, since none of them are interested in mating.
Bum's post surgical appointment is November 22nd. We expect he will be given the green light to travel. I will update you after that visit.
Again, thank you for your kind words of support.
Liz & Al

19 Dec 2016
We have reached a particularly rough patch with Bum and are diligently working to overcome it. Last week Bum was adamant that he either wanted to go outside or have fresh food put down for him. We were not in the kitchen when a particularly bad altercation took place between Bum and Boyd (Bum's bonded brother who came to live with us at the same time as Boyd). There was significant snarling that took place and upon our almost immediate arrival we discovered Boyd frozen in place, laying on his side on the floor evacuating his bladder. He was not moving.
This was a very scary time for all of us and we understood that Bum is having a very hard losing his testosterone since his second testicle was removed.
We immediately rushed Boyd to the vet, an x-ray was completed along with a physical exam. It was determined that Boyd had some sort of internal damage and the x-ray came back negative.
Boyd is the most laid back kitty we have ever been around. We know that it was Bum's frustration in not immediately getting his own way that was cause of this altercation. It was heartbreaking to see Boyd injured and dragging his hindquarters to escape the area that the attack took place. After an physical exam by the vet it was determined that Boyd had suffered some type of internal injury which did not show up on the x-ray. His abdomen is highly sensitive to being touched.No skin breaking bite marks were evident (no blood).
It was determined that Boyd was dehydrated and two subcutaneous dextrose infusions were administered and blood work was scheduled for today Monday 12/19. The results are expected to be returned tomorrow. While Bum did not cause all the possible medical issues; he certainly caused Boyd to suffer significant pain, for which Boyd required 3 days of pain medication. The pain medication (onsior) proved to be too strong and cause several adverse side effects including vomiting and spasmodic contractions of Boyd's sphincter muscle. The uncontrolled contractions, of course, caused some discharge which Boyd was unable to control. Boyd is such a wonderful, thoughtful kitty that he actually vomits in the letter box.
Bum, meanwhile continued to try to intimidate our 15 year old Shadow, although he did leave our 19.75 female along. Tonight Bum is continuing to keep after Shadow, so we are forced to crate him for a few hours. I shutter to think about Bum's complaints that surly will be voiced while kenneled.
A call to our vet in Tupper Lake (who performed Bum's two surgeries and is familiar with his behavior) prescribed calming medicine for Bum while he transition from being an intact male cat to a neutered one was prescribed. Bum now receives two 2.5 mg of buspirone (aka buspar) daily. He is not particularly easy to administer meds to and, thanks to Siamese Rescue's Karen S's recommendation, we have devised a liquid 'shot' of tuna juice, mixed with Bum's medication is the best way to get the med into his system. After some initial trial and error, we now have the med administration down to a science. A huge thank you to Karen S. for standing by and offering valuable help.
Bum does continue to bother the other two boy kitties and we are addressing that issue, if need be we will crate Bum for a few nighttime hours to protect the other cats.
We do not plan on giving up on Bum. We are working with him to meet his needs and are hopeful that the calming medicine will take full effect within a couple of weeks; meanwhile the water squirt bottle is always at the ready and either Al or I are sleeping lightly (in my case not much at all, so we can address any nighttime issues). I will also post this same update to Boyd's record along with some special comments which apply solely to Boyd.
We will send another update in a few weeks to tell you how Bum is doing.
Liz & Al

Bum went to a new vet here in Florida today. I was fortunate this morning and collected a urine sample. Bum had an exam and blood work completed at the new vet. Upon getting a whiff of Bum's urine the vet says he smells like a fully intact male cat. His blood work will be back in 5 - 6 days and his testosterone level is being checked. His behavior has not improved, but we strongly suspect that Bum's issue really is physical in nature (not behavioral). He is just acting like an unneutered boy kitty (even tho both testicles have been removed). Once the vet receives Bum's blood work results we will meet to discuss possible options. Unfortunately it is very difficult to do an exploratory and 'discover' additional testicular material so that may not be an option. However, there is a specialist that will be consulted and Bum's NY vet and FL vet will discuss possible options and make a recommendation. Poor Bum, he keeps getting poked and prodded and he doesn't understand why. He also doesn't understand why he feels 'weird' and sure would like to be able to relax like the other kitties do.
Bum had cancer and was euthenised today. We are so very sad.

(Last update: Mar 31st, 2017 5pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Penelope
ID#: VA8891
Location:  Virginia Center
Sex: female
Current Age: 11 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
Date In: 11/03/12
Adopted: 11/24/12
Deceased: 04/01/17
Congrats: Donna
Foster: Siri

Foster Notes

This cat will not tolerate being with a female cat. This is usually a female cat.Not with Female Cats
Woe is me - I'm the sensitive soulmate type that just plain can't understand what happened to my home and why I got shuffled from home to shelter to foster home to rescue.... all in just a few weeks. If I could only find my soulmate, I'd be fine - I need a quieter home, an attentive one; someone who likes to have conversations, likes to snuggle, but is comfortable with confident outgoing women (which I once was, and can be again, once I get settled).

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Penelope has been doing well in her first 24 hours home. She has been eating, drinking, and using the litterbox. She's very scared still, but she's been out of her Millie bed exploring the room whenever we leave her alone (we hear a frantic skitter as we open the bedroom door, and discover her hidden away in a new place each time!).

In her first 10 days home, Penelope has really started to settle in and become more sociable. She still runs away and hides when startled, but she has started to sleep on our bed with us at night, and meows to wake us up in the morning. She will come up and headbutt us, asking to be petted, and will curl up with us for long periods, purring. We have decided she may need a few more days before we introduce her to our other cat, but she's making good progress.

After we adopted Penelope, we had two children, who are now 1 and 3 years old. People wonder whether cats and kids are compatible--in our case, Penelope was a wonderful family cat. Though we never would have guessed this would be the case, since she was painfully shy when we first took her home, she was anything but shy with the kids from day one. She was the first to greet our infants with a nuzzle when they came home from the hospital, and as they grew, she loved to sit close to them, and let them touch her glossy brown fur, and later, gently hug and kiss her. Even at moments when they were not as gentle as we would have liked with her, all she would do was meow, move a few feet away and sit down again. She had reflexes like lightning and could have sprinted across the house in a flash to a hideaway, but she never chose to go anywhere--she just enjoyed being with them. She would even meow to alert us when one of the kids had woken up in the night and was crying. When we were up late in the night for diaper changes, she would greet us in the hallway and meow hello at any hour, and rub up against us for a cuddle.

Today we said farewell to our beloved Penelope. Although at her annual vet checkup in late January 2017 she had received a clean geriatric bill of health, this past Tuesday she was vomiting and when we took her in to have her examined, they discovered an abdominal mass by x-ray that ultrasound revealed was not only cancerous, but was blocking her digestive tract and had spread to other organs. We had a vet come to our home, and she was put to sleep as we held her close. We loved her dearly and will miss her so very much.

(Last update: Mar 31st, 2017 4pm)

Just got here and I am purring up a storm already. I am good around dogs and just as happy go lucky as can be! I am laid back, playful and sweet. Need a cuddle bug? Well, then I am your boy!
Name:   Haden
ID#: VA11631
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
DateIn: 08/13/16
Adopted: 09/25/16
Congrats: Donna
Foster: Debra


Notes from Home
Hi Pat,
Just wanted to let you know things are great with Haden. He had a URI when he arrived that was being treated with an antibiotic. He was still sneezing at his visit with the vet so he continued the antibiotic but after 5 days he was still sneezing so he changed the antibiotic. No more sneezing! He is so lovable. From the minute he arrived he acted like he had been here forever. He loves to cuddle and snuggle up. . He is very active and into everything. He is the ringleader and Samura follows right behind him. we just love him.

Hi Pat,
Haden is doing great. He has never had an adjustment problem. He owned the place the minute we let him out of the carrier. He loves Samura and they play all the time. He is the trouble maker. He knocks things off counters, tables, bureaus,or wherever. He is so inquisitive. Samura follows behind him and just watches as if to say i'm not getting blamed for that! He has had 2-3 URI'S since arrival. All treated at the vets. He has had episodes of bad breath which shouldn't be there and his guns had been a little pinker than normal so they are following him. He is a great eater doesn't love dry food too much but he puts up with me brushing his teeth.We love him.

(Last update: Mar 29th, 2017 7pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Sagwa
ID#: VA9032
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 01/19/13
Adopted: 03/23/13
Congrats: Linda
Foster: BJ

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Please PAWS!!!! Stop in the name of love, and think it over.

Want some company - I am just the perfect choice. Want some purr music to sooth your soul! I am also really good at that too. Love to take pictures of some beautiful baby blues - I get into some really good poses too- upside down - stretched out with paws in the air! Like to play kitty volley ball - I can keep you laughing. There is not much to not like...

I am ready to come home.... is it to your house?

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Sagwa has adjusted very well since the first day he came home to me. When I opened the carrier to let him out I thought he would take off but to my surprise, Sagwa started rubbing all over me. He followed me everywhere & I just kept talking to him & giving him love. He is just so big & handsome & I love him so very much. He loves e back also which warms my heart. I haven't had one problem with him at all since he arrived. He's just been taking over the house, playing with his new toys I got him or laying on his back in my recliner with his legs up in the air, all stretched out & comfy. He goes to anyone that comes here and is friendly with all. He sleeps with me & comes running to me when I come in the door if I had gone out for a little. He is a wonderful companion, best friend and a very handsome big boy. Everyone of my kids love him too. I took him for his physical at the Vets the 4th of April & he was so good. The girls fell in love with his eyes & the guys thought he was great too. His check up went fine & all is okay. Sagwa is one happy boy being here with me & I am the happiest new Mom in the world too!!

Just wanted to say hi & to let everyone know Sagwa is doing great & I will be posting some recent pictures so you can see how well he is doing & all the attention & loving he gets. We love him so, so much. Sagwa sends his love also & says he is doing great & loves his new home.

I wanted to say that Sagwa is just the most lovable big boy & him & I are doing so good together. There has been no problems with anything at all. He has run of the house and gets a lot of loving. He has me laughing with some of the funny things he does and the way he stretches out when he's going to sleep. Positions are too funny!! He's started to race around the house & loves getting in the bathtub. I'll be looking for him & all of a sudden he comes jumping out of the bathtub and runs into the living room, likes he was hiding on me. Sagwa says he is finally home & has a good mommy that takes good care of him & gives him all the loving he wants too. Oh! also my mommy spoils me. I am happy and dong fine. I hope other kitties find a nice home too. Thanks to everyone at the center and my foster mommy for all you did for me and for all the scatches!! Love Sagwa & Linda
Just wanted let you all know my mommy went to Petco yesterday to get me some more food. While she was there she talked to some people. Where they groom the kitties & doggies is a seperate part from the big store. She went to both sides an asked if they would hang up the flyers from the Siamese Rescue Center. They said they would so hopefully a lot of people that go there might decide to adopt a kitty like me. That would be really great news to hear that someone out here contacted you to adopt one of my feline friends that need a good home. I know I am very happy in my new home and I hope others an be as lucky as me. Tell everyone for me keep their toes & tails crossed. My mommy is trying to help by putting up flyers. Love you all bunches, Sagwa By the way: I do miss my scratches from there, even though I am very happy right where I am.

Update on Sagwa & I for our one month Anniversary......we are both doing just great. He is my big wonderful hunk of Teddy Bear. His name change? No, I've decided that I don't want to change anything about him including his name. From the day I seen him on the Siamese Rescue Center, I knew he was the one kitty for me. It was like love at first sight. I loved everything I seen & hard bout him & I wouldn't change anything. I love him just the way he is. He's Mama's pretty boy!! He is doing great. Spit up a little a couple times, I reassured him it was okay cause I was concerned when he ran under the table like he did something wrong & someone might yell or something. I said it's okay baby, it's okay. What's the matter? Mommy's boy doesn't feel god? Then came to me &I petted him & told him again it was okay. Other than that, he hasn't had any problems with anything. He is well taken care of because to me they are just like a child & I love him so very much. I play with him, brush him, always talk to him all the time, he follows me everywhere, sleeps with me & is spoiled already. He talks to me now more also. At first I was slightly concerned that he missed the other kitties he was fostered with. I was afraid he would be too lonely & I felt bad when he cried a few times looking for them. But with a lot of talking & petting & attention he was ok. I did feel bad though as I know how it feels to miss someone & also t be lonely. So it kind of made me sad but we both got through it together. So we are both happy and content. I love him & I am sure h loves me to. He lets me know when he greets me when I have to go out besides a lot when I am here with him. Well that's the update. I don't have any concerns because he has been doing great. Is there something that I don't know about him that I should be concerned about? Just wondering if I've missed something & maybe that is why you keep asking me if I have any questions or concerns? Love Linda & Sagwa

Sept. 23, 2013

It has been 6 months since I adopted Sagwa. I want to tell you it has been the most wonderful 6 months in my life so far. He is doing great & spoiled as ever of course. Sagwa is now my bestest friend & I couldn't imagine a day without him with me. He is hilarious. He has so many toys I went out & picked up this cloth cube that you can put things in. So I put all his toys in it & then he just sat there & picked them out one by one & put them all on the floor. He didn't want them in the cube, (toy box) as I call it. Where ever I go he follows me, even when I take a shower he lies on the bath mat in front of the bathtub like a watch dog. Only when its time for me to get out he doesn't move until I tell him, " come on now you have to move so mommy can get out of here". He sits & looks at me then moves. He talks to me alot & runs through the rooms as if he wants me to chase him. Took over my recliner of course I let him have it but now he gets on either end of the sofa where I have a pillow. He lays down & puts his head on the pillow. I don't make him move either, I just let him stay there instead of disturbing him. No he really has done so good. Nothing bad to say about any of his behaviours except one thing. New he found my toilet paper on the roll near the toilet & had a ball unrolling it all onto the floor. Something new he just started. I just showed it to him & said no, you don't do that Sagwa. But I just put the roll up where he can't get it. I feel bad when I have to scold him which is very rarely. I want to thank all of you for helping me to find my new baby boy. What a big boy he is & so very handsome too. I love him so very much & he is very happy. We both send our love to all of you at the Rescue Center, his foster Mom & all the people that have made this posssible for us to be together. Sagwa wants you to say hi to his friends & tell them he hopes they find a new & loving home too. Love & Scratches back to you also. Love Linda & Sagwa
Yep his name is the same. I didn't or should I say I wouldn't change anything about him. I love him just the way he is.
Dec. 19, 2013

Hi Everyone,
Just wanted to drop in & wish everyone A Happy Holiday!! Sagwa & I are doing great and he is so my wonderful big boy. I love him so much. We have became very close now & he is always talking to me & following me into the bathroom even. Also when I get in the shower he lies down on the rug like hes protecting me while I'm in the shower. He is so funny!! Only thing when I go to get out I have to tell him to move his behind. I am very happy with him & he is so gorgeous. I so wish I could have more kitties. Sagwa would have someone to run around & play with like he had other kitties at his foster home. I love animals so much, especially cats. I've had them my whole life. For many years when I was younger I used to have like 5 of them, loved it so much. I also took care of strays & fed them. Some were kind of wild & I tamed them & took them in. Saved some kittens before too. I just love them to death & I feel bad for all of them that don't have homes. My dream was when I grew up to have like a shelter for cats. That never happened though for financial reasons. If I could I would have though. Anyway tell everyone Sagwa & I send our love. He said to tell all his friends back there he said "meow, meow" ....Hi & he misses them too.

Just wanted to say hello to everyone and also give a update on how wonderful Sagwa is doing. Will post some pictures after this also so you can see how good he looks too.
Well it has been one wonderful year that I have had Sagwa now. He is doing great with no
problems whatso ever. Has grown more attatched to me which I love. He now thinks he's my watch dog. When I take a shower I have to let him in the bathroom with me & he lays on the bath mat till I'm done or under the chair I put near the shower. Only thing is when he lays on the bath mat he doesn't move. Then when I get out of the shower he stays right there till I'm done doing what I have to do. After I put the bath chair back in the tub he then jumps in the tub himself to investigate for a few minutes then comes out. He is so funny. I cannot go in the bathroom alone he's right there with me. Same thing when I'm sick with migraine & in bed hes right there aside of me. Only leaves for a few minutes to eat & use the cat box. He stays there like hes guarding me.Course he has to protect his Meowmy. He has many toys & races around the house at times like he wants you to chase him. He also hides behind the chair/recliner until Tony- (my boyfriend)sits down then he jumps up the back of the chair & surprises him. He also has grown real attatched to Tony. He waits for him to come down my house for coffee in the morning right near the door. When he comes in Sagwa talks to him with a big Meow! Like he's saying good morning. He's spoiled rotten of course & he's Mama's pretty boy. When I say it to him he comes right to me & gives me a meow too. Talks alot now also. I have to bring him for his shots etc I will be bringing him to Petco on Sunday this weekend. Other
than that he's been fine & doing great. I have him on Natural Choice Weight control food, Chicken flavor & still Iams that his foster Meowmy had him on but hes on the chicken flavor as they no longer carry the ProActive one he was on & I had a little problem getting him to eat any different flavors of any brand of anything. His adopted Meowmy had him on the lamb & rice but the ProActive in Iams food. I couldn't find it anywhere even online, I also wrote to Iams. They claim they only changed the label but I argue otherwise because Sagwa wouldn't go anywhere near it. I tried every kind & it made no difference. So finally he gave in to the chicken pate. He has half small can in morn & at night besides his dry food. Well Sagwa sends his love to all & wants you to know he still loves you & misses you. Oh and the scatches from you too!!! He said to tell all his friends if any are still there that he hopes they find a wonderful home soon too. Love, Hugs & Scratches too, Sagwa & his Meowmy Linda
Any comments or ideas are always welcomed. Thanks so very much Linda

Dec.29, 2014

Well just thought I'd pop in & give you a little update on my big beautiful blue eyed baby boy. He is fine & spoiled as ever. Doing great & has made himself at home, as a matter of fact he runs the house, ha! ha! He likes to race around, take over every where I sit and follow me in the bathroom when I go into the shower. He just has to lay on the bath mat and keep guard like someone might steal me. He is doing great with everything and has no bad manners. Everyone that comes here he is friendly with and tries to climb in their coat if they put it down or their bag too. Loves to get into any box that comes into the house and its funny as some are really too small for him to even fit into as he is a huge kitty. He wants you all to know that he is very happy here and he hopes you all had a good Christmas too and will even have a better New Years coming up. He said to say hi to all his friends if any are still there and to definately thank you all for the scratches. He hasn't forgotten them!! He sends his love to all too. Love Sagwa & Linda
Sept. 24, 2015
Just thought I would pop in on everyone to say hi and also to say that Sagwa says hi and sends his love also. He is doing great as usual. Still the king of the house!! He has been talking up a storm lately. Maybe cause I had to take him to get his claws trimmed as he wouldn't let me do it for the past few months. He tends to think he's the boss I guess!! Huh!! I thought he would give them a hard time but yeah right. He just laid on the table and let the two girls do whatever. He didn't even budge. They all loved him and said he was a beautiful ct too. I said yeah he makes me struggle to clip his claws and I seen him just sit there for you guys. She said yep he was great! Just laid there like nothing and let them do what they had to and he was out real quick.Everyone that comes to my house whether be a cable guy or a family member he is right there checking them out. If they come with a bag he's got his nose in it checking that too. He's just one big blue eyed baby boy with a great personality and is friendly with all. He wants you to know that he is enjoying his new life and home so very much and he is now the king in his home!! Sagwa sends all his love, hugs and kisses to everyone. I will include some new pics also on the post. Lots of Love and Paw Hugs from Sagwa & Linda

Well to begin with it has been the best 3 happiest years of my life since I adopted my big blue eyed baby boy. Sagwa has brought nothing but happiness & his making me laugh all the time keeping me smiling. Course he's spoiled and has run of the house. He sleeps with me & it's funny as he lays on the other side of the bed as a human would n puts his head on the pillow too. All i have to do is say Sagwa wanna go nite nite & he gets up on the bed waiting for me to get it ready & lay the pillow down. He's such a riot. He follows me everywhere. I love him so much & have become so attatched to him. He's doing great but needs to visit the dr to get his belly checked. Hopefully its just fatty tissue n nothing serious. Will keep you informed as soon as i2 find out. Hes still running around playing n jumping up on the sofa n bed also eating well even tho he's on diet food. So I'm praying it's nothing serious. I wouldn't want nothing to happen to my beautiful blue eyed baby boy. He says to say hi and to tell everyone he's getting all the love & attention he always hoped for. Will post some new pics also. So keep ur fingers crossed he said that doc doesn't have any bad news. Love from Linda & Sagwa also known as Saggy lol his nickname
Well I just wanted to say this has been the most wonderful 4 years of live & happiness that Sagwa has given me in my life since adopting him. He is my spoiled big handsome baby boy. He has me laughing so much with the finny things he does & he does his daily talking to me all the time. Sometimes when he gets his fat butt off my chair he claimed he comes over to the sofa head butts me in the leg then gives me one of his love bites to let me know he wants my total attention. Lol. Otherwise he takes over my chair, sprawls his body out & snoozes. If I go over n talk to him he rolls over for me to rub his belly. Of course I always say, " budda budda belly " to him. We now have a female playmate for him which we got less than a yr ago. She's tortie color. Rescues from abuse also. She lives to race around the house with him up n down the stsirs n from one room to another. I also have sliding glass doors with huge screen for summer. But now I feed the birds n squirrels & they both sit there n watch the entertainment outside. Both of them have a toy box full of toys. Spoiled always like little kids!! Sagwa is funny as he gets a toy mouse n brings it in his mouth to me but before he does he sits there n meows real loud to tell me he caught a mouse i guess lol. But yes he's doing great, love every second Im with him. He follows me everywhere n also sleeps aside of me with his head on the pillow like a human does too. He's just too funny. He sends his big hugs n kisses to all of you & says to tell you he is the king in his new Meowm's & his new forever home. Love 😻❤ from Sagwa & Linda

(Last update: Mar 29th, 2017 10am)

I was a little stray girl outside trying to fend for myself. I sure am glad I'm safe and warm now. I'm going to get my teeth worked on and get all checked out at the vet. I'm a cute 7-pounder with a sweet chatty voice. I love when you play with toys with me, and you could pet me all day and I just purr, purr, purr. I like belly rubs, too! I'm probably going to be just fine with other cats, too. Foster mom will know more after I'm done with my isolation time. Would you like a smart, interactive and oh, so beautiful girl like me to warm your days and nights? If so, ask about me and check out my extra photos!
Name:   Addie
ID#: VA4783
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 03/03/07
Adopted: 04/06/07
Deceased: 01/01/12
Congrats: Lisa
Foster: Rinn

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
Addie crossed over the rainbow bridge on Saturday, April 21, 2012. She suffered from kidney failure. She was well-loved and the most cuddly companion. We miss her dearly.
(Last update: Mar 29th, 2017 10am)

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Name:   Sasha
ID#: VA7586
Location:  New Jersey
Sex: female
Current Age: 15 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
Date In: 02/24/11
Adopted: 03/27/11
Congrats: Marcia
Foster: Michele

I'm a sweet seal girl with white toes - and ready to start my new life! I came from a home that had waaayyyy too many cats. I need to put on some weight, and get rid of some fleas and ear mites, but foster mom's already taken care of the bugs, and I've got lots of food to eat (and a clean litter box). I'm very friendly, and very sweet. And beautiful, too! Look for better pictures of me very, very soon.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
3-27-17 6 year anniversary! I can't believe how fast the time has flown. Our family continues to enjoy our Sasha and we remain grateful to the SCRC and its volunteers for bringing us together.
(Last update: Mar 29th, 2017 9am)

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366 Meander Run Rd, Locust Dale, VA 22948
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