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Mature female Siamese cat looking for a mature human male or female to bond with for the rest of their lives. The human must swear off all other cats as I am looking for a serious person who will be satisfied with one feline relationship. The human considered must understand that I get jealous and need to be spoiled. There can be no one night stands since I have been disappointed before by humans who have left me (death was not a good excuse). Good health is required since the successful human will not have my permission to get sick. The Benefits are; meaningful conversations when you come home from work, company on the sofa while you are watching tv, and sleeping with me at night.
Name:   Susu
ID#: VA10228
Location:  Connecticut
Sex: female
Current Age: 17 Yrs
Declawed: 2paw
Points: Seal
DateIn: 08/14/14
Adopted: 10/31/14
Deceased: 03/03/17
Congrats: Kaethe
Foster: peter

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Susu is adjusting very nicely. She seems to like all members of our family -- not always the case with Siamese cats! She has been playing musical beds lately, deciding, I think, on what she likes best. First the new Millie bed in our room, then in bed with us, and lately the MIllie bed in the studio. She's also much more agile than we expected of a 14+ year old cat. She can jump up on high beds and onto a hip-high shelf in Paw's amoire. Susu shows us her inner kitten, too, playing with my yarn or threads when I am knitting or stitching. She loves to be next to one of us and will cram herself into a small bit of a seat if that is all that's left. It looks uncomfotable to me, but her motor starts running almost immediately, so she's clearly happy!
She has just come in to supervise this update and reminded me to say hello to everyone, especially Foster Meowmy and Pops and their Toby.

Current Status (7 November 2016): Susu has had an eventful two years with us and proudly bears the designation B.C.E.: Best Cat Ever. In June of 2015, she underwent gall bladder surgery to remove a pair of stones. The operation was only partially successful: one stone was removed before the surgeon felt Susu needed to come out from under anesthesia. She had also had a stroke previous to the surgery, but no one recognized that until after her recovery was so slow that the internist took a closer look. After more than a year of recovery, including steroids to prompt appetite and support her liver, Susu is now completely off medicine, has a gorgeous winter coat going on, and is every bit as healthy and active as a 16 1/2 year old ought to be. She snuggles with all of us, loves to be in the same room with whomever is home, and is insistent upon a strict meal schedule. She does NOT like car rides, but after so many trips to the vet and a lengthy stay in the hospital, who can blame her?

May 3, 2017 Susu left us some time during the night. After returning from a wonderful week at the beach, where she ate like a champ (the sea air, you know!), she began to decline, refusing food, sleeping more, and becoming gradually less mobile until she was unable to support herself on her back legs. We had two visits with the vet last week to make sure all was as good as could be and that Susu was comfortable. She continued to interact with us up to the end, even purring as we petted her. Syringe feedings were not her favorite, but she accepted them with good grace, as she did the subcu fluids we gave her. Her last day was filled with cuddles and a visit from Long Tail Girl (Susu's human sister) and supervising Meowmy in the kitchen from her Millie Bed on the counter. 2 1/2 years with the Best Cat Ever is not enough, but we are grateful for the time we had, especially the almost 2 years post-surgery.

(Last update: May 3rd, 2017 8am)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Huxley
ID#: VA11974
Location:  Illinois
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 03/12/17
Adopted: 04/20/17
Congrats: Veronica
Foster: Melodie

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
Let me sing you the song of my people. I'm a handsome, chatty boy who needs lots of cuddles. Looking for an adult home where my awesomeness will be admired.
I get along okay with other cats and tolerate dogs, but am a bit too quick on the draw to be around small children. Be sure to check out my video!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Huxley has adjusted very well in his new home. We area very happy to have him. He likes sleeping in my bed. He enjoys a good neck and head rub before going to bed. My daughter enjoys playing with him. He has a new toy that is made from yarn, it is long and braided with pom poms.
(Last update: May 2nd, 2017 3pm)

Just arrived and a bit unsure, Clyde warms up quickly when petted and has a wonderful purr. He loves laps! Check back as I learn more about him.

A couple of new pics - check them out!
Name: Finley (Finn)

(FKA Clyde)

ID#: VA11986
Location:  Tennessee
Sex: male
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Lynx
DateIn: 03/20/17
Adopted: 04/08/17
Congrats: Meghan
Foster: Michelle

Foster Notes


Notes from Home
4/12/2017 We brought Finley (Clyde) Saturday. He was very calm on the drive home and did not seem very disturbed that he was in a new home. He warmed up very quickly and has shown both Les and me love and sweetness and is such a cutie! He talks a lot, especially when he tells you that he needs more play time. We give him lots of play time and he naps! I have many pics of him sleeping. We also have a video of Les and Finn playing with the curly worm. He loves to be cuddled and he likes to nap on his own. We adore Finn and are so happy we have him! We will introduce the kitties Friday and we hope it all goes well.

Finn likes to watch TV, too!

4/21/17 We have arrived! Kitties have begun to follow Mommie around. Even when I'm in the ladies room. They followed me downstairs and watched me make coffee. They were being too rough on each other last night so I slept in the guest bedroom to keep an eye on them. They watched me get ready for bed and settled down once I turned off the light. They slept through the night, Finn on the bed and Miette on her blankie on the floor. Wow. They are now napping. Sorry for bad photo; using iPad. Pics to follow.

4/29/17 We all went to meet the vet Thursday and they were very good kitties. They got their nails clipped and were very good about it! It took Les and I about 1/2 hour to capture Miette to put her in her carrier! She's a stealthy one! Finley was not happy in his carrier and really panicked and went in circles backwards, but as soon as we got Miette in her carrier, he calmed down. We had them face each other in the car so they could see each other. I wondered if they thought they were going somewhere else. The vet gave them a great bill of health and was quite smitten with them and thought we got some good kitties! Finley is now over 6 lbs and Miette a little over 4 lbs! Getting so big! They were very happy once they got home.

They are playing together better, but there is the occasional too rough play. Finley does show some jealousy signs, but once you play more wand toy with him he does get better, but he did hiss at Miette last night when she wanted to play. I put the toy away and told Finley that he does not behave that way. He looked for the toy and looked a bit forlorn, but he is much better today. Both Les and I work on giving equal amounts of attention to both kitties, but Finn does tend to steal the show! He is a very funny cat! We are delighted.

Miette is also getting better about being in the room with us and for awhile she followed Finn around, but now she is showing a bit of independence and likes to hang out in the family room and sit on her kitty house to look out the window. When she wants company, she comes back. She still runs away if you try to pick her up or are standing and try to pet her. She's good when she's in her bed and sleepy. Then I get my pets and kisses in. Les thinks she'll come around. I do agree that she gets better every day.

They both have big appetites and I love to feed them in the mornings. They know what the kitchen is for and when we are in there they come and ask for something to eat. Even if they just had breakfast!! They love treats.

More pics!

(Last update: Apr 29th, 2017 11am)

No new pictures yet

Name: Miette

(FKA Bentley)

ID#: VA11976
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Blue
Date In: 03/13/17
Adopted: 04/05/17
Congrats: Meghan
Foster: Chelsea

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
I am really shy until I settle in so, just a wee bit of a project. I really like other cats so, would love to have a gentle natured and outgoing male kitty buddy that way he can show me everything and I won't be scared. I like to play with kitty toys especially when you're not watching and have good habits in the box and cleaning my plate.

If you have some patience and time as well as a kitten proofed house, then I would love to make a new friend.

A furr-ever friend.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
4/5/2017 Brought Miette (Bentley) home. She is very frightened and seems to feel comforted in a blanket. We are trying to reassure her that all is well. I will sleep in her room with her tonight.

4/6/17 Miette Update: well, we did bond a bit last night, but she is still a bit scared and unsure. Of course, that is expected. When we got home I held for about an hour or so. She seemed quiet and content but no purring. She's also a little furnace!! Les got home and she laid on his chest. You saw the pics❤️️I then put her in her playpen hotel and she scurried into her litterbox and stayed. During the night she scratched around the litter, used it-PU!, played with her toys and this morning I found her sitting in her bed, blinking. She ate her breakfast. Progress!

Later today: Miette Update: Miette is sprawled across my chest on a pillow with her blanket zonked out. When I pet her she stretches her little arms and touches my arm. Not quite relaxed but better. I don't have to hold her but let her just lie peacefully.

Miette is exploring the room and, yes, hiding a bit. She gobbled up her chicken treat!

So, Miette spent most of the day in the corner of the room under the victrola. I'm now sitting on the bed watching TV. I get up to leave the room for a minute and I notice little Mimi sitting under the bed right where I'm sitting.

4/7/2017 Got to pet Miette. (Yes, the rhyming is not lost on me.) Very gently she accepted some pets. She then rolled on her side and held my fingers with all of her paws. I left my hand there and did not touch her belly. Les had the same reaction earlier but he tried to rub her belly and she wasn't ready. She did accept treats from him. Yummy! She really likes it when we call her Miette, Mimi, Sweet Girl, Sweetie. Get lots of blinks. Of course all this is just within reach under the bed. #progress

Miette has not stopped playing since my last post. Still skittish, but not as freaked when I stand up or walk around.

4/11/2017 Went into Miette's room and could not find her! 😳 I had her plate of wet food and I called her, rather panicked. Suddenly there was a scuffle from the closet and she pulled her fat little body under and through the crack in the door simultaneously. Then when I showed her the treats, she hissed twice at me.

THEN: Miette Breakthrough: Went into Miette's room, put a pillow on the floor and laid there talking softly to her and gently petting her. She took a bath and then rolled to face me and we had some purr time while I petted her little paws. She slowly closed her eyes, still purring and I petted the top of her head for a few seconds and just hung out with her for about 10 minutes. It was nice, peaceful, and quiet. No attack on my hands, no hissing, lots of blinking and purrs. She is such a little doll! #win #babysteps

Miette watches TV. :)

4/21/17 We have arrived! Kitties have begun to follow Mommie around. Even when I'm in the ladies room. They followed me downstairs and watched me make coffee. They were being too rough on each other last night so I slept in the guest bedroom to keep an eye on them. They watched me get ready for bed and settled down once I turned off the light. They slept through the night, Finn on the bed and Miette on her blankie on the floor. Wow. They are now napping. Sorry for bad photo; using iPad. I have some great pictures!

4/29/17 We all went to meet the vet Thursday and they were very good kitties. They got their nails clipped and were very good about it! It took Les and I about 1/2 hour to capture Miette to put her in her carrier! She's a stealthy one! Finley was not happy in his carrier and really panicked and went in circles backwards, but as soon as we got Miette in her carrier, he calmed down. We had them face each other in the car so they could see each other. I wondered if they thought they were going somewhere else. The vet gave them a great bill of health and was quite smitten with them and thought we got some good kitties! Finley is now over 6 lbs and Miette a little over 4 lbs! Getting so big! They were very happy once they got home.

They are playing together better, but there is the occasional too rough play. Finley does show some jealousy signs, but once you play more wand toy with him he does get better, but he did hiss at Miette last night when she wanted to play. I put the toy away and told Finley that he does not behave that way. He looked for the toy and looked a bit forlorn, but he is much better today. Both Les and I work on giving equal amounts of attention to both kitties, but Finn does tend to steal the show! He is a very funny cat! We are delighted.

Miette is also getting better about being in the room with us and for awhile she followed Finn around, but now she is showing a bit of independence and likes to hang out in the family room and sit on her kitty house to look out the window. When she wants company, she comes back. She still runs away if you try to pick her up or are standing and try to pet her. She's good when she's in her bed and sleepy. Then I get my pets and kisses in. Les thinks she'll come around. I do agree that she gets better every day.

They both have big appetites and I love to feed them in the mornings. They know what the kitchen is for and when we are in there they come and ask for something to eat. Even if they just had breakfast!! They love treats.

More pics!

(Last update: Apr 29th, 2017 11am)

I am over my cold so now exploring the foster room. Fine with other kitties and very laid back personality. No doggies for me. Affectionate and a little chatty with a little meowing voice.
Name:   Scooter
ID#: VA11640
Location:  South Carolina
Sex: female
Current Age: 10 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 08/13/16
Adopted: 09/10/16
Congrats: Katherine
Foster: Kay

This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs


Notes from Home
Scooter is such a sweet lovable girl!She weighed 6.15 lbs in September. Her and her brother both know their names and come when called! Her favorite treat is shrimp! She's a very clean cat who has never had an accident or scratched any price of furniture! She is always trying to clean Gus! Scooter loves laying in the sun however only when it fits Gus's schedule he enjoys being the little brother and biting her toes till she gets irritated and attacks him! These two and that crinkle tunnel are so funny! She weighed 8.5 lbs in November. Scooter is my cuddle baby who always sticks to cuddling when it's cuddle time! She's very patient when Gus goes between food bowls she just sits back and waits till he gets caught or chooses his little prince food bowl! April 25 2017 She sighs 7.85 lbs, we are moving to Washington State from North Carolina n=and the moving is stressing her out but I had my final vet visit to prove her in great health before her initial check up in our new home!
(Last update: Apr 27th, 2017 5pm)

No new pictures yet

Name:   Mai
ID#: VA11961
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
Date In: 02/25/17
Adopted: 03/26/17
Congrats: Chris
Foster: Jane

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
A beautiful pair of very petite and slender seal point sisters. Well mannered girls in the home.

Both shy at first, although Mai tends to be less reserved than her sister and warms up more quickly. She enjoys being a lap cat, sleeping on the end of the bed and likes to follow you everywhere in the home. She has an interest in furry toys, and likes to carry around her cat collar as a treasure.

They ride well in the car together. Tolerated their vet exam nicely and having their nails clipped.

They are very sensitive to change however and as a result will be looking for a quiet, loving and patient family to take care of them, especially in those first few weeks of transition. No other cats or pets please.

These girls are truly delightful in all ways. And will be smart, affectionate family members.

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
Mai weighed 7 pounds 3 ounces at her first vet visit. No problem with her appetite! She loves to play, and jumps several feet off the floor trying to catch Da Bird. She's a sweetie, who is tolerating being held for longer periods (like 30 seconds!). and will sometimes climb onto our lap for brief periods. She's bold, and always tries new things first, and makes us laugh at her antics!
(Last update: Apr 26th, 2017 8pm)

Wonderful seal point litter mates. Small and beautiful in every way. Lovely soft coats and in good condition. They come with all their records and history.

Tai is a little more reserved than her sister. She prefers to watch from a distance sometimes and enjoys being up high. She loves her cat tree and sitting up on cupboards looking down on you.
However she can purr away and enjoys being stroked on her head and neck when she is in need of attention.

They are extremely well mannered in the home. Enjoy wet and dry food, but only eat one particular brand at the moment.

These girls need a quiet stable environment. No other pets or cats please. Like many Siamese these sisters were very sensitive to the change of home but they will blossom and thrive on attention, time and constant company.

In return you will be rewarded with two adoring and extremely faithful family members.

Name:   Tai
ID#: VA11960
Location:  Maryland
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Seal
DateIn: 02/25/17
Adopted: 03/26/17
Congrats: Chris
Foster: Jane

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat is either scared or, or has had bad experiences with dogs.Not with Dogs
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat


Notes from Home
Tai weighed 7 pounds .5 ounces at her first vet visit. She wasn't crazy about being at the vet, but did OK. She is enjoying lounging on the loveseat in front of the living room window and watching the birds, and still loves playing with Da Bird! She has started chasing Mai in the evening, and is always eager for some affection in the morning. She is not into being held, but loves to head butt our legs. She's a little love bug!
(Last update: Apr 26th, 2017 7pm)

No new pictures yet

Name: Prince Henry

(FKA Biscuit)

ID#: VA9661
Location:  Virginia
Sex: male
Current Age: 14 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Balinese
Date In: 11/05/13
Adopted: 01/17/14
Congrats: April
Foster: Jeanne

Foster Notes

This cat is not suitable for children under the age of 5 (ie 5 and over is OK). This is typically a cat that is shy and a child might scare it, or one that has a potential to bite or play too hardNot with kids under 5
This cat will not tolerate any other cats in the home. A dog may still be a possibility though.Must be Only Cat
Wel, I'm back. I loved my owner, but he was allergic to me so I had to come back to meowmy. Now we have to find me another forever home. I love to play, I purr a lot, have great litter box habits, and love to eat. tee hee, the vet said I was getting fat so now I'm not allowed to eat whenever I want.

I loved having a real home, so maybe you'd like me to come to your home? I'm all vetted and ready to go, so just ask about me and help me blow this joint..........again.


No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
August 2016.....new photos
January 2015....new photos from Prince Henry's anniversary celebration!
March 2017....new photo

(Last update: Apr 26th, 2017 4pm)

I'm a very quiet, sweet little girl. I just arrived, so foster mom is still getting to know me better. More information will be forthcoming.
Name:   Jasmine
ID#: VA11967
Location:  Florida
Sex: female
Current Age: 8 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Snowshoe
DateIn: 03/05/17
Adopted: 03/26/17
Congrats: Jennifer
Foster: Sandra


Notes from Home
Jasmine is settling in. I love sharing pictures of her on Facebook and even got a good video of her playing. She loves being pet, but still she's away when I walk past her. When I went away for a weekend to visit my parents, she chattered away to me on my return telling me all about her pet sitter. She's gaining confidence and it's lovely to see. She loves hanging out in her cat trees and I've gotten her so many mice toys that sometimes find there way in funny places! She is active just as I go to bed and it's a lovely noise to fall asleep to, her playing on the wood floor. She's still very quiet for a Siamese, as mine growing up were chatter boxes, but I think that will also come with time.
(Last update: Apr 26th, 2017 7am)

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Name: Snikki

(FKA Flicker)

ID#: VA2676
Location:  Virginia
Sex: female
Current Age: 13 Yrs
Declawed: no
Points: Flame
Date In: 05/15/04
Adopted: 05/22/04
Deceased: 04/26/17
Congrats: Tina
Foster: Rinn

Oh, my! I'm a petite and slender flame point girl - only 5-1/2 pounds and we think I'm full grown. I'm Flicker - a little flame... get it? I love to play and explore. Think of me as cute as a kitten but without all the bad habits! I love belly rubs and chin scritches. You can lure me anywhere with my cat dancer toy, and that mouse on a stretchy cord... it's taking a beating! I'm the whole package here, folks -- looks, brains and affection. I just have one thing missing -- my forever home. Foster: Rinn Congrats Tina in VA!

No new pictures yet
Notes from Home
My lovely Snikki left me this Saturday night. I am so grateful for all the time my diva girl was with me. I miss her dearly.
(Last update: Apr 25th, 2017 10pm)

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